The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 20, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 132
Che Hall c
" !
AYeoctable Prcparaiionfor As
similating IHcFoodandRegula
linc the Slotnachs and Bowels of
Promoles Digcstion.CheerPuI
ness a ndRcsl .Contains neither
Dnium.Morphine nor Mineral.
sl.'x.Sauta - 1
JiffjernwiC -Jit
HemiA'eni -Cmimd
hihlftyivni rlmw.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish
fcess and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature oF
ii 83?
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Caufereuve of oiiwi Populists
Cincinnati, July IV. J. A. Parker,
chairman of t tie people's party national
committee, has issued a call for a con
ference of Ohio populists and all those
who favor the amalgamation oi till inde
pendent reform force into an allied purty
to meet in Columhus, July HO, lor ttie
purpose of placing a state ticket in the
field for the (gubernatorial election. He!
lias also issued a call for a national con- ,
ference of populists andotliers to be held
ill Kansas City, September 17 tu 19, for
the purpose of allying all reform parties j
Which agree with the amended populilt '
A call bus been issued for a conference
in Oolumhus July HI, of those democrats i
Who oppose the platform adopted at the j
democratic state convention last week, !
"because it does not mention Bryan, ;
frae silver or the Kansas City platform." j
Tbli call for a conference (;f the popu-
lieU, the night previous to the confer-
enOO Of ' dissenting democrats," is con
sidered a" movement for an attempt to
form a fusion party for the pendingVlect
ion in Ohio.
Plot tu Overthrow Kmucli Republic.
London, July 19. The Pall Mall Ga
zette today publishes a communication
from its i'arit- correspondent , giving cir-
camslantial details of an alleged conspir
acy to overthrow the French Republic
nd install Prince Louis Napoleon ae
Emperor. The correspondent is assured
that September I I. Upon which date ttie
OBr intends to promote Prince Louie to
tell generalship in the Russian Army,
bMl'.been selected as the occasion fur a
dMkUHt ration Ui support the claims of
tlttf Prinee, who is such a close friend of
the Russian ally of France.
The names of M. De Roulede, the Mar
quia de Lur Sa.uces and M. Maicel-lla-
the fortress with modern artillery bo that
C ilia inuy tie assisted in defending her
I self against outside inter ereiice, and also
that the United Stated may thus have
! guarantee against failure on the part of
j the Cuban Government to carry out its
pledges and terms of ttie treaty now in
course of preparition as between this
country and Cuba. Under this treatv
the retention of the fortress is provided
Sorry Tor Poor Fruuk.
New York, July 19. After the trial
and conviction of Earl Rtn-sell ttie coun
tese Russell was found at Bray and said,
according to the London correspondent
of the World :
"I am sorry for poor Frank. That
Molly Cook is a dreadful woman. Thir.k
of her hearing my title. Just fancy poor
Frank going to prison in tb terrible
heat. It is not true that I am going to
marry a curate. I tiope to return to ttie
stage iu the autumn and am seeking an
American engagement."
Lady Scott, ttie Countess' mother,
took another view of t lie case.
"The sentence is ridiculous,'' said she.
"It should have been five years. Just
imagine only three months when I served
six months on account of the charge of
alleged libel tie drought against me.
Tiiat broke my poor child's heart. I
hope soon to see tier happily married
and then we may go to America to live."
Killed UvrOuu lube,
CHICAGO, July 19. A special to the
Record-Herald, from Phoenix, Ariz.,
says: While defending herself against
drunken Indians, Mrs. Irving sent a
bullet through the brain of tier babe,
which was playing on ttie floor. The
tragedy happened last night in a set-
Sick and Penniless He Takes His Life
in a San Francisco Lodging House
Prominent in Oregon Politics.
San Francisco, July 19. John 0,
Leasure, a well-known attorney of Poit
land, Or., took his life today in a lodg
ing house at 27 Grant Avenue by swal
low ing the contents of a vial of carbolic
i i i. t i . . - :
j acid, iiesponuency Because oi uueiness
reverses and Inability to secure employ
ment was the cause. In the room were
two letters, one addressed to the coroner
and one to Leasnre's wife. The letter to
the coroner read as follows :
"No inquest is necessary. This is my
own deliberate act. I am a member in
good standing of Portland Camp, Wood
men of the World. Let the Woodmen
take charge of my remains until ttie
funeral arrangements are made. Letter
addressed to Mrs. Leasure mail without
opening, as it is private matter. Please
mail at once. Wire Edward Holman,
corner of Fourth and Yamhill streets,
Portland, Oregon ; William H. Leasure,
Moscow, Idaho, and William H.Blake
ley, Pendleton, Or. Do ibis at once and
send messages 'Collect' and they will tie
paid. Notify the tiead office of the
Woodmen as soon as jiossihle. The but
ton on the coat is a picture of myself ;
and wife. No family troubles, but de
spondency of long standing from busi-
ness reverses the cause, flea IS carry
out these instructions, and oblige.
Most respectfully,
John C. Lkasubb."
Last Wednesday evening Leasure
called at the lodging house and asked
the landlady for a room. He was shown
one for 50c per night and banded the
landlady two baggage checks, laying at
the same time, "Tomorrow I am going
to the bank to get some money."'
The next day the landlady called ; t
his room to collect the rent, but tie told
her tie was sick and that he did not wish
to be disturbed. Today two strangers
went to his room to visit htm. They re
ported to ttie landlady that they had
tound him dead. Among his p: pers
was found a letter from United States
Senator Mitchell, dated at Portland, Or ,
stating that ne did not know of any
opening for Leasuie, that there mikrLt be
some judgeships to be given out in the
Philippines, but that there were ai60
many applicans for ttie positions. The
writer said further that lie Wjuld con (
fer with Representative Moody and en
deavor to get Leasure something to do
A Mystery.
It is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
Sleeplessnees, Melaucholy, Fainting :ud
Diuy Spells when thousands tiave proved
that Electric Bitters will quiokly cure
such troubles. "1 suffered for years wnh
kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe
Cheriey, of Peterson, la., "and a lame
back pained me so I could not dress my
self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me. and, although 73 years old, I now
am aide to do all my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c
at G. C. Blakelev's drug store. 3
All J& J27
Shirt Waists
Greatly Reduced!
This morning saw many buyers also many doubter!
(.ante in answer t our special sale advertisement. Tito for
mer had bought here before the latter had boughl else
where and came here to compare, All concluded that never
had they seen such real values at this Beason of the year,
Here yon see Waists Crisp and New. No old styles
and rumpled garments that would be well sold at any prio hut
c lean and very desirable goods.
With hall' the summer and ;dl the hot weather still before us
wise indeed is the woman who buys liberally of waists while
prices are such as these:
All ode and 75c waists 39c All $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 waists $1.35
All $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 waists ..75c All $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 waists $1.95
IS IlOW Oll And ends Saturday
A. M. Williams Co.
Dalles, Portiana & Astoria
at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M.
...Portland Boat...
Wines, Liquors Cigars
I Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Hank.
Condon Phono V3s
m ...... ...... li.iii
. ...i., i.i.i. Biftri.
m!ri,jrr'iiTiiiri,iinri, . . v.i j t.iu.thi titi i rirm
l.KA hS-
tler'B cabii' on ttie Maricopa R-serva-
bert are mentioned as the leading spirits I tion, abouj; 40 miles south of this city.
Of the movement, and several high func
tionaries of the present government are
Maricopa Jim, an Indian, accom
panied by several young bucks, all of
To lie, a in Miirm lanlle.
kw Yoi:k, July 10. In addition to
i other bases of supplies demanded in
i Piatt amendment it is the intention
alleged to tie assisting the movement ,' tbem drunk, attempted to assault Mrs.
With funds. j Irving. After the shooting she escaped
from the cabin and, under shadow of
darkness, ran to the cabin of another
settler, who gave the alarm. An armed
force of settlers returned to the scene of
the tmuttriv. 1ml Ihu Tr.sliuiia hail iliuan.
.,. . ' J I ' V" V ill. 1 il'l 1 II..'. . . . ....
e administration to retain perma- . T . ar.
, . . , 1 peared. It is presumed that they fled
to the mountains. A pos6e is in pur
suit. There are about 1000 Indians on
ttie reservation.
"I wish to truthfully state to you and
the readers of theBe few lines that your
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques
tion, the best and only cure (or dyspepsia
that 1 bave ever come in contact wilt)
and I have used many other prepara
tions. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa.
No preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure as it contains all the nature
digestants. It will digest all kinds of
food and can't help hut do you good.i
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy
Kuhscritie fr Thk ClJKONICLK
Clark & Falk are never closed Holiday,
Don't forttet this.
You will not have noils it run take
at 7 ;00 A M. and 3:00 P. M.
W. C ALLA WAY, Oeneral AifHit,
Ttie Dalles, Oregon.
tty Morro Castle overlooking the bar
of Havada. This, the Washington
BBpondeut of the World says is an-
Weed on the highest authority. It is
intention to occupy the stronghold
With United States troops after the gov
MBmeut of ttie islaud has been handed
If iiny thing ails your hair, go and see
Fraiser; he's the headquarters (or all
hair remedies. Remember that be
r to the Cubaue. The plau is to equip makes a specialty of these goods. tf
Clarke & Falk's sure cure lot boll.
Floral lotion will cure wind rhappiug
and sunburn. Manufactured ttv Car"
& Falk.
i.anli omcs t tbb Daiabs, ok., i
J ii lit- 7, 1U01. I
HOttOS I hereby given ttiwt Hie following
Darned lettler ban flleo uottee of bis intention to
make final proof in support of inc luiin, hihI
tbat Mii'i proof "ill be mads before lbs Keglstst
ami Ksoelver si The Dalle, Oregon, on Satur
day, July tfJ, IflOl. viz. :
Kreil BtOCklli
of The IM !, Or , it K No. BBM. NVVU
of WW of Sen 27, Tu t N . it ID i, y. m.
He iiiiiiH-s the following itiiexheH to prove hid j
oontlnuout rekidenes upon and cultivation of ,
uaiii land, viz. :
(Jbiner W. l ook, Alex. Kimmt, K. 0. BrOOSS, I
('bsrlei Rawsoiii ail of Toe Dalies, Oregon.
junl JAY V, Li t AS, KtttUter.
I .'.tn
warelioose Millii Co.,
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain,
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o?!?;
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
TOTl 11 OUT This Hour is manufactured expressly for faiuily
use . everv sai'k is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wd sell our goods lowor than any house in ttie trade, and if you don't think a
call and get our prices and tie convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
BBbbbSbbea- '
They overcomu Weak
nubH, irretfularity aud
oiuissioua, incroaie viir-
or and bauiiih "puma
o( menstruation." They are "LIFK 8AVKHS" to giria at
womanhood, aiding duvelupuieut of orgaua aud body. No
known remtMly for women equals them, tun not do harm life.
I becomes a pleasure. I .OO PBIt BOX II Y M AIL. Hold
f by di'UVtflhtti. DR. MUTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Clovcluud, Ohio.
For si- in ti Mil C Hi it, i. v , I ne Daiii H, Or
For sprains, swellings and lamenecs
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Paiu Balm. Try it. For sale ty B'ake
ley, tbe druggist.
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade.
r u
out i-
1 1
II .ola
day is ut . - dirf
'.en. T con-
ntr Ijo fui
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