Rolling Mill Consumption ilfe'' I 111 J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors uQ QwL" 3 Purest Liquors for Family Use I delivered to any j the City. Phon ")1 Local, S.jS Long Distance. 173 Second Street. J wmnMil S. iff w 7 PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Host Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers tf us. for you arc in neec it will pay you. 01 an v thine in our line, ( igure t Set !1 OUt ' Py ten ror know hi early in lid till ss flnd iWlcJ 'lio :it i Tin.1 Usual :Yiiit"m Is ft Tlu' patii nt ir.mi- from HIDE mills, i inn foundri." tl.ell !.! AWiW . inetirne? short and (lacking, sometimes nam sua an - . . ..,.,.. -i I i 11 ::rr I .1 . I - in. lA-.ll ;i I'miii.tiin uiu' tie , i ,. f ii hen i and m, constant Inhaling of the tine particle of dust ainl Irou that (ill the air. ;, .,. partli under I micros . t . show ragged, .-i.arp nine?, which tear and mutilate the .!,. 'nt! Hnii nf the throat and lungs. lerpctual tore? are thu.- formed, anil here it i- that i rni of consul iptti n find n plai u to f etl and multiply. Acker's English Ri medj was dti nvereii in Kngianif, and is the only cure In the world for Roiltm: Mill consumption. It l.,.,i. in, ti Mtv, Hrengthens the mucous membranes of the breathing organs, permanently . tin ,. ijrn, builds u the conttitutioti and Imparts vigor to the whole system. It must , i riire oi it costs you nothing. One bottle does wonders. Try it. what It has done fr Daain others i: will also do fot you and yi ui I ivcd ones. F. S. GUNNING. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker., DKALBB IN Iron. Steel. Wheels. Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agi at fot Russell & (.' Engine) Thrashers and Baw MM We operate n PLUMBING, TIN and BICYCLi REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hat prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHES THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. Telephone 157. Lone 1 hstance 107:.. Car, Second & Lamiii Sts., THE DAlLES: OR, s.M at !c., Me. and $1 o bottle t..r. England at is. 2d., 4. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you ah )-ui druggist, and gi yout money bock. .. oul the ' tilted Mates and Canada: and in ... satisfied after buying, return tl; IaAUv W li's (uitho If. Ii. tlVOK&R A CO., Propi 1 vrk For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. If yon went to retain your hair vot: have to !' your caip clean. Soap will make rout hair harsh, dry ami cri-ip. S m we have two of the very best preparations for cleansing the seaip Egg .net Pine Tar Shampoo, It will leaVH . .11 r hair soft ami ulo?v. Pricf , and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer'- barti-' Bhop Experience is tiie tet Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it tail to give immediate relief money reiundetl 1 25 cts. ami 50 cts. Blakeley, tiie drug gists. DEALER8 IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget THE CELEBRATED UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes. Burial Shrouds Etc. 1 he Dalles. tf When viiui hair appears dry and to have lorn its vitality it want- something to give it hit- ami vigor, We have what tli- hail need" when it get In that con dltion bave the Crown of Science I' r f'Fji- Grower n n il C"C"aniii '. r- in, ZL5' r,jni,;. Tiiey v. i er..- .land vrrrF nil: am! aK icalp diseases Fur salf at Fraser's bar ber -.imp. Price 50c and 75c ft bottle. A bad complexion generally results from inactive iiver ami bowels. In all such ea-e-. DeWitt's Little Early Risers produce gratifying results. Ciarke & Fdlk's P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paint- when von can buy .lames E. Pat ton's sun proof paint- for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa Ik, agents. tnl Subscribe for Tin; Chronicle. a ; a t a. i . : a. I a a a :a : Tr RFsT.TsS Mr. ftPAY'S I I r fV -ft- W.l..ak -a. IrW United Shows Will Exhibit ONE DAY ONLY. Afternoon and Evening, at The Dalles, SATURDAY JULY 20th C. d. STUBLilNG, WtfOLKSALE AND RETAIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 1 Next door to First National Jiank. t uudon I'll 1.1,11k' DI41. THE DALLES, OREGON :Mr:TiTiTir;Ti:'j.TiT.T;TiTiYir:r:T.r.T;T:r:.'T:T:T;r:T:r:T;T.T. ej.r.i ...COIiUPIil BREWERY.. AUti-UT lr5UOxii-.ii.xv, x-rop. Of the product nf this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 28, 1900, suys: "A more Bupeiior brew never entersd I the labratory of the United States Health reports. It ih absolutely dsvoU of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other band is oorcpossdol the best of malt and choicest of hop-. It" tonic qualities are of the hi. est and it can be uned with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old Hi young, It- use cnii conscientiously be prescribed by th physicians wilt tbecereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could net possibly be found." East Second Street. THE DALLES, OREGON. sWsi PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 100 Startling Acts and Features Arenic Attractions Unparalleled! The SIX Marvellous EDDYS PREMIER ACROBATS AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER 100 Thn l1onnTn Uatinna? Eamifii Umxronnnnr rajjiD u jiaiiuijai rauiuy iicvv Djajci YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using BO'called kidnev itw without any benefit, use Lincoln Bezual Pills ill forever ml of those dull pains in your back, to thai not fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" indk all your liiuililer ami urinary troubles cured, uds nights made restful bv the tint; of nature's fttt tis-iHtunt Linooln Sexual Pills. Price, fcl.OO per Pox huv oi yoordruggilloU by mail on receint of price, In plain wrappw. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO Fort Waym.. butt M. Donnell, Agent, The Dulles. all old am! new subscribers paying one year in advance we off Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle tor $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle lor SI. 50. High??', salaried performers in the known world tuo difficult tor them to perform. nothing NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published MonOay, Wednoday mid Kii day, i- in reality u line and fresh every otlier day Uaily, glriun the latest news on days ot Issue, and covering news nf llu other :;. it contains all Iropor taut i..rtii?ii oablc news whlob appears in th- Pally Tribune of same date, alio da meatio and foreian correspondence, short stories, olegaut ball tone Illustrations, hu morous Items, Indus trial inforntatii m, fashion nun.-, agricub turai natters, umi ixtinprebenalve aud re llablo Buanclal and market reports. Regular subsorlp tlOU price, 11.60 per year. We furnish it with .-mi Weekly Chroni cle lor Ij.uu ;r year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Publisbe ouThurS' day, aad known ior nearly sixty years in j every part of the Uui' ted states as ii nation ai family uewspapor of the highest oiaasi for farmers and villa Bers. If contains all the most Important general uew of the i Daily Tribune up to the hour of koiii;.' to press an agricultural department oi the highest order, has en tertaining reading for every member of tin family .old and young; market reports which j are accepted us auth ority by farmers and I merchants, and Is 'lean, up-to-date, in teresting and luatruc- i tive. Regular subaoritt. l ti m priOS, l pel year We furnish it wltti Semi-Weekly Chroni cle for $1,60 per Jear wise Wrtis 0 u Mil Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grai jl al kini1 Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, fixS Heaaquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendlf tOn FlOUr TniiHoor n mftnnfUOtOMd expreeHlv for ! u. " Use : everv Hitck il gimrunteed to give flatielsc!" We eel. our goods lower than imy bouse in the trade, and if you don't UtttW cah and get our priOM and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats Wild Beasts' nom the Jungles oi Africa. THE 20 CLOWNS Are a whole Ciroui ill th last'lves, so go prepared lo laugh. MAGNIFICENT STREET PARADE! Never before have vou had the opportunity of seeing sucn gorgeous display ami rova' splendor. Avail yourself of it. Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or The Columbia Southern Warehouse Go. Will receive Wheat for storage in the Wilkinson Warehouse during the Coming Season. A General Warehouse Business. Grain Sacks for Sale. Will pay the Highest Market Price for Grain. THOMAS BOLTON, Agent, The Dalles. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, LARORST STIAMSHIl' in mi; WORLD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. 'I he aeiutic-n; Vh,t,. sir tuiln. .. r ' ,u ...... , ' ' " " s" "II nr. ,,,, ii.,. ,.,... i . . w... ..... .: -. '. "" " " " .... v,vv.. .,..,, ,,,,,,,, , IliHJJ, l ,.,., oi the direotoi of the party. i tin for I ders To the Mediterranean and tiif aeeapi 'tt 14 uh, Spending 1 days lit Egypt and Palestine, hotel aouommodatlous Included, I Madiera, nioraltar. ,,m , rtea. Malta, fcy.t. ih- h..i Una. turkey, Ureeue, iii. i Hivlera, Rngiaud ami i reland . iteamera.ioeaHlo,alaJestk, T!to o.t nf i,l Rrat-uUM, in,,,, ,.w Vl)rk baek to Kea urk, si ton aim upwards, aeoordina m stui,..,. tels, tew, guTde., drives andil neci ssary egpruses Athens', n,:,;;;,',';;, ,sjA Vmt1m N''tkM:airo,'eteM,,,to1 UU C. OUfk, ol I'or further partieuUlS udilruss Hi itMON a BHOWMHILf,, Waiaingtoa Itreet, The UalUs, Oi h IlllSSMtSd, lend lor UlusUaled program. Drying preparations simply op dry catarrh ; tliey dry up the secret whiob adhere to tlm membrane ml": pose, causing a far more aerioustrw. tLo ordinary form of catarrh. Avon m Ittg inbiiluutu, fumea, Htnokes an" iud uao tbut Whiob cleanses, sooU" heajg, Ely 'a Cream liulm in suob a "" and will cure cuturrb or cold in tW 1 kmlmi H1ZI'' ss,s r- .IK millul f,, in 0 All dniu'Ci"""". 60c. use. ElyBrotborH. 50 Warren The Hulm cures without P1""- irritute or cause Bnoing. It Hl'rej; over an irrituted ami angry Hurww, Orient ertsily and pleasantly. ing immediately the paiuful iu""fj, iiu civ m vreani .mm j ' against Nasal Catarrh and Hay ' Kiir ale. A J. I. Cose separator; good s' and ready for work ; 82-lnob V and a 14 Woodbury Dingee horse P ' )n easy terms. Apply to Gkobuh NoM jy2-wklylmo I)u,llr, Clark & Falk are nover closed Don l forget this- Clarke & talk's HavoniiK ,r' the beat. Ask vonr w cer lor tb Kubaoribe for Thk Chuonicl-