The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 19, 1901, Image 3

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    $hQh$-$ i4 $ $ v 0 ;
Remnant Sale.. Straw
Saturday, July 20.
Every Remnant in the house, consisting; of
Silks, Worsteds, Cotton Goods,
Will be sold at
One-half regular price.
We have some choice bargains, and you should
;not miss this great opportunity.
We have just the thing in the Corset Line for
feummer. 25 Doz. Summer Corsets, Saturday
Iprico, 23C.
X we
Remember our Shirt Waist Sale is still on. and
have a few good bargains left.
75c and $1.00 Straw Hats,
new up-to-date styles.
Only 50c.
Knee Pant Suit
Strictly nil wool, well
made and perfect fitting;
$3,50 suits for ". $2 25
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday Only.
tioned by the noise of shuffling feet out
side and by the striking of i match in
front of t lie window. Supposing it was
some occupant of the house seeking ad
mission Mr. Williams called out :"What
'do you want?" when the match-striker,
j who was evidently there for no good,
! beat a hasty retreat. Mr. Williams
j jumped out of bed and without waiting
I for either pants or shoes, followed the
intruder as far as Fourth street where
! the man disappeared in t he alley hack of
I Emile Sehanno'e residence. Not being
able to go farther in his bare feet Mr.
Williams returned to the house, donned
his pants and shoes, and with his cane
in hand, the only weapon of defense in
the house, he started out to the place
where the man had disappeared and se
creting himself in the neighborhood
waited his coming out of the alley. In a
short time a man sneaked out and start
ed east on Third street. Mr. Williams
halted him, but instead of stopping the
fellow took to his heels and, as Mr. Wil
liams was gaining on him, he turned
around hastily and fired ofTa pistol in
the direction of his pursuer. The con
test net ween a ligirr cane and a six
shooter was too unequal for further pur
suit and Mr. Williams was obliged to
let the fellow go his way. The would-
be burglar wore dark clot ties and a black
loach hat. He appeared to be in thej
neighborhood of six feet in height. His,)
Iranlro I hla nnrnini olion'Hil tlmt ttul
jttjji j wore bicycle shoes with ruhber soles
ij. I that were new or nearly new, as indi
J eated by the distinct checks they left in
the dust. The shoes measured about
S3 ! number sevens.
..The New York Cash Store.
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Some Bargains
Boys' Knee Pant Suits
20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits.
5!fc sffii; .lufif jtkLiSk. iJttn sAk At Ac wkt jthu&u aft I ufiV mh riSk jjtw Bl tMt A mh slfc A ItV At A
5- -V : W Hit2 :T; W ' V V -V "V "V- V ''W V V- V- W'W "V v -w W V w
Aith fTirgfraT
T! Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 1, 101
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waaco County warrants registered
prior to September ;, 181)8, will he pahl
on presentation at my office. Interest
after .Inly 1::, lUOl.
tJuunty Treasurer.
Tomorrow's the last day of shirt waist
sale at A. M. Williams & Go's.
Special U) cent sale on sheet music to
morrow at Menefee & Parkins'.
All shirt waists are greatly reunced in
price at A. M. Williams & Co.'s this
Sbanik i gossips have it that Fen
Batty, of the Columbia Southern hotel,
It going to put his neck into the matri
monial noose.
Wanted A competent girl to do gen
eral housework for family of three in the
,.t.. In I 1... ,..... . 1 la. I I A
ooontfr ; waees $25 per month, Inauire I v ,ullb ium ou"e Uttu e,lum 11 WUB 11
at Dalles Hosn.tal. ivlw-lwk j comes to crippling judges. A few days
A recent traveller on the road from
Shaniko to The Dalles tells of a swarm
ago Judge Bradshaw was crippled out
there; then Judge Cake was disabled,
nrl li.i. hitia Imm e:i!.. U I.
hoppers or locusts on the gradefl h arm ., . . ...
south of the Deschutes, that darkened! ,ajd down Hnd dW
the aoo.
a m v n...i n... ni . The small hoy is nappy for tomorrow
Wr. A lli 111IURUII, ll Lilt" 111 Ml 111 1J 1U
on & Brownhill, will move to Portlaud
about tin first of August and open a
branch house in the real estate and in
surance business.
The l'-ugene Register sarcastically
eajrft. "If all the rest of the republican
naojgfmpiT men ot Oregon are going to
enter tl. rucn fur Btute printer we might
as gl announce ourselves and make il
city, is dead, is not true. The lady was j stable who makes a practice of killing
here a few days ago visiting her brother j birds with slingshots. The birds in
Jake and according to his story she is question are not simply harmless, they
now well and hearty. are most beneficial and The Cheonici.k
On August lBt the name of the station phere and now announces that if the
on the Columbia Southern railroad now ! practice is not stopped the names of the
known as Gutherle. OreiroD. 5., miles ipuenders will be published, and if there
is any law to punish them in Oregon
Uritlaw will be invoked.
A physician, who has recently re
turned from Persia, laays that the natives
still believe that human tears are a rem
edy for certain chronic diseases. At
every funeral the bottling of mourners'
tears is one of the chief features of the
ceremony. Each of the mourners is pre
sented with a sponge with which to mop
tiis face and eyes, and after the burial
these sponges are presented to the priest
who squeezes the tears into bottles,
which he keeps.
A special meeting of the city council
will convene tonight to take counsel of
one another on tne matter of sewers.
The meeting is at the call of Mayor Far
ley, who has some very decided opinions
about the legality, under the present,
city charter, of the council's appropri- j
ating money out of the general fund for j
the repairing of old Bewers. At the re
quest of the mayor a number of the city
lawyers have promised to be present to
assist the council with advice as to what
! can be legally done in the matter of old
sewers or building new ones.
The executive committee of the street
fair and carnival spent a good part of
the day in the work of soliciting sub
scriptions, meeting with reasonably fair
success with the large mnjority of the
business men of the city. Only one or
two absolutely refused to contribute a
cent and these were men who, as it hap
pened, made every bean they own in the
world right here, and who now refuse to
contribute a cent to the upbuilding or
progress of ttie town where they made
Mrs. L. M. Haines, of Sulem, and her
little son are visiting wit h Mrs. J. Fait
of thi? city.
O. E. Shippey. of the I.yle Lumber
& Manufacturing Company, spent last
night in the city, t tie guest of the Uma
tilla House, returning to Kyle 00 tlie li
i o'clock boat this afternoon.
Mr. James Stewart, of Sherman
county, will leave tomorrow noon for
I home, taking with him Mrs. Stewart
1 and the heir apparent to the house of
I Stewart, who has the distinguished
; honor of having tirst seen the light of
j day in The Dalles.
This afternoon, to Mr. and MrB. Chas.
N. Iiurget, of this city, a daughter.
i south of Biggs, Oregon, will be changed
; to Kent. The change is made at the
I request of the citizens of Kent.
SayB the Eugene Register : An East
: em Oregon exchange hits the Salem
Journal in a vital spot when it says:
"The Salem Journal implores the poli-
ticians to give it something that will
compel it to be honest. The Salem
Journal is a political son-of-a-gun."
There is no Iobs without Bome small
gain. Owing to the failure of the broom
I corn crop in Kansas the price has gone
j up to $125 a ton and it is expected it
j will reach .$250. This will mean a small
! fortune for those who have the desired
j article in any considerable quantity.
The oldest specimen of paper money
has turned up in China at the age of 584
; years. Its face value is $107, and it pur
; ports to be redeemable in silver bullion,
i Its prospects of redemption vanished
! centuries ago. China had shin-plaster
populists as early as 140 B. C, but the ,
j old empire still pins its faith to real
The Crook County Journal wants it
i to be distinctly understood that no
New Grocery Store
Wo have added a Grocery Depart-
men! t our store.
clean slock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery i any part of the city.
This morning at St. Vincents Hospital,
Portland, to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Crowe,
of this city, a son
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postofBce at The Dalles un
called for July 1! 1901. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Notice is hereby given that the 00- Winchester, fad., writes : "My wife was
parinersnip nreioiore existing oeiween
Maximilian ogt ami l hilppine ( Map-
Darker, A L
Brown, Clarence
Brown, Annie
Carpenter, Ella
Creaghead, John
Evans, Frank
Hedger, Geo A
.Johnson S F
McKee, Willie
Mchennon, Kenneth
O'Donnell, James
Miller, A H
Pyne, W E (2)
Smith, Edna
Tabor, James
Ward, Daisv
Whitney, J F
Veasley, C W
J. M. Pattkkson, P. M.
is show day. Sells A Gray's United
Shows will give two performances, af
ternoon and evening, preceded by a pa
rade in the morning, aud the city will
Itryuu aud AgiiiuHldo.
Limoi.v, Neb., July 18. In a state
ment for the press today, W.J.Bryan
gives his version of the story that Agui
naldo promised him financial assistance
in his campaign of a year ago. Mr. Bry
an says that while he was in New York
two Filipinos sent a request to confer
with him. He declined to meet them
and sent a friend to explain that he did
not think it proper to bold a conference.
The Filipinos said that Aguiualdo was
willing to issue a proclamation promis
ing to lav down arms in case of Mi. Bry
an's election and also willing to contrib
ute to the democratic campaign fund,
hut Mr. Bryan refused to consider each
proposition and did not require them to
foroiab any evidence of their right to
represent Aguinaldo.
man, under the linn name and stvle ol
Max Vogt&Co., is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. Maximilian Vogt
will continue the business of said former
lirm, and will receive Bnd receipt for all
moneys due said tirm and pay all debts
contracted by said lirm.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 17th
day of July, 1901.
M wimiuan Vogt,
lySOSw Philippine Chapman.
The White Collar line, Bailey Gatzert,
u ill sell through round-trip tickets to
Seaside and return. liaggage checked
direct to either North Beach, Seaview,
Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean Park or
Nahcotta. Tickets good until Sept. 15th,
J. M. Filioon, agent.
all thev own. Hunnilv citizeriM nf tl.i
doubtless be packed with people, for the : c1hS8 are 80 ew a8 tl e;(.ite aB y ae
show has been widely advertised. No : juBtifv lbtt t9nuk
lugger or better tent show will be seen
in The Dalles this season.
Messrs. E. B. and Douglas
turned last night from a three days'
fishillC trin on (In- hem) mulun ill VII.
On of the many attractive hurgauis ! teen.Mil. TI.av nn,(. hv.n hurt
splendid time, but found trout scarce
and hard to catch'. However the light
ness of the catch did not prevent these
Ex-County Judge John C. Sumner
j died at his home in Prineville, Wednes-
Dufur ft 1 HaftfJ .TnlfJ 17 nf huurt la'.lMM iimAmm
w . . , . . il- hi i uti iui i,. t i i
Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Inquire at this oflice. jlyl.Vlw
Great price cutting on ladies' shirt
waists at A. M. Williams .V Co.'s this I
j week.
Lead A. M. Williams iV Co.'s ad and j
note price reduction on shirt waists this 1
j week.
Monday special at Pease Mays
' Dunham's cocoanut, 30 cents per pound,
I regular price 40 cents.
Clarke A Falk Itaye received a carload
0l the celebrated James K. Pattou i
al.mllu . ... IImhIiJ k.I. 4a
; .11 il lljr '"il ii.iiij jiiuii in
j They are going with a rush- those
knee pants suits at the New York Cash
i Store. Sale (doses Saturday night, July
" , 20th.
Notice is hereby iven that the under- '
sinned willou Thursday, the 8th day ol t overlook the luys' suit sale at
August, IWJ1, at the iront door 01 'tie ine New rorK t,asn more. IwflDlJ per
j cunt discount mi all knee pants suits, .'!
; to 15 years.
sick a long tune in spite of good doc
tor's treatment, but was wholly cured
by Dr. King's New Life Pills, whic'i
worked wonders for her health." They
always do. Try them. Oul 25c at Q.
0. Biakeley's drug store. :t
Just received a new supply of North
rup A Stargla' pure food products, as
follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa
nut, baking soda and high grails; leaven
er. If it's Northrop A Sturgls, it is
good. Get a package and try it. For
sle by Conroy, Son A Co., S. L. Brocks'
old stand, The Dalles, Or. j y 1 12 liwd
Just received at Gilhreth V Son's
lumber yard, a few carloads of No. I
cedar posts and A shingles. They
are agents for Heath A Milligan's cele
brated shingle paint. Call on them;
! their prices are nil right. Wood not
I Humed is belter by 50o a cord than wood
1 that is. jylO
"1 am Indebted to One Minute ('oug)i
cure for my present good health and my
I life. 1 was treated in vain by doctors
for lung trouble following la grippe. I
took One Minute Cough Cure and re
covered iiiv health." Mr. E. II.
Madison, Ga Clarke A Falk's
Mid-summer i learance sale of
nery at the Campheil it Wilson
I nery parlors. Kvervthing in the line of
headwear at one half the actual val
ue. j'.'fS-lm
P. 0.
in eulrt waists shown by A. M. Wil
llame& Co., this week is a waist made
im the season's most fashionable style,
ol -a lace-stripe silk gingham reduced
Iron $4 to sfl.95,
The Albany Democrat of July
Sumner was burn in Indiana, Septem
ber 1, 1838. When a boy he moved with
his parents to Arkansas, in 185U he
emigrated to Oregon, settling in Lane
countv. He was a volunteer in the
RogOfl Kiver Indian war, and was
KBuueweu iron, generously remem wring wounded in the battle of Hungry Hill.
Tin: (JaBONIOtil people with a counle of ! f ! k.i 111. innuAil tit I inn jc........ .....I
- j u igwv ... '"vi K'J l. lull l 'HI in V Uliu
was elected a member of the legislature
delicious messes.
The other day the Oregonian said :
"Dr. I. D. Driver, the theologian, who
bested Ingeriol in a debate some years
ago, is seriously ill at his home near
Eugene." The Eugene Guard replies
by saying: "Dr. Driver never bad a
debate with Col. lngeraol, and he is not
sick at his home, for we saw him look
ing splendidly yesterday. He has just
"Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wilson, of
Dalles, is in the city on a visit.
Wilson is one of Linn county's
hool teachers, the wife of one of
n's early congressman."
Wasco News says: Dr. Hay
made a trip to The Dalle6 on
y. He said two women fainted
O. K. & N. trrin from the heat.
U : A handsome vnuim rlrmtnr cm I eiiiiiiltel Imvino. lpii . ........
- m - v.. j 1 -- j - - .uk m wniu unilj .
A moat righteous complaint is lodged
at this office ol certain boys in the
neighborhood of Ward & Uobertaon's
to resuscitate the fair ones
report that Mrs. Minnie Epstein,
Minnie Freeman, formerly of this
froui that county in 1870. In 1888 he
was appointed Judge of Crook county
and was elected to that oflice in 1880
serving until 1894. He leaves a widow
and four children.
Mr. Wayne Williams, who occupies
the Tbornbury residence at the foot of
Second atreet had an interesting exper
ience with a would-be burglar at about
2 o'clock this morning, Mr. Williams
sleeps at present in the summer kitchen
and last night was its only occupant.
He was awakened at the hour men
County Court House, in Dalles City,
Wasco County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day sell to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, all of the
property to which Wasco county, or any
other public corporation in said Wasco
County, has acquired title by virtue nl
sale for taxes, as shown by the records
of tax sales for said Wasco County.
Koiu:UT Kki.ii ,
Sheritf of Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated this Mh day of July, 1901,
jy8-dw 5tw
The partnership heretofore existing
between T. Poland ami M. Heisler, un
der the style and lirm of Poland and
Heisler, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent. T. Poland retires from
the firm and the business will be con
tinued by Heisler & Son, who will col
li lect all accounts due the late firm and
pay all its debts and obligations.
T. Poi.anij,
M. Hh.IM.Kli.
Dated at The Dalles, July 17, 1901.
j yi; -L'wdA w
f A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
If you are planning a Vacation trip
you will need a good supply of shirt
waists. A. M. Williams & 0o. is the
place to buy them.
rill Mlr.
Twenty head Ol horses, langing in
weight from 1100 to 14110 pounds. All
halter-broken, and some broken to work.
Apply to Straube Brothers, Kudershy,
Oregon. jly l'6-Iuiw
For infants and Children.
TbB Kind You Have Always Bought
Beara the jj? JJLftf
Buatuxe of ikcX
Subscribe for Tuk Cnaonu
Giffbrd's Fotos Never Fade.
ej-AUT O M TICg-w
Just the thing to take aloug when you
go camping or to the Meaciast. For sale
IL IL tiilbreth .V Sous will keep at all
times a supply of hay, graiu and leed
which thev will retail at the I iwest
market rates. j-ti-tf
If anything ails your hair, go aud see
Fiitzer; he's tiie headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
.i.i i. s a ?pecialty of these goods. tl