The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Friday - - w. in iws oRi1; is of Kisaisa. The editor of the Oregon Repub lican, an excellent daily publication of Baker City, is wnteropiatimz em barking upon the sea of matr::ncny and has already Mlected his :r.w. Ho is an authority, therefore, on kissing and all associate subjects. He discusses the osculatory science in a recent editorai. is foitoWl A Gernianto'vn awn ho claims .o have made a study ol the kiss in that spirit of scientific unahsis whicu I now so popular, says that it really has a most interesting history. Its origin was in prehistoric '.imes. possibly when the cave man wns balding for his life against all iorts of foes, but ethnologists differ as to just how ;t w is liaoovered. One learned sctiool holds that it arose through cannibalism : that, one person would rub his lips over the ;lesh of another to see if the fleab was sufficiently sweet and tender for eatiuu purposes, and, on i memorable day. a young warrior brushed with his lips the mouth of i $t of the tribe, and with tnat soft shock, electrical and sweet, die kiss was born. This has an attractive sound, but a second theory ciaims that the primitive mother originated the kiss. DriiiKing vessels bad not yet been discovered, and the mother, to give her thirsty little children water, would pass it from her own mouth into theirs; whence in due course came kissing. The third school, winch is misan thropical and to which the reman town man belongs, holds the kiss to be an evil, jo-evil in its birth with that other evil, wise. According to this theory, us soon as men began to store up wine in their caves or houses ihey grew SUB picious of their wives, and on aacb return from abroad would set tueir mouths to their wives' mouths to iee if any drinking bad .'one on during their absence. A Walla Walla justice court jury last Wednesday found i saloon keeper guilty of keeping open house last Sunday, after the prosecuting attorney hud notified him to close. Upon the verdict of the jury the justice sentenced the saloon keeper to pay a tine of 199 and cost. If you don't think 'his ;s a real new.-! item, m the strict and literal sense of the word news, then try and recall any similar case that ever happened in the Pabiflo Northwest. But, of course, this isn't the end of it. L'he saloon keeper will go to jail, then the lawyer will have him habeas oorposed, then the matter will lie argued in tin; courts ami, alter an interminable delugg of words, it will be ourried np to the superior court and from the superior court to 'he supreme QOUrt, Hid the QOUrt of lust resort will reverse the actions of all the other courts when, if most of the principals and witnesses are dead, the mutter will be finally dropped. But punish a saloon keeper fur violating the Sunday law? Never There Is qq ruse without ts thorns, remarks the Inter-Ocean, it -p peais timt the ounger brothers, dining the period of their parole, will not be permitted to leave Min nesula. This will prevent their friends m Missouri ronj electing them to tim legislature, besides da priving them .d opportunities for social enjoyments la Kansas city ami st. Louis. a number ol lemocratio editors are sppsrsnlly greatly oonoerned over the present depression 10 the price Of wool. ihey tie not, bow ever. They are simply indulging uj one ot their old pollUoil tucks in au endeavor to pull the wool over the eyes of the ignorant. They dodge the fact that the wool industry has been built up and wool growers sreutiy benefited since the republican tariff relieved them of democratic free wool times, when the carcass, peit. wool and all was worth little more than a good tleece of wool today. These democratic platform hunters ought to be the last people Ofl God'l green earth to mention wool. The Moro Observer believes that Representative Tom Tongue has learned by this time that -freedom of speech has its penalties;'' that he is sorry that he advised the com mittee that a visit to Celllo was not! necessary. ,;as there was nothing to be seen bur. rocks and foaming water. ' NOTICE The foiiowimr county warrants wiii be cancelled by the county court in thirty lavs from tuie date un.e-f -ailed bv the parties owning same within the nest thirty days .'ate Amt. .(ii roi 1 20 1 70 1 00 1 00 i 1 iu r jo l 70 1 70 1 00 j 1 'JO I 70 I 20- l HO , 1 001 J JO , .; io 1 80 1 J 00 ' 1 70 1 70 J i)0 (.'has- Bradley. Win Blum. Mr Bird Lae Bianton Ruoert Beard. I" mi Branch Wm Black A T Beers . . Cbas Cannon Thus Dorson D V? Bbersoll M J Finlayson. E A Hauiues V F HillKie. los A Cenna John Kotler, R F Moore Win Metben V M Murphy Mr- - ( ' Selfcon Ed Nutci. (4 H Palmer R A Pown.. . . 'j W B bertaon. los Raben. . . . . i io Utiles. . W .1 Sonderland. C 1' Saundsrs luhn Smith .Jus L Smith John Wickstroui Win Wedekind Frank U'jit July 7, 1803 . . .Jiii'v 7, 1893 March 12, 1892 March 12, 1892. March .-. 1892. Nov 12, 1898 May 8, 1892. Juiv 9, 1892. March 10, 1893. May 8, 1892. .Ian 7. 1893. March 12, 1892. .Ian 7. 1893 ..Nov 14, 1892. March 12, 1892. Ian ". 1893 Mav 11, 1894 July 7. L893 ..July 7. 898. . .Nov 10, 1893 . Nov 14, 1892. March . 1894. . . Mav 11, 1894 Nov 10, 1893. Mav 11. 1894. 9ep'i 12, 1992. . Nov 14, 1892. Jan 7, 1893 . . Jan 5, 1894. . . .Nov 14, 1892. Ian "), 1894 . ..Mav 5, 1893. . .Jan 11. 1892. I 00 :: io 1 70 i : -.0 1 JO ' 70 1 ")0j 4 00 i 1 701 1 70 By order of the Honorable County (Jour; oi Wasco County, Oregon, Dated tbiB 16th day of July, 190L A. E. Lake, County Clerk. summer Baenrslons to tae Sea Coast. Uniy 6 50 for the round trip from rii Dane- to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific Park, Ocean Park -r Nabeotta, Wash., Ljood for return until Sept. 15, 1901, liaituage checked tiirouyn to destina tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland daily except Sunday and Monday, and ihe Hussein daily except Sunday, at p. m, and HI p. rn. on "aturdays. maKini direct connections at Astoria and at llwuco for ail points on iregon ind Washington beacbei, Call in las. Ireland, agent, The bailes, for through time card to all beach pointSt jl)'38m Rates to i:in-,ii,,.rt,-itn Kxpositlon, Bound-trip rates via O. ii. & N. from The Utiles, 181,90, Tickets on saie tirst and third Tuesdays during lune, July, v ngust, September and October,good for oontinuous passage going on duieof isle, Saturn limit thirty days from date of sale. 9topovers will be allowed wast of Missouri rival or St. Paul on return trip within limit ol tioket Arrangements ean tie made by applv nig to agent O, It. & N. Co., The Dalles, whereby tickets will be honored on lake -learners in one ,r both directions he--.M-eu Detroit and Buffalo, tt JAMNS aiLANOi Agent Why not spend the vacation at Va quins bay, Wham can lie had excellent iare. good BsbiOgi good boating, -ufe bathing, alluring ndes ami rambles, 1 le il oiirs ami exe rruses at the summer school oi 1801 at Newport will afford great variety of uiMtructions, diversion and entertainment, No other resort iffwri equal iltractions and like silvsn ''L'es. Mlllll l sled Hsadaohe ahaoiutely and perma nently oared by using iuki r.,. v pleassni herb drink. Cures oonetioatiou sad Indigestion, makes iu sat, -ieep sod bappy 4atisfaotion gaarantaed or money back. !5uts, sod iOots, Blskelay. the druggist. Dyspepsia oan ie oared by uslag , vni - iM.-pep-ia taiCels. One lltltt "ablet will give Immediate relief or money reloaded. Bold in handsome tig boxes at Jo ets. Ulakelev the dragflist, si,,, diuh'i w nun. Bui her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotcnss and pimples till im issd Boeklsn - irnlea saiva. Then they vaniatosd as m n Braptloas, Kever -ores. Bolls, '"leers, OarhaaclSS ami Felons from ts use. afsJllbls for Cuta Corns, Burns, S,-ias ami pM i.'ure guaranteed. UeatQ.G, Ulakelev s drug i (ore, NOLAN'S still goes on. WUf ! S ' ?. ; ? I leilver gouua in uj ie Bftme fine combined, th th an He cense for delivering goods in the city and deserve to i White Collar Line. TBB DailBS -POftiana mm Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY BOUND TRiP. Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood Riv?r, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leavt. Portland Arrive The Dalles. Leave " Arrive Portland, .;5 1'. m. 4 ' .10 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips .i Leading Feature, Thie Ronte has fne Granderl ... T 1 . Portland-Astoria Route Str - TAHOMA." Daily Iiuund Trips oscept Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 . U. Leave Autoria 7 P. M, Landing Hnd iifice Foot of Aider tn-et; both phones, M 361, Portland. 1 .'regou. E. W. CBICHTON, Auent Portlsnd, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. HAYNES BROTHERS. Manufaoturon ol The "Haynes" Net ami Stacker. rt',. urn pit-a.-'l to iniorm mr putrntui and the publlo ni general that have the exclusive ooutrol and manufacture m the celebrated Ranei N. t noil Stacker, whloh i the i".t tyt tern y-t invented lor unloading hay ot grain fr'tm header bade. We are now tnanufaoturen it Dufur, Oregon, and each 4el l oaref ull) made and Dxamiued before leaving the factory. . ..I ii i v .i i,ii . ttnapla tu operate and nut iiiniiiry . Conwrpondenoe wlicited irom nil interested partial. ijylm HaVNES BROS., Dufur, Or, John Pashek, The Tailor. Huh just received 1000 ISmpleS if the latest patterriM in lieni -t Clothing 1 loniiH. He suaran tees prii'HH und i good lit or DO pay. John Pashek. The Tailor. KOT1CE For PUBLICATION. Laaoomcs n Vavcqvvmm. Waab,, i lune -i. 1901 i Notloa hereby given thai the following' numed tettlem have filed iiotioe ii t in-ir inteu tlon to make Anal prool in aupport ol their nlaime, and thai tald proofi will ! made before the Register and tiuo elver, O, S. landofBoeui anoouvar. Wash., m aalurday, August iu, luul, v it . tlseer a. Persons, H k Ko, iass tor tba ol SJIW see i I iX t See. I'p . N" II. 18 K.. VV M ., who eon -aid .lalue Hie Ii.l luw I Ilk' , ii lu linn In nun..!!- resident upon .nd oultivaUon .i Kusseii B.smsni loao 1 oaer, iiuskm Frasns mc Kdgsr A. Hopper, all ol tyle P 11., W.isii ngton. sugar k ii"iiei. II. K. NO 9801 fW Hie .0 NK', , To. : N.iU.18. w. m., wim pgmea the ollowiug ivitneease to prove tu uonUnuoua reeideuee imui and onltlvatlon ol .. i istui, vii i nhn Uuger, Russell B riwein.tiseai 6 Parsons uiU liaakiu 1' ratine, ill .i l.yie P.O., Waahina ion. anas W II. DI NIiAH, :;.arl-ter. NOTIL'K FOB PUBLICATION. UaJio Omcs vi ras Daixse, og., , June :, ISM, , N.uue la herein flveu that Hie lOllowiOST. aamed -.ettu-r iia Sled aotlee hialBlentiou to make 'inal proul In upi.rt .1 Hi ( lata) una Mial aid proot will be luaUe Uelore Hie HegtiU r and itveeuer at l'he Dal leu. i ireiii.ii. iu autni lay, Jul) -V, UN, I Is. Kratt SSasSiU, .1 l'he Dalles, ')r. , II. K. Ho, gtM, ior the H H t oi NWoiSoe. 27, Tp l N., R IS I., W M. lie uaints, the following witliosaes to prtn . .-otituiutoia resiueuce ih,u anU ciillu etli.ii if said land, vn. .)raer W, ',Kk. I.r.i. Kraer, R. 0. BfCHkkS uhsrhM Sawsoa, ail m rae Uallea, lifsggiii J.iY p LUCAS, Keguter. Profit-Sharing Association i... MSfSdl d" rTtoTort error. The ,,- hZ Si other deder. in - i r in:nafi u. a an n re S(Mlll OI ami any penon ho fee U mc hi It- ecure M. T. MQP1I1P 1 UUlllU Yellowstone Park Line the oiNuia cab roctb from poRTtAHu THK ONI.V DIRECT LINE PO THE YEl.l.OW- StOMB PARK 'Jnion Depoi, Finn ana I sis arrive. L.BAVK. So. . Fnt mail for Tacoma, No. Seattle. 1 vmnin. Gray i Harbor and Sontii Demi polnta, sp'iKiiiu'. Ros land, B. c, Pullman, icmv. Lewtaton, Huf- 11.15 A. 91. faloHump mining ooun- S;80 P. M. trv, Raima, Mloneapo. lu. it. Paul, Omaha, Kaiifa i lty. -t. Louis, '.'iiicaifo and iil I'liiiitb So. i, east uiiii MUtheaati No. i. Paget sound Bxprw 11. .30 P.M. for racoma and Mattle :;00.v. M. ukI Intermediate polnta Pullman Urat-class .mil tourist leeptrs to Slinneapolli, St Paul and Missouri river points without ohange. v.iti()uie,i trains. Onion depot oonneononi in ail iiriiicipHl Oitiee. Baggage onecked to destination of tickets. fur handsomely Illustrated desoriptive matter, tickets, ileeping-car leeuivatlons, etc., rail nr wn te A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, s Morn -on -itroet nier rhird, Portland Oregon, SOUTH and EAST via SOUtDem PaCiliC CO. Shasta Route Trnilia leave T!ie Dalles fur Portland and itutliuis it I: Jo a. m. anU I p, n. .vay 7:00 p m 10:60 ii m :: .o i m 1 ; Ito a m j:15 a in ', 1 16 a m 'jhki a in 7 '.') ii m 'J : M a in 7 (K) a m 8:00 p in 6;U0 a m B :SS a in 1:00 a in . 25 p in 6 12 a in 12: Ui p in Pullman and TonriSt ears on Uoth trains Chaircara Sacramento to Ugden and Kl Paso, and tourist oara to Chicago, it Louia, Mew Or leans and Waahington. Conneoting it San Pranoiseo with several steamship lines fur Honolulu, fapan, L'hina, Pblllppinee, Central and iouth merloa, -lee agent at The Dalles -tutlon. or aiiil.tss C. H. MARKHAM, lenerai Passenger Agent, Portland, '' Just What You cjuant. New nloae m Wall Papr Intro. tieit .vole variety e ,vh StS showing OSTSr 'ie- :uro graoad singia stone. Real umta- riou eretun elfectB at ordinary pritiee. lined iiapere at ohaap paper pruree. Klegant deemtie, taeteiui OoloringS, fOOTS for a small price, at our etore on Third street. Aleo a full line of hoiiee painta D. W. VAUSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. T.-anssct a Qeneral Banking Buhiuhsb. Letters ni Oredit leeued availahle in I ha Kaaiern Statee. Sight Kxehange and TeleraphHT an-rers eolti rgs New York, Chicago, St. Iajiiis, Sen Kranvisco, I'ortlatui tire ijon, SMttle Wash., and various pointa ii i treuon aud Waeliingtun. nnllasSlsSrS mads at all (oint o fav-1 irahe terms. Leave Portland i I -i) a " Aibauy 12:M a . Arrive asbland 12:311 a " Saoramento 1:00 p Ban franoieoo 7:46 p: Arrive Ogdon 5:46a " Denver t:H0 a " Kansas i'lty 7:S6 a " uhicago . ....7:46a Arrive Los Angeles . 1 :a0 p Kl Paso H no p Port Worth . 0:80 a " '.'lty ui Mexico 9:66a " Houston. . I (Kl a " New Orleans 6:26 a " WakiiliiKton 6:42 a " Now yurk 12:48 p hut. Wore announc- be patronized. NOLAN. me coimia mm Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF HAKTJFACTT heks ok Fine Lard and Sausages Carers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIF.D BEEF. ETC. MM Restaurant The W. W Wilson Co., Props. First-Class in Every Respect .MEAL S AT ALL BODBS. Oysters Served in any Style. st Second St, Tim Dalles, or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat It artificially dl ests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tome. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Huadache. Gastralifia. Cramps and all other results ol imperfect digestion. PrtcefiOc. and 81. Large slae contains 24 Mmeg limtulsize. Book all about dyspepsiamuiiedfree 'spared by E O. QnWT a CO.. Cbicag Sold liy ClarkH AFalk'n P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received .V (till Mnsof Fruah Printing ami Ds velopiog PaperH 'iirent from factory. Solio, Rtf.x. Deko, Velox and A.risto in all -ies. A I no a linn of Platen in Oaoiur. Crown, -eede and Staolay, Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, Ami sll SOCtSSOnas to complete the Olltflt of miller tha amateur or pro fessional pbotograpbar. Our Kureka ('oml)iueii ToSHOSJ and Filing Hath la a iuriiy. l'ry it. The A. K. C lnveloper for plates, til in h or developing papers han no equal. Enough lor IQu to .ieveiope ') ulates or ti dossn Valoi IxO. Perfect blacks unil wIiiihm are guaranteed, if dirsctioni Sra (ollowad. Ask for the A E. C, De ralopgf, and see tfiat you get the genuina, Wh are prepared to com pound any aud all oi your own formula mM xuarautee istisfaotion. At tba old place, 175 10004 Street, Hie lalles, i iregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, I I8NBBAL .AND... r Mfagjon and Crri-0 Wark E friah Brothars Wagon. I Tuirt dnii JeiicoD. Phone 159 r BiacKsmifii Horsesiioe aaeaai 1 OHEGOIH SHOIT llfil Union Pacific ? AND DSP AST TIM K SCBKDTJ LKH ! (1,HIV. raoa " ros niK DALLSS. raos rh ,1'ngo- I'ortianii salt Lake, Denver. Kt. special. Worth, Omaha, Kan 12:25 p. m. saaClty.St Umia.Chl' ' "Sp. m. n llmil OHgo aini the Kant. iugton. kv'mI'ss' -lf taa. Denver, Ft. J , mi Worth, Omaha. Kan- , , 'V ii ,', saHi' LouiH,. ii,. ' waa, Mat.!.. UP. atldtho K.t. -it. Paul Walla Walla. LeWiahMI, Past Mail, ".piikano.Walliice.Piill 9:35 p. m. man, Minneapolis, St, i ng m via Spo- Paul. OUlUth, Mihvau kime, kat, CWoagoaod Kat. OCEAN AND BIVER SCHEDULE K n lortlaiHi. (All sailing dates sub- jeat to onauge 8 in p. m, i no p, it. For Ban Franoieoo, "hi i every 1 days. Daily "'''i'r Colanabia ntvr. , vODnm r" ANt"r'11 HI1,t W,IV satarrtoy, UuaUngs. Saaig ;n 00 p. in Daily WtllMBSS River. except Oremn 'Hv, Newberg, ' J'11 Sunday, -alom. fndepeudeuoe, sSS 8 1 i- n. .t vray-l-anillngs. 3Und"r rueeday, i p. a rhuraday, Corvauia and Way- Momm Saturday, LawUngS. WednaSn ,i 00 a. m. FriOii' ruesday, Will em tea aad l:Msa rillirsUay, Vanillin Hlvers. Munda' Saturday, Oregon City, Dayton and Wea2Hj 7:00a.m. Way-Lsindlnse. 'ndu" 1 Hnake Klver. ' - Uiparia ..'vrmtnr, : ' m i m, Riparia to lwlatnn. , m'jl Partiee lcHiring ro ro to Beppreg s i. .i u ts m Columbia Southern via Biggs, satsui ,iK" So. :. .tiaving The Dalle at 12:25 p. a. making lint connections at Heppner junetki Bnd bill's. Returning making direct eonneetta it Beppnerjunctlon and hikks with. No. Le riving at The Dalles at. 1:05 p. m. F .r further partlculara, ;a 1 1 on or addrssi JAS. IRELAND, Asttrt, The Dalles, Onsjts Complete of Dm8 at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. Nasal CATARRH lu sii iu Mages n.srv slu'illd be CleftuUttSlgb fi's Cream Haiui clumwea.sootttesand in tue ill sea iietl sttsivrsnt, It cures (istariksttagrivss awajji a oold in Iks Uuui (Irewa Ralw ... plaoeg iuu tne nostri.f. BSSSsI BVel Die iiuuii.iuiie una a aljsorlied. BeUe(Sa mediate aud S ire follows, It is sol drying-"' uut urodune mwealm . i sj e sizu, so eeati st BSW lat. ,r liy mail ; Ti M Su.r, III seBtl by e''1- ti. i inei i uiiics, on Warren gtnwt. Sea Ssti J. g, ii r. ficsiUvui. Max a ViiUT. ijssbl' First National Bank. THK DALLES - - - OREGN A ijeuere. Bausin.8j Bueuieee transact UepooiLe received, subject to 6igQt Drait ur Chauk. . Oohect ions tuada and proceeds prouipl'" ramittad on dav ol oollavtion. Hie?ht and i'elagrapbiu Exciiauge soid01 New Yurk, Ban Traacisuo an- Poft' 'and. D. P. tuomruom. Jmo. 8. 8.aat Bo. M. WiLuaaia, (iso. A. Uass. H M. Haa i i. i