The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 19, 1901, Image 1

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    I) e Sift lie
NO. 131
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the sipnatnre of
and has been made under his per-
sonal supervision sinee its infancy.
'"CCC0t4&a Wfxarn 0110 tn Hocnlvo xrnn ill tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-pood" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gnric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
toontains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic
Mubstanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
A&d allays FeverishneBR. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
I i iuii Against America.
Vienna, July IS. The Fretndenblatt,
the organ of the Austro-Hungariuii For
eigo Office in an article entitled : "Amer
ican Industrial Competition in the Near
Future," says :
"European nations will have to com
bine auainst a competition which threat
ens them, and, einkintr their diffarnoes,
must make a comrron front against
American industrial aggression. Toe
United States is forging an iron rinjj of
defense to ward off" ti e blows of the ene
mies of America. The tun 11' programme
Oi the larue manufacturers of Austria,
intly presented to the minister of
imerce, is based mainly on a princi
pal that is universal and unlimited. The
most favored nation clauses should be
abandoned, especially with reference to
the United States, and that old commer
cial treaty with the United States, which
teaches back to the second decade of the
last century, should be replaced by a new
hort term treaty. Salvation in t tie cus
tom questions with regard to America is
only to be found along these liues."
It appears that the Fremdenblatt does
not think matters will go so far as to
bring about a custom's union in Central
Europe an achievement which will
long remain an ideal, but it will be e
nongh if common action secures agree
ment that ttie most favored nation
clause be not granted to the United
Oiu'Mloii Answered.
japes, August Flowerstill has the largest
Sjftte of any medicine in the civilized
irorld. Your mothers and grandmothers
ter thought of using anything else for
iigestmn and biliousness. Doctors
scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
dower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
jervoiiH and organic action of the sys
Hbu. uud that is all they took-when feel
BSK. II .1 1 1 . L. U .1 .... U .- J
vJOPK uun alio nan nun nWHIW rum nun
Eber aches. You only need a few doses
Green's August Flower, in liquid
rm, to make vou satisfied there is
,Mthiig serious the matter with you.
"it Green's prise almanac Clarke &
fatk's. 1
To Italae Tobacco IJuder Canvna.
Nkw Yukk, July 17. Secretary of Ag
.fieulttire Wilson and former Secretary of
the Navy W. C. Whitney have paid a
ffisit to the fields of Connecticut, where
phe tobacco farmers have made exteusire !
experiments in growing tobacco under
canvas. The statement is made that Mr.
Whituev believes the new scheme wi'l
revolutionize the tobacco Industry and
tha' he is contemplating the purchase of
large interests in Connecticut Mr. Wil
son is going over the tobacco country for
the department.
Tot Causes Night Alarm
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, :f Crittenden, Kv., "it seemed
it would strangle before we c mid get a
doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured ii We always keep
it in the house to protect our children
from Group and Whooping Cough. Jt
cured me of i chronic bronchial trouble
j t at no other remedy would relieve."
, Infallible for OoUubl, Colds, Throat
and Lung troubles. 60o and $1.00. Trial
I bottles free at G. C. Blakeley'l drug
' store. Li
Is Sentenced to Three Months Imprison
ment as a First Class Misdemean
ant Trial Carried on by House of
Lords With All the Quaint Medi
eval Ceremonies.
LONDON, July IS. Earl Kussell, ar
raigned at the bar of the house of lords
today for trial on the charge of bigamy,
pleaded guilty after lengthy arguments
against the jurisdiction of the court.
The trial was carried on with all the
quaint Middle-Age ceremcnies. The ar
gn merits las-ted one hour. Both the Karl
and Countess Irs. Somerville) through
their counsel pleaded they did not know
they were doing wrong, but had acted
on the best legal advice obtainable in
The peers reached their decision after
consideration of t!:e case lasting 20 min
utes. Earl Russell was sentenced to three
months imprisonment as a first-class
In anticipation of the arrival of Earl
Kussell, the officials of Hollov.ay prison
have prepared for his reception one of
the rooms formally occupied by William
T. Stead, and members of the Jameson
raiders. It is a commodious apartment
in which his lordship can tie supplied
with his own food and wines.
BbOl Mv Kolibern.
Cuicaoo, July 18. W. K. Miller, night
agent at the lloyne-Avenue station, on
the Metropolitan Elevated road, was shot
and seriously injured at 2 o'clock this
morning by three would-be robbers. Mill
er opeued tire when they commanded
him to hand over his monev- The shots
went wild, and the three men returned
the tire an-l fled. Miller was found ly
ing on the floor with his right arm and
leg broken from bullets. This is the
fourti attempt to rob Miller within a
"I wish to truthfully state to you and
the readers of these few linns that your
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques
tion, the best and only cure fur dyspepsia
that I have ever come in contact with
and I have used many other prepara
tions. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa.
No preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure as it contains ail the natural
digestants. It will digest all kinds of
food and can't help lint do you good.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
It Is easier to keep well than get cured.
DeWitt's Little Early Hisers taken now
and ttien, will always keep your bowels
in perfect order. They never gripe but
promote an easy and gentle action.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharuiacv.
Those famous little uilis, DeWitt's
Little Early Risers compel yuur liver
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
you r.oh, pure blood to recuperate your
body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Sunsi-nbe for I'hk ChuonkiLK
Kttllg.oii of Japs,
Nkw York, July 18. The Right Rev.
John McKim, Episcopal Missionary Bis
hop of Tokio, has arrived In this city on
his way to the general convention of his
church, which is to be held in San Fran
cisco early in the fall. Bishop McKim,
speaking of Die religious conditions in
Japan at the present time said :
"The leligiou? awakening of which we
in Japan have heard so much can hardly
be regarded as a permanent benefit.
Some years ago there was a similar one,
but its effects soon died out. The Jap
anese are a very excitatile race; they are
quickly brought to a religious bite beat,
cooling off again almost as qoickfy. As
a rule after a revival movement, the per
centage of those falling away from Chris
tianity is greater t han before.
"The Japanese, too, area very indiffer
ent race in regard to religions matters
generally. Nominally, they are almost
all Buddhists, with perhaps a sprinkling
of Shiutoians, but it can be safely said
that Japan has no national church. Suc
cess in missionary efforts depends large
ly upon the proper organization of the
system of management. For that reason
Methodist workers in Japan are more
successful than the Baptists, Cong-re-gationalists
are not now making the pro-
j gress that was made by that body some
years ago. Cougregationahsts policy
seems to be one of disintegration and
many of i:s converts became rationalists.
Our church seems to be making more
headway and what appears to be more
permanent progress than any other
tularin tJanuoi Be un ii.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach trie seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internal I , and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country tor years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood puritieis, acting directly i there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
on the mucous suriaces. The perfect Pii Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
combinatioD of the two ingredients is lFi tue druggist.
what produces such wonderful results in j yVe offer for a limited period the
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, twice-a-wee OkBOMICLI, price $1.60,
lree. j and the Weekly Uregonian, price $160,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O. both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
Sold by drruggists, price 7fc. i under this offer must be paid in ad-
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 j vance. .'
All jz? j&
Shirt Waists
Greatly Reduced!
This morning saw many buyers also many doubten
came in answer to our special sale advertisement. The for
mer had bought here before the latter had bought else
where and came here to compare. All concluded thai never
had they seen such real values at ihis season f the year.
Here you see Waists Crisp and New. No old styles
and rumpled garments that would be well sold at any price but
clean and very desirable goods.
With half the summer and all the hot weather still before us
wise indeed is the woman who buys liberally of waists while
prices are such as these:
All 50c and 75c waists 39c All $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 waists $1.35
All $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 waists ..75c All $2.50, $3.00 and $1.00 waists $1.95
IS HOW And ends Saturday
A. M. Williams Co.
ii.- it ray to it ii., cheapY
A cheap remedy for ceughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
ttiat will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall yon do? Co
to a warmer mid more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the ONLY rem
dy that has been introduced In all civil
ized countries with success in severe I
throat and lung troubles, " Kosrhee's '
German Syrup." It not only heals and j
.-imulates the tissues to destroy tbe I
germ . disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, giveB a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
on i. bottle, Seeotsmenddd many years
by all druggists in the world, and sold
by Clarke & F'alk. Get Green's prize
almanac. 2
I ujr-: Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at tbe pit of the
stomach, L-iss of appetite, heverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
oecam so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elextr has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, tbe drug
gist. You can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. hit your body needs is plenty of
good food properly digested. Then if
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dysoepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digestants hence must digest j
every class of food and so prepare it tiiat
nature can use It in nourishing tiie body
and replacing tbe wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health, strength, ambition,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
Clarke & Falk's P O. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
A Il- lsl.-iy.
It is a mystery wliy women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
8leepleStneM, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved
that Electric Bitters will iiickly cure
sucb troubles. "1 suffered for years wilh
kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe
Cheney, of Peterson, la,, "anil a lame
back pained me so I could not dress my
self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured
me, and, although Jo years old , I now
am able to do all my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health. Only 5(lc
at (;. C. Blakelev's drug store. 3
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arKS
& Falk.
Sheriff's Sale.
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
By virtue oi mi order ol Mile and SXSCttllOQ
i duly limed em ol and under the seal of tin- Oti
I colt Onurt "i ths stats of iregon mr ths county
of Wasco, to me iiuiy directed and dated the 2d
l day of inly, 1901. upon h judgment aud decree
: reodsied aud existed In -aid oourt on theSTtbj
day of June. 1901, in favor of w v Phillips,
I plaintiff, and agslustJ W Hones, defendant, lot
j the ium ol f'j0jjO.4O In United States gold coin,
and (be furtber sum ol Urn sttorney fes.snd
I'il'jfionsti and dUbursemeuts, I did oi the 3d
dsy of July, 191)1, duly levy upon tbs folltfwinsj
i described real property situated m tin unty of
, iVaaoo, snite hi Oregon, town Defendant J w
I Hones' undlt Med one-half Interest in end n --
lions in ii it ii-. ti rthosst qusrter and n
north hail ol tbo southfcesl ojusrlei, and tim
southwest Quarter ol tbs southeast quarter, the
east luiif hi tin- northwest quarter, nnd the
suuthwssi quarter o lbs northwest quarter, the
north iniii ol tbs southwsst quarter, nnd nn
southsa! quarter ol tbs koutbwest quartei o
vection H2 ; and tie west luilf ol tin- si hi I tit-tutt
quarter, and lots ii sud 13 ol seotlon SX, all In
towushlp i north, range 9 sast ol tbs Willamette
meridian i aud will lu uompllsi oe with its own
mands nn
ll oiuluy , in. 5ih liny of JaVSJUStn lool,
at tin- hour ol 3 o'clock p. , si the front doot
n( the eounty oourt n inss in the r . ol Thu
Dalles, Hidd oouiity nnd state, sell ui puolis tuc
Uon to tin- highest bidder lor V. S. gold ruin,
oath in bsndi all 'he right, nth- mid interest
hut tin-Mini oefeudsut nsdoii tbsWtbdayol
October isuu, tbs date ol plaiutlAi uiortgnge,
or ass slues bed i m tnhuid rial propsrly to
hull y Mini ludgmsut, decree and execution,
with interest on 3jrUu in Iroui ths 17th day uf
June, hill, al the rate ol clKht Del cent iiei an
mini, and on 13-10 from ibs fftn dy of lune.
1901, at tin- rate ol Mx per osnt per aniiiini, and
tin OOStS (d mid UpOtl .aid writ.
liuted The I'alh k, llii'K Inly B, l'KII.
UuilhKl KKI.I.V,
jnhi Ibsrlffol Waaoo County, Oregon.
DeWitt's Witch Hasi-I Sulve should lie
Tbe piles that annoy you so will be
Dromntlv annlied to cuts, hums
scalds. It soothes and quickly heels the
injured part. There are worthless
counterfeits, he --nre to get DeWitt's.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pbarmscv
and 1u'c''v permanently healed if you
use Ue W lit 's Witch Hasel halve, tinware
of worthless counterfeits. Claike &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk have mi sai.
of paint iil artist'-, h-meli
You will not have boils if you
Clarke A Falk's sure cure tot boils.
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade.
at 7 A. M. and 11 1'. M.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M.
1IAI1 A lltOlft MI'NUA .
Sheriff's Sale.
State id Oi-kiiii Inr
W. C. Al.l.AWAY, General Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon.
In the ClrOUll f-OUrt f tie
Wum.-ii I lOUIltTi
II. H. HUBUnatOBi plalntlll,
Cbarlsa u. Matusy, w. it. winain. ami Almeola
II llurrett. aH extMMltrix, dSfsndSUU.
My I irtUS ' an SMOIItlOUi dSOMS and nrdt-r nf
Mile, duly IsSllSd OUl nf and under ths SSgl of the
Circuit Court nf tin- state nf Oregon fur tim
Couuty of Wasco, to ins directed ami detetttae
I'Jth day Ol lune, 1901, Upon a deSfeS 'or the
foreoiosuro ol a osrlslii uiortgsgssud judgment
rendoisd and Sn tared in Mild eeiirt nn the 7lh
day of lune. ! i"i in tbe above entitled oeuse. III
favurnl the iilalulllt and agalunt the detendaiit
I harlea II Matney IS Juduiueiil delitor, iiithe
IUU Of four bUD red and nf ty dnllarn, w ith In
teres! tbsreon fiom the I3tb day uf august lsu-j,
at the lain uf ten per cent per aiinuin, lOWi'i Iho
mini of 1631 ' . ami the ft. rt her sum ol seventy
Hvedollarh (7.'i) a attorney's feSSi and the fur
ther Mini uf tttirtesn dollars (iH) oosUi ami lbs
OOStS Of and uhui thin writ, ami OOmmsitdllUJ
ins Hi Risks xaie ut tin- real pr party smbrsew
in suob decree of foreolosurs .ei i bereiusftei -i
soribsdi i win, nn the
:iili day of Inly. I Dill,
at the bpttl f -' u clock In thu llttfttOPn 01 aalU
day , ami at tin- front door of tbs eouuty eourt
huuxu lu llallva City, awn county , O egnu,
-. il at puhlle aill'tliiu lu the highest bidder lor
eabh lu hand, all the i lain, title- and lutuitat
which tbe dsfSUdSlltS l harlus H. Matney and
W. K. WlnaiiH or either uf them had 00 the l-'th
day uf Auaukt, IH'J'J the date uf the uiurtKagu
foreOlOSSdDerelUi ur which SUSb di-fundautaor
any uf thu defeudsuts hen in have -nu e au
quired or HOW have in and tu the- (ullowlug de
scribed real property, ailuate and Ix-iiig lu
VVssoo county Oregon, towit.
The ucrtnwsst qusrter of tsotiou twenty x
C2iii In tuwiihliip (me U) OOftbi raugu nine (9)
eat, W. M . ur an much uf mtid prnueity aa will
taliafy aaid Judgiueiit aud duerev, wlthcuaUauU
ai'i'liiiua eual.
Said pruperty will be sold aubjeot to couHnua
tiuii and redi-inptluii aa by law provided.
Uai. d at The Hallos, Ureaou, this 19lh day ol
June, 1901. " . , ,
iUBiU dherid Waavo County, Urvguu.