Roiling Mill Consumption I i ff J 3 -: . I p f I'M At: 'A: ' 1 Mifi 77 i . i -v. . i. r y u 5ml ' ' fa VK. V . . IB I J. E. FALT & CO., t Proprietors TfaC Owl." 5 I 3 Purest Liquors for Family Use P Delivered to any part of die City. (7 Pbonti : ;i Local, B68 Long Distance. 173 Second Street. J WINDMILLS PUMPS and PIPE RUBBER and Garden Hose Lawn Mowers Sprinklers, ' ncii parti" nil of ev ten n n who work In rolling milk, iron foundries and fa toriesdla Ion Vou snow how early lu III (hoc men paw away. The usual symptom i- a i entcouirli - : . i luu short and backlog, sometimes hard and dry. Tin- patient ir and thinner dav bj day. Death eventually conquers. Tin.- trouble comer from Hid the constant Inhaling '. the tine particle.-. i iui and ir.,:; that till 1 1 . air. - ui lei .i micros ope, mhw ragged, iharp edges, which t-ar and mutilate the ' of thi throat and lui ... V rttual sores are thus formed, and here it i- that f ronsui btli find a plac to f id and multiply. Acker's Kngllsn Remedy was Kugland and it the only cure in the world foi Rolling Mill Consumption, It '.on. strengthens v mucous membranes of th cattilng organs, permanently ih mi ihv ruji-titiiti'.n and unt-urt- vtunr t the wiiole system. It must- i p. S. GUYING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. in Iron. Steel. Wheels, Axles, Spring and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Russell v Go.' Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills. rfyou are in need of anything in our line, figure win us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will prompt attention. SEXTON c WALTHEB, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Kngl jruii.- it co-;- von nothing, urn- ' -t t . o hers it will alto do for yoh and yi u Md at 3Se., . and 1 a bottle tin ,it,,i ai Is. Id., fc, 8d., t.-. '"-I II yi " druggist, and get your money uu . e wonders. Try it. What it has done fol : ut the "'nitcd States and Canada: and in satisfied iftei buying, return tin.- botUe W Telephone 157. Long 1 II stance 107:;. inr. scbdnd & LanUfn sis,, the dalles; or. flfo authoriu the abort ffuaratUct, II'. U, UuOMCli A CO., Proprietor!, A'ctt I'vri, For sale at Blakeleys Pharmacy. ir you want have to keep to retain your hair you your scalp clean. Soap wili make your hair harsh, dry anii crimpy. Now we have Pvn of the very l)e.?r preparation! for cleansing tin sca'.p Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave yonr inir oft and glossv. fries, ami 50 cents bottle, at Fraaer's bariinr sn ip, fhe I)all". t: When yonr liair appears dry ami ti have lost it- vitality it want- something to give it life and vigor, We have what tfiH hair need when it get-, in that con dition We have the Grown of Science H i ir SSjKrS'i; 1 .rower arid (' mii". (V. ii 'sm'' Tt.ey en... dand rwir-jj' rilo a;; pc ilt, dine. For sale a! Fraier'a bar- ' ler shop. Price 50c and Ibv a bottle. Experience ir the best Teacher. I se Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give inline Hate relief money refunded '' ct-. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. A bad complexion generally results from inactive liver and bowels. In all ' such ca-ier. DeWitt'l J.ittie Early lii-ere produce gratifying results. Clarke kv Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.75 per gallon fijr inferior paint- when von can buy .lames E. Patton's sunproof paint? for I.."0 per gallon, guaranteed for6yjars. Ciark & Falk, agents. ml Subscribe tor Tin; CHRONICLE. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall S Barget UNDERTAKERS f EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. SELLS & GRAY S United Shows Will Exhibit ONE DAY ONLY. Afternoon and Evening, at The Dalles, SATURDAY JULY 20th 100 Startling Acts and Features (00 Arenic Attractions Unparalleled: The SIX Marvellous EDDYS li. -AAA A AIAIA'ATA iVt AIAIAIA'AlATAIAlAIArAIAlAtAIAtA-, A : A A I A 1 I C. J. STUBBING, WHOLKSALK ANU UKTA't. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders wili receive promot attention. Next door to First National Bank. Couclon I'looie Lous Ulat. tOO I . THE DALLES, OREGON ;yn';y;y;T;Tiyi:;TiTiTiTi.Tiy;T:.yiy:T.T:v.TiYiTivTiY; y:y:yiy;y i vi.r THE CELEBRATED I .. .COIdJlWBIA BREWEKY.. AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports lor June lis. 1900, Bays: "A more bu pel for brew never entsnid the labratory of the United States Health reports. It in absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, bill on the other bund ip compoasdol the liest of malt iid choicest ol hop-.. Its tonic qualities arc of the high est ami it can be used with the greati Bl benefll tuid satisfantion by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East, Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON. i PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. AIT UNPRECEDENTED OFFER ! Toe People s Jiaiioiiai Family newspaper YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of iihIiil' bo called kidney remefl without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and'j forever rid of those dull pain 6 in your back. DIM thai old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" BndbH nil your bladder and urinary troubles cured, andyc: nights made restful by the use of nature's gtsili asaiitaut Linooln Bexual Pills. Price, (1.00 per box buy ot your druggist St by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indian. .. Donnell, Agent, The Dulles. To all old and new subscribers paying ono year In advance we offer Tri-Weekiy Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50. S PREMIER ACROBATS NEW Highest salaried performers in the known world ; notbiof too ditliciilt tor them to perforin. YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE. Publlilied Monday, WodnuHday sud Prb day, i in reality a tine uiiil (rest) every otiier tiny Uslly, i ius the latest news on days f Issue, H ii tl coverlug news Ol 111,.' other .1. it contains nil hnpor lanl lerciun oable news whioh sppasrs iii the Pally Tribune ol -hi io date, nun i" nestlo and fnreisn eorrespondeuce, nbort stories, elegant ball toie- Illustrations, hu morous items, Indus trial Information, fashion notes, sarioul tiinil niHtler-. and comprebeusivu sad re liable Buanoial sud market reports. Regular subscrip tion price, 11.60 ivr ysar, We uruisb it itii Semi Weekly Cbronl- ele inr ? in-i yeiir. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Publishe ou Thurs day, aad known fur nearly i.ty yean In every part of tbo t'ni- ted -rtllte- ;t- it Jlllljon - ai family newspaper of the hiuiiet-t class, or liiriiier- ami villa gers, it contains all the must important general m w i of the Dally Trillion op tu the hour of going to press; an agricultural department ot ihc JiiKliest uriier, lins en tertalulnv reading fur very member of the fami ly, old and young market reports v. bioh lire accepted at auth urity by farmers ami merchants, and i. clean, up-to-date, in teresting and instruc tive. Regular subscrip tion price, ti per year. Wc furnish it with Semi-Weekly Uhroul- Te forll.fiO par ieur Wasco WmliiK Mills 0, Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kind ieaaquarters tor Feed Gram ot pU km Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts' fndM,t"Lk Heaaquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr T1'iH 1",r ,H "lllifL'tre(l expreaely lor .., , , '"i Hverv aiick Is guaranteed to give satisfsc We eel our goodl lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think" call and get our pri;ee and i convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oat Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or Wi Id Beasts From The Columbia Southern Warehouse Co. w ill receive wheat for Moragc in the Wilkinson Warehouse during the Coming Season. A General Warehouse Business. Grain Sacks for Sale. Will pay the Highest Market Price for Grain. THOMAS BOLTON, Agent, The Dalles. THE 20 CLOWNS A iv a whole circus in themselves, so go prepared to laugh MAGNIFICENT STREET PARADE! Never before have you bad the opportunitv of neeiuif such gorgeous display and roya' splendor. Avail yourself of it. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, LiARQKBT STEAMSHIP in tiik KORbD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. The IliagnihOent White trtur twin seiew steam er Celtic, ('20,000 tons) specially chartered for tho occasion, mni i..r vi dss subject to the or asrs ot ine dlreotor it the party. to tin. v.. on,., , i,i,.-iiii hiiiI in, Orient, oeeapylug 14 .iys, ipendiugW iias in Egypt and Palestine, hotel accommodations Included, Visiting Nadleri nioraltar, N..rti. i run, AlHitit, Kagpt, Hi ll. )t Land. lurkey, il.-ee.-, Imlv.'.lm i;iviru, K.ilaml uiiil ! Itt Kl. With attractive (optional) tide trim across Ku !"'" ",;k"'- S i stopovei in Europe on homeward voyageand to re' urn by the White .-no steamers Oceanic MaJosUc, Teutoido ilo t;t ui Trii, Rraielaaai back tu New York, friiln pSASI IOO York ami UPWtrOS.aOCordlUf to stater p aeco.nmo daUon; inoludlug shore eacurstonaho. teis, law, kii!,1,.., ilnves uml all m i aaary aipensss. fature Maileira Malta IS iiUvu It.fil7pt and the Holy fSiSSmtSm Athens, Rome, the RivTeral etc. "nitt"u""i"' , N.'w'''';:,k,:;:;i":T''e,ill ". I "i iurtlier pattieulaH aililress VMOM liiiowNiiii.i.. SYSSalngtoa BtrSSti The Dalles, Or. I I intereisted, semi for Illustrated program. lr.yiiir preparations limply op dry catarrh they dry up the secretw" which adhere to tbu monibrauo and dMf pose.cauHiugafar nioro aeriouatnaibleu the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid iuW iug inhalants, fumes, einokes and and ueo that which cleanses, soothes healu. Ely's Cream llaliu ia such a ren"4 and will euro catarrh or cold in the, I easily and pleaaantly. A trial size W"J mailed for 10 cents. All dfttggists sellj COc. size. BlyBrotbsra, 6flWajrren8t.iJM 'i'ho Ualin OUrea without pain, djjW irritate or cause inaasingi It gprSldljS over an irritated and Hilary sutfaco, stj inn immediately the paiufid inllftmBit",'l With Ely's tJreain lialtn you are agaiust Kaaal Catarrh and Hav Fever. . I MID. A J. 1. Case separator good " and ready for work ; 32 Inch cyli" and a 14 Woodbury Dingee borsS P0" On easy terms. Apply to UkoUOK Nol ANUi jy2-wklylmo Uufor, Or Clark & Falk are never closed 8udW' Don't, forgni this. Clarke & Falk's 0a vorinu extract" the IwHt. Ask vonr i 'c.r lor ttiSD), Subscribe lor Tmk ChuonH'1