0 This is the Greatest Straw Economy Season.... Hats. July Clearings mean Great Savings. July brings tlie greatest economy chances of the year. We search for special values with which to counteract the natural dullness off the gummer months, besides that stocks must be cleared for fall goods. I ...Shirt Waists... i We have never had fewer at this season of the year; the goods are ' Well known and ne?d no introduction. Shirt Waists retailing at $1 .00 and $ .25; ot Reduced to oOC Values at $1 .50, $1 ,05 and $1 .75 ; 4fc 1 1 Q Rod need to Jjl.y .'Values at $2.00 and $2.25; 1 Reduced to $.DU lvalues at $2.50 and $3.00; 1 QR Reduced to 31.70 Values at $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5; Q Reduced to tPO-UU bvery item in Summer Fabrics is reduced in price. Bargains everywhere you turn in the store. Special Thursday, Friday, Saturday . 75c and $1.00 Straw Hats, new up-to-date styles, Only 50c. Boys Knee Pant Suit Strictly all wool, well made and perfect fitting: $3.50 suits for $2 25 Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only. PEASE 5t MAYS. Hi,.-.. ":;r V ' V- "W1 "v: V V- :"J" "W 'V v-" -jit. . "li;... . . - -IT. ... -iv-. i.' ,;. .1 " . ..'.;:m. MH.Ml i . i. jjf1 wjfr .i, say,. ..ye SSkfl! 1 .!;!: ' Jiflk..: 'SJP- The Dalles Daily Chronicle. . - JULY 18, 1901 THURSDAY ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda you treat them bad, bo long aB their stomachs are fed. Steal if you get a million, for then you can furnish bail ; it's the great big thief who gets out on bail, while the little one goes to jail. Advertise and the dollars will come; quit and they fail to arrive ; for how are At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Vticu County warrant m regriatered prior to September i , 1H!K, will lie paid on presentation nt my office. Interest after .Inly !.', lOOl. .mil N K. HAMI'SHIKK, Uounty Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Inquire at this office, jlylo-lw Great price cutting on ladies' shirt i mockery." waistaat A. M. Williams & Co.'a this The Yakima Indians have been bold? j ing a council this week in order to de Bead A. M. Williams A Co.'s ad and termine as to ttie course to be pursued not price reduction on shirt waists this j in order to get satisfaction out of Uncle week, I Sam for taking away a large strip of land Monday special at Tease & Mnys j on the west side of the reservation. Dunham V cocoanut, 30 cents per pound, (This is the Cedar valley country.; At regular price to cente. i last accounts no agreement had been They are going with a rush -those ! rched, some of the influential Indians knaa pants suits at the New York Cash i bein Peed to accepting a money Must Conform to ('outran Price. The new school book contractors who will supply different books to the pupils of the state of Uregon will be required to establish and maintain official deposi tories for the distribution of books ac- men who have money to spend going to i cording to the selections of the state su- know you are still alive. perintendent of public instruction. This The Goldendale Sentinel, speaking of ! ll9t of Places ,,aB JaBt been made public. the operation of the no-license law as l At a meelin8 of the school-book men at I determined at the last city election and i tbe Hotel Iortla"d Tuesday afternoon ! put in operation by the present citv j tDere wa8 a toabJ discussion of the I council, says: "A large majoritv of the ! 8ubJect 88 to how to make retailers of I voters of Goldendale voted to the effect j tbe 8tate keeP witbin tbe contract price I that no intoxicating liquors shall be sold I for bookB' Tnev intend t0 Kurd against as a beverage in this city. The ordi- i overcharging. The contractors are re I nance has been repealed, but no one j uired t0 "ive b"ds for the keeping of j need be "dry." If the officers cannot I their af?reemeut with the state, j stop the sale of intoxicants under the j De of tbe methods under conB;dera- existing laws, then we contend that the ! t,on is t0 g' retail dealers.no matter I city council should regulate the business j in what ')art of tbe state they maybe ! by a high license until needed state leg-j located' t,,e Bame discount, the same ! lslation lias been enacted. At present, ! mftrKiH of profit. This would put dealers "anti-license" is a hollow sham and 10 1 ortlaD(I. Astiiand , Lakeview, Burns, CARNIVAL AND STREET FAIR. A Ma Meeting of the OHtaeMS of The Dalle Ho letermlnel l.aat Ma;ht. One of the largest and most enthusi astic meetings of its kind evei held in TheiPailes convened in the Commercial Club rooms to discuss the question of ways and means for holding a street fair and carnival in the citv sometime during the coming fall, .lodge Maya occupied the chair and Jndd Fish acted as secre tary, but the meeting was designedly informal in order that the fullest possi ble expression of opinion might be given. A distinguishing feature of the meeting was that it was thoroughly representa tive of the leading business interests of the city. There was no possible ques tion that the carnival was wanted and that the business men were willing to put up the funds to make it a success. II. ..! Maierof the executive- commit tee of last year's carnival being present was asked to give a statement as to the possible cost of a street fair equal to that of last year. Mr. Maier responded in behaWol the committee and said that assuming that $2, 600 won id be needed tO fence the race track and build a grand taad, as much as 13,600 more would be j required to insure the success of thel carnival and street fair proper. The sentiment of the meeting was en- I thusiastically in favor of a street fair and carnival, and the following gentle- j men were appointed ap an executive committee to carry out the objects of the meeting and report progress at an early data: C. E. Pease, J. C. llostet- ler, L. K. Crowe, E. M. Williams, J. Fish and C. Michelhaugh. This com mittee will meet tonight and arrange for the work before them. ft may be added that the lientlemens' Driving Association have offered the use of their race hack and grounds to the District Fair Association free of all charge, perpetually. lint to make the the grounds available lor a stork ex hi Lit as well as for a competitive race track, will necessitate ttiat the grounds lie sur rounded by a high plank fence. This means an expenditure of something like $2,000 for the fence and grand stand. These improvements are necessary if the Second Eastern Oregon District Fair, with its $1,500 of premiums contributed by the state, is to be accommodated and provided for as it ought to be. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS consideration, or in fact allowing the government to take the land at all. An inspector was in attendance upon the pow wow, watching the drift of opinion and advising the conservative Indians as to an agreement acceptable to the gov ernment, i i.' It will be well to remember that if two thousand or twenty-five hundred dollars are needed to put a high plank fence around the race track of The Dalles Driving Association the fence is not for their use in any sense. The association is not a horse-racing gambling organiza tion, but a company of Dalles gentlemen who love, as who does not, to own a r, yesterday afternoon sold his clip horse that cau make a record for swift- of WjkOOO pounds of wool at the W asco ness. The association, for its object and purposes, needs neither a high fence nor a grand stand, but if the city will Store. Sale closes Saturday night, Julv 20th. The mayor lias called a special meet ing of the council for tomorrow (Friday; night, to consider matters relating to city aawers. Don't overlook the boys' suit sale at tbe New York Cash Store. Twenty per oent discount on all knee pants suits, '3 to 15 years. If you are planning a vacation trip yojn will need a good supply of shirt relate. A. M. Williams & Co. is the plaoe to buy them. John linker, of Antone, Wheeler warehouse for 1 cents a pound. W. T. I iardner, of the Boys' and ( iirls' Aid fjpeiety of Portland, arrived in town on the noon tram with a tine looking boy Of some 12 years, which the society baa Committed to the rare of Mr. and Mrt. Bern i Rondeau, of Kingshty. The Goldendale Sentinel says: "Some large trout have been caught in the Little Klickitat the past week, as fol- Mi F. Derting, one 30 in., weigh-1 lbs; John Hess, one WJj inches ' ling 6 lbs., and Ray Spalding, one inches, Vu lbs. Can any other 1 beat this?" k and the gang drinks with you, ! off and you go it alone; for the ! bar. room bum who drinks your mm has I Querulous thirst of bia own. Feast M your friends are many i fast and cut you dead ; tbev'll not get wad if build the necessary fence and grand stand the association offers to Keep them in repair and to donate the use of their track and grounds to the Eastern Oregon Fair Association, free of charge, for all time. We must provide for the entertainment of the agricultural fair and this is by long odds the cheapest way to do it. CASTOR I A For Iniauts and Children. TIm Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the s0A J " Signature of feey"&&6 WILL VISIT CELILO FALLS. River and Hartxtrw Comintttaa'a Trip from L.twlton 1'urt of .lo'irney by Kali anil 1'art by Water. Today's Oregonian says: "The wish of the Inland Empire for a visit from the rivers and harbors committee ami for a practical illustration of Portland's interest in an open river will be grati fied this mouth. Chairman Burton and between twelve and fifteen members of the committee will leave Eewiston July 24th for a river and rail trip on and along the Snake and Columbia rivers to Portland. The Portland delegation will be L'nall, because of the length of the trip and the time required, but it will be representative of the city's largest interests. A. L. Mohler, president of the U. R. & N. Co., Theodore B. Wilcox and H. W. Scott will be members of the party. Six others who will be selected in a day or two will make the trip. The Portlanders expect to leave Monday night. They may meet the rivers and harbors committeemen be tween Spokane or Eewiston, or go direct to Eewiston and await the arrival of the com m It tee. "Chairman Burton's committee will leave Seattle on the evening of July 22nd and go direct to Eewiston, aniving there on the afternoon of July 23d. For the remainder of the day the committee will be the guests of t he people of Eewiston. The celebrated Porter orchard on the Clearwater will be visited and luncheon, including fruits, will be served. After that then- will be a driye ending with a A sudden fit of economy has seized the quiet dinner in the evening. mall boy. He clings to every cent and j "On the morning of July 2Uh the buys UO more Dandy, A fonder desire committee, accompanied by representa enttiralls him. lie wants to see the 1 lives of the towns of the Inland Empire j show, the big show with its vast ex- 1 and the Portland delegation, will leave New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Pepart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ii .MAYS CROWE, Prineville, Gold Beach and all other towns in the state on precisely the same basis. The exchange price is the price the pupil must pay for a new book wiien he surrenders an old book upon the same subject and of the same grade, heretofore legally adopted by the state board of ed ucation, and in actual or contemplated use in the public schools of Orettom This price remains in force to December 31,1901. It is intended that a family having childreu attending a public school shall have tiie right to exchange old books in their possession for books as above stated. The official depositories for Wasco I county are located at The Dalles. Ante lope, l!oyd, Cascade hocks, Dufur, Hood River, Mosier and Tygh Valley. Hig ifcow Coning, has been made for the committee in Portland, and probably none will be needed." I'KKSONAI. MKNTION. Henry Herliring took his family this morning on a summer outing to Carson. Dr. O, C. Hollister arrived hereon tht always do. Try them noon train from Portland, accompanied i C. Hlakeley's drug store by his sister, drai.e, and tier newly married husband, Mr. J. H. Sinalley, of Chicago. The party visited Tumwater this afternoon. old ttoiiir' Bapavlaaaa, M. M. Austin, a civil w.tr veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doc tor's treatment, hut was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, whic'i worked wonders for her health." They Onlj "Joe at (i. DlUDi Wednesday June 17, on Light Mile Creek, this c unity, (ieorge Foster, aged 5H years. Mr. Foster was an old time lesident of this conuty, and the cause of his deatli was Hright's disease. The funeral took I place today at Light Mile. Just received a new supply of North rup & Sturgis' pure food products, as follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa nut, baking soda and high grad't leaveu er. If it's Northmp A Sturgis, it is good. Get a package and try it. For sale by Conroy, Son it Co., S. L. Brooks' old stand, The Dalles, Or. jyl3 2wd pause of white tents, lluttering flags, Eewiston by boat. It is hoped ttiat the gilded cages, gorgeous band wagons, be- stage of the water will permit a river spangled performers, comical clowns, 1 trip to Wallula. Here the visitors will prancing horses, wild beasts, and all t tie , board an O. R. & N. train for the run to features of Sells & (iray's United Shows, ' The Dalles. Time permitting, the ub which arc to give two performances in structious between The Dalles and The Dalles, on Saturday, June 20th. I Celilo will lie viewed on the down trip. So theritia.il boy is saving his money be- I At Tbe Dalles, the committee and the cause he wants to see that big show, and I guests accompanying them will dine he knows full well that only one boy can I with the Commercial Club. On the get iu free by carrying water for the ele phant. Rut rown-up people are also awaiting the coming of the bIiow with interest and looking forward to its coining in antici pation of a big time. The marvelous acrobatic feats of the six Eddy's will make any of them open their eyes, as will the acts introduced in the long pro- NOTICE. Notice is hereby itiven that the under signed will on Thursday, the Ml, day of August, ItHII, at the front door of Die County Court House, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in tiie forenoon of said day sell to the high est bidder for cath in hand, all of the propei ty to which Wasco county, or any other pnblio corporation in said Wasco County, has acquired title by virtue of sale for taxes, as shown by the records of tax sales for said Wasco County. ROBIBT Kki.i.v, Sheriff ol Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of July, 1001, jyH-dw otw DISSOLUTION OF PARTNtRSHIC The partnership heretofore existing between T. Poland and M. Heisler, un der the style and firm of Poland and Heisler, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. T. Poland retires from the firm ami the business will he con tinued by Heisler & Son, who will col lect all accounts due the late firm and pay all its debts a. id obligations. T. Poland, M. H i.ii. Kit. Dated at The halles, July 17, 1001. jyl72wd.' w DISSOLUTION NOTICfc. Notice is hereby given that the co paitnership heretofore existing between Maximilian Vogt and Philppine Chap man, under the firm name and style of Max VogtaVOO)) s this day dissolved by mutual consent. Maximilian Vogt mil Continue the business of said formei 1 firm, and will receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm ami pay all debts contracted ny said llriu. Just received at Uilbreth t Son's lumber yard, a few carloads of No. 1 cedar posts ami A shingles. They are agents for Heath A Miliigan's cele brated shingle paint. Call on them; their prise! are all right. Wood uot tliimeil is better by QOfl a cord than wood I that is. jylO "I am indebted to One atlnQtC Cough cure for my present good health ami my life. I was treated in vain hy doctors for lung trouble following la grip pa. 1 ! took One Minute Cough ('me and re covered my health." Mr. K II. Wise, i Madison, ia. ('la ke ,V Falk's P. O. milll. Millt- I'harmacv. M id-mi i ii r clear 4HOa sale of nerv at the Oaupbell 4 Wilson nery parlors. Lvervlhing in the line of headwear at one half the actual val ue. j'.'H-llll FOR CAMPERS. Gifford's Fotos Never Fade. gram of staitling uovelties by Miss Edna, the Tybeils, tbe Earl Sisters and the other famous artists of the ring who are especially engaged witb Sells & Grey't (or the trip through the Cascade Locks shows. to Portland. No plan of entertainment morning of July 2oih a boat will be pro vided by the people of The Dalles and all hands will start for a trip to Rig Eddy. Here they will go ashore and view the obstructions at tiie lower end of the rapids. In case the visitors have not had time to see Celilo on the down trip by rail, they will board the train at j The While Collar line, Pailey (iat.ert, Uig Kddy and go to Lelilo. After tbe ; mil sell through round-trip tickets to Raggage awui O M A ICC FOLDING J9 SCAT. CLOSED Just the thinif to take alum: when you Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 17lh go OajUOing or to the seacoast. For sale day of July, 1001. M a H I Mll.i.vv Voci r, lyflO'dV I'illl I I'I'INK OUAI'MAV. obstructions have been viewed to the Seaside and return. .becked satisfaction of every one the rivers aud I direct to either North Reach, Sea view, harbors committee will boarc? the boat Lons Beach. Breakers, ocean Park or Nahcottu Tickets good until Sept. 15th, J. M. Fit loon, agent. by SEXTON .V WALTHEP. R. R. Oilbreth A Sons mil keep at all times a supply of hay, grain and iced which thev will retail at tbe I west market rales. j-ti-tf If anything ails your hair, go aud see Frezer; he's the headquartere for all hair remedies. Remember ttiat he makes a rpecialty of these goods. tf