The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - JTJU IS, IWI DOCTORS ASD EDITORS A New Brunswick physician ine remarked that newspepers nr. run for revenue on'v. the CbarlMWO Sentinel get? back at hia; m this , , "The doctor from Algona says that IMpipatMN re run for revenue onlv. What in thonder do doctor; ran for, anyway .! Do they run for glory? One good healthy doctor's Kill wniiM run this Ot ICC for SIX 111 " v''' - ----- month?. "If we got sonic glory out of it we would agree to take one of bit pills, after Bret saying our prayers. If the editor makes a mistake he has to apologize for it. but if the doctor makes:) mistake lie buries it. "If we make one there is a law suit, tall swearme and a sme'l of sulphur, but if the doctor make- one 1 . there is a funeral, cut flowers and a smell of varnish. The doctor can wnrrl a fnnt Ifttitf. hut if the editor uses it he has to spell it. "If the doctor goes 10 see another man's wife he will charge the man for the visit. If the editor calls on another man's wife be gets a charge Of buckahot. Any medical college can make a doctor. l'OU can't make an editor. He has to be horn one "The editor works to keep from starving, while the doctor works to ward oft the gout. The editor helps men to live better, and the doctor assists them to die easy. "The doctor pulls a sick man's leg. The editor is glad if he can collect his bills at all. Revenue only? We are living for tun and to spite the doctors." VALVE OF HOSPITALS. The hospital, says an esteemed exobange, has taken its place among the institutions of the land, and will beyond doubt hold that place per manently. Whereas, not many years ago it was regarded as almost a dis- grace to be taken to a hospital, now adays people look upon it in a differ ent light. They are learning slowly but surely that in cases of sickness it is wise to take advantage of the facilities offered by such institutions, ratlior thn rlr, srithnut thorn nrl aot ' V .lU. j. . along with inadequate mean.'- at band a', home. Every argument favon the patient iieinL' taken Lo the that the most approved scientific appliances and mQtbodl of treatment may be utilized for the handling Of patients atllicted by any malady. There one find; perfect sanitary condition;. Scientific knowledge intelligently ap plied, with ikilltul attention by trained nurses whose rigid course of training enables them to supplant the physician'.- treatment and properly to carry out their instructions. Before another decade has passed, if mesent tendencies are a criterion from which to Judge, no case of sick ness will he treated at home, hut the vastly better facilities of the hospital will be called into requisition in every instance. An Eastern Oregon editor felt chillily tremulous when he law that he had used the phrase, the suspicion- circumstances surrounding the Wedding," when h.- wrote "an- picious" ; but when the Blue moun tain "rouui came around, not with a gun. but with a goldpiece, god mb. scribed for th- paper, and told the editor to keep the ohange, and thanked him for being so considerate, he felt quite proud and OOUrageOUS. The man who enjoyed pointing to the revenue stamp on hjl check as un evidence of oppression, will now miss a fauiilia. tonic, luweau the . . . i iim luu .-i,ai. Clarke & Falk nave reOSIVed a carload of the celebrated James K. Fat to. itrictly onre liquid paints n r ill rata m i hi nnniu A full line of Eastman films and sup- plies just received by Clarke A Faik. NOTICE. The following county warrant" will be cancelled Of tbt county court in thirty (lav from toll date nnle called bv the parties owning Jauie within the nest' thirty days !sto A "it. .Tulv 7, 1893 1 70 . . JulV 7, 1898 1 S March 12, 1 80S I 70 March 12, 1892 1 00 March 12, 1892 1 00 . Nov 12, 1886 1 80 May 8, 1892 . 7 80 Julv 9, 182 1 70 March 10, 1888. 1 70 May 8, 1892. l 80 .Ian 7. 1893. 1 80 Mar. h 12, 1898. . 1 70 Ian 7, 19:-. 1 10 . .Nov 14, 1888. . . 1 HO Marcb 12, 1892. 1 80 ...Jen 7, 1898.. 2 80 Mav ;:. 1894 8 10 July 7, 1898 l 90 .lafv 7. 1898.. 2 00 . .Nov 10, 1893 1 70 . . .Nov 14. 1 2 1 70 March 8, 1894 2 00 Mav 11, 1894 3 77 Nov 10, 1893. 1 80 Mav 11, 1894 3 10 Sept I!'. 1992 . 1 70 Nov 14. 1 60 Jan 7. 1898 1 80 . . . Jan 6, . 4 70 . .Nov 14. 1892 . 1 60 . . .Jan 5, 14 4 0i . ..Mav 5, 1898 1 70 . . Jan 11, 1892 1 70 Cbas Bradlev. Wm Blam. . Mr- Bird i.-ji.amm. xom Branch Wm Illaek cnasCannon Thee Dowon M j P-mjav!on. JgfJIg ,io A Kenna huh) rvouer I; F Moore Wm Methen W M Murphv Mr? S C Helton Rd Nn ton 't H I'aimer R A Pown G w Robertson . Jot llaben iieo Stiies. w J Sonderlaod. C I' vanntier? .lohn Smith (as i. Smith . John Wickitrom U n N edeKind j.rar,kWiit By order of the Honorable County Court oi Wasco County . Oregon . Dated this 16tb day of July. 1901. A E. Laki, County Cierk. NOTICE TO THE PEOPLE- Which Will be For Their UWB llenelit if fleeded. Berne buviue any tombstone or any Mmterv wotk come and see Mr. Co- mm:. I'on t iet any one bluft'you with their suck ta,k Tnev know not him: about the busme? and run down the poor mechanic. They try to make you believe that tneir work is durable. Be fore you i.'!veJvour order let Mr. Comini take you out to trie cruetery and show " ".'-moo: wor, uv puts up and aive von his prices hn similar work. Bon't be in a harry to give your order, but firat give Mr. Comini a chance to figure on your work You rill find by i-Kine any one who nas tiad business dealings with Mr. Comini that all of tii work is of rirst-eias- qoalltj, just as he represents it to be. and that his prices f'jr inch work are very iow. It is not necessary to send for stone illmp r.ia.-s thrif- is aliin hurl, in The Dnliaa tbat will stand until the judgment day. Sandstone crumbles. jnnl2dawtf Sammer stxeorsions t. toe sea ( oa4t. Oniy $6 60 for the round trip from Trie Dalies to Long Beach, Tiojfa. I'acitic Park, Ocean E'aru i.r Nabcotta, Wash., Stood for return until Sept. 15, 1V)1.1 batfitatfe criecKed tnrouai. to deetina- ti0D, Toe 3teamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland daily except Sunday and Mon,id'' and tDe Haasalo daily except Sunday, at - p. m.. and 10 p. D, on Saturdays, making direct connection" at Astoria and at Ilwaco for all points on i 'reiion and Washington beach ea. Call on las. Ireland. aent, The Dalies r IbrOOgb time card to al ieach points Betes t Pen-Asnerlean Exposition, Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from Ti.e Dillet, fsi.-;.o. Tickets on sai- first and tiiird Tuesdays during J une, Jui , August, September and October, (food for continuous passage going On date of sale. ! Rjtum limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-over; will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply- uiir to aatent (J. R. i N". Co.. The Dalies whereby tickets will ba honored on lake learners in one or both directions be- tween Detroit and Boffah . tf Jamis aiLANn, Agent Why not spend ttif vacation at Ya- 1'iina bay, where can be had excellent i.irr. good fishing, good boating, safe bathing, aliurin". rides and rambles, the mrses and esnriuees at the summer school of 190 at Newport will afford Bir... iiri ui iiisimoiioDf, qivoriion mill einer, .iir uient. An otliH" rn-.n i offerseqaal sltraotloos and like sdvao- ldei- JOBlMf sic Headaehe absolutely and perms- neatly cured by iisinu sloki Tea a l j . I leoetni herb drink. Cores constipation am! indloesll on. mala ind happy. Batisfaeiion guaranteed o. iiion-v hack. cts. andoOcte. liiakeley, the druggist Dyspepsia can be cured by Ming Acker's I'vspepia Tablets. One little lablet will jfive immediate relinf or money refunded. Sold in bandtoroe tin botes gt 35 ots. Rlakeley the druggist. It Ultln' I H it lak. But hr. "M wmpletely bidden "y eoree, ijioiches and pimple.- till S(,e asea boeklen i atrnioa .iaive Then tney vtnisned as aril all Bruntions Ul'Mr ,.Faj- U,.It Il -i .tl , 1 ", Z .... ,4 wl Infallible for Cuts Corns Hump Scalds and Files. Cure guaranteed. tfoatG.C Hiakeiev drug store. s NOLAN S still goes on u-uHv pentlto be given aV.y August 3rd I de.ire to correct ., error - ivails tL becsuss I So nol keep a poor bra e .landing ' honn a day to do 2 or 3 hour, work that I ,1,. not dshvff vffijffig diver good. In my line ,to more people every day than . I othe rd . intr 10 1 (1 the Bame 1 m- combined, he barVaina 1 offer can 1 f h.ii,iivp,d Vu,.,L fnr rlfliiverinc roods in the city and deserve to . t v a a . ' ' CJ C7 White Collar Line. Tift Dalles -Portland ROUIB StT. BAILEY-GATZERT DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River. White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland Arrive The Dalles. i.ea 4 .10 Arrive Portland. Meals the Very Best Sunday Trips a Leading Feature This Boute ha the irande't s,euK' Attractions on Earth Portland -Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA."- iJai'.y Hound Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland Leave Astoria A. M. P. M. Landing and office Foot Street: both phones, M 351, ' iregou. of Alder Portland, W. ORICHTON, Agent Portland. J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Atrent Astoria. HA.YNE8 BROTHERS, Mannfaetmers of The "Haynes" Net ni Siata, Wt-are pleased to in fori; i our patrons and the r.ubli'' in genera! that we ftav.- the exclusive control ami i.ian'ifactun- oi the celebrated lljt'.n... BflMlrap whlAli i. Ihit Umt mvm. t. - : . yet invented for unloading hay ot grain in neaaet oois. ve ar,- now manufacturers at Dofar, Oregon, and each Set is carefully made and examined before leaving the factory. ,i- - 1 1 ii i i i .. u . -i iii pi. i , . p.. i ,, i . ,,iHi sat- laiaetory. rresixjndenee solicited from all Interested 5? , ' " '"- HAVNES into.;.. Dufur, Or. John Pashek. The Tailor. Has just received L000 aamples of the latest patterns in tient's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good lit or no pay. : John Pashek. The Tailor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land optics ai Vancouvu, Waab,, i June M. tool Notice i- berebjr given that the following named settlei iiave Aled notice of their in ten t tn make nmi prool in mpport oi their aim-, ami mar iro- i- vi h.- maii.. hlnra llcei-lcr am Kweivcr. I i.,h ..ih.u. u. ' '"t',-,liver' wsh..uh gatuntar, Aagusi W, iwi, Oaicar s. 1'ara.ona, ' ,u ."i: names the following witnesses to prove his' eon- llnuoni resioence upon and cultivation oi asU ''' Husseil n awsi:.. Join. I uif.-r. Il-in 'I rabu. w fidgsr A- Bopper, all oi Lyle P 0 u I IIKtoll Rdgar a. Hoppei n:,K. . "v. y paniel i' . ; to provi in- continuous residenc 11. K. S ?t.'l for th. IP ind cnltivittion of ssld Und. vis "'ni ' iikt,KiivII li.niu.iisor .- Hrnui- - - ii i nTrabu. .. tv K iJl NHAK llctfi-u-r. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. UAMO iimi I AT 1 HI I IK June 7, luui Notice i- liereb lZ$Z!X Tli ti'!''l': nven tiiat um followlna that said proof will be made U u in- i .aim. auiil 3, "uy k.?;. v,r "" ...1 U.j.i....- - -r . ,. 77 qi.WI l-fiir.. II... kf.1...... Krcil Ntockil Tl... if t s.- - ... - Tg' ,M" W" li.. i,m. ih. i ii .w,,,,. .' ." ... ,, , , , , - -"--.- u ' ,ro-. i, . contlniwus residence upon and cultivation of anl laml, vu ation of ":-r i.ix. Alex hra-cr i: r BfOOk i oarMs-aawsoo, all Thi rial 1st uiegon. I,MI- JAV LUCAS, Kwitter. Profit-Sharing nv,.s(.nt continue as last mount ana any persou wuv - noimfnllv rest assured that the order will be attended to can hi h bv gome one of the numerous expressmen who pay a Iff. T. Yellowstone Park Line THE DINING OAR ROC IE FROM PORTLAND TO TUK LAST. THE ONLY DIltKCT LINK TOTHK YKLLOW- STONE PARK union Depor, Finn and I sis arbivk. No. 2. Fust mail for Taroma. Seattle, Olympla, Qray'i Harbor ami South Bend poitit. Spokane i Ko hndi B, c, Pullman, Uoteow, Lewlfton, Bui 11:18 A. M. faloBumpmlnlngeonn trv, Belena, Mlnneapu- lis. St. Paul, Om.ilia. Kansas City. St. Loull, Cbieafo and all points No. i. eat anil tOUtheMl. Putrel Sound Express 11:80 P.M. for raeoina ami Seattle ami intermediate points No. 8;80 P. SI. No. 3. r;00 A. It. 1'ullman first Clasa and tourist ileepeti to Minneapolis. St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Veatlbuled trains. Union depot conneotloni in ail principal ciuet, BagMge eneoked to destination of tloketa. Vnr 'iflttilsnmplv 1 1 1 tl St riltrtl ,l,.s,-ri 1 ,tl V. tiialtor. tiokets, sleeping ear reservations, etc.. eail ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant i.eneral l'assenger Aireiit. 968 Morri son Street. comer Third. Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via s Shasta Route Trains leave The Oalles for Portland and way stations at 1 a. m. ami '. p, m. I'e:,v " Mun" d : A : 1 2! wiw l SI Arrive Ashland Sacramento can t raneisco . uijHam 11 nam 8:00 )i rn i . 88 a ni :io p in 8:18 a m 11:1". a 7-28 am :80am ArriveOgdon 8:45am " iJenver StOO a m " Kansas city 7:38 am Chicago ":" a ni Arrive Los Angeles 1:90 pm Kl Paso 8:00 p m " Port Worth ii:;i a m " City of Mexico 'J:S.ia in Houston 1:00 a in New Orleans ti :25am Washington ... . 6:1.' am New York 12:48 pm 7 :0n a m ii :tio i m 6:80 a m ;i SB a ui 1:00 a ni 8:38 p in ii 19 a m 12'43 i' ui Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair car- Sacramento to Oarden and Kl Paso. and tourist oars to Chicago, .st Louis. New Or- leans and Washington. Connecting St San P raneisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Central and .-south America, Bee sgentatTbe Oalies station, or add.tM C. H. MARKHAM, General Panscnuer Auent. Portland. Or Just What You uiant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucii wide variety ae we are ehovrinfr never tie lore graced a single stock. Real imita tion ereton effect! at ordinary prices. Good nauerB at niia-m, r sit ritvr uric,,. Klegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours 'or a small price, at our store on Tiiird street. Also a full line of hona Ml.ta . 1 D. W. VATJSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business letters of Credit issued available in the Kaetern States. Sight Exchange nod Telegraphic Transfers sold nn Shw Ynrlr i 'I, a. TZZil Zl " ,. "vVi oi . uuuae, nau rraucieco, i ort anil tare- , tw'sU u--.i 7.! "n .V" g0ni Seattle Wash., and various points an irreyun auu v asiiiugton. Collections made at all points on fav orable teruaa. lit at n:t; Thp nmiimiiia Paulrinn On II III V III U I'll U'llllllH ll(U UUIUIUUIU 1 uyiwuj ., Willi Ublllb Southern Pacific Co Association ii. ,,( before announc I lie U or J be patronized. KTOIsAlV. J PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF M ANtTKACTr KEKt OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON ,)RIF.n BEEF, FTC. mm Bestaurant The W. W. Wilson Co., Props. First-Class in Every Respect &IBALB AT Al l. BOVKH. Oysters Served in any Style. .S7 Second St., The liuilos. or Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. IXj artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. iNo other preparation can approach It in etiioicncy. it in- stantly relieves and permanently cures DysDepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, j.'iatuience, &our atomacn, jausea, Sick Headache, Oastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and tl. Large site contains 2V4 times small size. Book all r.boutdyspepsiamuiieUfree PfW" b E r- OcVlTT A CO.. Cbicaga Sold by Clarke AFalk'p I'.O. Pharmaor. Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Tapers direct from factory. Solid. Rex, Deko, Yelx and Aristo in all sices. Also a line of J'lates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all acceeones to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Rureka Combined Toning and Fixing Ratli is a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing OS pet S has noeijiial. Bnongh for 86c to developed dozen nlatefi or ti dozen elox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask fur the A. E. C. De veloner, and eee that von get the genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of your own formal;, and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Street lhe Dalles, Oregon, Geo. C. Blakeley. I , , L. Lane, 8ENEKAL B Wagon and Carriage Work. B. Flash Brnlh.,.i aai. 1 . . negnn. t Tiiirt and Utm, Pine 159 ...AND... Horseshoer 1 ii ii uses maii , Oregon Short Line and union Pacific DIPAM rot time sohrdulk8 mom THE DAl.l.ES. A RSIVi; MOS Oh eaito Portland Bpeetat. 12:28 p. i. via Hunt Infton. Atlantic Express, I J.'iO h. in. vIm Hunt Infton. salt Ijikc, Inuiver, Ft Worth, OnuiliH, Kan tasClty,8t.luis.Ohl nago ami tin' East. 1:04 p., Belt Ijike, Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaiia. Unn sasCity.Ht luls,('hi. nit- d Ml East. Walla Wallh, lxnvlHtnn. Hpokane.Wallaoe.Pull. man. Minneapolis, st. l'aul, liuliith, Milwuii kee, Chicago and East. 1:45 ft, st. Paul Kast Mail. g:36 p m. Via Spo kane. 3:110 ft. OCEAN AND KIVER 80HEDU1E Frimi I'urtluiKl. AII sftillns; ilatf- SUb jeet to change ) For San PTSnCtSCO, Sail every 6 days. K:00 p. m. I 00 p. a, Dally except Sunday, - on p. in. Saturday. 10:00 p. in. 4'olUUlltlH ItlV.'l. lo Astiirin and Way Landings. 1 00 p. new U Illii tl.- KlVfl Oregon City, Newberg, Salem, Independence, ami v ay-Landings. except Sunday, '):0i a. in. Tuesday, I hursday, Batuida) . i. 00 a. in. Tuesday, Tbursdsj . Saturday, 7:00a. in. I:m eicep; Sunda: 4:80 p. a Wednsski Friii- Corvallls and Way Landings w ii lismette mill i in li 1 1 1 I : I vri. 1:30 p.c Morula. Oregon City, Dayton and "ednmi,. Waj Landings Ifntij Leave Riparia daily. 3:40 a. in. SuHkt. River. Rlparla to Lewlston, iim LewiMti datttf, 8:93ai Parties .lexiriiii! tn en to H.'ppiier ! point! on (loiumhia southern via ltiuas. thou,: take No 2, leaving The Dalles at LT;24p.E mauni; direct connections at Heppner juuetic and Hin- Returning makingdirectconMetti at Heppner Junction and HIkks withNo, Lv riving at The Dalles at 1:06 p. m, Fo further particulars, call on or addmi JAB. IRELAND, Ami, The Dull, s, Oieg :. Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. Nasal CATARRH In all lis !;'-. there a ' j 1 1 1 . i be clcanliuess. Ely's ( ream linlm f Issjiiss, soothes awl hesls the tiiisassd menhrane. It curt-1 cat arrli ami iln eg lus.-iy a coia iu Um liiuU aaieUy, Praam Helm is plsoed into the nostrils, pr5' over UM mtmlrrsns and hj aluaorbctl. Belleflsss pjMdlate and cure follows, it is not drying-" Dot produce HMSalng. LftrgS Size, 50 cents si DSsT by mail; Trial Bum, 10 cents by msii. a.i WsUTtigRS, M Warren street, Nswte H J.8. 8c HRNc.'K. Max A. VOSf. Cauuil" . frusiileut. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - ORBO" A General Banking Boeinees transact Depoeite received, subject to Sight Orait or Cheek. . Collections made and proceeds prompt remitted on dav of collection. . . Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold' Hew York, Ban Franeisoo and land. 4 1 D. P. Thompboh. Jao. 8. Bcmk 1 n. M. Williamb, Qao. A. U1 U. M. Bball.