The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 17, 1901, Image 4

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    Spitting Blood
"I nwl u
u - P
c r n n i i a "mil rttnl Spit
b loud, niil i
111;.' neighbors j
i i lJuy t on, I
' Hll' , whore I
i live, raid .
h n '
sumption, ill
tin ...ii the
did hi ' till
Mr Kl lo 111V
fhi r. i. : teat
i Olllthlllfi ;i!lil
trying ii i7tr
i in sorts of
1'unli. itin. Kilt
hi 'i niz seemed to rcai h my trouble until I
sol hold of a bottle of Acker's English
Kemedy, I prayed for health all the time,
and my prayers were answered an noon
ii- 1 began taking this celebrated Eng
lish expectorant aiid tonic. Since my re
covery I liaTe tolii hundreds of lufrerers
from coughs, cold- and weak lung that
Acki r a English Remedy would cure them,
Some of tin in won't try it. ami it doe,
eeera to me terrible when anyone deliber
ately refuses to be cured There ought to
be ii lu". compelling consumptives to take
it. Even it they don't care for their own
lives, the public's welfare should be consid
ered. Don't you think go too? I hope
such a law will soon be enforced
(Signed) Mas. Richardson.
Mid tt He., COp. ami II i bottle, thr. ujli-.ut ttaet'tilted
Statcttnit i -in i lu : and In Knglamt, At If. sd.,M.
H-Sd t( you are not satisfied Aftar luiym.-. return mm
bottle t" druggist sua stl y.ur money back,
IIV n'ifhnriZ' Uu QbOM fjmrantre.
11 7. BOOKSR ,v Proprietor), A'eu lori.
at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
Schedule .if Expenditure!
(Showing the amounts of all claims pre
Ben ted, the name-' of ail claimants, the
articif or claim for which payment is
mailt-, tlit- amounts allowed anil the
or rejected
22 CO
lf 87
18 00
S 40
20 00
5 00
0 Ijo
6 72
21 12
Juiy term. 1901, of the county court of
Wasco county, Oregon, The following
list, however, dues not contain any
claim for which the salary or fees are
provided for by statute :
TJ Driver, rebate poll tax f I 00
Oregon t , T Go, uicssaget to
snerill' 2 76
Henr II idson, services deputy
asses -or 14-3 50
Btuith , Wallace, supplies to
road district No 84
Frank trwin, supplies to road
Oi-trier No 34
J S DuPir. ctpyiiiii rteliniiient
tax roll
J h Baruett, copying delinquent
tax rol:
Black & Ash, supplies to H Fit-
iirs Ferguson, examining insane
E E -:avae. nails to Milier c In-
R L' Qilnreth) supplies to road
district No 10
R b Gilbretb, supplies to road
district No 10
Maier v Benton, cord wood to
Mater A Benton, supplies to roail
district No 2o
A M U tiliauis & (Jo, imlse for
M K McLeod, deputy assessor
hite 8 tlmon B & I Co, lumber
tor rood district No F.
Tucker Sawmill Co, lumber for
road district No 7 . & Burnet. Imriii mnn 1.1 nn
.M II Nickelsen, deputy assessor 166 60
J 1 1 Hockman, blacksmith work
for county t; 10
Diitur Dispatch, printing delin
quent tax notice 1' oO !
Asa G Stogsdill, deputy assessor 75 00
l'etnr Stoller, S'jpv road district
No " 118 66 :
U t Johnston, work on 111-Mile
bridge... 1875
Davenport Bros Lumbar Co, Inm-
0f lor mail district No 8, 4, 60 66
Hood River Glacier, prinlng de
linquent tax notice
John Doyens, lumber for road
district Nn 80
Antelope Herald, printing delin
quent tax notice
1! 11 Uatmatl estate, error in ux
Mountain Stage Livery Co, use
of team . .
A 6 UacAllfster, insurance on
court house
E B Wood, deputy assessor
Dr II Logan, medical services for
Wil am Miehell, buria' o! poor .
leiers, supplies to county
roads 10y 87
Warren Miller, supv road dir
trit;t No 8 18000
u R Brown, work Hood liiver
in ade
C I. Gilbert, postage stamps
0 H Crocker Cc, supplies to
0 II Crocker Co, supplies to
Fehool emu
The Irwin-Hodson Co, sunnliM
to cierk
I'aciiie states T it TCo, lueeeagei
to sheriff's office
Paeiflo state- T t TCoi neaiaiei
to olerk'i office
Alex r-raser, services road super
visor Robert Erasure, services road eu
perviaof t A Berning, work on Current
Mill grade
J L Kelly, overcharge on tag
B UIH ,V McDonald, supplies to
J P Molnerny, supplies to m-
E s Gunoing, blaokiuilth c unty
'an Duvn Adam- & 00 supplies
to BOUOty roads
L Lane, work for oouoty
J K Adeox, care county clock
I C Nickelsen, ItaliOOery for as
sensor .
CmONIOLB Pub Co, printing fur
W A Jut Baton, supplies to roads 2 00
.1 v. Blakeney, hauling sick to
Dr Ferguson, hospital rare
Knbt Kliy. h 'ard prisoners, etc
Dalle-Timee. Mountaineer, print-
inv? dellnauenl tax roll
Darenporl Bros Lumber (n, lum
ber for road district No " . . 88 68
Pioneer M lla, lumbar for rosxJ
district No. 8 ! 00
J S HarhlSnlt, supervisor road
district No6 116 00
Frank Es I'iere, road ork. dis
trict No 9 and 10 90 40
.1 l; Kickelsen, blacksmith road
district No 7 1 45
Gibbons & Marden, insurance on
court house bt'. 00
James ( Benson, supv road d;.--trict
No 17 70 00
Eist Etke Lumber Co, material
Hood river bridge Su 64
Dalles City Water Works, water
rent. Mav and June .. ...... 11 S5
L Payette, sprinkling street-, for
Mav and .1 une 3 00
W s Myrs, Insurance on court
house bo 00
Hosteller it French, insurance
On court ho'ise 4 1 00
E E Savage, spikes for county
road , 1 50
Wm McCrum, repairing case l 2-"
E l Wood, work in in slierilCs
office 54 00
.1 E Hardy, printing aiu'iis for
COUUtV road ii 00
Geo a Voung, supv road district
i No8S 30 00
I. A. R. Lake, County Clerk for
Wasco county, state of Oregon, do
hereby certify thai the above and tore
going is a full and complete statement
ol the claims presented and action taken
thereon by the County Court of Wasco
county, Oregon, sitting for the transac
tion of county bu-ines at the July
term, 1901, thereof, save and except all
claims the salary or ices for which are
provided lor by statute.
Witness my hand and the seal of the!
,lt tlt, 1 v runty t ourt amxea, tins iota any
oi Juiy, ran .
itAL. A. E. E'.kk,
County Clerk.
By St Misos Boltox, Deputy, i
i'ror. t'onllev'-. I)isc.i ery.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors a TfllO Qwli"'
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the Cily.
173 Second Street.
"1 Local,
868 I ong Distance.
RUBBER and Garden Hos
Lawn Mowers, Sprinkler
tl of anything in our line, figure
I p. s. GUWiirc,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
en trustee
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Aaent for Russell Co.'s Emtlnaa, Threshen ami Bav Mills,
Cor, Secoufl & Lausulm Sts,, THE DALLES, OR.
I f 3ou arc m need
us, for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-,
prompt attention.
will hat
Telephone 157.
Eons Distance l or.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall Barget
The Dalies, Or.
Burial Shrouds
Oi the product of this well-kno n brewery the United 8tates Hsalth I
ori" tor .lime l'".)',), khv : "a more Bupoiior OBBW never entsruj
'nited States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
Reports tor .line
t hn InhrHtnrv ol tin
of the sligbteat trace ol adulteration, nut on the other naml ih compondtl
It and choices) of hoos. Du tonic nnalities are of tin hih
. .r
it can he lined with the reateat heiieul and satisfaction nyoldsnd
insctenttonsiy n prescrmeu ty the Dhyslcians ei
tlir best of in a
est am
vouns. 1 1 - use can t
A 1 A :IA A 1 A I A : A : A A 1 .
- A I A ' A ATA 'A '
A i A
Alter wrestling diligently with tne
problem for several weeks, Professor
Cor.llev ha- Anally discovered the ee.'ret
of why spots of growlnu wheat in fields
' in Linn county and elsewhere are decay
inir.say the Corvallis Times. The wheat
was unthrifty in appearance, and at the
roots seemed rotten. By ft gentle pull
it was easily possible to separate the
lower stem from the roots.
With powerful microscopes, Professor
Cordley and Professor Pernot have been
uiakini: a study of the diseased samples
at the experiment station since the tirst
was received from Linn county several j
weeks ago. East week samples came j
from the farms of William Robinet, near
Halsey, and ii. C. Jordan, near Albany. '
and while examining these Tuesday
afternoon Professor Cotdley discovered i
the secret of the disease. The affection
i- a parasitical fuogUS that thrives most
markedly in the crown of the when!, 1
that is, near where the stalk branches
out into rots. With the microscope
the fungus could be plainly seen m the
tissues of the stalk. The disease is sup
posed to be unknown in the United
States, as there i- no mention of it in
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Condon I'lione U
Loan Utst. loot,
Next door to First National Dank.
the cersaintv that a better, purer or morn wholesome beverasre could hm
possibly he found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
rrA"-, Ji":"A rA :"A aa- a - a-' atata--a vava-i a ' a- a? a tx -3CK-f ata -a t"A SSSSSSSjl
xCiLiijr U LATUix LiIWB,
Btlamen ol the Kcgulntor Une will run as per this)
owing schedule, the Compan reserving the ii;tit to ciuji
schedule without aotice.
str. Regulator
Lv. Dalles
IW 17A.II,
i uwinj ... .
Thursday . .
i .aliinliiy . . .
1 Arr. Portland
K at 1:90 r. m.
Lv. Portland
lit 7 A, M .
. Wednesday
Arr, ballea
11 5 P. M.
Str. 'Ialda,
Leaves Cascades G a. m.
Arrive Dalles in :30 a. m.
Leave I alle- Ii p, ni .
Arr. Cascades 7 ;80 p. m.
Daily ex. Sunday.
Str. Dalles City,
i.v. Dalles
lit 7A.M.
Wednesday .
Arr. Portland
at 1 :.'A) v. m.
UP. 1
Ia . Portlnl
at 7.00 A. I
. . . . Thursdr
. ... Saturdi'
Arr. btS
at 5 P.l
any of the mycological literature
published in this country.
T Vft W ft II i n m , mm
hie Feacie s NeuoMi Famiiu Newsoaosr
T ..11 l.l 1 - -..I :l i . - B
'. oO
12 (0
2 50
4 io
If yon want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two oi I he yery
Ie3t preparations fur cleansing the
scalp Eijtf and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and glosav,
Price, 85 and 60 cents a bottle, it Era.-r--barber
shop, The Dall---. tf
To all old and new subscribers ia-. inn onn i'cr iii udv in..,. ,,ii'...
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
f Excursion Kates every Saturday for parties of live and upwards: Dalle!
I White Salmon and intermediate points, 50c ; Dalles to Cascades, $1.00.
For an evening trip take the "Iralda" at a p. m. to Hood Diver and
4 turn on the up boat.
J T, ,vc"'i th' 'ViU JFiPnrwm endeavor to giveltiJ
, ,M IUB;VUV lAiiurxBHUiju uuuross
W. C. ALLAVVAY. Gen. Agt. j
.-.! ..t.t JtioaJ
Portland Offioo, Oak-Street Dock
U 00
4 Oil
25 Oil
'jo (Hi
15 36
o 00
83 To
U ::,
IL' 50
Drylnff preparations simply dovel.
op dry catarrh ; th y dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the 111' lllhl':Ol, .'mil dlmm .
pot, causing a fur more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
iuK inhalants, (times, smokes ami onuffa
and use that, which cleanses, soothes and
Leak Ely's Cream Balm ia suoh ft remedy TDI lirrii u
and will euro catarrh or odd in the head I 111" Vf ttKLT
easily and pleasantly. A trial sio will bo
mailed for in cents. All drugfrieta sell the
60c. sue. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren Bt., N.Y.
. 'i'he Balm cun b without oain. doi ,nt.
irritate or cause sneezing, It spreads its. j
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
inglmmediateb the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Halm you aro trued
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
When your hair appears drv and to
have lost it- vitality ii wants something
to give it life and vior. We have what
the hair needR when it (jets- ;,, tlilt l.o;i.
dition. We have tho nnn
Published Monday,
Wednesday and Krl
day, ii in reality a Que
a:nl fresh every-ntiiiT
day J.iiiiy. giving the
latest news on days of
issue, n it , ' oovering
news of tlic otber :.
it contains n tmnor
tant i'rtiiri i gable
news which aiieurs
In the jpatiy Tribune
Of same date, also ii"
mestio and foreign
correspondence, simrt
storie.-. elegant half
tone Illustrations, bu
in. iron- items, indus
trial inforiuation,
fashion notes, aiirieul
tural matters, and
comprebeuttve and re
liable liniiiieial ami
market reports.
Regular subserin
tion price, 11.60 per
We fiiriiish it
Seinl Weekly CbrOIll'
tie for 13.00 per year.
Publlshe on 'Duns
day, njil known for
nearly sixty years in
every part ol the Uni
ted Btatea sa a na'ion
al family uewspapet
of the highest class,
fo- fanners and villa-
gers. it contains all
the most unportaiu
general news of the
Daily Tribune up to
the bom ol going to
pies-: an agricultural
department , uK.
bigbest order, 1ms en
lertaining reading lor
every member of tbe
fain fly, old snd young ;
market reports a liioh
are accepted as until
orlty by farmer and
merchants, and is
clean, up-to-date, in
tore ting and Instrue
live. Regular subscrip
tion price, 1 per year,
We furnish it is jlh
Semi-Weekly Uhroill
Cle for 11.10 pei year
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
of' oO
40 00
00 60
i :s-
is so
17 TJ
i Ofi
h 00
8 30
30 5o
.iHi,ee M , r Jft i, rower and
v eoanut t.reain Thev
dam! KSggt nil' ami :
lOalp dieaee-. F,,r gale at t'raisr'l bar
ber shop Price 50c ami 7oc n bottle.
Elperlenoe il the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Hemedy in any case of
coughs, eolds or croup, should it fail to
give Immediate relief money refunded
-'."i ct-. ami 60 ots. Blakelej . the drua
Ilon'i Uub n in,
Just wet the affootad parflre.-iv with
Mysteriou- l',,i (Jura, a Ivoteh reu.eily,
and the pain ( Kone. Sold bv Clarke &
Kloral lotion will cure wind snapping
and sunburn. Maiiulactiired K m..i
Babaoriba for im. Cubomiolk,
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer
After von tire of using so-called kldnev rem)
without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual PiliiajJ
forever rid of iboae null paint in your back. Vw
that old fogy idea of "pain iu the kidtievn" and D
all your bladder and urinary troubleloured. andyo"
nights made restful I.v the use of nature's grest:
aaaiatant Linooln tioxuni puis.
Plioe, $1.00 per bos bay oi votir driiBnist ori;
by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
,. Fort Wayne, Indiana-
' DOOOell, AKent, The DalleH.
The Columbia Southern Warehouse CoJ Wwo Wirolinnpo Millinir Pn
ftuuuu yuiujiuui)b mm u.
Will receive Wheat for Storage in the Wilkinson Warohouao
uuring tne uoming reason,
v.., en wdrenouse Business. quarters ior Seed Grain ofu kta
Grain Sacks for Sale. Will nas the - . i-r 7 W W WBXXL Ol P U kl
. , , viirtin.
THOMAS BOLTON. Agent, The Dalles.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle
.eadquarters for Rolled Grain U kin
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SlfitS
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendl
tOn FlOUr 8 VjOU .i,a.,faetured expressly tj
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats