The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - 3VVC 17. IW1 WOOL PRti BS, The price of Indiana wool i Jot what it wits in July, 1897, the price having fallen from 2U cents In Jn utry, 1900, to 20 cont in May of the present vpu. Tiic Same move ment is shown In all wools. Indian apolis News Exactly w, answers tbe Boston Commercial Bulletin. The price of Indian. i Wool is Juit where it was in July, 1897, when the enactment of the Dlngley tariff saved tbe farmers of Indiana from tbe legislation io loved by tbe Indianapolis News, incidentally it may be remarked that the price. -'J. cent-, received for Indiana wool In 1899 is tin highest on record. The price secured for Indiana wool by the tari'il advocated by Mr. Bryan and the News in tbe happy summer of 189C was 1 -1 cent. As South American quarter-blood, shrinking less than Indiana, can now be landed in bond at 10 i ents a pound, the adoption of the tariff policy of tbe News would mean that Indiana wool would be selling for just half the price it brings in Boston today. Prices on wool are low as com pared with 1900, thanks to the drop in wool all over the world, but. thank God, they are not at the ruin ous level that would exist if the Dingley tariff were not in force with wool abroad breaking all records for cheapness, nor have they even dropped in the United States to tbe low level secured for American wool in 1896 by tbe Indianapolis News and its allies. Mississippi is to have a republican paper. Tbe anti -imperialists of that state who. like the anti-imperialists of every other state, believe in tbe declaration of independence ami free speech o long as they arc construed to apply ti tnemselves, have not per tuitled anything of that kind for many a year: but a man who is fond of excitement and not averse to tempting Providence has announced that he will publish a paper called the Progressive Era, at .Tackson. Miss., and that i'. will advocate the principles of the republican party. Tue next announcement in connec tion with Ibis affair will be that of a Speaking of the nomination by the republicans of an Eastern Oregon man for governor, the Wallowa New says: "Unless tbe present governor does something to clear himself from tbe foul charges being mad..- against bis fair name, there is not the ghost of a chance for bis renomi nation." But the governor, it i- said, has "done something to dear himself." He is reported to nave published a denial in the -'Oregon Scout," what ever that is, and if it is a newspaper, as ire suppose, there is not one man in a thousand in Oregon who has ever heard of it or know- where it is published. 'lhe sak'm .I. urnal jays it teemi certain that Governor Geor will Lave a lion on hii hanils ti, tret re nominated for governor, it iay J the ground work is being laid to taki oven the Marion county delegatioi from bim. Bui this u no new, to some folk-, (nhei pafli in Kalem oven, bave aliened again ami aaain that Geer county, sannot carry hi.-, own Secretary or Mute Dunbar bai iwueU a circular lettei to all county clerki in the state, advUing then that under the provision- uf th.- stai, bounty laei they an mtbor ized to require corroborative evl dtnee iron. olainanU. lie itjggeati (O the clerks that in MM of ItnngtN asking foi bountiot luoh corrobor ativi evidence ibould be required, Clarke s Falk liave received a carload of the celebrated .lanit-a K. Patton atnetly mire liquid paint- The follOWlflf County warrants will be cancelled by the county court in thirty lav from thi- date unless called bv the parties OWBing same within the next thirty days : Mats A it ('has Bradley. July 7, 1893 $1 "0; m Blum., July 7, 1803 1 20 Mr- Bird. . ..March 12, 1892 1 iQ Lee Blanton March 12, 1892. I 00 Kobtrl Heard. March 12, 1892, I 1 0 Tom Branch . , .Nov V2. 1898 l 60 w, Black May 6, 1892. 7 20 A T Beers . . July ". 1892. 1 70 Cnas Cannon March 10, 1898. 1 70 Tt.o Dorton. May , 1892. . . I 90 w Ebersoll .ian 7. 1893. I 20 M J Fin lay son.. March 12. 1892. I TO E A Haumee, Ian 7. 1893 l 20 w f Hlnkle No 14. 1892. . . l 00 Jos A Kenna March 12, 1892. l 60 John Kotler. fan 7. 1893 -' 20 ; K .b.ore ...Mav 1'.. 1894 3 10 W in Metben July 7. 1893 l 90 W M Murphv . .July 7. 1898.. '-1 00 Mr S C Nelson ..Nov 10, 1893 1 70 Ed Ninon Nov 14. 1892. . . 1 70 h II Palmer March 9, 1894 2 00 R A Pown. . May U, 14 3 77 ,t w Robertson.. Nov 10, 1893. 1 60 Jos Raben Mav 11, 1894 . 3 10 Geo Stiles. Sept 12, 1992, 1 70 w ,i Bonder land. Nov 14. 1892 1 60 C P Saunders Jan 7. 1893. I 20 John Smith .Ian 5. 1894 .. 4 70 .Jas 1. Bmith Nov 14. 1892 . I 50 John Wiekstrom ...Jan 5, 1894 I 00 Wm Wedekind .... Mav 5, i":; 1 70 Frank Wait Jan 11. 1"-' '. 70 By order of tne Honorable County Court 01 Wasco County. Oregon. Dated this 16th day of July, 1901. A. E. Lake, County Cleru. NOTICE. TO THE PEOPLE. Which Mill lit- for Their Own Itenellt if Heeciad. Before buying any tombstones or any cemetery work come and gee Mr. Co-: mini. I'on t iet any one bluff you with their ilicfe talk, They know nothing about tin- business ami run down the poor mechanic. Tbe? try lo make you believe that their work it durable. Be. fore you giveyour ord-'r iet Mr. Coniini take you 1 ut to tiie cemetery and show you what kind of work he puts Up and utve you bis price- for similar work. Iion't be in a imrry to give your order, but nrst give Mr. Comini a chance to ritf'ire on your work. You will find by asking any one who has had business dealings with Mr. Comini tnar all ol nis work is of firitclal quality, just as he represents it Vj be, and that his prices for suoii work are very low. It is cot to send for stone from otner places, ther- i- stone here in The Ialie that will stand until the judgment day. Sandstone crumbles. iunl2-dawti Hummer Excursions t.. tin Sea oast. Only t) 50 for the round trip from The Dalie? to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific ParK. 1 ijan IJaiK or Nahrotta, Wash., good tor return until ept. 15, 1901. Baggag- 01. coked through to destina tion. Tne steamer T. J, Potter will leave Portland daily except Sunday and Monday, and the Hassaio daily except Sunday, at S p, n.., ami 10 p. tn. on Saturdays, making direct connection3 at Astoria and at Ilwaco for aK points on 1 iregon and Washington beacnes. Call on .Lis. Ireiand, agent, The Dalles, for througt. time card to al! beach points. jl:;-2m Rates t,. Pan-Amerleen Exposition, Round-trip rate? via O. R, & N. from Tne Dallefl, 181.90, Tickets on sale rirst and tui r i Tuesday- daring Line, July, August. September and October.good for continuous passage going on date of sale. ' L.'turn limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs trill he allowed west of .Missouri river or St. Pan', on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply, ing to agent 0. B. A N. Co., The Dalles, Whereby tickets trill be honored on lake steamer- in one or both direction! be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf Jamxi aiLAND, Agent Wiiy no' spend ine vacation at Va quina bay, where can be had excellent fare, good liahing, good boating, -if.-bathing, alluring ride.- and rambles. The coaree and exercisen at tbeiummer school of 190 at Newport will afford ,ii-.ii vaiii-n ,ji iiisiruoiioos, inversion and entertainment. No other re-,,n oners equal attractions ami li t-gee. juntitl Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by 'Hini: Moki Tea. A 1 ;ea?ant herb drink. Cure eonetination ami indlgeetion, nukes ou eat, slenp ami bappy. Satiifaotion soaranteed or money back. MctS, andoocts. li.akelev, tiif druggist. Dyspepsia can bo eared by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet!. One lut.e Tablet will Kivc Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boaea at 8fl eta. Rlakelay the .jruggist. Sli.- III, 11, 't t rllr a Put her beauty was oompietely hidden by sore-, blotctie- and pimples till she used Uucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will al! Ernptiooa, Fever ioree, Bolls, Uleere, Oarbunclee and Felons Irom it- use. Infallible for Cuts Corns, Hums, scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. a- Q, C. Ui.tUe .-v -druf store. NOLAN'S still goes on. Btillp-oftaon Weeklv presenta continue as iw " r deliver goods in my lit..' to more people every day than all. rthaeiiw ,.. I u .mhinail. and anv person who feels inclined to secure some o ie same 11 in 1 offer Can ilif bargain! and promptly delivered by some license for delivering goods in tn White Collar Line. TIlB DallBS-POrllaifl HOUtB Str. BAILEY-GATZEKT DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday. Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland . Arrive Tne l)alles. Leave " Arrive Portland. A. Hi p. It. 4 . 10 Meals the Very Best. unday Trips a Leading! Feature rainiest Tnis Route ha- the Scenic Attractions on Karth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA." Daily Round Trips except Sunday. "IME CARD Leave Portland Leave Astoria . A. M. P. M. Landiug and office Foot Street : both phones, M 361, of Alder Portland, Uregou, E, W. ORICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON. Am. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. HAINES BROTHERS, Manufacturers ot Tiie "Haynes" Net anfl Slacker. We are pleased to iofonn our patrons anil tbe public in general that we have the exclusive control anil manufacture 01 t!i" 1 elebrateil Ha) nes Net and Stacker, which is tbe be-t - lei yet invented for unloading bay or irrain froi header beds, w.- are now manufacturers it Dufur. Oregon, and each gel Is carefully made and examined before leaving the factory. n olutel stout, simple to operati and sat isfactory . Correspondence solicited from all Interested parties. jyim HaYNEH BROS., Oufur, Or, John Pashek. The Tailor. Has just received 1000 samples Of the latest patterns 111 Gent's Clothing Goods. He Buaran tees prices and a good lit or no pay. : John Pashel:. The Tailor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lavn Orrtcg at Vagccuvaa, Wash., 1 1 June 34. 1901 i I Notice s hereby given that the (oilovrina na ned settlers have tiled noUee ol their Inten tlotl t.i make i,nal proof in 'i,,rt ol their alms, nd that said proofs trill - maii,- before I hi Register and Receiver, r. 0. land once al , ancou Wash., on sat irony, Aocusl 10. 1U01 flsoai H, I'arkons, 11 fc .k saw (or II Ol SM , - name tb. '. sr.'. 11 in .-1 . - '1 p N.i K. U ft., W M who ollowilil! Witlletse- t.i nrnve his eon. ' ' residence iponand cultivation ol said Una, tlx: Bust .. j .-na: 1, Joan t'ogtr, Uaskln Trabue I ln A. ilo 1 :. ni: i.j Lvle p (i Wash ington, 1 ilgar ,. Ilnppor, 11. E. Mi 0601 tor tbe .-V: NK', Bee.8. to. .- K W. M., who pames the foliowiui ,li t., prove ia continuous lesidenoe uun si 'I euiti aiion ol niii land, rls: tn L; tiger. Russell B.awalo.tiseare. Parsons snd liaskin Trabue, all ol Lrle P. o . Washing - W i.. p ok BAB, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Ittan irn.K a 7 in DaLus.oa., 1 ,. . J'llle T, '.. ( .Not:.-.. a bertby gWtn ibal loe followlna uai Mil setti. r died notice ol bisinientkm t.. make final proof In support ol his claim, ami that sai l pr.H.J will i , ,,,.. before lhe h.Kister -' The Dalles, Oregon, on satur 'lay, Jul)- JO, ISOl, . u. t idi atoelsll. ol Ths Dallas, m 11 1 No, mm, jr the KWU of NWH0faec.g7.Tu 1 N, K l:K..W.M. lit names tbe following sritnesses loarove his eontii,ooii rej.ltu,e ,l cultivation of ssi.l lan.l. rlS. Osmer W, Cook Also. Krar. 11 f liaakl. 1 imfie Raaraoo.ail of ih.- ijsi.., otsjasv. U JAY Y LVCAS, Itegister. Profit-Sharing Association rest assured that the order will me one ol the numerous expnsBBiiiou r.v - city and deserve to XML T. D Yellowstone Park Line. the oiNixo car RociE from Portland To Tin: EAST. THK ONLY DIRECT LINK TO THE YKI.I.OW 8IONK PARK Li 4 vi. "Jaicn Dei::. Firili mi I Sis aiv, Hi 1, FasT mall for Taroma. seattlCi OlTtnpia, Oray'i Harbor and 8. lUth Bend pointf, ffv1"11"-'. Roe lanj. B. C, Pullman, Uoacovr, Lewliton, Buf 11:14 a. M falollump mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, Bt Paul, Omaha, Kansa- 1 ity. Bt IiuU. Chicago ami all polnti No 4. eaat and southeast ;60 P. It, I'uget Bound Express 11:80 P. M. for nicoma ami Seattle 7;O0A. H. ar.u intermediate polnti Pullman rlrst rlas. :in1 tourist le?Tori to Minneapolis, Bt, Paul ami Miuouri river polnti without change. Veatlbuled train-. Union depot connection! in all principal cities. Bammce checked to deitination of ticket-. For handsomely Illustrated deaoriptive matter, tickets, ileepluit-eu reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Paiienw Agent. 80s Morn son Btteet. corner Third, Portland Orefon, SOUTH and EAST via s Shasta Route 1 raiiis leav stations at I. Tbe Dalle- for Portland and way a u. m. ami 8 p. ci. Leave Portland Albany Arrive Ashland Sacramento . . an Francisco . a; 30 11 m . . 1J:30 a 111 Mam 11:30am " : U 1 p m S-15 a el nvp 111 ISa m 11:45a m Arrive Oglvi Denver " Kansas City Chicago . . .". DiOO 11 111 7 :'2& a m 7 : 1.1 u m 8:00 a m 7 . 25 a m y :30am arrive bos Angeles 1:90pm 7:00am Kl Haso 1, on p m ti :(S i p ni " Port Worth 6:80 am 'o.siitm " city of Mexico 0:55am 9:56am Houston l:00am 4:00am " New Orleans t:i'i a ut 6:36pm " Washington Sititn 6taam New York 13:48 pm 12'ilipm I'ullman an, I Tourist cars on both trains Chair ears Sacramento to Ogden ami BIPaso, and tourist oars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans and Washington, Connecting at San FranOiseo With several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, PhillpptneSi Central au'i .-outh America, Bee agent at The balks station, or uiM.iks C. H. MARKHAM, (.enerai Passenger Agent. Portland, Ol Just What You uiant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety a- we are showinj; never be lore graeed :i tingle stork. Heal imita tion cretun etlects at ordinary prices. Good paper! at cheap paper prices. Elegant design", tastemi ooloriufN, yours for a small price, at our st.ire on Third street. Also a lull line of DOOM paint! D. W. VAUSE. Third Bt FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a Genera! Banking Busiuuss. Letters of Credit issued available in R the hastern States. Sight ElOtjange and Telegraphic Transfern gold on .New York. tTklssun St. Ijuis, S,an Francisco, Portland Ore-' t gon, heattle Wash., and various uoiiita S in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. NAtoi Paciii Solium Pacific Co 1. 1,1,1 Itofnrp fttinounC- oe aitenueu , . a . . .... be patronized. BIOIiAIff. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M A N C K.U "IT K K K8 O K Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND J HAMS & BACON JR1F.D BEEF, RTC. mm Restaurant The W. W. Wilson Co., Props. First-CIass in Every Respect HRALS AT AM. HOCHM. Oysters Served in any Style. s: Sct'ouil Ht., The Dalles, ur Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature iu strengthening and recon structing tne exhausted digestive or cans. It istlie latestdiscovereddiKest- rue Columbia Packing go ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in 1 jifjj I stantly relieves and permanently cures Dvsnepsiu, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Cranipsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and 1. Large site contains ZV1 times smallsiie. Uookftllr.nouttiy.sueDsmmiiileiltree epared by E O. DCWITT 6 CO.. Chicago sold by Olarke & Kalk'- P O P H 1 in icy. Just Received A full line of Frenh Printing and le veloping Papers direct iron) factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Vrelox and Ai'isto in all sizes. Al) a line of PlateH in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Alliums, M ultigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur 01 pro feaalonal photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, til me or developing papeis has noeqoal.l Enough for 85c to develope G doiten plates or ti doaen Veloa 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for the A. K. C. De veloper, and see that vol. get the genuine. W e are prepared tocompound any and all of your own formal:, and guarantee aiisiaction. At the old place, 175 Second 8treet 1 he Dalles, t iregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. . ''!'Oi I . -M je I A ,v L. Lane, OKNEHAL Wagon and Carriage Work. Fiah Brothora' Wagon. AM and JetTcreon. fine 159 BiacksmitQ ...AND... Hofsestoer OREGON SHOLT Line AND Union Pacific DIP ART FI1 time bohr0ulb8 mom the dalle8. AKRIVf. raon Chicago. Portland Bpeotai. 12:38 p. m. viH Hunt i i.trtou . Atlantic I Kxprt ss, 12:10 ... in. Vie Hunt logton, salt Laka, Denver. Kt Worth, OnuihH. Km! asClty, 81 imis. Chi OagO niiil the Kast. 1 O.'ip.u -nit Lake. Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha. Kan sasClty, 81 Louis. Chi cago and till' Kant. Walla Wiiiih, Lewieton. bpokane.Wallaot.rull man, Minneapolis, Bt. I 'mil. I hi In tli . Ifilwau kea, Chicago and Kast 1 t'ia. tt, 8t Paul Pail Mall, 9:36 p. m. via .-( Itane. ;W a. ta. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From 1 ' 1 I I it 11 , 1 (All siiilinjr ilatOH sill, jiirt to Stauige i For San Francisco, Sail erery 8 days. 1:00 p. m. l .09 p, B, Dally except Bunday, - tn p, in. Haturdaj , 10:00 p, m. Daily except Bunday, il:00 n. in. CulUmbl Itlvfr. To Astoria and Way tending, :00 p. n:. excei: Bundi?, Willamette River. Oregon City, Newberg, Kalem, Independence, mill wu -Landings. fxeq.; Mlli'lt. 'i itesday, l hursday, Batuida) . l:p.B Monda;- Wednesdi Friday, Coi aim and Way Landings in. Puosda) . rhursdaj . Saturday . I a. 111. IVIIIamatte stod :i:30p,in Vanillin Hlvera. Mondir Oregon city, Davton and Wodassisj Waj landings, "Msj i lave Hnskka River. !ii),;iiin to Ixjwiston, ljw. Uwlsta nui!-.. :30a, Kil'iirin dally, A. 40 11. 111. Parties .lesirini? t ri to BepPMtn TKiini- on (,'iilumbia sottlbern via Biggs, sons' take No. .'. leaving TMe Dalles at U:26p,i making dlreel connections at Ueppner juuctlc si.d Biggs. Keturnlng maklngdirectconnsotlfi nt Ifeppneriunction and Wkks with, No, 1,1: riviru; at The Dalles at. t :0tVp, m. Kor further particulars, call on . r miiiroKs IA.. i KK LA VI), ARM, The Dalles, OrejM Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Nasal CATARRH In all Us ci there Slioi.1,1 . cleanliness. BIj'l Cream Ualin clean see, , lotbes ami beali the diseased iiieinliraue. It cures catarrh ami drives sway a Cold in the head QaJekly. Oreana Balm is placed Into the nostrils, tpr! over the membrane ami is sbaorbed. Relief lar msdlala ami a curs follows. It Is not lry in; do" uot prod a .- sneealng. Isvge sic, eo esntsat BfaV ' ' inall) Trial Slse, 10 oents by mall. WSUTHBlW, 0,1 Warreu Street, New Tstfc J. ft. bCHBXOa, President, Max a. VOOJ First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Buuking Buaiiiees trausw''1 Depoeite received, aubject to Higlil Draft or Check. lt Collections made and proceeds prompt1? remitted on dav of collection. Might and Telegraphic Exchange sold if New York. Ban Franciaoo an:' land. D1HKOTDHH ! D. P. TuoMFaoN. Jmo. 8. 8rH Ko. M. Wilmamb, 3io. A. LiiM' H M. Bball.