HOW CHARLES Vi. BABCOCK Proprietor Lyceum Shn'f Oyster Parlor, of Rochester. N. Y. OtHaincd $2,000 Lta insurant Mttv bualncMiw proprietor of tin Lyceum Shell oyster Parlor. m Main , ',, v "writes Mi Charles W. ls.ib.ock. "was so confining SStg&& 'y doe. r told Li bavo to leave the store sen, trotoworkatsome- . 3i till', f.'-. v" .'".. " thitigoutdi ors. He said my lungs were In bad shape, ami I knew it just as well as he did. The ttonl le had been mwiti i rv .... tm- fftf 11 " " . : . Mi li time, i.i. ' l ii . ...... . .. r .... ,' t. n ' ' tin' in uble was not it'. T alluil it tomach trouble or ner-. ' v v . 'j ., . di rdsr, bus I - - - .v &Fm . . . - f k. il roughing. ; itung e... .-i... V t . 1,- ii tat r n 1 nnrl rcastincowav I i lit a onjf. I lost in weight, falling from 140 to its t) 'Unas. Somehow or 0! her, 1 got hold ol Ack er's English Remedy for Throat ami Lung Trouble, andafter taking it a .11 ,. man in Mew York State. 1 was nealt fore took tti cold which came so tiea, killing me. I now wesgn Ho ei pounds more than ever. After recovering, I PpHedW JSm'XSSS When the doctor began examining uc . - ... .. ... ... .... . .... I UflSiKU ..I. ma ti directions, l was and stronger than be. 1 10I1CV ti..t tm- l-im--. iiait ieeu mo. . was pronounced in a first-lass condition. It that isn t proot ot tn most posi tive kind tha -v ter s English Remedy is a great medicine, I don't know what Sn p55S l giv. It mv warmest endorsement. My address is given above. Anyone w ;:o wishes may write me personally about my case. Sold a- -sc. JOC. and It a bottle, :hr. Ughotll the Tinted State; and Canada; and in England, at ts. ad., as, 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying. ret irn the bottle tr. vour aruggisi mi get yum u; For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. Will Exhibit ONE DAY ONLY. Afternoon and Evening, at The Dalles, SATURDAY JUL! 20th Highest salaried performer; in the known world notbinf too difficult for them to perform. i - ; - 1 3 l T s T J I iJJL. I : :ai!iij.i,iiiM!j)iii Wild Beasts Fro?ln.91" WINDMILLS, 5 j. e. falt & .90., j pyupc and pipe rroprioion: "' I r" a"- IIWl. I" - 5 Proprietors n TIlC OWli 3 Purest Liauors for Family Use fj Delivered to any pari of the Citf. J Pbonei : S Distance. 173 Second Street. s RUBBER and Garden Host I Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers ffyou are in need of anything in our lino, figure id lor il win a vim, F. S. GUMNir4G, ...Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DKALBB in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles. Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent fi r Ri US, We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCIj REFAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will 2 prompl attention. SEXTON WALTHEH THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. SELLS & GRAY S United Shows ; ira?unS nor. Second & LangtiUc si,, the dalles, ok, Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN RobeS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. ' 100 Startling Acts and Features 100 Arenic Attractions Unparalleled! The SIX Marvellous EDDYS PREMIER ACROBATS - r rA . fa ! A ATATA ' A I AT A I ATA! A VA I A I A ! Al Ai A I ATA IA I A A'A'A'A'A'A'A:AT C. J. STUBblG W III' D BSTA'L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National liank. THE DALLES, OREGON. i i 1 J Conaon I'limi. 'i'. Long Ulit. 1001. 1 THE CELEBRATED .. .COLUMBIA BREWERY.. AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United -Stati!.' Hnaltli , Reports for Jnne 28, 1900, eays; ''A more Bupetlor brew never enttfid the labratory of the LTnited States Henlth reports. 1' is abvolntely devoid of the Blishtesl tr.wn of Hdiilteration, but on the other hum! is com posed ol the heat "1 mall and cl iest ol bops. Itc tonic qualities are of the blgfa. eat and 1 1 can be used with the ureateel benefit and satlsfaotion lv old anJ young. Its uae can conscientiouslv be precenhed by the physicians with the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not1 possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. E sfiifficfflfe REGULATOR LINE DALLES, PORTLAND k LSTORIA NAV. Ktoanicrs of tii- Regulator Uno will run aa per taikH ow,ng tchedulc, the Company reaerving the riBhi n cki' nhedule without notice. str. Regulator Str. "'Iralda' Str. Dnlles City. DOWN LV, Unties down up, Leaven Cascades G a. m. I, ty. Dallas Lv. Portland ..,. n-n - ... ,M lit. A.M. III7A.M. ji t T A. M. Tuesday Monday Leave Dalles!! P m Monday p TiiuiMiin Wednesday , ,, Wednesday MUiirilAV Irn .'iv Arr. Lyascaues I.IU D. m. Frlilnv Arr. Dallei ll .', V. M. Daily ex, SOnday. L .HortUti at 7:00 Li T nesdi; . Thursdr . siituntc Arr. Portliitiil Air. Halls at 4:80 v. m. ator.l AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER ! il Ti. n V II a! 1" ar inn nnn n n un nnn nm iirsat nnrnn- li e mm u nauuiidi run 1 u RCVVDUdUd ? R. Arr. Portland at 1:80 P. M. i ft f II Excursion Kates every Saturday lor parties of five and upwards : Dalle I White Salmon and intermediate points, 60o ; Dalles to Cascades, 41.00. 5 For an eveninir trip take the "iralila" at 3 P. m. to Hood River and te- turn on the up host. Travel by the steamers of the Regulator Line, The Company will endeavor to give itipi i I ft rons the best service possible, For further Information address io all old and new subscribers paying; one year in advance we offei 1 C Portland Office, Oak-Btreoi Duck. w. c. ALLAWAY. Gun. Agt Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00 Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle tor SI. 50 j Ejjtki ataasa x Haaasi txt. .t gsAsi saaagsaas fessaas hi fegggsalsgaeai "f. ,;.TiYsrwi NEW YORK THE 20 CLOWNS Are a whole circus in themselves, so go prepared to laugh. TRI-WEEKLY MAGNIFICENT TRIBUNE. STREET PARADE! Never before hava vou bad the Opportunity of seeing such gorgeous display and roya' ipleodor, Avail yourself ol it. Published Monday, Wednesday and FrD day. It in reality a iim. aii'l frch every other day Dally, gii Iuk the latest news on days of ihsnv, a in' covering news 0l tlia other .;. it contains all impor tant foreign cable news which atiienr in the iaiiy Tribune ol lame date, also do mestio a u 0 ii .r.'i 1 1 1 correspondence i short stories, elegant half tone Illustrations, hu morous Items, iiiilu--trial information, fashion note-, aifrieiil tnral matters, ami comprehensive and re liable tliirtiieial ami market reports, Regular subscrip tion jirite, fl.U) k.t year, We furnish it witli Bern! Weekly chroni cle for i.'.uo r real NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. PubllSbC on Thurs day, and known for nearly sixty years m every part of the t'ui tii Btates ns b niifiim al family uowspapei of the highest Class, for fanner- end villa gers, it contains alt tho most Important general news of tin Dally '1 tibunc up to the bout of going t" nress ,ni sgrieulturs 1 department ol the highest order, has en tertainiug readlug for very member of tn, family, i, 10 ami young ! market reports hlch are accepted h. auth ority by larinris and merchants, and Is elean, up to-datc, in terasting and lustruc- tive. Regular subsorip lion price, Jl per year We furnish it witl Semi-Weekly ubroui fie for fl.fiO per yeir PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co, The Dalles, Or YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of usini; so-called kidney without any benefit, use Lincoln Saxiuil Pills snd forever rid of thone dull plni In vour baek. W that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidnevw" and W all your bladder and uriiinrv troubles cured, and rot nights made restful by the" use of nature's ft" assistant Liaooln BexaiU Pills. I'rice, $1,00 per box buy ol yoordrogfUt fltsl l'J" uirtil on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana' H. . Donnell, Anent, The Dulles. Played om Dull Headaoba, Pains In various parts of the bode, Sinking at the pil of the stomach, ms of appetite, Kaverlihness, Piuplasor bkjras are $ positive eviden om of iu pur blood, No matter bow it oeuani- so it mint be purified in order to ohiain good health. Acker- Blood Klegir has nevet failed tocure fiorofulooi or Syphilitic poiioni or any other blond diseases. Il in e.-rtuinlv g Wonderfu remedy and we m every bottle on a positive ku iran tee, Blaksley, the drug gilt, Vou will not have Uule if von a Ciarke & Kallr'- miri. enr to, lj0lg, A full line of bastuian fiiiiH and sup plies just received by Clarke & Kulk. "I wish tO truthfully "late to you gad the reader- of then.- few lines th,t your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in without ques tion, tin- ohsi and only cure for dyspepsia that 1 nave ever c iine in contact with and 1 have used many other prepara tions. John Beam, Wesl Middlesex, p, No preparation eipiai- Ko.iu! Dyspepsia Cure a- it contains all the natural dlgeetants. it srlll digest ail kinds of food and oan'i help bm do vou Mod Clarke tV Falk'l P. 0 Pharmacy . Esperlenee li the be.' Teaoher, r-e Auker's Kngllsb Bemedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup, ghouid it fail to give Immediate relief money refunded U cte. and 60 cte. Blakelev, the drug-lltl. during the Coming Season. Wffl WireisG III Ui A General Warehouse Business. Headquarters for Seed Grain of aii ki Headquarters for Feed Grain ot 11 kin or.. IOr ui. w, ,,, Hiuhest Market srl0. " crai. ; Headquarters for EolledTSrain au thomas bolton. Agent. The DaUe, , Headquarters for Bran. Shorts,' . ,a.eaaquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendl wuuduiuc iur j.ue onronicie. XOn H lOUr T,UB blunr manufactured expressly for jJB WiMiinnr i.i , U8e; "very Hack is guaranteed to give satiif call and go, our 1 XS iu the lr d " Xou d'1 A HTTOT.fion iv, 4- i " '-urr,ee8ad be convinced. ' Advertise m the Chromcle' Highest Prices Pd for Wheat. Barley and Oats