The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 16, 1901, Image 1

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The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
jwj sonal supervision sinee its infancy.
Allow nn 0110 fen !-. o r vrin in thiw-
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-ffood" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gurie, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
aubstaiicc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worn
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A Threatened Famine.
8t, Peteusisukg, July 2. (Correspon
dence of the Associated I'reBB.) Large
parte of the empire are a train threatened
With famine. The last official report
Which has just been published was dated
June 21. Since then not a drop of rain
lias fallen in the eastern province, and
it il believed the crops are now largely
beyond hope in many district!. The
Provinces of S.tmar and Sratofl' will
probably witness a recurrence of the
dearth of two o- three years at;o. Crop
failure in these provinces is particularly
dreaded on account of the ignorance and
helplessness of the liiHhkirs and Tartars
wbo make up a considerable part of the
population there.
The newspaper Volgar states t hat from
all sides reports are coming that both
Win er and Summer train are beyond
hope of salvation, even shoti'd there be
am pi i' ruins, and no hay at ell will be har
vested. Since early , I one the temperat
fira lias been about KM , and no rain has
fallen. The fields are burned and brown,
Jtnd the feeding of cattle and horses has
already begun to be a problem. The
aame kind of reports are coming from
Province of Kazan. The Volga I'rov
te have alreadv been visited In two
ire famines during the last 10 years.
and the population has lost whatever
power it once possessed to withstand
Masonic Function in Bag Modi
New Yobl, July 15. Wednesday, says
flbe Tribune's London correspondent, an
Impressive Masonic function will take
lace in Euglaud. This will he the in
itiation of the Duke of Conuau tit as
ind master of the I'nited Grand Lo Ige
England in succession to the king,
bo presided over the craft for 26 years.
Tbe ceremonial will be the same as when
the Prince of Wales was placed on the
throne of the Grand Lodge by Johu
gTawcctt, of the province of Durb an, and
'It will be conducted at Albert Hall in tbe
-presence of lo.ouo Masons, who are either
toasters or wardens of a lodge or mem-
-r.- of a past or present Grand Lodge.
Cuba's Quod thwiug.
New Youk, July 15. Independent Cu-
M will begin business, savs a Washing-
n disputed to the Hi-raid, with a hon
ied indeptedness of only $122,400 result-
log from the clause in the new constitut
ion p-edgiog the Cuban Republic to tbe
payment of the bonds issued by authority
mat the revolutionary government during
.the war with Spain There lias been con
siderable doubt us to the amount of this
Bought, and which has been
has borne the sifrnatnre of
has been made under his per-
Signature of
I indebtedness, but unless some of tbe
, bonds were issued just before or since t he
intervention of the United States the
figure? are correct,
; Representative W. A. Smith, of Michi
gan, hss just made public a letter which
; he received from Senor Gtierra, treasurer
of the revolutionary government just be
fore the beginning of the war between
, the United Sr ites and Spain, which has
never been communicated to any one
except the members of the foreign affairs
committee of the house of representa-
tives. In this letter Senor Guerra says
' that the revolutionary yoveriunent is
' sued a total of printed bond- amounting
to (8,145,800, and that the total of
the bonds disposed of was $122,400.
i leaving bonds in the amount of $3,023,
! 200 in his possession as treasurer.
Kates tn 8an PraOCtSOO anil Keturti.
The O. R. & N. Go. will make the
J following rates from The Dalles, Oregon,
to San Fruncisco and return for National
Convention of Epworth League, July
18-21,1901: Via rail to Portland and
jo. R. &N. steamers from Portland to
San Francisco and return, $23 60.
I Tickets on sale and honored on trains
from The Dalles and on steamers from
Portland only on July 11th and lbth.
Returning tickets will be honored on
steamers sailing trom San Francisco not
later than August lst;tinal limit, Aug
ust 4, 1901. Rate includes meals and
berth ou steamers. Reservations for
psssengers going via steamers should be
made in advance to insure accommoda
tions, for which a deposit of $5.00 will
be required. All rail in both directions,
via O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific,
first class, good for stop-overs in Cali
fornia, $28 50. Second class, including
berth in tourist sleeper in both direc
tions, no stop-overs, $25.50. Tickets on
sale at The Dalles July 15th and 16th,
an I will tie honored by Southern Pacific
on trains leaving Portland July 15lh and
lbth, and on morning train July 17th j
good for return passage leaving San
Francisco up to and including July 31,
1901. Tickets will not be sold good in
one direction via rail and in auother via
For further information communicate
witii .las. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
Oregon. m21-jlyll
'Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Early Risers compel your liver
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
you neb, pure blood to recuperate yoor
i body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
! Clarke dc Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
the dalles, Oregon.
Amalgamated Association Controls the
Situation Many Men Are Out of
PtTTSBl'HG) July 26. Reports received
i from all scourers connected with tie
, great strike of the steel workers today,
! indicate that the members of the Amal
j gamated Association have matters well
J in hand, ind the strike order was gen
erally obeyed. Telegrams Irom the var
ious points w here the miiis of the Amer
ican Tinplate Company, the American
Steel Hoop Company, and tfie American
Sheet Company are located, tell of the
shutting down of these plants in lane
i numbers. In manv cases the plants had
been shut down by the first strike order,
which all'ected the stieet steel and steel
hoop companies only. The last order
brought out all the union plants of the
American Tinplate Company, with the ,
single exception of the new mill in Mo
nessen, which is etill running. At the
Amalgamated Association headquarters
it is stated that the figures given out Sat
urday night regarding the number of men
wbo will be actually idle in the miils of
the three companies, have proved cor
rect. The number was placed at 74,000.
In addition to a very general and, in
some instances a rattier unexpected com
plaince w ith the strike n dei , the Amal
gamated Association tonight aided two
more mills to its list, both of which were
claimed by the companies to be beyond
the reach of the organization.
Organlclng a Tltiaftlilng; 1 rust.
Bakek OlTY, July 10. Threshing ma
oblne operators of this valley are banding
together to raise the price for threshing
To meet this move there is a
sentiment among the farmers that a pool that will relieve and cure the more he
will be formed by w heat growers for the i vere and dangerous results of throat and
purpose of acquiring their own machines j lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
if prices are raised on them. The organ- to a warmer and more regular climate'.'
ization by threshers was to have been Yes, if possible; if not possinle for you,
perfected today. Farmers state if a then in either case take the only rem
threshmg trust is formed, they will iui- j edy that has been introduced in all civil-
mediately lorm to tight it.
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. XNow we nave two 01 me ycrv
beat nrenarationi for ole anting tbe
sealn-Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo, j,
win leave youi nun sun mm t:i""v.
o- i -o . i..i v......
Prioe, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frasera
r 7 . r il. n
barbershop, Ihe Dalles. tf
He veil Huudrea i.iu-p. I.nh., July 15. O-ieutal advices
give details of terrible destruction of hu
man life that occured in Northern Java
last month bv a sudden and terrific out
burst of the volcano Kloet. For 50 miles
around all the coffee plantations and
other estates were destroyed by showers
of ashes and stones, together with great
streams of lava and hot mud. Seven
hudred natives and a number of Europe-!
ans perisneo. nw iva a, so uu,eu,
I 1 n 1 ..1 ,J
the superintendent of the estate and a-
bout 25 coolies. Many coffee estates in
the neighborhood were destroyed. The
country around was strewn with corpses.
When your hair appears dry and to
luive lnul iIh vitRlilv ir. wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what j ! a blood or constitutional disease, and
the hair needs when it gets in that con- in order to cure it vou must take inter
dition. We have the Crown of , nai remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
Science H a 1 r fflMSt 1 j rower ana
Cocoanut Cream ,Si' Tonic. They
will cine ilaii'l HBP rufi aiul all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar-
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel .Salve should be
promptly applied to cuts, minis anu
1 . ' T, .. . jti , , 1,
scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the
injured part. There are worthless
counterfeits, be sure to get DeWitt's.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
A oau complexion generally reeiiue
from inactive liver and bowels. In all
such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Risers
... ,
produce gratifying results. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
The piles that annoy you so will be
quickly ana permanently neaiea 11 you
. . 1 i 1 j I J I
use DeWitt's Witch tlaael halve, ueware
of worthless counterfeits.
Falk's P. U. Pharmacy.
Claike &
Clarke & Falk have on eaie a fall line
of paint end artist's brush?.
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade.
Tuesday, h i.v n;. iqoi.
good-bye: sale
" When are you going
above inquiry coming to us
ance sale as an event worth
and Saturday will
Our business m this department has been very satisfactory indeed this season---ami I
what waists are still left will W treated accordingly,
possible conveniences in making their selections,
made of waists during this sale. The entire lot will
department (up-stairs).
All 50c ami 75c waists are reduced to. .
All $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 waists are reduced
All $1.7."), $2.Ud and $2.2.") waists are reduced to.
All $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 waists are reduced to.
Another lot f those swell $2 Straws, Take a peep at our hot weather cloth-
("three-deckers") received yesterday. ini in show window. Reduced prices.
We show an elegant line of Royal Linen crash bicycle punts, only $1 .50
Worcester Corsets. per pair.
A. M.
Iliifn It l av to Buy licai'.'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
- is all right, but you want something
Sized countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Botqhee'l
OertDBi1 Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
fmaTm Br-u""t go..,.
i - . . i : I
, "igla s rest, and cures the parVnt
; onk oouie, lecoinme-iien many vears
ONfi bottle, Reoommended many vears
i... . i (IrtiiriCsts 11 the world and Sod'
w rn i l- i, . . I
by Clarke & talk. Get Green s priie
; ..
, almanac. I
Iryiiitf proparutions simply devtl -
opdry catarrh : they dry UP the accretions,
i- 1 it . .11 11
winch Ailliere to the iiiemhr tun a id dei oiii-
pose, causing a fur more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid ull dry-
1I1K IIIIIBiailf. tUUiea. HBBWI nun lOUOl
, ir
t and uae that which cleanses, sootliCK and i
I heals. FJy'a Cream Balm in snoh a remedy
I M ?H A. t. IJ . 11 . ill
ami win cure ciuurru or coiu in tne neaa
easily and pleasantly. A trial Bizo will bo
I mailed for 10 cents
rlhceuts. All dniL'L'iiits sell the
, 50c. size. Fly Brothers, 56 Warren Bt.,N..
the JJalm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spread itaelf
an irritated and anurv surface, relk-v
i ing immediately the painful inttanimation.
With Ely 'a Cream JJalin you aro armed
I against Kasul Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Mini in Cmuiiui He Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the beat of the disease. Catarrh
I . . L 1. . iiit.. t.i. Ili umi 0 1 1 1 a ,1 1 !.,. It; , . 1
tne Uioou ami mucous euriaces. nans
' Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine,
1 jt WM(J waB prescribed by one of the best
i physicians in this country lor yea-s, ami
- , ...1,.,
of the best tonics known, combined with
J '. (ljn,,.y
j on ,jie )U,.OUB surlaces. The perfect
; combination of the two ingredients l
what produces such wonderful results in j
' curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,!
F. J. Chknky & Co., Props., Toledo ().
! Kn.&'uPDmJ ar Ifl
Hall s ramilv Pills are tbe best. U
I For. sprains, swellings and lameness
FaU) IJ(U fry jt F(jr sale hy
HI4VI W ' " !
ley, the druggist.
We otter for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciiuoniclk, price (1.50,
and the Weekly Oregon lan, price $1.50,
both papers for a year, subscript ions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance, f
Shirt Waists jz?
" the
to have your sale of shift
from many people, who look
waitine tor. wo sav thai next
he our annual mid-summer clearance sale of all shirt waists.
Prices j&
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower Itill has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized!
world. Your mothers and grandmothers 1
, . , . , , I
never thought of Uting anything else for I
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors !
were scarce and thev seldom heard Of I
,. .
appendicitis, nervous prostration or I
heart failure, etc. Thev used August j
Flower to clean out the svstem and stop
, ... 11 I
fermentation of undigested food, regu-
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the lyi I
... , .
ir-ui , nun ii'. ' ii' y u. wuvu iroi-
ing dull and bad with headachs and
ot her aches. You onlj need a few doses
, ,, , . ... ,. ,,
iryiot ureen Augn-i r lower, 111 uquia
form to in
1 form t,, make vou satisfied there it
.. .
nothing serious the matter with SOU,
Jal, n..-Z'l ui,u nil-i? i
Uei tireen s prize almanac, Darke i
nvifa'a l
1 a Peep Myatery.
T. 1 1
1 is a mystery whv women endure
Hackache, ileadaclu
Sleeidessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
ni.. Hra II. 1M.i I hnllltnrtl imin nr.ive, I
. . .,, . ..... .,. , ,
Ul,,t Klw,lM,; W,,J ,1,,,ckiy l UrM
unnti "I ull II'.. r... I 1. .r ....... u ii Ii
..w....i.. . n,..,.,, . ., .... "!,,..,,,.,...,,
! kidney trouble," writes Mrs. I'hebe
.i,r,,.,. (lf it..ri.ii U "umi lama
. ',,tmA , H11 1 nn, ,irH m.
, self, but Electric Hitters wholly cured
me, and, although 7M years old, I now
am able to do all my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health. Only 5(lc
at (i. C lllakelev's druu store. '.
Till i 11 - N 1 1! Ii I Al.. .111
,,,, , .,1, . ., i ,i-i !...!.. ,
"One night my brothers baby wat
taken with Croup," writes Mrs
J. 0.
Hnider, if Oilteiiden, Ky., "it seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so we yave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief ami
permanently cured il. We always Keep
it in the house to protect our children
Whooping Cough. It
. .
crjfgd me of a chronic bronchial trouble
t'at no other remedy would relieve."
Infftlllbla lot Oodgbl ('olds Throat
, , troobM. Wfl and 11.00, Trial
. , !. ti n RUbIl.u.
I or ' ..I.--
A .1. I. Case separator ; good as new
and ready for work ; H' Inch cylinder
j ttll(j H Woo.lbury Iingee horse power.
Oil easy terms.
Apply to
(ifcOUUK Nol.AKLl,
Dufur, Or.
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Eraser ; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that be
makes a specialty of these goods. tf
NO. 128
waists?'1 In answer to the
t tlu A. M. W. A Co. clear
1 hursday. rriday
In order to give purchasers all
there will be m window display!
be found on display in the cloak
Sheriffs Sale.
By vlrtue , ,nordcrof ial and titration
Aalj lulled out ol and under the m-ni ..f iii
i-lilt 'unit iiMIh- Stiite nf im-u'iiIi lur t lit- roiintv
,,( to Die duly 'ii t.-. l tud dated the il
day ol June. IflOt, In favor of W W PnllUpt,
i-i .-. '. .OH .fin ii i w --.ii. . defendant, for
the turn of !:.40 In United Btttti Rotdootn.
J1,'';!;, r:;;:;,;: MM :,i,:!
day of July, loot, duly i.-v upon toe following
(li-M-iilii-il i '.'ill inu, rrtv Itiuitiil In tin-i-uiiiity uf
4llM,,, state .1 Oregon, town DtfendaotJ w
fnet undiWded one beUlntenwl luand to ate-
U0111 in iiiei 18; tin' ortneaat quarter and tin-
north half of tbo nouthdaat quartet, and Ike
M)utbwet quarter of thttouthaattquartor. the
(.lsi ,, in,. 11, , iinV1,i iiuarter, and tin-
""fwffW"?rrJ " "''i "''l'"""--",'
a. .1 1 ii luot ui tbe Koutnweat quarter, umi the
j loutheant quarter ol the bqutbwaat quarter ol
seriiuii :j ; mni In went ) 1 h 1 1 ui the Kouthraat
I auartor. and lota Hand 12of aaaiion m. all tn
I towuahlp 1 north, rani Ml of the Willamette
1 1 M -1 l I I l 1 . Illlil . 1 III IUIIIllllll II Willi II- llllll
tnandv on
Hondajfi Hie mh iiay ol iiui. iiioi.
at the hour of 3 o'elnok p. in., at the frontdoor
of tbe oouiity oourt u him- in tin- oltv ol Tbe
Uallaa, xuhi oounty umi itale. Mil al nubile mh
tiun tu tin- hlghtti bidder for U. H. a old oolu,
oaali In band, all 'in- rlabt, lillt and Intereai
Illll. lilt: nun. ... 11 111. 1, 111 Illlil nil I . I " I llll 1 1 II y III
1 October 18W), the date of plalntlff'i niortaagt,
ur ini.s iiuea tuni in ur tu Miiii n ui property to
nil IV Illll I m It.- I in 11 1 , lIi'lTt'l' llllll l'tl'lltllll.
I with 11, 1..... I'MSW Mi f ,l. ITth Amm ..I
illll : mil niilKllli-lll, ili-i'l
' June, I901,attha rate u( tight per cent pai an-
I !',"' "" J"' ,f""" l0" '!:," ' "'""l
l.iil . 11 1 1 lie rule ul si I - 1 i-i-iit 1..1 1111 nil in . ueil
hi.- eoHti ol tud ur" Mini wilt.
Puleil Trie I inlh-h, On-guii, Inly J, I'HU.
KDIll.KI Kl-.I.I.V,
Ihti in ol u muq county. Oregon.
j ' '
Sheriff's Sale.
iii tbe Circuit Pourtof the state ol Oregon for
Wakco 1 louuty.
11. h. UuntlngtoBi plalntlft,
UbarltS il. Matnty, W. K. WIihuih ami Aluieilu
H, Barrett. eiecutili, defendauta.
Hy irtue nt all aXtOUtlon. dtortt tint ordtr ul
ni'Iii, iliilv Ismii-i nut ul 111111 iiinlerllie seal ul irie
Wr0'ul, fout, ,,, lh(. Mll. r ,,r,L.,, ,,,r H
1 bounty of WawM. to me directed and dated nm
i nn uiiy ui nine, ijui,iiiuii 11 uei lee i i uiu
foreolOBure ol a pertain mortgage and juiiim-nt
n mh mi h mi entered in sua court on lee 1th
In) of June. 1801, in 'in- above sntltled oause, in
favor ol He- plalnllrfand against the deteudaat
L'harlts 11 Hatntyas Jndgintut debtor. In Uiu
mot of four ban red and ifty dollars, with in
terest theienii (loin tin- 12th day of August, IMSO,
ui tin- mil- u 1 n n utr rent par annunii lowbi tbe
HUlll ul I 8 i. iiiul lbs Inrther MM uf StVtnly
H ve dollars (7M asatloruey's fees, and tbe fiu
liter sum ol thirteen dollars (tin) costs, aud the
OOStS Of umi Upon Ibis writ, mni cuiiiiiiicnlhiK
inu in iiinke Mile ul the rent r n-rly eiubraetfl
in Kuril deoree of forecloiure -i.i bcreiuaiu 1 !
icribedi 1 win, on ths
atlili day Bf luly- IUOI ,
Ht tin- huiir of .'11 cluck in the af ttrooon oi Haiti
day, and at the hunt door of tae oouuty ooitrl
bouts in Imllos City, Wasco oounty, U.-egun,
sell Ht public aUOtloU tu the hivhi si lil'l J.'i lur
citsh hi hum!, nil the iltthl, title mni interest
which the defendants l.'barlea 11 Matuey and
w K, vii,.,i, in either ol tbtin . 1 on the 12th
iiuy uf Auut, ISW- the date of the mortgage
foreelotedliertln, orwblth such defendants or
any of the defendants herein u binee ac
iiulnii ur now have In ami to the followingae
SOrlbtd real property 1 kltunte una being lu
Wsscu oounty, Oregon, tuwlt:
The ui-rtiiwutit quarter of section twenty-six
itij in township line il) north, rmigo nlneftt
tasti W. M or so much ( -.ii.l pruiierty 11.1 will
teliiily nulil juugiuout and aecroe, wltbcokUuua
tooruing eoste.
Suiii .iui.eil Will bo SOld subject tu coutlnne
n m umi ruileiiiptlnii en by Uw provided.
Dated et Tbu Imllea. lutmni, tbik 1'Jth dsy ol
JUDih -Iu i "I Wttkuo County, Uregeu.