Advice of a Druggist " h i- proper, I think i" lei others know bout the popularltj and virniwof Afker's Knglisli Remedy tor Coughs, txHda WW on- gumption. From the moment l began I ind sold rapidly. and i lie soles keep grow ing all tlm time o fast people find "lit What rp-c n, ;i 1 V a lilo preparation Tne tf- .a : . ts. n ' r t ft c i a i ; al. I Onr best dt J HH w.i n- use it , , iiml it i- tlic best th : for thrar onp long troubles they over saw Mi 8. H Cul ver, nii of out promitipiii townsmen, says Ackers English Remedj i- the only medi cine tliat helped bis chronii cough many years' standing. At first Ugavi rrlief.and How, after taking a few i- wholly Cured. I buy it bj Hie gros. at n time, and my sales are largi r on this oni medicine than on any other in my store Itisagreat pleasure for metofeel that while I am prosper ing I am also doing - much good t" thecom hiunity in selling su I a grand mcdi in-. " (Sign, d R, R Dot Vvestfield N i Sold at 85c. .. and $ln bottle, throughi .: the I'nited States and Canada ; ami In Eng land, at Is. 2d. ,2s 3d .4- ftd. Ifyou arenot satisfied after buying, return tin bottle to your druggist, and gel your money kick, n w. it. hooker &co..p y . Fir ; tale at Blakaley's Pnarmacy, to The not r Proprietors of J- ! Ibl tS- i PUMPS and PIPE, M. A- a. ? RUBBER and Garden Host Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers Purpst Linuors for Family Use . m Delivered to any part of the City. U ! " : Sjj Dieunce. 173 Second Street. 3 to r n un it W heat fourth of their ground for hay. No dam- tga It reported fron-i the Tygta Ridge country, but the damaged ie!t i? sai extend east to t tie Ieii,;;tes river tiiimfi-l. bones that the loss Wl prove M great as present appearain-eg would indicate. The Grass Valley Journal quotes the following from a letter of W, L. ander poo,, of Dofat, t. C Moore, of tirnss Valley: "We sincerely hope that yottf grain prOtpeCtl are more nattering than ours. Such crope ae the Jobation liros., Baleh on Dofur ranch and my own are damaged roll 60 per cent, in fact we are cutting all of ours for hay . they claim it to be frosts, acre after acre is standing green to t lie ground perfectly dry. Have not beard from the country generally, and trust we are the only one? to suffer.- Question Altswafeil, Yes. August Flower still has the largest saie o: any medicine in the civil laed world, Your mothers and grandmother! never thought o; using anything else tot indigestion and biliousness. PrCtors " - - ' heard ol iron steel. Wheels, Axles. Springs and Blacksmith Supplies anncndieltia. nervous oroetration or " ... heart failure, etc, Tbej Died August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested lood, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing doll and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few dotes of Green's August F.ower. in liquid form, to make yoo satisfied there is noli, me serion- the matter with von. i iree;. s prtzt WINDMILLS 1 1 von arc jn need it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING. TIN and BICYCLj REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will ha, prompt attention. THE DALLES, an DLr in our line igure wl F. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. us, tor -DE. WALTHER - - OREGON. Anent the report oi damage done to wheat by the frosts and cold weather of a month ago the Dufur Dispatch, says Farmers In the vicinity of Dufurars reporting very serl its damage to their fields. Opinion ll divided as to the MUe, some claiming it to be the frosts of IWO or tl.r-e week- ago. while tie Fa a.'. Clarke at 1 tn; it be the Session P. v or join! worn.. Whatever may he the cante, undf ah ted y considerable damage has been done, the grain seeming to die from 'he tieid down, So seriouslv are - n fie i- ll-eteii that tney are nt-iriw ca - hay, Jobneton Hro-.. C P. Ba.L'i. vn, v . w tr j.ave -MVf ra eaeh. wY. cut about one- in Ni.-ht Vi a- Her Terror, "1 would cnigh nearly all night long." writes Mrs. Ciias. Applegate, of Alex andria, hid., "and could hardiy get any s:eep. I had Consumption to had that if 1 walked a block l wonid couirh fright fully and spit blood, but, when all othtr mediclnee failed, three $1,00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cored me and I gained 68 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Qnppe, Bronchitis and all Tnroa: and I.ung Troubles. Price otic i and $1.00, Trial bottles free at o. C. li.akeiey's driif store. 'j ; ."ulscrihe ior Tut ClUtONlOLS. Afent for Russell & Uo, Engine. Threshers and Baw Mill-. ! ;::,;::: Car. kM & LanghliE Sts THE DALLES, OR, j Grandall & Burget DEALERS IN aw RobeS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete. The Dalles, Or. SELLS & GRAY S United Shows vr::: Exhibit one day only. Afternoon and Evening, at The Dalies. SATURDAY JULY 20th A ' ATAIAlA ' ATA, A' AT&T A'X! ' A ' - C. J. STUBLiIHG, W nOLXS -1 B AND BKTA'L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. .iiio.iM en one Dlst. I no l . THE DALLES, OREGON. j THE CELEBRATED .. .COMJUBIA BREWEfiYj AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tin- product of this well-known brewery tbe I'nited Status Health) Reports for Jnne 2s, 1900, nays. "A more bu pet ior brew never enteNd the labratory of the ','niteii States Health reports. I' ie absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, bnton the other hand is com posed of j the l,Hr of malt and choicest ol hops. 1 1- tonic qualities are of the hiifh. est and it can be iiHed with t he greateHt hetietit and eaiiefHetion by old ami you net. fts use can conscientiously he prescribed by the physicians wlU tbe cereaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage eonld net possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. I CTTsrrrx-AT -TArTarTA-iTA-i- A-T'-jt-ic---rA--"x-rTA,-,A,-,A-' KM i r str. Regulator I" rr- DOWN. Ill ? Lv. Dalles REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA KAY. Btcamcrt ol th, R, ifulator Line will run a ,ct tlido, owing schedule, the umpany reserving tin- rilit to chacjr' ichudulo without notice, 4 111 7 A. M I g' Tuesday J.v. Portland n, 7 a. m. Momlav l hursday . , .. Wednesday Haturoay.. Krlday Arr. Portland Arr. Dalles at 1:90 r. h. ; r. m. Str. k,Iralda" Leaves Cascades fi a, m, Arrive llalleH 10 :'.W n. in. Leave l)uile p, m . Arr. Cascades 7 .i;u p, m . Daily ex. Sundav, Str. DatltTS City. Down or, l.v. Dalles L Portlisl at 7 A. M. at 7:iA.l Monday 'iuctd: Wednesday . , Thnrskj Kridnv BatOiei Arr. Portland Arr. llalk at 1 :.i,i p, m. at 6 r.l Excursion Etates every Saturday for narties of 6 ve and upwards : ialk: White Salmon and Intermediate points, 50c: Dalles to (JuHuadee, ifL.00. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER ! 100 Startling Acts and Features 100 1116 People's MM FamtlU HeWSpaper : Arenic Attractions Unparalleled! Tbe SIX IWarvellous EDDYS ft For an evening trip take tin i turn on the up boat. Iralda" at 8 p to Hood River anil s FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travol n the Steamers ol the Regulator Line. The nnmtutnv will nndviw t jf ru the best service possible. Poi further luiormatlou address To all oid and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer-Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. i r rtland Offico, Oak-Street Dock, W. ,.itu.;jr.ijr.U'u.ic..a'j C. ALLA WAY, Gen. At. .-tLMlr.. PREMIER ACROBATS Higi.ejt aiariHi! performers in the known world too difficult for them to perform. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (i ' ... Ti f i. NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published Monday, Wednesday and iri day, i iu reality line and fri-ii every-otber-day Daily, giving the latest news on days oi issue, and covering news "t ha other it contains all Impor taut ioreigii cable news wbieb appeals in the Dally Tribune oi same date, ii d,, metii a, ui foreign correspondence, sii,,rt stories, elegant ball tone Illustrations, hu morous Items, indus trial Information, fashion notes, sarlcul' turn: iiialttT'. anil aoroprcbenslvu and ru liable financial ami market reports. Rsgolar sutworlp liou price, ll.fiC i.-r year. We furnish it with Beml Weekly chr.iiu ele for 98,00 er year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Publishe on Thurs day, aad known fur nearly sixty years iu every part oi the Uni ted States as a nation al family newspaper of the highest olass, for farmers ami villa gers, it contains ail the important general news (be Dally Trlbuuu up t,, the hour ol going I" press gn agricultural department of the highest order, has en tertainlug reading for every member ol the family ,old aud young market reports u hloh are aeeepted as antli ority by farmers and merchants i and is clean, up-to-date, in terasiing and instruo live. Regular subsorip turn prioe, $1 per year W 0 furnish it with Semi-Weekly Chroni cle lor per year PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakerv, as I and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or Wild Beasts pom ?un8lM YOUR KIDNEYS. iwier von tile ol usiriL' ho-imi hi klrinnv Mntttl without any beoeflt, use Lincoln Sexuul PiiisanuN forever rid of those dull pains in pour hack. Die that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and bi all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and yoc nights made restful by the" use of nature's pis assistant Linooln Sexual Pills. Price, 11.00 per bogbuy ol your druggist oreei; ly mail on receipt nl prioe, In plain wrapper. LINOOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, IndiAB m. .. Donnell, Agent, The iiaiies. The Columbia Southern Warehouse Go. THE SO CLOWNS Wasco Wmtas Mli ft, Will receive Wheat fur Storage in the Wilkinson Warehouse minnc, the Coming Season. A General Warehouse Business. Headquarters for Seed Grain of aii kinds Arc a whole Cirous in themselves, bo bo uroDftreil to knrrl, j Headquarters for Fftfiri O-rnin mcii Hn ' ' 0ri"n SackB 'or sa'e w" " -" - Headquarters tol RoUed Grain S ! MAGN I FICFMT THOMAS BOLTON. Agent, The Dalles. HeadQUarters fnr- TZ B1iaAsi ' and all K'nlf. - " - WU, kJllUl LB. M1, , PEW Heaaquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendl STREET PARADE! Subscribe for The Chronicle S''tr ttfurM i.utu ...... ... ' nvaii yourseu oi it, ton Flour This Hour ia manufactured Mxnreaalv ior gsft .. W, sell our nodi ,owor uJSXSJJf. u"nto iv? Advertise m the Chronicle prioes Plud for Whea, Barley