The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 15, 1901, Image 3

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TlllO 1 O ll I r -fCl O 4" i i linn!
X iiio io tut: vjri taitot
Economy Season....
July Clearings mean
Great Savings.
July brinf9 the greatest economy chances of the year. We search
lor Bpeciul values with which to counteract the natural dullness of the
Maimer months, besides that stocks must he cleared for fall goods.
...Shirt Waists...
We have never had fewer at this season of the year; the goods nre
Well known and ntv-'d no introduction.
Shirt Waists retailing at $1.00 and $1.25; ot
P Reduced to OOC
Values at $1 .50, $1 ,65 and $1 .7;",; .
fed need to tj 1 1 &
Values at $2.00 and $2.25; .
Reduced to f1.0U
Values at $2.50 and $3.00; t fc
Reduced to t 1 . " U
Values at $3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5;
Reduced to $0 UU
very item in Summer Fabrics is reduced in price.
Bargains everywhere you turn in the store.
Plain and fancy French
balbriggan underwear; good
value at 05c per garment:
special for Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday,
Arrow brand collars
.2 for 25c
Shawknit hose, plain and
fancy, per pair 25c
E. & W. collars and cutis
Boston garter, silk and lisle
.Monarch shirts.
$ $ ft W $ 9 $ 6 sfc $ $ $
With all the oil blow in Oregon there
is as vt not a single flowing well in the
whole state, nothing but seepage?, and
von can find a seepage in almost any old
"Your medicine has helped me won
derfolly," she wrote to the patent medi
cine house. "Three weeks ago I could
not spank the baby and now I am able
1 to thrash my husband. God bless
The Astoria papers say the run of fish
I is good these days and if it continues to
; improve this year's pack will surpass that
of last year, notwithstanding the very
poor supply during the first part of the
! season.
A Portland woman prayed long and
earnestly for her husband, and finally
I asked her pastor what she could do to
induce him to stay home at nights. He
advised adding to his home comforts
something that he enj ved away from
home. The next day the wife was in
quiring tije price of beer by the keg.
On the base of the statue of Mr. Glad
stone erected In the D niversity square of
Athens, Greece, a quatrain is engraved,
of which the following is a translation:
"To a part of Kpirus and to Thes?aly
thou gavest the sacred light of freedom,
averting slavery ; Hellas, mindful of this j
boon, has raised this statue to thee, j
Gladstone, whose glory is immortal."
Charles H. Ln Belle, n Salt Lake archi
tect, will be worth (15,000,000 within
sixty days from date, with a good chance
of getting $5,000,000 more according to
his story. He claims to have invented
a process by which he can extract rubber
from the ordinary crude oil as it is found
in Utah, and produce rubber pulp at a
cost of one-fourth of a cnt a pound,
while the rubber as it comes from tiie
tree in Bra El costs $1 per pound. Mr.
LaBelle states that a syndicate of Cali-
forma, New York and London capital
I ists has taken an option on his formula,
land has deposited $105,000 in a Salt
j Lake bank to hold the option till the
! deal iB closed.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Some Bargains
Boys' Knee Pant Suits
20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Chkomci.k in particular,
.ILLY 15, 1901
will have due j his own hand, whether intentionally or
; accidentally we are unable to deter-
At their meeting Saturday night the:mine-" The shot that ended Mr.
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
, All W County warrantN reg-iHteretl
prior to September ', 1808, will lie ial!
am praaeiitutimi at my ofllce. Interest I for tiiree cents.
I orti-r .1 ii ly IX, I ".MM.
mil. i v Treasurer
Twenty per cent discount on all knee
pant suits at the New York (ash Store.
Wanted A girl to do general house
work. Inquire at this oflice. jlylo-Iw
The New York Cash Store is offering
some extra values in boys' clothing this
week. See their ad.
A marriage license was issued this
morning to C. II. Sparling, of Duftir,
and BaBir Bennett, of VVamic.
Four carloads of fat hugs were fed at
tbe Company's stockyards this morning,
on mote from Wallowa county to Trout
dale. Toe Diamond flouring mills are in
operation again after a suspension of
About two months occupied in putting
in new machinery.
The carpenter work on the new flour
ing mill will be completed today and
tbe building turned over to. the com
pany by Hansen & Thoniseu.
We would advise you to see the
bargains in boys' knee-pants suits at
tneNew York Cash Store this week.
genuemen s uriving Association ar
I ranged to erect a wind mill et one of the
j wells on their driving grounds. This
j step would have been taken before now
i but that the association had hopes of
getting city water piped to the ground.
I "Economic Aspects of Reciprocity,"
comprising two lectures delivered by
.lohu P, Young, before tbe college of
, commerce of tbe University of Califor
! nia, has just been issued in document
j form by tbe American Protective Tariff
League. Two copies sent to any addrees
Ask for document No.
j 49. Address, American Protective Tar
j iff League, 186 West 2.'kl street, New
I York.
A. Brooks, who is bound over to the
i grand jury for robbery of clothing and a
j watch from the I. . L. restaurant, and
; George Baker, who ie serving out a
' hundred-dollar fine for selling whiskey
to Indians, made this noon what proved
! to be a very futile attempt to break jail.
Using a broken stove-lid handle they
pried out some brick from the side of
tbe window of the jail day-room, and
Moore's life was fired from a rifle that
Mr. Moore had recently acquired. The
Crook County Journal Bays: "At the
time of the occurrence no one was in the
store. He was found sitting in an office
chair back of the partition that is placed
across the store between the stationery
and candy department and the bowling
alley and must have been leaning over
the gun when it was discharged, as the
ball came out lower than where it en
tered. Tbe ball enteied a trifle below
the left nipple and passed directly
through the heart." ,
The GhbonicIiC man spent an hour to
day trying to get the sentiment of some
i of the leading business men as to the
i advisability of the councils entering
i into a contract for lighting the city. (For
obvious reasons The CHRONICLE avoided
asking the opinion of men who are fi
nancially interested in the matter. The
broad question: "Are you in favor of
having the city lighted by electricity?"
without any thought or consideration as
to who should get the contract, was put
in each case: supplemented by the sng-
wbile the sheriff and his deputies were ! t?eetion tuat the lighting of the city
absent at the noon hour the prisoners j
started in to saw off the iron bars of
t lie window. But they reckoued with- j
out their host, for Jailor Fitzgerald had
already spotted the removed bricks and,
without letting the prisoners kuow of
his discovery, awaited further develop
ments. Just as the men had succeeded i
in sawing an inch inn bar half way
thrOUgb, the jailor broke in upon them j
and chucked them into a cell, where
they will probably have abundant time
in repent of their ill-advised attempt to
get out of jail before their time.
A mass meeting of the business men
of the city is called for Wednesday even
ing at 8:30 o'clock at the club rooms
Remember their special oiler holds good t0 devise ways and means for holding a
for Ibis week only.
Att adjourned special meeting of the
eltyeouncil will be held tonight
the Question of letting a contract for I
lighting the city will probably be de
termined. At the profit-sharing distribution Sat
urday night at M. T. Nolan's store the j
magazine subscription was awarded to
Captain J. W.Thompson ; the picture to
F. If. Lawson, and the rebate to S. J.
Staoek . o
Onr French felloweitiens on Freuch
Mill creek, we mean celebrated,
inlay, in grand style, tfie anniversary
might mean increased taxation, or at
the best a lessened annual amount foi
tbe sinking fund. The answers, with
one exception, were the same. One busi
ness man, who asked that his name be
suppressed, said he was opposed to the
expense. He thought we had got along
very well without lights in the past and
could get along very well without them
in the future. The rest were unani
mously in favor of lights. Some said
they were willing to pay their just pro
portion of in. Teased tax, if necessary,
and a majority qualified their approval
by insisting as an essential condition
tliat the city must not, under any cir
cumstances, go in debt fur lights or any
thing eise. The substance of the answer
of this majority ie : "We want the
lights, by all means, if the city can af
ford them." This is substantially the
answer of Mays iV I ruwe,
street fair and carnival this coming fall
and to make suitable provision for enter
when j Uining u,e St'cond 0reK" District, fajr opiuiou anJ
U-W project mean w i ue ,w & mye A. M. Williams A Co.,
Dalles, every man who has business in- 1Iagh (,leniJ Q Q BlekeJey, J. T.
terests in the city is expected to make it . p & c August Buchler, hurad
Miauuijr 'u ut jiiodcui ni Him iiicomiK ivarluian, John S
ami conn mute uy every means in nis
Sells anil i.uj'k Hlg Olrottla
This is what the Topeka Daily Journal
of June 14th, Baid of the performances
of Sells and Gray's United Shows, which
are to be duplicated in The Dalles on
Saturday, July 20th. "The big tents
were literally packed with people, and it
may be Baid, to start with, that every
body was delighted with the perform
ance. There were new and novel fea
tures that caught the crowd immediate
ly. A band concert preceded the per
formance in the big tent, which was a
big treat for music lovers. The ring
performance introduced the Karl SiBters
in thrilling aerial feats; the l'y bells in
evolutions on the lofty ladder; the six
Eddy's whose acrobatic features were
wonderful ; Miss Edna, a beautiful and
daring performer, and many others
famoUB in the ring, not to speak of the
! clowns, who kept the people in a roar of
! laughter from the opening tournament
i to the hippodrome races. Altogether
) the performance is a kaleidoscope of
marvelous feats and funny a ts, and be
! yond doubt is one of the best ever seen
in this city."
I This coming from such a reputable
paper as tbe Topeka Journal assures the
people of tbe excellence of Sells it Gray's
ishow, and their tents will certainlv be
I packed at the two performances in The
; Dalles, Saturday, July 20th.
Joe Purser, a pioneer fruitman of the
Hood River valley, is in tfie city.
Paint your house with riaints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke V Falk
have them.
Justice Brownhill returned on the
Regulator this morning from a short
business trip to Portland.
Mrs. W. H. Taylor and children will
leave on tomorrow morning's boat to
spend a mouth wuii friends in Purl land.
Kx-Mayor and Douglas Dnfur will
leave in tne morning on a two or three
days' fishing trip near the head of Fif
teen Mile.
Mr. T. A. Wilson, of Illinois, Itopped
over here yesterday, while on his way to
Sao Francisco, to pay a short visit tu
his brother, Attorney W. if. Wilson.
New Grocery Store
We have adtlt'tl a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Just the thing to take along when you
go Oamnlng or to tbe seacoaut. For sale
Don't Km it iu,
Just wet the allected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke tV j
P. B. (iilbreth .V Sous will keep at all ,
times a supply of hay, grain and leed j
which thev will retail at the luwest
market rates. j2ti-tf
power to its success. No celebration was
1 held here on the Fourth in order that
the funds requisite for ttiat purpose
might be spent on the fair and carnival.
Last year's fair was a big thing for The
.Dalies. Let us have one this veai tiiat
LrUI beat it two to one. We can do it if ;
we onlv trv. The doors of the club room
fail Ol the Daetiie. iuf, adjacent Llll ha nni.vni.i ari... .t.kt ..j
vibrated to the sound of the Mar- iverybody will be welcome,
s, and Mill creek wine flowed as , . . !
ant as Mil creek water. mm0m vt u ,
j Moore, at Priueville.last Tuesday a most
r. fetcy II. Levin writes Tiik CHiiOM-! intelligent jury was unable to determine
MfjB from Portland that the announce-1 whether he came to bis death intention -1
Mnt ol tns marriage to Mias. Butte was ally or accidentally. The jury found
nil error, and tiiat that happy event will I that Mr. Moore "came to his death on
fit take place till September, when The the Otb day of July iu the city of Print
Klles friends of Miss Buffe, aud Tue ville, from a guosbot wound inflicted by
Sobenokt Nathan
i Harris, I'rinz 4 Nitsehke.Sinnot & Fisb,
Henrv i Ierbriug, Frank Gunning, Emits
! SohanUOi George liuch and Sexton V
The White Collar line, Bailey Gat.rrt,
, will sell through round-trip tickets to
, Seaside aud return $0.50, Baggage
; checked direct to either North Beach,
Seaview, Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean
t'ark and Nahcotta. Tickets good uutil
Sept. loth, J. M. Hlioon, agent.
W. K. Anderson has purchased tiie
barbershop formerly conducted by
Frank Lan?, on Second street near Court.
He will conduct a first class place and
respectfully solicits a share of the
trade. jyl2-15
Gilford's Fotos Never Fade.
For inlants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Btars the
Card of Thank.
Mr. C. C. Hobart and family desire to
express their heartfelt gratitude to the
friends aud neighbors of Tiie Dalles, who
in so many tender ways manifested their j
kindness and sympathy towards them
iu connection with the death of their
beloved wife and mother.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. !
Don't forget this.
Acker's Fnglish Remedy will stops
cough at any time, aud will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refnndedi IS cts. and 50 etc Blakeley
tne druggist.
if anything ails your hair, go aud see ; tie's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that be
makes a specialty of these gootls. tf
Mid-summer clearance sale of milli
nery at tiie Campbell A Wilson Milli
nery parlors. Fvervthing iu the line of
headwear at oue half the actual val
ue. j'.'M-lm
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet! are sold uu
a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn,
raising of the fund, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 35 cts.
end 60 Ctl, Blakeley, the druggist.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by 0'ark
A Falk.
You will not have i.min if vou take
Clarke fc Falk'-i sure cure toi bolls.
A full line of haul man film ami sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington 8ts.
All orders atteuded to promptly. Long
distance phone 4'i3. Local, 102.
Siniiiiifr K ui l..iiN tit the Mea Count.
Only $0 fit) for tfie round trip from
The Dalles to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific
Park, Ocean Park it Nahrotta, Wash.,
good for return until Sept. 15, 1901.
Baggage cheeked through to destina
tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will
leave Portland daily except Sunday and
Monday, and the Hassalo daily except
Sunday at S p. m , and 10 p. iii. on
Saturdays, making direct connections at
Astoria and at Ilwaeo for all points on
Oregon and Washington beaches, ('all
on Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
for through time card to all beach
points. jl)3 2m
Just, received a new supply of North
rup A Sturgis' pure food products, as
follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa
nut, tiaking sotla anil high grade leaven
er. If it's Northrup k Sturgis, it is
good, (jet a package and try it. For
sale by Conroy, Son it Co., S. L. Brooks'
old stand, The Dalles, Or. jyl2 2wd
Just received at (iilbreth A Son's
lumber vard, a few carloads of No. 1
cedar posts and A shingles. Tliev
are agents for Heath A Miliigan's cule-
brated shingle paint. Call on them
their prices are all right, Wood not
, lluined is better by Ml.- a cord than wood
' that is. jv 10
"I am indebted to One Minute CoUgh
I Cure fur my present goo. I health and my
life. I was treated in vain by doct rs
I for lung trouble following la grippe, I
I took One Minute Cough Cure and re
covered my health." Mr. K. II. Wise,
Madison, Qa, ci.nke A Falk's P. O.
Nayn lit) Ww Trluiil.
i "I suffered such pain from corns I
; could hardly walk," writes II. KobtUMOi
Hillsborough, Ills., "but Buekleu's Arni
ca Salve completely cured them." Acts
i like ii,,i.',. on sprains, bruises, cuts,
j sores scalds, burns, built, ulcers. Per
! feet healer of skin diseases and piles.
Cure guaranteed by Q, C. Biukeley, the
I druggist. Sfa. 2
I' or "tain.
Twenty iiead of horses, ranging in
weight from noo to 1100 pouodY Ail
halter-broken, and some bioken to wurk.
Apply t0 Strauhe Brothers. Fn lersby,
j Oregon, jly2olmw
Why nut spend the vacation at Va
qulm bay, where can be had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 1001 at Newport will afford
great variety ol instructions, diversion
ami entertainment. No other resort
otters eiual attractions aud like advan
tages, juull-tf
Clsrke A Falk have on sale a full Una
of paint snd artist's brushes.