The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JULY 16, 1901 FAILURE OF WOMAN .VEST. GOVERN- Lincoln. N. J., ii a trtklng ex- ample of the failure of government hv women, savs the S. F. Cbtoolcle. r. ..i,i frtnr vin an mid I L us ivuuucn - - n - Ita mnnaoanient nlaced in the hands of the fair sex. Women were gtVetl equal rights with men in the town s affairs. They had a mil vole majority, elected The Brit election and being In the the town oll'icers. day brought trouble, some of the women delayed ton long with their shopping in a neighboring town and the poll9 were closed before they re- turned to vole. The factional spirit mhinh tl.i created resulted in the , ., L- success of the opposition at the next election. The town might have SUr vived. nevertheless, bat for unwise legislation. Ihe town council, com- immH df women, oasaed an ordinance .... .. . , requiring me owners o. -w factory to paint the structure a more fashionable color than brick The factory owners moved the establishment elsewhere rather than submit. Then a box factory was suppressed because of the noisi it created. Then there was a genera', quarrel because everybody could not be provided with a public park anil the best pavement in front of every individual's front door, and none would consent u giving fran chises to trollev railroads on anv . . , ,, .' street except those occupied by then 1 1 ' neighbors, r inally, tue womeu who ran again :or ouioe won- aereaien and they moved away. Now tbe court of chancery ordered tbe wreck of t ho town gold at public auction on tbe lOtb of July. The Weston Leader rematks that the eiif.'aL'iiiL' unanimity with which Eastern Oregon newspapers are urg ing that this part of the state be given the governorship will be less market', perhaps, when it comes to a question of the man. Each county will lih'ely have a favorite candidate whom it think; will dignify the gubernatorial chair. Since a repub lican nomination is equivalent to an oleptiiiri in (Iretnn. it hphnnves thru party's delegates from Eastern Ore- gon to enter the convention de termined to unite upon some particu lar candidate whose strength and fitness are beyond ijuestion. The least discord among themselves will lessen the slight chance that exists at best for au Eastern Oregon nomina tion. Tbe Sumpter American falls into e m demanding for eastern "re- Ho pon a fait representation in tbe state government at Salem, It favors an organised effori with Ibis ohjec: in view anil says the "republicans of Eastern I iregoo oertainl) have a grievance in the shabby treatment heretofore accorded them in th, matters of state ullicers and now their opportunity to get their just lues and representation." 'in tbe selection of appointive officer!) Eastern Oregon has beei well remembered by Governor Geei and grows in bis attentions," says the Bakei Republican, and then it mentions that C. A. Johns, of that city, was appointed a member of tbe text-hook Commission) and ItODS, right there, exhausted Fat Job that wus! Two or three months bard work for a hundred dollars cash, Sunday's Oregonian bas a obarm iQg picture of Ihe Heppner lady who will be married to Kdward Kverelt Young Of the Uakci City ttepubll- can, on the g4U), Aftei taking a good look at tbe piolure( M r Voung's brother edltOri will not blame bin for getting married. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make four bair harsh, dry and I Oriepy. Now we have two of tbe very. ... Lul ,,aiin. I.,r ..lUQ0i.. ti.u Scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair oft and glOSSV, Price, 25 end 60 cents hottle, at Fraser's bar her shop, The Dalles, tf NOTICE TO THE. PEOPLE- Whlctl Will ! For Their Own HeneMt if Indlt, Before buying any tombstone? or any cemetery work come and see Mr. Co I mini. Don t let any one blutl you with thejr liej( trtk. Thev know nothing about the business ami run down the Door mechanic, Thev try to make you believe that their work is durante, ne- f,ir.. 'ill! ? velvmir order let Mr. Comlni takH vnll ,., to the cemetery and show yon what kind of work he pat! up and mve von hi? price? tor similar wars, Don't be In a hurry to glte yoor order, bu. first give Mr. Comlni a chance to Amm mi Aiir vntk. Noil will t ml bv Mlt,ng anv who has had business dealings witb Mr. Comlni that all of hie work IS 01 nr-wms-j'i.iii: , .'u-i - nr represents it t be, and that hi? price? for lUCh work are very low. send for -tone It i? not necessary t from other places, there is stone herein Trit- Dalies that wil. stand until the judgment dav. Sandstone crumbles. jonl2dwtf NOTICE:. Notice i? hereby given thai the under. atfne( wjj( on Thursday, th Sth day of Auaust, 1901, at the front door of rhe Coun Connty Court House, in miles i.ry. Wasco Countv. Oregon, at 10 o'clock in w Countv. Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the torenoon oi sam aay eeu to iae djd- hi umuer mr u- nrooertv to which Wasco county, or any other public corporation m satu wasco Con nty, lias acquired title bv virtue o saie for taxes, as shown bv toe records of tax sales for said Wasco County. Robert Kelly, Sheriff of Wasco County. Oregon. bated this th day of Jnlv, 1901. jyS-dw otw Hatea i n Pan-Aturlcaii Ezpontlon, Roond'trip rates via 0. R. & N. from Tne Dilles, I ' 0. Tickets on sale first and tnir.i ruesdays during June, July, August. September and October, good for continuous passage solus on date of sale, ., ' , Return limit thirty d vs fiom date oi . , . stop-overs will b al owed west of siissoun river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can ie made by apply inp to agent i. R. & N. Co.. Tne Dalies. , whereby tickets wi!'; bn honored on lake steamers in one nr both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf Jambs Iheland, Agent for Tut CbBONICLK, Lmcieo Lice uoBpreo, USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood Preserving Krtim also a Radical Remedy against Chicken Uce, Its application to in side walls of poultry houses will per manently exterminate all lice. Ke Ult healthy chickens, plenty o( eire-. v tit.- for circulars and prion. i Mention this paper. Jos, T. Peters & Co., S THE DALLES, ORBOON, General Mill Work. Hansen &Thomsen Cturcri au'l Weal Sash SMl DOOTS. RllStiC, FlOOf ilWv I Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND FRUIT BOXES Of All KiiiUs Third street. The 1 ( regon. A. IP'.. ON. Notary f ibllC 1 IMOTHY BaOWNRIUa Attornej ut Law Real Estate. Insurance. Loans. Conveyancing and Abstracting. We represent some of the lar-st tire Insurance companies in the world. We have a ..ira,- Ut of property, both city and country, tor sale and rent. V e have m mey to loan on reai estate security al rwasonable ratee of interest. We do al! Kinds of eonseyi "eynchn. snd i ; -r are the agclusivs ow ner u,m f abstracting, whiob precludes tht Itllsivihillt V if fniuuLu is. I.w.l,.. titlai in real estate. Anyone having property for sale or fHllt . . ni"' il l,J ll,eir advantage to icn- u iii uur nanus. Collections and all legal business left f'01 f at ten 00. Will practice in all the courts ,,f the ttate. CorresuoncWe i,m,.,tlv answered. ' ' J poll & Brownnin " Offices: Washington street tJ KrHiicli A fr, 'a " w NOLAN S still eroes on. Weeklji ing presents to be given 5ta, prevail, fc 6 hours a day to do 2 oi II J am,' line comoinea. . i the barga ns offer can rest assured un m - - and promptly delivered by some one of the numerous expressmen who paj a licence fordeWing goods in the city and deserve to be patronised. M. T. NOLAN. Yon can never cure dyspepsia by diet ing. Whit your body need? is plenty of mod food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all ofi the natural digestante hence must digest every class of food am! So prepare it that nature can use It In nourishing Hie body and replacing the wasted tissues, thus si vine life, health, strength, ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Clarke & Falk nave received a carload q( the ceU,t)ratP,i James E Patton strictiv nre liquid paints For sale or rent A house of nine rooms on Ninth street, with two lots and a nice littie orchard. Butts. ppiy to I'ad limll-ld 4tW White Collar Line. me DaiiBs-Poniand Boute Str. BAILEY-G ATZERT. DAILY ROUND TRIP Except Monday, Cascade Locks Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. time card y , j i - Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive The Dalles 3 p.m. T.eave " " 4 " Arrive Portland in ' 1 Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Koiite lias tiie iramJc?t Scenic Attractions on Earth, Portland-Astoria Route Str. '-TAHOMA." Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CAF?D Leave Portland Leave Astoria . i A. .7 p, Landing and office Foot oi Alder oVmi! B both phones, M o"ii, Portland, E, W, ORICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. HAVNES BROTHERS, Maniifsetnrors ot The Haynes '; Net and Stacker. We arc plaased to inforo our patroni ami the I'Ublie in Ke:,eral timt we nave the exclusive control und manufacture oi tbe ( elebrated Ha nes Net aud Staoker, which is tie ix-t y u yet invented lot unloading bay ". train fr. : beaderbedi We are now luannfaotureri it pnfur, Oreeon, anil each .( la carefully wade and examined before leaving tb factory, ,t, mluial) i.iui, iinipls in uftarats and at Isfaotury, C irrespondenc I'irtie sjylaa J. s. MCHafcx, President. . solicited iioin ail Interested HAYNKU BROS., Dtttor, or. Max a. VOQT, I'aihiei First National Bank. THE DALLES OREGON A tienera! Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Siht uratt or Ulieck. Cvvw. ...b. .tin in ' ji HM' 1IU1I1LH olleetiOOS made and procede promptl, r -rXr tr A ttott. saat! i ! remitted on dav of collection. D- W- VATJSE, Third St. Blaht and Telesjraphlo ExoOange sold oj v"k- fcixoo vt. land, DIKKCTOKS D r. Thompson. .Jmo. K. s, m. M. Wiw,iAna, lino. A. Liana. a M . Han Why pay $1.7o per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. 0' Proof paints lor $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for s nu.b Kalk, ai7euts. " : ni..v. j. m.,. . . . iiavornig extracts ure the best. Ask your a' :er lor them. Profit-Sharing Association . n inst month, but before announc I ' 1 V V 1 V vv I . A.1 T i v ik i i ' - . . . awn Vrnrust 3rd l desire w SoTo nours wora m anu u3 - ... Irilen I Dnn P QUI lb Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: ulNlNo PAR Kor iK FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. Tin-: only DIRECT LINE Turin: vki.i.ow- STONE PARK urn. UBioa Depot, FiflHaid I Sti eaiv. Nc Kast mull for Taeoma, No. Seattle, Olympic, Oray'a llnrljiir and South Bend rKiiit, Sp. 'kaiie. Koss- und, H. i .. Pullman, tt:U a. M. faloHump mining ooun- 8;M P. M. trv. Helena, Minneapo Us, St. Hani. Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. luis. Chicago ami ill! points No. i. eaat and xoutheaat. Ho. 3, I'nget Bound Kxpress 11.30 P.M. for Tacoma and .Seattle 7;00A. M. ami IntermwllHte point.- i Piillman iirr rlavs snrl Inurllt sltvtiors to Minneapolis, Bt, Paul and Missouri river points ' wvt"buiedtmins, Union depot conneeuons iii al! principal iltiet. Baggage cheeked to destination of tick-t. or liami'ioniolv illnstr:iti-l iKoriptw.' matter. tickets, sleeping-car reservauons, etc.. call on or writs A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 258 Morri I son Street, corner Thinl. Forti.iml Oregon, SOUTH and EAST via . OAEISL&I XCOUTG i taUonsat4:2oa.m. andSp.m. , u . , w2Sr::::::::::::::!S:iS iu;S! ; S : Arrive Ashland Sacramento . . san Francisco .12:811 a m ":0U p in 7 : ! p m n:80am v'n a m ! Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kansas City Chicago . . . 5:4fi am 11 : IS a m ; J:(io a m U:00a in : :i in 7:38 11 in :45am a:aoam Arrive l-o Angeles ' Kl Paso " Vort Worth " city of Mexico " Houston " New Orleans . . ' Washington " New York . i:'J0m 7:00a m 6:00pm 8:00 pm . 6:80 a m 6i80 a in . 9:68 a in 9:88 a in .. I ii".. in 4:00 a in . . 6:33 a in 6:38 p m . . K: a in 6'4S a m ,12:13pm 12:13 pw ; Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair ears Sacramento to Ooden and Kl Paso. and tourist oars to Chicago, St Louis, Nsw Or- I j leans and Washington, Connecting at San Francisco with several steamsblp lines fur Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central ami South America, Bee agent at Tbe Dalles itation, or u,j,i. chn C. H. MARKHAM, tieuerui Passenger Agent, Portland, Oi Just What You uuant. New iileus in Wall I'aper here. Such wine varietv an we are snowing never be fore u'raceil it dingle etock. Real iiuita. tl"" crelun SffeotS at ordinary prieee. vjuv.i puciB .it uiieap paper prices. Elegant desinim, tasteful OOloriugS, vourH for a small price, at our store on Third atruu. Aim, a full I',.... t i . FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausact a General Banking Business, Letters of Credit issued available in the hastern States. BUL, 1. i . . lZjnj!!H T " l- '."W. .. UW 1 q V " V nna urs. "" rmi., uiiu various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all t.oi points on lav- orable terms Souta Pacific Go iS 'im : . I .. ...!. 11' I III' III" correui ' SXer good.8 Thel.0, , . dealers in M , , nnTfifi v me Goiomliia PacKing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF U ANOFACTTJ RKK8 ok Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)R!FD BEEF. RTC. NEW Y08K The W. W. Wilson Co., Props, First-CIass in Every Respect UBALS AT AM. II or it s. Oysters Served in any Style. g- Second st., The Dalles, Oi Kodol Dyspepsia Cure nSnocte sarksk'f ms JKSIT . ItartiliciallydiBeststhefoodaudaids Nature iu strengthening and racon- atructing the exhausted digestive or- gans. It isthe latest discovercddigest- ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach it in etllcieucy. It in- stantiy reiie?said permanently cures Dyspepsia, liidigestion, Hearthurn, jriatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, 8ick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and SI. Largo slse contains 3 V, times gmallslto. Jlookanahoutdysijepsiumiiiledfree "spared by E fS. DeWITT A CO.. Cblcaao, Sold by Clarke Falk V P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping J'apers direct from factory. Solid. Hex, Deko, 'ul(v U!)(l Al'isU) 111 till si,L'S. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, beetle and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Alliums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer, Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath in a dandy, Try it. The A. E. 0, Developer for plates, Alms or developing papets bun no equal. Enough for 35c to developed dosen niatep , or ii dozen Veloi 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if direction' i are followed, Ask for the A. E. (.'. veloper, and see that yon get the genuine. We are prepared to Compound any and allot your own formula' and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 17o Second Street. The Dalles, OregOOl Geo. C. Blakeley. papa L. Lane, 5 QKNEKAL Wagon and Carriage Work. Fleh Brother' Wagon. Third aud Meim Phone 159 ! I MM Restaurant i nitit ...AND... Horseslioer Oregon Shot Line AND union Pacific DIPANT roK Oh loafo l'urllaliil TIME BOH1SDCLB8 FROM THE DALLES. AUR1VK 1 ROB salt ljikc, Denver, Ft. Worth, OmiiliH, Kim mill the Kiist. Special, I 12:26 p. m. I via Hunt Ington. ' Atlantle Rxprru, ; 13:00 a, m, via Hunt ington. I st. Paul ; Kast Mail. I lei'i p, m, 1 via Hpo 1 kane. ! :08 p. m. sit .nke, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kan mis city. Kt liOUlN.Ohl-l rago mill the Kaat. Wiilta Wiillt., Ixjwlatnn. HpokaMtWatlnsaiPiill' num. MinuonpollN, si PaUl, DUIUth, Mfhvuu kee, Chicago and East I i ii b. a. :80 a, m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From r.irtlitiiil. (All sniliug dates sub jeol to otiange.) For Ban Pranolaoo, Sail every (lays. 8:00 p. m. 4:00 p. a, Dally exeaiit Hunda y, -:tXl p. nt. Saturday, 10:00 p. m. ',,luii,l)ln Itlvpr. to Astoria ami Way I bindings, 1:00 p. m. exesfi .'Uinlat. Wllliimi-tti. Ktver. Oregon city, New berg, -n lem . I ndopendence, and v ay-Lnndlngs, 1:80 p. a sxostt Bundtr, Tuesday, Thiirsd iy. Saturday . 6:00 a. in. I'uesday, Thursdaj . Saturday . 7:00 m. m. Leave Klpuris dally, 3:4ila. m. r :90 p. m. Mntirtay. ednesdij ( rtdsy, ('or-. nl I i s and Way uiii'liugs. Willamette nml : SO p to tiiiiiiuii Mtvors. Mondsj Oregon City, Dayton and H ' iin. Miui Vn; Landinga. Bitsj, Snake River. Rlparlo to Uewlaton. Lesre I.eWlatO!! dally, S aj ii. I'lirtn-v leal ri ok to r to Ranpntr or point - on Columbia Southern via liinc. -iioulii taKi No. j, leaving The Dalles at 12: Jo p. n. tnakniK dir connection at Seppner juncttn mid Biggs, Rctanlng htakingdireotconnaeltei at Heppner function and HittKs with. No. riving at The Dalles at 1:06 p. m. For further particulars, call on nr address i.s. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Orejoi. Complete of at M. Z. DON NELL, THt DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings o The time will soon be here when BSW stylish dressed man will want an upWj dute Niriiii: Suit. Those are the kind of patrons I am tailoring for. Come in and look over my Spring line of Suiting' All the latest novelties lor 1901, Suits to Order, $10.00. ! John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In all uh M iL'i tuere I' ...I Lie ciuaiiliuuns. Kly'a Cream lialm ..-.ill-, , B.,tljl--HIIll ll.-nlM (lie li,-iiM', inuinbruue. 1 It ciiruni iiisrrli unit drives twuy a culd iu luu huad linn U. V t'ream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, sprs"1 I over lue mewbrsne and is absorbed. nli'ui,i' 1 nitdiaui aad a cure follows. It is not drying-1 not produce amln-. Ijtrge Hue, SO cents st ISW Ula ir by mail ; Trial Size, lo cents by niall tl.V UQOTHWUI, SO Wurreu Street, New fS