The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 15, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 1
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over SO years,
ftf j', sonal supervision since its infancy.
t'GCtCU6 Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-pood " are but
JSxperiiiiaiits that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Marginal Heading".
Wew Yoisk, July 13 The joint coni
mission on marginal readings in the Bi
ble, appointed at the general convention
of the I'rnteatant Episcopal Church in
1896, with instruction- to report to the
leral convenion of 1901, which is to
It in San Francisco in October, today
ant copieH of its report to the hisliopS of
the country ami to the lay delegates. The
report ie r. pamphlet of upwards of 600
pages, and Hit- parts oi it follow :
"The ohj-ct of the c uninission hi s
been to give an intellitrihie tneauingto
vary part of the Jiinle. Tnis, it is Ve
iieveil will he clear on a caetul exami
nation of the proposed marginal reading.
Even in quite minor correct ions the
filament of instruction has lieen ttie pri
mary thought.
MsP'With regard to texual questions in
the books of the Old Testament , a cer
taln number of renderings' have been
talroduced in cases where a different
Nading appeared to have helped lor the
ierstandinr of au otherwise obscure
sage. These are distinguished from
aly alternative renderings of the
leut text by the word 'or' preceding
"In regard to various readings in the
Greek Testament the commission has
been careful to avoid coainiitting the
church to the acceptance of any particu
lar view of disputed matters of texual
fc'"With regard to only three passages in
MBe New Testament lias tiiu commission
jHt called upon to make any critical
Mte. In these instances tin- commis
aton has aimplv stated the facts now uni
versally recognized, that the passages in
question are not found in some of the
Mrliest manuscripts. These passage.
are the verse explaining the healing virt
ue of the pool at Bethesda tSt. Jofin, v,
A, Die Ethiopian enuch's profession of
Jalth before liapiisui ( Acts viii :37 ). and
the doxolnu'V at the end of the Lord's
jarayer in St. Mat'hew ,vi :18. St. John,
8, is given in our margin without the
Manse as to the three heavenly witnesses,
(bicti clause is absent from all but ttie
test Greek manuscripts, and is gener
ly recognized io be no part of the orig-
al text.
'As in the Old Testament, reudeiings
Med on various readings of the Creek
b itt been introduced where the author-
Hv for ttie reading- seemed to r. otiire it.
tie mereiv alternative character ol anv
ach reading has been noted, as in the
Id testament tiy a preceding 'or.' "
Bought, and which has been
has borne the siprnatnre of
has been made under his ner-
Signature of
Olil-tiiim Church.
FoBBBl Grove, July 13. Tlie Congre
gattnnal Oburch here, which was de
stroyed bv fire early this morning, was
one of the earliest churches in Oregon.
The Congregational Church of ForeBt
Grove, originally known as the "First
Church of Tualatin Plains," was organ
ized in June, 1812, by Uev. J. S. Grirtin.
In 1645 R-v. Harvey Clark because the
pastor, and a loir house was soon after
erected for a church home. In 1854 Kev.
Thomas Condon, now professor of geol
ogy in the University of Oregon, became
pastor and remained a year. He was
followed by Rev. Harvey Clark, Rev. 8.
H. Marsh and Rev. K. Walker served as
supplies for two years, the services being
held in the college chapel. In 1858 an
edifice, the one destroyed this morning
was begun. It was dedicated October
26, 185!). The structure cost about
$7,000. Rev. W. A Tenny became pastor
in May, 180!, serving 18 months. Tem
porary supplies followed until February,
1807, when Rev. D, A. Miles became
pastor remaining tWO years: He was
followed by Rev. S. B, Van Dersal, Rev.
J. F. Ellis, Rev. Charles F. Wood, Rev.
Austin Rice and Rev. Morton D. Dunn
ing, the present pastor.
Yuur itou
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Flixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparitlas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee,
tilakele; the druggist.
forktOg 4 PaOM a Day.
Ttiere's no rest for those tireless little
little workers Dr. King's New Piils.
Millions are always busy, curing Torpid
Liver, Jaundice, ililliousuess, Fever and
Ague. They banish Hick ilesdache,
drive out Malaria. Never gripe or
weaken. Small, taste nice, work won
ders. Try them. 28c at G. C. Blakeley's
drug store. 2
DeWitt's Witch Haee) Salve should be
nromptly applied to cuts, burns and
scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the
injured part. There are worthless
counterfeits, be sure to get DeWitt's.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Gifford's Fotoe Never Fade.
The Motive Power Gave Out Brazilian
Aeronaut Tried to Earn the Dcutsch
Prize of ! 00,000 Francs, but an Ac
cident Occured Will Try it Again.
PARIS, July 18. -M. Santos-Dnmont
the Brazilian aeronaut, made the cllicial
trial of his balloon in the attempt to win
the nrize of 100.000 francs offered bv
Henry Deuttch for a managable balloon '. for which daportt of $8.00 will
before a committee of the Aero Club to- 1,6 required. All rail in both directions,
dav. Starting from the Pare de Mudon, j via u- K- aiul Southern Pacific,
he'reached the Eiffel tower in a quarter firBt ClMi, good for stop-ovcrs in Call
of an hour, and. after sailing around the j forn'. W 8nd c9 ".cludint
tower, started to return to the Bare de
MnAat, hot lank r.f motive nower neces-
.iiatrl'o ,lnent t Rnn Wne. Rn r-Seine.
The trials will be resumed later.
The condition of the winning of the
DenttCb prize la that the trip from St.
Cloud to the Eiffel lower and back uut
be made in half an hour. Santoe-Dumont
atarted at
40 A.M. Ha roached Eiffisl
tower in 16 minutes, turneii around it,
and bad begun his return trip when the
motor failed and the aeronaut ripped
the silk of his balloon, fearing disaster
unless he could quickly reach the ground.
The balloon pitched forward head fore
moat into a clump of trees on ihe Roih
child estate, near Boulogne, where it wat ,
caught and euEpended in I he branches on
the opposite side of the Seine from t tie j
starting point. Santot-Dumont was not j
A number of spectators bad congre-
gated on the platform of the Eiffel tower I then in either case take the only rem
to watch the trial. They cheered the ! edy that has been introduced in all ch il
balloonist as be rounded the tower. Theuzed countries with success in severe
wind, which was lacking during the first throat and lung troubles, "Boachee'l
part of the trip, sprang up after SantoE- j German Syrup." It not only heals and
Dumont started on the return journey , I stimulates tiie tissues to destroy the
u it. I nrnhn hi 17 i rdanrmni v fur t lie en 1 - '
' ' - " 1 -
lapse of his machinery, as the balloon
was seen to turn partly over on its side,
It is calculated that, but for the accident,
t . t r 1 1 1
,u.,..F.i.M.,. .-.v- I
j the tower and back would have been uc- I
will make anotberattempt in a few days.
The Philippine Tariff.
Washing rox, July 13. Officials who
have had in charge the preparation of
the Philippine tariff' estimate that it
will bring in a revenue of $10,000,000
for the first year. The adjustment of I
the rates has been made with the view
of lowering the duties on necessities sol
as to reduce the cost of living in the I
islands, and also with the idea of open- i
: . i.,. A ..( . L, Oklll , .
lJg Lilt? UUUID Ul IMC 1 1 M I I I ' J ' I I ler IU
American trade us far as possible.
July Snow at Trenton.
New YORK, July 12. A dispatch to
the World from Trenton, N. J., says
that there has been a comparatively
heavy fall of snow in that city. The
snow was plainly visible during u rain
storm. The flakes were large.
For sprains, swellings and lameuess
there is nothing so good aB Chamberlaiu's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Chkosici.e, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price fl .50, ;
both papers for $2 a year, bubscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad i
When your hair appears dry and to j
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what :
the hair needs v. hen it gets in that con
dit ion . We have the Crown of
Science 11 h i r ffSSJjfeSn Grower and
Cocoanut (IreainflcBr Tonic. They
will core eland MM ruff' and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Pur - ale.
A J. I. Case separator ; good as new
and ready for work ; 32-inch cylinder
and a 14 Woodbury Diugee horse power.
Ou easy terms. Apply to
Ukokuk NoiiAJIOi
jy2-wklylmo Dufur, Or.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 eta
and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
Rate tn San Prani'lat'o and Kctnrn.
The 0. K. N. Co, will make the
following rates from The Palles. Oregon,
to San Francisco and return for National
Convention of Kpworth League, July
18-81,1901! Via rail to Portland and
O. R. & Ni steamers from Portland to
s,.n Pnmniccn n ml return g!Ml ftO
I " '
i Tickets on sale and honored on trains
from The Dalle and on steamers from
Portland only on July llth and 16th,
Returning tickets will be honored on
steamers sailing from San Francisco not
later than August 1st: final limit, Aug
ust 4, 1901. Rate includes meals and
berth on steamers. Reservations for
passengers going via steamers should be
made in advance to insure accommoda-
uwmi m tuuri.i r,,n ... u..... ..,.rL
i 'np. Stop-overs, $28.80
Pickets on
1 The Dalles July 15th and 16th,
and will te honored tiy Southern Pacifi
I on traine leaving : orwana juiv iotn ano
J Uith-and on morning train July 17th;
i ood for retorn P9 leav ing San
Francisco up to and including July 31,
inAi T" i 4 .:n t... n 1
. e . r .i i itiL i
iibiow win nui .-r .urn guuu in
One direction via rail and in another via
For further Information communicate
with Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
Does it I
A cheap reu
iv to iiuv Cheap?
tnedy for coughs and colds
but j.ui want something
leve and cure the more se
is ali ligat
that will n
vere and dangeioua results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Co
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, it possible; if not possible for yon,
nbt-m j i i auu ua l ,n I a I ta vtt t n fl a 111 1 11 u t i. . ;i
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
ONt bottle. Recommended many vears
I 11 . :. : i.i 1 . .j
uy ai uruaaiBid in ine wuriu, aoo r.i ii
by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prise
almanac. t
Drying pPOptWtttiOIUI simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho Secretions,
which adhere to tho membrane and decom
pose, causing afar more serious trouble) than
the ordinary form i 'f catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhulunts, fumes, gmokce and tni.Hn
and use that which clean aa, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Hulm is mich a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial eio will ho
mailed for 10 cents. All druggist! sell the
50c. size. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren ,St ., N.Y.
Ihe tin! in cures without pain, aoel not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated una angry surtaco, reliev
ing immediately the painful intiammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Catarrh tauuut Be Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country lor yea's, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Hend for testimonials,
F. J. CiiaNKY & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, puce 75c.
Hall's Family fills are the best. 12
A Firemuu'a liluae all.
"I stuck to my engine, ultiiougb every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
witii pain," writes C. W. liellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Hurliugton, Iowa.,
"I was weak and pale, without any ap-
petite aud all run down. As I wag about !
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Hit
ters and, after taking it, I felt as well as
I ever did in my Hie." Weak, si.kly,
run down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C.
Illakeley, the druggist. Price 50 cents. 2
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Early Kisera compel your liver
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
you rich, pure blood to recuperate your
tody. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
in the county Court of Hi. stHte of Oregon
(or Wasco oountj .
tn ti e matter of the guardianship of Mariana
i.mev Hint Hugh Vivian 1 1 " . minor warda
Notice is liorehy given Hint under snd tiy
virtue Of .-in eider and license ef ssto, made Hll,l
entered In tbe above entitled court and cause
en the 2ih iiny ol April, 1901, the undersigned,
guardian ol Mariana Leooy and Hugh Vivian
iju ey. minors, will on Monday, 1st flay of Aua
u.-t. 1901, at 2 o clock p. m. thereof, nt the front
door of the county coun house in Dalles 1 Ity,
Wasco county, Oregon, sell nt public auction to
I the highest bidder, for cash In baud, In the
manner provided by law foi the sale of real
property by executor snd sdmtnistrators, nil
I the interests of the snid minors in and to the
following described real property, to wit: sk- .
HJaVwlh hi suite sul
co i ounty, Oregon
eet to n nun Igngc
of finite mi 1 interest new en sunt premises.
bated at Dalles City, Oregon, July 2, 1901,
Land Ornca ht Tkb Dailbs, oaa.,1
July j. 1901,
Notice fs herein riven that the following
named settlers hvc filed notice of intenti n t
make final proof on their respective claims be
fore the Healstcr and Uecelver nt The Dallei
Oregon, on iaturda) . August 10, 1901, vU :
rii O. Vreewan,
en honie.-teth! neiilientloii Ko, 5881, fer theS'.,
er i , 1 . W , K 1 K, Sou I IK' M'.
T J N. K 1 K, nint the
' 8e
I l N
11 12 K. W i
John A. I I,-, ei in.
on homestead application No 5833, fer theWU
N I 1 j . SK1., NW', lnd NK'4 W', See 0, T I V
R l.'K. W M .
Witnesses; Cslvin Unnitfen. J.1 A, rreeninn
ami A i:. Freeinun ol Mosler, Oregon, stid Will
Hpcncer and Wil'lam Ketchum ef Tho Dalles,
On sen.
Jlyfl lie islet.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit c nu rt of the Btate et Oregon tr
Wasco County,
n. 8. Huntington, plaintiff,
Charles H. Matney, W, R, Wlnans and almeda
EI, flarrctt. as executrix, defendants,
ity virtue of nn execution, decree and order ol
M.ic. duly Issued nut ol and uudertfie seal ol the
Circuit I'ourl of the State of Oregon lur the
County of Wafcoo, to modlreoted and dated the
19th day oi June, 1901, upon a decree lor the
foreclosure ol n certain mortgage and Judgment
rendered mhi entered in miUI court on ths 7th
daj i 'f June, 1901, in the above entitled cause, In
favnr of the plaintiff and against tho defendant
Charles It Matney as Judgment debtor. In tho
Mini ef foul linn red and liLtv dollars, with in
terest thetonn (nun the 2th lay ol August, 1899,
nt Die lute of tell per cent per milium, toWp, the
sum of $584,85, and the further sum of sevon'y
five dollars (f 75) as attorney's fees, and Ihe fur-
t lit-1 sum oi thirteen .lelhirs ($1 I) rusts, .mil the
i'uKts o! and upon this w rit, and oommsndlna
ma in make sale of the real prporty embraced
in sucb decree of foreclosure add beralnafter de
scribed, I will, on the
00th iluy of .Inly. 1901 .
nt til ' In '111' lit '.!
o'oloox iu the afternoon ot hii'u
fmnl door of tin' eonnlv OUUrl
I dar. and atihi
house in Dalles city, Wasco county, Oi'egon,
sell nt public suction to the blare t bidder for
casta in baud, nil the iiuht, title and interest
whirl, the defendants diaries n Mutin y and
W. li. Wlnans or eithor of thorn bad on tin- I'ith
iiny oi Auaust, 1899. the date '( the mortgage
foreclosed herein, or which such defendants or
any of tt..- defendants herein hav klnoe no
quired or now have In nn.t to tin- following do
ne riied real property, situate and being in
Wascu county, fregon, tow it .
Tin- northwest quartet ol section twent six
(20) in township one (1) nor h, range nine (91
east, W. M., or so much of mi 1.1 property nn will
ialfsf) raid judgment sud decree, w iih oosta sua
accruing costs.
said property will he soiii subject to confirms1
Hon sud redemption ..s by low provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oroaon, this 19th day f
June, i'.iui.
junL'j Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale and execution
duly issued out ol nnd under the seal cif the Clr
cult Court of the state of - irecou for the county
of Wasco, to me duly dlrootud and dated tin- :M
day ol July, 1901, upon a Judgment anddsoree
rendeied and entered In said oourl on Itae27tli
day of June, 1901, In favor of w w Phillips, tilt, nnd sgslUBt J W Mouos, defri.danl, for
tbesuinol $2030.40 in United Htstes gold coin,
hi;. i the further sum of fjm attorney tee, aud
$21 25 costs and dlsburseinouts, 1 did m the 2d
dny of Inly. 1901, duly levy upon the following
described real piocerty kltuated in the oountr of
tVasco, Btate of Oregon, town. Defendant J W
Hones' uudlvlded onr-hnif Interest in and to seo
lioiiN in mid ni; the i-ortbeast quarter and the
north ball of the southeast quartet, and the
southwest Quarter of the southeast quarter, the
runt hull ot lilt- northwest quarter, and the
southwest quartet of i he north est quarter, the
north hnii of ttie southwest quarter, and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
section 32; and tin-west i I f of ths southeast
quarter, and lota tl and I-' of SOOtlOO U0, all in
iowusiiti i n n in range 9 east of the v lllaaietts
meridian ; and win in ootnpUanoe with iu coni
mends on
gttBUajTi 1111 Blk Ouy of Augnat, I IIO I ,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. tn., at ths frontdoor
of the county court I. uue in tin- city of The
Dalles, hi, iii county and stair, sell at puulio auc
tion to the lilgheht bidder for U. 8. gold colli,
rush in hand, all 'lie liglit. title and Interest
Unit tin-si. id defendant had on the lllh day of
October 1899, He- ciute ol plaintiff's mortgage.
or lias, since had ill or to mi id pal property lo
sati ly said judgment, decree nnd e xecution.
with interest on $20110 m from ihe 27tta day of
June, 1'JOl, at tie rate of olght M.T cent l.ri 10.
num, aud on $240 from the 7tn iy ' June,
1901, at the rate of sla per cent per annum, aiul
tie- OOStS of unit upon said writ.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, inly moi.
juhi hiicriit oi Waauo County, Oregon,
Executor's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given timt m . ponnell inn,
basil duly appointed uxuculor 01 the last will
and testament of Auu l.uchinger, deceased.
1.1 .......... ...U....U ...... ..- ..... .........
tl .11 '''' i.nv ci'H .u.llin iu. 1 I"' ' -in''
oi .-Hid Ann Luobinger are hereby notiticd to
present the aame to me, vt-rtiieu by law re
quired, within alx 11. mi 1 lit. from the date of thin
listed at ImII. ( ity thin 7tii day of June, 1 i
juns m. t. DONKKLli, Bsaoutnr.
ONE FOR A 0081.
nn 1 ft
KiiinnvM Pi !....-... BrBB Bk
Bilh.a;uBM.furifh,. Blood. ILLlJ
ure ll,',l. !,e 4U, UpeU,i,. iiBSL3C
ta 1
n dsr is BMasssrr
ilokao. To con-
ur uoi loir
aosANao C0.Phiia.aa
. h 1.1 . ' 'n P01 as
nr. uvicuir sipa nor.
inoa m.u. wu will i -TL..i.
fee. gold 1 uagf tata. OR.
NOTICE POB PUBUOATtOir.'K t VAKcouvaa, Wash., t
.lime 24, 1901 i
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
named settleis have filed notice of their Inten
tinii to make nnal proof in Miptmrt of their
claims, and tied said proofs will be made before
the Register nod Receiver, i . a. land olSee at
Vancouver, w iiti . on aaturaay, August 10, 1101,
iiir Parsons,
11 v No. WW for the 8U of RU 80c 8, and 8W
0f8W. Bcc, .'. Tp N ." U. li ... W M who
names the following witnesses t. prove hi eon
tinuous residence upon and eultlvatlon oi ani
land. Vis
RuKxoll R. Swain, John Ungor, llsskin Trabua
nnd Edgitr A. Hopper, all of f.yle H O., W ash
KilKar A. H-'VI'er.
U.K. No '.'CiiM tor the BotNEURec, ;, Ti.;i
n.. u . IS E.i w . m .. who names the folfowlag
wttn'wses to prove ht eoutlnuons resldeties
upon snd niiti atlon ol ssld hunt, (
John 1 liner, Russell R. Bwaln, 1 isear B, Pafaeaa
nint llaskin Trabuc, sll of Lyle P.O., Washing
InnStl w
t:. DL'NDAR, Register.
i.anii Orricl ai VANcocvaa. Wash., t
.tune 18, 1901, (
Notice in hereby given that tiu following"
named settlers hsvefl led notice oi their Intention
In make final proof in support of tliclrclitnia,anl
that ssld proofs will bo made before the Register
nnd Receiver u. 8. land ofneo t vsnoouver,
Wasblngti 11, Friday, August 9. 1901, via.:
William K. O'Neal,
H, R, No. 9641, for the N1, of NEW, X K 1 . of N W t
il r 11, nnd BE! , of BW Sec II, Tp4N, R 19 K.
w. M.. who names the following witnaasas n
prove id- continuous residence upon and i nltl
VatlOU of snid laud. Is, :
Russel n. Bwaln, Ueorge A. Snider, William
11 Hopper and lohn Dsffron, all of Lyle P.O.
Itimaell . Swnlo,
11, E. No. 9894. for the N 1 .. of NKM, Beo li, Tp :i
N, K 13 K, vi M, who names the following wit
nessei to prove bis continuous residence upon
ami cultivation of said land, via. i
William E, O'Neal. George A, Bidder. William
it Hopper, John llaffron, ail ol Lyle r. o.,
William II. Hopper.
II. E Nr. 990 for the N' , of 8 WW, Sec :!.'., Tp .1
N, K li K, . til. , who names the following wit
nesses to prove ina continuous residence upon
and cul II vat ion of said land, vis :
Russell R. suain, William O Nasi, George A.
Bnldei aud John Ualrrou, nil of Lyle P.O., Wask,
jniiii w, R, i ir mia k. Register,
Land Ornca at Tna Dallbs, Or,,i
Ma, r, ,1991,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named sottler has Hied notloe ol bis Intention
to msko final nrooi In support ot bis olaim, and
that said proof will be made before the Keia
teraud Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on Mon
day, .1 uly N Uml , vis, :
A I bar! VV . Turner,
of Tin- Dalles, Oregon, II E. No. I'M ! for the
BRW sec. 10, T, I B., R. 11 R., W, M.
tic names tn.- following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon mid cultivation
of snid inn. I. vi .
liberies Qossou, t'harles mith, Walter soott
and Isaac U. Matney, nil of The Dalles Oregon.
ma?99 JAV P, LU0A8, Rsglstar,
i.anii Ornca at ths Daubs, Oa.,
June v, loot, i
Notloe u hereby given that lbs following
named settler has nled uotli i bis Intentlou to
make lin ..I proof m support of Ills claim, and
Hint snid proof will he 111 Bile before the HagistSt
..mi Receiver at ihe Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day. July 30, 1901, viz. :
i r. d atoekll.
of The Dalles, Or., It E. No, N34, for the nw.
ol N U 'M of nee ,97, Tp 1 N , It Ul K W, M.
He nn s Ihe lullOWlUg witnesses to prove rna
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
Said inn. t, vis,
Osmer w. Cook. Alex. Praser, R, 0 . Brooke,
( i. hi irs Rawsou, nil of the Dalies ( Irsgon,
junii JAY v. LUCAS) Regis tar,
Notice of Final Settlement
Tlie undersigned having Hied his so
oouut as administrator ul tbe'estateol Obarlaa, deceased, the County Oourt of
Oouuty, oroson, bi at. order made uu.i entered
May il. I UOI, has sppolllted Monday, July I,
1901, at ihe hour oi i p m, of said day. as ska
limr nnd the county court room Iu Dallei . ity,
WaSCO County, Oregon, an tin- lor Ihe
hear. nr ol snid final account aud of au) .)jec
lions thereto, il any there I.e. Ali prisons lie
te rested in snid estate an- hereby notlfleu to
h - BttV objections tbev may have lo nahl ae
count on oi before said last usmed date.
Dated May il, 1 101.
Administrator ol tin Estate ..( Charles Qrodt.
Deoeasad. may.'6
U, n. Laud OfttCe, aiicouver, Wasb., (
May vs. 1(01, I
Notice is hereby given that in oomplianea tin- provisioni of the act ol Congress oi
June 3, IsTH, entitled "Au act for the sale ol tint
lur IiiiiiU in the states ol allfornla, IragOB.
Nevads ami w sshlugton Territory," as exn-u.iui
to ail the putiii. utnu states by act of Ausnst.
is'.j, Kiank tttewsrt, oi Lone Rock, county ol
Ullllam, statu of Oregon, has Ibis dsr filed in
this ottos ins mvoru statement No 2811, for the
purchase of the Nw ) of see 16 in Tp No in,k
Nn l.l K, W M , and will oll'cr prooi to show
thai the laud soiwht is more valuahle for Us
timber oi stone than for agricultural purposes,
ami to establish his Olaim to said land la-fote
the Register and Receiver ol this Mice at Van
comer, Wash., Oil Wednesday, lilt- llth day ol
Auaust, 1901,
lie names us witnesses Homer v. naoaV
worth, loslficy I. Bmltb. R, K. Roheiuou and
liar, y M lUtrett, all III Portland, lr
Anv ami all perspllS claiming advcrsi'ly (lie
ai.m r described lauds are retiuesied to His thsli
claims in this ofttoe Oil or before said llth day
ol AllKllst, P.Hil.
juul-101 Mi, it- DUNBAR. Ragislar.
I), H. Laud Ollice, alicoin SI , Wasli., i
July i, l'JUL t
Notice ia hereby shea that iu compliance
with lbs provisions of the act of I .ingress of
June u, ls7s, t.-i "An ai-t lor the saiu of
timber lands in the states ol ( allforuia, Oregon,
Nevada ami Washington Territory," as extended
to all Ihe public laud stairs b) act of AUglBj L
1893, Tbouias (!. l oinstock, of . argo, county of
l ass, stulo d North Dakota, has this day died
in this ottiee bis sworn statement No. 4974, lor
the purchake ol the south ball northeast tuarter
Sec .'I, and south hulf uortliwcst .,. miter ot
nee ii iu tow ushlp I o- hi., raugu lli east, W IU.
nnd w ill ollei proof I., show ttiat the land sought
is more valuable for Us timber or stone than lor
agiiciiltural purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said land bviuie ihu Itu.lslrr and Receiver ol
this ollice at Vancouver, Wusli., ou Monday, the
7th day of October, 1991.
lie names the toll.. wing witnesses: Kuocli
Hayes, U-wls II Paige Will D. tiled w in aud
Iaju niuith, all of Lucas, Wash.
Any and all uersoua claiming adversely Ihe
... ' .... .....,,..,.,., .,. am th.-ir
UU..VU UtBr.tUW III. 11.- a. ' . b1UV.Wi, ww ... ------
Claims iu (hit odlce ou oi betore said 7lii day ul
uctouer, isui.
JlylO-lOw W. U. DUNUAR, Uiglsuir,,