The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 13, 1901, Image 3

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    fThis is the Greatest
Economy Season....
July Clearings mean
Great Savings.
July brings the greatest economy chances of the year. We search
for special values with which to counteract the natural dullness of the
Unirner months, besides that stocks must be cleared for fall goods.
...Shirt Waists...
We have never had fewer at this season of the year ; the goods are
Spell known and need no introduction.
.Shirt Waists retailing at
ted need to
Values at $1.50, $1,05 and $1,
lied need to..'
Values at $2.00 and $2.25:
J educed to
"Values at $2.50 and $3.00;
I Reduced to ...
Values at $3.50. $4, $4.50
Reduced to ,
Every item in Summer Fabrics is reduced
Bargains everywhere you turn in the :
A J.L: :A; A rth mk A B tKk 5i.ftAJl A T: i'fi ; H?K ife MM ?.. 1 WW
tU' f w- V v- tr w v w
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 18, 1901
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco County warrnuts registered
prlr to 8etemlir '., lHltK, will lie iulil
on presentation at my office.
arter .1 ul , la, I no I .
County Treasurer
111 an fait in female toggery, in the
Wanted To purchase a dwelling ; iieight of fBHhion. And the forenoon
boute, in the city ; inside water limit, i yvas nearly as warm as any forenoon of
Call fit this office. jyl0-13. LQa 8ettBon. jhe fact iSi no cQUUtlv
Tb Grass Valley Journal learns that ,lnder the 8tarB ever had U10re delight
C. 0. Cooper ia thinking of locating in ; ful weatier than The Dalles has had so
that town and going into the harness
A meeting of The Dalles Driving Ae
otliation will be held in the Commercial
clttb rooms at 8 :30 tonight. By order of
tbe president of the association.
The sale of the (ieorge Gardner prop
erty At the Cascade Locks, by the sheriff,
OB a judgment and execution in favor of
W. Lair Hill, was postponed today, for
want of bidders, to next Saturday at
tbe sano hour.
8m T. Shaw, the prince of theatrical
manager - and a general favorite of the
public, died in Kansas City last week.
Many play-goers in this city will feel
tbat Mr. Shaw's death has closed the
eareei of a most clever and versatile
WSL. H. Fligg, of Endersby, told The i.k today that fully one-third of
thft-wheat in his neighborhood has been
rained by the late trusts, und of what is
left none of it will be No. 1. Here,
again, however, the damage is in '
altaaks, for while Orville Wingfield's
wheat is badlv damaged, John Doyle's,
on Ue other side the fence, is uninjured, j
Yesterday forenoon an unknown j
young man of a sandy complexion and !
wearing dark clothes "borrowed" the i
horse and cart of Alex Fraer, of Dutch
Flat, and did not return the rig for six 1
hpurs. Mr. Frtum eame to town in the
iprning and, as is his custom, hitched j
horse in a vacant space southeast of
Colombia Backing Co.'s market.
len he was ready to start for home
horse and cart were missing. After
isiderable inquiry lie heard of a man
Ijad single rig having crossed the Fourth
(reet bridge. Securing a saddle horse j
Jp hurried after the outfit and rode to j
owena, only to find tbat he was on the
Jprong scent. At his wit's end to guess !
what had become of his horse and cart
e returned to town, and exactly six
$1 .00 and $1 .25:
r o;
$1 19
in price,
and $:
V -'V- -v "v- "W ir ir ir v- ir :v "V w
hours after they were stolen he found
both, safe and sound, with the horse
hitched to a post in the neighborhood of
Ghri'tnan Brothers' meat market. Now,
Alex was out a dollar for the saddle
horse and it the thief will leave that j Thursday afternoons at 3.
amount for him at this office, and a j St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. C.
couple more for the six hours' use of the H. Lake, rector. Morning service at
horse and cart, Alex will agree not to j 11 a. ru. Evening service at 7 :30. Sun
shoot him on sight, otherwise otherwise. j day school, 12 :15. All are invited.
If that man Vershuren, or w hatever!" Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B.
thev call him, who recently told the i
Astoria News that the heat in The
Dalles was "terrible," had been here
today he would have seen ladies walk
ing the streets, near the noon hour,
wearing astrachan cloaks and fur collar
ettes, and one lady actually wore a big.
fu..y fur collarette np over her little
pink ears. And she was young and
good looking, too, and dressed, an far as
THB Ohbonici.B is is able to judge what
far this summer. 1
The directors of The Dalles Commer
cial club met last evening to consider
what action should be taken iu connec
tion with the couing visit of the congres
sional river and harbors committee in
view of the correspondence on this sub
ject between the committee and Repre
sentative Moody. This correspondence
was submitted and a committee was ap
pointed to counsel with the citizeus of
The Dilles and plan measures for the
proper reception atjd entertainment of
the visitors, who are expected to arrive
here on the afternoon of Wednesday, tbe
24th instant. Through the efl'orts of
Mr. Moody, 4n connection with the
Portland chamber of commerce, a boat
has been secured to bring the committee
from Lewiston to Wallula, but thus far
I these parties have been unable to secure
; a boat from Wallula to Celllo. However,
, the ell'ort w ill not be abundoned till the
i the lust moment, und in the event of i
i failure the partv will make the trio by
rail. The Lew iston chamber of congress
sent an invitation to Representative
Moodv and two members of The Dalles
Commercial Club, asking them to visit
Lewiston with the congressional com- ,
mittee and he its guests while there and
during the trip from Lewiston to Cclilo,
ami The Dalles Club appointed as these (
guesU, John S. Bolieook and E. O.
W. E. Anderson has purchased the
barhershop formerly conducted by
Frank Lanu, on Second street near Court.
He will conduct a first class place and
respectfully solicits a share of the
trade. jyl2-15 i
You will not have boils if you take j
Clarke & Falk's sure cure toi boils.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Kalk.
Subscribe for Tut: Ciikomcuc.
Good Stock.
i and $10 Suits
going at.
See display in window.
m iBS MS K-i..lBi Wf A
v "w w "v w- -v-
The Christian Scientists hold their
services at the residence of Mrs. W.
Lord Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock and
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m, in the new church
on 1'nion street. Sunday school at 10
a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. Ulysses
r T. x
r. nawK pasior. neguiar services ni
u a. m. ana a p. m. ftunuay scriooi ai Besidesthis saving, money was expend
10 a. m. i Epworth League at 7 p. m. u, u..,a u. 0nUi iui.iiltfai Inl.
- v vj wjwiiw Kill u c u i fain awewwww -
Congregational church corner Fifth howa; The beneficial improvement of
and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling , nearly one mile of street; the construe
pastor. Services at II a. m. and 7 .45 i tiou of more than 10(10 feet of 10 inch
p. m. In the morning the subject will terra cotta sewer mains on Union street ;
be "The Elder and the Younger." the complete repair and rebuilding of
Evening "The White Horse of Revela- i Ninth street bridge; the purchase of 500
tion." Morning music will he as follows:
Recit., D. V. Poling; Aria, Mrs. H. W.
Taylor, assisted by the choir. In the
evening Dr. Doane will sing "Rock of i
! Ages" as an offertory. Mr. M. L. Ackers,
i formerly first tenor of the Alps quartet,
j is in the city and will sing at both ser-
j vices, furnishing first tenor in the male
jo,uartet number in the evening.
I'roeeetliiiKH of Ilie County Court.
The county commissioners' court has
! appointed Hon, Robert Mays a com-
missioner of the Second Eastern (fregon
Agricultural Society, to fill the unex
pired term ending in January, 1903,
Lauren.en Brothers were granted a
road of public easement.
The petition of M. D. Adams and
others for a county road was granted,
and Emile Schanno, C. W. Dietzel and
W. H. laylor appointed as viewers, to
meet Friday, July 20th.
The petition of Cas Orasier and others
for a county road was granted, and J. A.
GoUiford, H. O'Nall and W. T. Wright
were appointed viewers, to meet at 6ome
date in August to be fixed before ad
journment of the court.
for infants and Cniidren,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the yT VjrV-JT"
This is to give notice to all owners of
cows within the limits of Dalles City,
that I have been instructed by the city
council to enforce the ordinance against
cattle running at large, and that the
same will be strictly enforced by me on
and after Monday, July 15, 1901.
CllAKI.KS CllAMl'l.l.V,
tftll City Marshal.
A ftplenrinl Raliltilt of Wonnmy In tlir
Arimltttxt ration of l unlrliml
A ft'.lrn.
To tlx 11
ll 1 1'
nmi Council of Dallet
The following is an exhibit of the ti-
I nancial c ndition of the city during the
I past fiscal year, from July 1 to June 90,
1901 :
I Fines collected recorder's court $
j Runners license
Team license
; Hog license,
969 (V
54 00
886 txi
51 on
I Other licenses, including liquor,
show and games 8,687 58
Ground rent, city property. ... 4ft ftO
I Delinquent taxes 4,171801
: Taxes, 1301 8,848 8'J '
Miscellaneous 4 00
Total income
KXl'KNin 1 1 HR!
Officers' salaries
Bridge department
Fire department
Light department. . .
$17,iV5T 07
,o04 00
196 49
834 98
ISO 10
:ift7 40
Ponce department
Sewer department 1,08ft ftO
Street department 1,408 2l'
Treasury department 7 Oft
Water department 600 00
Recorder's office 10 94
Proposed sewer system 816 Oft
Sundries 597 ftft
9 ::ft8 85
3.420 00
Interest on city debt
Total expenditure $12,778 8ft
Total income sfl7,t'.ft7 07
Total expenditure 12,778 85
Total saving for city 4.878 88
A comparison of the saving this year
with a few other years will show that
the administration of the city's affairs
has been better than all previous rec
ords. Previom to the years following
t;.3 city run at a loss and the present
deHt was incurred amounting to I67,
000. For the fiscal year, .luly I, 1S96 to
June 80, 1807 :
Expenditure $10,119 84
Income 10,077 18
Deficit 42 10
For the fiscal year, July 1 , 1807 to June
30, 1808:
Expenditure ..$11,285 21
Income 12,228 48
Deficit $ 58 73
My first report showed for fiscal year
July 1, 1898 to June 30, 1899:
Income $13,008 60
Expenditure 10,800 07
Saving to the city 3,041 931
Second report for fiscal year July 1,
1899, to June 30, 1900:
Income 14.448 00
Expenditure 11,917 57
Saving to the city $ 8,530 -13
And this my third report shows:
Income 117,657 U7
Expenditure 12,778 85
Saving to the ci.y if -1,878 8:
; feet of fire hose; the purchase of fire by
idrants; the expense of the proposed
sewer system incurred the previous year,
and the successful defense of the action
i against, the city for damages,
I The city is running on a five or six
j mill tax, while many of the other cities
of Oregon and Washington, are strug
gling under a much heavier tax a few of
which are cited :
Salem with a debt of $00,000
,10 mills
1(1 mills
. 7 mills
j Oregon City
Eugene 8 mills
Portland Id mills
Forest Grove 10 mills
Less than two and a half years ago
there was no sinking fund to meet the
city's bonded obligations, no we Irive
over $13,000 all of which is draw ing in
terest. Besides this there is in the gen
era! fond about $6,000 in cash.
NlD H. 1 1 ITBN.
Bleetrlfl Plaal Melon Bull Mt White
River fuits.
The Pacific bridge Company, of (bis
j city, which was recently awarded a con-
I - A I . I ii, it, t . tf. Jill !
iraei oy me asco rv wreuuuiv at mining
Company, of The Dalles, for the 00 D-
struction of a h vdro-electric power plant
' at White River Falls, has comuieiiced
operations. It has fifty men em ployed
on the head works, and nut the poles fur
trantmiusiori line partly set. The falls
1 iu White Liver are 112 feet high. They
I are situated between Tygh Valley ami
Shearer Bridge, thirty-five miles from
j The Dalles. J he contract calls for the
construction of siatiuns on White River
and at The Dalles, and for the erection
of w.res for the transmission of the elec
tricity generated ; alto for supplying and
installing all water wheels, dynamos,
transformers, etc., ttie whole to be com
pleted and ready for operation by Sep
tember 1st.
The head works consist of a dam across
White Hiver a short distance above the
falli, an intake, trench and tunnel for a
wooden stave conduit fttl inches in diam
eter, and I860 teei long, to Convey the
water to trie wheels in the station below
the tails, giving a fall of 180 bet. The
station will be ot nituonry or concrete
:!.'ixi-" feet with an iron irus roof, tire
proof and indestructable, and ,ike every
thing ahout the plant, of the latest and
motl improved style. The waterw heels
are ol the type -nown as the "impulse
wheel," ami Will he connected direct to
the generators. They have bucket
Wand the periphery, into which the
water from the cmduit passes through
nozEles. There will be two ftOO K. W.
generator sets in this station, which will
generate electricity at 1800 volts, which
by passing through transformers, will be
"stepped" to 38,000 volts, and under this
"pressure" will he transmitted over
three bare No. 8 copper wires to The
Dalles, where it will pass through trans
formers and be "stepped" down to any
desired "pressure." The generating
station will supply about 1000 horsepow
er ol electricity.
The largest consumer of this current
will be the new flouring mill being built
by the Wasco Warehouse ,x Muling Co. I
The company is investing 140,000 in a
mill of the latest and most improved
style. It will he operated by electricity.
About :U0-horsepower will lie needed for
this purpose. The steam plant which
operates the elect ric light works at The
Dalles, owned iiy the same company,
will he shut down, and the plant will be
operated by electricity. The company
will also furnish electricity
for private
or municipal lighting or com merciai
When completed, this will be the
longest electric power transmission line
in the Northwest. It will prove very
beneficial to the iuteres tH of The Oalles.
Oregontan, 8th.
Justice Brownhill went to Portland on
the Bailey Qatzert yesterday afternoon.
Editor Douthit took his family this af
ternoon for a summer outing at the Cas
cade Locks.
Mr. J. W. French left on the Dalles
City this morning to spend Sunday with
Mrs. French at St. Martin's Springs.
Carl Peetz, the big. prosperous Sher
man county larmer, was a passenger on
this morning's boat for St. Martin's
Professor Charles Houghton, of the
Arkansas state university, and brother
of Mr. Fred Houghton of this city, ai-
rived here vesienmv mm, iiiiiiinu mm
his brother was taking an outing at
Trout Iike, left for that place on the
early train. Mr. W. Lord accompanied
him as far as White Salmon and saw
him oH on the White Salmon and Trout
Lake stage.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A uew iivsh,
clean stock. Give us a call. 1'rompt
delivery to any part of the oity.
...MAYS t CROWE,..
...The New York Cash Store
138 and 142 Socond Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Pour-in-Hands
25e and 50c.
Special Values. Latest Patterns. Just Opened.
Just he thing to take Along when yoti
go emnninir or to the seacoast. For sal
by si x ton a walthkl.
t)on'i Km ii it in,
,lii!t wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke it
R, B, UUbretli A Sons will keep at all
times a supply o( hav, grain and teeil
I which thev will retail at the lowest
market rates. j'20-tf
Acker's English Remedy will stop
I HAHah ii, anu llini im.l it ill .-nr. itm
worst cold in twelve hours, or in iney
Fflfnnd.ed. 2ft cts. ami ftO cts. Blakeley
p-e druggist.
If anything ails ynor hair, go and see
Prater; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
makes a specialty of these goodtk tf
Wanted- Men and women J splendid
proposition. Call at Umatilla House
Thursday, from t to 9 p. m. Work for
all. Strictly honorable.
Jy9 2d
Mid-summer clearance sale of milli
nery at the Campbell A Wilson Milli
nery parlors. Everything in Oie line of
headwear at one half the actual val-
! (1e. j'.'K-lm
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-tiuru,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
ami 50 cts. Blakelev, the druggist.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by O'aM
& Falk.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Ste.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433. Local, 102.