The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 13, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 18, 1901
In the opinion of the Silt Lake
Tribune Ihe highest compliment ever
paid to Americans wa by a Spaniard
on the Fourth ol July, standing upon
the battered wreck of one of bis
country's battleships off Santiago.
He lamented the destruction ot the
beautiful ships and the humiliation
of bis country, but said that candor
Compelled the admission that events
which followed in the direction of
Cuban affairs by the United states
has been a good thing for the island
and its people. He evidently was
impressed by the startling facts that
there was order In Cuba: that every
man was protected in hi- rights, and
greatest of all. ttial there had not
been one death from yellow fever
since the beginning of the present
year. Who would have believed
that to be possible even five years
ago: That is not all. Our own
Southern cities Galveston, New
Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola are
all taking on new life because the
terror of the pestilence has passed
away a pestilence that was bom
first of the slave-Ship and which,
comisg across the neck of the sea
from Havana almost every year,
spread desolation along our southern
coast. The world may look through
all the pages of history and will find
nothing so splendid as what our
country has done on the island of
Cuba since the arm of Spain was
broken there.
To Eastern and Southern Oregon
the sentinel extends greeting and
the confident assurance that Marion
county, the home county of tin
present governor, will next spring
send tn the state republican con
vention a delegation favorable to an
Eastern Oregon man for governor
or at least a delegation that is op
posed to the renom ination of Geer.
With his home delegation against
him, it is quite sure the governor
will stand little or no chance for re
nomination. In this county the
sentiment is clearly against him. His
oflicial delegation is now busy in his
behalf, but there is no reason lo fear
that they will be able to overcome
any of the widespread opposition to
him. In this estimate the wish is
not father to the thought. This con
clusion is reached after conversation
and interview- with republicans of
prominence m every precinct
throughout Marion county. The
wheel-horses of the party are putting
in their best licks to encompass his
deserved defeat. The party leader
are not with him. and tbej will not
lie. 'The .Sentinel has made- inquiry
and investigation fat and wide am!
it believes it makes no error in its
forecast when it say- .Marion county's
delegation will favor some candidate
other than Geer. History will repeal
itself. No republican governor ha
ever been r--elected in Oregon.
Salem Sentinel,
It is with an apparent pride thai is
wholly Justifiable and right Ibai K.
Reeorder Gates submits to the tax
payers of The Dallas Ibe report
published In this issue of the city's
finances during the pas, yeai as well
an a synopsis of those of preceding
years, and o comparison of some ol
these with the three years be held
office. While Mr. Gates would be
far from claiming undue credit for
this remarkable and gratifying ex
blbit, lie il justly entitled to :u,
honorable share in admiuistratious
Ihlt will serve for many a yeai as a
pattern end example to succeeding
The Salem sentinel say-.: "While
the papers are making so much noise
about the (iates affair they miht
explain why it was that the Corhelt
push whu had GatSS arrested last
inter during the legislature offend
0 let him go if he would give up
the money, and when be refused to
do so let him go. money and nil.'
Mummer BtettMlOUi lo lilt CoaSt.
OnljT 6 50 for the round trii from
The Dalle to long Peach. Tioga. Pacific
Park, Oeean Park it Nabcotta, Wash.,
good for return until Sept. 1"), 1901.1
luage checked through to destina
tion, The steamer T. J. Potter will
leave Portland daily except Buoda) and
Monday, and the Ha-aio daily except
Sunday, at - p, in., and 10 p. m. on
Saturdays, making direct connection? at t
Astoria anil at Ilwaco for all point-on
iregon and Washington beaches. Call
on Jai. Ireland, agent. The Dalles,'
for through time card to all beach;
points. j!.'v''m
Just received ne supply of North
rap A Btargia1 pure food products, as
follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa-
nut, baking soda and high grad leaven
er. If it's Northrop cv Sturgis, it is
good, (iet a package and try it. bor
sale by Conroy, Son & Co.. B, L Brooks'
Old stand, The Dalles, Or. Jyl22wd
lust received at Gilbreth a Sons
lumber vard, a few carloads of No. 1
eedar posts and A shingles. Tney
are agents for Heath A Milligan's cele
brated shingle paint. Call 'n theui;
their rriees are all right. Wood not
flumed is better by "0e a cord than wood
that is. JylO
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
cure for my present gooil health and my
life. I was treated in vain by doctors
for lung trouble following la grippe. I
took One Minute Cough Cure and re
covered mv health.' Mr. E. H, Wise,
Madison, Ga. Clarke & Falk's P, 0.
-. lie Vii Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from corns I
could hardl'' ffalk,' writes H. RobinSOU,
Hillsborough, Ills., "but Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve completely cured them.'" Acts
like name on sprains, bruises, cuts,
sores icaldt, bum-, boils, ulcers. 1'er
feet healer of ekm di-eases and piles.
Cure guaranteed. bv G. C. Biakeley. the;
druggist. 2oc. 2 j
t ,.r Sale.
Twenty head of horses, ranging in
weight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All
baiter-broken i and some broken to work.
Apply to Straube Brothers. Hndershy,
Oregon. jly 25-1 tnw
Will lie Kor Their Own lienetit
if fit-filed.
Before buying any tombstones or anv
cemetery work come and se Mr. Co
mini. Don t let any one bluff you with
their slick talk. Tiiev know nothing
about the business and run down the
poor mechanic. They try to make you
believe that their work is durable, lie
fore you givejvour order let Sir. Comini
take you out to the cemetery and show
you what kind of work he put? up and
tiive von his prices for similar work.
Don't he in a hurry to give your order,
but tirst give Mr. Comini a chance to
tinure on your work. You will find by '
asking any one who has had business!
dealing with Mr. Comini that all of his'
work in of firstclass quality, just as be I
represents it n, he, and that his price
for such work arc very low.
It is not necessary to send ior stone
iroin other places, there is stone here in
The Dalies that will stand until the
judgment day. Sandstone crumbles.
Notice ii hereby given that the under
signed will on Thursday, the 8th dayol
August, 1901, at the front door of the
County Court House, in Dalle" City,
Wasco County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon of lai 1 day eell to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, all of the
nrODOltV to which Wasco nniintv nr
"'her publi rporation in said Wasco
oi tax saleti for said WaSCO Countv,
Rouxai Kki.i.v,
BherirTof Wasco County, Oregon,
Dated this 8th day oi July, 1901,
jy8d 5lvr
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
'I'lina hay, where can he had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring ride- and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 100 at Newport will afford variety of instructions, diver-ion
and entertainment, No other reson
offers equal attractions and like ad van
If you Sjant to retain your hair you
have o keep your scalp clean. Snap
iSflll make your hair harsh, dry and
Orispy. Now we have two of the very
best preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo, it
will leave your hair soft and gloesv.
Prioe, 29 and 50 cants a bottle, at Praaer's
barher .shop, Tiie Oalles. jf
Those iainous ;jUR. pS lVVitt's
Little Early Kisern compel your liver
and bowels to do their due,-, thus fivino
you neb, pure blOOd to recuperate vour
body. Are easy to lake. Never gripe.
Clarke cv. Faik' i'. o. Pharmacy.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke Falk
have tiieui.
still goes on. Weekly
; nfesents to be given
,lm tl,nl
l"1"" 1"', "V";
4 fine combed, gWJZ&fc wl
MKrPdeiivoring kJs in the city and deserve to
You can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. What your body needs is plenty of
good food properly digested. Then if
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digestants hence must digest
every class of food and o prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body
and replacing the wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health, strength, ambition,
pure hlood ami good healthy appetite.
lIRIBBV, i w o s v.. . . . ... ....... j .
Clarke A Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated .lames E. PattOB
strictly on re liquid paints
For sale or rent A house of nine
rooni on Ninth street, with two lots
and a ir'ce little orchard. Apply to Dad
Putts. iui)ll-ld-4tw
While Collar Line,
He Daiies-Poniand Route
Except Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 A. M.
Arrive The Dalle" li v m
Leave " " 4 "
Arrive Portland 10
Meals the Very Best.
Sunday Trips a Leading Feature.
Tliis Route ha the Grandest
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Iiound Trips except Sunday.
Leave F'ortland
Leave Astoria
, a. M.
.7 p. M.
Landing ami office Foot oi Alder
street; both phones, M 351, Portland,
E, W. ORICHTON, Agent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles,
A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria.
mu (.'tt d it i n, ,
Aw Ht and Slacker
We are pleased to Inform our patrons ami tin
public in general that we bave the exclusive
epntrol aud manufacture ol thwt elebrated
Ha) net Net and Sucker, wiilcii i- tP beat
tet i yet I u ven led lor unloading bay or grain
from header beds. Wo aiu now luanufaoturera
st pufur, Oregon, and each Bet is carefully made
and examined before leaving the factory. ,n
ulutolj atuut, ilutple tn uusrate and sat
lafeotury Correspondeaee solicited froin an Interested
';j'i"i iiavnks nuos., Oufur,Or,
j. is. scHeaca,
Max a. VOOt.
First National Bank.
A Oeneral Banking business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on 4av of collection.
Night and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco an;' fort
S' ;.rH.?,Ml,t,ON- JN0- H' HKNCK.
ho. M. Williams, tiao. A. Liana.
H M. Hka i i
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when yon can buy James E.
PettCn'g sun proof paints for ai.fto per
gallon, guaranteed for ,r years. Clark A
talk, agents. nij
Clarke A halk's flavoring extracts are
the heat. Ask your gi er for them.
presents continue as imi i
away August 3rd I desire to
hnnaiifM I do not keep u puui
o i b thai I rln n,.t
IH. T.
Yellowstone Park Line.
union Depe;, Finnan.! 'Sis
No. 2, Fast mall for Taeoma, ho.
Seattle. Oljrmpia, Uray'
Harbor and Bouth Bend
points, Spokane, Kos
land. II. C, Pullman,
Moscow, belli ton, Bui
11:15 A. M. lalollump mining coun- 5;fi0P.H,
trv, Helena, Minneapo
llf, St. Paul. Omaha,
Kansai I iiy. 8t, Louis,
Chloago and atl points
Ho i. east and southeast, No.8.
l'u or Sound Bxpren
11:80 P. M. for roooma snd Seattle 7:00 A, M,
and intermediate points
Pullman rtrst class and tourist sleepers to ,
Min:.v'a"lK St. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
Vestibuled trains. Union depot connections
in ail principal cities.
Baggage onecked t,, destination ol tickets,
Kor handsomely Ulnstrateddeacriptlve matter,
tickets, sleeping ear reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant Qeneral Passenger Agent. 365 Morri
son Street, corner Third. Portland Oregon,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Train leave The Dalles for Portland ami way
stations at 4:tt a. m. and 8 p. m.
Leave Portland S:80am 7:0oiim
Albany U;S0aro 10:60pm
Arrive Ashland ii :.n, an liifOam
jSwnSffiw-::::::; i?;"? S slitSS
Arrive Ogdon 6:45am 11:15am
KansaHUty .V.V TaMlJiS iSiS
" Chicago .. 7:45am U:30am
Arrive l-ns Angeles
" 81 Paso
" Fort Worth
" City of Mexico
" Houston
" New Orleans . .
" Wasliington .
" New York
. l :90 p m
8:00 p in
. 6:80 a in
. . 0:66 a in
. . 1:00 a in
. . ii :;!" a in
. . 8:42 a m
,12:43 p in
7 :00 a m
6100 p m
6;80 a m
0 56 a m
1 on a m
n.l'i p in
ii 1 12 a m
12:48 p m
Pullman ami Tourist cars on both trains
(,'liairears Sacrauieuto to Ogden and Kl PSSO,
and toutiat ears to Cbioago, .st IxjuU, New Or-I
leani and Washington,
ConnectlnK at San KrnnciHCo with several
Iteamthip lines or Honolulu, Japan, ('lima,
Philippines, Central ami .south America,
See agent at The Dalles station, or add, t SI
Oeneral Pasienger Aaent. Portland, o?
Just What
You uaant.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucli
wide variety as we Br showing never he
fore graced ft single stock, heal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices!
Elegant designs, tasteful ooloriugs, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
Street. Also a full line yf house mints
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Letters of Credit
the Eastern Stales.
issued available in
SiKht Exchange ami Telegraphic
transfers sold on Nw Yotk, Chioago
I, Louis, Han Francieco, Portland Ore-'
MO, Seattle Wash., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Iiita Paciii
Southern. Pacific Co
If M
last month, bui oeiore amiuui
correct all error. I nc mi-
l.rute standing al my door
nun - -
.le iver BOOdS. I m
ds. The tact 1 8
tenS" Si
be patromaed.
me Columbia Packing 60
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
MM Restaurant
The W. W. Wilson Co., Props.
First-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
7 Second St., The Dalles, Or
. Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It, artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the Jatestdiscovereddigest
ant and tonic. Ho oilier preparation
cao approach It in efficiency. It in-
..i'V.,ll.o .n.rt Kirmanantiv enn
'""WJ iBusrauM,.uiHwj"i
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, i
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Siok Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and fl, Large site contains 2Vi times
smallsize. Uookp.llnboutdyspepsiacnilledlree
epqre. by C n. OcW.TT A CO.. Cl,lca8
Rnlrl hv f!larhn AFnllr'a P.O. Phnrmanv
Just Received
A full line of Fresh Printing and De
veloping 1'apern direct from factory.
Sdlio. lh'ko, 'ulix
unci Ai'isttt in all si.uH.
Also a line of l'iates in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, Multigraphs,
And ail accessories to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
our Kureka Combined Ti
kivlm, lt.,1. ! ., I.. ip.. l
minir and
...... ..... 1 t, , 1,(11, JJ,
Try it.
The A. E. C. Developer for plates,
Qlms or developing papers lias no equal.
Enough for 36c t(j develops ti dozen plates
or ii aoaen eiox ixo. ferieet uiacks
and whites are tiuaranteed , if directions
are followed. Ask for the A . K. t.'. De
veloper, and fcee that yon (jet tlie
We are prepared to compound anv and
all of your own guarantee!
At the old place, 17" Second Street ,
The Dalles, I iregon,
Geo. C. Blakeley.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothera' Wagon.
MM aud itigtm piioue 159 '
1ST 1 1 I -t)
Short Line
and Union Pacific
thk dalles,
1 Rhieagr
: Portland
I il-.-ii' p, m.
: via Hunt
I Ington.
; Bxprcssj
12; : a. in.
via Hunt
1 at. Paul
' Fast Mail.
I 9:36 J. m.
via SMt-
i Sane.
salt ljikc, Denver, Ft
Worth, Omaha. Kan
sasClty,Bt.Lotns, Chi
ciiKo aild tin' Knat.
1 :0: p. tn.
Salt l.nke. Denver, Ft.
Worth, onmiia, Kan
as City, 81 Louts, Ohi-
OagO and the Last
1 13 S, m.
Walla Wallh, Ij'wlstiin
Hpoknne. Wallace,!', ill
man, Miuiicuxii.s. st
Paul, Duluth, Mtlwaii
kce. CliiciiRoaml Kast.
80 a m.
From I'.irt litml
(Al! siiiliiiR drttCN sub
ject to ohenge.)
For San 1'rnnclsco,
Hall every " days.
H:tl p, m,
4:00 p. a,
Bunds y,
: hr.OO p. m.
( .,1 no, Ma Ittvnr.
Tm Astoria and Way
1:00 p.m.
1(1:011 p, 111.
0:00 a. in.
wiiiHinnttH River,
Oregon city. Newberg,
Haiem, independeuoe,
and Way Landings.
1 :30 p. m
6:00 a. 111.
ThursdH ,
satuida ,
7:00 a, m.
111 en riti
:i:4o a. in.
I -30 p. m.
Cnrvallla and Way
W 1 1 Ixiiu'i t ami S:90p,)g
V11111I1III Ittvera Monday
Oregon City, Daytorwuid Wednejpij
Waj landings. 1'rla"i
Sliftke Kim .
Uinariii to l.eiviHton.
Parties lesirlni to 10 to Hi'Diii cr 01
limits on Columbia Southern via HiirKv "houl:
uiki No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:26 p. s.
making direct oonueotlons at Ileppncr junctlot
snd hikks. Returning makingdirectconneotton
at Beppner junction and iiIkks witlNu, j.h.
riviiiK at The Dalles at l:Uo p. m.
gor nirtiiei particulars, call on or sddrsjii
.1 AS. IRELAND, Aiwii
The Dalles. OtefOI
The time w ill soon be here when
stylish dressed man will want an
liate NnriliL' Suit Thnu km ilie kllK
il oi
patrons I am tailoring for. Come in
a uiki mua over my Mpring hue oi buihbp1
''i All the latest luivoliiuii l..r IflOl.
Suits to Order, $IO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Iii all i is) Hnnta ttire
ii iiv rleanllnsss.
Kly'a Cream Halm
ilsaiisMitoetlMsaal ii'ai
1 til" diseased nii:iiiirnue.
I ItciircHinlurrliaiiildrives
j wuy h cold iu thu lo ad
i uuicklv.
flffaaaa RalSH i placed Into the noitrllH, pr1''
j over the membrane and ii absorbed. Bs'"jj!
1 ineilmt,, tlll a foilown. It ii not dryniH-do,
I uot produce IriTtSlng, rgo HiSe, 60 eento ' ,"i'
I guts or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 eSBlS Bf Stttt
1 a. BUOTttlB8i u Wsrrea siraet, Yu,fc