Do You Cough ? Sheriffs Sale. ril old, i i ikf rvcrvl i i!y rle. -; let it alohi . think' ' t eiio T iv Wheti I rangh fig i- V.r.Illll I ti few day : timi -pitting i r in in u lasted fV hut afti ii v. h 111 Tl -. t rouble Would Btlh ( w v .- no tired ll'-W- 1 en. it old i- xrom than theone before. My throat cpeniwl t gel weaker.arjd the leant chaiifti In the weather started the coughing again The lent ci Id wa the most severe of hY. I was really frightened. Cough drops and homi tr atnu i did nogoi d. A Mend told nie about Acker's English Keruedy, I got u bottle, and you never .iw the like of the why i- ai t d. ' Before the bottle was gone I was well. My throat fi 11 as strong and well as could be. Since then I haw had no more to itblc. 1 think Ai ker's English Remedy so strength nsthi rlelii lining of the throat that it easily resists the changes in temp1' ture,anditbtilldsupthe constitution aswell.'' (Signed I Cabbie Schwab, 231 Gold St. Brooklyn, K. Y Bold at 25c., 50c. and fclabottle, throughout the United States and Canada; ondinKug land, at la. 2d., 2s, Sd -1 6d. If you arc not satisfied Bfter buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money hack, tr authorht Ike obnr ataittt. It'. . IU'ijKLU A i ij., 1'r. ; .:!.'. .-, lor. For tie at Blakeley's P . i-m icy. In thvi'ireult oourtol the Mats Wasco i "canity B, g Huntington, plaintiff, Ainu i l,,o!.,- II. M.itto-x . YV K Wimin am: I! ii.irr.'tt. s raecutrlt, defendants. H virtue of an ejneutlon, dctrrei Mid order ol ale duly Issued nut ol ami under toe . the tireull rourl ol the state ol Oregon tor ttM i on ii i) of a t" modlrected sad dated the Hth day oi June, IW1. utri i deefee lor the foreclosure ol a eertatn mi rtgage sad Judtmi tit rendeted und entered tu said court on the 7tn dil) i .Mine. 101, In hc ahoi t tiMtled MUM, In la r i I the twaintifl and against thi deli ndaat I'hartss I! Statnej as idgtnent debtor In thi turn of four huti red and nfty dollars, with In terest thereon fioni the 12th tay of August. ISO , at t iat" of ten v't" " nt perannuin. lowl', the Mini , : t ' u 1-5. and the further tun of seventy- .. dollar (fT1) as attorney's fees, and the fur the: -in i o; thirteen d iiars .i I) i ts, and tt-,-, mi of and tibon ihi writ, air! i om ist dins ie t. make sale of the real property embraced In such ileer.-" of for elusiire add herein iftef dc irj't., ii. 1 will, i ll the 90th daj of July. I BO I st the hour of 2 o'clook In the afternoot o said day, and stthi from door of the county court house in Dalles City, Wasco county Oregon sell at nubile suction to the highest bidder f, Call It, hand, all the tiirlit. tit!,, ami interest which the defendants t'haries H Matney sad v. K. Wlnsns or either ol then, had on tin day of August, 189'J. the date ,t the mortgage foreclosed herein, orwhlch such defendants or anvol tie defendants herein have since . quired or now have in and to the following : scribed real property, situate ami be lug in .1-. county, Oregon, towlt; The northwest imirter of section twcntr-sls X ii, township one 'l. north, ram.'- nlni east, W. M or so much of said property as will satisfy said judgt tent and decree, wlthcostsaua ccrning costs. staid pronetty will hi- sold ub.iect t b&i Hon snd redemption as by law provided bated at Thu Dalles, Oregon, this lstl day oi June, 1001. ROBERT KELLY, jui -'- Sheriff Wasco County, Owgou. f i.T..TSum'" i n rrspij REGULATOR LINE. k mm NAV, COMPARl .-teamen of the Regulator URO Will run a- per the fob ow.og MUtguto, the company ressjrvini the rtghl to Bnangs schedule WithOUl DO ties. Str. Repulator Str. "Iralda' Str. Dalles City. DOWN. I.-. I"alles at " a M. Tuesday Thursday . . ttaturda) . .rr. Portland a' ira or. LV. I'ortl mil H' : a. a. Monday v tdnesosy Knd.r. Arr Dalles a S ' u LeHves Cascades fl t. tn Arrive Dalles 10 :S0 M Leave Dade? ;'. p. m Arr. Cascades 7 :S0 p. I" Dally ex. Sunday. DOWN i.v. Dalles at? A. iki M mday Wednesday Krtday Arr. Portland ., t . 1 v. M. VP. Ia Portland at 7:00 a. m. Tuesday Thursday Baturda Arr. Ialie at 6 t. M Excnrsiorj 1. .te- ev-rv Saturday for parties of live and upward- : Iuiles, White Salmon and intermediate boiote, 50c: I'ailee to Cascade!, 11.00. For at) ev-ninc trip take t tie "Iraldt" at : i n,, to Hood Rivet and ro- tt.rr. ot. '.:' Op loat. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE. Steamers of the Regulator Line. Thi company will endaavor to give Ita pal ' beat service poasibte. got further information addraal W. C. ALLA WAY. Con. At. J WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Host Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers If uii arc in need of anything in our line, figure km ii.-. tor it will pay you. We operate o PIiUMBING-. TIN and BICYCli REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will prompt attention. SEXTON & WALTHEH THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. AX UNPRECEDENTED OFFER ! Sheriff's Sale. 156 Kopie's laiionai Family newspaper THE CELEBRATED in the Circuit Court i the i minty of Wasco. M . Lair Hill, Plaintiff, UP. PBKStONAli 11KM m. M. T. Niii.m ivfiit to Portland on a sliurt liutiuet! trip ttii? afternoon, C. V . Uantenbein, Hiljntiint -iifra'. of Hih litute militia wa it; town today Mite Minnie Michel I iff: on tin lia'up? City tbis uinrniniftti attend the Summer i'iiou: ut Newport. Aiex Murray, a protn'.tient iheepuian, df Dayvllle, Grant itoonty, is reiri-'tf rii at the Earope tn Qouto. Hon. F. P. May-, of Portland, spent last night In the city witti tna parent; ami returiit-tl dome tni- afternoon, W. R, lirown left on ttii.t morning's bout lor Port and un h viait to iii chil dren, "in. are a; tne Bova' and Girls' Home. ii rt H. Parker, aon of Colonel F. .!. Parker, of Walia Walla, i- visiting with in- brother, Frank W. I'.iruer of tbir city, Mr. and M'H, 3ud Fili went to Hood Ktver tbia morning on tne Dulles City to bring home their children, who have been visitinu tliere for tile past two ivef k-. f the 1.1 till llllil- unl The piles ttiat annoy you so will be quickly ami permanently heated if you n-e De Witt's Witch Haael Kalve, Beware oi wiorthlefn counterfeits. C la ike & Falk'- P, 1 1 Pharmacy. ,,eorei' Uatdner, Uefendaut. By virtu, of an execution Inucd mi; iibove cntlt'ed court in tin- above chum' M.r. ii 1901, anil to me directed, upon retidertd and entered in said coin cAuneoii tin- nth dav of June, 1891, in favor ol M . iiir Hiii plaintiff, .-in'! aininat Georgeuard ' net. defeudant. tor $807 with interest thereon t thi- rat.' of t'iir'u per ecnt per annum from the aii 18th iiay of hint-. 1891, 1 did, on the 16th day of May. 1901, afu-r l bad made diligent search fot and lmi been tumble- to atiMy thi aid Judgment, or any part thereof, out oi he persoiiiil property of safd defendant, levy upon the property of said defendant, the following lands situated In county, to-wlt Baainnlng at a point -ti the Columbia rivet twenty feel ri, the month of Hem an creak and on the fractional northeast quarter of I tmn six, township two north, range eight east thence southerly atp tald oreek and twenty fee: west there I with the meander .mil banks tbereol to the south line of section six thenci Wesl alonir said line t-- th-- half-mile !0t thenee north through middle of section six t, the 1 1 iombla river; thenee easterly tif the Co luiiibia river to pise- oi begiunii.a. and Ijeiug nart of ti loutjieast quarfer and nor t bea t quarter of section :.. township two north, range el; ht east, w. M.. containing Uoga-io acres .aio. that piece or parcel of land k-iown as the south half donation and claim of R, o. At well ar.-; Mary Jane Atwell, his wife, Notifi cation o. etM, and being part of sections one and twelve. In township two north ol range leveu east, and part of sections fix and seven, township two nortr, of ranir- eight east, And i ontainiiis: i.-isnty a'-r- of land And 1 will, on Saturday, the 1 :th day ; July. 1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. at'ti.e front door of the county court boue of said county. II iHlle- ( ity. 'ir-z,,n. sell at p'ibllf auction. iir,;..rt t.- redemption, t- tb iiu:iiet bidder, (or gold coin cash in hand, the above described lands to satisfy the :d Judgment, interest, oosts and disbursements and an ruing ci-st-. iMteii Dalles City, or., tune.;. 1901. ROBKK1 KEIXV, I jtint"' sherit; of Waaco County To o'.i! and new subscribers paying our year in advance We offer- Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle tor $1.50. 0 THE CELEdHA 1 tD s) .UUliUjTl Ul J 1 Vlia MM 1 NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, i- In reality a Que A:.d fresh very-other day Daily, gi ring the latest news on day ol Issue, and covering news of the other :l it contains all impor taut foreign cable news which appears in the 1 'ally Tribune Of same date, also do mestiC and fnrei-n correspondence, short stories, elegant half tone Illustrations, hu morous items, indus trial information, fashion notes, agricul tural matters, ami comprehensive and re liable financial and market report. Regular tlou prli e vear. subscrip 11.80 pel NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. We furnish it with Semi Weekly chroni cle for 2.00 jr year. Published on Thurs day, nail known for nearly sixty years in every part of the lint ted States a a nation al family newspaper of the highest clasSi for farmers and villa iters it contains all tin- most important general news of tin Daily Tribune up to the hour ot going to pre: an agricultural department of the highest order, has en tertaining reading for very member oi tin family , old and young; market reports blch are accepted as UUtb orlty by farmers and merchants, and is clean, up-to-date. In teresting and instruc the. Regular subscrip tion price, ?1 pet year We furnish it with Semi-Weekly Chroni cle for fi.Gfl per yc-ir s s AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of Ihla welUknown brewery the United 8tates HeaUb I Reports for June 28, 1900, saya; "A more anpetior brew never entered i the labratory of the United Statei Health rfpnrtH. It is nbaulntely devoid , of the alighteat trai'e of adulteration, but en tin other hand in composed ol the bent of malt and choicest of hops. Its- tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the ureateat benefli and satisfaittion by old and 1 young. It" use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with 1 the cersainty that a better, purer or morn whoffeaome beverage could not ' possibly lie found." U East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. I mil i mnlim Miug Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or Don't Km, it in, .1 ust (v" i o - affected pari freely with Mysterious I'dn (.'urc, a Scotch remedy. ami the pan is gone. Falk. K. B. Uiltiri'th time- i, supply of bay, graiu mid ieed Which the wil. retail :it the 'jWCSt market rat-. J2B-tl Sheriffs Sale. Hy virtue of an order of sale and execution Slid he C'urlre ft i!-"ed "tit 01 and under the real Ol ::,e 1 lr noiu in i-.arge CUt court of thi Stateol .iresron for th eountj i of Wasco, to ma duly direoh-d and dated t;.- 3d in . n day of July, 1001, upon a lalgmaM and decree on- VMl. keep ut all , pen I i,H ...,t..,.,t ,. lay ot nine. I in favor ol W I'jiiLirv.. - -....v. ,., ,,. in..-; .. .- j .llj.lpv,, plaintifl. and .ii-Hii,.t t .-ones, defendant, for the sum of 12830.40 In Tnited .-states gold coin. J. E. FALT & CO Proprietors Qwl." Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pU kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, T" Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle tOn FlOUr l'fl I' ul,r wanttfaotUrl expreeBly for W ' wu use; everv Hurk ie guaranteed to give sat isfactk We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if von don't thinii call anil net our prices and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats -i 1 i : i. -! i l - turn .( Mil attAtn&v y .1 f 1 J" ctstr- Jim! iiibiireijit.Mit!'. I ilid . the 2d ilit of Julv. IflOl. dtllv lanvv nmn t ht 1, I Ism inm Liuii-ij liMtneiiv will st.n. a ascribed xtn pio eriy situated in (he county .if r l. -r KfJlfA . ,f I tr. .11 .1 Imi'tl Ii. n r Ae-Ker -siiio- ,,i .leiii.o. oovu ueienaADi s ough ai any time, and ivil cure the Bonei undivided one-half interest iu and to eo- Woratcold m twelve hours, or mouey SS& 'KMK'sl Z rornnoen, go ctt, ami oil ct". Blakeley t druggist al Strictly honorable, hi IH...' ... f ... ...,. ..... ........... .... east half ol the northwest iiuarter, and tne . J tiortn half of the southwest quarter, and tne ! If anything alls your oair, go and welsoutbeatt quartet of the southwest qUArtet ot Fraier; he's ibehaadqu.rter. for al, Itu fifit WScVSM hair remedies. Reaieoiber that he township 1 north, range ! east of the Willamette tnattei a sueel ltv ol th-se goods. tf SJudion '" c"""'lin' 08 m lu ' ! Wauted- Me ami women ; splendid M""',")' "'" """ "f "'" ,, . .. ., " "ie uour of j .. eioek n. m., at the frontdoor pruMMItton Uall at Umatilla nooae ol the county court boose in the city ol The Thoridat . from I to 9 . m. Work lor i J;.'!;.1 ft VBSSL'&IS!' I .?,.,.! !"" jvV I'd oasbin band, all the right, title and Interest J- ! II, t tl,.. . O.l .,..,....,...., , ..... . ... ...... i , -.vrowwil un.i .in lie- n. iji, ill ; BUSINtSb LOCALS. rctober im'ih 01 Pluiutlff s mortgage or has sm--. ;,ii in,,r t,, Hj,i r a propert) to Clark - kalk an. ii.vur nouuii v,,.,,,,. ' said juditmeiit. deenH and execUtiOU. uiara a raia an never closed bouday. Wltt. interest oi .-. u trow ib ..t.- day Si Don't forget ttiis. June, 1W1, atthe rate ol eiutit cent per an- i nam, and on I'M from the 97th i of June, I You will not nave tjoila if von take 1 '"' at the rate ol ix par eeiit pel annum, and n, , . , thecostsof and upon said writ, llarke a halk s sure cure tin boils. Dated The Dalles Oregon, lull . I - I For sprains, swellings, and lameoaM Jul Sheriff of Wauo countydregon. there i-iiotbing ho good an Cbaniberlain't I'atn llalm. fry it, For sale by lllake ley, (he druggist, We oiler for a limited narlod the twice-a-weeK Chronicle, nrioa i..ii hihi tne weegiy uregonian, price $1. 61 liotb uanerH fur a Vear. Bllhanrlntinn under this oli'er must be paid in ad va net 1 Purest Liquors for Family Use 5 , - y p Delivered to any part of the City. P I Phones: 61 Local, i-t- r J 868 Long Distance. 1 73 Second Street. r F S. GUHniflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer -DEALK8 IN Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Russell ,v tjo, bagiues, Threshers and flaw Mills. Cor. Second & LaniMiD Sts., THE DALLES, OK, Telephone 1 ."7. Long Distance 107 Whan four hair ssnssri dr ami tn have losl II- vitality it want- somathina .. ii... .. .. ... ; r SVSVSV'. SVfV 9 5 I w Chicken Lice Conprei. i icr i w -Jfc I 0 Carbolmeum : Avenar to -zive it life and vigor. We have what 11)8 bair neeil" when it gall ,u thai con dition. We have the Crown ol "cteiH-e II a r "Kjot irower and ('ocoaniii t r. in "tJI!y: ; in,, They Will cure (land imS roll and all lealp diseases. K.o ale at 1-razer i- bar lier ibop, Price 60c ami 7,n- a bottle. I II I f , H I r. . A .1. 1. (' i-e -epurator , g.iod ar new am! ready for work ; 32-lncb cylinder and 14 Woodbury llingee bone power. on easy terms, Apply tu QgOgOB Not KUD, jy'.'-wklylm,, lu(ur, (r For Hale. A stvlish blank driving horte, very geutle. Also a uearlv new open huugy, harness:, blankets, etc. Very cheap. Address, W. L. Kockwki.i , D387d9wv8w lufur,Ure. The inn-' sCeient Wiwki Preserving Halm slao Radleal Renieil; airiiinst i bleken Uoe, Ita application to in side Hlls.if poultry DOUSS will ei manently nwnninate all ik--. Ke uit healthy ohloksns, pienty ol eifu- M rite fur oireulars ami prices. M -: 1 1 1 m tin- naiM-r. i Jos. T. Peters & Co.. 0 w 0 un DAbLUi UHlttON, 0 " . w General Mill Work Hansen &Thomsen Uaoulactui is ami Healers in Sash and Doors. Rustic, Flooring, Pirn- Lumber, Moulding.-;. Lie. BEE HIVES AND FRUIT BOXES ... Of All Kim I- . ' Third Street. The DaUfjg, QrgjjOB, Crandall 5 Barget - RobeSj All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. NOTICE FOB I'. b. Lami otlie. . PUBLICATION. V aneouver, Wash., -May 1001, , Niitie, i hereby given that m eompliaucc with the provision ol the act of Congress ol JUni 3, ls;. entitled ' An aet (or the sale ol tun bti lauds In the ttes f California, Oregon Ne ail,, mid w ashington Territory, m eateudwi to all tin publii iaua states by aol ol August i i- .'. Iran.; Hiewart, "i Lone Roex. county ol ullliant ni Oregon, has this day flleu lu una lime,, ni- sinuii suiemeni No ni I purehaiH ..I the NW)( ..f See Ii In Tp Si " M " si., ami 111 niter m.,,,1 i, mat tin liinil souabl is inure iHiuahl, J. B. HCHBNCK , President, Max A. V'OOT, (Jashiei I C. J. STUBblNG, WIIOLISALg AM- BKTA'l Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Uondon Phone 08s I. out lliitt. HUM Next door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. . for the IN, H I show for its timber .ir -tmie thai, for aarleull linil i, un,.,... and to establish his olalin tnsaiu land before tiie it. t-iiiei inni Reoeiver ol this ollioe ut Vau eouver M'asb.,oii Wednesdar, the nth Uav ,,i August, 1901, lie names as witnesses Htunei V Mood worth, Godfrey I. Smith, K. v Robertson and Hariy m Barrett, all of Portland, Or. All UIIll Mil IhT.,,.,. nl.lmlnn ..M..- .1 .... . . T . V WHNIH MITVIIVI1 I II I ii hove den.-nb.-U lands are risuell to ilk- their eUiuih in this oflk-e on or before Mild llth Uu of AiiKiut, 1901. junf-iot v. it. in nhak. itgutar, buhsenhe tor Thk ClIfiOMlOU, First national Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Night Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly reinitteil tin ilnv nf Hiht and Telegrapliic Exchange sold Ni York, Kan Francisco an;' ort :and. .. D DIRBOTOKS m p JHt?- Jmo. 8. Soaaacg Kd. M. Williams, Gko. A. Libbk H M. Bbai i Paint your house with paints that are lully guaranteed to last. (Jlarke V Falk have them. YOUR KIDNEYS. After you tire of uslni; so-called kidnev ratttdM without any beoeflt, use Lmooln Sexual PillaDd orever rid of thosi null pains In vour hack. DlK" thai old fogy ulea of "pain in the kidneys" and be Mil your lilmlde-r mid urinary trou hies cured, and ft Digbti made restful hy the use of nature's grelwl ashialant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Prldi 11.00 per bos buy ol vourdmggint orie"1 ny mail on reci,t of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. m ri Fort Wayne, Indiana- H, . Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. Advertise in the Chronicle