The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 12, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 12, 1901
The following extract from the
Fourth of -inly oration of Hon.
RObflU Bell, at tlOOO Kiver, manes
good, wholesome reading for i very
day in the American year:
Ml imvP little natience. on this day
of all days, and in this favored Hood
Kivei of all places, wltb the habit of
mind which
causes om(
on the Fourth of July
to lament the
... .i. i.i. ,,.
pristine virtue oi iue p""'h -
prophesy Its coming downfall, to be
filled With gloomy forebodings a'
the loVOUS acclaim With which We
meet this day And I have no mind
and no heart to speak to VOU n"
except about the liberty and tin
glory of my country. To the sturdy
and vigoroui American America is
still the land of liberty, the refuge of
the oppressed, the beacon of hope to
the down trodden, and a light to
them th.t sit in darkness. These are
old phrase, time worn and trite, but
like true "old thev do not tarnish,
I want to bespeak today a larger
faith in our country, in Its manhood
and its womanhood, in its wealth of
Character, in its pOWd Of achieve-
ment. I want to declare today that
after 125 years democracy has ceased
to he on trial, that It is triumphant,
and that its triumph was heralded
and proclaimed In that eld Declara
tion of Independence. I do not
mean that other countries have
adopted our form ot government
we cannot expect thai. Forms of
government vary and must always
vary, because of the different tradi
tion and character of races. But the
spirit of democracy has gone abroad ;
you will find it in the libera! consti
tution of the new Gorman empire
with Us reichstag. you will find it in
Austria, in Italy, in France. Not
the two Americas alone, but the
1 11 J .1 I. 1. .1
lanti ucyonci tue seas uave ieu iuc
uplift of the great spirit of equality,
Let no man turret thai he
lives in a people's government, where
overy man can still own Ins own
bome. where before the law all are
equal, where his children can be
educated and where his home is nro-
tec ted : where honor and mjod name
wait on virtue and industry, where
the Uag which floats over him is his
liag. Let us maintain honorably
and firmly the state, for it is ours
let us conserve order and industry,
let us foster education and religion,
Let each man. woman and child take
the lessons of the Fourth of July
into their hearts, and let these lessons
bear fruitage in use of o progressive,
enlightened, orderly and happy
. .
r ...
In this mad chas.- for wealth and
the vulgar ostentation and pinchback
prominence that ( with it. says the
Washington Post, who stops to put a
value on the patient t rophet of
morals, usefulness, bigb thought and
noble aspiration ? We see scholars
tsaobing the young at wages an
ordinary machinist would despise,
We sec clergymen wearing out their
noble lives Among the poor snd
the Bitiioted who count for less by
the money standard tban a hod cur
rier or boot black.
Question Auawaeed,
Yes, August Flower Still bai the large-,
sale of any medicine in the civilize,.
world. Your niotheri aod grandmothers
never thought of using anything else foi
luuigveiion ami Dlllousnesi. 1)
c cL-aico aim tne seiuom heard of
Rppenaieius, nervom prostration
ii-arf failure, ale, Uei
o-eo aimiisi
Flower to olean out the system and atan
fermentation of undigested food, regu-
late me action of the liver, Stimulate tiie
liervou- and Organic action of the sv.
tem. and that is all they took, when (eel-
iug dull and bad with headache ami
,ll,. asdaaa, ftf I .
w.uwi wup. nnx qui) U90 i lew dOltl
11I ( ruuii ' u A ,n.,..t Dl .
nHSWal r tower, in ,..,
-mtw -
awnoue toe matter witli vou.
u urtSJO l prize aimauac. Clarke &
riubijcribe for Tnj. Cukomuxk
"The e'pphant walked ttie rope.
He grease.l hi- feet With soap."
Wliat boy hMU'l vlled the above
coo plat on the da; the "ho came to
town"" Well, the show. Sells . Cray's,
will he in Tin M.illes on Saturday, JoJ
th, and If the elephant don't w1Jj
rope lie win mi ii i i ii uuici .imiih-
eiiml!y enjoyable to the wondering
Im,Ji boy, Their United shows receive
t. bigbeit praise from the press of
every city in which they exhibit. What
the newspapers .ay moil be true.
Bseurslons t,
tm sh Coast,
Only 6 50 for the round trip from
rhe Dalle to uong oeacn, noga. racinc
I'ark, Ocean I'aik or Nahcotta. Wash.,
i"'"" "
gooil tor return limn ,-ept.. i, ioui.
i . . .ti c- . . c i mi i
Baraw checked through to destina
t,orj Tne lteamer i, j. potter will
eave Portland daily except Sunday and
Monday, and tile HaSSalo dally except
Sunday, at 8 p, m., and
10 p. tn. on
Saturdays, making direct connections at
Astoria and at Ilwaco for a!! points on
Oregon anil Washington beaches, t ab
on las. Ireland, agent. The I'alles,
for tbrongl
time card to al! beach
Say- ll- Wm Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from corn
could hardly walk,' writes 11. Robinson
Hillsborough, Ills., "but Bucklen's Ami
ca Salve completely cured them.'' Acts
like magic on sprains, bruises
sore ealds, burns, boil
nil cr
ied healer of skin diseases and piles.
Cure guaranteed by G, C. Biakeiey,
Nlht V. Her Terror.
'! would congh nearlyall night long,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Appiegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep- I had consumption so bad that
ii I nralkeri a blocs; l would cough fright
fully and spit blood, hut, when all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured
me and 1 gaitied 58 pounds." It's
abfoluteiy guaranteed t j cure Coughs,
Colds. La Gnpoe, Bronchitis and all
Tiiroat and I.ung Troubles. Price oOc
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C.
Biakeley's drug -tore. 2
Whtcli Will ii. l or Thfir own Benefit
if deeded.
Before buviug any tombstones or any
cemetery work come and gee Mr. Co
uaini. )on t let any one binf?" voti with
their slick talk. Thev know nothing i
aboiu the business ami run ilown the
poor mechanic
They try to make yoo
believe that their work is durable, lie
lu c -YUU "UUf mini
take vou out to tiie cemeterv and abo
youhat klnd of work be putBupand
give vou Lis prices for similar work.
I'on't be in a hurry to give your order,
Dat Drst ive -AIr' Comlni a chance to
.' , . -. . : . I . . . I i . . . . ,
titrure on your work. Vou will find bv
asking anv one who has iwrl hminau
dealings with Mr. Comini that all of his
Wljrk of firet'daM quality, just a- he
represents it to ue, anil that Die prices
for inch work are verv low.
It is not necessary to send for stone
fori! other places, there is stone here in
Trie Dalies that will stand until the
judgment .lav. Sandstone crumbles.
Notice is hereby iven that ttie under
siirned will on Thursday, the 8th .lav of
August. 1901, at the front door of the
County Court House, in Dalles City,
Wasco Countv. Orsonn. at 10 oVlr.,.Lr
the forenoon o( said dav sell to the hlah.
est bidder for n..h l I,,,,.. .... l'"'
. . - ' ii'iiiu, oil iji inr
propei ty to which Wasco county, nr any
other public corporation in said Wasco
S-y,b" 11,'',')ir.e,l til!e hv virt"' ol
Sale for taxes, a- .mmi, ,v trie record
ol tax sale- for said Wasco Countv.
Rousai Kkllv,
Sheriff oi Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated this 8th i.iy of Jnlv, l'JOi.
jy8d otw
Why not spend (he vacation at Va
quin bay, where can be had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, sale
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses ami exercises at tne summer
school of 190 at Newport Will aiford
great varietv of Instructions, diversion
.'iilert.iinriient. N,, otlier re-,,rr
Offers equal attraction
t 'gee.
and like advan
junl I. U
If you want to ret
tain vour hair iron
1 . ,
nave to Keep your icalp clean. Noan
in .
"' oii, 1.1 n.irsi,. 1 rv ,
erispy, Now we have two of ttie very
hell preparation- for clean dng the
scalp Kgg and Pine Tar Sham 000. it
will leave vour iiair oft and
",: nts a bottle, at Fraser's
barbel shop, The Dalles.
fbote famous little pills, DeWitt's
l'",lf' 1;rtrl-v 1;i8'-'r' compel your liver
ouweis to uo their fioty, thus g
r'L 1 '"lr' hlood to recuperate
Are easy to taiie. Never grips
:iitrke lV Mk's I'.O. l'harmacy.
Why pay $
. ...
' pe. gallon fur inferior
paints when you can buy James K
"""" " Mfuoi paints lur Sl.oOper
gallon, guaranteed for 5 vr i'u.l 1
Falk.agenta. Vl
Clarke tSc Falk's fiavoriQg extracts
the best. Ask your gr ver lor them.
a a. A A A. kV A. VyAk.rkrsaWsWsW' 'WW' saTw
it i 1 sF
.till sees on. Weekly
bum feucro on.
inn- presents to be given
nvossinn nrevaila that
. i Ar )
I deliver goods in my
.1 1 t I- 2 ...wl
ine same nne com uiucu.
the bargain:
is i offer can
and promptly delivered
linotino tor rlaliVfirirtC ."oof s in the citV and
"S'ou can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. Whit your body needs is plenty of
good food, properly digested. Then if
your stomach will not digest it. Ko.toi
I ivsoepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digestants hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it tiiat
nature can use It In nourishing the body
and replacing the wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health, Strength, amhition,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Clarke A Fa lk have received a carload
of the celebrated .lame- E, Patton
strictly ntife liquid paints
For sale or rent A house of nine
rooms on Ninth street, with two lots
and a tree little orchard. Apply to Dad
Putts. iunll-ld -Pw
White Collar Line.
me Daiies-Poniano Home
Except Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 v t
Arrjve Th 3
Leave " " 4 "
Arrite Portland 10 "
Meals the Very Best.
unday Trips a Leading Feature.
This Route lias the Grandest
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. " TAHOMA."
Daiiy Round Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland .7 v
, . .
i-cuve Asiuriu i p.
Landing and office Foot of
Street; both phones, M 361, Portland,
. iregou,
t. w nDmumu .
ftsni TOUIDO,
M. FILLOOX, Agt. The Dalles,
A. J, TAYLOR, Agent Astoria.
Lani, Officb at Van. ocvEit. Wash., .
1 June i", i sol. ,
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have flled notice ol their Intention
to make Anal proof in support of their r-iairusmd
that srtid prooii will be made before the Keglstei
and Raotivoi V. 8. land ollie- at VsncOUVSI
A ashing tcu, rrlds) . August 1001, viz. .
IVllliani K. O'Neal,
H, k. Na64l.for the N' . ol nm:1., nk! , of NW! ,
See 11. and 4E , ol aw 14 ae,-11. t, 1 n, r &
W, a., who name- th, following witnesse t,,
prove bin coutinuoui residence upon and tultl
vaUOU Ol saiil land. Vil, I
Russsl ii. Bwaln, Qeorge A. Snider, William
II. Hopper and lohn uatfron, all ol Lyluf o :
w ashington. I
Russell h. awaln,
H. E, No. 0884, (or the NC. f (JKW, 80c 12, Tp H
NiB12KiW Ui who names the following wit-::-sse-
to prove bla continuous residence upon
Mfii : ,', 1 i . v. , ... . ,
1, ,, ; '""'K' auiuer, niiuani
,'- i i --r . John DarTron, all of Uyio v. o ,
William H, 11 r
11. 1. n,,. MM 1. for the a , f sv.v gee ;-, Tnl
- ' " !-' Kl W Ii., Who llamCi the loll, mine Jll
Kussell H. Hwain, William u Nasi, Qeorae
Snider and John Dslt'ron.all of Uju v.u ,Wasta
W, It. hug sua, Kegister,
Hanufscturors ol
The ' Haynes" Net aid Slacker.
We are bluskni t,, iniori 11 ,ur patRau and th-
uuiie in lenera unit nr nave the eeiniv.-
Spntro! a.i.i manufacture 0" th, , , ,V,
ua nes Met and Stacker, which la tn, M.
rei invenied foi uuloadlng hay ,,r urHin
,T "em,er "as aie now niainilaeturers
'' ."TV"; w oarafully iuh,i
vwuiuoi ij.-i,,re waving UM laet,,ry All
"factory10''1' l" "lrle '! t
' 1 rr((iH jiiiit'tiro jI ii-i tsui f mssm h i i i
parties 1
HAVMJW IJKO.-s., Uiiinr, Or.
praenU continue as Inst month, hut hefowannoum
i , . f nnrrpnt. fln error. I lie m
away rvuguoi iu -
H , . .. i
because I do not Keep a poor
P. hours work that I lo not
ore people every day than all other dealers in
person who teel's inclined to secure some ol
line to mo
rtai.l ntH' 1
im i - .
rest assured that the order win
by some one
of the numerous expressmen who py
.I deserve to
M. T.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Ti Till: RA8T.
li 4TB. Union Depot, Finland ISis abkivk.
No. J. Put mail for Taronm. No.
Seattle. Olympla, Gray's
Harbor ami South Bend
points. Spokane, Hol
land, B. . .. I'nllniau.
Moscow, Leo U ton, liui
11:16 A.M. faloRump mining ooun- S;M P, M.
try, Helena. Mlnneapo
lis. St. Paul, Omaha,
Kans-a rity, St. Loull.
Cbloago h in l all polnti
No I. east and southeast. No. 3,
t'niret Sound Kxpress
11;80 P.M. (or Tacoma ami Seattle 7;00A. M.
and Intermediate potnta
I Pullman flrit-ClMI and tourist sleojiers to
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points
i without chance.
VosUbuled trains. Dnlon depot connections
in all principal cities.
Baavage ebeoked to destination of tickets.
For bandaomelv illustrated descriptive matter,
ticket-, sleeping-car reservations. eU.. call on or
Assistant deneral Passenger Agent. 255 Morri
on Street, comer Third. Portland Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
stations at 1:2a a. m. and :; p, m.
Leave Portland .:30 a m
" Albany 12:80 am
ATive Ashland U:Sfam
" Bacramento 5:00pm
San Francisco 7:45pm
ii::" am
s i S!
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver
" Kansas City
' Clileaifo . .'.
15am 11:45am
9:00 b in
9:00a m
7 :'J.' ;i m
7 : IS a m
i h in
Arrive Los Angeles . .
' Kl Paso
Fort Worth
" City ol Mexico
" Houston
" New Orleans . .
" Washington .
" New York
1 :2n m
',:ii m
6:80 a m
:i : .V a m
1:00 a m
':i' a m
6:42 a m
7 :0O a m
0:00 p m
6;80 a m
0:6S a ni
4:00a in
t :i"i I, m
.: ' 13 a ni
.12:48 pm U:43 pm
Pullman and Tourist ears on both trains
wialrcars Sacramento to Ogden and Kl Paso
s to Chi
auu (ounii oars to entcago, .st i.oms. NawOi
leans and Washington
Connecting at San grancilCO with several
steamship lines (or Honolulu, Japan, china,
Philippines, I entral and South America.
See agent at The Ualles station, or add.tSS
Qsneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
Just What
Yoa uant.
New ideas in Wall 1'aper here. Buoh
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock, heal imlta.
lion oretonafeffeuts at ordln are nriuu
Good papers at cheap paper prices
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a lull line of house paints
D. W, VAUSE, Third St.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Utters of Credit iasued available in
i., uuBttirn .-nates.
Sight Kxchan
Transfers sold n Nw York, CUic,
Bt, Iims, San hrancieco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash., ami ' YTT
V, ,T . ""SUIOglOO,
uoilecilons uuii n .... 1 I
lections mailM at li r ii i nio . ... I
orable terms. uu ,av
Mn Pi
SoutQerD Pacific Co
If J Jk
i ....... 1 ,,,,, i t m V t Iflflr
mi, - ..auu ...
deliver Lr"ils. The tart I
, .ar,iiii
oe iweiiucu ...
lie patronized.
me comma Packing Co..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
mm Resiamanl
The W. W. Wilson Co., Props,
First-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served iu any Style.
.ST Second St., Tin- Dalles. Or
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
i loartiliciallydigeatuthefoodaudaids
Mature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or-
gans. It Is the latest discovereddigest-
antand tonic. JNo other preparation
can approach it in etliciency. It in
; J stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, lndicestion, Hearthurn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sicls Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and tL Laren size containa 2 V. times
smuilsite. nookallnboutdyspcpsiamaiieUtree
""epared by E C DeWITT CO., Cijlcafla
Sold by Clarke & Falk's I'.O. Pharmacy.
Just Received
A full line of Fresh Printing and De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox
niK AriSto III !1 Kl'PB
Also a line of Plates ill Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
1 Albums, M altigraphs,
And all accessories to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
: (nr Eureka Combined Toning and
Fixing Bath is a .land v. Try it.
The A. E. C. Developer for plates, 1
' films or developing pa pel S has no equal. '
, Enough for 85a to developed dogen nlatee
or 6 dozen Veloi 4xS. Perfect blacks
and whites are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. Ask lor the A. K. C. ). '
veloper, and see that vou get the
We are prepared tocompound any and
all of your own lormala- and guarantee
At the Old plac, 17,r) Second Street '
the I'alies, Oregon.
Geo. C. Biakeiey.
1 atawt&t&uci aiatawm
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work
Piah Brothers' Wagon.
Tuinl and JeffcrD. Piioue 159
Short Line
Union Pacific
I Ii loago
I'ortlaml Salt ljihe, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omnba, Kar
siiK.'lty. St. I .mils. Chi
MgO and ttie Kast.
VlM p. ni.
via Hunt
I of ton.
13:80 a. m.
via Hunt
st. Paul
Kast Mail,
9:26 p in.
via Sim
Salt Ijike, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kan
sanClty,8t . UiulH.Chi-
.).' and tin- Last.
i I! . a.
W alla Walla, U'wtston.
iii tin, Minneapolin, St.
Paul, Duluth, Milwnti ;
kee, Chiciigoaiid Kast.
oOi in.
I "mn, I'urtlaiMl.
(All sailing dates sub
ject to change.)
For San Francisco,
sail every fi days.
B:00 p. m.
1:00 p. m.
bsCO p m.
10:00 p. in.
0:00 a. in.
ThursdN y,
6 :00 a. ni.
CiilllllllilH Itlver.
To Astoria and Way
4:00 p.m.
Willamette Rlvar.
Orcffop City, Nawberg,
Salem . I ndependeuce,
and ay liuiliufrs.
SO p. m
. lorvallls and Way
Thundaj .
saturdaj .
7:00a. m.
Willamette ami 11:80 p. a
Vamhlll kivitn. Monday,
Oregon City, Dayton and inesai)
Waj I andlngs.
r nilSf,
.l:4 a. in.
snitk,- Rtvar.
Rlparln t" Lewis ton.
8:30 ii. tu.
parties desiring to r to Beppnei or
points mi t olumbia Boutbern via itiitcs. should
take No. 2, leaving The Dalle at 12:26 p, m.
making dlrcci connections at Peppner junction
and Biggs. Returning makingdirectcoiinectlot)
at HeppncrJunaUon and HiKgs with .Mo, l.u
rivniK at The Dalles at 1 :06 p. m.
For further particulars, oall on or address
The Dalles. CqajOD.
The time will soon be here when l?rv
Stylish dressed man will want un iip-l"-date
Spring Suit. Those are the kind"1'
patrons I am tailoring for. ConiS i"
and look over my Spring line of Suiting
All the latest novelties for 1801.
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
In all iiH stamen there
Simula he cleiiluitsH.
Ely's ( ream Balm
t'Tsnissi snothss sail lisaii
las diKcancii naubraiks.
It cures miarrh ami drives
way a cold iu the head
OfSSMS Buliu ii placed Inn. the nostrils, spres"
over the membrane yjs is ahsorhi-d. KeliefiS'41'
mediate and a cure follows It is not jljlrjff
not produce HSfSiag. Large Hiae, SO cents at V'W
guts or hy mall ; Trisl 8Ue, iu cents hy nia-
V IHMI'rUKItH, bii W urreu Wreet, N TS