The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 11, 1901, Image 4

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    Bled Quarts at a Time
oughcu the blood spurted out. It was in the
U r
. -Cs3 I
I on: a knife maker and worked for ft number of ve.irs In the New York Knit'o
Co jifftctorv at VVftlden. N. V, First thins I knew I commenced to bleed ipmii
tin mouth Sometime m much tn a quart of blood would come up from tn
lung! nt ;i time. Every time l
fall i got ho hud, And the church
iieo:';' lot' in.' I ti.ui ruicv Cf.-fl '
ntnlrn .... nnniw tv illi Li- I - I'
nr.'i pi cjnu 10 flic, foi 1 v u hi
not Rvc till iipilnjt, My 1 1 nie
doctorcoultiii'tdotnc nnj gw I,
but ach :.; mi to :i ; 1 1 New
Yo:k v'i'.x ; examination.
They finally took me to n m d
ital eoilc i ntid fl wholi 1 ii of
pii-. sicin m nil- whftt they
called diagnosis'. There were
several students looking n.
One professor nlittleivi ry
hammer, nnd with this he
pounded mj cheal and held his
ear ctoee to listen, After ft
while tin' proftssoi looked at
me solemnly ami declared;
One of your lungs is about
gone an,! the other is affected.
There may be a slim chance
for life it' you quit working in
tttill knifi . -for,' ' I won; huoli
home, but didn't improve, One day I saw an advertisement ol tree samples of
Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, being given away by our home drug
gistc, Walker & Eaton ' 1 got one of these bottles, and i: relieved me. Then I
bought more of the regular site, and my improvement was continuous, although
Blow. My doctors were astonished and to was 1. After dark 1 hated to spit,
because I was afraid it might be blood, and I wanted to know for sure. I have
no fear now. for a: last I am a solid man again. Although one lung is gone, the
other is a sound as a dollar, and answers as well a.- two lungs. g0 far as 1 can
see 1 want evervone to k;-.ow the facts and that is why 1 tell them here."
(Signed) A. 11. Simpson. .
Acker's Itnglish Kemriy is sold by at: drasglsts under a positive guarantee
thai your money will be refunded in cased failure. jc, joc. and $i a bottle in
united Slates ami Cnnm In Kngland, is d., .-. )d and i. 6d.
ife axtkorUc M ab : ira IP. if. UOOKEK CO.. JVoj Mors. AVi Voii,
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
steamer of the Regulator Une will run as rr tn foi- '
reserving the Mini to enanic a
owing Mhednle, the companj
chedula without noUos.
Btr. " Iralda"
Btr. Hallos City.
v Portland
11' 7 A. M.
Arr. Dalle
II 6 v. M.
.eaves Cascades 1 a, m.
Arrive Dalies 10 i30 a. in.
Leave Dalits U p. in .
Arr. Oascadei 7 ..'it' p. iu
Dally ex. Sunday.
i.v Dalle
at 7 a.u,
Arr. Portland
at l ;80 r. Hi
; ia Dalles
I j lit 7 A. M.
p Thu today .....
j, Saturday . . .
" Air. I'.irltumt
H nt 1:80 r. m.
Excursion Kstes every Saturday for parties ol five and upwan
c White Salmon and Intermediate points, 60c ; Dalle
r; For nn even; nir trin lake the "Iralda" at 3 i . n
i turn on the up boat.
nr. A
i.v Portland 3
t ! 00, H,
. Tuesds) A
Thuradsy ,J
aturda) i
les '3
Arr. Dili
til , r. M
to Cascades, fi.uu.
to liood River an
re- i
ROBBER and Garden Is
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklen
in our lin
Travel !: tin
steamer., ol the Refftitator Une. The companv will endeavor (
r,m the U'Kt tetvlca possible. For further InformaUon sddrosi
ri v.- it. pal
It you arc in neoa
or it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYfl
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to u, win fc,
prompt attention.
c Portland Office
Eai) i .,T,.Tn
Oak Street Dock
W. C. ALLAWAY. Con. ARt.
..x7t . . T. X . v UtM
The Itannla'p Iforim! ZiwMv yDiHFononDr I
lr. Raj Logan, of Moro, arrived here
today on the noon train from Portland
Y. Mayor I B. 1 , i f u r went to Port
land this morning on business expecting
to leiiiru in a da HI two when lie nml
Mrs Duftu will tiail with friends in
Duior tt'i neai the close of the month,
When ilic will move to Gold Bill nnd
matte tiieir future home there.
Mr. Gilford, the photographer, arrived
iier. ji mi Portland yesterday nnd. we
ar pleated to st'.ite, came back to stay.
At one time Mr. Qifford contemplated
m iking Portland ids headquarters, hui
he ha ch-n8d his mind, having con
eluded thai The Dalles is good enough
lor him.
Th t'yttitan t rand
Chioaoo, July hi Til;' Supreme
L i hi : Kuights of Pythias, now in
sesion in Chicago investigating the
Dood it i r.nt ChenpV
A cheap remedy ier coughs and colds
is nil rijrht, but yon want something:
thai Will relieve e'ire t lie more se
vere and dangeious results of tli and
liin troubles. What shall von do7 Oo
to a wanner and more regular climate?
Vet, it possible; it not possinle for you,
. then in either ease take the only rem
e,k thai has tHen introduced in all civil-:'-d
countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Boschee'a
(ierman Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tisnes to destroy the
jrerin disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives u good
night's rest, ami cures the patient. Irv
one bottle, Recotnme tied many years
i'y al drumtists in the world, and eoiii
tv t'.arke A Falk. tie: Oreen'a prize 1
almanac. 9
To al! old and new itibicrlberi paying one year in advance we offer
Tri -Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
Published Monday,
Wednesday and Fri
day, in in reality n tine
and fresh every ether
day Daily, gi ring tin
latest news on days of
issiK', and covering
news ill the other ;;.
it contain all Impor
tant foreign cable
new which appears
In the Daily Tribune
Of ain,.' date, aiso do
mestir ami foreign
correspondence', ibort
totiet, elegant half
tone lllustrationt , hn
morons items. ii:ilu
trial information,
fashion notes, agricul
tural matter., and
comprcbeniira aud re
liable fjnani ia'. ami
market reports,
affairs ul the endowment rank of that
or ale lonigbt excepted the reslgna
ti"i of .1 din U. Hlnsoy, ex-presideni of
th . I 'l l a in, -nt rank, as a member of
the h 'iirii of control. Following this
tli Supremf Lodge adopted a resolution
whici instructed the supreme chancellor
ami 'iie board ol contralto prosecute
clvl and cimnally all persons liable
foi notice e immitted against the en
liowniHiD rank, Tnis resolution passed
11. ue. t l'auAuiertcan Exposition,
Roundtrtp rates via O. K. vV. N. from
Che, 8I 90. Tickets on sale lirst
and tniril ruesdays during June, Jul) ,
August, September and October,gpod for;
continuous passage going on date of sale.
Return litnit tliiny days from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of I
Missouri river or s:. Paul ou return trip ,
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements ear. he made bv annlv-
l " vote- '1t' iDg toagentO. B. 4 N. Co., The Dailsjsj,
-t.eted the chancellor com- whereby tickets will be honored on lake
;n iid.-r and board of control to procoei steamers in one or both directions he-
with a view toward expulsion ol mem iween Detroit and Buffalo,
ber. ol toe urder In their respective " Jamks Ibblamp, Agent
n i . might ne louna guilty ot vio- hj Bttl indebted to One Minute Coup!
ihiiiik nieir omigaiioni ii- the nanuiing cure for my present good h
of fu lis rVftera-jianrnmentof tonight's r muuH
sesi in, r ;- said thai if criminal prose
1 iimie.u, wnicn now seems , ,ok One Minute Cough Cure and re-
' ni 's certain, a number of men who covered my health." Mr. E. H, Wise.
were f.irmerely connected with the en- Madison, Ga, Clarke & Fa Ik's P. 0,
d w men t rank and whoa, the 6upreme Phnrtnaoy,
L dge m ers considered leeponitble a bed complexion generally results
io ne present financial condition, will from inactive liver and bowels. In al!
M - Hn,.,' made irood hi
tiou price,
11.50 K-t
We luriii.h it itt.
Bern I Weekly Chroni
cle i,-r 12.00 pel year.
Published on Thurs
day, and known for
nearly slaty years in
eery part of the tint
ted state, a H nation
al family newspaper
of the highest class,
for farmers and villa
gers. it contains all
the most important
general mws of the
Daily Tribune up to
the Inmr of going t"
press : an agricultural
department oi the
nighest order, has en
tertaining reading for
very member Ol the
family , old and young;
market rn ert. bich
arc accepted h. auth
ority by farmers and
merchants, and is
i an, up-to-date, In I
terestiug and iustruc- i
Regular subscrip
Uon priee, II pei ear.
We funiili it with I
Semi-Weekly Uhroul- j
clc for $1.6(1 jier year
01 the product of thi well-known brewery the United States HeahL
Reports lor June i!. 19(H), says: "A more bu potior brew never eotstsj
the lubratory ol the United States lleiilili reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, bill on the other hand in con ) posed ij
the of malt and i hoiceet ot hops. Its tonic iiunlities ure of the higt
est and it can be used with the greatest benefll and satisfaction by oldsni
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed iy tlie physicians sill
the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could net
possibly tie found,"
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
sV.' sVsVaVssW sVWi VV M
Mii I
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
eu re ror my present goi u Deal 111 ami ti, v
life. I was treated in vain by doctors
for lung trouble following la grippe. I
J. E. FALT & CO.,
' The Owl."
of -
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the Citv.
51 L'cal,
858 tang Distance.
173 Second Street. 3
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kind
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi n km
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, axi kind
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ytsa
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendl
qti FlOUr Thie Hoar ie manufactured exprei-Hi tor in
use : everv naek is uuariiiiUjed to give PiituflR
We sell our guild iowor thai) uny iiouee in the trade, and if yon don't ttg
call aud get our pncee aud be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley nnd OatP
orsi lo.ii in iweive hours, or nnriev
rarnnded. 85 eta. and 50 cts. Rlksiii
laofa cases, DeWitt'i Little Early lii-ers
gooii ti l s promise to nroduea tmnltrtno n.nlia rinrlia X-
appear ttefore the Supreme Council in talk's P. O. I'mumaev.
his own defense. It is. said that bis ex
plauatlons regarding the investments of The pilot that annoy you to will be
fund', made while he was- a the head of fluiokly ami permanentlr healed if you
the rank, were far iron, satisfactory to u OeWitt'e Witch Basel Halve. Beware
the Supreme Lodge representatives ' worthleea counterfeits, dike d
Mr. Hinseyis a member of the Inter. Falk' P- 0.Pi.anuacy.
1 1 i ... ... .i.ti- ... .... . ! "
"ii-ciiy. ami it ii prop. AckerV English Remedy will stop a
able the supreme officers will prefer their cough at any t..e, and will cure the
uiianiv ukuiii'.-i ill is. in 1 1 1 .1 ioiigt.
AS hOW to replenish tiie funds, the
supreme u f ha- not vet decided. tHedrn?siist.
There is a proposition befors it to in- t,- . ,
oreM. material, the monthly payment, k, i ' !? tf0 d we
onln.ur.noi pohciee. It w, L ! be i ' ,b i1"'1" for
,i hair remedies. Kemember tha' he
tbeopinon of the representatives tost m.kes s specialtr oUhSioode. ,
tli - would be adopted. -
Wanted Men am) women; iplendid
proposition, Lai, at I nid. ilia. HoOS4
tnartdoy, from 1 toe p.m. Work for
a,.. Btriotly honorable, JsO 2J
(.'.arl. A Falk are never QlOttd Sunday,
1 Mn 't forget this.
oq will not have boils if von take
OlarkS A Talk's- sure cure loi boils.
p. s. Gunnmo,
..Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.,
I have re-opened thie well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer
.88 in-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Co, .- bogines, Threshers ami gas UUU
Agent foi Run
ior intents and Children,
The Kind You have Always Bought
S'lhMalid-; Cor. Seuanfl & LangMin Sts... THE DALLES, OR.
Crandall & Barget
ftll kinds of 0 . , ,
undertakers Mm Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers gte,
The Dalles, Or.
i .-. Lam! ottcci VaMonm. 'ab.
kTorklug a i Hours ; Pj
lu.-re's n.r.-st (oi thOM tir.-legf httlt
iltlle worker lr. King's New PH(,
Mllll ii- are always busy, ooriog Tor) Id
Liver, Jeundiee, Billion snees, Kevei and
Ague. Ttiejr beaUh Ritli Heedaobe,
ilriee onl NUiaria. N-v-r w.ripe r
sreeken. Bwall, Wtete oiee, work oa
lnr-. 1'rv t;,eU1. -J.V at Ci. C. B.akelevS
drug shire. i
DOB'I Kiiii it In,
Just svet tbs tSeoted pan (reels iti,
Aljrsterlous rain Cure.
I .1 -v I
Notic i toiato ivn tiut in mii,
uvu'oii- ,,f tlu' set of l',,iir- ,
ntitlcd "An Aft i..t ti,.. ... ..
Nada and Washington Tsrrttorr, exuu,j,-i
ill. Ill, I'llbU, .nml ,t;,t. Irt -net ,)f AUKUM I
'" itewait. ..( l..iw- Kuck.i-,,iintv ol
io liam, Slat .,: uregoa, has tdttdat illd ,
I. .Ki'.i..-: , V., -mi, (... .,
urebaieoMiK ,ofslMn TpNa iK. n
0 1 K, V. V.. M,.,1 nil, ,,,,, r ,' , , ..'..
Hm'JS u".'1 "'"?''" i' U1"ri' valttaMi for iu
tiae lost viUlltf I! srnnu .,,-, I couvw, !...,!. MadnZa.. . LV" '
.... . --
lit' I..,...,.- :t V. , f -i...... II - i-
7 Zi 7zT ...Jiiivr . nUUCJ
ill i inn.
Mai . Vi
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Uondon I'bona SSs,
I., nit In, i 101)1,
Next door to Firm National Bank.
flora, lotion prill ears srind olutDDina w" W
andannhsirn uf...,i ... .. ....
...,-, ,,. x. ar i
iV Kulk
For sprains, fusellin ami lameoees
there is nothing logood a OhgoibstUin'i
rain Balm. Try it. For srt e bf B lake
ley, the druggist,
sjitsi h lira ai,,i vigor, e bave srhai
. Hie Cron of -M Barrstl J1 of Fort'iand. Or. I
. : Anv h . sii i r. : .j
iiroeier and .,,,. .d:tlr ":'-'T.ri:. "
Uity CUiDls In llil. oflivcui. ur U-f.,r.- , .1,
.......a , inn ,.,1.
v e nave
S'ieiuv Hair rfSartS
udlbetialniaDne :: .. "r N"" d al! UW
1 1 ' - T ' v - iss b.i i. , euiit' 'li - iiit- fur s.a la at L i t jun iwi
1 in-r ibop Priee 5' and 76c a bottle.
First National Bank.
A tieneral Banking Business traueacu-i)
lio6it8 reveivwl, mbieot to Siibl
Draft orCbiHik.
v olleotioni maiie ami prootgdi nromntli 1
reinittei! ou ilav of OOUeotion
MKiit and Telegraphh- Exchange eolil ,,B I
tws,, amu rstuoueo tac porl
l'- r. InoMHaoM. IM u o
WlfctUM, Uao. A. Libhk.
H M. BsUll,
I I , . w i
I .VKvi,kwiwLA...:.' :. ' -V . J
Ro. M.
i: DUNBAR, Reglstei
Babgeribe lor Tk. Cubomicu.
Paint your house with paints that aM
fully guaranteed to last. Qlgrke A Falk
have them.
After sou tire of using so called ki inev rcra'
Without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills atiJ
forever rid of those dull .ain in voor iok. ifl
thai Old fogy idea of "pain in the kidoeys" iBsJJ
all your bladder and urinary troubles curxrl. si"1"
nlghtl made restful bf Hip une of nature's
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, Ifl 00 per bOS bay Ol yourdrugnisl0"
hy mail on rvoelpt nl price, in plain wrapnr,
Fort Wayne. IndiW"1
M. .. Uonnell, Agent, The Dalles.
Advertise in the Chroni