The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 11, 1901, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
THUR8PAV - - -HMA 11. WOl
How the New YorK Journal is
coming to its senses, remarks the
Walla Walla Union. In the i81
campaign it was the main howicr for
the Kryan party, but see what it
no has to say about the Philippines:
MTM American republic, one hun
dred and twenty-five years old.
greets its little boy, the newly-horn
free government of the Philippines.
After two years and a half of mis
understanding, bloodshed and misery
the outlook is bright for the harmoni
ous co-operation of Americans and
Filipinos in building Up B state that
will be iii all essentials a republic,
and yet B loyal and happy member
of the American family."
We may see the Journal in the
ranks of the republican party before
another presidential election rolls
around, but if it can do the repub
licans no more good than the demo
crats it will not be much of an
Announcement is made that Presi
dent Kruger has abandoned his pro
posed trip to America, and the
Tacoma Ledger rightly suggests that
he could not have done better.
There is sympathy in this country
for the Boer cause, but there is none
for Kruger. He is viewed as wholly
apart from the brave men who have
been lighting for months. He was
responsible for conditions that
brought on war. and at the first sign
of danger he ran away. While in
power he had ruled in a fashion that
made him rich. He wa?. in the
guise of simplicity, an autocrat. He
wa- a monopolist of most grinding
type. Ir. the eyes of the world be
lor.i: hl'o ceased to represent the
Boer-. If they could save the rein
nant Of their country he will find
himself persona non grata there.
Not even the fervid bulletins ot Dr.
Leva's could arouse any enthusiasm
for him. In the beginning many people
of the United States were favorable
to England, but they admire men
who will fight for rights or for what
they deemed to be rights. There
fore, many hope the Boers will suc
ceed, although there is no basis save
sentiment for such a hope. But
they have cut Kruger from their
list. They do not admire him and
do not wish to see him. They like
the rugged type of De Wet. and
they have regard for the sort of
patriot who does not run away.
The Chronicle is in bearty ac
cord with the Pendleton East Ore.
gonian and Baker City Democrat in
their demand that Eastern ( ireoii
republioaoi shall insist that their
district shall have an equitable share
in the nomiaations for state ofiices
ftt the next republican state conven
tion, and that they shall, especially,
insist in the nomination of an East
ern Oregon man for governor; but
Tin CHRONIi i.i. never dreams foi
one moment that these esteemed
democratic contemporaries would
support an Eastern Oregon Apostle
Paul for governor if he were- the
nominee of the republicans, When
these two papers shall have helped to
elect n republican governor for Ori
on, the last excuse for postponing
IOC millenium v. ill huve vanished
fioui the earth.
When the "Kastern Oregon Asao
ciation" formed, the Chronicle
and its Dalles friend.-, wui.'t he in it.
Toe Pendleton Tribune, Baker Re
publican and other strictly "Eastern"
O.egon papers claim that Basterc
Oregon has not even a oongrflMtnan,
because, they allege, -The Dalles is
only a suburb ot Portland." So it
ii easily seen that the effort of the
Cbroniole to craAl in undi! the can
vas of the "Eastern Oregoo" tent
won't be tolerated.- .Salem States
man. Rut the CitHONlCXK isn't try
in lo crawl uudei the canvas. The
Dalle? W in Ivistern Oregon before
Pendleton and Baker City were ever
heare of. It isn't a question of
Brawling anywhere but of pUt'ing us
out when we are a permanent fixture
on the ground floor.
QMStlOti iiereil.
Yes. Angnst Flowerstlll ha? the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion ami biliousness. Doctors
were scarce ami they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and hail with headache and
other aches. You onl need a few doses
of Green's AagttSt Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied tiiere is
nothing serious the matter with you.
(iet lireen'e prize almanac. Clarke &
Falk's. 1
Summer BmeOMlOBI to the S-a COBSt.
Only $6 80 for the round trip from
The Dalle? to Long Beach. Tioga, Pacific
Park, I :ean I'aik or Nahoottn, Wash.,
good for return until Sept. 15, 1901.
Baggage checked through to destina
tion. Trie steamer T. J, Potter will
leave Portland daily excepl Sunday and
Monday, ami the Bassalo daily except
Sunday, at p. ni.. and 10 p. m. on
Saturdays, making direct connections at
Astoria and at Iiwaeo for all points on
Oregon and Washington beaches. Call
,n las. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
for through time card to all beach
points. jlj32m
S,. II.- Was Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from corns I
could hardly alk," writes H. Robinson,
Hillsborough, Ills., "hut Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve completely eured them." Acts
like magic on sprain-, bruises, cuts,
sores scalds, burns, boi ulcers. Per
fect healer of skin diseases and piles.
Care guaranteed by o. C. Blakeley, the
druggist. 25c. "
N'iKiit Was Her Terror,
'I would cough nearly all nigln long,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. had consumption so bad that
it 1 walke-d a block i would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but. when all other
medicines failed, tliree $1.00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained 58 pounds." D's
absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs,
Colds, La Grippo, Bronchitis and all
Throat ami l.ung Troubles. Price "0c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G, C.
Blakeley'a drag store. 2
Which Will ie For Their Own iseneilt
if Beaded.
Before buying any tombstones or any
cemetery work come and see Mr. Co
mini. Don t iet any one bluff you with
their eliek talk. They know nothing
abont the business and run down the
poor mechanic. They try lo make you
believe that their work is durable. He
fore you giveyour order iet Mr. Comini
take you out to the cemetery and show
you what kind of work he puts un and
Hive von his prices for similar work.
Don't he in a bnrry to give your order,
but tirs: give Mr. Comini a chance to
tianre on your work. You will lind by
asking any one who has had business
dealings with Mr. Comini that all of bis
work is of firatclaS! quality just as be
represents it to be. and that his prices
iur inch work are very low.
It is not necessary to send for stone
iron, other places, there is stone iiere in
fhe Dalles thai will stand until the
judgment day. Sandstone crumbles.
Notice is- hereby given that the under
-iimt-il will on Thursday, the 8th day ol
August, 1901, at the front door of the
County Court (louse, in Uallen City,
Waico County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon Ol -aid day sell to the higb
SSI bidder for ca-h in hand, all of ihe
propetty to which Wasco county, or any
other public corporation in said Wasco
County, has acquired title by virtue of
la S for luxe', ms ihown by the record"
ol tax sales fur said WgSCo County.
Sheriff ol Wasco County, Oregon,
Rated this Bth day of Jnlv, 1901,
js.iiw Btw
Why riot ipend iiif vacation at Va-
quina bay, Where can be bad excellent
fare, too I Qshing, good boating, safe
b.itiiiiiL', alluring rides and rambles,
rha larses and exercises at the summer
school of 1901 at Newport will afford
great variety of instructions, diversion
nil entertainment. No other resort
Offersi U attractions and like advan-
Ii you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
Will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
beat preparations for cleanaini; the
acaip Kgg and Pine Tar Sham poo, it
will leavo your hair soft and k'oshv.
Price, SS and o) cents a boltle, at Fruzer's
barber shop, The Dalles. t(
.11 i:
f It ! A 2 Win.
You can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. What vour body needs is plenty of
good food properly digested. Then if I
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol '
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digestants hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body
and replacing the wasted tissues, ihUS
giving life, health, Strength, ambition,
pure blood and good healthv appetite.
Clarke Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
ClarKe & F'alk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly ntire liquid paints
For sale or rent A house of nine
rooms on Ninth street, with two lots
and a nice little orchard.
Apply to Dad
Butts. iuull-ld itw
White Collar Line.
me Daiies-Poriiana Qouie
Except Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 A, U
Arrive The Dalles 3p.Ni
Leave " 4 "
Arrive Portland 10 "
Meals the Very Best.
utidav Trips a Leading feature.
This Route has the Grandest
Seenic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. 'TAHOMA."
Daily Hound Trips except Sun lay.
Leave Portland 7 a.
Leave Astoria 7 P.
Landing and olliee Foot of Aider
street; both phones, M 3"i, Portland,
( iregou.
!.. W. 0RI0HTON, .Went Portland,
.1. M. FILLOON. Aat. The Dalles.
A. .1
TAYLUR, Agent Astoria.
Land Onici at Vancouvib, Wash., i
i June I. 1001, f
Notice is hereby given that the following.
, iiuuii settlers have to.! noUoeoi tiieirintention
10 make final prool In support ot their clalmsauid
; that proofs ili i- inaiie ieii)ri' the Register
and Reoelvor U.S. land office at Vancouver,
I 'A as. iiiKtu;. Friday. August 1801, viz.;
William K. O'Neal,
H, K. No. 9641, (or th.' N'., of NK1 ., NIC . o NV .
1 1, and nK1 , of W ,V- II. Tp4Ni H U K,
vs. m.. who names the following witnesses to
prove bis eonUnuous resldenoe upon ami tultl'
vation uf laid iami. via.!
Ruaeal B. Swain, low a. Snider. WilUam
11 Hopper ami John iMrTron, all of byle f . O.
w sshlugton.
Rassell H, Bwaln,
H, E, No. M04. for tin- N'., of NKW, gee 13, Tp S
n. K u B, W II, who names the following wit-;
!.- to prove bis oontiuuoui resldeuco upon
and eultivallon of aaid land, ria.:
William E. O'Neal.Ueorgo A. Snider, William -fi.
Homier, J.oiii DafTran, ait of Lyli P. o..
W asBlugton.
William II. Hopper,
li. E No. vesfor theN!. of BWU, SeeS9.TpS
v. . It 13 h. H U who uamos lha followluH wit
in-ss. s i.i prnvu nis ( lonillluoUi
and cultivation ol saul land. i'l
bis con tlnuous resldeuce upoji
Russell B. Swain, William O Nesl, Qeotgje A
Snider and John Daitrou, all ol Lylc r. o ,Wasb
jnaaa W, i:. UuaruBi Begister,
Maioifm liiri rs of
The "Hayoes" Net and glacier.
We are pleased to inform our patrons and the
public ill k'cneral that vc have the exclusive
Control ami manufacture ol the ( eleOratci
Hawic- Net anil Slacker, which i.s tli,- bevt sv
Umii yet Invented fur unluailiiiK hav ur main
friiin heailer Ixiis. We ale now luanufacturen
it pufur(lrepYiUi ami each pel is earelullv made
ana examined before leaving the factory'.
aolutely ituut, aliuple ttt uueratv aat
lafaciory. L'orrwspoiideuce solid tod from all inuresUil
jylm HAV(S BROS., Dufur, Ol
4-;11 rmnac nn WpolflV 1)1'PS(MHS
n ,111 tuDO saa. i - . . . . .in ii rri
inn Dreienta to be given away aukubi oiu - .... ll( mv dooi last because I So not keep lJ ' , aH is
O . . A , I ,l,L'lVll Til I ' I 111 It I 1111 ' ii'--
Profit-Sharing Association
continue as lasi muiim,
1... c-.-ttti inn
-oot'ls in the citV and deserve to
Yellowstone Park Line,
U I vs.
union Depot, Finn 2nd lSis
No. 2.
Fast mall for Tacoma, No.
Seattle. Olympla, Gray's
Barber ana south Bend
points, Spokane, Ross
land, H. Pullman,
L ..iiuv I . Hllf
u;i5A.M. faloHump mining coun- 5;60 V. M.
trv. Helena, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas City, Bt I.onis,
Chios go and all points
No. i. seal and southeast. No.
Puset Sound Express
U;80 P.M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7;00A. M.
and Intermediate points
Pullman tirM elaas aiei tourist sleepers to
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points
without change.
Vustihule.1 trains. l uion depot rouneetious
in all urineieal cities.
Dagifaae cheeked to destination of tickets,
Kor handsomely Illustrated descriptive matter,
tickets, sleepinR-oar reservations, etc call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. 2SS Mnrri
son Street, corner Third. Portland Oregon,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trams leave The Dalle, for Portland and way
stations at 4:25 a.m. and 8p.m.
Leave Portland 8:80 a a 7:00pm
Albany VJ.SOaui 10:50 pm
. TJ ,:0 a m 10:50 i m
.12:88 a m 11:80am
Arrive Ashland
" Saerainei
Sacramento noupio -l;. am
San Francisco
f'4ft P PI ' 1 " !l Ul
Arrive Osjdou
" Denver
" Kansas City ,
Chicago . ,,
5:48 am 11 l"i n m
VtOOam :i:oam
T:ii o m 7..'." a m
7:49 a m U::I0 a n:
Arrive Los Angeles . . . 1:20 pm
' El Paso 6:00 pm
" Fort Worth 6:80 a m
" City of Mexico , 0:88am
" Houston 1:00 a m
New (Orleans 6:16 a m
7 :00 a m
6:00 p m
6;80 a m
B:SS a in
i:0O B 10
6:28 i m
Washington 6:42 a m
I . a m
New YorK .
. . . ,12:48 p m 1248 p ui
Pullman and Tourist ears on both trains
Chaircars Baeramento to Ogden and ElPato,
and tourist oars to Chicago, it Uuii, New Or
leans and Washington.
Conneoting at Ban Francisco with several
steamship linei for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central ami South America,
Bee agent at The Dalles station, or add.tss
General Passengei Auent, Port. ami, 0i
jQst W t
You tuant.
n AT S jZL
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variet) a w e are showing never be
(ore graced a eingle stock, keal imiia.
tion cieton eli'ectn ut ordinary nricoa
wood papers at ciieap paper prices.
Elegant designs, taeteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
sheet. Also a full line of bouse paints
D. W. VAUSE, Third St!
FRENCH & co.
Transact a General Banking Buaiuess.
Letters of Credit issued available in
the fcaslern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Iransfere sold on New York, Chicago
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-'
gon, Seattle Wash., and varioim uninta
Oregon und Washington
Collections made, at Si .,
lr..... 1 I1T.... . I "-
.fc'oimiu nHSIiingtOU,
illections mail it t OM I , . 1 r i I . : AH t
I orable terms. ' " w
n t ic nUHKM'OUS l iicu.v i
1 i n wc ninanfkiA nnnlrinn On
W nrthorn Uqniti P w wmm mm w
11U1 IUU1U 1 Qblllb
Southern Pacific Go
but before announc-
he mi-
be patronized.
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
The W. W. Wilson Co., Props.
First-Class in Every Respect
BfEALti AT ALL not It
nnotovi. ti n.nv Rttrlfl
vjoui-id u-i v v," "'"j .
S" Becond St., Tlie Dalles, Or
. Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artilicially dipests the food aud aids
rature in strengthening ana recon-
3tructing the SSISS!JSSmm
Cans. It is the latest discoveredoigestr
ant and tonic. ISo other preparation
can Hnnroacli It in etticiencv. It in-
iontlu r..tuv!inrl noriiinnotit.1vriirAR
S!r"' ,1"w VCTjiJsT--
i 'ysiiep-oii, iiiuie.iuuu, avaibuuiui
Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
rrnrlnnVi daat
J Jilt. UUUVIIV,, viiiouuiiu v iuiiiMiwvi
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prlce50c andll. Lanre site contains 2V1 times
smallsiic. liooknUcboutdyspepsiamHiiediree
I epored by E fS. DcWITT A CO.. Cbicagu
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy.
Just Received
A full ime of Fresii Printing and De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
.Sulio. Rex, Deko, Yelcx
and A.risto in all trizes.
Also a line of Plates in Cramer.
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, M altigraphs,
And all acc 'ssnriesj to complete t lie
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
Our Lureka Combined Toning and
Fixing Bath if a dandv. Trv it.
The A. E. C. Developer for plateH,
Dims or developing pa pen ban no equal,
Euoutih lor35o to developed doaen plates
or 6 doaen Veloa 4x5. Perfect blaoks
and whiles are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. A-k fur the A. E, C. De-
veloper, and tee that yon ttet the
We are prepared to compound any anfl
all of your own lor mill 03 and guarautee
At the old place, 175 Second Street
'Ihe Dalles, Oregon.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
prjCTjKTwi-xT-A-rakt nun,-, into
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fiah Brothers' Wagon.
mm Restaurant
a 1"
mi. i b ss 9
ID rfl II 110 . fiffrnil Pbana Ufl 3
Shot Line
AND Union Pacific
Chicago- ,
Portland Salt Ijkt. Denver, Ft.
HMClal Worth, Omaha, Kan-
J.26p. m. saH lty,Ht.UmlH,chl- :wp.lB,
via Hunt- oagoanfl the i:Hst.
iul,l'"i'' Ball Lake, Denver, Ft.
IT , ,' Worth, Omiilm, Khii- ,,.,-, ,
'- I ,. sas( Ity.SI l.ouls,C,.
ngm. eaKo and the Knst.
St PUl W alla Walla, Uvlstnn.
l ast Mall. Bpokane,WaHaoBPuli-
9-S5P m. man, Hinneapolta, St. 8:80a. in,
via BpO- I'nul. Duluth, Mllwnu-
kane, kaa Chicago and Kant.
From I'.trtlaiKl.
(All salting dates sub !
ji et to ohauge )
s:Oo p. m, 4:00 p. in.
For San rrnncisco,
Sail every 6 days.
except Columbia River. i no p m
j?!o?Mr m ro Astoria and Way ' oxcepl
s.mMday. Undlnga. Sunday.
10:00 p. in.
Rail; Willamette Kivr.
exfepl Oregon city. Now berg, : excam
r'!;:'!," o s,,1r' v1'"". !""'"'" Bun
8:ooa.m. and Way-Landtngi.
Tuesday. 4:80 p, m.
ThnjKday, Corvallis and Way- Motklay,
Saturday, Landings. Wedneirliy
6:00 a. m. Friday.
Tuesday, Willamette swid 3:80p.m.
Thursday, Kamhlll Rivera. Monday,
Saturday, Oregon City, Daytonaud Wednesday
7:00a.m. Way-Laudlnga. rrtdajr.
ave s.iHk Itirer. , l'ave
Kiparla Lewlston
daily, ,., daiiv,
3:40 a.m. Riparla to unvlaton. B:80aTm.
Partn-s .lesirinu to po to Hcpimer or
points "ii l oluinlila Southern via Hikks. should
t;ikr No 2. leaving The Dalles at K:26 p. m.
makiug dine; connections at Beppner Junction
and Returning makingdireotconneotlon
at lleppnci Junction hiui iiiggs Kitb ,Ku. 1, ar
riving at The Dalles at 1 :06p. m,
For further particulars, eall on or address
The Dalies, Oregon.
I he time will soon be here when ery
ftyhsli dressed man will want an up-to-date
Spring Suit. Those are the kind of
patrons 1 am tailrniiii fnr. Come in
and look over my Spring line of Suitings.
in me Hiiesi novelties for mill.
Suits to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Iii all y tfiL'ea thero
litJliltl be i .i- n. ,,ii...H
KgH Cream Ualui
sg llm iiicascil inuiultraue.
ires calarrh ami drives
away a coid m the head
:ream Bui,,, iB placed Into the nostrils, sprssus
ov" ISS membrsue aud is absorbed. Ke!if isl
mediate aud a cure follow. I. I. not'-'lo
Pot produce tBaillag. I -urge Size, 60 oenta at Drug
Bints or hy mail ; Trial 8le, 10 cents by mall,
w v UlOI'UaUaSiSS Warrea rt, New Y01