The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1901, Image 4

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    From a
G. A. R. Man
"My attack of miller's Asthma was my
bad. 1 was afraid tollf down at nnjnl ror
fearofsmothi ring Icouldn tgetmjroTeetn,
ffomatb ii nil me
door-rand window -in
the house were
n. Il sei no tl M
inhere no air t;...' I must
mn v urn r to
death, Mr. V. IJ.
1 ng of this i ity.fjS;
call .I myatn imon
to A ker - English
Iti mi foi Throat
and bttng Trou
bles, J thought
Ue of i: bui bought
abottlelntho hopes
tli..: i- might lull'
mea little. Itgavc
me wonderful re
lief, and the second
bottle cured we
,l,.l. l r re
cover Is permanent too, for ever sine I
havenoi had the slightest return of my old
enemy. 1 consider Acker s English Remedy
by longodds the best medicini in tin- world
for hacking coughs asthma and bronchitis
It completely masters those stubbi rn dis
eases that many people wrongly suppose to
be Incurable. Ifattrrerers wtlljust try a in will prove every word I have
aid, and more too." (8igned t
johk l1 Elliott
Commander John Megarab 1'.-;. So. 133,
Portland, .Midi.
Bold .it 25c., 50c. and ?l a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada: and In Eng
land, at Is. 2d., -V 3d . 4s. 6d. Ifjrouare in i
s.iti-:i'd after buying, return the bottle to
yourdr'.iji-t. ami get your money back.
.: imm'i
If. IL HOOkJUt -v . v. , iVm f.
personal property
n thi propert: ol
lai d iltti ited In
.nut rn, tin
tain six, I
Sheriffs Sale
In the Circuit cnRrtoftlu slate of Orefon tot
tiir i otinty of waaeo.
W. Lai: Hllli Uiilntili'.
Qeorfe Ostdtcr, Peiendant
Ht N.rtu. mi execution Issued out i the
, . cntlt'ed court m tin above eause, oatea
Mv. li 1901. and to me directed, upon '.ic
ment rendertd snd entered in aldeoiri srw
eauseoii the 19th day ot June, ll, m ! ' "'
w Lair Hill itntltf. and atatnst tieorgettaia
... . .... i o; Si, with Interest thereon
m tin- rate ol tig U pel eeni persnnum irons ine
aid 19th da I June, im. I did. - n in; l th
,av of Mar. 191. alter 1 hai1 """!' '","??'
tearcb lor snd bsd been unable tosetlsij ac
Ihi mi! ( ilt :
-.r; nrienuauti , ..i--..
I : di nd int, the fi flowing
Q Mia ' "'.llltl . IU'WI!
i -r.t .if. I 1 v:;;:;. tlver
id thi nn in;, ol Hern sn creek
II nal ni rtheast iU irtct I ee
till, twi north, tan etatat east
tleiicv .'itl.i'h ; -a:-l p -k ai.u me:u;- n-. i
west tti.'re I with 'the meander pud banks
thereof to ihi oth llneof section i inene.
west along said line : ih balf-mlt post
thence north tbrouai middle of section tx to
the Ci lot ii ... river: thence easterly ut the i
lniubiii river : v!- of beginning, and being
nart of in southeast quarter ana northeast
auarti - of tectloi its. township two north,
rang eti hi east, w M , containing in '
acres. Also mat piece or parcel of tend li oown
u t:u 'it: hall aotiatlon land claim of K. tj,
i',,.' and Mary lane Atwell, his wife, Nottn-
ration No SOM. and being Mttol sectlonsonc
and twelve, t:. township two north range
aeveu east, and tmr:,,; sections six and seven,
townsht twi north of rnv e;jiit east, and
, i ntainii eight sere" I land
And I will, mi Saturday, the I lib daj ol July,
1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock p m., st the front
door of the county court house ol ai county,
ii Dalle I if Oregon, tstll at pnblie auett n,
subiectti reo'empuun, t thi highest bidder, lot
eoui coli cash Ii hand, the above described
lar.i1- to mU:: the said judgment. Interest,
easts and 'i:t arsements and seeming e,.t.
Dated Dalles l Ity, or.. Junel ,. 1901
innt Sheriff of Waei i ,.-ir.ty
steamer of the Regulator Une will rati v P the tot
ow.og Mhaflute, tin- company reserving the right to eMsn
m hedule without notice.
Str. Regulator
;. lialloK
at A, M
hteeday. . . .
Thursdat .
r-at.iriiay .
.rr f.,rtlanil
SI 1:30. tt.
. Pottland
a -: a v
Arr. Dalles
a 5 f,
Str. " Iralda"
Lmvm Cat cad sm ,; a,
Arrive Halles H l!tO a.
Leave Dalles 3 p. m
Arr. Catcadei 7 ,:v y..
I (ally ex. Sorjda) .
Str. Dalles City.
l.v Hallo
at 7 a. i
Friday.. ..
.rr. Portland
at i :30 r m.
Ls Portland
at 7:00 a m.
. . Thursdaj
Air. Dallea
at 9 v. m
Exenrtiorj ites everv atnrdav (or parties- of live and upwards Dallee,
White Salmon am! intermediate points, 60c: Dalles to Cascades, $1.00.
For an evening trip take the
turn oti tlie up lioat.
Iralda" at 3 p. m
to Hood Uivnr und re
? Travel by the Steamers ol Urn Ragulator Line, The Company will endeavor to give it pat ,3
H ' tons the best service possible, rw further infurmation address a
Ine, The Company will endeavor n
le foi further information address
W. C. ALLAWAY. Gun. Agt.
Portland office. oa-.trvot l-'tx-k.
RUBBER and Garden Hose
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
f you are In need of anything in our line, figure witj
us, for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will ha
prompl attention.
Sheriff's Sale.
For sale at li
l.,,-. ii I'ay to Buj Cbaap
A cheap remedy ior eougbs and coltlt
is-- al! right, out you want lotne thing
that Will reliatra and core the more
vrr ami danmiom results of throat and
By virtue of ai oraer of salt anil execution
; duly Issued out ol and timier the seal the ir
cult Court of th Utati ol tirecou for the county
1 ..f Wasco, to me dul; -in- !Uid a::,; iiatni the id
day of July, 1901. upon Judgment and decree
, ret',,ie,fii aitd e teted li raid court n the3Tth
day of lime. II :. in favor of w w Pbllllps,
i latntlff, a:..i saalnst ' vv Sones, defendant, tot
thi tutu ol $2C30.40 In United states Koldci In,
snd the further sum of attorney' fee. and
ttl 25 costs and disbursements, did oi tbc2d
, Whaf anall nn rlo' (4o ' 'i"v of luly. Ml. duly levy Un)n t&e foiiowine
Inuu U tia. tul Mill do. Iso im: ,atd In theconntvof
tn a :i...r.- r. ill .tr eiiniate. , " . State ol ireoi.. Imvit toinian .
. , gone uvd'.vi.M mi.-h-ili Interest In and P' sec
Yet, it possible; it not pOMlnle lor you. : u,,:i, : ud li the ortheast quarter and tb
, tJtMi,Hvivrnni. norso nan oi inc ionintai quanei, ana in
e:, introducei
- with g.iccts
iuub iikhvto, ' Mtioi ' ai ! th- w.r half f th.- ton thi a-r
Oartnao Syrop." It not only beais and r, and lots :: and ..; tection . ail in i
! t.ovnshii. 1 n rtb. ranee '. east of the Willamette
tbe tissues to destroy the -wn,i;.,, -.vii k. , , r.n. ha ,.. v.ilh it-ei'i.,-
e, inn iiliavs inflammation, mandou
Monday, tin- ."iili Oav of auuiki. loot,
expectoration, gives a good ... . ,u .
e r hi t ! ,it i i r , k t m . a thr frrnr ilmii
Ir I of iQe county court h in, ii. the City of The'
Dalles, said w unt) and state, sell at imlilic auc- :
Tne People's NBiionai Family Newspaper
Tu all old and new itibacribera paying ono year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle tor $1.50.
tlieli Hi
edy thai :. u
izeii c mn:"
throat and
utbirest quartet of the wutbeast quarter, the
in a,, rill vi- half ol tbe northwest quarter, and the
I wuthiresi quartet i f the northwest iusrter, the
1U Severe ,,, .,; , : (h -, UthtSCSt quarter, and Ih"
i.t: i,.r,M'. .il quarter : tbe koutnwest ouarter
timu at"
germ diseai
can-e- easy
niaht'i rest, -.mi cures the patient.
one hottie, Recommended many years
bv l droi
... .... .w.h-- I. ...r 1" ...1..
, . . ,'... I"' ... ..I-..'.- ..... . . . K' .'. ......
M 111 the worol. and SOId , )n hand. all th,- riirht. title and interest
by t'. UKe Os Fatk. Ciet (.rreeli's priz- : t:.:i: the -aid 'icieiidaut had on tbettthdayof
uctooer isv, me uate oi piaintiir morqpiire,
Da- s:n had ill": tn said r a. i,r, r'rv. t.
Rate t'i Pan-American t.nii
lit ton, tan iy .uiisiuen:. iirtree- ana execution.
ith Interest on 1363 10 fn.m the 37th day of
ine, 1901, stthe rati , ; eight per cent pet an-
Published Monday,
Wednesday ami Iri
day. i- in reality n line
and fresh every-other-day
Daily, giving the
latest news on days of
Issue, and covering
III w - i i the other ::.
i: contains all impor
taut fnreln cable
news which sppear
in the bally Tribune
of same date, also do
mestic and (or.
correspondence, short
stories, elegant half
tone illustrations, hu
morous items. Indus
trial Information,
fashion note, agricul
tural matters, and
comprehensive and re
liable financial and
market rei-oru.
nun; . and i
from Ibe JTth day of Mine
1901. at the rate of six per cent per annum, and
!;. I'.'Sts ot and upon 'aid writ.
Latin The Dalles, Ureii' !.. Iu!v '. 1901.
JuI6 ffhetir; of Wa-. i. i ounty. Oregon.
Sheriffs Sale.
!!.::. .
Ronnd-trip rates via 0. R. es N. from
Tn- Dtlles, !S'. 90. Tickets on sale first
and tmril luesdav; duritij: lune. Ja ' .
August, -pteiutier and Octoberjiood for
COUtinOOUI'age going Oil date of sale.
K-tnm iiuiu thirty days from date of
saie. atop 'Vers win oe atiowea west 01
Missnori river or St. Paul on return trip i: . .. , ir,..,j, , ..:t ,
Wilbin limit ni ticket. '" nty.
Arrafagament can be made by apply- ' B- s- ; lalnttff,
ing t- agent 0. R. k X. Co., Tne Dalles. Charles H. siatney. W. K. Winans and AUneda
H Barrett, a- executrix, defendants,
wnere- y llckau will be honored on lase M.- ,lrI... ... M exMUUon. deereeand order of
st-am-r- to one or notli directions be- tale, duly issued out of and under the seal of the
tw-en Detroit and BntTaio. lr, ili! ' ourt of tbe state of uregon (,,r the
, j iimnt -'M,nP' of Weseo, to me directed and dated the
" Jame lttKLANP. Agent I j-m day ot nine. 1901, upon u decre- for the
T . " " i foreeli-'sure of a certain nnTtirage and i'ldgment
I .mi Indebted to One -Minute Cough i rendeted and c tered in .-aid court on tbe 7th '
cue i ,r ,y present good health and my i 'i'ainitimiant
life. I was treated n vain by dootori L'harle li Slatney as judgment debtor, in the
, , . , . . , sum of four hun red and tiftv dollar-, with in-
(or luog trouble following ia grippe. I terest thereoi fioi the 12th dsy of August. 189J,
took One Minute Cough Cure and re- SOTK'S? XL.
covered my health. air. E. H. wife. I ve dollars wtj as attorney fees, and tbe fur-
tion price,
n.flO pet
We furnish it witl
Semi Weekly Cbroni
Cle for $2.00 la?r year.
Published on Thurs
day, and known for
iiearly sixty yean in
cverj ;,art of the Uni
ted ftate as a nation
al family newspaper
of the highest class,
for farmers and villa
;:er.-. 1. contains all
the most Important
general ni a - of the
Daily Tribune up to
the hour of giuni: to
iirt-s.-. an agricultural
department of the
highest order, ha- en
tertaining reading for
every member 01 tin
family. old and yon nn
market reports which
arc accepted as auth
ority by tarni-r- and
merchants, and i
i lean. Up-to-date, in
terosting and instruc
Regular subsorlp
tinii priee. tl ih.t year
We furnish it wltb
Seml-Weckly Ubronl
cli ior $1.60 per year
Of the product ol this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for Jrtne 28, 19iK), eaye: "A more aupetior brew never entered
the labratory of the United State Health reports. It ih absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, bui nn the other IihikI is composed of
the heat of mult and choices! ol hops. It- tonic qualities wre ot the (ugh- j
est and it ran be used with the ureatt-et benefit mid sat isf ant loo by old Hiid J
It- uee ran nonscientiintsly 1' prescribed by the phyitolans with
young, it- use can ronscioniiuiiiy i prwraiwu iu- t.n. r-n mu- mm i
.1 .1,.., .. I..,n,,r nnna ,,r mum irhnlnannifl iu'Veratfe nnnld not '
111" i l l iillll lllrti n v, , , w m - i
possibly be found." .
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. f
eit. e. v su-e"evvsv.'evt
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
Madison, G
Pnsrmact .
1-alK's P. 0.
ther ii oi tbirtcen ars (tit) coU, and the
costs of snd npon this writ, an,! commanding
me sa,..-ni the rea. tr i-.-rtv embraced
Iter d
, il 'i--cre- ! i, ree.'isure ttilo here!
K bad complexion generally results icrlbed I will, on tbe
In all i
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Pi-opnetors The Qwl."
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pli kin
Headauarters for Rolled Grain, au kindf
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ofndWu'LkFnEE
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
Floiir "uur ie ronnnfaotorajd exjiressly for famii;
use : everv Hack is Kmminteed to pive BBtiefactiot
We sell our pooile lowor than any house in the trade, and ii you don't thinii
call and get our priceB and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
Purest Liquors for Family Use y
Delivered to any part of the City
Pii ones : .".1 Local,
858 I.onu Distance
173 Second Street.
from inactive .iver an i boweli
Sin't: care
produce gratifying result;. CiarKe
0. Pharnaaov.
I'tie plies that annoy you to will be
SBtb daj of s ni . nun
nWitt' I title Varlv l'ipr ' " ,b' ho'lrof 2o'cloekln the at tern 001 o Mid
u wins untie ftarij i.i-err ,t,n, tr,,,,t (j,): th.. ,...,,,,.,, ,.
A bouse In lalit t'lt . Wasco oonnty, li eiruii
fall - r. U. 1 Darmeov. easb li hand, all the riant, title and intereat
whi'-; tr,.- defeiioant liarle- II Mat:..-v and
M K. Wlnan or either of tbeni -.. on tha tiih
dajroi Auautl lew the dan- of ih. mortaaae
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
qu ckly and perroanentlv tieaied if you
Claike 6.
r "Dl o .lT-r.v-.! ; I. TJ-i,r,.r,li , A TTT 1
DeWitt'a Witch Hssel Raise. Beware ' . ... DlclUAMlliljli, nUlBGSUUUi ailU W OKUU-XllaKt)! .,
... H , . ... aii. i. ii,.- ,, .t j -
j :' wortbleM coooterfeit
Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
'!"! rea. property, sitnat, ami beinjr n.
i. -,.,, -, iniy. 'invc-L. lnwit
Th northwest .(iiarter of ecti..-: tnr.-ntv-ix
in (ownsnip one i oorti
. ... T C.4. 1 TTT1 1-. A 1 O .1 -r-.i l ... .
Acker'- Enttliab Remedy will stop a eV.t. w v iron, owei. watwiu, axibb, opringe ana ciacKsrmtn bupplies
eoogn at any time, and wt.. cure th SrolnTeoi 'Zrm",w aoo Aient lor Bussell & (X.s Bngtnes, Threshers and Sew Mills,
Worst cold in twelve huiirs, or in mes
refunded ,
t-ep ilruiiist.
Ot. aiiii 50 Cl. Illdkelev
'iintr i
.-ani property will u- nibject to confirma
lion ii redemption a- ia- law provided.
Dated at The Jall. oreeo:. tin- :."t; day of
June. 1(01.
ROBKR1 Kfcl.i.Y
lODJB sberir' Wawu l.'o inly, Oregon.
Lxsi. Offki 41 Vakooo via. Wash., i
lune 1-. IfOl.
tiee i- her.-:.: (lvea tnat Ibe lollowlue
nanien -ettier- have :ilel notieeof Iheirlntentloi
Telephone I'.T.
Long Uietance 1078.
Cor, Seuoud & LamlD Sts.. THE DALLES. OR.
Friday, Auaut . . iwt, via,
i llltani R. O'Maal
li anything aiir your nair, and see
Prazer : ne'e tlie iiead'iiartere (or all
hair reuiedie--. lteQjeinber tiiat lie
niake a ipecielt Of tliese goods. tf
Clarke A Fa.K nave received a MflOSd
of the celebrated James E. Pattoc
Itriotlj oure liquid paioU
Clarke A balk nave on saie a ful line
of pain, ami artlat'i brusbec,
tiark A: Falk are never closed Sunday.
loii'i (nriet liiis.
Voii will not have Doiir if vor. take
Clarke & FalkV sure enre loi Ixule.
Floral loliftn will cure wind ObtDping
and suiihiirn. UtnoftOtOred n C ar::-.
dc Kalk
1 Hrir.ii.i-. ,i u,i IcmAMaj
' , llllana H Uouuai
.hen-1-iiotiiinir so uood a-( liamberlain i 1 e n. -... n .. . ,,
ro' sale by Blake-
1. :,ai es the following witnesw - to
prove hi continuous resilience upon ami i uit.
vaUOC ,,f aid land. ris.
h'je! is. awain. Ceorea A. lulder. Wlltian
H Hoppei and lobn Ludron. all oi Lvi, r n,
i at.'in.gtoii.
Rossall h. Bwalo,
ii .. .-j.. tor th..-.n . of SK't.aa i ,.
Crandall & Burget
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or.
R 1. k. 'A M. who naiiie- the lol OHina uit-
neassa to prove his continuous resident, .naju
a.'iil i -illi-. -ti.,1 ....
William 1. O'Kea IIkwm linMM Venn With I
11 Miumnf in... i.-fl..., on ,.1 r'.i Nun
... T i ' . ..... . .1 ,, i.i.i 1
V, , Land Ullie.
Pain Balm. Try it
ley, tin- druKniei.
We offer for a
twi a-We-K ClIKoMi l.fc
and tbe Weekly OntgooutOc prwe$ H
ooti, papers tor s a jtett nubeoriptloni
illnlei tins olltir must be puid 111 ad
vance, f
IMM'I 1. 111 It lu,
a . a u h. w . N., who iiuutk the foijuwini; it
i.eMet i pr. ;u- i-ominuou residence uian
mid ' nlli eatiou ol s.nd land. i
nulled sin, wtillatn u .Seal Oeon- A.
imiieo (leriod toe snider and J 1 baftron. all af Ll row..
price 11.50, . V.. R DDNaUa ituat-ter.
Executor's Notice.
tnat M, . ponusll im
sncouver. Wash..
May i
la hereby alven that in eomniianM
is provision ol the act ot Contress oj
i -7- entitled "An act for the aalant Mm.
or lamih in tin- slates ni California. Oregou 1
Nevada and WasbinatonTerritorr asestoudod
' all the public laud by act ol AnKU-t I
) .'. Iran Ittwatti of i,oni Roek. couiity ol
iiiiiiam. Hlata of Oregon, nas Ibis day Hied in
tin- orticc hi- sworn lUietoenl No Mil, ior tbe
purebaaeof the Nw (oieec6tn Tp No
No 1 Bi W, li,, and will oiler proof to show
that the land KHItbt U more vaiUSbli for its
limber or -loin than lor agricultural putuoae
and to establish hi claim lo-aid laud before
the K'.gUtvr and Iteceiver 01 lln- ofltoe at Van
11, Waul.., 01 Weilnenlay, tin- 1 III. i..
AUKUSti 1901,
lie name lis wit;irre I oiin-r ' H 1
C. J. STUBbIf4G,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Hank.
' ',..Mr.yV...r .
Uontton Phone 'i'.ii.
I.,, i.t IHal. loi'l
du . ..... im r ,, 1 hi Uui will worth. Uadfrey 1 Hmttb. R, I- Robeftson sod D. P. TitOMPeoN
First National Baok.
A General Banking Bueiiieee transacted
Deposits received, eubject to Hiirht
Oralt or Check.
Collections made and proceedc promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Kiitlit and Telegraphic Exchange soitl on
New York, San Francisco anc' Portland.
and leUi.i:ijt of Am. 1
All ir,,i. I,.., . - -. ' .
lust wet tlie. affected part freely witl. "' An laicbiugar are herein notified u
i- ' e 'in.-, verified a- nv lu r,.
i f u ....-1 j preteiit ii,.-ai t, me, vermeil a-l.v !
" wwswi ewwu ren.euN, quired. within h months ironi the daleoi thu I ol Augual U01
ann ine pain m ifuue. olu ov 1; arke a- " ... juhi-iki
L-alk ' i.aieii ai VSI --" iti- tlilh ,ti. .lav of lune rj
ntm' 1 JUUr il 1, PUN.ShLI., RaecuW.
liariy I), liar rt-lt. all of I'orllaiid. Or.
ADV ami al! .-r-,,n- claiininc sdverssly the
iboVO dSSOrlbed lamlp are rniietirl to fill- tin 11
claim In tin ofltceon or before said 1 a 1. 1 da
R R DUNBAR, Regtstei
bubcnle lor TUR CuuoMci.t.
l . rwr .. - .- -y w
cu. m. " H.LIAMB, taao. A. Liaua.
U M tia. mi.
I aint your house with paints that are
lully guaranteed to last. Clarke W Fulk
have tlicm.
After VOU tire of uaini; so-called kidnev reined
without any henelit, use Lincoln bexutil Pillfl si"1 J '
forever rid of tboaa dull paine In voiir hack. Diet'"
thai old logy idea ol "pain iu the kidneys" ami
all your 1. ladder ami urinary troubles cured. BndjJJ
mglitH made restful by the nee of nature'e gret'
asHietuiit Lmooln Kexual Pills.
l'rice, 00 per box buy ol yourdruggiHt orK111
by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper
mm ,, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
I'oniiell, Agent, Tbe Dallee.
Advertise in the Chronicle