For You to Read What punted mc in the banning WM that I kep-i JgjjJ"1 "I ca,Sc fol I S at 1 coord . I had a ;le rouble JJSfflW "tSS after a whila bfM to gTOW weaker and to cough. I M coi-t," s on go OWOy Mid cure km it, mn i. dldn t. It grew worse, and then I sgtta to spit up a pecu liar looking substance. I never thought of consumption, but one flay fhad a hemorrhage, and -.her. v.-a- frightened in earnest and did just v. ;;a: you would do. I rushed : the doctor. lie waa either too busy, or something 1m forhe didn't domeanyg I ken-. :. ling on down hill, and the outlook was bad. Things took a 'V..- . turn however when I heard of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, for I took and it not only cure ". n y c ugh Ingand spitting, but also built up m v w hole s vs t e m . I took on per- AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER ! WINDMILLS, manen as he ... hy a man as you can hud may bs ' nedy in the bouse, f.nd it ! .:nc I tl so, for one " vounee-t ci:'id was ith erot ' Jtsf f - me People s pienai ramny new ww puupe .nri pipe t.,.-..ndnew.oDribmp.yioneyeMin.dv.ncew.offc. 11111110 UlIU H To all oki and tie laoeenowra o.- Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Ohronfcle forSl.50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY Tl. hoarse, 2d?! : nftSlJlS'tffiiw ;:::lt su'terer proper doses f medicine In almost no time the disease was ur.oer co...r.... a:... n eni.e. was TDlDI'Wr ! In Bunt. . i. ! -. ... t .. .. t i. wvi ar torar.t and - tot-ic. i. curea me o: COD- CO iw.eL" UUriiMMS 'U.. 1. ' . y . s; mntio: arTdll-v child of croup, and I know what I am talking about. ' ( Signed) B .a! U H )am, picture frame manufacturer, 242 center Street, New kork. Pnkttsbed M 'iida. . Wednesday xmi Fri lv. Is ir. reality a tine ami freel. every other da Iai.y. ci' in- till lateBJ new on day? ol laroc, aut" leveling MSN IB other ... I: motain bH ImMT tn: t foreign safeta : twi btch BMMM in tht l-nily Tribune I HUH( date o!-" 0 - mesth and ' isi. n rtcspondence, short Morie. tlceniit t im Ulurttetlons, hu moroni isnusi Indus triaJ laforn sMot fashion notei Hirri- nl tura matter, alio. .'OTi-.iiTi In iisive and ri liable financial and n. !:. : re -:t. gegalat rabscrlr liou jiri' 11 ! We tnmiih it witl. Semi w eeklr Chtont' clt f': 12.00 jr year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published 01. Ti:nr day. aad kUOWh (St ::.a-:y i.t years it i . 1 -y vart :' Uic Vni ted ?:at.- a a MMe a', fanr.'y BCMSSSUMI ... t.itr.t c3 f ,r ! and vil'.a- : - : i.'. the in; Important m -a'. IM 1 i f the U DaJUr Trlbni t. Bp t.' U been i c .inc t 1 test . av sgrlcultaial uirl?neni 01 id. l:ic!..t orJv.-r. hue n Mradhlag readii 1 1 every mess bet ! tit (amily.oM sad young market reports v blet Bcceptcd 11- suth ority by larmets ami merebanta, and it ulean, ue-tcHl t . la terestlni and Instruc tive. RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers 1 If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure witj for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hay, prompt attention. WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. Regular lUbKrtt1 tiiin priw , l pel year. We funu-li it with 9eml-Weekty Chroni cle fur i'Cr year THE CELEBRATED :. ..... .... - .. . U. Send ail orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or For sal? at Blakeley's Pharmacy. SELLS & GRAY'S United Shows REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORMD k ASTORIA NAV, COMPAKY Bteemeis nf tht Regulator Line will run a per the fol' .: - lebrdnle, the '. ompany leacrriti) udalo without uottcc. UK 1 bai y Will Exhibit ONE DAY ONLY. Afternoon and Evening at The DalleB, SATURDAY JULY Str. " Iralda'1 Str. Dal es City. 100 Startling Acts and Features 100 Arenic Attractions Unparalleled: The SIX Marvelioas EDDYS Li :all : ' a. M Tu-1ar That day ... sararday . att. Portland a: i j. P K VT. l.v. fottl ind a' a K. Uonday v. tdnesaay Friday Arr. DallM E t P. K. Leaver Cascadef G a. 11.. Arrive Dalles 10 :30 a. m. l.ave I 'a .e; 'i p. Til . r ! .. .COLUMBIA BREWERY .. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product ol I till wel -k:i )ri brewery (lie U'.itei! Mates H.'altli Reports fur June H-'-. l'"'1. ssys: "A more opetior brew never enterij the labratory of the United States Hes th re;,urt8. l if absolotely .levoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but :i the other hand is core posed m the best of malt end ehole t of hops. I;- tonic ijnali;ies are 'jf il,e high est and if can he used with the greati st liene?fll and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientioosly be prescribed by the pbysioians M the cei .--:.! 1 1 1 v that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage ooold not possibly he found," j East Second Street, THE DALLE?, OREGON. i i.v. IbtUes at? a. a. Uonday Vnilli-d..v Arr. Cascades , ;30 p. m. Friday... ".. . , Arr Portland Daily ex. Sunday. at i:. r. k. up, 9 Li Portland J lit T I A. M. i Tuculav (s Thursday Saturday Arr, Dalli 'S a; 5 r, x. mm Ezcnraion Bates every Saturday for parties of 6veand upwards: Dalles, ilte ia.nion and intermediate point. I ;:. ivi to Cascades, i ' 0. For uii evening trip take the :rn or. the up boat. 'Iralda" a: to Hood River and FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE. the Hte.imer- tnv Bagnlatoi bine 1 hi 1 ompany will sndoavot t'i roii? tL-. best servK-t- possible. Fot (urther tntonnation addraM a pat- office, os-street iuck W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Ajrt. r j Hea,dquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds ; Headquarters for Feed Grain 01 1 n km ; Headauarters for Rolled Grain, au kin s Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ofndMuLkS Headquarters fcr uByers' Best" Pendle PREMIE?. ACROBATS Highest eirieii porformeri in t tie known jr,d ; nothing toe diflPi suit for them to perform. s i- f t - . "all A i 4, r T-?-" 'Jf m la I s II DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKER - EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Hobes, Burial Shrouds Etc. 4-"r "ST'loi'jT' Tbia Floor is tnannfactnrad exprepB.'y lor .anr. ue : every nark ie (tuaranteed to give satisfactic! We ae!! our poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't tblStl call and net cur pritee and be eonviueed. Highest Prices Paid for Wliat. Barley and Oats Wild Beasts Fro:fttcuan3'eB Young Black - Night PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Will make th f season of 1901 at Balch'fi Bai'n, I ufur, I Brecon. THE 20 CLOWNS Aw a whole Ciroui in themselves, so go prepared to laugh. MAGNIFICENT STREET PARADE! Saver netore have you Had u.e Opportnnity Ol neein Biiet. gorgeous displtj arid r"a Ipitndor. Avail yourielf ol it. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. BLACK NIGHT is a black .lack, foaled June 17, 191 I , bred by. I. V. Bteveoi, Howard tounty, Mo. Sired by Black Dan the Third, a jack JO hands high, and a No. 1 foal-getter; lie by Black Nlgbt Ibe Becord, aDd he hy Dooca&'l Black ban, on imported jack from Kentucky. Biack Nigl t'e dam, Gray Jeunett, eired bjr Compromise: he hy Hickman's Compromise; hie dam by McKinnV Washington ; L'd dam by Napoleon, 3d dam by Black Ban TERMS: Tq insure, $15,00; by season, 10.00. Care will be taken to ! prevent accident!, but we trill aeeuu.e no responsibility. Money due when mare is know n to be in fa.. v i c eta I -r o r 1 Proprietors Tfae Qwl." j y Purest Liquors for Familv Use! 5 Delivered to any part of the City. PboOtf. : rl Local, Sofc Long DilUDOJ 173 Second Street a BALCH & JOHNSTON, Owners. C. P. BALCH, Manager. DUi UK, OKKGON. i:tH. in PuAMrleea Kspaailloe, Boond'trip rater via O H. A N. from Ibt Btiifc-. il '0. Tickets on i- tirn and third Tuesd.iv- during June, Julj , Aofasi, Beptombar and October jpxxi for eOOtioOQUI passage going OB 'lale of aie Betarn limit thirty days Irom date ol eaie. Btop-ovurs wil! be allowed went of Misi on r:er or fit. I'aul on return trip within limit of ticket. arrangement! can 1 made by apply. iOJ !. aiten t 0. It. A N. Co., The Dal If, where' y tii k.-ts will tie hODOfsd on lake team - In ijne or botb direutions be tweeo Detroit and Roffalo, tf Jambs inLAMn, .-geut Clark A Falk are never Closed Sunday. ljn'i lorftl this. BUSINESS LOCALS Floral loiino ear ill cure snod ebapplnf and sunburn. Manufactured n C ar;.t & talk l-or sprain-. Swelling! and lament! tiiere is nothing so good a-- (.'ham barlain'l I am Balm. Try it. For sa.e nv Bin ;t iey, tne drQSjgiSt. We off-r for a U Salted period t(.e tw ice-a-we. k ChbokicUI, priof ll .W, andtbaWoakh OtHfonuio, pnoallM, ixjtt. papers (or $ year, subscriptions under tnis offer mQSl le paid in ad' vance. Paint root house wm, poioU that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke Kalk I have them Bnbaerlbe Ins 'J at Ciiuosiuu, NOTICEOF GUARDIAN'S BALE, in the Ceonlf Court ol ins state or Qieauii lor W acu count in ti inattt-r nl ui auardtanslitp of Mtrtwni US ami 11 oki Vtvuui Ue7, minor ward, KoUes i pstsOy gtven tnat ondei tnd br Vlrtui of mi oi(..-r ami lniii ol sa'c. i.iniP anil tutored iii tin abn'.i entitled eourt aiii esuw w la 33th day ol April, lSUl, ibe nnderilancd suaratai ol Marians Uieejr ami linuii vTvUn Lseer. minors, will on Monday, 1st day ol iue ust. ispl. at 3 o'ahiek , thereof, si ibe front door ol in county eoori bouss in Dalloi iiv Wase mnty Oregon, sail public- auction to the- hiKtitmt iiidfler, ir eaab in band, in tin-niaiiiic-r proviiK-u i,y law fol the uU of real ,r,. .-nv by exw.-utiM.i ami iliiiliinitrator. all to iutsresu of ine ani minora iu sndtothi lollowing OMoribjsd res) property, to wit Se 1-.1j.jN. h l! Kin tt mi, Vounty. Oregon .aatdasN -will be mad ut..rt-t t,. mortaaai or jim an1 interesl now on ..ain pn-i,,iM..i l)ateil at Uallt. City. 0OB, July 2, l'JOl. Wfi CATBIMIMI LAOJt , (luaniiau You will not have boils if vou take Clarke a. Falk's sure cure loi boils. KOT1CE toll PUBLICATION. Land Optics ai Vancouvu, Waan,, ..... , June 'M. 1901 Miuce i nereby eiveu that lbs fol'owiua pained bettlert bavi ioe.i notice 01 int. i. t. n t,, Mas luiiil prool in .support ol their fiaiim and that m,i proofs will be made befon th Regular and Rooslver, r. , land offloe at ancoovr, Saab.i on Hatojrday.AiigtMi 10, twi, "r h. PoMOMi II E No WWI lor the of HK1 ,' See .;. Bl 0 : .-tt , gee. .'.'Ip...N., . fj K. M u.. who name-!- toe following wltnessca to prove in - oon b'1 residsuos upou and eulttvaUou ol said Husasll H.awaiu.Jooii Ungsr, iikm Trabus tSgJm? f i'per. all ol Erk P. o" v..,-,, Kdgar a. Bajpftai , n.i. go. MU lor toe WjofUgu sec.S.Tfcl - M.i who uamet ibe loiiowiut. wilMssM to prove his oonUouou. reiioeuc. iih.u and OUltfvuUon Ol said laud vi "'u,"",-tv John L iiger, Kuiaell U.Hwaiu, Oscar h. Parson- ami lla,M., 'lrahue,allof l.yle p (,., WsAbloj JUIi'A. F. S. GUNfllJlG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker. -Dl.Al.hit IX- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Suppli Ageoi or Roaiwii (,, , Engines, Thresheri and haw nuia. 'u nor. Seuoud & LauUin Its., THE DALLES, OE W B DUNBAB, UegUbM, YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of usinu so called kidnev rem Wltbont any benefit, use Linooln Sexual Pills end forever rid of those dull pains in vour back. that old fogy idea of "pain iu the kidnevs " and"' all your bladder and urinary troubles cured. SDdP nights made restful hv the use of uature'e gie1' assiHtaiit Lincoln Bexual Pills. Brice, $l.tKi per box buy ol yourdruggiat orSJ" by mail on receipt of priw. in plain wrapper- LINCOLN PROPRIETARY 00.. - , Fort Wayne, Indian N. Uonnt-ll, Agent, The Dalles.