Now Sales the Clearance of July.... There's more than one (rood reapon for phenomenally low prices in the month of Julv. It's the best clearing time for Summer Mer chandise. It's easier to sell it just when you can make the most use of it. It's better to sell it, even at a sacrifice, than carry it over to another season it's against onr plan of merchandising to carry goods over. It mean small profits for ns, but more of them, and it means RE1TKR VALUES FOR YOU. Ladies' Summer Underwear 10e valnes reduced to 12W1 " " " 15c" " " " 20c " " " 35c " " " 50c Balbriggan, Special . . . 25c, 35c Balbriggan, special 8c 9'4c riwo .15c 28c 25c 18c Wash Fabrics These are exceptionally good values as there are no old pieces in the lot. Dimity Cords good assort ment of colors, reduced to. . .G'.jC Men Suits Fancy Worsted and Scotch Cheviot fabrics, in plaids and stripes. Our best $7.50, $8.50 and $10 Suits, Pnlled wool brings the top price in the market as the full length is retained and makes a desirable article. Ii.eopen season for deer commences .Inly 15th and ends November 1st. It is 1 unlawful for any person to take, cap- ture, destroy or kill in any open season more than five iieer. Any person who lawfully kills five deer can make an affidavit before any justice of the peace to that effect, and said justice shall thereupon deliver to ft Slant one leather I tap, designed and issued by the state mni warden, for the hid iii each deer. not exceeding live in all. One of these I tags shall besecarely fastened with wire to each deer sk'in, and the owner is Uien : entitled to offer such deer skin for sale, exchange or transportation to any point ; within the state. The punishment for FOR CAMPERS. Special violation of any of the provisions of the , anM xe morning to try the effects of rritaoN.1. MKNTION. August Ruchler left this morning on the Reliance on a business trip to Hood River. 8. S. Havs and family, of Mnro, were passengers on this morning! bout for Collins Landing, Mrs. W. Lord left on this mornina's boat to juu her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton, at Trout Lain, A. I,. Mcintosh, the well-known khftpOjan of raulinn, Crook countv, ar rived here on the noon train from Port land and is registered at the I'matiila House. Hon. M. A. Moodv left on the early train this morning for Portland on bnsi- ! ness connected with the prospective visit of the rivers and harbors commit tee In the upper river. .Inst the thing to take along when you i go Dam Ping or to the Hem-oast, lor sale by SEX fON A V AETHER. FOLDING it e AT- CLOSEO Mrs. George Hrown left on the Re- ' Mother's Friend" Waists for Boys They come in white and fancy colors, in sailor and shirt waitt styles. 35fl valnes reduced to 29c 05c ' 47 c 75c, 85c vals. " " 59c $1 valns " " 70c $1.25 " " " 89c Onr high class NOVELTY DRESS GOODS have t.een mark ed down to about 1 , off. There are still some of the good patterns left. Ladies' Shirt Waists Only a few left 3 50, $4, M 50 and $5 values all for $3.00 Summer Corsets 25c Boys' Wash Sailor Suits.... 3. to 8, act is by a fine of not less than 183 and not more than $500, together with the costs of prosecution, or by imprison ment in the county j ill for not less than 30 nor more than 1 20 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Council Meeting-. Saint Martin's springs on a severe attack ofiheumalism that lias for a time ren dered her almost helpless. Mrs. Hugh Oourlay and nieces, Misses Eillie rtelley and Minnie Hix, left on the early morning train this morning for Ocean Park where ihev ex pect to remain dining the iest of the summer. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets' me sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heirt-bnrn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and50cts. Rlakeley, Hie druggist. Age at X price .lust the thing for this weather. Money Spent Here is Money Well Spent. $1.50 $1.00 75c 50c .-nuts, now 75c 50c 35c 25c PERSE St MAYS. i a a&4Ai fcjfcjlfc A sk A v i v A A A. A A A A A A A A A A A 'W V- '9 V A A Si ft gk gtulk V W Dalles Daily Chronicle. WDAV - - - - JULY 9, 1901 : -j,- - Ice Cream I At Andrew Keller's. ! m . ting in an entirely new set of machinery the "real thing" sign, and the of the latest approved invention. It is girle who cou'd not realize $1 for ft kiss not known when the mills will be able have a poor idea of the voune men of TO III. EASURER'S NOTICE. sea Couuty warrant regintereii : to .Inly 5, 1HK, mill lie palil mental Inn at 111 y trier. Interest rtrr .1 mir 0, lttOl. JOHN F. HAMt'SHIKE, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. C J. Plnmarth, of Ashland, sold $1(10 worth of strawberries this season from a 100x100. nted Men and women ; splendid itiun. Call at Umatilla House day, from l to 0 p. rn. Work for Btrictly honorable. Jj9 2d IBs Nina Kohoeps and Mies Cryee ey arrived on ths (iatzert this oon on a vieit to Mrs. U, J. Lord, Jenkins ranch, Klickitat county. Boston Bloomer girls defeated a rd club by a scjre of 15 to 8 and tMIJplbanyjDemocrttt justly thinks the KfttHord club sliould go oil' and hang itftfttf. I a voting contest instituted by the Iffclan ! Town Talk, Mies Fannie Stand WW was declared the moat popular rOMg lady in S mthern Oregon, receiv ing 2-!.-10o votes, eome :i000 over the fnrest competitor. Gfttlle thieves were caught in the act tchering one of Emile Walther's s near Chenowith, Wash., recently. became frightened, croeeed the ibia river in a email boat, and not been Keen eiuce. and Mrs. I. N.Sargent and Misses ryn Sargeut and Kachel Morgan, Htfed in I'.ntlaio July 1st. They will liaaifoi I, ,me iibjut the 15th, traveling bffy fct.iijes, and will vieit a number rfnglatives on return trip. W-0 noticed some very handsome' displayed in A. M. Wiljiams & window today, which are to I M a very low price the latter oart . . . . . . i I H ftft K V. ,1 W ill i hi I lllfi. I l,. r . i . .j i biiou on nit; uitri ui moat) inier ro resume operation, but it ia known that a large number of Dalles people are out of Diamond Mills flour and that there is considerable grumbling thereat "Get me another doctor, Eli," said the late Governor Pingree to Colonel Sutton when ill-in London. "Get me a good one. 1 don't want anything happen to me now. If they will only take care of me now I am willing to eign a contract witii the Almighty to paes away quietly and without murmur at the end of two years, I have so town. i Elsie Willis, wife of "Senator! cBride," a Warm spring Indian, has netituted proceedings in Justice Brown- hill's court for the replevin of a small buckskin horse which she found in the possession of Will Harris, and which to I she claims to be hers. Harris says he borrowed the horse from his brother, who lives on the Deschutes above the free bridae, and that his brother bought it from Ed Stevens, of Eight Mile, dur ing the winter of 1900-1901. The parties concerned will have a chance to nrove about the At a special meeting of the city council, held last night, a resolution was passed instructing the city marshal to enforce the ordinance against cows running at large on and after next Monday morn ing, July 15th, The matter of having tiie books of the city officers experted again came up for discussion, witii the result that it was referred to the finance committee who were authorized to employ an expeit as soon as one could -be obtained. The time aeked by E. Kurt, and associates, in which to put up a bond to furnish electric lights for the city, hav ing expired on the 10th day of June the following proposition by the Wasco Warehouse Milling Compariy was read and submitted : I Tit tin Honorable Mayor and Council of Dalle City: I The Wasco Warehouse Milling Com- ! ! panv rrake8 the following proposal for i the furnishing of lights to Dalles City j for etreet. lighting purposes : j Said company will furnish twenty- I pretty , gvn 200 caudle power enclosed arc I lights, to be maintained all night and everv night from twilight until daylight for to each per month; such lights to be I located at such points within the city limits as the council may direct; the first installment of such lights shall be expense of said company; anv F. H. Waketield went to Saint Martin's Springs this morning to see about mak ing arrangements for the accommodation . . I l,!a - ft L.I 1 .. kk. la i I ii til iiib run ni iiiiu Limit-, imp i ruuri iiik i from a severe attack of inflammatory counterfeits, rheumatism. DeWitt's Witch Har.el Salve should be promptly applied to cuts, burns and scalds. It soothes and ijuickly heals the injured part. There are worthless lie sure to get DeWitt's. Clarke A Falk's P.O. I'harmncv. Mid summer olftranc sale of milli nery at the Campbell & Wilson Milli- cows witliin the limits of Dalles City, I l,er' ' vthing in the line oi Unit i I!...,,, i.iri,..iu,i K ii.o ..iiu I headwear at one half the actual val- Mnrlinr Nnllre. This is to give notice to all owners of council to enforce the ordinance ngain6t cattle running at large, and that the same will be strictly enforced by me on and after Monday. July 15, 1901, Cmaki.ks Chahplin, jy9-13 City Marshal, i Notice, K.ikI.s There will be a special meeting of Dalles Aerie, No. 158, Order of Eagles, ftt K. of P. hall on Sunday . Julv 1 Ith, at I 2 p. ro, A. Ad, Secy. ue. j'.'S-lm It is easier to keep well than get cured. DeWitt's Little Karly Kisers taken now and then, will always keep your bowels in perfect order. They never gripe 1 tit promote an easv and gentle action. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. much to do." "Whv don't vou rin council 1" '6 the rightlul owner up the back for allowing cows to run atlatter enJ of net week large Chrork ?" said a prominent citizen to Tiik rThe state school book )HICue this morning. "We have ! consisting of II. W. Scott at the change in the location of said lights to be at the expense of the city. The number of such lights may lie in creased at the option of the council at any time within seven years from the date of the ordinance authorizing the contract to any number not exceeding thirty-five, the first installment of such additional lights to be at the expense of the company and any change in the location of such additional lights, after the first installment, shall be at the city's expense. This proposal is upon the condition that if the lights are out not more than two nights in succession, no de- "I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few linen that your Kodol Dyipepiift Cure is w ithout qnet tlon, the beat and only cure for dyspeps'a that 1 have ever come in contact with and I have used many other prepara tions. John Beam. West Middlesex, Pa, No preparation equals Koilol !vspepsia l Cure as it contains all the natural . . III ! '. I Ll Jft . ft - ft,, , ,. la n i (iigestanis. ii win ingest, an minis oi slie Kind You Have Always Bought i food ami can t help but do ,., good. ) i v larke iV ralK s r. v. rnarinacy. Bears tno Siguature oi CASTOR I A For Intnati and Children. iltwtmn iq t n hu niaHu in thu iiuirnianf commission, ,i . if i...,. nr ..... . ,,, consisting of II. W. Scott and Wm, M. I :..i.u :.. n,n ; .. , ill I I"" iiigiiia nu tt trrjiMi im illy uia been trying to beautify our premises i arfH ni prii-ni n.;n;m i i . !.!.,. n., i t . j Jacksonville, C. A. Johns, of Baker City, and P. L.Campbell, of Monmouth, met at Salem yesterday, and organized by electing Mr. Scott as chairman and Frank Davey of Salem as secretary. with vines aod ehrubs for as good as ten years, and had about succeeded when a blankety blanked old son of a gun of a cow, that wore an anti-Eucking appa ratus, showing that ehe ought to have oeen mueu lODg ago, usrn ner, iaet in e8e than ten minutes after the an night broke down the fence and swiped nouncement of Chairman Scott that every green thing in the little flowered, WOuld now be received, the book Patcl1-" -;agenti" iiied no less than twenty-live President E. L. Smith of the state I proposals, including tho6e received by board of horticulture, tells an Oregonian ; mail by the etate superintendent of reporter that hie experience with epray-! public instruction which were then ing tells him that it is the only sure j handed to the commission, means of ridding the fruit of peste. "I Miss Nellie Morgan, formerly of this save fully ,;0 per cent of my apples every :cityi but now llving with her brother, year uy epruying. tie eaia, "while When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We hftVO the Crown of Science Hair SSfeteE) Grower an d Cocoanilt Creaiiifiufflp Tonic. They will cum (land HHbB roll' and nil scalp diseases. For sale at's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. A full line of Eastman rilms and sup. plies just, received by Clarke A Falk. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 43:!. Local, 109, BP- 3l tboee who refuse to tfyray don't save 10 per cent of theirs in good condition. The argument that there is no use in spraying unless all the fruitraisers sprav, I consider erroneous, as every man can save hie own apples from worms if he takes the trouble to spray them. Tiie following were the lucky persone and numbers at M. Nolan's profit-sharing drawing last Saturday evening: John Cary.No. 22M, the 1 subscription ; W. C. Alloway, No. 2111, the picture; J. Doherty, dollar rebate. Monthly drawing as follows: A. S. Bennett, ticket No. 1669, large music box; T. I Kehoe, No. 1324, small music box ; E.K. ! Hayard, No. 1335, sack of sugar; C. I Micheibach, No. 2290, barrel of flour; I St. Marv's Academy, $3 rebate; J, Doherty, If rebate. The Ladiee' Aid society of the Fust Presbyterian church of Toledo, gave a carnival the other evening and among other attractions was a kissing booth where kisses could be obtained for five 1 cente. Young and old men paid a nickel to enter, but when they got ineide each received a iiiolafHixa eamlv kiaa A iuii. ogi next i-jursaay win ue U Um kM . ma,ip n,i i ing card at both matinee and even-!- anoihr .ir. .... u . rforuiauceand will be participated B"IDi real thiou-oue dollar." No or, was willing to put Up this Pan-American rice for the ovulatory exercise, how ¬ ever, and the treasury w as not augment ed. Now the conservative element of the church are angry. Conventional members say it was madness to display the best dancers our citv affords Whole program is replete with good all your friende go also. ft Diamond flouring mills have closed down nine weeks today put- ! Albert Morgan, in Gilliam county, has , left for home after spending three weeks in the city seeking relief from the incon ! veuience of a cleft palate. While here ' she was under the care of Dr. Sanders, who succeeded in making a false palate or obturator, that closes the cavity in j tiie roof of the mouth and whose im mediate effect was a marked improve i raent in the young lady's speech and ar ticulation. It is a rare tiling for a a dentist to be called upon to do work o I this kind, and it in the first time for Dr. Sanders in a professional life of over a score of years. The pulled wool industry, confined , wholly to the noble red men, furnishes ijiiite a source of profit , says the Depp uer Ga.&tte. It is quite a common I thing in Heppner to see an Indian w ith ; his family jigging into town with a number of ponies packed witii wool that has been stripped from unfortunate sheep that have dropped by the way eide. Every pony load represents a lot of work, interspersed with enterprise f and bad smells. The old adage that "there is no great lose without some small profit," is here demonstrated, i The loss of the sheepman is profitable I to the Indians. They cover a large ter ritory in diligent search for dead sheep j in order to get "tipeoo." After pulling i the wool, if the animal it not overly j ripe, they usually take out a "tender" j loin for a meal. As soon at tbey get I their ponies loaded tbey come to town and sell the product of their labor. portion as the number of . nights, when such lights are out, bears to the whole number of nights in the month. j The contract for ench lights to b: for j ten years.. i 1 ne company will furnish the city any desired guaranty for the making and fulfillment of this contract. The furn-1 ishing of lights under this proposal to j begin as soon as the plant can be ad- ; justed to the power to be brought from White river. Wasco WabiHOUHI Mii.i.isi; Co. Dated July 8, 1901, Bv J. A. MciBTUUR, Supt. Electric Power and Lighting de partment. The price for closed arc lights in the above ofi'er is the same us that in the offer of E. Knit and associates. No action was taken on the proposition further than to take it under advise ment till another adjourned meeting to be held next Monday night. itig- show Cvmtegi All new and up-to-date. Every tent show, taken ensemble, resembles its fellows, but it may be said that Sells A Gray's United Shows, while retaining all the old features without which no tented aggregation seems complete, has added new acts and startling features wl.uh make its ring perforiiiHiices un usually novel and interesting. This show, which is to appear for two per- , formances, afternoon and evening, in Tiie Dalles next Saturday week, travels on its own special trains of cars, and carries amenagerie of rare annuals, as well as a large force of accomplished performers. .iliiin' At trlitlim. Members of 1 he Dalies Atsemblp United Artisans and their families aie specially requested to be present at a call meeting Wednesday nigiit, to assist in installing the officers for the ensuing term, Lunch will be served after the installation, followed by amusements of different a inda. By order of the master Artisan. Oou't Hub it la, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Biiotch remedy, and the paiu ia gone. Hold by Clarke A Falk. New Grocery Store We have ftddgd a Groggy Depart ment to our gtorgi A. inw fpegh, :luan slock. Give us a eaU. Prompt delivery to any part of tlio city. ...MAYS & CROWE... ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. NECKTIES ! NECKTIES ! Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Four-in-Hands Z ELL ai' iuuu 25e and 50e. Special Values. Latest Patterns. Just Opened.