, . A "t bWb hVbV Wkr kV aT WaT sr w w TKa Tin lec Ha- v Thronir ft. www www aw life AWHJ "' ---' . : -.. r B" .. UR TtEDAY 1. 1 Tbe Bttl OregOtiao see .: vision of tbe state it ibi a:'. says tbe Baker lii-.phb.icAt. and not being tt sym petty with it, for tbe present st least. ;". would endeavor 10 find a way U avert its constiaviLition. For this reason it OaUl on Eastern Ore gon republican- to demand their riebts. and btfieVM if 'bey will at Eastern egor. as.L 11 be nomi nate! for (rOTtrttOt tbe repobllcM ticket and almost sorely be elected. F ur'.be:. tbere are o'.be- pOSlttOOl on tbe stale ticket ttiat b) riffct tbou!d be filled bf Eastern Oregon aer,. With tbe rigbt oerl to Nnad tbc ffttl Qrfljnfi force and re pretebt and rub"-.Lis section's ciaims. tbe res-.t oui i be strr.rislij. U ' tbe cr?at ndvant:' sute. Tbc iron s 'Jreconian. f tbc wb'jit , strike F.:tt Tbat a dokc ady be a is illustrate'"; Ly ar. aau wbic-L bas beeL told in rej eDUemao iing story ard to tbe : visit to 1 JH '. Boae. At tbe Rome r&llwa;. statlor. a lady, seeing tbe Soke ru thing kbon in a aos'. energetic fasbion. went D to bia and asked: MYotJ i-c tnt of Cook'; Den, are you not ; Just belp ae w;tl ay luggage Le-e-p-tm Henry Fitzainn Downrd, premier duke and earl, hereditary et'l marsbal and cbief b title: of E.-iglar.' i. seized tbe lady's package w.iL ji i word and saw ber s-afelv into a cat. Tbe official repor of vital statistics of oarenn : a L'.rt ha for tbe week ending Jo j tbat tbe ac'.uui neater - tbe five boroughs of Greater New York a 969. F-.r tbe boroughs of Manhattan and the Rrvtx the nr. at ber was for Bt( Laond. 1 2 ; for Qaeent, 24; for Brook'; n. t"'.4. Te:s appa,l.:ng record covers tbe days wnen tbe heat was most intense and when the teaperature out here or. tbe Pacific Coa-t. not to say in Eastern Oregon, was. as it uea..'. is at tfc.s season of the year, igutrui Oer Congressman M. A. Moo.h may DOt re able to dive:', the rivers KDd barbors coaaissior. f-oa :s.t ing Celilo and Tbe Dalies, but he j visit does induce scientific men tbi Mi section irrnzation. , , mwj ,.. iisric-r h j'jit in r, oonpanj trith M NewelJ and Mr. Piooboti Chie'l of '.he bureau of bydrograpby and foreatrj reapective f. -.r poblic spirited citizens sb'inld ret-eive tbea most cordiallr. liaker City Bepoblican. 'ben M:. EvartS, who v.a.i ay Ddar relative and s Ban vitfa whoa I ooold take a liber't-. came into tbe aawiie, sayi enutor iioar :n Sorib Mrs -J said to him tbat we -boul - i have to aaend the rules so tbat a motion to adjourn would be in order I- il . i t ai m m .lie miaaie or a sentence, to wi;icb be replied tbat be Knew of oobodv in thi BOUOtri WbO Objected to long senteccei except -r.m:r;t: cis .US;- 0:. W. .1. J urni-.L. of Pendleton, one of Pendlelon'i two candidates for governor, is described by tbe Baker c.ty Bepub'ioaii a; a staunch friend of senator SIaoo. That's enoocb We d 11 t v bo pm Kit all democrat I lO neas 'b-t "' re dican froin J-.astern Oregon ibouid be nominated for ibe governsnin Iben all talk of pooling ibt issuer v.... otaie, gyi tbe J.u ' rrtnde ( broniob , C555 TbOM famoua littie pills, ftaWitt's Little Larly pisers con.pei your liver arid boaelC to do their duty, tboi giving you riCb pure blood to recujierate vour body. Are easy to take. Never gripe, Clarke Ar Fa Ik 'a U i , n If anvthlu .11. .i ... ...... B1J1J aee ra.er ba'c tbe ba i;uartera for all ii.. '""' M0i0ar tbat be makes a specialty of these Boods. tf - ' 11 Clarke ds J-alk nave on eaie a full line Ia 1. .7 7 . - ' Ul MealiU UM ttfllbt t DFOtllM, a v u. e jC c.v..:re r or i. V a -:.-' i ..'"'' never Hiuilgtll of nlng anything e.s fir id :.eetr-ri ar.: : :. 'oirw. were scarce ant t:-v seioom neara o. r-rni ".:. nrv-.o r rostra -.ion or heart failure, etc. Tney osed AugeT F. wer ud c en oat :lt rytaetg SI I I fermentation of indigested re late the anion of the Kvar,thalH tne nervous and organic action of tbetys tea. ani tbat ; a.. -..oey t-x-k abet fe. in? dull and ba! w:tr. beede? ar I .otr.er acfiee. Vo'. on ) nee-: a few i of '?tl llM F oer. . - : fora.. w make vot: .:?: tie nothing senoec inn .:. r i'iet 'Vreet's prise B.aar.ac Cars A Falk't - f. u. mt-r C,L ? v, for "tbe rwDi tr.t fr-a Tbe 0l)e to Long Benet I iogn. Pacific Psrk, Oeeu Per r Knfcnottn wTatn food for return nntil Sept. IS, lfM. :-aeage ?r rve- : ".: " "i' ton in a .ion. Tne steaaer T. ' PoMW eave ?jr'..L - da eeseept Sondat at: Honda', and tbe Heta : i. i eseetti rrenday. at f- a . an: . . r . s :r. ntordiji aai.fig direct eonneitiOM e4 Astoria and f t J '. fot rectos and Wneb .Lg-.-a. .. Ire.and. a?t points on Bbec Cal ie J'a .er. all :ea.: i 1 3-2o for -.nr points. czi : tt t earn Ba Wat I .ritrrC I scfere: su?r raic BMB noTM Z . - :.: y a c trr.t" h" I. otnteci, ieboroagfa, His., "bat Baecdoa's Am. i wplate j nrsd tseci ' Aeti s- xai::: DC pprains rr,' '"i soree eenida, barm ces. Per- r.ea er ' ' se.r. :;as ar i pita. Cere roa'ir bl 5.C. E.ate'er. the dronf i N 1(1 I ftmn tif-r Itrrur. " von . - Tjr. : -a- rail nigh long." writ Mrs Cbas. Api egate. of Ales and':a. 1l :.. 1 hard y gt try sleep, r bad Donaomptioa so tad tnas U I eed a b' . -t . r--.;d e-.-fi frigtt (aire and er.lt nktod, bat, wben ell otber r.'jedicines fti.ed. re 11.00 bottles of Dr. E ng's New Dieeoverv vbollv cere: a ar.i I trained I rvjunds." ll s nbeolotei y gnnrnanwd to cere Cong:.?, Cc la, La rnpee, Broncrdiit and ai Tar a: and Peng Trvenles. Price Vk an: T-:&. bottles free at C. L.aEt?.ey crn.r store. NOTfCE TO THE PEOP-E.. W(h ). arm Far Tkeit jwi. HaaaHl Le;.re bet ing- any tombstones or any cemetery wore ooma and ee Mr. Co mini. Ion t let any one h en' yoc with their t;icfc talc Tnev edow notaine aboot '.ne r.o;:ner and run dowt the t oor mechanic. They try to aake yon rjfciieve that their work is derah.e. Be fore yoc givejvocr order iet Mr. Coa:ni tate yoo oat to the ceaeterv an-j iboa D bat kil id oi a rk bt : U jj . . .... . ... .'.t..-iiii.i:!T i j: ...ai 'i'i. m a norr; U eivi .- rder. bot nt give Mr, Cominl a cbance to Bgara on your wort. Yoo all! find by aaking tr y one ai.o r.as bad boeinesa :ea:ing aitt Mr. Comioi tbat al. oi bia org is oi firsi-u as quality, oat a lit represents it to be. and tbat bis orieas for sir: work are verv .ow. i . is no. ncessarv to s-T,rj for stone iroo otber placee, iberc h t'one nere in Trie Lanes tbat ail. etand ontil tbe . uuguoem day. Sandstone ornmbloa. .'unl.-d.-. art! NOT,CE. Notice ia berent ijiven ti at ne undef. ritaad m on Tnor.day, tbeStb deyof OBtg Coort House, i io Dalies City, naecu -ountj. orfjf. at ill o ciock la t.oe foret,r,,jL 0 ,jav Ml t0 t t.ioh. uiuoer lor cast. :n l.no. a of tne propyl :j to wnion waaeo eonoty, or aa fiTr,(F iinli if .'...'.,.. .. -.a ii- County, ..as acquired title by virtue o saie lor tare", a shown by the re ds 01 tai saie for fcaid waceo Count v ROHEHI Ki.-I.l -. . bbc ifl oi Wmoo County, Ore(ij!.. .''ated tt.is Ktb day of Jdiv, 1901. jyat-de '. w V.'i.y not siiei,'! ha vacation at Va qoiaa bay, whors c.r. ba bad aaoallaat fare, good Beniogi good boating, afe batblOgi aliuring rides and ran. bios, The tortec and Morolaec at tbacocoaar "CCl uf lf01 at Newport will affurd !v Inetraetione, diversion and antorUinmani. tin nth. ........ ::"" " Ml lae1ooi and .ig adeao- aire or. : . tf If yOO want to retain your hair you bate lo kaB your scalp clean. Mjap w.. make poor liair liartb, dry and Bficpy, Xoa we i.ave tuo of the vwry hail pranasatloac for nicanrttn Hit sea - Kgg and Pine Tar BbsmpOO. It w I leave your hair aoft and g ,aav. Priee.S5iod50eenUabott)e at J-rager'a , barba, shop. The DalJ Prifl U'i.e ,.u.- ai va . , - . - r P"iion lor interior paiutf when vou ei, buv Inroea V P.,rnV !i ' . ! ' o.ou gallon, guaranteed for 5 years bTarfT A talk, agents , H Uil Ail i a a-. . " ' K'k i' t . ' l i M,... . " a c liO.jrjiV' H X T T at f ' t t- tt Tt. tlAt, klHHt. A is ir S liui g' ri i, r iiiir s .... ... u. a NOLAN S goes Oft Weekly fe ing ptWlltg 10 W - - .- . - r - - - c TV ? . . - - - - 16 boon a dtt :: .:: - : .:-::vv: j -.:? y ; ::::: fine, . . '. . - ar iVr- .r ;'-v - . r.i ". - - - . rv. . . . . . . ... . - w tolar ,u"e: BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY BO TJX D TRIPS, Exeeni M:r.dT- White Salmon and The TillrS V E Leave Portlccad Arrive T? Leave Al"' I ar. .: Mea.s the ndav Trips a Leading Feature. is Boote has the Grandest "ac'.i'.'s on F.ar::.. Portland-Astoria Route S:r " TAKOMA. .jcn inpa rcen' t:ve card ;adc-. Leave Portland Leave Astoria Landing and office Foot of Aider street : bote pnooos, M 851, Portland. .':goi. .. w. C&IOHTOK, Aceot Portland, J, H . FJ LLOON , Apt. Tbe Ia.ies. A. J. TATLOB, Agent Astoria. I t STEENCS, HAM A Vool, f-reiideiiv Laetie First national Bank. THE DALLES OREGON Beaiaral K&nttng rinE:nese transacter1 IsenoeitE reeeivod. eubject to eiaht . . n. . w Iraf! it ('::. f -,',fimimor.IM .i. remitted on dav of collection. Bial I and Teiegrapbie Ezcnange eo.d oi New York. San Francisco aL.' ort land. DIRECTORS D. P. Tj;o!fbok. Jko. B. BcaTSSCa, En. M. W ill; Aids. Gbo. A. L;bb. H M . Hut 1 1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ItAMD Ornci at Thi: Lal:.es.Ob., i June T. lji. ( N' .- brbv t' tnai me folliwiuc Damad aacUet tia ooUe of bia iatanttou to maae linui pnxj: in supiyir: o? i.i i lain., and Uja' V!i1 u :-'-i,;J'' tue kegsvu:: tTuh - of Tba Halloa, Or., H. K. Ho. aC9i, for tbc W , " :- " ": aaa - : I I k :.. t.. w. m. H- immes tt.e (olloarl og w t tnaaaaa u prove bli ua lat.rt .oraef w. coot, a lex. Fraaer, a.c Brook ' ;,ar,-s l;a-o:. a.: : Tin- bal.ea Otoajoa. mOH JAY T. IX i AS. lleciTter Notice of Final Settlement . e i;:i'ir-:L'i.. '! b-ivint' Lie! bis Jinn. . '..nut ae adminlatramr ul the aatate of Charlet otit aaaaaeed, tlx I aontjr court of H'aai Uninljr, Oratotl, bi an order 'toade and entered -i latu, :js appointed Moedar, Jnly : at t.-..- hour oi - j. ii.. ui tald dav, as tbi lima and the county court rooa jo Italb-. City v. . Coontr, Oregon, h? tt.-- place lor tbe bearutaol aaid Onal aeeount and of any obiv Uon thereto, if any there be All penlons n,. leiem.-i; in said eUt an beret.v notilled to '"unt !. o'..'ty..f.. ,.,' . DUd iBL i. ' rni i j. u.i'V i::m r-HVi- ti. km,, ... named date. Ilk!, lit Til XI i V AdniiniatratOf of tb Eatateof cuarJea Grodt teceaaed. .,- Executor's Notice Kotlw la hereby given mat m. .. Dounell baa dui;. appointed executor oi the iaat ail and teatament of Ann Uiebinfler. de.-ea.l All Ipetaona having ebUma umt tne aatate 01 said Ann LoOblaget are benny notified lo prevent ibe aame to me, verified as by . . re i'otl ' "ix ",0"'h 'torn the date of this Date! o Dalies I ity j,j :tt, ,iuV of June, pail J"11 a. y.. UOKHatLX, Exacubtr. ' SOTIC1 J-OP PUBLH A 'I ION. LaxnOiviea at thk dai.'.bs, or.,i May liail. ',V 'V ' ,.' l': ' : ,!,"t " lollowlng AAyAJSS Nolle. T,'""" ""'" iiiam- iiore tne l.,u '"K" on Mop " v" AHam W. Taaaai, E No. at. u lor the HBaSi li "paTUI...K , "' the following W,h), ala eopUavooa raaldanoe upon am a Itnaaaea to prove lliiiat. .1 lei 1 ,. . f.ff .alii x ' I l . it IP i ' " taun, J f'l.u.l.u r.l. a.. . : ' ' JaJUJl 1 . I Jl (tf I tt1 hlllllf. . at I t.-' a, Mtllfy , 1 1 f.f Th. 1, 1 U (7r i Drtwou . mai'. i a v ii i i-. . t, .. . i JAY 1' LUCeUsEaiittff ' si r i i.i t , fm i.i-uia'... Profit-Sharing mM wiliiiae List month, bat before announc - . -J T l.-..-t...r s, .rr... t flu -TTtr. Ill' 1111 keep a poor ,f - 3 hemn vara ibu I do not 1 :v. :.r; v:':: every aav x- Who wel inclined to iecnre some oi i'-:V,t :hi: :hv order will t attended to carefully :y :.r o: numerous expremen who pay a - . - c Vi -'-r ar..l iWr-fl bl hfl Mat ronizod. - US. T. I! P ll Yellowstone Park Line. as; TO TBI EAST. TEE OSLY DIKSCT UST TO THE VELLOW BtOKI PAXI aTB. :L.5Qa: ill 1S15 ta:v. Ktt 2. Fa: atu. for T""TT.k No. .'eaKlt. ('Mr. T5 ire;. -Herbor ei.fl Bontta po;LU Sj. Efcrjr Bor land. E. i.. Pullman, Maasow. Lcvtataii, Bui .'. 51 fat. -Hur.j- it;r.:.c e.'.s.r.- .St V. H try. Heiena M:iineej lta. 9:. Pen I, Ci2Jii;fc Kan nj. St. lui. niraer a:.c jj;i.ti S' 4 e: ai.fi - -..::;i.ms: So..". I'uet ..uli! Eij.r? i. 5t for lac .'.ut. and Seattle A M aid :tieriiie:;.tt :j;ui PoIIbmi ntaC rlana ..n: t-.onrt ciwr- u. v .:.r.'.-T. : . ta M:-.- .:. r.ve: o:rt witnovt c baiige. 'ftit.u.ed :a:n5. Cniot. dct c iniiectioaa .:. a:', prtnebnl aittsa. .ar? ccecaed to dtinatinL r; tickers. Foi Lt.iid'.nnie;?' LDoatratadOewTtpttTi matter, ty aieebiue ciu itavtrvatiou etc.. cnlt on or vr:tfc A, D. CHARLTON, uautan: Oanacal Paasensef Ajraat, 2.V Morr: ,1. -tree-. -r:e: Tti'.rj. J'ortinua Orejot.. SOUTH ana EAST via a Shasta Route "-aiaa lev. Th :a:ie f prjrtUtid and wa tt.-.. a- u: a. a.. &d t . ra. L?tr Pcrtiand . . Albaay . . A :vi Ashiand sacrarriPijU' &ai. frabvue S:aam 7:00 p IB . t.' .3t a in 10'iQ p m :-' 5;am Jt'atn 00 p ao 4 a n) U a m t Ogd ia Ifcicver Kai.kaa C::y caieaao S liaa :(. e m ' m0 IE " S" fc D: ii an &:0tiB m ' J a n :ve ly Aug- E; haso Port Worth City of Mezi'-' Hounton New Orleans W atbingtoi. New York ' 9 t n. I " a n S;C0 a n. S:aS a a. 4:00 a m i. : p m ' p m 8:ai a m :-:a.' a m ; ( a ii. S a ii. t. ll u It -' 0 p m U II p n . I'u:;man and Tourist cars on both trains Chair ears sacrament', to Oaties and Ei Fato. and touriat oara to ChieagQi st ly uis, Haw Or leans aucl W'oahiiigtuL. OoaaeoUai a: San ftsneieeo with several sttainsmp lines fur Bomdoto, Japan, China. I'u.iippme. Contral BOd uutn America. e age::: at The Dalits station, or add.ias C. H. MARKHAM, Oeuera! Paakenger Anei.t. Portland. O' Just What You uiant. tV srtr-sVi New i Oeas in Wall fujr i.ere. huvb wide variety at we a:e ibowios never le fore uraced a single ctoek. P.eai imita tion treton effects ut ordinary prices good papers at ebeen paper pricea! Elegant desiitns, tactefoi ooloringe, yours for a suif.il price, at our store on third street. Also a lull line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St! FRENCH & CO., BANKFR5 Tr"t a General Banking B usinesH. I Letters of Credit issued availubb the Eastern Stales. ie in 1 r.xcuange and Telegranhic 1... . - iranslers sold on New York f'hi..-..,. St. Uuis, San Franelaeo pf,rii..rf n ! gon, Seattle Wash., and varirma a . - ill tTlfi(lll fAIKl Wuaal S.... fwaaiarej ( 1 1 1 a7a . a . a. . . . .7- . it . . . -' ixiur siiaiis' va r u i t . i i t ... i . v - " i"-iij t uu mv- i nru i ii a ...... - wen Pacific Co ny l - mi Kk Association brute standing art my dor deliver gooas. i m- ii i w -M .iLM. .1..o1..t-c 111 man ui uiirei mw- - t NOLAN. me commoia PacKino Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF v 4 v f CTD tE ks or Fine Lard and Sausages Curerscf BRAND HAMS & BACON BEEF. FTC. SUB Bestauraot The W W W.lson Co.. Props, First-Class in Every Respect M I L- I A I t BOI BS. "Oysters Served in any Style. S-.md St.. The Iia.les. Or Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aids Mature in strengthenine and recon structing tbe exhausted digestive or gans. It is tbe latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. lo otber preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, Sick Headache. Gastra'igia.Crampsand all otber results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. arid . Lanre site contains S times smaii size. Book all tbout dyspepsia nmnetirrea -cpared by E R. DcFITT A CO.. Cbicog sold by Clarke iFalk's P O. Pharmacy Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Ivko. Yelox and Aristo in all Aze. Also a line of Plates in Cramer. Crown, veeds and Stanley. Tray6, Printing Frame.-. Albums, Multigraphs, And al. accessories to complete t tie outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and iMxintr Bath ie a dandy. Try it. Tbe A. E. C. Davelopar for platee, films or developing papeis has no equal' Eoonph for 85c to develope 0 dozen nlates or v, dozen Veins 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if direct,. D( are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. lie veiuper, and see that you get tbe genuine. We are prepared tOOOtnpoond an V and aii of your own formal,, and goarautee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second street I ne ld iesi i tregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. rrTATATAa tfagaaygpgeai Baaaaaagaj n L. Lane, OENthAL iiactsmiiii .AND. a Wagon and Carriage Work. Fiah R,n,i,u... ia. 1 nan Brother Wagon. J HM and JefJtrm, nm 159 1 Baaaaaa aaaaaal , Horseshoe I mm. Oregon Shot Lime and Union Pacific I.SJ RT roa i btaago- Portlanil special. p. id. ia Hunt ington. Atlantic lS SO a. rr.. ia Rool ;n(run. at J'an' PM Ha . y :2T. p. m. via spo tant. TINE St HEDI I.ES raca THE DALLES. Aa;vt i aoi itit Lake. Denver, Ft VNorth. Omaha. Ka: Rat"-;ty.SI 1 itii, Chi capn and the EvL J-0! Salt lake, Denver, Ft Worth. Omaha. Ban nat'it?. St lxai,l'bi' cag and the EaaU Walla UalU. Lcalgtro. slv-. i; a nc , W a! 1 ce, P n 1 ! man. MinDeapoli. St. Paul. DnlDth. Milwac kee. C'hicajro and Baaa B. OCEAN AND RIVEK SOHEDULE From i'ortland. a:: saitinit date 5nh im to chauKt I F,. ?d Franciaco, -r: . avetf 5 days. IX' p. m. Iaily pxcej.t -niiaay. :(' p m. saturdav. in M p- . ! tally exr-ej.t SU'lOl . f. ' a. m. Tuedav. Thnraday ituran . C 00 a. m. TuaaJay, rbavaday, -atnrdaV. T a. m. lave Kipar.a daily. SO a m. (olnmhli Silver. re Aatarla and w L.iidi lifts. ' p tt i xcept 'idaT. avillamettr Klver. mnmi City. Sea tiers;. xikTn. Independence, t.ai ia kj LanCinp.. p. m xrept .-ii.daT. SO i m Unnday, Saj Fnaay. .' Ill and Waj tjindiup Willnuiette and lamhill UlTera. Mondaj, Oregon Ci ty. Barton and Wedneaoay Wa; liidin(i. Friday. Baaaa lover. R!;hria t i Lcwiaton. Leave , ;stoo Jaily, s i.. m. gaT" Partiei 3aa!lDJ to ro to Hep;.: et ot l-oiT.u on LolutaWa Southern via Bian, .uld taae No. 2, leaving The Dalle at 12:25 p. m. niat.ii:.- direct ooaaectioni at Heppner jii-.iction aud hipc- Lr-un. rp maainj! direct connection hi HeptrnerluucCaon and BIbrs with .No. l. ar riving at Tbe Dalles at 1 :0; p. m. Foi fnrtl bi pi rti' v.iurs. call on or address JAB. IRELAND. Ap.: t. The Daili s. weaoa, Complete of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings Ibe time will soon be here when edCf stj lit) dressed man will want an op-tC date Spring Suit. Those are the kind of j patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in f and look over my Spring line of Suitings. 1 All the latest novelties for 1901. s Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal j CATARRH in all i ia atacea thare t aleiuid cluanliuesa. S El j "a Cream Balm ...i, ,.(.,.. M. ..I t. lbs diaaaaed meuibraoo. It curaa i atarrb and drives ' u MS head quickly. 9 vmw n . . ... . vroMiu asaiiu ia placed lato the nostrlla, apraau over tbe membrane and is absorbed. He ' mediate and a cure followa. It la not drying -de S n" P'wluc anvezliig. Urge Hlze, B0 oenta al lrur K " ""' : 1 'kU 8ixe, 10 centa by mai U.V H.auTUKIlb,6u Warreu Street, New York.