Greatest of All bio T- las -:y i- :bt gv ibmo, bron hitaa, . onrum ti I .5.1..' it .VvT Hl8i ''V V5 throat und lung Wa to come acros? a case at V'. hare four little ones in neither n:y wife nor 1 hart I t- ana fthroat n m bildren IpiwalhallsBJOw r fa mi; can aay. A ket - :- ;: aj :f- I"" -? Ihi roona It ataman to slacc thT tb lies ever '.( ble? ai Tl.;.r Bag! up pe i ri tii- i a:' I bronchial lubes and lung. : -' tnea I baa - the irritated tiss tea, - : I r-l.iearm ami tnu dj In the i i" . . ov.e 'i' I.- : " ,. tb nstfi tioi ai il atopa the cough j; Jij b t pare) - i- to always sei ih h .- Il Brill be a constant aafearui i mup " Bijmed) F G Zrani a kS Son Antonio. Tea. ae:aS.: i i. t:'.;- ttr ;it---:ut-T T."i--."1 SiAiei i: '. . . i. i. :. . at :. IfT -" ' -7-- t--ivi:.v :. j ir-,----- ; T --- VM If H BOOKSB 4 00 .' PI K-"r.. i M :vi MR In Bra !4' a r ton I I ome lodaj . . f. i vane;-. i- Mar P. J ihnaott, ol Bp sin6. is iw n I -'.'la. Work at rk I.t-.e BO : r 'he Si. ;e t ' Del i log lor a lae fifhinfl . '. I lie i.e.f- - ' bond ' '1 '- Land;: R L H. Hickman, aerate- agent ol ti. - . a circoe, era ;t. town I In luakma; arrangement! : the circa ti - a iere Saturday week, the 80th iati int, it tbe afternoon and ever. I g F C Tyler, bo weal t Bt llartin'a i; ff n iutle over a -t ago after loflVr ag a .jng so-ge rbeomatiim, reiorned ;. me t Satcdaj nigbt'a nca: nfSeieiil rae eared to go Ui work in Mf. Glani - . a pentei rhop tliit luorc- . MM " ' giteni tit night at the rJmntille H nae or, ttieir a bo me fr-.n. P ;.td. -.v:.-'e tbe . - . twentythre ay- ago. ondorwral anoneration for cataract it. on of i . i? eeea. The noeratton was fairit mcc fn' and the colonel goal l! ;mt :ii.-.-Kai y ttearty for a mar. of vea'6. v.'r.a- :: jriteriei the explorntfoo of tti foaall ixrds ol the JoLd Day va'..ey tbfl m t? '' ve is a ot. aj th" natnrian Certain It li that the re oil of theae exploratloci will be await ed witl :ct-reet by geologiiti, antbm poiogiits and tcien'.irk n:er. in aei.era' a'., over ti.e wjr.d. I'pon the pies of trji?- I --r. hadi tbere il written biitory that t.a t.r. iti portant teairjg upon m .1 Irii iriei that now ohtair. re ative to ti e -A-.'."': If pet o! aiiiraais an'! the p- 'i i e ::.r. ol Eaalere Oragon. Ti.i foe! Iw k'l thil yar to be opened and p-ru--: by r. .'.- eti.irent tcintists fr, n C. Mer'tam. ol the Uni ajwrait; ol California, and FroMaor T. II v.- a'iton, ofthe United Stateageo . . inrvey. Tir. M"'riau. arrived in Portland yeaterdaj and baft at onea for 1 e Da - where r.e axpecti to be it - . by Proieaaot Knowitop tomorrow, an : frnn tr.ere procaad, witboal delay, i'jr tba J jiit. Day tounrv. This will :e Profaaaor Kn witrjr,'s Crst trip to tbi laetion. Dr llefrintn has visited the Jotm Lav foi. badl before, ar.d hi Intaraal in ti.t-tr. growing While Profaaaoi Knowiton is aae.a". y inter etetj in (be .evx- of foi. nauts in wr.icr be il an eBtboihtat, Df. Uerriau wi. look for .a'ger ame. Dr. Merrian. exicti; Ui find eany form 'f the boraa an! maatodoBi dei, agate elephant, tattie, bear and man. Int exploration i,r- all. be ir. tbe JobB Day coaotry thoal six weeks. i at alo A J. X, Cae sepsrato' ; good a nea and ready fur work: St. inct. eyliodot and a 14 Woodbury DiUfea nor-t power. 1 in ea-'. terms, apply Ifl QlOMI HohARl . jy2-w k Imo lufor, ():. Bobaerl bo for Tut Omboxii ;.t HAINES brothers, Maanfaetwaaa The "HattB" Net nl Siacier. W. (. y. n nilur;. ouriti. :,- v.. I ibli .. general mat we a-.. Uh aseloaiv au Biaanlaatare "i tbe 1 elebraii . H. ne Set and Kiaeaer, wblrt i tti aaat tti.. .: luewniad lor ualoaaltng baj ot ru. '.!:.. baadai badi w a now nianuaaetuivri j.iiiu.. 1 'raaon. and wt. w.-i n aarefulljr ... i ; indci unin I beloae laaelng u.k laemrv w,. MHUlel) i'.ui. iinifie tn uperat ami lafaetorj . 1 . rr- ,!..; ;. . n !iiud Irotr. ilvmid ..rti .vim lAYKCV BBOt.1 Pufar, O:. 1 . A I MM f 1 . lUttaa tn Bn Praaciece aaa Hatatw. The O. R. A N Co. il make ti e following rat-f hott The Dalle, Ortgoi . ,oSan Frar.piff and return f r Katl ! Cicver.tion of BpWortb Uoftte, Jolj IS21, 1901: v' ra,! to I"r:iantJ a"d 0. R ft X. t-aujer fron. Portland to San F:arciv-o and return. f& T; -f;et on Male aud honored on trattis from Tbe and on 'emer from Portland on! on Jolj I Uh and 16th. Baton log HckeU mi I be fa norrd on jteamer? failing from iac Francisc-.' not ,!er than Au.'"t l1 t-" limit, .i'lg Dtt 4. 1801 Rota Include meait end cn ateamer. I.-:v..:' ns lor 1, ii-r.g 2 ;t.g v;A steatnvfs ft -'U i made in ad-ran.- u ir f ore aco?niu; tioM, for wl.ict: a donosit of 86.00 U1 le required. Ml rai. in both direitionf, via v. F.. ft K. and Boothotn Pacific, Brat ehaft, good for etorofi in fornia, i' W. Second cia, inr;n Han bertt in ton rial lleeper n both direc tion?. BO ftof-overr. 836 50. Ticketl on a;e at Tne Dallel .:t; y lotfa and 18th, and will Da honored by Southern Pae Be on train leaving Portland Ju'.y 15th nod 10th, and on morning train Jolj ltl good for retom Ljrag .-av.;..- n Prnneitco Op to and inclndiag Jol 1901. Tidtetl a:., no: be sold gd in one directi t. t;a ra.' ar.i '-t. anot-er via iteanier. For forther informati n commnnicate . i I-..-.r. .-i-i.:. T:.e i' - l m3ij 1 . in be fnr 1 iti Ce.' : :-. Jen .l ai r :.i I T -.- r:-:-:. II : : .. int : tint tl all itaaeeUTa i ila ter a ! It : Tct Di a r'-ii t frectnaa, .1 ht. A . f r- nmr .. vaataadappl: j. i. - - ' 1 ' v. SE , KW't and N . BV .. Set T : Wimeaaea a:-".: Dacigei a rreein : f- :. ii B it. W : -.: i: i W.::im K'Urus. : I'al. JAY I NOTICE FOB FTLLlCATi Land Office at Vanecox ' .- miastonerl r Diatriet ol Waabirag boldesda!e. Uainlngtot.. r- Saturday. Cliarlea frickcrattam . '- . tvr.:st a. a;- li i. " . : - - K.. 1. - i-. ii V !. -.. :r.v :' '.. -v ime--.- to r biaeontlnu na Mat Jeneeuj ::. and cnJt oti.jc i . md. - ::. H-jl.. Ti. : a- St Wntteoinb, A'.t-V.'t T. Higby and Jai .e- o Lyle, a!, ot KUcatiuil V bi . .. r oraallna Hal! ' bete v. 6., Washington, wtw Bia4-. K. E Ko !'.. iv: m. ut..-.ait -.tiart ;: sex. i'. It K. B :. .. W. J! Wi. . wins v ;:..- sa- t. nr. -- bi e.-ntin looa reatdenec uv-ju a:. ;. eulUvatJari :.i:.-- V iOi-rl-fi..:.'. ".. i'W .V W.-ltCOC Kilt II Ui.ret'. aac Ja:-.v- u. i.. ;-. all i U .: I 0. Waahlngl n K. DDKB Sheriff's Sale. t.v v .: '.-.. ;.-; ii4t'.-: tti-. ;,i-.r!iv-r.t di.'i i : ?ail : ::. on . r f..; W W Pbilli v. Bone, i-.'. r.. iaat N?Ld"r '1 a.iU :ilt!rl . ; ind lainal P" for ii. . . .: ing we aoc o: rjwi.eo it nited ita a: i t. : : Kl25eoaU and dist unemeuU, .' dar of J .. j lavj agon ittuated it. Itwrtei -.:.d loti 11 and 12 1 atetiou all in t'! 1 : .rtc m:.-- t..- Widsi. tt- cendiat. ti.U nil) la arilb it c aaanda Maadagi lha Bib ia "f Aagaat, loot, a: the hour of . eiack v m.. a: tba iron: dr l me count court iim-.- it. lac city xA i,L Ira'.:. Mid countr ana tut..-. aeU at i.uMie auc tion to the highest bidder tt V. s guia c.iio. caab ir. hand, all 'h.- riant title and iutertat taa: waaaid oeiendaDibad on t..- utboarol fct..U-r Man, the dan- oi plaint;:"? - mortirte. or ca liaca had il 01 t" tai'l r propatt li li: ; -4.0 :udgm-.-nt dpert- a 5 .!: :. witt. itit.-rea: on t.-.i (. t..- .'"n. uay o! iur.-i :.J.. at t:.: eivnt k: .:ut t-- a: i.un. and on gja (roan iba gnh da) of J una, 1 at th ran.-of nx per cnt jr tnr.u. j Um eoatj i and apon aid writ. iat-n: iAgltca Oreg-.-t.. lui" ". I ; liObKiu ki.;.i s.'i-.?ir o! V aw-i f ,,ui.f. .'ti-:- ROTIOE FOB PDBLICAT10N. .'ai.o oft'... at Vaneoovae, w aati Mav 17. liiii. Sous a aaraay given thai t.-,- follow! ruj namd ittlr nav lllcd notice ot tr.cir niter., lion niaa- tr.a. i,njf in rapport ,; tn-ir iit.n. i'A tnat -u! (,r,xf U1 be atade before J) li riaahTtC.g i manual aarfor bUtriotoi whington.a! hi oOn in Uobkndalc Waab., at irda; . JonaC i.-;. vu. t.i kaaafa e.. ii iioa, n t. . no lot we nw hi.-,, -t , : , ami bEofMtU. aaeai.TptK, h Ui J..V M . ho : ti..- ..i, oing iti...- n. prove bb con Uuuoaia taaloanc up-,n and C'iiti . at.on .' tain nnri. vu. n- i. bbipear, Corfla ioranaati lohnllaf li at Jatite o. I.yi. all of UfU K u . latii, t aifta laraaaai il so. ..: ir Iba gwuag 13. and S .si.-, and SE . ol KwW aac ti 1 1 li I M M.,wb iiaiiK.. tn- following wit baaaaa t, prova bU t-ontinuoit rtaideoei ui-ju ani eullivallua ol land vjj Klganah b Hrllftn.'irb i. Ih pi lobnDaf rron, Jaaaaa 0 ufwaUoinga r u, H'aalb onr r. atiitipar, H B No. tti I fnr tna f lantfcinal awu u( NWW liawUona! ft'Uof gww and the aKia of -a .of so o.ii v F. UK, M.,wnonamaa tb lol lowing w i!ijv to prove bia aoutinnoua raai danaa upon u . raluvation oi wn i iano rli Kuanab B Uylion, Coiha aorenaan, John baajron aud Jaine U tyle, all of Ljia V O a aan U v is u' NhAi;, Bajlitaj AN rXPFECEDENTED OFFER mWslaM Tri-WMkl; Tribune and Semi Weekl; Tribnna and Semi v A -.Jat nui Fri iir : :n reality a tan r -.-tiier. i g. itt t:.-. at..;! 01 iIeV! Of e.n" eoreri' nan ('. the oti?r a. It v.r,tau:a a ln:jr-tar.-: ir:tif. cable rcif- which atter it. Uh. 1 ai:? TrUnac . : .. date. al.. i.-. tk and t.wi:. NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY raoroas :ru. iuuu 1 1 . luloriiiatiou. raalUi n note'. agricu! ti-.ra. matters, ami .. n?fa and, r.' ' aini ::...:. : :.:ru. k (gul u loa i't: irrip TRIBUNE. w rnrntab it : .: v , " cbro:. : Ble JTCSfcl Send all orders to Chronicle m iaia:aa a -x TT'-irrrjs - ar BHaiHiiia w.ii? wh-duh. ;r.cduic wltbout Str 'Iralda Lasvea Cascadei 6 a. n.. . ...:.. Tij'if.e at 7 a n TbniMlaT -av;ri- . An Portland at . K s a t 7 x. at. '-- at 7 a. a Hondar Leave lialies p. nj . Monday E'tdneaoaj' ,. , WeJj.vj.." Friday Arr. L Bicadei , ... p. in. f'riday iTT. iml.J.' ... ... att. Portland Da le err. Lscnrsior. Lues every Saturday for "i.ite 7a.m-.r. and Intermediate polote, For tt. evening I rii or. tne ur boat. i FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE. j- :.- t- beat r poaafblav foz iL.rtu'.-r tuf 'rmati ai lreaa :' ill itJ C W. T -w . v V . y :'. T . T . T.. JT . T Grandall IK fill kinds of UNDERTAKER EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or, Fimeral Supplies; Young Blaek - Night WilJ make the Reason 1 ufur, DESCRIPTION BLACK NIGHT is a black Jack, foaled Jane 17, 1901; bred by .1. v. Elevens. Howard county, Mo. Sired by Hiack Dan tbe Third, a jack 16 hands high, and a No. 1 foal-getter; he by Black Night the Second, and he by Duncan's Black Dan, an imported jack from Kentucky, liiuck Nigi t'e dam, Gray Jennett, sired oy Compromise: he by Hickman "s Compromiae; lis dam by UcKinn'l Wnahington ; '-'J dam by Napoleon, d dam by Iiiuuk ban TERMS: To insure. . by season, $10.00. Care will he taken to prevent accident- hut we will assume no resjameibility . Monty due when mare is known to be in foal. BALCH C. P. BALCH, M :..ij-T. NOTICE Ol ', L'A l:DI AN -ALL. oi Oiagon In UM County i.i.r. fo: a'aaco counts . of th SlMl In t. ( matter ol lb) Buaidluiitiii. o Ma.'i.ilia laear ana Hush Virlao itey, minor ward. Notice i hereby ai-en thai under and bl ire. Of an onle.-iini. ,ic!ii oi -a'l. . ,aU, ul.'i tn tared in tbe ahoy ahtiUed court nd eainx on tbe -jAtb day oi April, ItOl, tbe nndertlaned tuardian Ol Matiaix Latey and IIuki, V u Lao BiinoiB, ii! on Monday, ut d i ol Ana oat, iWl.atiio'eluel p Iberaof, .it ibe front door ol iba county court bou ie in p.ip, cu s . .-..uiity oregoni eii ai public auation bi' tbi blgbaal btddar, lot aaati In band In lb naannai pjovlaad i: law f the ..aie of real propert by exOSBlori and aiimiuitrul.,r. all lb tntaraan ui taa ai aaiaon in aadtothi I' :.'. wing ilw-riOrd rea prolan; L .-it .-!. , aac b.Tp2 K. a 1! E. In M aaeo County, tmn. "-"''I aaV will be made uhjwt In u DiortMagi MltOBOanl iniaraat dob on ai'i piaaiiaaa, iialeO a! liale - Ut) Oreicon, July J. UO CAT1USINE UOSY, ' uariian You wili not have boila if you take Clarke fc l alk'e sure cure loi boils. - Weekly Chronicle ir MOO. - Weekly Chrcr. cle for $1.50. Pabiiaaen on rimr?. day. atd known lor neatly atari; jraan In c . cry trt the Cnl : v: MatU a u na'iou- al taaiily aawapapai of the hipV-t r:.-i. tor farmers ntid villa gen It cnnta;ti all the Booat ... art ml K ! -A V. - Ol tilt : lilt Ttibnnt up t. iim now I go ns ' yna an arii ultura! departmen N Iht Ugbcat i :J. hai n icrtatntng i adn t Un ei ... member of taw -w and : ang maraet reporta hb'h Krr ar-ccptnl aaaotn-' Otltjr bj" (.irinvr and Bnarcbanta, and la r'.emi. up-to-dab . m t'Moli:.? and iiitriii. ti v. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. . - u .. ?:. Kr gaat Publishing Co.. The Dalles. Or - - - ar- a " a" . A a n a- av a REGULATOR LINE. lALLES, PORTLAND I 4ST0R1A KAY. CBVPAST nl Um Begnlatut Line will ran as par Oh tol- f the Company luauelng ju- ni; to change j DQtlce. &:-. Dalles City, Down be. Datli l,'. ".Oa :. Portland I at 7:00 a. V. i 1 ucHlaj' i Thursday J aatnidag Arr. ballae i h: t. a. I Sun-ia at i . r. k parties ol five atu! upwrardaa I'ailes, i 50c Danes to Cascades. 1.00. te tbe " Iralda" a'. p. n. . to Hood River und re- C. ALLAWAY. Gc-r.. Ayt. 5 Barget Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. of 1901 at Balcb'i J'-aru, ( reeon. AND PEDIGREE. &z JOHNSTON. Owners. DUI L"L, 0BKG0N. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lann Omcjj ar Vaacqovaa. Waan., . Juuejl. ItOI ( botwe i barahy alven that tin fni.owinc. nainsd aattwra ban niad notio ol Ihelr luten lion to make linal protjf in supjort ,,i tbeir j iim, and Ibal aaid proofi will lx made befort llf inunler aiul Receiver. 1 1, a. land offle. ' aneotivar, waan., on aaturdafi aui ui u i ui, ear h. Harauaa. II E. So KM lor the ti', of HE1. .- ol Mac, j. Tp; N R, u V.. w 1:.,,,,. - tl,,- ,..! ,..,. .. ,.,tn,., . . . . l and w . II., who hi- eon- "muiv.iv. ii, put.e tim reaMeaoe upoi and eultlvalioi lmd. v " -a.d Ruaaall B.awain, Joon Unaar, n,ait, Taaaua - "I'P-.-. , uji ,! by - i). i niton. t.Oltar A. Iloppe,. U.K. Mo w,i fur taa VU of KE!4 Baa. w'Bab- In. . i. :t... . si., ivhi. ,..,nu. .... ...... ...r imer- m ,,r,.ve j.l cont.ruoiT. readtnc upon and cullivutloii ot aaid land via- Joiin I user, iiliaaell li Bwaln ,d,ear .- Pari, and llaaklo Trahuc i of i.yie p. ol ,, WaaWn. JanV If. R, Dl'RaUR, luicl-.tcr. WINnMILLS. PIPE RUBBER and Garden Host Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers f you are in need of anything in our line, figure J US) for it will pay you. J We operal a PLUMBING. TIN and BICYCL; REPAIR SHOP. AH orders entrusted to us will J prompt attention. c TEE DALLES. akjaa. avavanavfM W THE CELEBRATED .. .COLUMBIA BREWEKY.. ; AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tl f prod net of thii well-known brewerj tbe United States Health I Report for June 28. 19C0, inyt: "A more eopetior bre never entajejJ e ibn tv ol tbe United State Health reports. It ie abaolntely devoid I of tSe siitfbteet trace of adnlteration, but on the oth?r hand is con poind ai I tb eel ol a alt an I eholcaat of hope. Its tonic ma!itte? are of the high-1 . .. . .. ,.an Qed v. in: the greateat ! en8t and aatlaf action by old and 1 vonng. Ita nae can conacientional; be preacrihed be tbe pbyalciana wkal tl b ceraainlv that n U-tter, purer or more wholNoma iievernge c ,uid not poasibly be found.-' 1 1 J East Second Street, I Headquarters for Headquarters for ; Headquarters for Headquarters for Headquarters fcr ton Flour We se.l our goodl low and get i-ur prices am This use ; i t ; a. ivv w-a vvv n wni We se.l our roocis lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't thin Ball and get i-ur prices and le convinced. Highest Prices Paid for PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to suppl' every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer X J. E. FALT & CO., 1 Proprietors The Owl." V Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to 1 Phones : 51 Local, bob l.onu Distance. F- S. GUjNfllflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker mauu in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith BUJM AnaM loi Ku Enalnaa, Tbraaban and saw Mills. IV1I , mm wpuuuw loi . Look Diataiioa 107;; WALTHEB - - OREGON. HE DALLES, OREGON. Seed Grain of all kindi Feed Grain ot t n km Rolled Grain, an kind! Bran. Shorts, srl??" uByers' Best" Pencil Fiunr ie mauu'nctured expresely lor fat; every sack is euarar.teed iv irive satisfies Wheat. Barley and Oats any part of the City. 173 Second Street. , . , ... r Mill nor, mm & LaoiUiD sis,. Tilt ualll m YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire ol usinii so called kidnev reme without any benefit, ,. Lincoln Sexuu! P.lls"! (oroftr rid ol liiose dull paina In vour back. WJ that old bury idea of "pain in tbe kidneye ainl all your hludder and urinary troubles cured, and.'" Dlf bU made rMtfal he the nee of nature' pna aahiatant Lincoln bexual Pills. I'rice, $1.00 per box buy oi your drugiiii'0' by Inail Oil fteeiiil ,,f in nluin a-rHliner. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY C0-. -Fort Wayne, Inch0 m. tt, UOnneil, Auent, The Dalles.