The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 08, 1901, Image 3

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the Clearance Men s
of July....
T .ori, a in ai-c Mian .--t-vI aaann nliflnn fll Pni V ! )dL itri(U"9
I uric c iiiuii uian win k in'u iracuu v ... -......... . - r '
to the month of July. It's the best clearing time lor Summer Mer
chandise. It's easier to sell it just when you can make the moet nso of
tt. It's better to sell it. even at a sacrifice, than carry il over to another
S&MBnn it's anainat Anr nldn ,,f m irr ll n n it ifii n a t.O CftrrV PnOllft OVer. It
. , .. . . ' i . i j - 4 nrpri'ii
pioanp smali protltS lor IIS, Dill more 01 inem, aim n memo- in.i i r.r
Summer Underwear
10c values reduced to. .
Fancy Worsted and
Scotch Cheviot fabric?,
in plaids and stripe?.
Our best $7.50, $8.50
and $10 Suits,
c " "
Hi),' ('..., liriironn Sneriill
,'M: . 35c Balbriggan, special.
These are exceptionally good Special
values as there aretio old pieces in
the lot.
Dimity Cords good assort
ment of colors, reduced to. . .6jC
("Mother's Friend'
IWaists for Boys
i They come in
skoloro in sailor
;B5c values reduced to
Hoc, So,: vals. "
ml values " "
white and fancy
and shirt waist
Boys' Wash
Sailor Suits..
to 8,
47 c
Only a few left
and $5 values all
-$3 50, $4. 4 50
for $3.O0
at y2 price
1 Our hieh class NOVELTY
BRES8 GOODS have been mark
d down to about t;! ofl'. There
Kre still some ot the good patterns
Summer Corsets
Just the thing for this weather.
Money Spent Here is Money Well Spent.
Suits, now 75c
" 50c
11 33c
" 25c
m Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ILLY 8, 1901 ;
A Ukn Minn and I
I . - At Andrew Keller's. )
7T- ,g)
great as the feare of some of the ranchers
j would made it. Tygh Ridge, the most
important wheat belt in the county, is
believed to be entirely free from damage.
Mr. L. C. Martin, of this city, is;
traveling agent for the Lewis and Clark
Abbott, Mrs. B. S. Foreman and Mrs.
.Samuel Brown, who all reside at Wapi
uitia and were at his bedside at the
time of hisleath, and Mrs. C. J. Wash
burn, of Ohio. Dufur Dispatch.
Homer D. Angell, of The Dalies,
AU Iff ' County warrant re-alntere.l
ttmt u July :.. lHltK. will Ii kll
M (MpentKitloit at my office. Intrrfnt
MMrtei .1 one 'iO, IttlM.
County Treasurer.
Review and Gazetter, a new Portland .passed through John Day last Friday,
monthly devoted in general to the in- ijsays the Canyon City paper, being
tereste of the state of Oregon and in tenroute for the head of the John Day
i particular to those of the Lewis andvalley where he goes to survey several
Clark Centennial. TThe magazine is in-! townships on the Strawberrv mountains
tended to give special attention to the , on a contract that was awarded himbyj
early history, settlement and progrees of the government last season. 1 The work
Bummer underclothing for men at
Peaee & Mays tine week, only oO cents
per tntt.
Peaae & Mays are closing out their
Bumapr stuck of clothing at a sacrifice,
9f)fat v'.H.-i.
A-MUi'ier of teams loaded with the
WOQlWi:. R- Keys, of Mitchell, arrived
in tOtfe this morning.
A jbriviitc letter from I r . '.eieen
dorStf announces that he and Mrs.
CMKftdortV-i e.xneet to he home toirior-
Wednesday. m
Oregou peaches are now in The
market, the first appearing last
Batadptv. They vcere from the Mission
gedOfte and brought a dollar a I
the several countiee of the state. Il
starts out with a paid circulation of :i000
Anthony Austin, Thomas Glaze and
M. 8. Durbin have returned from Aisea
with four cougar Bkins, and reported
breaking the cougar record of the Coast
Range, says the Albany Democrat.
Monday, while hunting on the Alsea,
they ran upon a baud of four cougars,
and after some exciting ehooting killed
the whole four without a single animal
being treed. For a few moments it was
a warfare that would have made Teddy
Roosevelt happy. They had the skins
to show for their experience. These
they will make into nigs.
will occupy about sixty davs provided
, t here is not too much inclement weather.
! He outfitted at The Dalles where he
secured a part of his crew, and expects i
. to complete his crew of workmen when
1 he arrives near his field of labor. Wm. I
i E. Campbell, of The Dalles, is also in
' the field with a crew of workmen, sur-
ftying several townships in the eame j
; locality.
At a meeting of the pioneer residents j
; of the Walla Walla valley, held at Brus- i
sell's Grove on the Fourth, Levi Ankeny, 1
'one of the speakers, told an amusing.
story of the way his party, on their:
'arrival in the valley forty years ago, j
secured a supply of fresh beef from the
Indians. The wily savages had been
The 1lle Boy In Camp.
Cahp SfMMKKs, fatAM) City,
La QtAJtM, Or., July t'., 1901.
EniTOK Chromci.k :
I suppose yon will be anxious to hear
from our home company which departed
yesterday evening for the annual en
campment nnder the distressing cir
cumstance that the spirit of patriotism
of our grand celebration in The Dalles
diminished the farther the iron horse
carried us away from home, until we
safely landed in 1 i Grande an hour
late. In consideration that the noise at
the tail end of the train made the iron
horse shy several times the loss of time
was made up by the spirit of libertv
and duty. The first day in camp was
already disastrous to some of the officers
and men. After the days work was
done some started down town on a trip
of investigation, amongst them Lieuten
ants M., C. and K. The trip turned out
very discouraging, and if we had, or
could find, a glass of beer, like our
August Buchler's home product, il would
be a blessing for all of us and u joy
forever. Some took even stronger medi-
cine which made them see an imaginary
j troop of cavalry approaching the town
I and rumor started to the titter disgust
i of our quartermaster who, w hen he
heard the news, after having finished a
j hard days work, sat down at the foot of
j a fence to await the arrival of the iinag
I inary troop of cavalry. Lieutenant's
j C. and R. seeing their comrade in d:s
j tress joined him for an act of courtesy and
I consol..tion, and all three of them were
waiting'nntil they got sick and tired of
it, and if we did not have reveille an
hour sooner this morning we would be
j ther yet waiting for the troop that never
came. All three of them were on the
sick list today until after breakfast. To
I day will be the official test of Captain
j K's newly invented air gun, which is one
I of the most promising weapons of war in
j sight. Von will hear of th" results of
I the test. We also have an official test
: for an airship for war purpises, invented
by some warriors of our home town, of
I which you will hear before long.
X. X. X.
Charged with Serloui Crime-..
I Constable Jackson and Deputy Sheriff
Wood brought up from Wyeth yester
day afternoon three men, named Charles
Grey, A. J. Bardmess and ClifTGorton,
whom they arrested on warrants issued
out of Justice Brownhill's couit charg
ing Grey with threatening to kill, and
Bardmess and Gorton with assault with
a deadly weapon, the complaining
witness is J. Jackman, tha section boas
at Wyeth, and the accused are wood
choppers in the employ of A. A. Bonney,
of Hood River.
The trouble between the men aroBe
over the question of the ownership of
some wood. Jackman charges in the
complaint that Grey threatened to kill
him if he should do certain things that
were lawful for him to do and that were
within the scope of his employment.
Bardmess and Gorten are charged with
pointing a loaded pistol at Jackman
and discharging it. This occurred on
the Fourth.
The men were arraigned last night
and pleaded not guilty, when they were
placed under bouds of $"i00 and their
examination set for this morning at
10 o'clock. Moore and Gavin appeared
Notice is herehv flVOtl that thp under
signed will on Thursday, theSth day of
August, 1001) at the front door of the
County Court House, in Dilles City,
Wasco County, Oregon, sell to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, all of I he
property to which Wasco county, or any
other public corporation in said Wasco
County, has acquired title by virtue of
sale for taxes, as shown by the records
of tax sales for said Wasco County.
Roiikkt Kki.i.y,
SheiitVof Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated this Sih day of Jnlv, 1901.
jv8-dw fitw
Articles of incorporation of the Colum
bia Mining and Milling Company have
been tiled in the county clerk's office.
The business of the corporation is to
locate and develops mines and mining
olaltnt, to ouy, sell and deal in mining
and milling properties and to open,
develop, own, buy, sell and dispose of
mining properties of all kinds; and to
buy, sell, or operate all kinds of mills,
smelters or other machinery or equip
ment (or mining purpises j and to buy,
sell, own, lease and control any and all
property, both real and personal, neces
sary to carry out the obiec's of the in
corporation. The incorporators are T.
A. Hudson, Timothy Hrownhill, L, U.
Hill and K. B. Dufur. The capital stick
is iftiOO.OOO in shares of tl e par value of
one dollar each. The principal office
and place of business is at The Dalles.
A force of men is now at work potting
new slls under the building at the
rOLOiNn JtL c T
Just the thing to al alone when you
go OMrmlng or in iha teacoAst, Fr sale
Acker's Dyspep'it ltblM
a positive guarantee. (lures I
Id on
raising Of the foo I, distress after eating,
or any form of dytaaptlft, One little
tablet gives Immadiata relief. 'J" ctS.
and Wets. Blakeley, the druggist.
DeWitt'l Witch II.7.el Salve should be
promptly applied to cuts, burn" and
scalds. It soothes anil quickly heals the
injured part. Theie are worthless
counterfeits, be stir to get DeWitt's.
Claike Jk Falk' P.O. Bharnmey.
Mid Miminer clearance saie of milli
nery at the Campbell A Wilson Milli
iery pnilirs. Bret thing In the line of
southwest corner of Second and Court baadwaat at one half the actual val
ue. j'.'8-lin
It is easier to keep w ell t ban get cured.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now
and then, will always keep your liowels
in perfect order. They never gripe I nt
promote an easf and gentle action.
streets, now occupied as a saloon. Thil I
is one of the oldest buildings in the city.
It was erected somewheie about the
year 1 .Ho 7 , by the late John Miehelhaeh
and for nearly 10 years was occupied as
a meat market until a few years ago!
when it was turned into a liquor shop,
Thd building is still in a very fair state
of preservation.
Clarke A Falk's I'. 0. Pharmacy,
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it get ;n that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair rfScIS Grower and
Cocoanut CreamfiEHr Tonic. They
will cure dand mSm mil' ami all
"1 wish to truthfully state to you and
the readers of these lew lines that your
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is w ithout qucR-
i tion, the best and only cure for dyspepsia
that I have ever come in contact with
and I have used many other prepara
tions. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa,
1 No preparation t quale Kodol Dyspepsia
scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's liar- Cure aw
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
cure for my present good health unci my
life. I was treated in vain by doctorB
for lung trouble following la grippe. I
took One Minute Cough Cure and re
covered my health." Mr. K. H. Wise,
Madison, Ga. Clarke & Falk's I'. O.
lion't Hub it In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious l'ain Cure, a Bootoh remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A
contains all
It will digest
fond and can't help
Clarke A Falk's P. O.
the natural
all kinds of
but do you
A full line of Kastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke I'll Falk.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 488. Local, 108,
finfltnr T f-T .Tfihnialnn nf Tlnfnr
while on the way to his old home in ' tradinK the hungr-v emiKran one fat J 0D uenalf of tne ,JefetKlant8 and moved
New Brunswick and after viBiting the ! eef for ,U' ,oor oxeu' but lwLen Mr- i to quash the indictment on the ground
Pan-American exposition, writes an I
Ankeny's party came along they could
interesting letter to the Dufur Dispatch, mm " lula I"
I. .i,!oh v.a Ba,B- ..Ti.n fru an,i i One thing they soon noticed, however.
I II II l I l 4 I II V l 1 I . . A UV i I 1 1 l Mil
vegetable exhibit is fair, but could be'
.made to excel all others and benefit
lOregon very much if WaBCo county
ould send the best of its fruits and
vegetables. The trouble with our people j
is that they do not realize how easy it
i ivers,
pitchers and loadeis, sf'J 50 per
stackers on 32-inch machine or
where jigger is provided, 18 per
day ;
day ;
WW l.'il lT7-:it IT
' L"e L' "ouee. is 5wouj be for Oregon to carry off a large
abaant today, through sickness, from bis Lhare of tl,e prizeB at any exhibition if
poetofuuty for the first time in nine-Lhe .oulJ onlv een , the lLev
AM of continuous service in that i,ave "
The harvest hnridH in Walla W!ln
At the Wasco warehouse Saturday fanij are organizing a union to keep
bl"'1"'. of Caleb, Grant county, luu waeeB rturlni. harvest. Their de-
kis clip of wool for i cents M mands are as follows : Kundle r.itchers.
At the Moody warehouse Mr.j drif... etc . f ner dav : stackers, soike-
, ot nay Creek, eucceasor to riil,.i,nrB flfi WHei. M
and Julian, sold hie clip of KG, -
OWpjnii'l- f'ir !.: cents a pounJ.
aobaii .a nt ii. e ogt i ti urs'Liy is . forkers unu all sack-sewers on machines
PHggeing finely, through its many re-'larger than :i2 inch, $.'.511; header
lMqpj, and ii- i? to he we!, worth jiunchers, power-drivers, oilers, vie, :i;
lbaie and money spent in attending ''engineers, 4; firemen, ff.SOj separator
it. 'Having both a matinee and evening 'Venders, 14.80; hoedown and raustabout
parjawance it will give everyone a fc.50l none at anv time less thati!f,-'a
to see a dozen beautWul tableaux, fay.
a good program well rendered. rt i a t.i..,. . h;...i ik. ju.
oeeeds go to one of our city's Li i ... : i. w -
i unuguier unu eon-in-iu w , air. hiiu aire.
' I B. L. Foreman, at Wapinilia last Sutl
ers living north of Dufur, and day uight, at the age of 7b Mr. Abbott
lly those of the Lower Ten-Mile wae born in Miami county. Ohio, and at
rhood are complaining that the an early day he crossed the plains to
I three or four weeki ago have California. Coming from there to Ore-
considerable damage. The fact ' gon he settled at Wauiuitia, where he
damage could not be ascer- bos resided ever since. He was a kind
at the time of the occurrence I hearted man, a good citizen and held in
Irost bat it is now said lo he very 1 hiirh esteem bv a )are circle of friend
t. Tha damage even in the which extended to all parte of the
Where it is greatest is. however, count v. The deceased Imvm three
streaks and we hope it is not as J daughters nnd two sons J. P. and J. C.
namely that Catholics had no trouble in
securing provisions. So a black "mother
hubbard" was furnished one of the men
by Mr. Ankney's mother and, fashion
ing it in the shape of a priest's robe, he
visited an Indian camp and after recit
ing all the Latin phrases he knew he
easily secured plenty of beef.
Notice, Kagles.
There wili be a special meeting of
Dalles Aerie, No. 156, Order of Eagles,
at K. of P. hall on Sunday, July 14th, at
2 p. m.
A. Ai Kki.i.kk, Secy.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
8auature ol
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Larly Risers compel your liver
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
you r;ch, pure blood to recuperate your
body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer ; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
makes a specialty of these goods. if
Clarke & Falk bare on aale a fall line
of paint and artist's bruahec.
Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are
the heat. Aak your w cer for them. i
that the verification of the complaint
was not positive but clothed in the
words, "true as I verily believe," which
implied the possibility of a doubt Oiat
the marges were true. Judge Brown
hill overruled the motion and the
further hearing was eet for 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
Summer Eicuriloiit to tlie Ha COMti
Only 680 for the round trip from
Ti.u ii,, u..o. n. .....i. -e:,,. n ia-
j .IIC lOIICD lo J.'-Mlg WPBMII i 1 I uy,i , I BVlllv
i Park, Ocean Pai k tr Nahcotta, Wash.,
good for return until Sept. 15, 1001
Baggage checked through to destina-
1 tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will
leave Portland daily except Sunday and
p Monday, arid the Hasgalo daily vxeept
Sunday, at 8 p. m., and 10 p. in. on
: Saturdays, making direct connections at
Astoria and at llwaco for all points on
OregQB and Washington beaches. Call
on Jaa. Ireland, agent, The Dalle,
for through time card to all beach '
polntf. jly.'JL'm
V .ill can never cure dyspepsia by diet
' ing. What your body needs is plenty of ;
good food properly digested. Then If
your atomaOD will not digest it, Kodol
i Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
! tiie natural digestants hence must digett
j every class of food and so prepare it tiiat
nature can use it in noiiriHhini the luidu
m j
KM replacing the wasted tissues, thuOv
giving life, health, strength, ambition, j
fiure oiooa ana goon healthy appetite.
Harke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
The piles that annoy you so will be
quickly and permanently healed if you
use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware
of worthless counterfeits. Claike &
Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
New Grocery Store
Wi have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our gtorg. A uew frgphi
dean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part (' the city.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARQAIN STORE of the City.
Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Four-iri-Hands.
Ulil WSM
m m
25c and 50c.
Special Values. Latest Patterns. Just Opened.