mA AAAC4ltliUUUViHI The Dalles Daily Chronicle jn.v I, WW MONDAY EA$rU: OREGOWS tUQBT6 Tbc time La; come for Eastern Oregon to assert it; rights, especially in a political way. says the Ttaker City Democrat. Thr whole macbin crv of state government is boteed and eontrolle d by Portland and the aft.rsalaad Willamette vallev. Eest ... .1.. TO UTOgOO DM DOU..OJJ u uv no nit vote IOT r, viiiame..e a x lev mac for even state office. Ti.:s kin 1 of '.Ling has got to be looked upoi; as a matter of COOTM bjf V est erc Oregon politicians and tbey d I aeem to any inclination 11 fai ioose. Tbe Democrat is cot so bide bound in politics that it woui.i not like to see a cbanjt. Tne present: Ihe opportune UOM this early be fore the politicians have tbinfls for taiterc 1 'regon repubiiesns and democrats to demand that Eastern Oregon be -o: pn:r.: r.t .: if tuei: wisbe; are pool i-sue; and not acceded to. to fight it out to tbe bitter end. Tut Democrat want? ar Goatorfl 'regon m:c for governor and will sacrifice ?ome tbin'S 10 see lis wishes carried out. It has be come very wes-y of the roecbine work of tbe- Portieod politician; and is ready to assist in any f3:r wr.v to break the "ring" melt Is now in vogue and which have been practiced for mar.y vears. Eaatem Oregon hss men of equal brain w;th those of Western 1 ire.n an:! tuc-v ar..- .: a; competent to discharge official lu Then, why piay second fiddle, at Bddic at all. a; we nave in the .tes. DO The two leodtog papers of Ljk-.-r City, the Democrat and Kent;:..:..:.. a? well as the tw c .ea-:::ng ; o: j'en.'iiotor,. tae hist u-esontit an- Tribune, arc urgent in their de man d that Eastern Oregon iboll have the representation that its pop ulation and geographical and com-me-ciai importance entitle It to in the distribution of tbe othcei of tbe stktt. Tne Democrat and East Oro gontac. notwithstanding .ueir strong democratic prociiritiea, pJoiolj inti mate that tney are not 10 nide bound in politic; that they would not like to see a change, even if it should Vx .A.... j i i . . ... . ctiBvieu o pooling :ue; w.tL repn olican. Tnere u justice in the protest ol these papers .l. . :.: granted that oil state officers of any importance aiust be filled by West. erL men. fooling ( ever, is cot nkely to bsppen, bat if the repubhcoDi of Eestern "regon. who are largely id the ascendency, conld be got rtike :. unite:1 de mand of tbe republican state eoc entfon for wuat is just tod reason able and nlso unite solid.;.- or. tne candidates tbey desire to Lave nominated. Western Oregon republi cans would be confronted w;-.:. a condition tbey could not ignore. If. on tbe contrary, wC demand tbe ear.b and present a naltttodc of candidate for every office, we ibsll get wbet we have been getting for year? mi wnat we dsservi na lue oircosio e!y, nothing Pendleton bos two candidates fot governor. Judge- Lowell, who seems to be booming bimsej'. ar. i ia:.l-;t-r J. W. I urmsb. who is boomed bl the Pendleton Tribune, if Eastern Oregon republican- could be got tc settle on some one al .... represents, tivc man fat fOftrooi UK situation would be decide Uy interssting fur 'I all Timo'.bv. TLougb the democrv.ic port; rid.. cuies tbe third party movement. .:. is no sign that it will not tocepl : platform laier on. thus reptstibf popolistio fl p ol 1 98 K. E. LSUbrsth one v. .. teep ; a. timet a suppiy of bSj grsii anc rmmJ which tliev wi. rela. . market rates. . ..; Clark & Falk are never e.osed Sunday. Don't (nrget this. ltietlim IHMINi Ye. AngutF,owertil has the large?: taie oi any medicine in the civilized world. Yoor mothers and grandmother never thought o: ti'ing anything elee for indigestion and bi.iune. Doctor were car,-eand they seldom heard of ftppt&dteitlti nervco? prostration or heart fai'ure, etc. They ased aVSkJSBM Flower to clear, out the yieru ar.. Hof fermentation of undigested fcvxi. reT. ,ate the action of the i:ver. st;mn.te the nervous and organic action of the sys- tea. and that is all trey tool wbea MM log doll and ha wr.c head am an; otboroeboi r. ; need a if" does o, ama. Aaj.3?. PoWW in ..qv.c form, tr make y?z sat.sfeJ trere f n-.!hine series :ne n.a::e- with yon. get P almanac. Carte s Hi- Vi M 1 rl -red. I suffered Met) pain from corn I COOld hard y als.' r tM H. BobsOSOa, Hillsborough. IltS.,"bat's Arni ca ??n.p.cte y . iirei .netx."' Acts mag.c cr. pra:n. bmlSBS, cuts, sores scalds, burns, boiii. ulcers. Per ss:t d:eaf- and pie. Cortooroalotd D9 Q. C. Elate ey , the druggist, ae. NleliT tM Her Terror. ; would c.-ugh nearly all nigr . I ;ng. " write Mr; C:.a; A:i estate, of Ales aniva. In : .:.:. r. : c ;,a'.: y get ary sleer. I had COQttimptlOO so bad :i,t O&S il I walsec a blocs I would cost frigt.t fol y and spit blood, not. when all other medicines failed, tnree I'. .00 rottles of It. K:ng s New Diaeovetjf who! y cured me and I gained H roands."' It's at.-'r.te.y gaaranteed t; cure Cougt Ooldt, La Qripoe Bronchi til and a.i Ibruot and Long Troabie;. Price bO and $1.00. Trial Kitties free at G. C L.ase.ev ? drur store. - hot-ce TO the PEOPLE WhKl, , ,nr Th ir wn toM,efit Before ce meter) If afid ar;. t .mr-stones or ar.y i rk soma and see Mr. Co- a. :r. tnei . r : ,et ary ; - you witr. . talk The' know nothins :.- t mined and run down the ; : ?r a.cnar.ic. .: -; try 10 tuase ycu believe thai tne.r a vs is dorabie. Be t'jre ycu vejyrur crder let Mr. Comic: use yoa oat to tne cemetery and show you what kind of work be puts up and g:ve yon bis prices for wort. too't be in a hnrrv to zive vour order. bat n;t give Mr. Comini a chance to rieure on your work. Yon will find by ass.r.g any one who cad business; wrr. Mr. Comic: tnat ail of bis work is ol nrst-c.ass quality, just as be represents It tc be. and tnat Lis prices for su-or. work ae very io. il is no: necessary to send for stone fron r .aee;. therr is sicne here in Tne La..e; thai will stand until the judgment nay. Sandstone crumbles. iunl2dwti cot spend tne vacatior; at Va- :;;ca bay. where can l excel. ent :Ve. gooi gcd boating, safe batbtng, aLurir.g ride; and rambles. ---- -: :is a: II -1 immer acboo of 1901 at Newport will an - entertainmenl N the? -- - ' -a. a-:ra.-t:.ns ar.2 .;ge a iran ql..:'. want re:a. our hair v,'c "' tuaKe '' halt harsh, in ate crispy. Now we have :o of '.t.e yery !.;: preparations for cleansing the icelp Eej and Pins Tor Sbanpoo. Il will :eave your nair soft and glossv. Price, 25 and c-i'.' n a bottle, at Frazor'a barber shop, Tne Dalits i ' Wbj pay $1.75 pe: ga.,on for inferior paints w;.ec vou cC O'JV Jan,-; F. PsttOO'l sun proof paints for 1.M per tj.'ji. r' ..-.tu. . j .j r years. l.a.'K dc - a E. oVent . nJ SheriflTe Sale. Circuit court o: tt- Uaatoi Orat MM Ol Wa.r... lilll Plain tUT, rr.d:i:. RMettttoa .- act of um : If the stxtve eauve. oaten I m M : IBS r. a ; dg i' -aid ' in .tu. uta, uei, in .c.v.,- ,j: falnat Ueorg ,4p; . itc inters; therv.r ii ii. niiun. ir-nr. t;. i;d on IheKth l: !UOg III t.efir-. i,ali-nii.. tsf of saetloi ti erly ijt. t; . r; f.l..,i. t;x. l.mi : W if asa north, I . .41.1. '.OMTt at.d elan,-. ,.f K. il bl ile. N'otic- '- I Dorih ol raror. , WSaS .aim-. lowost of lansr, . ' . U b - sad ' . .'t... front 'or- i. tr ,a,d r-oouiv Its- at. . OcrribMi : '' mtersat Ml- I A . -u , of . .... Mawai '.ounty NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has been distributed to the Pen - of tWrtien of my customers. The only regret is that I was not able to .. a a 'present to each of my customers. 1 think they all deserve one. Or Saturday. July 6th. I will give away i 7 TnVl SeTJrlbilie WSiooSK I and one worth 60; a sack of soitar and a barre of floor. J mW f'WtaJlW amount. On 3 SSK'SS 2 VattaS5ASg5r g ven a I 00 rebate 10 the customer paying the largest amount during the week. FwebOJOH - ffodi in my line will do wel. to keep in mind that 1 fell goods as low M the lowest, as re as share the profit with my customers. m Itt. T. WTOLiAW. White Collar Line. Be DaiiBS-Poruaoa Rome StT. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY P.OUND TKIPS. Except Monday. :ade Locks. Hood R:vc-r. White Salmos and The Dalles. IMC CARD Leave Portland Arrive The Dollae. Leave ' " " Arrive Portland. .10 Meals the Verv Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Eoute has the Grandest r-c-eLic Attraction; on iLartn. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA.' .iund Trips except rranday. TIME CARD Laave Portland Leave Astoria Landing and office Fixit of Aider r-trre: . both phones. M 351, Portland, Orsgou. E. W. CRICHTOS, Aaent Portland, J. M. FILLOOK, Agt. Tbe Da! lee, A. J. TAYLQK. Agent Astoria. BCBBXCX, President a a v. -ainie: First National Bank. THE DALLES OREGON a 'general Backing Bueineee transacted Depoeite ret-eived. subject to Sigbt irratt or Unecr. olleetions made anc proceeds promptly remittee on aav o: ROilsetlon, sligr.t and Teiegrapbic Lzcnange so.d or New York, San Franciecc ac;' on land. J50. B. BosusBMn En. M. Wrr.r.i . iin. a H M. Beam. " NOTICE FOI: PUBLICATION, Uun Omo ar Tar OaUga, Ob., . Katies is r.etehv tiut'tha, V.,r....i' :. i. .?: -rtt.-.-r n,-. uotp - '. .-.: mt-iition to rr.a...- :.:,. pro,' ir. upt-vrt Ot hi- (Iain-., auri u - i : . . S . ' ' ' - : - - . f ,'d M',.ck." . for the KWI . .V w u race. 37, TP 1 X.. B 13 K.. W M. He h;.ies the followtag it:ie to prove hi ntinuous rMide&es upon and cultivation of ta.o land, el e. C.tuer W. ook. Aiex. Btater, P.. C. Brook-. ua:.v. i.. o: It.- Dat." 'rgn. ."nl-' JAY P. U Aa, Kegister. Notice of Final Settlement . o.- administrator ol tbe astate ol Charles orodt xtni. Um County Conn of Kaaeo C .::! MSBOn. b' UOrdSf nade and eut.-re: M ;: ippoDitcd Monday, Juiv a' U hour o! j. n.. .: aid dav. a tip ii sud toe ei nnty eouri t o.-., u. Dalle ntv Coantt, Oregon, tbe place u,r til.- of saitt hua; sccount and ..f nv oh - '..' rsto, II any tterv w.- All tarrvjus in- leteated In said eaut.- are herer.y uotinvO t. . tf.- !i Oar. to said coon I on w o.-fore said burt-nanied date. Dal-.: iiar l. 1 Si' Clip... DETHMAH, , Ad...miitrator of the Esute of t harlot Urod ussjaaassj, aaoysi Ezecntor's Notice. i- ' r-f.v trivsvt, t, t V Ii. ...all v. . uatn da: appoiaiad ogssrator ind U .lament of Ann Lwhim :!;;,.,-t a'n t. ., - t&iK 'ii in,- Date.) at Dalles, Citr Ihi. 7ih H.rl .on- u iiiivsti'i v .. NOTICE I )H PUBLICATION. IsJJOJOfflOg at 1 hk DutUaWtOr.. '' ,,re"yl!" ."4t ,nt ''"""-K V . i .. -' ' BwfS 1 May ft, n baa Bled noUa oi .... intention al proof ii kupport oi hia elaini, and Bak OlMl ins - said praf will be made before the lisp . ..... r..e,,rr at tut- Valley Uregol, , Mol ay. July . l. eU.- Atttert W . 1 uruer. U nam. lh.J,... -i.JL ... hi, continuous resideoe.- u,7, J:." said land, vi.: I Iih f i.-. I . . it. I r L...HI. .... i ...... .. I o ,-aa, Malne . ah o! Hi.-Iii m " . ...,. ..nuer rM'oll Jav p, LUCAS, Regia tor, . . i"" Iriri I Yellowstone Park Line. car Bone from poRTLAiii THE OKLY DIRKltT LtKK TO THE VEU.OW BtOKI PARK 1'i;:iD:;:i 3:- No. 2. Tf. mall (or Tnisims. ?eatt!t. I'lrmpia. ''iray Hartor and utL Heiii! point.-. Sp- kMiH. Uo land. B. .. PnltaMD. Moaoow, !jeitoii. Buf lt:IJ A SI fa!"Hur-.pminiiipif ui: trv. Henna. Minr.eup"- Ua, Bt Paul. Omaha. fanaaa ( ny. Bl ;jiuh. Cbicaar and al. poiuk So 4. ea: and tovttaeatf. I v.eet und Eipre It ri F. II. for faeoma and eal!ie ;:.d :ntsrcitvlialt pjiiit 5;J0 P. M. Ko. 3. -.... A M. Puliman llnrt rla and t.turi'.t sirt-; tf !;nnes'-ilis. pun. and Mlawilll I tivar poind "vtaidnaina. colon dep-n connection. hi alt principal cine. Baesan checked t.-. destination of tio- r. . - Fianil annul) UlnatrateJ daxiliitlTe matter, .:okt. sleepiufr car reservations etc.. call on or A. D. CHARLTON. itan: Osnerat Pav?neer AK-?n:. iv. Morr jr Street." DOmet Tliird. hortiand OtSSOn. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains ivavr The Iiaile lot Portland and waj station- a, i &. n and I p, m. Leav- Portland . ... AlUiuy AnlTfl Ashland . . . Baarananto a:. Kraiicio I :S a n .tj.:5.' a cu I :SS a m :S0 1 m :4b p m rrive Ogdor. Ijenver . .. Kansas Clt;. Cbieaso B 4o a m M a m T : u m 7:48 a nr. r::v: ..... A:.gv. El Paso Fort W.irth City of Mexico Houston New Oriean Waanlngton New York : J y tc 6:00 p m S:S0 a nr. ' '' a m 4:00 a m 6 : a m I t-' t m " : k n: '" I tc a rr. yi5 a m 1:00 a m p ni 6 i j a ec - U p m 1343 p m Pullman and Touri,: car- on both trains ' hair ears Bacramento to Ugdvn and El fao ana n -:n-: car-t.. ' iioogi. s: Louis. N-.w Or .eanj and Waanlngton. Connecting a: San rVaneJaso with several Steamship lines lor Honolulu. Japan, China. Philippine, ('eiitral and South America. S; age: it a: Thv Dalies station, or add. tss C. H. MARKHAM, 'eue.a: Pas,euge: Aa'::it. Po-t.n.; ' i JUSt What You uaant. nsisr lOSM in well laper here. suc,4 v, iiie var ier v u. u o a-u al.i.n i. . jrv )tr&y.'j ' eiugifc etok. Real iiuita- P lion cretor: effects at ordlnar I Good papers at Obeep patter prices Elsgsot dssims, tssslefaloolcvinn ,ur "' P-'. our store on Third I street. A. so a lull line of bonaa fsalnta C D. W. VAUSE, Third St U. H. VAIIMK TH tH Cs- r nr t r a --r. , r - wrmrnmm - g FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Iransact a General Bankinc Inainaau I ut siosineei. fc Lettere of Credit issued available in nit- r.usiern .-taiefc. Sltfht Kschanue and '!......... Trspsfsn sold on Nw York, Chicago. Bl. bourn, San Francisco, Portland Ore- ol i""' fanr raneiaco, Portland Ore gon. heattle Wsah.. and various nntnt. -.a,M anu n UPI . 1 rii t ,n r f Iru.r. . . .. . .1 11 . , . . fn.: r . .Jiiceiiunh made H a i.,ihi. .... I... 1 gv Sooften Pacific Co wJr Mi 1 1 ' me Colombia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MASTF.U TrKKRtOH Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS fc BACON JBIF.D BEKF. F1TC. MM Restaurant The V. W. Wilson Co.. Props. First-CIass in Every Respect n RAt AT A I I. HOI RS. Oysters Served in any Style , I - iT d Thv lmHe. Or Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the tood and aids Nature iu strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It istlie latest discovereddigest- am ana ionic, rso oiner preparation . . can approach It in efficiency. It in ! j f; stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Iudigestiun, Heartburn, ' A r- Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, J : Sick Headache. Gastralgia Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Prlee50c. andfl. Large sire contains rtmea . : small slie. Book all choutdyspepsiamaiieUiree ' " J ; f epored by E r. DeVITT A CO.. Cbicag -old by Clarke i Falk'p P O Pharmacy. Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex. Deko. "el'x aiid Al'lStO i ! all siye Also a line of Piates in Cramer. Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays. Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete tbe oiittit of eitner tbe amateur or pro fessional photographer. 0ir Kureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. The A. Fi. C. Developer for plate', Bins or developing pspeii has no sqoal. Enongh for floe to develops 6 dogsn tilates or f. dozen 'elox 4xr. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if direction' are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De veloper, and see that vou get ths genuine. We are prepared tocoinpouini an v and a., of your own furmaii. at. 'I guarao'ee atislaction, At the old place, 175 Second street the, i regon. Geo. C. Blakeley rra C " 3.rjm. "TMTTrirj E i-sia Ln Mr I IV GENEKAl I . - 4 Wagon and Carriase Werk V Fish Brothers1 Wagon. Ttoi and Mp piioue 159 BlactsilD ...AND... Horsesfioer Oregon Shot Line AND Union Pacific DBfAST TIM B BCBfOCUtl arkiv. SROM wa THE DAM.ES. VR Ch caffo Portland salt IjUc. Dsnvse. Ft. Special. Worth, Omaha, Kan- 12-36 p m. aaa tasaa,CBfl- 1 0 P m. via Hunt cagn and the Eaut. ingloB. 8a Ike. Denver, Ft. ii h m Worth. Omaha. Kan .. Ha ltni' IiniK.Chi- 4 ' R cat;.' and the East. St. Haul Walla Walla. l-vtst,,n. Fast Mai',. man. Minneapolis. St. . h m . la Bp.'- I'atil, Duluth, Milwmi katw. kee. Chicago and East. OCEAN AND EIVEB 80HEDTILI From I' .irt IhiiiI . (All sailing dates sub ect to change ) S:e0p.a. 1:00 i'.m. For San Francisco, Sail every I days. Daily fol uml.i. Hirer. tM CO p ni To ''"ri'i and Way exaepl . , .,!... Ijindings. Sunday. 10 .01' p m. Dally WlllRiuette Klrer. except .ireiton City. Newbers, exaaaa - Salem, Independeuee. BiinHiV and Way-Lauiairjgi, sunuay. Ttieaday, A : W p. m. Thnrsday, r-allis and Way- Uondar, Mtnnlay. ijiudings Wednesday DO u ni. Friday. W illamette CMS) 8:30 p. S, rbnrsda; famOlll Hivi-ra. Monday, Sainrilay, orefon City, Dayton and WatoeeSay rtS0a.m Way-LauaSlnsa. inday. Snake Ulrer. . t-eave Kl trie l?w iston dally, .,, . . , dalh, t:SDa.m. Rlparla to litwwon. i:3Ut. m ttt ' arties leairing to ro to Heppner or point on i olumbia Southern via Biggh. should taxi So. leuving The Dalles at &T:2S p. m. making iirect eouBCOIiona at Heppner junction nd Blggt Returning making direct connection at Heppner junction and llidgs with;No. 1. ar riving at i he Dalles a' 1 :0c p. m. .-: or particulars, coll on or address 'AS i KEX.AND, Agent. The DaUe. Oiegon. Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings Ths tin, e will soon be here when atarff stylish dressed man will want an up-to-irasn Spring Suit. Those are the kind ol r pstroni 1 am tailoring lor. Come in i and look over my Sprint line of Suitings, jj A.i ths latest novelties for 15(01. Suits to Order, $10.00. I John Pashek Th Tailor. 3 BVI a CATARRH Ii. all la sliiL'ts thare 9 Slu.iild la: CiSSBlilMaSi 3 Ely's (ream Balm ieaji . . ., .t i...,. ..a t....i. , ..." ... i , B the dneateil Ineiuhraue. hi iruB.aurrhsiiddrivea way a coid m ihe head quickly. ( ream Balm is placed Into the noatrlli, apraau over the membrane and is absorbed. RalislUim niliaie and a cure follows. It la not drying -dose n t produce snteiou. Large Sua, SO tools at Ufug j gala r by mail ; Trial Stae, 10 cauls by mall. V IMSJTUBKts, 4C Warrao BUoat, Near York. i