Read This, Consumptives AX UNPRECEDENTED OFFER WINDMILLS F- ti- b Pi t::... la be c- I r. . C e is A Scbn MX her -- IM max c . fa I ant He: t- e c .--bed for six rooEths. I knevr she had cossin,? : ar.d her -ir vastvd v. e.e- ;- - c : -1 ary pd I a. and !: :: L Havsc: t-. :' vh.-rr. Tne People s poeai my mww piiupc nfj I w If 1 1 W HI ttfrej u .: c ec .. - . ngergi : eras irantsc curs i : bisstort ':h a 155 - I -a n :-- r li: - ; in ;a ' railur :. mc r.w a - is -- :4 : j ;d ar.i "- :....: -. ' fi i i ... : I - For sale a: Blakeleye Pharmacy Kite I. "fa". Nf 1: .r Mr i : .-e. :e- h.l ar.r. : SEcernent in U -H u ' C nato di that the titt of King : a-. ! - - : . :l ( Londt do ca : T. : e ..- : - .f-2 r.2 c : ie si,-: Aostra -. I., c: -- genera ij -. ioforuted the impression prevailed thai the words "Sovereign of Great Britain': tf be added to '.he prefect eereiBOSia title, rl a "Li ward, by toe e-ace of G : il .he United Kingdom : ireal Britaii ai. Irei-and, Kitis: Iefender ::' : . - . .-- India - t r .:. L-. n i. bovam be -vt thai tl ai ' ::.r. ".. fc a con-pie. or. ( i: 1 ( F r . in r. Inha A ! r in i i: S( vet v'TICL FOB PrBLlCAl - i.1 on ". ttten l q . i Ba .s !a, i-.-a i a a.. : oott be ng i l mini: -. a : c : be ttc Bt2t : v in .-t- to K i aa J -: r aati f .. in- tnf fblioTlog nataa Erosa Rh Da iee, mgoi ( ..rti . Il a' to ' ant an I retnrs i.r Kaxknul i y. L. a Lr-xgur ,': ; V.a rai r. P -. at: a: i teavmefi iroai J.".;.:, tc CM MR t' t'l earnera, BaceTTEf ut la neaunen ti r " -' r. t an; 16 to. Besarning t :keu w.: ba . pond Bs s:-.-j----i :..: ":. -it. F'aL:.-. l . ". ,-: d &ogiW tt fica is..' a- i. '.v . Li'.e iLT.-jtiiJ omeIi and be-r b u laaei ran Ci :- B adaanea ;: ,r ar Eec-jOixvia-t!OC. i . :. i. drr :: c-f " . w.. I- ,r. : A rsll -t w.i. direcoLf. via '. B St and jutbri. Pa-.-.t... :.- i-w J : av p-oter it furnia, I'Jr 50. c-nd ciiat, inf-nding r - ,r :-:: i. :r. f.-tt dirf ti ot, no M p-orera, 8S .V.. T;caf.e .t -a. ' Tt-e Ia:.- .'n y 1-V.t. sod .r.. Mil vlU be bonorad bg B otbani Pac fit jo fair. .av.t.g Poftlnad Ju ; aoo Ittl an i l rnorcng fair, .'n y l":t gy: - r-'.u-'. .afc'-: .-ar.La" .at Francucc np to and including Jolg Li. 1901, T tegati attl no, t gold good ic one I I .:. v.a rai and it. aootner v.a Fjf i-.f.i.f j:..!j:::.a.. ,1. .;:.a.-:t..i.,ate wit:. J a, ageot. T..- Orogoo BUSINESS BuS -fJCA5 i' . jT'a . y.i t ari.. core wine enopi 0 ci. . r.r.r.u-r.. MariU.'a-.-.ur-.: : ; " H BW dtairab." c.ty proper : ta.t or rer.t h-jt par:i':o.-r ca.. ot. .-.jnon Il Mcrdae ai i..:' Qlgyga 4 Fa)a i.av-.- r--rtved a carioad jf the ceienrate'' Jan. L Pattoo itrioti 'inrf- i.qnii janj.- I jt tprain. EVtllilip Md UtM DAM IbjEtE 1 1 DOtbiOl 10 good a Ciiao.ber.aib' ' air. Bairii. Try it. For a (. it.e d-:;is.. Wr ij-J-T fir a liaailad jrtjd toe tViOEMVOEg Ci'huKK :.fc, priLt i.-0, a:,d tbt Weekly fregonian, price 11.50, both ptpatrs (or a JWaf . Bobaerlptiooi qdHeh tbhl ETei nMt be paii ;:. ad varn-e. ; raaii. w M Pauley, tlu aifa iaj H aaM IM1, i-a. vr 6a. .r.': flaC it. i r U) ta.O 7 . pa au :; aaid .uin;.:. drT mud titco: wttb inleraai . Ma imo. :s,- .":..':. una ID . itta nat algbtsai eani sat -'..'. a:..: . :.- r.. -w. TAt. ua; ! II 1! - t fr ;ri! .:. a: Ill ' 'al; i.vm Saarifloi Waaax i-iarity '-rf' pEtad NOTICL FOB PtBUCATIOK. La.'.': CO It VeINEEI i II wa :.-?r.:t.- 2.-.-: v. .-. '.. " '..-'"!,, ct saiurta. J an -$.. ItO: tw. Clkat,a)i H. Mi a. 11 . U t:. ' m to : .vk . -y Ut totm . h n.lylv it 1 . V . .:;.ti- tE KllidWiof ;R.. i EtOI UbHOSJI lEJlllaEI. -J..... .;..: .;. .aDl tii uiir fc Bfiipi;. (,ifr;i Kntanaan J-.ha. Ua! . 1 . iauia- O. ..i. al of i.; .. J 1 w.r: Cilia f.,rii, I! . .v ; t... -s .-. aa 1 atu! S-. of SK-. .t.a VEV. of m -',. v ! Bt-i Dea obcrDen pe...o .- - Wekly TrfbtttM and Semi-Weekiy Chronicle !cr S2.00. Weekly TrltnM and Bemi-Weakly OhrontcH for $1.50. NEW YORK ..:.:..: : n i-Ja: BfetfMBttae anti tJa; . It :- rvalit ' BE aaa .'?wJ. rvrrj tber ifT Ia:.r. fi iut OEt iaUSl BE ft t"'" taatM Bad BOvaftag :: r.:a::. .... ta: : .' rcic: oea - hfeh aw"" :r. i ii : f: : ..: it:-. trouble at a'.i Maybe ::: co.:n: wi a -te ; N Schmidt the druggist wb 10I ; e sptios He .. ' - :: Battue : :. 1 r. c tie iderfui ic :::-..a: a.-.i long troubles tbavt rr. re- rev-rzer. ar: he Batvei Jfet bad i tl .... iiii-isi! oHhen: " TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE " : re:. I. cuia: : NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ruMiahft! outputs day. c3; kaoara ior utj ;: year in , ffj .rl "( xiit t ut-; Hd r-:a;.- .- . 1. ;..- :nt :-. : . hbcii news 1-i'Xi B ! Uu B ::: - ' - ' Peaa ai afrti II in a-: . :-: r.i: --: onkl tonal nine leading 11 r aacre iBtubi a U fa:-.. and yonna - teporta dice n?t at-wi'Uti s i:tr: oritj- ty ii;:i an : tnerrtuuita an! i 1 ot-t'-d-'tt'. !u !it':r.f; .:.-:."'.: tioo j-ri't $: year. Wi fur-.:.. 1: "Ml. -. ai y CLmui etc toi ..' 1?: r:ar PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Host Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers If y0 11 are in need of anything in our line, fereJ us, for it will pay you. V( o PLUMBING. TIN and BICYCU REPAIR" SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will bgd proiiij't attention. SEXTON c WALTHEH THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. g c 16 Dc ..r s, Or Ti-rri rvrri a -.. ar a a - a a - a n 1 bv aV J THE CELEBRATED L.COMIWBIA BREWEKY .. AUGUST BUCHLER. Prop. REGULATOR LINE. L4LLB, P0RTLA5C i aSP'KIa KAY. COMPAS! 5 f - I " " ... K hi---- -Ut ia. k n I :. Str iraioa Lta'.'rs t'ajcaje a. u.. Arrive I'd ie? 1 ;9( a. a.. Leave Ia .e : t-. ir. Arr. Cascade "tHO p. m. "ai'-.- rs. Bosday. Mitarda; ; - parties. -: r liate uotct. "H'c I'aiiee Line wli: run tr Uie fni- - .- a net: : ( S:-. Dalies City. ! w 1 1 01 the prodocl of thia rell-knomn brewery tt.e United Statt- HeaiiL ;. ,rta kir Jon 1900, -ay: "A more ecpeik.r brew tit-ver . r.tered j- e labratory of the l"r.:tr.. --a:- Health report. It 1 absolutely devoid 1 d( the BtigbtMl face of ado Iteration, bat r. t:e other hand it c. ,?edot R the beat ; u ait and ch itest of hoj. It- t.'tiic na?itie are of tt.e btgb. 1 eat an i it can be ned with tli greatest --rt t and satisfaction by old anil ions. It nse car. 0 Btcietiti mlj be praecnt'd by ti,e physicinn witk ! . i-rrraii.'v that a ht-ttcr, purer or uitue arholee: uie beverage c u'.d not J potatbljr ba found." East Second Street, IHE DALLES. OREGON. BOWK ! t. Da-.i-: at x h Monday Wada rti&y Fridav. A P rt.aiiii it l:X t a rr. L- Portisod at r DI a a. Tuestlay t htirvday saturrtay Ar: lii a: IB. Was wnst Mil v? and : pwRr: U Cascade. s: T'a.ite. : 1.0. ever: n, to Hood River un FOE DOMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE. L : u.t K . ;..!it'ii. I : :i W. C " -. .:-.:. in? w:'.. cii't'?avor t :..::v: :ui .rmatioi. aildrvs ALLAWAY, Gen. Aft. EBBS. fill kinds of Funeral Supplies1 Crandall S Buraet UNDERTAKER - EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. I) Headquarters for Seed Grain of au ktndt Headquarters for Feed Grain 01 pU kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 1 Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle tOTl FlOllT Tin Hoot is mannfactared expressly for !aai " us : everv park is guaranteed to irive satirfacnc We eei. our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't thug call and get our jiritee and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wneat. Barley and Oats Young Black - Night PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. season of 19"1 at 1 'ufu !' ' 'reon. Balch's hi DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. BLACK NIGHT i a b ack Jack, foaied June !T, 1901 , brad by ,f. W. -.event Howard county. Mo. Sired by Rlsck Iac the Third, a jack IS hands bifb, and a Ko. 1 foai.getter : he bj fciack Night tne Bjcnp, and he by Duncan B.Eck Dae, er. imported .iack froo. Kentucky. Lick Nigt t's daa. Gray Jeonett, ired by Cocaprooiia; be by Hickotao'l Coajprotiiiae i bit dan. by MeKino'l Waihingtot. . 2d dau. by Napoteon. .au. ty Uiack Dai. TERMS To insure. 115.00; by eaoo, 110.00. Care wiii be taken lo prafaai attiaent bot we vtli atsuu.e no responsibility . Monty due ie t:,own t nt in i.a.. nen mare J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors of "The Owl." ( Purest Liquors for Family Use) Delivered to any part of the City. t 5 Pnonee : b Local, t Isjdh Distance. 173 Second Street. BALCH & JOHNSTON. Owners. C. I BAU fi, Manager. DL'l VU, OKEGOV. a.'. T.V'Se faoiooi pills, DaWitt'i Litt.e Lar.y Hiaers cju.pei your liver and bowajal tu do their diry. thus giflsi you r.ct., pure blood recuperate your iody. Are easy to take. ltJM g pi Clarke i Fa'k'e P. 0. Pbarssacr, !.-! h pt tltton U . j Elkanah U HyllOb.'ifle t ntupptrr- l"tu Itti Iron, .'aiu-.a Ljit. ah of I.jr- I. y.. Waab Orit .. lii.,. . H K Si.. (.,r ti.- -..I. .rm. - of N'.-. Iraeti ual w of .. mt,a the at.-.. ..; -v. . ., M . i .v f. . k a Bbooaiatt . lol .oaioif wit;.!Mc9 ti pitnr bia EOntiBIMMa lEEi 'Janet uib and eulUvaUoa oi taid iand ; EUanEb b Hylkfa n x iaraoaEii, Jobr. haffroti and Jainr- j VsU. al1 ol Ly :- f a t, 8 fc PI gaUl hmii-ta: NOTICE OF GUaBOUK'i SALK. ir. Um Osnnty ourt ol the Stau- o; ortvn for STsBEO voun'.) IB t. "f tc.,i' HstiaH La'vT and llusi. viVjEB ; (-. tuinu: ward.. KatJa u : k r. tna: tst dv.- b-. iftij. at at oidei ar.i. ,ifii ,if .. B1,i fUlatad ir. tin. emitlvil court ai.d cau..- oi it,. Mb day of A pal la'l tnr oooataisntd . ..; Mat.:.t ..a.? Ebd Hue;. V Latal tniiurf Bill Mobdav, lt d .' Aur u: Imi at 3& Blue i u tb-.-reiif. at ibafroai : tbe Ojunt f,uf b.,u b hnll'.a ic, Wa.. . tt,uuij Of.-fot, 1. a, public Euclioo i.. I .i'.-.aa: niOdar. !.. eaan lb ba:.-. .. .-.lantier provujrt: i. ,i f.,, ltr .,t. ,,; ln ! il ;.t5 by execot ,:- and dtniiuttruto:, i:ii..-rrtt.- of tb. ald B-Jinor- in nn . lb Eino-rtaatilbad real iiaoaianj ui -i k is, la . h II . Ib af.uiitj-.itE.,i --,.:. . wi, ;;iale ub,.t , 'luuil: ii ol IEM aid Inlaraal now on .aid ptn:a. lau: a: Uslka ' III Orfii., Jmy .. la-: ' ETUSRIM LA (jtianliai. Vou at ill nut have bona if von take Ciarke ik I-a.a'e anre cure lui 'xiiie. NOTICL POB PUBUCATIOK. ..iMiOrn t ar Vi.M.cnii. Waal,., i ,. June it. ISOI S .. .- ! BEISb ui .ei. that tbe lol own,., ban tettieit Uevi nolieeol tlielr inurn Biaka : n. pruol m tupport ,f thai I ... tnd that aid pr.a.U aril: be niaik before ... .' ! and Raaatvar. f. a biuduliai at W . Bf WBSk :. BEtuiqajr. Aoe. , ISOI OSI ar h. POEEEB. U K No WO- lor the a'i of HE ... :,. nun y. , aaa. .. rp v.. h u t . m m.. ..' iiauiaa tin fui,owiu ttsaaasi u, proea bb bob. reaiitanca upjn aoal cultivation ol .aid huaaeii B. HwatB loan I n.-? iu,k.., i if, . . . 7 . ...... i in j.;. h P. s. GUNNWG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -Iit.U.tK is- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axies, Springs and Blacksmith Suppli Agent for Uu: ll A Oft I KBaUOSE, 1 hlTBSESS End IMI Mills. fteajog nor, Seuoad & LauUin Sis., THE DALLE?. OB. V .Ml. K bjal A Hopiiai Bll IUMIOU. Kdsar A UpBai . II. r N' i: for tb a . uf Nti-, K-c. .. Ta it It I... w. m.. arbo pebk tnt loiiuwu,.. 111. to pioic bu oonuunou. icaiaeim upon and cuiti utim, of aaid laud, vi John! W,B0BEBnB.8wain,.cErr; 1'ar.on, and Hasan. Irabucal! of Lyie V O.. Waat'ns Cw k dobeUb. rtsgiiiai YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire ol usini; so called kidnev without any lienetit, use Ltnooln Sexual P f -.rever rid of those dull pains In vour hack that old fogy idea of "psin in the kidoei. all your L adder and urinary troubles cured nights made rosiful by the use of nature aaniHiant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, t .(K) per box buy ol your druggie rw by uiail on receipt of price, in plain wrBfler LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. M . Fort Wayne. Indiana- ' Doaotll, Ageut, Tbe Dalles. rnoed le aod" Disear sod aiidTO1