Special for Saturday. To clean up our stock of Ladies' Sailor Hats I and Children's Hats OUR CHURCHES A1ertll l.tttfr. ill ffer them at a price that will insure quick sales. You can have any one in the house at i MNE-H ALF the Reg. Price. They are all new and up-to-date. .We will also offer you our line of Organdie Suits at One-third Off. Remember this is for Saturday onlv. The Ctirict inn Scientist hold their services at the residence of Mrs. W. Lord Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock and Thursday afternoon at ! Bit Paul's Knieeopal church Rev. 0. H. Lake, rector. Morning service at 11 a. in. Kvening service at " :30. Sun day school, 12:15. All nro invited. Calvary Baptist church Rev. V. It. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m, in the new church on Vnion street. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; B. Y. P. V. at 7 p. OH, Methodist Kpiscopal church -Corner Nig". JljM B LNf.i. - I tv.,.1.: !.., til . -hi-iii, . i r ikii niiu ncn man'" , ivv. i itrora F. Hawk pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in. ; Kpworth League at 7 p. in. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev, D. V. Poling, pastor. Services at 11 a. m and 7:45 p. m. In the morning, after a brief sermon, there will be communion ser vice, also baptism of children and re ception of members. In the evening the pastor will deliver a patriotic ad- drees. All are most cordially invited to attend these services. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the poMoftice st The Dalles un called for .Inly it. 1901. Person calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Ashurv, Atchie Bradford, OlMf Burntield, Mrs F 1 OoltOtt, Clay I lenuenning, in Davis, II K UlbbOBJ, allace Gntwald, Bertha Holiday, .lames Hewitt. Mrs John Mvers, Mrs Harry McAllister, Bessie Udell, A G Powell, Mr Rhea, Patie Smith, Edith Stephens P B Strass, lola Thorgerson, John Revnnldf, B M J. M. Pattirson, P FOR CAMPERS. Automatic F.ddv, VV H (low, D M Hinkle, Dirk 1 eist, R 0 (2) Mansion. M McOonre, Ben Ott, William Young, Mis F.rlie Scearce, Allen L Smith, M L Thurston, S CLOSED M. S) He Wan Tortured. "I suH'ered such pain from corns 1 could hardly alk,' writes H. Rohinsnn, Hillsborough, Ills,, "hut Bucklen's Arni ca Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores scalds, hums, boils, ulcers. Pcr- not worshipping elsewhere h'M r pk,n d,Ht,H M I ii rat iTiiardril umi i w I : It a bit ut' f hn X i aiic.nirivt i i i . v'l loam n I , I llli Just the thing to take along when you go camping or to the seacoast. For sale by SEXTON A WALTHKR. PEMSE & MMYS. f Tb Dalles Daily Chronicle. SkWl. . ) - .IT" IV i-., 1901 e Cream I : At Andrew Keller's. 1 WE USURER'S NOTICE. AltlVas' County wrrmit rreiterel ''So -lulj ... IH'.ik. will lie pttKi ntatlon at my office. Interest er .1 tine BO, 1901. IOIIN K. nAMPSHIKB, All persons holding white tickets or cer tificates ol sale to the amount of 50 cents, or more, are advised that today is the day of weekly as well as monthly dis tribution of presents and rebates. The presents and rebates will be continued until further notice. Particulars of August distribution will be snnoonced later. Superintendent of the Forest Reserve S. B. Urmsby has announced the ap pointment ot the following forest rangers for the Northern division of the Cascade Reserve: O. L. Paqnet, Joseph H. Proutt, Milton 1). Markham, Millard Hyatt, William E. Wells, B Gates Cochran and Julius Pauleen. mniiy Treasurer. LYSIDE GLEANINGS. dip 0 Oaptlin Parte!! with 4o men of Co. D, hv gene into annua! encampment at j LtflMB'ie. A filler wi.ii the tfoM w atch put up at thenb I'.ir-g gallery by a score of 55 ut of a possible 60. Goodwin, of Mitchell sold hie: wool yesterday, consisting of fe.OOO pounds, at 12 cents a pound. , J. M. Filloon and Mrs. Nellie will go to White Salmon on the ; Gataert tomorrow from where' II go to Trout Jake, the popular resort at the Gooler Hotel, have some good crops in the Dtllf.eighb"Mi:M ti.ii- year, says the 'JlfifrfVaHey Joc.rna . but they are not af fctttcr than the crops in Southern t HlMMin -'iiintv. o i-ay farmer who IttMHMcet.t'.y vit;tHl i-oth sections, r- Xtwlortt; Forresters have elected J. W. Aikint-, . hief ranger; Frank Chiid n Hi' chief: D. D. Wilder, deputy fNAi chief. Hanv Bur ham, senior WtfMl war den, "us -a age, junior wood W0m I- Ma'.oM-. senior head ;-, and, jHproy, junior beadle. BCihi.v;ik is indebted to W.J. DMlijcri. i f Ki.t Mi e, I t Six botes baSto! ! v far the finest rabplierr.ee that i.a- -een this ear, or ban ever mk$:mr tun'. n..ittr. They are of (he n Wonder variety and thev are m their name and no mistake It. Conklin was Hrrested last night cer Paulsen and brought before ei Doherty this morning on the charge of being drunk and 'fit ly ami usiti profane language on blic street. He was fined f0, default of its payment was coui to the city baetile for five dave. one tfith, toe following dietribu- pri.ee of Nolan's Profit-Sharing '.ion wa made: Mr. Hairy holding ticket No. 1788, re- the f 1 periodical ; Mrs. H. Frasier ieket No. 1713. received the uie. od the N. V, Restaurant with 7 04 checks received the al reha-.. um b At the Vcgt next Thursday evening there will be a show by twenty talented little folks of our city which promises to be the show of the year. A matinee on Thursday afternoon, at reduced prices, will give each child in the city a chance to tee a dozen beautiful tableaux rand pantomines. See our next four issues for details. Under date of July 1st Henry E. JDoscb writes to Kmile Scbanno, of this city, thanking him for a box of Royal Ann cherries recently sent to the Pan American exposition bv Mr. Scbanno. Mr. Dosch says: "The Royal Ann cherries arrived this morning ard turned out in excellent condition, only seven cherries being decayed. We took them out of the box and placed them on plates with etems underneath and they are a show and the center of attraction. Most people think thev are crab apples, sol put up a sign. 'These are Oregon Royal Ann cherries and not crab apples.' Such exhibits capture the crowd and it is surprising the astonishment they ex press; most of them only know Cali fornia and they think the whole Pacific Coast i California, but they are learning better fast." A I Nelson of the Oregon saloon was arraigned yesterday afternoon in Justice 'Bro w nhill's court on the charge of re sisting an officer. The complaint al leged that on Wednesday last Nelson reeieted Constable Jackson w hile he was trying to arrest Kd Wettle, in Nelson's saloon, on ttie charge of selling lienor to Jndiane. The case against Nelson was dismissed on what might be culled a technicality. It was held that only an Cnited States officer could make the lurcst, unless an emergency existed and the accused was in danger of escaping before the proper officer could be had. As no attempt wasjmade to prove that such an emergency existed Nelson was discharged. Had the constable been un Cuited States officer he resistance would have made Mr. Neleon liable to a term in the penitentiary. At was, however, Jackson made the ariest ' and Wettle waa duly bound over to the 1 United states grand jury. The sawmill ol B. K. Tucker, five miles southeast of Hood River, was : burned to the ground Monday afternoon. were at dinner, fire from a burn ing sawdust pile was accelerated bv the high wind at the time and communi cated itself to the main building of the ; mill. The flamee were beyond control when discovered and the surrounding bunk houses and lumber piles were .conrumed in a few hours. By hard work the county bridge at this point was saved, though considerable damage was done to the east end approach. One hundred thousand feet of new lumber, besides seasoned lumber in the eheds, was consumed. By the loss of this mill, five or six men with familes, are thrown out of employment. The total loss will . foot up to about $4,000 with no insur , ance. This is the third fire Mr. Tucker has had to contend with on this place. First his dwelling hoiiBe was burned; ' six years ago his box factory and store . were consumed with heavy loss. The only regrettable feature of the ' banquet at the Hotel Flavel, says the Astoria News, was that the supper was surprisingly poor, notwithstanding that : t IlU rf i.irtuiknlnl t,, a 1 4- Ck T, i 7 w-r-wwuf.. dtOgbt? of the late James Norton, of h.o. chessmen OOK 11 Prince Kdwaid's Island. goou naiureuiy However, bat the local Tlie Itrculator ll Slill m II. Tiik Dai i.ks, July 6, 1901. Editor OrkomIOM : Your local in yesterday's issue in reference to the running time of the Bailey Gatzert is incorrect. She did not make the run in the time you state. She left The Dalles, as advertised, at 3:30 p. m. and arrived at Portland dock at 0:12 p.m. Time consumed, 5 hours and 42 minutes; time lost at Locks, 10 minutes; actual running time, . hours and 20 minutes. The steamer Regulator left The Dalles at 2 p. 'n. and arrived at Portland at S :31 p. m. Time consumed, 0 hours and 20 minutes ; time lost at landings, White Salmon, 3 minutes; Hood River, 5 minutes ; Carson, 4 minutes; Steven son, tl minutes; Locks, 111 minutes; Wasbougal, 5 minutes; Vancouver, 7 minutes; total, 10 minutes. Actual running time, 5 hours and 49 minutes. The Gatzert made no stops except at the Locks, and only made seventeen minutes' better time than the Regu lator, which made six stops. The loss of time in stopping and in getting up speed after stopping would easily ac count for the seventeen minutes. So, while the Gatzert can make the run on paper in four hours and thirty-two min utes, she can make the run from The Dalles to Portland in but a very few minutes less time than the old reliable Regulator. W. C. A. MARBIBD. At 7 o'clock p. m. Friday, Jnne 5th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Conroy, of this city, Max Put, to Ellen Norton. The bridegroom is well and favorabh known in Wheeler, Crook and Grant connties as the proprietor of the Mitchell Flouring mills. The bride is a native of Prince Edward's Island and a sister of Mrs. S. P. Conroy, being the youngest 25c. druggist When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair need when it gets In that con dition. We have the Crown of Science II h i r iS&SiS Grower an d Cocoannt Creimi QglHr Tonic. They will cure dand BSSm nil!' and all scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75a a bottle. Why not spend the vacation at Ya ouina bav, where can be had excellent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe bathing, alluring rides and rambles. The courses and exeicises at the summer J school of 1!01 at Newport will afford j great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort! ofl'ers eipial attractions tages. jiinll-tf If yon want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make vour hair harsh, drv and crispy. Now we have two of the yery j beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Kgg and Fine Tar Shampoo. It wit) leave your hair soft and glossv. i i Price, 20 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber shop, The Dalles. tf i R. B. Gilhreth ei Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay, grain and feed which thev will retail at the I .west ' market rates. j2ti-tf j Chatauipia, Gladstone Park, July 3d to 13th. Ono fare for round trip, Regu lator line steamers. j27 lwk Subscribe for Tine Chuonici.k. Acker' Dyspepsia Tablet arc sold on a positive guarantee. Cures hetrt-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet give immediate relief. 25 eta. and 50 Ott, Blaknley, the druggist. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to cut, burn and scalds. It soothe and ipiickly heals the injured part. There are worthless counterfeit, be sure to get DeWitt's. Olatke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Mid summer clearance saie of milli nery at the Campbell & Wilson Milli nery parlor. Eveivtbing In the line of headwear at one half the actual val ue. j'JS-lm It is eklier to keep well than get cured. PeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now and then, will always keep your bowel9 in perfect order. They never gripe I ut promote an easv and gentle action. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. "I wish to truthfully state to yon and the reader-j of these few lines that vnur and like advan- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure iB without quel" tion, the best ami only cure for dyspepiu that I have ever come in contact with and 1 have used many other prepara tions. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pn. No preparation cipials Kodol Dyspepsia Cure as it contains all the natural digestants. It will digest all kinds of food and can't help but do von good. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102. The bride has been in the city some three weeks visit ing with her siter. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. C. H. Fredenburg, a Baptist minister of Fox, Grant county, who happened to be in the city, and who is a personal friend of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Pitz will leave early next week for their home at Mitchell. Summer BSflDrSlonS to tin: Se UoMti committee was very much disappointed, having made every preparation for a sumptous spread. "Noone said grace," said a member of the reception com-i mittee, "and perhaps its just as well j that the formality was dispensed with,1 else we might have been up against a proposition similar to that experienced by a preacher during a visit to the ' ' house of a friend. The man of the i bouse was absent, but his wife and i Only 1650 for the round trip from little d. lighter were there. The divine j The Dalles to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific 1 said grace, and when he had concluded i IVrk. Ocean Paik or N'uhi-ntix Ur..h jgood for return until Sept. lo, 1001, ! Baggage checked through to destiua I tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will j leave Portland daily except Sunday and I Monday, and the Hassalo daily except Sunday, at S p. m., and 10 p. m. on I Saturdays, making direct connections at : Astoria and at Ilwaco for all points on , Oregon and Washington beachm. Call I on Jas. Jreland. agent, The Dalles, IMP through time card to all beach point! jl8'2(H New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to OUT store. A miw fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. .MAYS f CROWE. the child asked htm why he had spoken so. He explained that he had said grace and asked the little one if she had never been present when grace was said. 'Oh, yes,' she said; 'hut papa says grace difl'erently. When he comes to the table he looks around at the food, and then says: "God, Almighty, what a supper '." ' " CASTOR I A i 1 a. - j n : i i xu, uuhh huo umaren. yoll Ma llever Mr (yept.)ljilt ,,y llit. The Kind You Have Always Bought lB Wbi yo,,r bocJy ,Hje,,fi iH it o ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Streot. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. NECKTIES ! NECKTIES Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Four-in-Hands Bears the &tf UatUI C Ol If anything aiis your hair, go and seo t-razer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that be mskes a specialty of these goods. tf Wanted--Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by a family of three; no children. Apply at this of. Hce. jy2 n Second growth of oak, fir, pine, maple and slab wood at lowest prices at Maier A Denton's. 28 lwk Clarke A Falk iiava on aU a full llr At the noon hour, while lb mill hands (of paint and artist's brushes. , your s'omach will not digewt it, Kodol j Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of the natural digebtants hence must dlgOil every class of food and so prepare it thai nature can use it in nourishing the bodj 1 and replacing t tie watted tissues, ibus giving life, health, strength, ambition, pure Mood '' good healthy appetite. Clarke A Kalk's P O. Pharmacy. The piles ttiat annoy you so will lie quickly and permanently healed if you use DeWitt's Wilch Hazel Halve. lieware of worthless counterfeits. Claike A Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are tha beat. Ask your gr car lor them. Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. H jg 111 m w? mum vm mm v jbj m m and 50e. Speoial Values. Latest Patterns. Just Opened. 25e