Special for Saturday. To clean up our stock of Ladies' Sailor Hats and Children's Hats we will offer them at a price that will insure quick sales. You can have any one in the house at ONE-HALF the Reg. Price. They are all new and up-to-date. We will also offer you our line of Organdie Suits at One-third Off. Remember this is for Saturday onlv. Oregon Trmpvratnr for 9? Tram. Special Weather Observer 8. I.. Broo furnishes Tun Oi ron id k With the following: Meteorological summary showing the daily maximum and minimum temper ature for the month of June ami monthly mean of temperature and precipitation for 27 years at The Dalies, Date mx. Mn, Rata Jane I 78 &2 70 8. 4. I. 6 7. t 10. 11. 12 13. 14 15 10 17 18 20. 21. 22 23 24 25 20. 27. 28. 29 30. 70 .61 08 .60 .67 .66 08 .68 07 .ill 67 74 .81 .84 !H .98 .84 .79 .08 OS 68 72 78 ,7! 70 77 52 52 41 41 40 43 50 40 47 48 45 52 53 55 49 49 55 57 58 54 48 50 40 4S tH) 52 5:5 45 00 oo no 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 (10 00 00 00 00 00 00 (XI 00 (X) 00 (XI 00 (X) II ntts of the aii.itd rea at some pant date, and have c tnplfJlad. or hereafter duly complete Uo ir entry, will he pro tected in their rights, lint after Tuesday nojperaon te allowed to at quire any Of iheae lands SJ hatsoevet. i Koroea of lirntlo Not ttwei'l atr. It lins beetl found that th fore." of gravity at -( m level is not Bonatont at III point on the t ;t i t h'l Ml rf act that is a pound is not llteralt a pound i i'1'VH here. In nomt irri'iit observa tion with delicate instruments ('. A. AlntoOettl ha round that III it towns of Italy the eattirs attractive force rafted hv one part in 10,009. Thll J meana (tint n standard pendulum (30.0V Inchta in lenjrth), which beat teconda, ! Would lose minutes eaeh year by 'reason of this apparently 1 1 1 1 1 iiif I ferenc In the force of (fravltj In these I towns of Italy. A ton of fold, if weighed Ion n spring balance, would differ in value1 bj t he 'oss of w eight theoretically I bj $."0 at Idealities where the gravity I was a minimum. The explanation I given in these variations of gravity is It hi uneven tnnaslng Of the material of ' the earth' crust. Little Chronicle, Maya lie v I nmnni "I suffered auch pain frotti Dorni I could hardlv aralk," wrilea II KobifltOOi Hillsborough, llla.,"lut BocklflO'l Arni ca nive completely CO fed them." Acta like manic OB sprain", brniae", cut, aorea ac.ilda, hit mh, boils, nieera. Per fect healer of skill iHsee. a ) piles. Cure guaranteed l.v (i.C. ttiake'ey, the draftllt, 25c. When your hair appear dry and to have loot it vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We bava hat the hair need when it get !n that eon ditien. We l ave ihe CfOWK of Science II . ir ifl-Gj?ft ti rower and tVoanut . , .B IM funic. They will cure .Inn, I BanaW tnl ' d all lealp disease. For ale at Prater! bar- l tier ihop. Price BOO and TV a bottle Why not IBaajd Hie vac.it ion at Ya jquina bay, wheie cm bt had xcelient good Btlilngi k "d loaiing, safe Detectlvea n heela. While Queen Victoria mis in Ireland, whenever she n t nut driving her car riage was followed by si detectives on bicycles. It is said that their business was to look out for dynamiters. Lit tle Chronicle. PERSE 5l MAYS. A A A. A. A A A A A A A A A A. A A AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A; J A B A -A ml. i Dalles Daily Chwnieie. WBPM 1 i i A V JULYflBOl ce Cream - and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. 'KEASURER'S NOTICE. P VFaaro Cminty warrant registered Hp to July 5, 1H0M, will be raid fnreaentatlon at my ofllce, Interest HgM arter June 30, 1901 . JOHN F. HAMPSHIKE, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ranee sale at Miss Haven's mil- luaory store. A marriage license was issued this BMwsint; tv County Clerk Lake to .1. H. Sagraiii and Fidelia II. Kains. He bailee won the baseball game fMM Hood l:iver yesterday by a ?c re ol 6 to 14. The game was for a purse oi of Mrs, Scott ve. tbe A. & C. R. R. I Mre. Scott euee to recover damages for the deatii of her hneband, who was killed in theslide last winter. Aetorian. There were shipped fiom Shaniko by ( rail during the month of July, 1,188,056 : pounds of wool, as follows: 1701 sacks to Moody at The Dalles, containing 599,223 ponuds; 109 sacks to Wasco warehouse at The Dalles, weighing 33,--10 pounds ; 39 sacks to tbe ecouring mill at The Dalles, weighing 2,535 pounds; 1039 bales to Boston, weight, 052,836 pounds. Leader. Mr. S. L. Brooke had a letter from , George H. Himee this morning an nouncing that he and Dave McLaughlin, tbe only living son of Dr. McLaughlin, one of tbe most prominent figures in the early history of this state, will ar rive here this afternoon on the Bailey IGateart. Mr. Lauglilin, who is over HO years of age, is on his way from a visit to the Willamette valley to his home in Idaho. The Dalles was as quiet as a grave yard yesterday. All the means of travel were u9ed to their utmost capacity to take the people out of Iowd. A big boat load left at seven in the morning princi pally for Hood Rfver, and others fol lowed by boat and train at later hours. so much as saying, by your leave, cut the brale into two pieces. The unusually large number of dians in the city yesterday was a sub ject of general remark. A distinguished looking stranger, whose head was adorned with a plug hat, noticed the presence of the eiwaehee and inquired of a citizen what was the name of thia riservation. The citizen promptly answered that it was called The Dalles reservation. The stranger then wanted to know the name and residence of the Indian agent and tie was politely re ferred to the proprietor of a prominent saddler's shop in the East End. Judge G. C. and Mrs. Blakeley "aT rived home last night by way of the Canadian Pacific from a visit to the Tan-American exposition. The judge says the Oregon horticulture and agri cultural exhibit is a credit to the state, and a credit more especially when the small amount of money appropriated for') it is taken into consideration. He a rtp,irt.rll v r. f Ka r.r,!tirt, tl.at l I ir.a,,l. il who has charge of the exhibit, is the right man in the right place and he speaks in warmest teems of the courte sies extended to everyone from the far j Mean 73 4 50.1 0 20 Sl'MM !i V. Mean atmospheric pressure, 29 89 Lowest 29 04 on the 18th ; highest 30.15 j on the 27th. Lowest temperature 40 on I the 9tb ; highest temperature 93 on t he ISth. Greatest daily range of temper ature, 41 on the 17th. Mean temperature for this month In 1875 67.5 1889 68 5 1876 80 4 1890 62 6 1877 71.5 1891 01 1 1878 74.0 1892 66.2 1879 67 0 1893 61.9 1880 ...03 5 1894 68 0 1881 65.5 1895 66 8 1882 71.5 1896 60.6 1883 67 5 1897 ...6521 1S84 .f.8 l 898 05 8 ! 1885 05.0 18l"9 63 0 1886. 63.5 1901 61.7 1887 .62.8 1900 68.1 1S88 63 7 Mean temperature for thie month tor 27 years has the lowest average of any month except that of 1891. The pre ' vailng direction of the wind has been West. Tbe total movement during the month just past was 4097 miles. Ttie total precipitation for the month is 0 20; number of days on which the rain-fell, 3 ; number of ciear days 14 ; part cloudy, 5 ; cloudy, 5. Frosts occurred in the agri cultural districts on the 4th, 5th, and Pth. Total precipitation in inches for this month is, in Ilnwkv an nrnllan Pmmi, Raffle hawk nri very destructive in Vustrniin, pnrticularlj In the west, and n lew mi of two shillings la offered by the government for every one de stroyed, the claimant having to pro duce to n justice of th,. pence the head :iml talons, which arc Ihelt to be en tirely destroyed in his presence, Chi on go Chronicle. FOR CAMPERS. 1875 1870 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 18S8 A ver age ...1.65 1889... ....0.34 1S90... ...0.15 1891... ...0.02 1802 ... . ..0.11 1893 . . . . 0.02 1894 . ...1.82 1895... . .0.00 1896... .. .0.01 1897... ...0.93 1898 .. ....1.01 1899 ... ....0.07 1900... ....0.67 1901... . ..1.92 precipitation for .0.29 .0.27 .0.51 .0.06 .0.00 1.15 .0 00 .0,10 .1.07 .0 90 .0 20 .0 47 .0.20 FOLDING i3 SCAT. I fare. hathintr, tilloring rldfl ami rambles. The courses and exereipes at t he tuim mer school of 1901 at Newport iil afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort offer? equal attractions and like advan tages, junll If If yon want to retain your hnr you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the very beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Kgg and Plot Tar Shampoo, It will leave your hair soft and I'lossv. Price, 25 and SOctntl a bottle, at Frazer'a barber shop, The it.il.es. tf Mid-summer clearance sale of milli nery at the Campbell A Wilson Milli nery parlors. Everything in the line of head wear at one half the actual val- i ae. j 28-1 m It is easier to keep well than get cured. DaWitt's Little Karly Risers taken now and then, will always keep your bowels in perfect order. They never gripe but promote an easy and gentle action. Clark & Faik's P. o. Pharmacy, R, B. tiiibreth A Sons w ill keep at all times a supply of liay, grain and feed which thev will retail at the lowest market rates. j2(S-tf Chatauqua, Gladstone Park, July 3d to I8tb, Olio fare for round trip, Regu lator line steamers. ji7lwk Dresseu spring chickens at the Stadel- CLOSED Just the tiling to take along when you go camninu or to the seacoast. For sale by SEXTON & WALTHER. Subscribe for Tim CHRONICLI. man Commission Co. 'a 24 -tf WM. MICHEL!, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Iong distance phone 433. Local, 102. this month west by Mr. Dosch's assistants, Messrs. Hto date 12 36 , See rday at Lyle was a pie-eating con in which D. E. Witt came on" with rtal iionors. marriage license was issued today r, Max Putz, of Wheeler countv. n, and Miss Elien Norton, ol e r.dward Island. F.astem Oregon Baukiug Corn- is doing a good business. The de- now reach the hundred thousand r mark. Shaniko Leader. Hllmery clearance sale at The Leader jencing tomorrow, Kvery hat in etore at one-half or below original e. Miss Haven proprietor. pdge D-jherty performed his first lage ceremony today as recorder illes City. The contracting parties H'- N. ingrain an 1 Fidelia K, Rains, Hof tnis county. M' -'' ar. .ads horee., were hagped ir,!,; s-.aiuku Thursday by QMM Mays. Mr. Mays will take them to Kansas City, where a big horse sale It Ulled t'i take place the loth. precauuou 10 secure tickets on Da'les City before her ijuota of seugeie was made up were left bel Word comes trom New York that at a meeting of the faculty of law of the Columbia University, held June 12th, Homer D. Angell, ol this city, was ; granted a scholarship in the law de- I partment. This not only wiil be a great aid to Mr. Angeil in pureuiog his studies in New York's great law school, but since it is one of right scholarship ; granted upon the basm of class stand ingit speaks well for that young gentleman's work in the university. Ales Mi Leod, of this city, received a , telegram from Port Huron, Michigan, this morning, announcing the death of Edward Herbert, the only eon of his step-daughter, Mrs. tf, K. Herbert, who has been here for the past month on a vieit to her mother and step-father, and for the past week has been visiting at the ranei, .,f Mr. and Mrs. Remi Ron deau, of Kingsley. Mr. MjLeod tele phoned the distressing news to Mrs. Herbert who will, in all probability Henry Blackman and Frank Motter of the features of the celebration 1 Scores of PeP'e who had not taken thef From The Dalles to Portland in 4 The i hours and 35 minutes is the new record pas-Vof the steamer Bailey Gatzert, of the ind.j White Collar line, made yesterday after for 29 years 0.55.aTotal deficiency in pre cipitation during month 0 34. Total precipitation from September 1st 1900 lerejjto Addlllou to the I a.raik l.ri o. The president, Tuesday, signed a proc lamation adding to the Cascade forest reserve, of Oregon, a tract of 142.080 noon. Ibese are the figures given out i acres, ami eli f I. : r, M t i 1 1 J A fiffitttl Irani i.f by Capt. F. H. Sherman and Chief 'in-1 46,080 acres, making the total area of gineer Reuben Smith. No stops were j the reserve 1,588,800 acres. The lands made except the necessary delay in j added are as follows : getting through the Cascade Locks, j The south half of township one, south ; The time from The Dalles to the Cae- townships two. three and four, south. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart nrjgnt t our store. A new fregh. clean stock. Qiyeugacall. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS CROWE, Bdw.nl Welter a ub arrested Wed y by Constable Jackson for selling leave on an early traiu for Port Huron. to inuiaus. lie was examined M y before Commissioner Hudson M&F , , y 1 W' BMIMd d'J .37 -i turila u , i ...... i. me. A t i . . II a. 1 u'""ciru uiki u ranroau cram ru over to the Cnited fetatee grand io the euro of 2o0. am -I l i: I. At I . . ni a . . IT IlfMIHI J H Vliril U I I Li Ct I IkUV UO w i m 1 1 1 i i u rui u i u in ui ni iii.r i ..... , J bvi ! J '11 HtlVI U II AlvorJ was a daughter of the late is a mighty hard Uiiug to buck against. The dog was notoriously imperious in his manner and seemed to take a pride U never giving the right of way to any erBon or thing. Having occasion to Walk on tbe railroad in tb: neighbor- .Ii w p.. -.jj.,- aeemeeto .., i . , .... " up ins ininu mat no one- ' '"Ilium IU IDW, lu.ru Imn in tlx. , if"wm mm mmt uuierae was going to age A. Bennett, the well-known ,get biro off the track till be was good l I lilt MM MM in iii I .. II. J I .. 1 ' 1 . . i . . . l;lljr- jik nu reaoy. n nne in line suirit a mn. presenting the plaintiff in tbe casJ motive engine came alone and win.r..,, cade locks was 1 hour and O'j minutes and from the locks to Portland 'I hours and 42 minutes, making the running 1 time from The Dalles to Portland 1 hours and 35 minutes. The previous best time was .-I hours and 65 minutes, delusive of stops. If anything ails your hair, go and see Krazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf Wanted-Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by a family of three; no children. Apply at this of fice. jy2 4t Second growth of oak, fir, pine, rnaple and slab wood at lowest prices at Msier A lienton's. Jwk Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. CASTOR I A For Iniknts and Children, Hi KM You Have Always Booth! Bears the rnof Sill scribe lor TlIK CUEOMt i.K. , range eleven, east ; township live, south, ; ranges nine and ten east, and so much of township six, south, ranges nine and ten east, as lies north of the Warm ! Springs Indian reservation. The tract eliminated consists of town ships 22 and 2'i, south, range nine, east. All of these changes were originally recommended by Forest Superintendent Ormsby. The lands eliminated were found, upon examination, to be more valuable for agricultural purposes than for their umner. aii etlort had la-en made to have four adjoining townships excluded Iron the reserve at the same time, but an examination developed the fuct that these lands were valuable timber lands and were anxiously sought for their ilmtier. In like manner, an attempt was made to add to Ihe reserve a much larger area than is provided for in the president's proclamation. These lands were found to bo largely covered by homestead entry, tailroad and state --- - . B m . t t grams, ana ior this reason it was deemed inexpedient to include them In tbe reserve. There was ample evidence that the settlers on these land were not permanent residents, but bad goun in for purely speculative purposes. i nner me lerms oi the proclamation, issued today, persona who may bavu settled upon lands that are within the ...The New York Cash Store 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. NECKTIES ! NECKTIES ! Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Four-in-Hands 25e and 50e. Special Values. Latest Patterns. Just Opened.