, 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY 3VVX S. IM Tbt Ofifoa v.;c Jooratli of wbicb Couotj Jodgt Klocald, former secretary of IUU, if editOf a'. Eoftne, ajmaklpg i ptwootl confidant of ex-eDalor H W. Corbet:. bo was in EogtM faw ia ago, my -He willl continue to take ac inter est ic politic for bis friend and tbe public good, but does not want any tbing for bimmlf.' Tbe old man seem; 10 realize at laat ibal bis ieg bas beer, pulled about as often as be wants VT. J, Patterson. Who ra turned vesterlav from Poltlnnd where Le went to aid in receiving tbe rivers Mid btrbon commission, states Uit Congressman Tongut bas already perceived bis mistake in diverting tbe committee from visiting Celiio and Tbe Dalles. Mr Tongue will have plenty of time to rue this. Oregon Republican. Congressman Tongue bad beat not a?k Eastern Oregon for a patronage in any tbing. He bas sbown such a narrow-minded comprehension of nnhlif Ant that the oeonie ot this , j , . region would D t 10 or, him for damnation. Tbe men gifted with grasp of public ri gor. Republican. support is due least a reasonable rjonsibllitv. Ore- Coming from an Francuco to Portland, tut rivers ;.&d bar: n oommitiee liavele I tbe entire lengtb of tbe WUIaireMe valley. B'Jt tbe next day tbey were taken for another journey up tbe same valley, a Itupid waste of time wbicb ibould bava been devoted to (.sarx,inatiori of tbe upper Columbia, says tbe Spofees msri-IIeview. Tbe Salem Sentinel is of cur way of thinking, that MGov. Williamson, of Prinevihe." wouldn't soun 1 bad. say tbe Moro Observer. It says: "Nobodj La? ever denied Eastern Oregon men tbe rigb. to seek that bigb bonor. and witL bis ability, popularity anil strength, why not place tbe toga upon Senator William son :" Tbe office of Wasbiogtoo state printer baving been &Do!isbetl. the work wti let to tbe- lowest bidders "oo; to 80 rer cent It is said tba. tbe last inonmbeDt ol (be otiice cleared I25,0(K during bis foot ."ears' term. Oregon migbt maxe a note of tL. witb nrofit. ' ates is ;c tbe penitentiary. Jjuc II. ICitcbell is itt tue senate. ?alem Joornal. .iate: ;.!.: g y. away witb 11500, and II. W CorbflU was not elected United States senator. A. bar.v Ile.-u. : a ou-.be-r. negro is claiming to be K::j-ib. wbicb '.-.-a S .lo W-rjg-lon Pt to remark tuat Dowie bsi made a great ot; stake :n neglecting to copyrigbt b.: discovery. "I wwb tc trotb'nilr state t. yoc and tne readers ol Ibaae lea .ines (bat vour Kodol iffpapsiaC irs ii .-.r. it tion, lbs best and OQljf c:re foi dyapopsia tiiat I r,ave e'.er aODS .:. eOBtact aitb and I have ud many otner prepa iins. John Beam West Middiosos I No prapnratiofi ...a.- Kodol Dj ii (Jure o- it obtains a. tr.e nattm diesunts. It Will dipt! all . r.; ,: food and u. .- : q , ., ,. , ; CarKe .'. f j Poneniaoy Vou car. nasoi c - Ijropogoia by llet in. What poor I . lj ; --.- .i t,,ents ,: iprl fooi proparlj difsstad. Than H your atomaet) HI no: digest it, Kodol DySpsia Cure all.. It eontaini a . of ti.e natural digesta-.:- uebt.-e mnst u.ve every t.a?- of ock! ami to prepare it inai nature can use it .b noorisbing ti.e id;. and rep.acing tbe waited liaMSI ihoi Kiting -iff. baaltb, strfiirftr., an t t. Dl pure unxjd and food neaithv app- . Ciarket Falk'l P. 0. Pnarmacy. The piies tbat an 007 '"u so will ue qaioaly aad yarmansstlr be,ed if you use DeU'itt'a Witci. Haze. a -, Bavars of wortiiiew counterfeits. Caike 4 EaJk'i ? o. Pnarmas?. ClarKe A f-a . e flavurinit extracts are tne boat. Ask yuur u :er for tbem. tgmniri tn orioin la MM BHI I " Oatf fS M for the round trip from Tbe Dalles to Long React,. Tioga. Pacific Park, Ootaa f'a - Sabcotia, Waeb.i good for return nntii Spt. 19, MM. Paik-age .-recked t!. rough to destina tion. Tne steamer T. J. Potter wii! iwvc Portland dalle eteanl uudav and aloud, a&d tbe Hasealo da : expt Sonday, at I p. ni . aDd 10 p. m. on Saturday, making direct connection; at A:o:i and at Ilwaeo for all point on Oreeoa n.i Waebiagtoa beacnes. Ca. on J as. Ireland, agent. Tbe Daiies. for tbrougn time card to a!', beach points. fl -m Nieli' W - Her Terrnr. ; wou'd c mgr. nearly all nigh long," 5c:;:cs Mrs. Ciias. applSgati, of Aiei aadria, Ind.. 'and could hardly get any lleep. I '.id eoosoBJpUon so bad that ;: : walked a b ea would enow fright ful y aiu: spit blood. Do. when all other medklnee fai.ed. tr.ree 00 bottles of Dr. Klng'l New Dieeoset who', y oured me and I gained M pounds."' It's absolnse.y guaranteed to cure Congas. Co is, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all throat and l ung Troubles. Price SOc and '. 01 Trial bottles free at Q. C. Fi.AKe'ey's cir iij' store. 2 A Fireman ' lh' Call. "1 Itttek li my engine, allfaough every j dnt ached and every nerve was raised with pa.r..' writes C tV. Bel. amy. a to ;m r.-t-uiar. of F.arlingtoo, I.-wa.. I was weak an.', pale, witnout any ap pe:i:e and a run down. As I was about to give dp, I got a bottle ol E ect'io En ters and after taking It, I felt as well as I ever did is my lit' ' V.'eik. ei -kiy. run down pe "ple alv, ays gain new life, sireogt:. and rig Of from their use. Trv I hem. Satisfaction guaranteed by 6. C. B.asr.r"-. tbe :nggit. Price b-cents. '2 iur t Oaa w- :: " vonr lee.ings aoc. trie s;a:e o: i.e ".: as well. Impure bio-"1 i makes '..!. :' apparent in a pa.e and si )w ramplexi to, Pimples aau ;i;i: Eroptions. El you are feeing wea: ao: orn rut aud o no: iisvea bra.::.;." appearance you should try A.:ser's B.:od Elixir. I: cures all blood diseases wuere oneap Sarsapari.ias and called pnriders fail i snowing this we sell every bottle 90 a positive guarantee. L.&k.'-: tbe druggist. forktog 94 Boar a Xy, T.ere no rest for those tireless little e wj-g-rr- Dr. rLng's New Pills. Millions are always bney, curing Torpid Live-. Jaondiee Billioosces. Fever and AgUT T:.ey banish Blck Headache, arjvr out Ma. aria. Never gripe or weacen. smai.. taste nice, work won ders, iry tbem . 35cat G. C. Blakelaf's drue store. t? BUSINESS LOCAL8. Vou wil. not tiave ooiis II vou take r.arse 4 Fals! sure core foi boila. A :1 line ol Easta.an r.ms and sup plies jast received by C.arse 4 Fa'.k. Floral lotion wi;. core wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C arcs H Fslk. S ime deslrab.e c:ty property fjr sale Or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons it Mardec. &1 Itf C.arse & Fa.K nave received a carioad r. tbe ce.ebrateo James E. Patton strict. y rinre licjuii paints , Fjr sprain-, ewel.ings and iamene'e tbere 1 nothing K good as Cnamberiak's Pain Balm. Try it. For sa.e by Biakt iey, '-.it druggist. We 'jrltfr for a limited period tbe twice-a-wees Caaoaictl, price $1.50, and tne Weekly OregOOiaa, price $1.50, i.otr. paoers for is-; a year. BabsoriptlOM uri ier '.Lis orler most oe paid ir, ad ran ua. i Sheriff 8 Sale. ireali .-.urt i: "... -ut ot Otvor. tot . - B inUnoa :. i..aintitr, .1-. ! Jt-tt;.-- k W;nans and A.avi. h Uaifitt. iv. .3,raanb. ''. itXw 1 - Mitiotl drcrv.- AUfi ord-.- f lastttd : artd undrtoe m ,'. the " stata .f 'irM'tu t-r Si at waact t dirtud aa d.itni tf. :;- ': IO. :: a dr- li: :.r m a . .'. rr. if. tr.v .iii iu ..r .luir- itoi . ' !:..- dt?i,.ji;. . t.t : ' i t. troni door ol ia counti aonrt id jmImm '.n. v ., eoaniv, O.tgfm ' ' WW' ' Ibt b.at Didder lor . 1. tf.-. riz:.: till and inters'. tr . il(.rrtitar t. 1 - - - ir ti ... i w . ... . v." ::" ; " """r f.. .. ....... . ,7. : umi. n-i ,1:. tu l.'tf, 1 l a iiiul law to.- date id to.- inrtuft : '".-.: bvrtin or ....-; .t.-r. itejr.dant-. 'irlenilant- inn.:, have imce ,.!!. ,a.. it. audi.. th lolloarloat do- ' 1 r-lrt: ... .t- a on f.t.k. 11 Waacocooaiy, OMfon towli "f. .rtfiwwt .jmrterof Mrttor. tventr-sis u ,:;w'"f',i " oortb. iMt aim awt.si m oraomoel ot laid t.p.t-.-rty , win a Mis ,. ,ufii:.etii laeTW. trtUeoataano a' ' : ..fijf hnL- Said pniiatnr v.ill be u,ia sub.ect b eonfirrua . '.. 41. il :....' . r- . ''ted at Th balica Oieeoi; tbi Ivti. day o.' Mas pt rmt 1 IbarM Vassc Conn 17, orf. l.V kfog NOLAN'S The first monthly dividend has been tion of thirteen of my customers. I ho onh w rive a valuable present to each of my costomew. I n . , i .i.. en. T oire aa-HV 'WO tllUSMC tine, and one worth 7J0; a sack of sugar ano a oarre. u. "'" f" )h. .... ,nd m-r nine the moat money bv thai date, and . Ut io u u-. a V , . each Saturday, commencing on the 1Mb of i"'! 8U1CUD ems given eacc wees, g Porohasers of gc-Hi? in mv we.l as share tbe profit with my PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this weil-kncwn Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body With Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, r Btr. Regulator Str. "Iralda WW! DOWII lp. Leaves Cascades G a. m. down U forttrnd Arrlve rigiies 10:30 a. m. -li" Monday Leave I'a;ies p. m. Monday vinrtfly Wodneadar Friday Arr. C ascades 7:80 p.m. Friday. Panels ' ait. Portland i p. k. Daily ex. unday. a: 4;.. P. M. lies j Tijey.lay . . 7 TnntsdaT ..... -sturdav . .'.r: f 'V.i-.si t l:VM t Excursion Kates every Saturday for parties of five and upward- Dalies, Wbitr Salmon and intermediate points, oOc Dalies to Cascades. $1 1 : For an evening trip take tbe - Iralda" at .' p. m. to Flood River and re 4 torn on the up boat. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, by Dm Steamer "' tn Reauiator Line. Tne Compaar wit: endeavor v give it.- pa i -Street Doci w. Crandall & Barget - RobeS) M kinds of todertaker: Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our line, auw with Qi, ior it will pay you. We operas a PLUMBING. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders prompt attention. SEXTON THE DALLES. Profit-Sharing Association. boxes 11 ,o keep in mind that I line will do we customers HI. T. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so-called kidnev remedies without anT benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard that old fogv idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have Oil Your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the ue of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexv.al Pills Price. gl.OO per box buy ot your druggist or sent bv mail on receipt of price, in ptain wrapper LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fr Wayne Indiana. M. .. Donaell, Agent. The Dalies. Pioneer Grocer. 1 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA KAY, COMPACT stumers of tne Regulator t-ine will rui; a. rr thv lol ow.ng schedule, the Compacy ree:v;L,g the right to chatge icbtHtnla arlUumt notice. Btr. Dalles City. at. Ia ForUaiM - a u. i Tuesfla Thurso; Batardaj Arr. Iall a: ' p M c. allawav r.r. a a ttaaaaaaatB sbbj entrusted to us will have OREGON. tha t think the) ail uc. n - one worth 2, .80, gating rebate 01 fo.w iv largest amount. itlon to the two pr?s- I during the week. sell goods as low as the lowest, a t NOLAN. just What You uuant. j p. - . t r , SI ' i ' New ideas :n Wail Paper here, "ur: wide variety as we are showing never be- Tnwdl . fore graced n single stm'k. Real iudta- Thursday, tion eretor. effects at ordinary prices. Batnrday, Good papers at cheap paper prices. r " m K.ecant daaions. tasteful colorings, vours for a small 'price, at our etore on Tfiird street. Also a foil Hue of bouse pir.nte. D. W. VAUSE. Third St. L. Lane, '&KEKAX HID ...AND. Wngon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. li T&iri and JsHeoe, Pnoue 159 tub cow PacKioo Go.. I PACKERS OF at PORKand BEEF MANTFACTrRERB OV Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON a)BIP.D BEEF. ETC. SCHENCS, hreaident. Mat . Ol.T. '.atiei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BuBineee transacted Depoeite received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Co'.iectione made and proceeds prompt1 remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange so.d c New York, San Francisco an.' Port land. rv DIHKCTOK8 B- Fii Thompbok. Jko. B. icaaaca. t-D. M. K 1LLIAMB, (i0. A. L;bb. H M. Bbam. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. letters of Credit issued available in the Lau'em -'.ale:. rranifari aoldoo New y0rk. Chicago, - j 'M.. re- 100, Seattle Waob., and rarloui doii u In Oregon and WaibioKtoB ' Collaoiiooi made at ail poiali on fav orahie terms. mm mmm The W. W. Wilson Co., Props. First-Class in Every fjespect MKAI.s AT AI.I. HUI KM. Oysters Served in any Style. -W T J." At' A A . . . A .A. A A'J Blacks Horseshoe N iL'.)i,u at.,TU Ull.Or Oregon Sholt Like Union Pacific AND nti-ART r.ia (h.oag Portland StCial. li p. O). via Hunt inpton. AtteoUo Raweaii I.' iO M. Ill ft Hunt .ngt.m. -t I'hu' Taut Mail. 9:SB p. m. via ttpo kane. TIME SCHEDULE FROM THE DALLES. iRaiTt noii salt Ijike. Denver. Ft Worth. Omaha, Kar. H fity. St Uiull, Chi cago and tin East Salt I-ake. Denver, ft Worth, Umaiia. Can MT( ity.St I.miv : rag.' and the East. Walla Walla, Iwltnn Hpokaaak Wallace. Pu U man. Minneapolis. St. Paul, Duluth, .V ::-, kee Chicago and Bait a e. OCEAN AND BIVEB 8CHEDU1E Frnm l'artlatiil . tall Railing dates rab ject to t'baugi- For San Francisco, ai I every .i days. n p. uv Iily XCtjlt -indny. - On j m. Saturdsy. 10:00 p. m. Datl) exempt Sunday. im unit. la Klrer. To Atori and Wa Iji ndings. 00 p. b. SunOar Willamette Klver v ? 1'lty. Sew nerg. sulem. Independent'.'. Hnd uy -LaaOinffi. ' ') i -Frioi- Rilis and WV.y landings iKIjjHt u 1 1 1 Hinrtte and amhili Iflvrrs. MOHB, Satnrda . ?:SS a. m. ljeave daily. a m. Otegnn City, Dwftnn and I aiidingv "nuke KiTt-r. EUpatia tt bewistou. Let-'. :..'wntai daih. - Xt.Bl. lar. - fiSW" Partien leatrina to ro to Bemmtr point nil t lun.biu Houtbern via Biec- tbrnH j uik. Ni 2, .t.'i!- iUB The Dalles at U E p. b 3 ma... i t Ureot eouaeoUoM at Hppiit.': .unctiot J :id b'.gv? K- t'iniliiK tnaainpdirwt i . ! . uecttoc 2 ! Boppner InncUon and BIrrx with ,Nu. l.u- 5 :: iiifr at Tht- jjalie at 1 :t)o p. m. F lurtai i particulars, call on or address J. IRELAND. Ap?nt. The Dailes, O.-egoL' Complete Cir;e f at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring I Suitings Ti.e time will soon be here when f tri tyliob draaaad man will want an u 1 -to-la -prihg Bolt, Those are the k li. i of patl in- 1 an, tailoring for. Con.'- in and Iook .iver my Spring line of Suiting. All the latest novelties for 19Q1. Suits to Order, SIO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH Ir. til us . ,.;. tUare ii'iuiU lie cieauime-e. lii ' Cream Balm It cures nolBllh rnl drive May a co.U iu :u. i.cU j . ( reiu Balm j,.rl nt the DMtrilt, fprd over tl.e BMBafeaBM aud it abaoriMd. Relief n.eiliete ,.,; . cure (ullowe. Ic it not drriug-04 but irodure BBBBlBBaV Urge Hue, 60 oeoU ' !'" gnu jf by mail ; Trial boe, 10 ceou U mal al.V USUTUEH,5C Worteo Mtraet, New To4