dhtsmitk VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 5, 1901. NO. 110 CASTORIA AVcgctable Preparationfor As similating ihcFoodandRcgula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion.CteerFur ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. XOTHCOTIC. Be oS OM nrSAMLTLPtTCHEH Pitmpkm Sent' M . Vitr - J -t':ti."- 9ttm t Mrtpermml - i Car6onaStaUi ( Him, Stud - I Ctnthfd .'$ Wipw tt navor. ) A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. COPY Or WRAPPER. Kate to Sun Frauclnu and Kctiira. The O. R. 6c N. Co. will make the owing rates from The Dalies, Oregon, Wk San Francieco and return for National invention of Epworth League, Julv -21, 1901: Via rail to Portland and Bit. & N. eteamers from Portland to 8an 1 t u!.cr and return, J23 50. Tickets ori sale and honored on traiu from The Iailes and on s'eimere from Port lan 1 only on Ju y 11th and 16th. Returning tickets will he honored on Steamers sailing from .-an 1 ranciseo not . later t!.an Aujnst I-t : final limit, Aug--jHfct 4, 1901. Rate includes meals and Herth on steamers. Reservations for SHassengers going via steamers should be jSSfciade in advance to insure accommoda Mtions, for which a deposit of 6.00 will HBe required. Ail rail in both directions, Apia O. E. & N. and Southern Pacific, Spirit class, good for etop-overs in Cali Mfornia, $28.50. Second class, including ISberth iu tourist sleeper in both diiec jtipione, no etop-overs, $25.50. 'tickets on &yiale at The Dalles July loth and 16th, SBpn j w ill be honored by Southern Pacific nSbu trains leaving Portland July 15th and H6th, and on mormng train July 17th; BBgood for return passage leaving San BfFranciseo up to and including July 3!, Kl901. Tickets will not be sold good in one direction via rail and In anottier via bb steamer. B I.. . 1 1. n. ;r.(.nat;n . . r i vi i 1 1 i . I r i i ii iui hi ill i 'ju ' 1 in in 'i i it dir with Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles, regon. m21j T1 loea It Fay to iluy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve aud cure the more se vere and daogeious results of throat and ?ung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? ''Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the oxlv rem edy that has been introduced in all civil ized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup.' It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays iufiammalion, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try ONI bottle, Recomme-.ded many Mart by all druggists in the world, and sold by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prise almanac. 2 Acker's Dyapepeia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 eta. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A r Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA thi ccntauk eenMin, new torn cm. Don't Kub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterioue Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain ie gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. A bad complexion generally results frorn inactive liver and bowele. In all such cases, DeWitt'e Little Early Risers produce gratifying results. Ciarke &. Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough cure for my present good health and my life. I wae treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute Cough Cure and re covered my health." Mr. E. II. Wise, Madison. Ga. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, iudigestion and constipation. A deligtitful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cte and 50 cts. Blakeley. the druggist. Those famous little pills, DeWitt'e Little Early Risers compel your liver arid bowels to do their duty, thus giving you rich, pure blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay (1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buv James E. iPatton'e sunproof paints tor $1.50 per j gallon, guaranteed for 5 yeare. Fa!k, agents. Clark & ml Kr ale. A J. I. Case eeparator; good as new and ready for work ; 32 inch cylinder and a 14 Woodbury Diugee horse power. On eaey terms. Apply to GKOBCiK N On AND , jy2-wklylmo Dufur, Or. ror Mai. A stylish black driving horse, very get tie. Also a nearlv new open buggy, harness, biankets, etc. Very cheap. Address, W. R. RotKwti.i.. m27d2-3w Dufur, Ore. ror Hale. Twenty head of Lorses, ranging in weight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All j halter-broken, aud some broken to work. Apply to Straube Brothers. Kndersby, I Oregon. j!y 25 linw For sale or rent A house of nine rooms on Ninth atreet, with two lots and a nice little orchard. Apply to Dad Butts. iunll-ld-4tw Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this AT aw r PROBLEM OF PHILIPPINES nrvrtni a a r it Springs Church Maloue From Former Union of and State Rev. Father Declares That Church Is Bettcr Off Without Such Union. I Dkwki;, July 4. Rev. Father Thos. Malone, speaking this afternoon before ! the Colorado-Texas Chautauqua at Bout- . ; der, said among other things : ; "We are committed to a policy to 1 wards our new possessions that t he i sober judgment of the electorate has un- : II. ... .i Tk... t . ; it i oc.i i . iuuui rru. i 11.11 n luiiijfit, opposition will continue to assert itself is undoubtedly true, but such opposition should be required to advar.ee more potent reasons than it has so far done before it can expect to receive respeci- j ful attention of intelligent people. To groundlessly charge base motives is un jolt and degrading. "As for myself, I entertain the com placent conviction all so-called anti-. imperialists to the contrary that our president following in the footsteps of bil illustrious predecessor, the lamented Liccoln, has never entertained a eenti ment or feeling politically, lliat did not pring from sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. That equal and exact justice will be done to all classes and institutions iu our island possessions is guaranteed by the history r . i t . i . I oi our government. .o pnase oi tne Philippine situation can leng remain unsolved. "Perhaps the most difficult phase of it If. that which springs from the union of church and etate which has endured for 1 centuries. The people of the islands ate all Catholics, and, epeaking as an Amer- I ican Catholic prieet, I am thoroughly ! convinced nnt nnlv t tint rh material ! convinced not oniy mat tne material intereete of tho9e people will be best I . . , , . ,. i subserved under the American policy as executed bv Indue Taft hut that freed executea ov ouage urn, out mat from the entanglements of governmental , . . . , interference in spiritual matters, the church in the Philinnines will ratiidlv ! cnurcn in tne i nnippines win rapidly develop along the lines follow ed out by i ., , T, .. , the Catholic church in the United Mates. "The American Catholics want no i union of church and elate. They have seen ite disadvantages in other lauds and they know that where free and untrain- meled and entirely iridepender t of state support it can beet follow out its divine mission. The Catholic people in the Philippines, as Boon as they are separ ated from influences prejudicial to the American idea, will realize the more fortunate position of their co-religionists in the United Statee and will welcome the adoption of measures and the com ing of ecclesiastics to give force and effi cacy to those measuree." Catarrta taunut Be Cured. with local applications, ae they cannot reach the beat of the dieeaee. Catarrh ie a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hali'e Catarrh Cure ie taken internally, and acts directly on the blood nd mucoue surfacee. Hali'e Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country tor yeers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of toe beet tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly . 1 ' - a . on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients ia I what produces such wonderful results in ; , r . . , . . . : .. . . CUr.ng Catarrh. Send for testimonials, , tree. v -. i n ni i . r-v 1 . W. V llfc -fil .V WW . , M ..,..w -r. I Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the bent. i2 Hoar Prlaunera Well Treatnl. LONDON, July 2. The report of the Island of St. Helena, dealing with the year ending March 3, says : "The lies iu the European papers about the treatment of the Bier prison ers even exasperated the prisoners. The latter enjoy large liberty and are well behaved, contented and anxious to work. Many of them are employed by the farmers aud others are employed on the roads and wharves." Hutalda of lb Cowboy f reucber. Kjcaknky, Neb., July 3. -Rev L. G. Brooker, of the Evangelist church, com mitted suicide at his home in this oty today by shooting himself with a n- I volver. Mr. Broukor was weU known in thi" vicinity as the OCWbojf preacher, and had many friends. Me was about 45 years of nge, and left a widow and six children, one of w hom is an evangelical preacher at BhtltOO, Neb. La'er it developed that Rev. Brooker stood charged with criminal relations with Harriet Lmgmate, who had been an intimate fiiend of the Brooker family during her stay a' Grand Island. Th sheriff ii mil that city arrived in Kearney today witn a warrant for his arrest. Mr. Breaker declared his innocence to the sheriff, who then stepped out to get a guard for the prisoner, and, during tiis absence the fatal shots were fired. The woman in the cape is unmarried and about 30 years of nge. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should tie promptly applied to cuts, burns and scalds. It soothes anil quickly heals the injured part. There are worthless counterfeits, he sure to get DeWltl's. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the County of Wasco, w. lair lint, Plaintiff, vs. George Uaidncr, Defendant. iiy virtue of an execution Issued out of the above entit'ed court in the above cause, dated Mar 14. 190i, and to me directed, ilium a Judg ment rendered end entered in said court and cause on the 19tb day of June, 1891, in favor of W. l-air Hiii. plaintiff, and against George Gard ner. defendant. fnr?::n7 32, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from Hie said 19th day of .Mine, 1891, l did, on the 16th day of Ma;, 1901, after i had made diligent search for aril bad been unable to satisfy the said Judgment, or any part thereof, out of .lie personal property of saii defendant, levy mum as the property of said defendant, the following lands situated in said county, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Columbia river twenty feet below tne mouth of Herman creek unii uti the fractional northeast quarter of sec tion six, township two north, range eight cast ; thence southerly up said creek and twenty feet west there . f with the meanders and hanks thereof to the south line of section six ; thence west along said line to th" half-mile post; thence north through middle of section six to the Columbia river; thence easterly up the Co lumbia river to place of beginning, and being part of (the southeast quartet and nor'heast quarter of notion six. township two north, range ei ht east, W. M., containing 19 80100 acres. Also that piece or parcel of land known mm ,1... t. .,.,). I...'. ,1 ...... t i . ,,, nlaln. .,, U Atwell and Mary Jane Atwell. bis wife, No'tifi- cation h O. 8034, and being part Of sections one twvU.Vi fI1 township two north of range seven east, and part of sections six1 and seven, township two north of ramie eight east, and containing eighty acres of land, And 1 00 Saturday, the Kith day of .Inly, 19oi, t the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the county court house of said county, in Dalles ( Itv. iregou, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for rMstl hand, the above described Mtjgf, Ih(, nM judgment, interest, costs and disbursements ana act ruing costs. Dated Dalles City, Or., June 18, 1901, rob RT KELLY J u u 1 -" Sheriff Ol Wasco County. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officio at Vancci vkb. Wash., I June 24, l'.ml Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have hied notice of their Inten tion to make final proof lu support of tlmlr claims, and that said proofs will be made before tin- Register and deceiver, U. S. land office at Vancouver, Wash , on Saturday, August In, l:i, viz: Incur Si. I'aisulis, II E. No. 9569 for the BU of HE'i Kec. 3, and BW of SW!4 Sic. 2, Tp 8 N.. It. 12 K W M., who names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, vi Russell 11- Swain, .lohn t'ngcr, lla-kin Trahue and dgr A. Hopper, all of Lyle P. ()., Wash ington. Kdgar . Ilopiier. II. E. No. ISO for the h'a of NE(i See. 8. Tf. 8 K..R.UE., W. M., who names the following witnesses to prove ids continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, vi.: John linger, Russell B. Bwaln, iscar S. Parsons and Haskin Trubue, ull of Lyle 1'. ()., Wushiug ton. jun2i, w. h. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE. In the County Court of the state for Wasco coiintv. of Oregon In ti e mutter of the guardianship of Mariana IsWsy and 11 ugh Vivian l.tccy, minor wards. Notice is hereby gien that under mid by virtue of an order and license of sale, made und entered Iu the above entitled court and cause on the '2;th day of April, 1901, the undersigned, guardian of Murlanit l.nci and Hugh Vivian Laser, minors, will on Monday, Ut d ly of Aug ust, 1901 1 at 'J o'clock p. in, thereof, at the front door of the county court house In Darlea City, Wasco county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, in tin- 1 M (I I I I I ' I l,,l,ll.l UV Kin I ,111. Ml". Ill J 111 property by executors und administrators, ail the interests of the said minors in and to the '"""'.'""iT''V',' PI1 ''""rH' hK' See Ui Tp 2 H, B 11 K, In Wasco County, Oregon Hald sale will be made subject to a mortgage " ti'- an 1 Interest now on said premises. Dated ut Dulles (fity, On goi , July 2, I'.iOl CATHKRINI L.ACJH , (lUardian NOTICE FOR it. s. Laud Of&ee, PUBLICATION. Vancouver, Wash., f Mil) Ut, 1 901. i Notice is hereby given that In compliance wHii lbs provisions of ins act of Congress ol June A, Wlii entitled "An act for the sale of tiiu b-r lands in tin- states of ( alifornla, iregou, Ni adu and Vt aaliiuMlOU Territory," as extended to all the piih'l' land slates by act of August i. I80J. Krank BU wuil, of LOUS Hock, county of iiilliuin, Slate of (Iregou, hui thin day liled In Ibis oitiee bs sworn statement No 22H, for the nuiehuse of (Hs N W t ol Sec A lu T p No i N, K No hi k, W. M., and w ill oiler proof to show that the laud sought la more valuable for iU timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his cluliu tosald land Defors the Kigisier and Itecclver oi this oltlce ut Van corner, Wash., on SVclnesday, the llth day of August, riii lie Mine - as witnesses: Homer V. Wiaai worth, thslfiey I. Smith, it. i Itoberlsou und Hun M inn n il, all of Portland, Or. AliV and all nelsons claiming ad crsel y the above described lauds are reiiieted to tile their claluia In this office on or before aald 1 lib day of August, 1901. juni lot w it di nhak, Register, A M WILLIAMS & CO. Seasonable Under-waists. Nazareth Waists for Women ? G? Soft, elastic, cool and perfect ly comfortable is this knitted Waist. $1.25 and $1.50 t-ORRIS WAIST Excelled by no other make for comfort good wearing quali ties y A Complete Line. 12 to 16 years Fg 9 mj A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. notice FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oiiiii at Vancoiivkh, Wash., ) June Is, 1901, I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settlers have tiled notice of their Intent Ion to make hnul proof iu support of thelri laliiia,uuil that said proofs will be made In line the Register and Receiver c.h. land office at Vancouver, Washington, Krlday, August '., I'JOI, Vil.l William K. O'Naali ll. K. No. 9641, for the NU of NEW, NKW of NWJ , -cc ll.and .sLI, of nt'4becll, TpIN, R I'J R, W. M., who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and i ultl valion of said laud. vU. : Russet ii. nwuin, sores a, Bnldsr, William II. Hopper and lohn In.ltion, all of Lyle f, Q, Washington. Ituaaall H. gSJRlfJi II. K. No. IMMi lor the NM of NKM, Hec 1.', ff I! N, R19KW M, who names the lolIoiNing Mil neases to prove Ida couIIiiiihuk residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz. William K. O'Neal, lieorgo A. riuldcr. William 11. Hopper, John Hullron, ull of Lyle P. ,, Washington. Wllllaiu II. Iluppar. II. K. No. SMI, of the MK of HIV1.., Mec U. Tp H N, It 19 I- W. . i who ulmos the following wit uesuea pi prove lua (loiiiinnoua realdeuue iihii aud colli valion ol aald laud, vis , Uussell B. Hwalu, William O Nual, (inorge A. Hnider and John Daltron, all of Lyle I'. O , Wash. JUlXI W. It. HeMMAa, Ueglatur. Waists for CHildrenx ( 'onifortable, w o v e n waists or tinder-bodies for hoys and girls. Strapped with tapes t eatch tne Btraina the livo- 5 litst youngster is apt to give the 1 Nazareth Waists 25c Trf NAZAM 111 MUST RHWImxrJp The proper thing for a ... growing girl. .FERRIiS' MAKE... 12 to 17 years, 90c and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I und Olttce ut Vancouver, W;ih, May 17, 1901, Notice Is hereby given that the fol!owinn liuined settlers have liled notice of their luteu lion to make Una I liriuil In support ol Iheir claim aud thut said proof will he made la-lure w. ii. I'rcshy, (J, h. Commissioner for putrlol ol Washington, ut hia .chi c lu tiohlendule, Vt ash., on aaiurda), juneatii Itoi, rut, Klkauah It- HgtlMi II g. No, 9100. lor Hie KU N K 1 , sK1. Nl '4 ami NK54 of ggU. Use ill, Tp IN, it 18 K, W M , who naiuea the following witnesses to prove lilsuun tiuUOUS residence lMD und SUltlVatiOO ol said laud, v 1. OrlS i- nhlppev, Corlix Koreusen, John llaf fron i James 0, l-yle, all oi Lyle 1'. O.. Wash, tlollla Sn i .-lisnli , 11. g, No. 9878, for lbs IHWfff sK',, gee H.aud NU ol N K' 4 and Ngk ol NW, Hee g, Tp 8 N, It 1J K, W M , who uuuies the following wit nesaea to prove his continuous residence upou und culllt utloii of said laud, via Klkuuah U. llylton.Otic h. Hliipay, lohU Dal iron, James Q, Lyle, ull ol Lyle I' O., Wusb. on.. K. Nlilppey. II. i No. mi. for tou fractional oW'4 ol NW4; Irautioiial SV. of HW4 aud the 8K4 of s,H oi nt. ii, Tp 8 N, ft I.. H, W M , who naiuea the loL lowing witnesses to plot e his colltinoous lest deuce upou aud cultivation ol aald laud, via.: Klkauah fi. lis Hon. t'orUx Borvuaeu, Johu Daltiou aud James O. Lyle. alt ol Lyle f O , Wash nils W. K HI'MtAH, Kvgistvr. I