LET THE EAGLE SCREAM! J. E. FALT & CO. J :: a : :r: tra iene-a' Trsft- er i - ; K.r. m ere Lt aw ct 'a J 4. KnockOut Drops MM : : w : jt .ver as a; j r c "The Owl," 1 Mr i alo:-n- Proprietors 'At a recent ce .: c J earn It T: r 1 ' - t r.sV : Ita.tes c r. :. I f.- - ' 7 - ::. - F-.r.r- cf An Old - Fashioned Celebration. Use I Purest Liquors for Family Delivered to any part of the City. IM V b v..- I Ei f ' ...... . - ii t V a .1:: -f!" ' ' ' C.-- re -.' .'i. ' - ref'air. I - - : t- - ..ct -'- 4; it trare. 7 M roH travs- ?ciz d then: as aed '- e:t;se wave .. Boi .' - :-" I i :.ar.-.. --:;-: tret i: thta. t i- '- II - d u eetun tried il meal a I July 4th, 1901 at... Hood River 173 Second Street 1 7 M Local, v? Lone DbUMIi THE CELEBRATED Music by the Band and Glee Club! j . GO 111) JVl BI A BREWEKY began i ebearfnU Idaho it f -t i Btaura 7; I J. i X -,.- bk rate ir a . botttt ".-LtKifhotu : : M : is Bar r- nic jo -21, 1S : v. s. u Portland as: s N. rr:a r d - ' Ad r'U'I t'i - . n: honored . I irate mt '. r. -r ,"c 11: " i 1 - Reading oi The Declaration of Independence ORATION. OR AND PARADE Patriotic. Military and Civic. Log Rolling Contest $10C 00 in Prices Eice. Etc . Etc . witn AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. fOii - . A 1AD IVinnerf r "-known iirewery the rniti ?utp Healib . - i ; .". : . sln: A more 6aieiior brtw never i!,terl tbe rrtorr of the lE:ti State Health re;.ort. It te nhociutely Jevoid .'-.t -.A. ' . t -n tk:e other hatj.J is coxiotedel rbrwtof owHandr: !t tonic qaaiitm? are ol the hito. ! ; an iwdwit I enefit and Mtiuaelioa by old tal J v .... ....A..r hAr4 hr t V. A nhrcii.iar.G ! I I vonng. i ' ne rn c..n- .-u .!?. " - - is the ctrsaiEtv that a better, j..irer or more a!, iletottoe leverage c: u..i not " p-iit-.y te toQBd." u East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. I BICYCLE PARADE with Cas! v. -t tfr v a a'-.' p e ki5 ai Elm Bet jrtuoc t r' trj teazDeir a : ; " tc iatirr than A 1: ii Fraa sect iaa .:n." i nf a ef ".e: & H tt ; buo - u EE - - Mn a I Unci itn n. :. ot; , 1.1 !. .r.-.'-j-i 2.-5.. tr. bei - E r'.ri-'f ;.r'Ti" r.; tO i ii-;; j pg fia twaattflew ahocSd bt -iif i if-ir- : . ..-- tr.z.-: Ii Caja: . '. e ? . for a . iepoail N a.. - -- a red. i. la at e difectfawa . - : . : - -: L' f?. -- ' - c.ip-cTera ia Call- : I, x r-c Ha:::".5:es: Exhibits S700.00 Display of FIREWORKS IN" THE EVENING Baseball Game--Dalles vs. Hood River Was u Mb Milling C raiog - E M W i Keaez ad am Fred -:-Btic a t re M H -- a"-. T. : i' - : rr the ; . e 'rir- :e e::e dlrec- ' : : ;-?- 5-1 . Tlrt: .z i r Te Ja ; I'-.e Ei 16th, a&J wii! M b noted bj i:E-.r-E Tr ic r. --i e aaviog Port e i Ja y 1!:e se i 10th aad : E. jri cra'.t E.y l":r i; Od for Ti-.Z-Z. Za.-Ai'r Z ?4E Fra- zz :i aai .r.c'si.r.; Jet .'. . . . . 7. '. t. . ej". be . l s 2 .z r.e ; rec e t. -a. ii e E .:?-r via '.riJiE . .rr.AE. i,-:'.. T.. Li, e. O-rfOD. 3.:-:vii White Collar Line. Just Received Headquarters for Seed Grain of aii k-ndt Headquarters for Feed Grain otrll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, vd kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, JSVSimi Headquarters for "Byers' Best'? Pendle ton Flour We ?e.. onr 2xk!e lower and get our jiri'.eB ctid 1 Kiehest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats Tbt8 Hour ma:.".ractured expree.y for famu; use. ev?-rv nark ie euaratiteed to pive satisfactia, an anv houe v the trade, and it von don't "Etnii ur prioM and be couvioced. me Daiies-Poniaiifl mi Di'rr;cc f- ig mine, tr. 7 it e Ei; 'T'irt r..-ir.r.". . '.v.'i.r.f ::. t. rn Mtfue aai e u: ty.vaLite or- taser. f' i a iif ri-z-t.: y rnck. - v ' : $S ''' s t i V- a -r-,:. i : v--t o id .! ve- the Btrike H- ei ;i.tii-l. ' 1 tai li-r. T'.e ' ' a:r.nr.eD. .a;r -- at ! Dalle j iali ic wbc fort a ixeeer. trbicfa bedni S M t -. . . p'.i'ECir . P.. 1A Kiel M n - L too XB, ii Si:- A-.r.i P:, n : . h :A. i - L - Ar.t i 4 i '-Eit I": ' ...fci; - H 0 ;. II r per- IB, I A. II tteggMi lino SB B ! . K M xi M bt 4 -. . ' M A .'A- - fc A. B A'. ' B "a B1GH - . H . M' f. -i. Bt : r.. Mim : B nr ml, Mi Tina Riioai, MiM ci- M c:.e. (t, 7tl - - li It I i; : , iiay ' t.. ; ' A ctie-Ap reineoy '.:? cue:. t.z.1 cj.de : a., rig:.:. :-: . z if. .aie:E,itg ::.. w . re.'.-vt and c.'- a;-. re -r-rr and daofei iaa reeo'.ts of ttiroat and i Bug troobtea. ffn: ibal! rou da? Go v a iQj'-r and ce" e rega ar f'.;mabl? Tea, il poaaiirie; if not poeai&le foryoc. ::.er. ;r. e:::,er cat ::: the rem e :y r.a? nn :ri:rodoced in ail ci' ii-.Z's- c iUt" g .::;: :r. rre Str BAILEY-G-ATZERT. Ezeept ?i!:Eday. Cascade Lo:k. Hood Riv;r. White Salmon and Tbe Dalies. A . ::t . rre?: J'.-ir.';ng ami IK eelophig I'iier iirec. from factory Solio, Evx. Deko, Velox and Aristo in all -ri.e?. A at fc i.ne of Platee in Cramer. Ct. we. ?eeij and :an;ey. Trays. Printing Frames, All Ifoltigraphe, A e d rc.cr.-g to i-nmplete t tie eitE-r t-.e amaleur or pro :'rst;;La. r :.ot jgTar.ier. long trooh rop : T.ee . ii roai an German 8 it a .at-? ,..--a? to deetrpr tne gtro. d.sar. a .y ir.&amcoation, eanaea eaey ex pectoral so, gieea a good oigbt,i re?t. r. i caret the patient Irv ost "'.:. ?-c jxnoer.ded n.ny vear tv. a. ili3:-r lr. the ,. i and ' ! i a Yc.i. Qet Green p':z Ml . U -. - U Oir Er.reka Con.t I BUU be C.-r ainanac It not on y baa It and Leav Portland Arrive Tne Ija Ilea. Leave " 4i Arrive Portland, MeaU the C irke i: Fa c r.av- on r a : a - ar. '. a"1..--. '- .n: e. lull ..ne Iripi u Lt ing I': T ; . ; t- .:::: at nom t.uv . ire 'ra at MTjfe 4 f'a'sir.. I-' y,c g', abt -Ad boj U;er.. before y je g,. FUTICE F.h PTBUCaHOS. .ie B 'Ute r.a the Attrac'.iE-L aL LArth. IllOt Min m i.ti. a, n : tot t... & c, M lu mj .- bl i dUdqi j. i . .N'rr f.-incpA.. i a M - Joiit HilWAeaiatai l J. I. "'jp-rir.'.-r. Owing to the faet thai Kite Eleie Ball h takad tfaa ditaetori .' foe Dalhai . ? eboa c- fr anv.ner ;. r-r - ave of 'r.ce in order to aontinot t,er T.'tjSt tO I.- a Moi.uioutr . ::,a dAy Mleetad hfiat a mway in abrge of Mk Ba. I r'i-'i'n tbt Aeadani. !'rk aebool far in coming U 4 ay i- a gf a of tbe atate nn tert . at noil a of Tne lu. e Big b teboci ii n- r.4 of '9C. At iba Sl Oat Of Eur Milage court ne a jti gd I I refo. d.ra-.e pOflkMI a Ingabae in ibeBraia noroJ4. inbocl on ace .u fit of i.er nea tt.. Sne nae ju.t (rioaed a term a- Lvle, 't'a-r..r,j'on. Beeaera w a liupraoiiai Kaaaaa Cm, Ju y i Qenani Onae. n firoeeeo ir, of Ohm, apaaking to a re (i of lb- u'terancea regarding Iba third'tarm q laatloii iioiuteii 1 1 btm tid : "I a u,iijooted. Tiie intervie nub ,ti . . ieti left .. tna: tu.'Z c. " on ral n s er i,t tht . Qg nVat I .: HnUoa t ' ' s.ar.i. arid ,-. V !. I'M . ' iaa rit .sr.-y.. m'..!;;. Portland-Astoria Route Str " TAHOMA." l-.s.Ei: EatE ii a lardy. Try Tr.e A. E. C. Dveicper for pialee ( ordevelopioe papi hat no eqoal. Enongb for 35 to deve.oper; d 'z-r. r ate or ' dozen Ve I 4x5. IVrfeft b'ackt and w!.:te are g-iaraLteed. :r direci n? are f i.ljwed. A-s fjr theA.E.C. De vaioper, and see ti.at you get tbe , u;ne. We are prepared to compound any and , if our ow n formal - and guarantee ' sat;-faction. At tt,e o!d piace, 175 Second Street. Tbe I.'diies, ' i.-eg it. Geo. C. Blakeley. C. J. STUBhlHG, WUOI.hv.'tE ASI' BKTA1 Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. a ; i ; r i . r..T,T.iT;:'.r.r..Tir..T.Tiji.:iTJT.;Jrj yjjj.A., imrt on Hhona S3 i t.OQg I'ikt 1 BO i 'A 1 T . F. S. GUJWjG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer aud Wagon-maker. -DKALKB En da'- - Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aeent i.i-Uu.-v... .... Engine. T !... and ou Mills. TIME CAPli Leave Bortlan - Leave Astoria Telephone 157. Long Distance 1078. i ii.ri., IFiekaratMM jeaebinetoa .-. ; : j. vr.. r j .:.!. V...-J-. ,rxr .,; ;: Mr. M on Iba . iwinc aritoeteei u pa n . . '.-.i.Jef.t- a:.: r....;. .... r mat M W 0 L?ie. in mb ai . ill ul i... ( ,rl,nm. Hall. W A.if.;i,t'.r. . wr.'. ca S H latter ;. kat I M J! ... v. :r.r a. .j..,:. a-.; -. .- Uoo aE . a.... J ... ,,. ,. tgaoa v fc Iicsj-Afc rigl.Ttn TIC E FOB PUBUCAI10N. iiu; j. imt :.- g:-..r. ti.: :r. ;..r;.,:,, i. provlaton of lb ant Cotunrsa A:, a' . - :.. ... . Mr ,ai.o. n. I;,. adt and w 'i al. Ihr pablp l"'J. frai.i 01!!. am. ntai oi ibU ifltea - ntein. ': . H Landing an; f!.-t Foot oi Aider "tree: nr.:. r.one-. M 3-5:, I' jr.. an : . '-TegOU. K. w. OBJCHTON, 4ent Portland, J. M. FILLO 4ft. Tne Dgllw, A. J TAVL i-K, Agent Attoria, hate, tf, PaeAaerteM Kapoaittoa h modtrtp rates via O. id. A N. from Tne l-.i.es, -. -0. Tickets or. tale iirst and tr.i'd Toeflays ouring June, Ju ; , Au,"i-- aaptambor Md Oetobarlgood for continuous paag-1 ling on date of ,4.e. Batora iitrm tnirty dayt frooE date of ta.e 8top.oeaea will beaiioaed west of Mieeoori i ver or kft, J'au on return trip a iiLin limit of ticket. rranfamnt can be made by appiv. Drying preparations aim level. op dry catarrh . t .-y u.-y np the aaesetiona, v.bicL adhere to the membfane and decom. POM, aanaingafa: more aariou trouble than tut ordinary form I i catarrh. Avoid uli dry. ing inhalant, fumea. KEiokes and anulia and uae that hi ih Innnaoi. goothta and h-:aiK. Ely i Cream liaim is huch u remade a.-.d will cure caiarrh or cold in the head eaaQv and plaaeantly. A trial aixe aril be mailed for 1" cents. Ail dr ,t'pir.' sell the V s:.;. Ely Brother? 56 Warren Ht K. Y. J be Balm cures without pain, ckoea not irritate or aanaa aaeezing. It apreada itself ' .- an irritated and angry enrface, relier. ins :.o. mediate. y tbe ia'.t.!ul intlammution. W:th Ely't ream Bui in eou arc am,d THt. UIKIXG CAB noitia nnu u,PT, Her. SeoGiiil & IwM Sis , THE DALLES. OB. SOUTH and EAST via t IT aL n i n wit n n w n MAwam II Ml II I II I I I III II I I I II n . aaaa. a kww a am iiui uiGiii rauiiiG souiaeq fbgiiic hl Yellowstone Park Line. Shasa Route ...... -f . . ... ' inu !.. .... - t. i. M - TtL . " 1 " a ... v,o., inelia .es. t ..! Lone lioefe. coiiiio o' '' tieke.e ... ba honored OS lata - aa . j. iteamert ;n one or both direction be- - . . '.ae,,n imroit and Koffalo. I fc Y M ai..; villoflWtn ., ." tt JAMII IaMLAan A vent SI.ed a:., a .il.O.rlir.n l u ..... "'.f:.1 '""- ' t uaic n tan wo - iia: . i. ir. itir nrrTlf' against Nasal Ca:arrL and Hay Eevf-r. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It art.iicially digests the food uudaida Naturt io sLretuftbetiirig and rtcou strutting the exnauted diK't-stive or fjt'.us. It is the latest discovetecidigest- TO THt tA-T. Tilt ONLY DUUUH Ull TO THt HTO.Nt PAKK taavn. Dial Hftd FlftllH 1 Bj tu.ow 1 ratm leave The Dalle ior Hurt:a:.d and Mai..,;,.- at I i, a. m. and a p, Ui. oopt ae. nnrl inula "V L.,. - m- : . L , , l .. . mwt.iv.ivi .-Vi ULII'I IJIOIIHrilLlOri i. ii-.... aLicr e r. v h i Kwmui . m ..... 1. j . , mem f..; . .. JT r "m w "7' at iu ... . ..r ,. ......... ,.; i.-. i... . - ' " lime, anu m,. cure the autuiiy re tug m reanint for not acceptine a third ' m . aroret cold in tae ve ,.,.,. , Dy&pepsu arm, erbici 1 made to a oar of vourm H- i.a...- i. mfntulfui. o.-, .( ..... . ! latulence ' Mir, , i ,r . Mo. -. Fast mai: for Tannine. "eatti... Olfmpla, irav HarU.r ai d goiltb Bend poinu, pikaoe, h,i land, ii ( ., Pnllnan, x . Mr,',""r' healaton, boi ia A. si. nloHump niiiiinic,ui. try. Helena, Uinuaauo. Ufi at. J-aji, Oioulm KaiH i ily, fit. U.nih. iiir-aifn and ell poloit NO I. vaat aial MJUlbOMt, .an u vi . .J "11"1 Kaprawj ' J1 lor Iar-,,11,;, and aaattie and iiiterniiiiaU; paint AEUIVe. No. t-M I', M No. 3. T;0u A M. Leave Portland 8:30 a ir. Albany ii.am Arrive A-hland u.Xi a m bacramenu &:( p n " ftu:. granOtaOO 7:4a p ui Arrive Ogdon 6;J5 a m Denver 9;0u a " Kaiisa UUy . 7 p a m " Cbtcaeo 7:15 a ui Arrirt boa Angalat l:fBpa " Kl Hbm. 6:0(1 p in tort Worth 6: a 111 " City of Mexico . ... !:55ain " llouaton ... 4:0eD " New Orleans 6:ifam " WaiihiiigUin . . t. Al a in " New York 1J .I3, in i:33 a li i.sa-: j.MlaB :iiol I: Pj i,'drjj t v. a r . ' t, tftfl .-. .i . '. in young nam wi!:,e,e HoaMt I a i.ar' Q rnen. I aj nut aav and I nave not taid - ., K-'Xl Portland. ?2bwtt Hat druggist vnetnaf i mini air. ajcKiole ooold he D "'''J 1! aertom 'ianninKadvr.T in lantnd anal.,, but I do y t'h.t in mv Z; .tSWZV., ( indgaaMl no mac ai.: ever b elected "$F& m M HM nM ' Bick Headache, Gaatralgia Cramp.-, and all other results of imperfect ditrestinn. T : . I - aa cl a. ,t at ar . rain; your nuuse witn naints that TSt ,4-inretuecontaliutK tlmee i "rite folly .uaranteeo to ,tt. .vU, Tr-;'jJf LVetIJ:n- boldhyfliHraeAralk-af.,,. .Wmacy. IPJUBCO II ill enOieOCJt. it in- I ulinmn find Ilrt n,n.r , R'i OtSrSVxSTt eonneenon. SSSi KKKe rhecawl i,, deatlnain.,. ... rot 'UaiidNomely lllu.ii.ualdaMriniii. Bt n Kranc aco witn , ieepii,( ear raterration en ... i 7.. rT:J 7,, ,,""".,i' ","5 "r Honolulu. Jap"". , M , , uuipjune, neutral aud noutl. America. Tourlat car. on b"'.' .ySZ iramantd to oiKduu "1i(J SITE m 10 uiciigo, ei la.ui., - hlngtan OonnMlnj at Han Kranctaco with ( A. D. CHARLTON, HhtU-llBfT Aa..ii or.; at . ton treet.oornet Thud, PorOand SSragom bee agent at The Dallea atation, or add.ial C. H. MARKHAM, Ouueral Paaaeuger AKeut, l orn1.