Dalles Daily ffimmfete. JULY 8, 1901 pp ream JJ VI UU I I I and Ire Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. L . . I K.K4SI KK.K. S N I IT If IK. i . . . JOHN F. BAMrSBTRK, County TrHorr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. 8S $1.00 $1.25 iHlreworkB and tligs for sale at Eastern Bes at Mays A Crowe. the po8t-t ff.ee will be open tomorrow I tween the honrs of 11 and 12 o'clock. nMD. Dohertv tins mornine entered unonV Hp duties of bis office as city recorder &anch tongue, deviled bam, all kinds i thigh grade canned goods for yonr out mg tomorrow, at Mays & Crowe's. mm- M, Morris and son, of Victor, ltngU to town yesterday 24 head of fmy tine fat hog which they sold to the Inmbia Packing Company. l . .Indd, of Pendleton, Marten at 'clock this morning from Hood River rn on an automobile bound for Cloud Inn, expecting to make the trip roiiles in six hnnrs. At the Wasco warehouse Monday 148,000 pounds of Prineville was sold on Mtle 1 bids at IP. merits per pound and SljOOO pounds t f John Day wool was ! ;llilOUnt old at private sale at ll3., and 12 cents. ; the White Collar line has !eised!or' am) year cttice accommodations in tie. ijflBdwin Opera House building. The! aMDpanv is about tn let a contract for i tte building ot a duck at ttie foot of j ion street. - P-nii i.t Q tmnwm OMnrl-t) t.i a nt t l,a huiv i .i-rr. - 1 nut- uuriiig lue uiouin Blfa ...I . o-.i T-..-:- . ifP' Irs this morning, from 8 to 10 o'clock, ft n ni't ' uments were placed on file, w i i.t n frntii u I i.. . ' Success - A ssu ring - Ta ft ics. We depend upon you for Success, and you look to ns for money-saving value-gaining opportunities; they're here. For three days we offer you some of the best money-saving: values ever offered by the department. ..Summer Challies.. ! Good Assortment of Patterns, all new. Our Price A I per yard. j I Extraordinary Bargains in Children's Dresses DC Values 69c " 60c " 80c M 95c 1.60 Values $1 20 $1.65 " $1.29 $2.00 " $1.39 $2.25 " $1.45 $2.50 Values $2.75 " $3.00 " $2.00 $1.85 $2.25 Serge Suits Strictly all-wonted, lrst Ital a ' inn cloth lined, the most dur ible, most drossy, by far tln most gratifying Bummer suit made; prices from $10.00 to $13.50; coats eu double-breasted. tingle ami Your choice. $9-35 New Hats, To be Given Away nf 25c will receive a Child's Parasol FREE. On Wednesday every LADY custo ! mcr making a purchase to the No parasols given to children. j Shirts, and Fancy Hosiery. PEASE & MAYS. It wa9 grown an his lot up Lmoney, and as it was necessary for their lear the earrison in white nine land to have some to live on she wished to jthat twenty years ago was not thought borrow a little on some silverware, Jfit to produce anything. No degrees of iwhich she had with her and offered for nctivenese of Wasco countv soil anv : inspection. Her folks needed I i badlv Klonger surprise any body in these parts. j'and this would be returned in a few nit- i i'iimv riiii.iii-tiiiueri! luiiri ujbi i nr. i : ,l- i ...i u it u . , ne nave iu iuii uiui'e Beveri moois 01 uivb as buoii as luey cuuiu near iruiu IS in ruing With Commissioners ! f .I . .n Lv. L-... r:.j:ir . 1 nueni, buiuc ui lurm i.-jii miu ibk u vrr iu nit i.a?'.. rivcuiunriu uicu nre kluwii me uu narriujiu iu neuuuie, fatAHm to lha atrial' and mmaihi. fan I In hava .ivn h.r thA til n,l taken tho j t 1 1 1 i 1 4 . . , 1 ' tf m i age i.iuKeiey oeing auBeni on a trip It. The court will adi iurn over tO' rrow and may not meet again till tt week. measuring four incci 111 icugm, 111a. nnc piuu.cu n tmoath ago out of the drift sands at the side of the railroad track up the road a lew miles east of The Dalles. many )eputv Sheriff E. B. Wood returned! - . Orin pav iruiu 1 jiiLiiu vt .inner lit) ilverware as security. How there invested 19 not known. The ; and lt 18 being discussed ilvprirarp io nf nrnraa rhnin on that a ! 01 tne State to the Oilier. ..... - . w - p - -- ' big profit is made. Who the girl's ac- Dunbar, of Goldendale, passed comPlice iB haB nt be" Earned. .She on lu8 way home . . from St. Martin'e Springs where he ; uul ,u "cr iht Alielrv nrrfitfH rm a niaht train his place, in response to a telephone ! "pe"1 ")B lW0 weeK8-. v nen Mr uuuuir eui io me springs ne w ae almost as helpless as a child, from flammatorv rheumatism Will liiNect the I'pper Columbia. wage irom the Portland chief of Ice. The men were accused of the tny of $140. At the annual conference of the Uoited Brethern cliurch which met at twell, Or., on the 1st inst., the fol- nng ministerial appointments were le for Wasco county: Hood Kiver, p. Schaffer; Tygh, H. L. Bell ; Ttie llee, L. Harter; Dufur, W. N. Igett; Hood Kiver mission to Vje plied. HFfic Regulator this morning brought mm from Portland a Sock of 100 Angora Kats which H. C. Martin recently Hpoglit in the Willamette valley to place mtk his ranch seven miles southeast of He Dalles. This purchase can hardly Hcaliedan experiment, as Mr. Martin IflAa experimented with a few on his jHace already and is well satisfied with the result. hue Jake Binns was screwing the on a glass jar of preserves yesterday was putting up for County Surveyor nt. the lar broke and the class cut a m vere gash in his arm that required vera, stitches of a surgeon's needle to Sose up. To make matters worse the Mass severed an artery and before the 'pBreun was reached Binns had lost a krge quantity of blood. Tommy and Johnnv were nlavinu tient and doctor. Johnny was the rtient. He was supposed to be suf Wing from some deep seated and mys-Urn.'.i- malady. Dr. Tommy fe'.t hit plee, tooK hiii temperature by means of te kitchen thermometer, thumped his Kest and noted his respiration. "What u mmwm J mx.at en, lie HBIU, IB IO and wash your feet. Five dollars ease." Chicago Record-Herald. Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, of Fossil, while ilirii in lh. vtrinitv nf .T.nni.,u luub cently discovered a swarm of bees tiled on the ground near the trail. mciinu uiH-m iu a uour rt anu iucui nunie uu nuraeuaca, a lani'K f.T t mr uu I u in i I 4. a ar..f ...it tl.u... ws , nwvj lUIIT UU IUI IIICUI a hive. At last accounts the bees n. j Representative Moody informs Thk He was nn- ChhohH i.e, that although he was most able to dress and undress and had to be helped in and out of the bath tub. In a 1 week he was able to help himself in both these respeets, and fie returns t home very much improved, only re gretting that at this particular time the exegencies of business required his presence at home, at least for a few weeks, when he expects to spend another seas jd at the springs. The Kansas City Journal tells this , story : "Frank Anderson was for many years a well known commercial traveler who made Galena. He was passionately fond of honey, and the proprietor of the Galena hotel, at which he always stopped, always had some on hand for him. On one trip Anderson took his ' wife along, and as he approached Galena : he mentioned to her that he was getting , ; to a place where he could have honey. When the pair were sitting at the snpper ; table that night no honev appeared, and Anderson sai j sharply to the head waiter: 'Where is mv honey?' The waiter smiled and said: 'You mean1 the little black haired one? Oh, she don't work here now.' " The Fossil Journal says President ' ' I l-fla , ,f Ihll i lltf.il.il. ,.iill .-rn o . . I 171 D 1.1.-. u- 11 ' ,J Columbia river, will accompany . . -. itniutiH ... 11. i'lLi'jlfT niir 111 .,, , . party u win aiso itepreseniati ve raoouy who expects to join them either at The fieer-riumtter Nti. Under date of July let the following dispatch appears in the Pendleton Fast Oregonian, and is dated from Portland : Recent editorials in the Fast Oregoni an relative to Governor Geer and the alleged $1000 note involving Plumber, ex sheriff of Polk county, have stirred up the story of tbe penitentiary deal from one end An the story ' goes, Geer promised Plumber the posi- tion of superintendent of the peniten tiary in consideration of $ 1000, provid j ing Geer was elected governor. This 'note was written upon the back of a j typewritten letter. At least one state I senator from a Willamette valley county and an ex-governor have seen the docu- i ment. The latter made a copy of it and as tie .has one ol Ueer e signatures tie compared his original with ttio oce attached to the document and declares li.t the one Plumber had is undoubted ly genuine. The eame gentleman says that Governor Lord went with Plumber to the state bouse when the money was paid, but does not know whether Lord was present when the cash was trans ferred. According to the same inform ant, Plumber insisted on Geer paying 2000 for the note. The real history of his note is not positively known, but it is generally understood that Senator Simon had it, until a few months ago, locked up in his safe. If one rumor being circulated is correct, Governor Geer was given the note when he vetoed the Portland charter after the legisla ture. While this note story gained consider- HAYNES BROTHERS, Manufacturer! ol The "Haps" Net and Slacker. We an plaaiOd to inform mr jiiitions tuxl Hie public ni gentra! that wo have too oxoluilve control anil manufacture ol l In (eleliraled Ha) nes Not and Staoker, which is too l'xt torn yet Invented for unliintlliiK liny or grain from beadcr bedr, w aio now manufaoturtfi at Dufur, Oragou, mid etob BeJ 1m colt fu ly tnado and examined before leaving the factory. Ab- Hitlutxly Mom. Mlniile to oiiriti anil at lfactory. CorreHponclence solicited from nil Interested parties. ijyim Havnks iiiios., Dufur, Or, JBjr Ha Wan Turin ril. "I suffered such pain ffftlti cm. I could hardlv walk," write II ttohlltMll, Hllllboronih, llls.,"iiit Bncklvn'i Arni ca Salve rumpletelv cired li-:i " Aetl like tiuiatc nn sprain, limine, ctits. sores MMldfi bn-ns, boll, ulcers. Per lect healer d k'li I rj (dies. Ottft guaranteed by (i. 0. Ml.ike'ev, llm drtittgi'!. 25c. t When your hair appear drv and to have lost its vitality it want lorntthinf to give it hie ami vigor. e ua?a bnt the hair need when it get n thai con dition. We have m tin- Crowfl of Science II n i r Anft ( irowcr anil (-ocoanut ( irnm V V runic. They cure dand B mil' a d all lealp disease". Kr Sale t Fraier'l bar ber shrtp Price MB snd "hr n buttle. Why not spend tlie vacation at Ya- qQlOM bay, where can he had excellent fare, ii no I iNbing, good boating, fo bathing, alluring rides and ramblr. The courses and exercise at t be sum DM school of KOI at Newport will atf .rd great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment No nther resort offers equal attractions and like advan tages, ran 1 1 tf If yon want, to retain your bur you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap wili make your hair harsh, d-y and crimpy. Now we have t of the very lie.H preparations for cleansing the- scalp F.gg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave vonr hair soft and kloMV. I'rice, SS and 60 cents a bottle, at Kr.i.cr'a barber shop, Tne Malles. tf Fonith of July rates, Regulator line, any point between Tbe Dalltl and ("as cides Lock", one fare for the round trip. There w ill be celebrations at I. vie, Hood River and Stevenson. Steamer" will leave The Dalles at 7 a. in. and :l p.m. j'JT 3d Mid-summer clearance sale of milli nery at the Campbell k Wilton Milli nery parlors. B vary thing In the line of bead wear at one half the actual val ue. j'JS-lm R, B. Uttbretli & Noiib will keep at all times a supply of hay, grain and iced which thev will retail at the lowest market rates. j'-'ti-tf Chatauqiia, (iladstone Park, July .! I to 8tb. One fare for round trlpt Regu lator line steamers. j27 Iwk DrfllMli spring chickens nt the Stadel man OommUiton Co.'s ''4-tf WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sta. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 483. Local. 102. that town last week conferring with the bueiness men of the place ever the; matter of building a branch line from a point on the Columbia Southern near liutherie to the mouth of Thirty-Mile on the John bay, a distance ol thirteen miles. The Journal says : "This would place the terminus of this feeder just 22 miles from Fossil, and make it che shipping point for half of dillia-n and almost all of Wheeler counties. This extension, which would no doubt ' soon be followed by other extensions, would result in vast quantities of rich aoil being broken up by the plow, and enormous profits to the road." A live business was done across the river last week aava the Albany Demo- anxious to have the congressional rivers and harbors committee visit the Upper I Columbia at the time of their visit to! Portland a much more satisfactory ar rangetnent has been made and one that will give the committee all the time necessary to inspect all the river ob-j structions in which ttie pecple of the Inland Empire are especially interested, i Mr. Moody was in the company of the : committee all the time they were in the state, and he has the solemn promise of Chairman Burton that the party will inspect the Upper Columbia from Lew- j iston to the mouth of the Willamette, leaving Seattle about the 24th for Lew- ! iston and arriving in The Dalles about j the fdtfa. The intention is, if possible, to make the whole trip from Lewiston to Celilo by boat and to have the Idaho delega tion acconiuanv the committee all nf this distance. At Cel.lo a train will be i ab!e WOlielt! last year, it practically, in readiness to bring the committee on j dled out unl" l,'e Kast OWfOOl-B asked to The Dalles, where they will be e. 8 ,uw Plline"t 'fuer'es a,""u U,B ",at- j tertained by the city. Here the com- ter- Wit,iiD the ',a"t ,cw wt"ek8' UoW' ! mittee will be met bv their lady friends, ; ever the 8U, Ject l,HH aain PP"r,l -faowlllbe brought" here by loat from I and 8 bein rerre,, to amo"" 1,10 Portland. Captain Langford, who is in ' CjQntry prHeB- (rn(,r ,ier- ll I 1 . ....I . ........... .J-.t-t.- Ill I charge of the improvements of the " mwrnmnrnt ! " w.n Bill a staiemeni at ine proper nme. It is known that he prepared to say eomet'iing lat year, but rfuoniidfrtd New Grocery Store Wo have added ji Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh t (Mean stock. Give us :t call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. .MAYS CROWE, the i Spokaneoi Lewiston. Chairman Burton assureil Mr. Moody that ho would wire ; him as soon as the party returned to : Seattle from Alaska and give the exact date when the party might be expected to reach Lewiston. The steamer Baily Gatzert will leave The Dalles at 3:!J0 p. m. on July 4th1 making a through run without stops, arriving in Portland at o p. m., in time for the excursionists to view the fire works. Music by the Columbia String j Ouiutet. j2!i-td tbe matter. V, V. T. I . Notice. Will Die members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union piease at tend the meeting Friday at 9:80 p;. 10. at the Congregational church. BKMII K. ROBBBTH, Pres. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. NECKTIES ! NECKTIES Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Four-in-Hands rooms for Wanted Three furnished light housekeeping by a family of three nn etiiblr.n Ar.r.lv at thia ... ..... k- . m m. I ' rr't v ' " t-.-v, m juuiik gin, wno UUUOUOWdlV ir Hi IIITiiM an. I f 1 1 1 1 m. im rrt ...'... . -uvlu- mw. " - imi an ai-ninriiina in lit. ..u ai I i f . mm iv v. ni i ci - their new UUartarR. Mil Imirntl m.;. mm , warr. una was me wav ane did it. John Fender, of this city, brought to I Dressed rather poorly she told of hav- nt uuhonici.k omce this morning a ling just arrived with her parents from ead of lettuce that weighed over IU lthe East, aettinv here without anv a w j f 4t Second growth of oak. fir, pine, maple and slab wood at lowest prices at Maier A Benton's. J28 lwk Flags at Menvfee X Parkins. j2(ij CASTOR I A For l&tauti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Suatur of 3&yjjBESEii If anything ails your hair, go and see Fraxer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that be makes a specialty of these goods. tf Subscribe for Tint Ciikonk i a. m um mm mil xwwc m m m via 25e and 50g. Special Values. Latest Patterns. Just Opened.