The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 03, 1901, Image 1

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31) e Sialic
AVcgetable Preparationfor As
similating the Food andReguia
ling the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfur
ness nndRest.Contains neither
Opium, Morpliine nortineral.
Not "Narcotic.
.'Artpe or OM nrSAMVELPtTCNEIl
ftmpfcm Sad'
Mx.Smm -
IttKhrllf -sLusr
Awl t
Jtiptrmint -
HfmHpmd -amilfm
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Uon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
dadvq onnv
if tu 1 w w v 1
1 1 win mi 1 ii'it 11 ..-iirnav nanp i.nacriii
Find Simple Explanation.
Beattle, July 2. It is curious what
unnv thlnai travelers trv to emuL'ule.
Though in this caee it wa-not funny, but
a ghastly thing, and there was no duty
on it. a humau bod v. without a soul
1 net nuuiflu rur il irriTou ttL ik
way from Dawson, having left the Klon
dike capital on a small steamer some
days before. Each of the women had a
child with tier. One of the women, alter
I .i.-ii . n-r'i'., 1 at S ! u.f 11 u 1 I..-...I.
i . 1. . 1 11 . I. 1 1 1 1 11 r.n 11 im , . null 1 V. ' ' (I
suited to having her trunks searched la
the customs ofllcer, until he reached one
particular one, w hen she suddenly raised
an objection, and did not seem lo want
it looked over.
"There's nothine in it.-' she said, "but
baby clothes and so on."
The officer naturally started in to make
a thorough investigation of t tie trunk,
when suddenly he came upon a baby's
body, lying packed in soft clothes, its
bands calmly clasped in death. Startled
beyond measure at the discovery, the
customs officer asked for the woman's
story, "What is this?" queried the
officer. The woman looked at him for a
moment, and tears filled her eyes, yet
she uttered not a word. Knowing that
there had been a sad bereavement in her
family, the officer quietly awaited the
woman's reply.
When she recovered sue produced the
certificate of a Dawson doctor and told
the circumstances of the death. The of
ficer had no more to say, so the woman
took the steamer, with her trunks and
her darling, who had departed this life,
and started on a long journey for the
purpose of placing it in a lot w here she
had laid other little ones, many
away from the laud of iis nativity,
Two reasons prompted her to smuggle
the baby. One was that she wished to
have her baby with her, and the other
was that she could not meet the charge
which all roads made for a corpse io a
Fatally Wouu4cd.
Chicago, July 2. While attempting
to recover an umbrella and purse belong
ing to a young woman who was a strang
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
er to him, WilliHin J, Harris waB ebot
; and fatally wounded last night by Mich-
i ael Varios, a Greek. As his victim fell
to the floor Varlos dropped his revolver
and fled, purt-ued by a number of men
who had seen the shooting. He has not
been captured.
The affray occured in an ice cream par-
I lor in which Varlos is a waiter. Half an
hour before the shootiug Varlos had quar
reled with a woman and her escort who
had entered the place. A fight followed
between the men during which Varlos
was struck over the head with an urn-
breila by the woman. She then ran out
the door, leaving the umbrella and her
purse behind. Just outside the door she
met Harris who inquired the cause of
her excitement. She told him and he of
fered to return and secure the umbrella
and the purse. Eutering the store he de
manded the return of the woman's prop
erty. Varlos told him to step to the rear
ot the store and li would band him the
articles. The Greek t hen walked behind
I a counter and drawing a revolver from a
drawer, deliberately fired it three times
; at Harris.
Two bullets entered the breast ami one
the abdomen. Hairis is a machinist
I from Pittburg.
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
cure for my present good health and my
life. I was treated in vain by doctors
for lung trouble following la grippe. I
took One Minute Cougli Cure and re
covered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise,
Madison, Ga. Clarke ft Falk's P. O.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Hemoves all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 els.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Early Kisera compel your liver
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
you r:ch, pure blood to recuperate your
body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior
paints when vou can buy James E.
Patton's sunproof paints for $1.60 per
allon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
alk, agents, ml
Seventy Persons Perished of Heat in
New York and Brooklyn Between
Midnight and 11 a. in.
Chicago, July '2. Temperatures at 7
b. m., were reported a? follow! : New
York, SS; Boston, 82; Philadelphia, 92 ;
Washington, 30 ; Chicago, 7S ; Cincinnati,
78: St. Louis, SJ.
New York, July 2 At 11 o'clock the
police department list" showed from
midnight to that time a total of 52 deaths
from the heat had been reported in
Greater New York. Nearly all the dead
were adt.lte. The prostrations were so
numerous that it was impossible to keep
a complete record of them. The weather
bureau thermometer was at the 95 mark
ut 10 a. in., six degrees higher than at 10
o'clock yesterday. There was no breeze.
To add to the suffering, the humidity was
was 59 per cent as compared with 48 per
j cent yesterday.
In Booklyn thirty sudden deaths were
reported to the coroner's office between
midnight and 9 a. m., and of these
seventeen were directly due to the heat.
So many horses have been killed or
disabled by the heat that deliveries of
provisions and ice were much retarded
today, thus adding to the discomfort and
Buffering. In the interior cities of this
state the heat was generally but little
At Buffalo the temperature was 7G
degrees at 9 a. m.
PlTTBBCBG, Pa., July 2. Twelve deaths
and sixty prostrations from the heat
were reported between midnight last
night and 11 o'clock this morning, mak
ing the number of fatalities for 24 hours,
While last night was not as close as
the previous night, thousands of persons
in the tenement districts slept in hall
ways or on the etone steps, brick pave
ments and even in the street.
Many poor mothers sat up all night
watching their slumbering children that
harm migbt not come to them as they
lay on the pavements.
At 8 o'clock this morning the mercury
stood at 78, and at 11 o'clock it had risen
to 86. The indications are for thunder
storms and lower temperature tomorrow.
Nearly every mil! and furnace not al
ready affected by the strike is crippled
from the j;reat number of heat prostra
tions o! employes and many mills have
been forced to entirely suspend opera
tions. Fifty-two men were prostrated by the
heat in the finishing mills No. 28 and 32
and open hearth mill No. .'J, of the Home
stead Steel Works during the night. This
morning the mills shut down.
Subscribe for The Chuoniclk.
July 4th
Hood River )
Round Trip
Stevenson ) . , rr .
r, ir? Round 1 rip.
Cascade Lox 1
The excursionists to the above points will be
carried both ways by ttie DALLES CITY.
" Regulator" leaves lo a. in. for Lyle,
Hound Trip 50c
"Regulator" will leave ONE HOUR ahead
of time (at 2 P. M ) for PORTLAND, and
will arrive at Portland at 8:30 P. M, in
ample time for fireworks.
Foropii to Leave Onaatr.
Nkw Yokk, July 2 The World says :
At a result ot the manv threats ngaintt
his life by anarchists, an indefinite leave
of absence has been granted Giovanni
Btanohi, the Italian consul-general in
this city, it is siid that be lias gone
back to Italv, where he will remain until
the Paterson "reds"' are less active. For
weeks befoie he left the consul employed
a body guard, and kept his place of resi
dence a secret. His personal mail !
leceived at the l.otos Club, but he was
seldom seen there, and sent a messenger
daily to get his letters.
The Italian consulate is left, in charge
of the vice-consul,, and is carefully
guarded. All visitors are closely in- j
spec ted and questioned as to their buei-:
ness in an outer office. Only those who
Satisfy the inquisitor that their business 1
is of a legitimate character are admitted
to the presence of the acting consul, lieu
ton, it is alleged, has recently changed
his residence, keeping his present abode 1
It was the activity of Consul Branch)
in exposing t he plot to kill King Hum
bert that turned on him the hatred of
the anarchists.
Circulation Show num.
Washington, July 2. The monthly
circulation statement issued by the con
troller of the currency shows that at the
close of tiie fiscal year, June 29, 1901, the
total circulation of bank notes was $353,
742,187, an increase for the year of .44,
101,744, ami an increase for the month
of $7, 159,587.
Tne circulation, based on United States
bonds, was if 323, 809, 684, an increase for
the year (149,775,134, and an increase
for the month of $352,507.
The circulation secured by lawful
money amounted to $29,851,505, a de
crease for the year of $5,673,380, and an
increase for the month of $1,807,130.
The amount of United States register
ed bonds on deposit to secure circulation
notes was $326,219,230, and to secure pub
lic deposits, $103,810,450.
Catarrb tmiuot lie cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the teat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country tor yee-8, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chksky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Familv Pills are the beat. 12
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should be
j promptly applied to cuts, burns and
scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the
injured part. There are worthless
counterfeits, be sure to get DeWitt's.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
leaves 7 A.. M. for
This Store
Tal m ' i
Women j
oft, elastic, cool and perfect- y -" '1
ffltviftiH.nliLt w tliic l.-i,;tf,.,l ,
vviiik'i tio'u i a iii ii' niu
$1.25 and $1.50
Excelled by no other
make for comfort and
good wearing quali
ties V V
A Complete Line.
12 to IO years 7)C
jtx A. Al J Ai iA JU A A Jim .fw A Ai Jt
(I mom a a nnn nrvniir
u uiorbft 1 o rvji ovj 1 n ut i aiiu iiiuii i .
I The Latest Novelties for Children for I'arlor Displays; J
I perfectly harmless. i
Sky Buckets, Unman Candles, r lower 1'ots, tne Kings, Japanese Ac
jj robats, linme Buns, Fly Wheels, Pin Wheels, Bomb, Torpedoes, and all
4 kinds of Fire Crackers, at
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
will be closed
July 4tH j? j?
Waists for
Children P
( 'om for table, w v e n
waists or under-bodies
for hoys anil girls.
Strapped with tapes to
catch the strains the live
liest youngster is apt to
p give the " Nazareth "
Waists 25c
'' ! J A ..) ;i
vvvvi w , , , ,
'tn, in Dft I
The proper thing
for a ...
growing girl.
12 to 17 years,
Tv A 7 A Tn XT T i TI m