The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1901, Image 4

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    A Mother's Plain Words JH SCREAM! $ j. E. FALT & CO.,
no-. ..h.i;v."..- - - -
... h nnl -.-.j l an :vv. . m
nuM"""1 1 11, WH ika a
pa-.r. nwcbeetnndlonga. I coal
bring. fsorneor.:- a. -'- Ac;;
trs enelish Remedy, and I
though) I would try it, although
1 c in . ss l down Inmy heart
oop causeo :.. lens
o, r
An Old - Fashioned Celebration.
3 Purest Liquors for Family Use
I ha ; : ttW faith ir. t:. lit?
first b tie ca--c great relief,
av.,L e: r.-.a me
the healthy woman l am today.
Hy husband s lnng arc weak
also, and he cured himself with
the some grand old remedy.
Our boy and girl have both
been saved by it from death
har ; v move, ana to at
3-t.c n
Delivered to any part of the City. P
Pl SsDietance. 173 Second Street, j
er up. i fcnow tnis m so, tor
m - $ -
Bignt . baa ; no ; - - -
malady was easily overcome
We alwav . ive . toth chil lrei
V '.
it is a m t"... ::ic that can ;.
be depended upon for all tb
troubiesot -.he breath.; z - rar.s
1 tel! all or ne shb- a mat
Acker's English Rente !v whenever a - - -
pie around Mechanicsville, X. V.. whew I live, wh would a m
in, f :ed at night witlnv.t .. b'tt'.e i t it u: the .: ttM than tttej v.
their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally re;
they allow thelf children t die undo- their very eyes croup
is ;. -;erui:t remedv t' v.-:.'. conquer the terrible m aster everv :
(Signed Mrs. Fl.
Itatt rotrrtnone? will L-e r?:ufldtd c-ie
i.:.::.'C u..u ..tuj. 0.-.. ...-.. . ..
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy
Concloded Iron: Iblrd
up am! the result was most offentire to
anv-n wtio was compelled to pais that
-r, The matter teas referred to the
committee an streets and public prop
erty .
Treasuret C. 3 Orandal ure the
, - .
offi rs -xp-?r-ed. Ti.e thing bad never
been done before but it ongbt to be done
I thi ciose of every year. Tali Would
be a tfoud time to make a star;. Tr.e
b: .k m ml I be more easily experted
0 s- year, The mayor ,.ii-?s:-i ! .:..i: if
thf eooncli t ok action in this ma-ter. a
etfai i- -: U'd be employed or at least
one in bc eray related to the officer? or
in ai . ay inte.-psre i :n the . A
urn:' n to have Ihe books esaerted r-'--va
!? : end the committee or. finance
u- instructed tc see i.' at. effic; rnt f x-p-r:
aid e ubtain-4 1 at, I '. lej rt at
UOXt ni;!!!i.
At tiic suvijes'.ion of the mayor t; wa?
orttt-r- : a new ordinance be mb
milted t i lbs nest rex:i.r nteting re-p-a
mv the old ordinance relating tc the
EicmsiuK of circuses and traveling ebows,
a; d thai tue o-uir reduced tc : it
t:.- irjf;- iireuses. c" fj- imallei ones
U!i'1 $0 UtT -ll )Wi.
Tae matter of having a spar, f t.orsei
Btationed ai! day on the Fuortn at the
ti m eneiue h utie vas referred to the
committee on tie and stater with power
A eotf uf;- wa- then patSid
Uuanim isij -x;-nding tne of
the c inoeil to the retiring eouneilmen
a:.: ofucers for their services in bebtif
of tne city .jtiriOfc" the past year.
PBttSOKat V.KNlli'N
Mr. .t:. . Mr- t :ene Pratt ;r
town today from Warme.
Mrs V C. B" cs.grsc: chief of tr.e
R tt h 'tone Sisteri, i in tne c:tv fr n
.' '. :;er:. of K.nas cy. aa.r in
'r. iat nigtit sceom Denied bj !
e i -:ai daughter.
Mrs Har-i-t X. a t -.rmer
rrsi-tiit of Tne Dalies, no of Lone
li k. i visiting friends ir, t:n c.:y.
R I Young end ian:;. y j' ibH city,
wi . t.-.ive on tomo'row' r. i jr a
ttiotit:. s K'j .urn a. Ya-iin Lay.
Ilrf, M. A. Moote, ,f P.-:n'-v;..e.
oVt'WtJ g'anii chief ui tr.e I o! H . was
a '..angif .i. tt.t- a. jrn.r.g's t-.a: fjr
Poet an-:.
Misr E ia left or. this miming;'
b i n a vigil tc friends ic I 'e.r. Citv
and iscidental y tu Utend :nr
UUiqoa a. ".adirooe Fa-s.
Ju ige Thomas 0 Day, if Portland is
in the citv laitit, trt'.iu. rt in a in
which the testora Orc.,ri Land Coco
paaj i- d-'ir.Uer.r an.i G, leaier. o'
":ir:ua!. eOQBt Dlaiotil
Repreeeutative M a Moody retaraed
.. ti.e : :..v ir ,n, l'-irt.and afr r.:r.g
.u tne exeorsl l ol the iu-?u,;r'.' of (
luiil mvt- an : .,: ,n.;i..-.-.-e
the Wi.laiuftte va,.-v, and djowp
Coluu. lia to i'.i mouth.
SlIUlll U4kilU L'OJIir
AasBoag ,
Kyte died this iutuu al ' - teU
He WOI Itriekra at bis home her? ahacjl
ten days ago Hi? trouh.r ws a tna
I n t o-i.-m, and resulted in a looetl n-
offeathMi ol the heart, wbieb censed tne
RVWateel a arn.. A cooU"UUun u( pi y.
lioiaai aa neni. and hi case toon took
a urn for tne better, the heart action
growing strutter and the genera. con
ditiuti OiUch Uire encuraging. One of
the latest bulletins (run. hie bedside iast
eek was to UWeffiel that t.r passed
ie dangei i -jiut and that hie reeoverj
wuuid he certain though sivr. The
:e thi
mid i
I D 1
i Die wncn
mse -e-e
vi F
. " ,'. t
:a $c, :.. mmi
.. ' botl
s .a- r bs I a ;.:; a attack in t ie East
so ae time a;-, -.i i ares I tab s to a cur
rent. fth ' nb!e. Bis health had rot
beet, robust f r a .r or to. His relapse
today was not exc-1 ;. however.
.' imes El Ky e si n near Xer.ia,
0., February iM, 1854. He entered the
University j: Illinois in 181, but left io
entet 0 m n Coiiejj; was
graduated ir a, the classical coarse In
IS7S; repared r-r admission to the bar.
afterwards entered the Western Tbeo
I giea Seminary a: Al.egheny, Fa.,
graduating In 1"- He was pastor of
Cji gregationai cnurches at Echo City
n I Salt Lake, Ctah, from 1S? to Ififio.
Since then resided at Ipswich and
A -- :-:-. S. I'. He was e tc'.ed to t:.s
Slate ie:..;te upon the independent ticket
after a contest lasting twenty
seven days, upon tne 4t.i-.n ballot, wa
e.e.-'.c.i .-.s an independent to tne United
Stite-i se.iato. to succeed Gideon C.
Moody . to k seat March -4. 1891, and
was re elected it !?t'7.
i rgr-ii i right. Be
Akuki ros, Or., July 1 Tom Payne
shot and dangerousiy wounded J. C. Mc
V. i c hern at Uttcn 1. '0ut o'clock this
afternoon, h Hfc are stockruen and near
neighbor on Tan.e CreeK. four u";,e be
v Mitchell. Tney ha"e ben pia'rei
iog for nearly a year over some old nay.
and came to blows in a dispute a few
eek? ago. Tney niet at Mr.cne.' tbil
afternoon, renewed ".tie quarrei, ani Mc
Eaci.ern invited Payne to "have it out"
then and tbre, I'ayne deelioed. Mc
Lat-uern iher. pvopoeed that they go out
Si ie the '.own liuiitl and 4e:t,e it. This was declined by Payne, who
m mated bis horse, SicEacbern foiiowing
on foot. When thej bod g me about SOt
yards. i'.tyne :- ev . -.- and tired,
the entering UcEacbern's L dy
be.ow the nreast ami couiiug out in the
lower pan of : jck. Tae jund wi.i
prolan. y ; r ve fata..
A:ter the an. ttng MeEacbesn sail he
sranted to "nave :. .;a " with bis
and i:ai :.e in Payne as am-i he
certain y woold DOI nave follows :.
Tne on.y witnesses a son -J. Payne,
shoot it years old, and a reiat:ve of Mc
Eacbetn's aboot the same age. Pine
;s under arret.
rri. .a in. apsera
Ba t Ja.y ian.e rep jr. were
rec-:eu :i. sa.em t , lay :.. t:.e gr.-et
aph.s nas appeared in ma; y he.d- of
Fa. .-sown grain. nd that the arn y
worm, which played bavac iast fa., with
growing CVOps, is aair, to bo seen work
ing ir. tne cover fieids. Thus far, how.
ever, there is n i repjrt of any immediate
danger fr ,a. either of tr.ese pests. Tne
army wjrms. it appe-ars are w rjt:tg t.
fields from wmcn tne cover has been
ni.wr, and a seeowd growth siar;ed.
I -n.cir . uilrr o lJnr .il.
Pi raott, Ju.y :. George v. Badfoed,
member of the Detroit Public Library
baardi ia IWcalvad a ie'ter froiu An
drew Carnegie statiaf that Mr. CVn-iie
Will eontriboM r.h.wii :oaa1 tne.-rec-tionofar.e
pobtll library (wilding in
this cite. .
Acker's Eoglleh kemeiy stopt
cugn at any nine, and wi.. cure the
Otat aold in trVf i,-, jr-. or U. , ev
.fnndeu. Ji cti. and 50 c:s. Diake.ey
iaj druggist.
If you c iebrate at home buy vour fire
w ?. . Menefee i arkin. If y00 gr.
abroad bov them Uefore uu go. Ma
Paint yoor nou-- witH pwmte that are
fuiiy guaranteed to issi. Ciarke . Falk
have them.
Music by the Band and Glee Club:
Reading of The Declaration of Independence.
GRAND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic.
Log Rolling Contest $100 00 in Prices
Greased Pole. Wheelbarrow Eace. Etc., Etc., with
Liberal Prizes to Winners.
BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the
Handsomest Exhibits
S700.00 Display of FIREWORKS
Baseball Game-Dalles vs. Hood River
Cool groves and romautit' hills and dells for the lovere
f oature,
Reduced rates y railroad and boat?.
' Die lv. and bring the children.
White Collar Line,
f De Saiies-Poniano Home
Except Monday,
Cascade Lock. Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Arrive Tne L.i!!es. $ t , M,
Leave " " 4 "
Arrive Portland 10 "
Meals the Verv Best.
Sunday Tripe a Leading Feature.
This Bouts ha the Grandest
Bceuic Attraction -n Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Daily tiound Trips except Monday.
Leave Portland 7 &,H,
Leave Astoria 7 i :.
Ltnding and off.:e F.xjt o: Aider
-tree: : both pr.ones, M 351, Portland,
E. W. 0B1CHT0N, As:ent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Aut. The Ial. .
- ' Ta : L 'i.. Agent ASt irl i
i:ie i PawAsaevteaa Kaposi tlaa,
P.jund-tr:p rates via O. B A N. from
The Li. es, ... Tickets on saie first
and ti.ird Tuesdays du-ing J utu . Jui; ,
Aug'!'. "September and October.g.-jd for
cuutinu jus passage going on date of saie.
Bel irn limit thirty days from date of
ale. iprOtart will be aLowed test o!
Miss-.uri river or bt. Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply
ing to agent 0. B k N. Co., The,
wnere-y tickets w; I he honored on lake
steamers in one r,r fK,tl) directions be
tween lAj'.roit and Raffolo,
U Jams aikaNo, Agent
DeWitt's Witofa Hazei Bajfttbouhj be
promptly applied to euts, burns and
scalds. It soothe and quiet y tieuie the
injured part. There are worthless
counterfeits, he ure to gut Da Witt ',
Ciarke k Falk 's P. O. Pharmacy.
You will not have doub if you take
Ciarke 4 Falk's sure cure loi botlg.
Just Received i
A full line of Fresh Printiii,.' ami De
veloping Papers direct from factory. I
Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox
and Arifito in all sizes.
Also a lino of Plates in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley,
Trays, Printing Frames,
Alliums. Multigraphe,
And all acc eeories to con plete the
outfit uf either the amateur or pn
fessiona! photographer.
c'ir Enreke Combined Toning and
Fixing Hath is a dandy. Try it.
T:,e A. E. C. Developer for plaie.
dime or developing papet i ha nocqnal.
Enough for 35c to develop 6 doxen plates
or li dozen Veiox 4x5. Perfect blacks
and whites are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De
veloper, and 6ee that yon get the
We art- prepared to compound any and
ai, of your own formal;' and guarantee
At the old place, 175 Second .Street.
The I'
Geo. C. Blakeley.
Drying jtc iparotiona simply level
up dry catarrh ; tn-.-y u:y up the SSCtrettona,
wbien adhere to tbe membrane and decom
pose, causing r. far more boriou trouble than
the ordiu.iry furn: ol t-aturri.. Avoitlaiidry.
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and ennffs
and use wbieb cleans-.';, jootbsa and
h-.aui. Li;- s Cream Iiaim in such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the hed
ly an I i leasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cems. All drugglstaaell the
SUi . s:ze. r.lyliroihers. 6(1 Warren St., N". V.
The Balm cur- without p.iin. does not
irritate or canse sn as ring It ipreadl itself
over an irritated and an .try surface, reliw.
inr immediately th- painful intlammution.
With Ply's r am Bain you nro armed
against Natal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature, in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the lutestdiscoveieddigeat
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Matulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
bick Headache, Gaatralgia.Crauipsaud
all otherresultsof imperfect digestion.
Price 50c and ft. Large site contains g4 times
Arm. 1 1 a i. I...1.1 .I. ,,, f
I eoorsd by E 0. DeWITT a CO .. Coicagft
bold h Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy,
t ATiaTT.T BTTCHLER. Prop. m i
Of the product of tbU well-known bwwary the United State Health
Reports fur June a, IImhi. says:
t, .,. iXary ol t!,t' l nttea -rafi"1 nenivn --eporis. ..v.. tmnni
of the slightest tract of adulteration, bul on the other hand is composed of
the best uf malt am! choicest ol hope. Its tonic qualities era it tiie high
esl and it can he used with the greatesl benefit and satisfaction hv o.d and
i,. ..,,,,. ;.. i,.u-iv hi nrei'r:hed lv ti e id.vsiciun witli
t'iuic 't" twr " -
ecersaintv that a better, purer
lesiblv lie i.Hiud."
East Second Street.
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
ton Flour
We seil our goods lower than any house ;n the trade, and if ytn don't thinks
call and get our pricee and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for What. Barley and Oats
AUOl-lO.-- !i:-IATAT-i-t A' -Jlli,IA'A'i AIA-A' - A! AlA
C. J. STUBliIfsJG, 1
t, EIOLKS1 1
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
t il, ,1 on 1 1 li i ne '.
Long iit. iiioi
v . -r : .jr.. tr i r t r
p. S. GUflfiiriG,
... Blacksmith, Horseslioer and Wagon-maker-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Aacnt for BoaasU .v (Jo, Engines! Tbnaben nd eaw Mm,
Telephone 157.
Long Ihrtance 1078.
Yellowstone Park Line.
To THE t.vsT.
Liava. Union Depot, Finland: si;
He. a. mail (or Taeoma.
.-..Ill tiiiri,. ,.
M.irlan and Smith Bend
points Bpokane, Kus
land, li. c Polknan,
i.i . , rfSP"' haalston, Bu(
n.ij .. y la. Kin. i(, niiniiiir i,ni:, ,','50 1' M
try, Helena, Mimteaiio- '
Us, sc. Paul, Omaha.
KaMsa- I lly, St. I.,,ius.
.. . ' alesfo ain! ah points
nas, east ana oaineast, s s
li p i r .VS!. MPrsss ' '
u,m i.M. for Taeoina aad ttsaltls 7:00 a m
and luteriuohatc pjltall
puUmu BrstlsM and looiUl Hiecu,n ia
5 tba'a,e rtvSnS
KHi!? rPeestloanoa ol Hakaes.
Hnu. erauons, etc., osll oo or
Ai.initaiit CienefaJ hksaaaoas Asuut -ja.s
MM) ItrSSt.OOrast Third I-oXud ZmSIS
T il T -n SOUTH and EAST via
fetal PaClllC MM Pacini! IH
.v inoreupwi "- Sit 3 3
r L .
or more wnowaome nererspsewv not
t. ,a-'evva.'eyi
m li Ci,
Seed Grain of all kind
Feed Grain 01 pli kin
Rolled Grain, vii kinds
Bran, Shorts, Iffil'KS
"Bj-ers Best" Pendle-
This Flour il manufactured expressly for fumil
use; every dank is pnaranted to trive eatisfartiet
Next door to First National Bank. J
: T..-. ri wj jr.; r : TJ j TJ-T t..,jrj roAaJ j
Cof, Sccouil & imm Sts , THE DALLES. OR,
Shasta Route
1 ralM leave The Uutltr fur Portland mid )
tlatloni at l Jo a. m. and 3 p, m.
Leave Karttand
'' Allwiiy
A'rive Antiinnd
.iai'raiiii.uto . . .
" sni. i ..,,
. . . 8:30 a m
li-.t: a m
&:UU ) in
. " Aii li ui
10 m p
U :
e 1540
Arrive C,,,
1 ',.(,
Kaiisa.- (.Ity
(:tfa m
'JUKI a in
: is a "
7:45 an
1 . li
.. ..
- at
Arrive U, Angt-laa .
" El Cao
" Port Worth
" it ( Mexico
New urleaiiB .
W ashtagton
" Mow York
. 1 : y m
6:00 p IO
. OtaD a 111
m in
S:00 a in
. 6:'JS a in
I. IJ a UI
.1-'.I3 p UI
7 OOSB ;
0 '' p
1 :DS j
I, .s a i
6 lip
i ia
.: UP"
Pullman and Tourint nam on both UfM
Chair arh .- to (.Kdun and El PtP
and nnirit eari. h, riiiuia,., t Louin, ' w'
leain, and WaxinnKtou.
Conueotlna at Han Franclaco with
i-Mlnahir. IT. d ,i I n I tilfla
'""hip lTnc lr Honolulu, Japan
HhUippines, Central and eouth Amerio
M atrunt at The Uallea aUUou, or add. is
(ittuerai PaaMiiger Aaeut, Portland. V