The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1901, Image 3

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    Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 2. 1901
ce Uream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
II ' County warranto regUterrd
r to July 5, 1M9R. will lal(1
SHpprenpntai Ion at my office
after .1 line 20, IflOl .
County Treasurer.
e Guild of St. Tanl's church will
t (nth Mre. Sehenck Wednesday
Iiss Agnes i-iukes iibb oeen elected
let as goddess of liberty at the Hood
frer celebration on the Fourth.
Phe Dalles Cilv this morning took a
of baled wool from Moody's wnre-
se that will be shipped to Boston via
i Northern Pacific.
JUl memb-rs and visiting members of
Hood Camp No. .fl, W. O. W., are
nested to be present tonight at 8 '
lock. Eleven candidates to be ini-
ed. Refreshments will be served.
liwash Anderson, t he Mosier Indian
was sentenced in Justice Brown- i
B's court to a Gne of $25 or 121,. days j
H&h3 county j i 1 for carrying concealed !
. itNpr)i;R, was released from :mprion
iBBUt this morning after serving two;
and a nail on payment ot the oai- I
! of the fine.
iptain I'ayon S. Davidson, owner of j
Ibig sawmill at the mouth of Hood;
Br, died suddenly at that place last ;
lrday aged 7-1 years. The deceased
Be to Hood River from iscoosin
a year ago. He leaves a wife anJ
BOM wh i are residents ot Hood
ier. t he remains were shipped or !
ermeri' to the ciptain's old home at
Since yesterday af'rnoon marriage
siinhb have been Issued by Countv
ik Like to th" f 'lowing parties:!
org- K Jenkins an i Maude Stogsdill,
.jMiti M. rci. ell and uu Taylor, George
Brown and Bertie Old, T. J. Frohn
Ida M. Nickeleen, and II. H. Hay-
krd and Sarah T. Smith. The first
tee couples are from Hood River, the
It couple is from Wamic.
rtie Regulator line has made a round
Ip rate of 50 cents to Hood River and
)ks landing, and a 75 cent round
ip rate to Stevenson and Cascade
;ks, for the Fourth of July. On that
the Dalles City will leave here for
Startiandat 7 a. m. The Regulator will
Jtove for Lyle at 10 a. m., and returning
'tO The Dalies will leave for Portland at
m. arriving there at 8:30 p
m, 1
round trip rate to Lyle is 50 cents.
.-Tom Callaghan, of Sherman county
urned today on the Regulator from
Willamette vallev where he went 1,118 ume 1,1 'u'MUi' 10 meet inw in
ut tnree weeks .120 with six head of : debtednese. This leaves you an actual
k'hiiHu rMn 1 qua i aan
nnds each. He disposed of the lot at
ices ranging from 120 toJ140 a head.
r the best span in the lot he got S5.
r. Callaghan's horses were fine ani. j
Is but even then these are fine prices,!
le best
we have heard of for a long
Albert Brooks was committed to the
Jaunty jail today on a charge of larceny
Jam a dwelling. Brooks was employed
mBI last Saturday us a waiter in the IX L
'SBfltaurant when he was discharged.
iMbe complaining witness is a waiter in
iflbe same restaurant who charges that
rooks last night entered his bed-room
id stole therejrom a pair of pants, $17
money and a silver watch. Brooks
Su arrested this morning by Maidhal
9K !....!.. ...1 I - 1
luiuuuu 1 1 .1 j 1 1-, f- unve ween saying
lut the steamer Iralduhas been sold by
te D. P. & A. N. Co. to some unknown
If ties who have placed her on the run
tweeu Portland and Ranier. The
?ere are mistaken. The Iraida has
been sold nor is she for sale. As
P Chbonioli said a few davs ai?o lh
it has been temporarily leased to
ler parlies, but on such tei ms that ttie
ise can be terminated at any time by
ie u. r. iV A. H, Co. upon giving live
lavs notice.
The wool sale of nearly ha.f a million
bounds belonging to Pliter & Barker A
"ameron, of W heeler county which was
itended tocooie off yesterday afternoon
In sealed bids at the Moody w arehouse,
liled to materialise for lack 01 bidders.
ier was an abundance of wool buyers, i
but apparently no sinirle buver who
- j- -
ranted half a million nomidu of not :
verlyuood wool. Had the wool been
f better quality or extra'aood, as was
hat sold the other day by the Baldwin !
11.,. ... M
uwpi,Da company, it might have
n very differeot. j
We depend upon
money-saving value-gaining opportunities; they re here.
For three days we offer you some of the best money-saving
values ever offered by the department.
..Summer Challies..
Good Assortment of Patterns, all new,
Extraordinary Bargains in Children's DrCSSCS
75c Values
85c " ..
To be Given Away
amount of 25c will receive a Child's Parasol FREE.
Containing Some Valual.le Suggestions,
Among Which It Is Affirmed that
the Court Street Sewer
Should lie Built. City Couxcii., GkNTLEMKX :
P.y authority of the charter it is my
duty.attbis time, to communicate to j
you a general statement of the condi- j
tions and affairs of this municipal cor- j
poration. And to epeak frankly to you,
I must confess I have not iiad time since
I was chosen as your executive to ex
amine into each and every part of this
city's works, to wisely, at this meeting,
perform that duty. I will, however,
ask your careful attention to a few
recommendations I wish to make.
The first and most important matter
to be looked into is your financial condi
tion. Let us see how we stand. We have
a bonded indebtedness hanging over us
I of $57,000, drawing 6 per cent Interest,
: which makes you pay an annual interest
I f AO i nc T I I - i ,
,ou"BV smamg .una at
debt of $-14,108.28. The sinking fund
P0Ken 01 ,iae Deeu createa ln lhe ePaoe !
01 lwo -vearB an(J Iour uionu.e, ano.
8BeaK9 weU Ior lf,e 6av,n created by the
'ormer councils. Ana 1 trust tms boa y
W1U KeeP P " einKing iun.1
towara tne foi ,uiiu marfe, and yet not
be so zealous along this line as to let
other matters of as vital importance tie
overlooked. Taxes are collected for the
purpose of affording protection to prop
erty. and you will a Im it that vou must
offer every protection in your power
I toward that enc You mu6t keep a
j watch over these valuables by night as
: well as by day.
Several important mutters will come
up during the incoming li-eal year for
! the consideration of the council the
collection of the city road poll tax, for
; instance; whether or not cows and other
animals shall be allowed to run at large,
and the letting of contracts for the light
ing of the streets of the city.
It is required of the council of Dalles
City to set apart, prior to the 1st day of
May of each year, from the general fund,
and pay into the sinking fund not less
than $1,000. And if this is not done the
council fails in one of its most 1 111
; portaut duties and breaks an express
requirement of thr charter.
In justice to the taxpayers it is your
duty to light the streets of the city lor
protection of property and for the con
i venience of the citizens. I can see the
j way ciear, how this can be done at a
rate not to exceed $2,000 per annum.
Due conaideratiun must be given to
the fact that there are many exoeudi
tures of city monev that must he mad
and rirnii.inni
r ' - -ft. uiui, ud iu.uo iu men
thraA Kofnra i.. .. .t
dertakings which are not absolutely
necessary. The absolutely noiuaur.
eipenditures are the sinking lund in-
tereet, officers' salaries, purchase of
necessary supplies for the fire denart-
- Assuring -
you for Success, and
Price A ( per yard.
$1.50 Values
$1.05 "
$2.00 "
$2.25 "
ment, besides water rent, which is $50
per month.
Vnttr i.tJ n 1 1 p 1 1 1 t'ti T winh To mnkp u
, ' , t i u- .u
few suggestions. In looking over the
. T , . .,
records I find in the last twenty-four
pnnaiilttrAhlA mnnpv
has been
spent by the city for repairs of eewerH
In carefully perusing your charter I can'
not find where it 19 obligatory for you
to pay out one dollar in this way, and I
ek jou to be very careful about ex-
penditure.s on sewers, to be paid out of
city funds. I also find, in looking over
the records, that the majority of prop
erty owners of Court street have peti
tioned your predecessors for a right to
put down a good sewer on said street.
I ask this bjdy to take up this matter
and consider it carefully at as early a
date as possible. It is not right or just
for ns to ignore the petitions of a ma
jority of the citizens and taxpayers of
any street or section within our city, if
it be in our power to grant their de
mands, and if the improvements asked
are for the benefit cf the majority.
I also suggest that the poll and road
tax ordinance be amended so as to read
$2 or 2.00, instead of $4, and that the
uu"ecl'uu emorceo.
The circus ordinance, as it now stands,
is defective and prohibitory, and should
at this meeting be acted upon.
Gentlemen, look for a moment into
the matter of your non-productive city
property. Your lot on Third street, if
taken at a valuation of $500 when it was
acquired, and the interest since then
compounded at 8 per cent, would today
stand the city nearly $5000. This is
certainly a bad investment and I would
advise you to sell the lot and place the
money where it belongs and where it
can be used to meet the city's obliga
tions. In conclusion, I beg to stale that at
our next meeting I wiil call youi atten
tion to a number of matters, which j
this time I am unprepared to point out :
to you.
The steamer B.iily Galzert w ill leave j
The Dalles at 3 :.'I0 p. m. on July 4th j
making a through run without stops, i
arriving in Portland at U p. m., in time ,
for the exc ireionists to view the fire- 1
works. Music" by the Columbia Stiing
'iciutet. j29-td
xor intaatt and Children.
Fbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Wanted Three furnished rooms for
light housekeeping by a family of
three; no children. Apply at this of
fice, jyii 4t
Second growth of oak, fir, pine, maple
and alab wood at lowest prices at Maier
& Benton's. J28 lwk
Flags at Menefee A Parkins.
you look to us for
$2.50 Values
$2.75 "
$3.00 " .
On Wednesday every LADY custo
mer making a purchase to the
No parasols given to children.
.M- ting of the City Cuiiuell,
The regular monthly meeting of the
leltv council convened last evening with
. , ,
the new mavor, G, J. rarlev, in the
, . ,, , . ,
' nhuir I tin tn pa Chnirui I nu n t iflor. f
Councilmen Wilson, Liebe and
The bond of Treasurer C. . I. Crandall
was submitted and approved.
The tnavor submitted the name of .1.
Doherty for recorder and the nomina
tion was approved by every councilman
Thn nnmn of Phar1fQ Phttm n! i n ivaq 1
submitted for marshal and met with
like approval.
The petitions of Charles Jones and
Paul K Paulsen, asking to be appointed
to the position of night watchman, weio
read and a vote being taken, Paulsen re
ceived the votes of five of the six
councilmen prteent. This being a ma
jority of all the int tubers of the council,
Mr. Paulsen was declared duly elected.
The mayor then announces the follow
ing standing committees:
On judiciary : Wilson, Kelly, Donnell.
On finance : Kelly, Wakefield, Toomey.
On streets and public nropertv:
Shackelford, Ienipke, Donnell.
On fire and water: French, LItbtJ
On health and police: Wakefield, j
hempke, Shackelford.
lhe mayor then read his message
which appears in another column,
The treasurer submitted the following
report for the month :
June 1 To bal. available
cash in gen fom!$ .'158 GO
Receipts for month 0,754 00 $7,111 25
By warrants issued$ 513 31
Bv bal returned to sink
ing fund 819 52 $
832 82
Bal. available cash in gen fund 0,98Q 42 !
On motion it was ordered that the fire J
chief be instructed to inspect and blow
Olit the fire plugs twice u year und that t
he be allowed Q a day for tat time
spent in - ut h service.
The following claims agaim-t the city,
in addition to those for the i-alurics of
officers and the fees of t he judgtt and
clerks of the late city election, were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
for their payment :
J T Peters, lumber, etc $
James McKay, hauling
Win Mii.-hell.use of office for elec
tion F O Hawn, meals
(iilbreth A Hon, lumber
9 07
h 5
0 00
r 85
1 02
M T Nolan, supplies.. J
J Julien, sawing wood
Mrs T J Driver, meals BQ
B G Brooks, oak wood 5 00
Mays A Crowe, 200 ft fire hose 170 00
Kuiile Weber, labor 12 70
Maier A Benton, wood 14 4
F 8 (iiinniiig, repairs 05
Ned iates,cash advance for meals
for judges and clerks of elec
tion 8 75
John Filloon asked permission to ad
dress the council and called attention lo
the fact tbat the sewer immediately
back of the Umatilla House was choked
(Continued on 4th page.)
Strictly all-worsted, lest Ital
ian doth lined, the most dur
able, most drossy, ly tar the
most gratifying summer suit
made; prices from $10.00 to
$13.90; coats cut single and
Your choice,
! New Hats,
Shirts, and
Fancy Hosiery.
It is rumored that a verv rich strike
in oil has been made near Pendleton, i
and the housewives of The Dalles have;
struck just t tie thing in oil stoveB at
Mays A Crowe's. lil-tf
If anything ails your hair, go and seel
Frazor; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that be I
makes a specialty of these goods. tf
Chatatiqoa, Gladstone Park, July lid
to 18th. One fare for ronnd tri, Regu
lator line steamers. j27 1wk
Clarke A Fulk have on sale a full line
of paint ami artist'- brnshee.
New Grocery Store
We have added it Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A liew fresh,
clean stock. Give us a oall. Prompt
delivery t any part of the city.
...MAYS t CROWE,..
...The New York Cash Store
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Four-in-Hands
25e and 50e.
Special Values. Latest Patterns. Just Opened.
Notice is hereby given that !heco
partnership heretofore SSttttog letWM.'ti
W. Wa lace Wilson and I. Y Hong in
this city under the name an I stvle of
t re W. W. Wilson Co., ha" beta tilt,
i solved bv mutual consent ol both
parties nd that Mr W. Wallace WiNoti
i will retire from fai l Dtttlnvts. ami thai
Mr. I. Y. Ilong will ooMlno said bast.
ness ami will pav all debts contracted
: bv ami that are tine from said firm, ami
' collect all money due to said rirm.
Dated at Dalles Citv this 26th day of
iJiine, 1901.
L Y. Bono,
I SB Old w. Wm i u k Wn ox,
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life ami vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gels In that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair trt (irower and
Cocoannt Cream q8Bpqr 1'onic. riiey
will cure dai. I roll ai 'I all
scalp 'liseafes. For sale st l-'raz.-r's bar
ber shop. Price 50c ami 75c a bottle.
Drop into Mays it Crowe's store ami
see the Perfection oil stove work, ft la
Imply perfect. One valve does the
whole work. No complicated parts to
get out of order. Cheaper than wood.
No hot kitchen. There are DO others
just as good, investigate before buying,
for these stoves are not sold bv any
other tirtn in The Dalles. 10-tf
If you want to retain your hair yoti
have to keep your scalp clean. Soup
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
lHt preparations for cleansing the
scalp and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft ami glossy.
Price, SO and 00 cents a bottle, at't
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Fourth of .Inly ratts, Regulator line,
any point between The Dalles and ('as-
OMUVS Tie, one urvt 101 tor ruuii
! There will ho celebrations at Lyle,
! River ami Stevenson. Steamers w i!
caiies Look", one fare for the round trip.
ill leavo
The Dalles at 7 a. ED, anil 3 p.m. j'J7 3d
Mid-summer clearance sale of milli
nery at the Campbell A Wilson Milli
nery parlors. Kvervthing in the line of
hcadwear at one half the actual val
ue. jJS-l m
K. It. (iilbreth A Hons will keep at all
times a supply of bav, grain ami leed
which thev will retail ut the lowttl
market rates. j20-if
Dressed spring chickens at the Stadel
iiian Commission Oo.'l 24 if
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Waahlnnton Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433. Local, 102.