The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - Jt'l V 2. IW1 JL A. EBERLE. Leading Merchant Tailor. Second Stmt, opposite lajs & Crowe, 7i irrrmin i i Wt have an MCtlltnt line of Spring Suiting. Panting!, etc.. which we are prepared to make up in the latest and guarantee a perfect Qt, An esteemed exchange asks the following: '-What's the matter with baring the editor of the Oregonian as the candidate of the republican: fot president, and the editor of the .... . , r l J.Ul ,'UUEL.a. 1U KVTV1UVI UlJ nu, v 1 kind of ticket ? Ttiev are uo.n re It what the formers, and reform people are wanting." When President McKinley was in augurated the United States WM paying 134, 1 . a year interest on the public debt. Two wars have since been fought and the public debt increased 150,0 10,00 . but the an nual interest charge now is only 129.000,000. The finance; of the United States have been splendidly managed under President SicKinley. Oregon has done well by Cun2reis man Tongue, but her lautels liiive not been worn gracefully by her sod. Mr. Tongue has missed one- of bis greatest opportunities. He has been weighed and found trading. It would seem '.hat bis personal ambi tions have outweighed service to bis state. He advocated that the trip to The Dilies and Celilo be cut out. Mr. Tongue plainly does not repre sent the interests of all Oregon. Oregon Republican, Two bridal couples bad an iote eating lunch et the Pan American eznoaition the other rlav. ar-oordino . I) ,A.,' t:. To.'. t-.Tf. ' -itQinrc r,f treasurer or rtorida an:i another official trom (bat state, with brides. The Florida c jmuissioners gave the lonoh In the pavlllioo Of that state In order to add empress- ruent to the occasion. New York and California contributed wine to tbe feast, which was spread for several exposition people Iiuo da Island gave clams, Missouri applet, Oregon a section of a big baked salmon. Tne music wa? supplied by a Tampa mocking bird. r' Ibe new ci.v tv;m:n:?:rati -tart? out weli. No more barmooloui council Betting lb n that of last Digbt u: evei hei 1 anywhere. True, three members of tbe council prert a'.sent. but tbtir absence v..., Lardlv missetl as there was r. good working majority without tbem Tbt pointmcnts of the mayor for marshal and recorder vert oomfonaed triib a heartiness an I unanimity tbat a Batttrlog to tbe mayor and augur3 well for future harmoni .us action. Tbe appointment! tUemsclvei an excellent, and wbll D0 aP .iptmtptl ... . , ., . could be mad..- tin: would pleste ........ I .-.l (l,n,A . I "' 1 , ! . . ' 1 tfwiiuuuj mu.-c j. vua;iey vuamp ltn for marshal and J. Dobtrtj for recorder will OOOt a near giving Keneral satisfaction pj anv that Wert in the potTPI of the mnyoi to n ime. a had oomplsston ganerally results from inactive liver and OOWtlt. In all such cases, DeWlll I Liltlt Early Kisere produce gratifying result. Ciarke A Falk's P. o. Pbarnaey. e i 1 Tl Some desirable cty property for sale or rent, i-or nartictnars call on Glhlma - . " M uaruen. ulltf (v3 mm- m Mulit W.i Her Terror. 'I would ruijih near'yall night long, write Mr. Chas. App'.eyrate. nf Alex andria, Int.. "and coniii hardly gt" any sleep. I had OOMBBPIMM so bad that if I walked a blocs 1 wouid cnuch fright fu: v am! spit blood, but. when all other medicines failed, three t.00 bottles of, Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured ' me ami I gained M pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Congtis. Colds. La 'iripne, Bronchitis and all Tnroat and l ung Troubles. Price 50c gad $1.00. Trial bottles free at ii. C. Blaktley't drm store. 2 A r Ireuian . CtOM Call. 'T stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain." writes C W. Bellamy, a lo comotive tireaun, of Burlington, Iowa.. I was weak and pain. srithOttt any ap petite and a'.', ruu down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Elect'ie Bit ters ami. after taking i:. I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, si-kly. run down people always gain new life, strength and vuor from their use Try (beat. Satisfaction guaranteed by 8. C. Blaktlty, tnedrtiggist. Pries 50 ten It. - nur r ae Shows the Mate of your feelings an the state of your heal:.', a we.,, impure b;oo i makes itself a parent in a pae and sallow comp ex ion, Pimples and Skin Eruption. If you are weak and won out and do not have a healt appearance you should try acker's Blood Elixir. It enree all blood ere cheap and to called purifien fail; knowing this we ,, , , , ?e.. every bottie or. a positive guarantee. B.akelt; . rue druggist. "I wish to truthfully state to you and tne readers of these few lines that your Eodol . 'yjpecsia Cure is WttbOOl ques i )n. the be-"-, and nly cure tor dyspepsia (bat I bate ever come in contact with and I have s-ti many other prepara tions. -; hn Beam, West Middieses, Pa. No pre: .-j'.i -.r. equals Kudo! Dyspepsia Cure as K contains a.l the natural lilies; iotS all kinds of i.ioi! and can't heir- bat do you good. C.a'se k Faitc'i P. O, Pharaiaev. a- lie Ma. Tortured. "I sufi'-red s:ich pain from corns I eo". Id :.ard v alK." write H. Robinson, Hillsborough, I..s.,'-out Buckien's Arni ca -M.V? completely cured them." Acts ,;kr u.ak;c on sprains, hrnises. cuts, torea scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per fec: neaier of skin diseases and Cure guaranteed bv G. C. Biakeley, the iruigiit. 25c. 2 Working 24 Hour a Pay, There's n rest for those tireless little little worker Dr. King's New Pilis. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliiousness, Fever and Ague. T:.-y banish Sick Headactie. :r;v- onl Malaria. Never gripe or weasen. mal., taste nice, work won- S ders. Try thea, I'oc at G. C Blakelev'i I irug store. The piles ttiat annoy you go will - E quick and permanently healed If you DeWltt's Wltcb Basel Raise. Beware or-.iiies coHDierieill. Clai F alk I P. O. Pi 'oarmacv. it is easier to keep well get cured. DeWltt's Little Early P.isers taken now and then, will always keep vour bowels in ptftaet order. Tney never gripe but promote an easy and gentle action, Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. A full line o: t.s:n;an rj.nis and sup plies just received by Ciarke 4 Falk. BUSINtbs .JCA. F.ora. lotion wii. care wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C arte & FalK. rur sprains, swellings and iamene's there is notutng so good a? Obanberlain'i aln Belm. Try i".. For sa.e i Blaka ley, tne druggist. We offer for a limited period tr.e lIeeawee Obbowioui, price fL.i, and ibe week i 1 reg'jnian, priee1.50, boll papers for $3 a year. Babteriplioas under Ibis offer must be paid in ad vance. Vou eai never cur..- tlyspepsia by diet ing. V,t your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Thep if your ttoaiaeb will not digest it, Kodol DyepepeM Cure will, It contains all of I. .r :i;e-!lf.-- Iien.e l,tlS .iiuHSt every class of food and so prepare it tbat Mtoreeai use U in noasitbing tbe body tne wetted tiaaost, tboa ft Vf"! ,,iU"n' pare Wood pnd good healthy appetite, Clerks 4 Falk'a P. O. Pbarnaey. Why not apKud the vaeetioo a: Va- qoloa bey, srbera aan be had mmIUki ' - r" - tOOd tis!,ing, good boating, u.ifr tlloriag ridea ami rambles. rnt eoartet and aitroitea at tbeaommar SCbool of l!Jl at Net.,.rt alll ofr....i wrlats of iottraetioot! diversiuu 8,1(1 e,lt,!,'ti''niiient. N other restjrt jf-'1 'Jatl attractions and like alvan- ta,f'fe junll tf "una nuo n in, U9t wet tbe affected uart freelv with Meela.lan.P - i - LJTL! j V. " 1 "-"' auti me PalP is gone. oid by Clarke dt halk NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has been diitribated to the Peotff tion of thirteen of my customers. The only regret 11 .that I w noUble to ive a valuable present On Saturday, July tunes, and one worth &j mer paying tne most money nv ( ea !tl .tnn av, coiumeiu'ing on ent. eiven each week, give a $1 Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 sell goods as low as the lowest, as wall as share the profit with my customers. INI. T. NOLAN. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. BMiitUliLHS Steamers schedule, schedule witaout Str, Regulator Str. --Iralda'- Leaves Cascades 6 a. m. DOWN, Lv. Dalles a: " a. m Portltnd at : a H Arrive Dalles Tuelay Monday Leave Dalies 3 riifiimcuj Friday Arr. Cascades '4 tatorday.! ( ',fU'1 a a o p. sr Daily ex. r f v Excursion lutes even Saturdav for : r ftelfSIAfl ami i n ormu, 1 1 i i . , . i nta - ror an evening trip take tue "Traiila" at S turn on the up boat. w a FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE I Travel by the Steamers of tne Regulator Line. I ton' the Ijest emea poatinte. rtlasd Offi'te, Oak-Streel Dc W. LttT.T.YJlin.:r.: Crandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKER ' EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies; WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. u you are m need ol anything in our line, figure with ivs 11 wn ni you. M- "e niUMMUHi, TIN and BICYCLE Z.r THE DALLES, - to each of my customers. 6th, I will give away, two music J2?Am&2.& ' S .at ... B, uu v- t-Tt ,, me iu ui ."": r - 00 rebate to the customer paying the largest YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so-called kidnev remedies Without any beneiu. use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard that oid fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nigiits made restfn' bv the UM of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Trice. 11.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wranper, LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. For: Wayne, Indiana. M. '., Donneli, Agent. The Iaiies. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND 4 ASTORIA NAV, COMPANY of the R4OJator Una Will run a per tiu- foi- jl the Company rt..:-:vit.g the right to change '$ notice. S'.r. Dalles City. DOWa I.v. Dalles, at a k. rr. 'A ;.. Portland 3 .it 7:00 a. x. k T'lesdav '3 II :30 a. ui. p. in , ;30 Monday . .. Vei:iesdav.. . p. ui. Friday Thlir.,1... saturd. Bondas Arr. Portland a! i:.X p. m. Arr. Dall la J S at i- a. j Z narties ot five and iinw:ini Daiioo . T 1 1 . , i ai AA ' p. ni. to Hood River and re- The Company will endeavor to give its nat- , For further information address C. ALLA WAY, Gen. Agt. & Burget ontru,ted "s "v.l - - OREGON. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. ! 1 inlUK Hit?) li uvoui i - v-.. Sft. "the .e ond largest amount. On t .ill in addition to the two pr-s- '"'. ,,,r:ncr ,i,e week amount during the weeK. Just What Yoa uiant. New ideas in VVali Paper here. Sucb wide variety as we are Bhowing never be fore traced single stock. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices Good papers at cheap paper prices street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St 1 WATWMAlMjmnXli s L. Lane. 5 GEXEBAL mm, I 5 C' .AND. a .a Wagon and Carriage Wertc. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tinrd aud JeffcriD. Phoiie 159 : j, ; Tie coiuila PacKing Go., PACKERS OF S PORKand BEEF ilANCFACTUBERB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers ot BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. J. S. SCHBNCK, Fresident. Uax a. Voot. ttuiniei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted uwposiiB received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on rtew York, Sau Francisco an;' Port land. DIHEOTOK8 D. P. fllOMPBON. Jno. 8. S(;UKNC,K, f.D. Mi VV 1I.LIAMB, Gko. A. LitfHE H M. BOAtX, FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business ousiuess. Letters of Credit issued available In the Bastern States. Nght hxebange and Teleurnnbic Iransfern sold ,, Yrk Ohlnaon 8t. Louis, ,san Franoisoo, Portlaud Oie' BOO, Seattle Vah.. ami m Oregon ami Watbington. owbi terat". 00 'v NPLV VnRV DAAtm.rnnt I1L.BB I Ullll RfKIJII U I - UUU(0U1UI . na W. W. Wta 0... frBfl MPst-CIass in Every ljespeet Hvatoi-o , I vyaters oerved in any Style 1 " - B.oud8t.,Tiie Dune, Or 1 cQ 0) rcr ffij Mf A i Horsesnoe eTo B&rO JL o OREGON Shout like AND Union Pacific DZFART TIME SCHKni'I.K9 Alt Br. ; FROM roll THF. DAU.KS. fio chteago- Portland suit Ijike, Denver, Ft. BMCial, Worth. Omaha. Kan- , . 0 j p. m. mu City, 81 ixMSUiOht- 1:05 P- via UllUt cagoaitil the Kast. ington. VruS-. Salt Uke. Denver. Ft. u m Worth, OmnliB, Kan-1 ... SgtS. ami the East. t I'au1 Walla Walla, Lewtoton. Fust Mi!. Hikiine.WallHCc.I'ull- 9:3Sp.m. mini, Minneapolis, St. ; :: . :t0 u m. via Sx- Paul, MilWBU-l kaiiu. act, Chleagaana Bast OCEAN AND RIVER 80HEDULE From t'artland. (Alt "ttilii.K dates sub je't to ohaagt ) 8:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. Fur an Frnneiseo, Bail every r days. ' Daily ISt Columbia Klrer. l OOp.m. la-ttTtTrfl T" At,,r'11 and Way exeept eaturday, UniUnga. Mnday. I0:0e p. m. Dally VruiaaMtta Rfver. gxeetit orwon citv. Newbatf, 0.xc"t!t MDa m -fl' "V101!"10"1- Sunday. Tueaday, -i:30 p. m ThniAday, Corvallii and Way- Monday. Baturday, landing!. W'ednesdty 6:1X1 a. in. Friaay. Taeaday, IVlllanatM nni 8 ".Op. m. Thnnday, YhuiIi.ii invar. Monday. Saturday, r:iK)a. m. i iregnn city, Dayton anil vVeduesai.y SV,l; laiiditnis. Friday. Leave Binaria daily, I M a. m. Hiiak Hirer. Rlparia t Lewiaton. Leave Lewlaton dally, s:30 a. nt. Partm desiring to co to Beppnet or xmit." on ColuntMa Southern via Hitrir. bhould lake ho. 2, leaving The in,:;. at 12:26 p. m. making direct eonnecUoni at Heppnet junetiou m:k1 Bigg Kf.iiriiltig making(lireorcr)nuectloii at Heppner junction and BtBg with iNu. 1. ar riving at The Dalies at liOOp, B, For further particulars, call on or addresN JAH. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon Complete of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings ' VHiuSf wlH l,e -r when et,rp styliab dressed man will want an up-to- dau Spring Suit. Those are the kind of I ptr?DI 1 am 'aUoring for. Come in i and look over my Spring line of Ballings. 1 A" the lute8t novelties for 1901. . . Suits to Order, IO.OO. v . . tionii asHek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH - - m In all ita tu ;c ture liuld be clutuliuex. Ely's Cream Balm clesjuet, tooUiea and heal. Hie ilu..-a-i. membrane ilT:ra"huBr (quickly. C'rcMin Balm I placed Into Um DtwUtlt. ntMdf ,U n""''rn and it brked- lUlnfUnu- mdUle'"i'fouow. n u not diyioc-J" aot produr aasiSlag. Urge Sue, 6u Moll at Of lif fMSSdSey atll Trial 8U.-, io tSBSS by mall. M V U.tU I UBlbi, 4C Wurran Mnet, New York.