The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 01, 1901, Image 4

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Hate" t" San Kran l. i lU Kctiirn.
The O. K. A N Co. will make the
following ratiH from Tii- Dalles, Oregon,
t J U I I-facs to 9an Francisco ami retnrn lor National
dVCO lier LI I" ( mventton of Epworth League, July
-SI, 1901 : N ie rail to rortlatni ana
. - .
LET THE EAGLE SlHfcAM! j. e. falt & co.,
' Y Pronristors ftwl
1 M. 4r
"About two piles from Vessan Mich.,
Where I keep a drup store, Urea Mrs. x, al.
Bratt. sh. was very
jr. f
hirk and hopele
with consumption
1 watctu d her ca
with Interest a it i
the began taklni
Acker's Engllsl
Stmedy foi on
dumntion. i,
Much it
it-- u ontli rfnl
cures. W U,
fir. rhai
sr.o u will
doubt it, bin
With nu own
eyes I saw this woman t well and stroi
on that remedy. In a very short time tli
cough st pped, bet lungs were healed up
tin lorem se went away, and she began i..k
lng on flesh, Bhe herself said: 'Mr.lJullard
1 lllY. , V aI,a,' VtAolicfl KAfnMIV
It is a certain aire In M. Brattj berth it; tourist sleeper In both dim-
nc'ghborbood her recovery has occasioned no Btooover. $25.80. Tickets m
much comment, as you can easily under. ""u"' - ' " . ,
atond. Her case was one where everybody sal at The Dalle July lord and 16th,
t: light it was only a question of a littS n j htl honored by Southern Pacific
while until she would die. I feel it a duty . , , . .-.,-,,;,.,,,!
r. ' "druggist to write this letter, so that there on trains leaving Portland July Riband
i. d be no more deaths fron consumption.' 16th, and on morning train Jdlj l.tb :
Signed E.A.BlttAan,Vassar,Mich. good (or relurn paiag leaving Baa
Soldat2fc.,5te.andHabottle,throughot4 Francisco Op to and inclndlng July 31,
0, R. ft S, Btsamirs hfotn Portland to
San Francisco and retnrn, 128 60.
Ticket on tale and honored on tragus
from Tli? Dalles and on steamers from
Portland only on Ju v 111 ll and 18th.
Returning tickets will be honored on
steamrrs sailing trom San Francisco not
later than August 1st; final limit, Aug
nt 4. 1001. Rate Includes meals and
bcrtti on steamers. Reservations for.
paetengars going via steamers sboultl be
made In advance to losnrenceommodn
liona, for which Q deposit of fi.OO will
he require.:. All rail In both directions,
via O.K. 5c N and Southern Pacific,
lirt cia??, got d for stop over? in Cali
fornia, 128.50. Second olau, including
An Old - Fashioned Celebration
w vv
Purest Liquors for Family Use 3
Delivered to any part of the City. P
Hond 1 '" Mi-tan,.. 173 Second Street. 1
ur v.f
Music by the Band and Glee Club: j . GO 111) JVI BI A BREWEKV ..
sf-OCA J$&- -fCJ CC O
THE CELfconA I tu
the I ui i d States and Canada ; and in Eng
hind Btls. 8d., 2s. 3d.,s.6d. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
your druggist, and s st your money back,
ti onttortM 'V ooew swircmtse,
W.B. U'.iL'i: & CO., Proprietor!, Km Yoi v.
Reading of The Declaration of Independence.
GRAND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic.
Log Rolling Contest $100.00 in Prices.
Greased Pole. Wheelbarrow Race. Etc., Etc. with
.' Blakyley'a Pharmacy,
Liberal Prizes to Winners.
BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the
Handsomest Exhibits
F O. Tyler, of this city, left on this
morning's boat for .v.. Martin's Sprint-.
Sirs Simeon Bolton left this afternoon
for Rule on a visit to iier daughter,
Mre. J. W. Harry.
i. A, Renter and G irge Ainsley,
of Portlau I. came nn Saturday night on
u v i a i ' to !". I.. !., Ferguson and re
turned on '.ii" Bails) Gatsei i.
Ihi'ii Glenn rotarned today from a
ehor; trip to North Beach, leaving Port
land Saiurday on the steamer Potter
1901. Tickets will not be sooi kooi
one direction via rail and In another via
For farther Information communicate
with Jae. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
Oregon. m2l-jlyll
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
muna bay, where can be had esca'.ient
fare, good fljhin .-, good boating, safe,-
S700.00 Display of FIREWORKS
school of 1901 at Newport will afford,
of instruct as, rfivei . IN THE EVENING-.
and entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and iike advan
Baseball Game--Daiies vs. Hood River
'I am Indebted One Minnte Cough
cure for ruv present good health and my
life. I was treated in vain ny decor-
01 the product of this well-known brewery the United BtaleS Hoaitli
Reports for Juno S58, 1900, says i " A more eupet lot brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It ib absolutely devoid
,i the BlighteSl trace Ol adulteration, but nn the other hand is rrvr poped of
the beet of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatesl bennfil and satlffaiHion bv old and
young It use con conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersalnty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage coold not
possibly be found."
Bast Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
which dnrinsi art of the trip down the for lung trouble following la grippe. I
,! Ml. n.ile.s ui; hoar, or; Hi
pounds of,.
M. r N ilan went to Pon, and Friday
to meet the members of tha iiou-e com
mittee on river- and harbors and to
Recninpan them on their trips through
tn- Willamette valley and down the
river to its mouth.
Mrs. Isaac I )'e5 le't on tii" Regulator
thi- morning for Portland on a week's
vjait in ihe widow of tiie late Charles
Johnston of this city
aci' rii parii -1 by Mi--
Miss Pearl 1 irjinej.
Professor W. A. Wetsell, at one time
soperiatendent of public Instruct! u ol
.MulOTri: ,i. cuintv.luti- y Salt Lil: .
:ir-. Joies was anaouci
ear; Joles at: I
took One Minute Cough Cure and re
covered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise,
Madison. Ga. Clarke cc Falk's P. 0.
Moki Tea positively cure- Sick Head
ache, indi"-'.i'j:i and constipation. A
delightful herb d-mis. Remove- all '
eruptions ol the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 ct?
Blakeley, the druggist.
Cool groves and romantic liills and dells
for tin.' lovers
tieuuceo rates dv
Come evervbod v,
railroad and
and brine tin
children .
UWn, was a pasiengeron this morn inn's tablet gives immediate relief
ooar nn foriianu. tne protessor last
week attended a teach irs institute at
Fo-sil where
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-hum,
raising Of the food, distre-- after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
While Collar Line, Just Received
lie Dailes-PoriM bouio
.Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pU kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SITKiSd
Heaaquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl "rT'l011T' ThiE Hour is manufactured expressly for family
bUJi j.c oA URe; every flsick is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We pell our goods lower tiian any liouse In the trade, and if you don't think so
call and ;;et our pricee and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for What, Barley and Cats
e artMi as instructor.
Those famous little pills, DeWltt's
Little Eriy lii-er- compel your liver
i.ti l. 'i u i l- t and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
At the Dalles Hospital Sunday, June , .
30th, to M nd Mrs. P. F. Bradford, you noh, pure blood to recuperate your'
Jr.. of flivid kivr h ,hin..h.r iiidv. Are p.iav to t ike. NVver irinf .
Tni- i- the lir-r child born to Mr. and Clarke & Falk's 1'. O. Pharmacy.
Mr-. Bra li ird after a married ,ife of L'l
year-. Mother and child were doinir
liifi- y at .iiit accounts.
Aceldantalljr Dangad.
AlrBKBquiBttUS, N. M., June 30
Particulars 'd toe receiit death of Pro-fe--ur
Francis J. Birtwell, the ornltbolo
giai, are brought by Ibe undertaker who
jo-' returned with Uih body. Tne
professor died from strangulation, tiie r"p druggist
llon'l Hun It In,
Just wet Ibe affected pari free:;.- with
Mysterious Palo Cure, a Scotch remedy,
laud tiie pairi ie gone. Bold by Clarke a
Falk. '
Acker'.- English Remedy will stop a
OOUgh at any time, and will cure the .
worst cold u. twelve hours, or money
mfnnded. 26 cts. and 50 cts, Blakeley
Except Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 ... w.
Arrive Tiie Dalle- 8 I. St.
Leave " " 4 " 1
Arrive Portland 10
Meals the Very Best.
A full lineof Fresh Printing anil De
veloping Papers direct from factory,
Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox,
and Aristo in all ixf?.
A:-o a line of Plate- in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, Multigraphs,
And all accessories to complete tiie
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
uor Eureka Combined Toning and ;
Figlng Bath Is a dandy. Try it.
The A. E. C. Developer for plate-,
Qlms or developing papeis has noeanal.
' Enough for;'.. to develop o dosen tdates 1
or 6 dozen N'elox fso. Perfect blacks
arid whites are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. A-k for the A. E. C. I'e-j
Iveloper, and gee that yon get the I
gen nine.
'A-A- A Jk ' A VJ, 'A !Jn ! Ti, I I 4 ; ;AIAIrAIU1A,-AIArA-'.ATA-
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
r : v . v ; t . .. jr.i : rj- jr ur .,r,jr :-r.L.r j jr. . w. ; t . jt i -r .vr. r : .tl; 9 r., v ir r.tK
(.Minion 11. 1 .
Luug loni.
Next door to Firat National liank.
re-Hi' ol accidental banging. He had
dim1 eu a I rge iree foi a bird's nest and
w is descending on a rope irhen in some have then
in 1111 toe r ipe wound around Me neck
and before the eyes of ids young wiie
Paint your iiou-,' Wttb paint- that are
(uhy guarantei.d to .ast. Ciarke Falk
sundaj Trips a Leading Feature. ' , " ar,; Prepared to compound any and
laliof yniir own formnln a:.d guarantee
00 This Uoute has the Grande?! satisfaction.
L'enn- Attraction on berth.
Subscribe for The Cnaoxtctd
uiiii t'vna, iiihi), be strangled to deati..
tiie; beiug p iwerless lo aid him. Mr.
and Mrs. Birtwell wore married here
about a month ago and were spending
1 heir ti ineymoon on tne Rio Pecos forest
reeerve In .Mexico. Professor Uirtwel!
was a Harvard graduate.
lc.ite War Ahead.
ABT08U, .Line 2'. Captain E. P.
Parser. ( the steamer Astorlao, stated
this morning that he would shortly
place his Steamer 00 the run to Portland aUeontlnui Mnwidenec ip:n and eultivutl a
, , Ol lata lanii. i '
111 oppuiuion 1 1 1 tin- nei.i. 1 nt-su-amer s
Uwd Ofiee at Vancouver, Wash.,
May I . ISO),
Notire 1- hervhv given that tha (ollowing-uani.-l
tel ler- liavc illeil notice 01 intention to
mat 1 :uim: priiDi In lupporl i'f tlu-ir rl unis. .-iinl
tiirtt Mtiii prooU will u.- miide Mote u . U, t' ret
by, t . 5. Commissioner for District ol Waiuiing
ton. at Goldeudale, WaitilDgtOu, ou 4111,1".
June 3Stb, 1901, vU
i i .1 it - IVIokerebani,
ol Lyle P. O.i Washington, wi... made II. i. Ko
too tor the southwest 'iiiarter ol Ik It, li
.V. k. U E. w. m. '
vvini iiauir tin; toln.wiiis tvuuv-.- to t,r..v
Portland-Astoria Route
I At the old place, lTo
' '1 tie Halle?. 1 iregon.
Str. "TAHOMA."
Daily Pound Trips except Sunday
econd .Street.
Geo. G. Blakeley.
Leave Portland
Leave Astoria
Landing and offioe Foot of
Street; both phones, M li-M, Porllaoi
1 Iregoiii
hollers are hsilna ...w...u. a ...I 0 f . BBT " 1 ' 0 H
u ,, wo r. i;.i.wwiiii
soon a ibs wjrk ii finished me boat
Will go into service. Asked wnetiier or
not ha would cut fares and freight rater,
rnellut Hall. Thomas M. Wbltoomb, Albert
all "i KUckli i-.
( oraellna Hall,
of Lvle P. O,. Wasblngton, wnosoadell R, No
i ,' iur tin- M.utl,tat miarlBT rt i ", 1 ., ;i
X..H. U B W. It.
Cantain Parker ra oiled that h. .!., u.w" I,J.,,. tD0 wjwwing witnetasi to. prove
-"-i in-comwiious resraeuce upon ana euitlvation
aa be could not bona to capture business 1 :: ' ,:
, , ., .'. cbertos Wlekersbam, Thomas M Wbiteomb,
in an other manner, While the redox. Kits n. Uewett ami James u. Lyle, all i Uyiei"
tiou to he made In fares will not be verv "Wagton.
great, freigot rates will be lowered 0 W lVOOHBAK,BegUtsr,
per cent. The present rates are 12. 60 a .
too, and the astorlau will do bus! nee. N ,TIVh H,,; PUBLICAriON.
,-4, e., ' a. Land Olttce, aaeouver. Wash,,
lor i.OO. . May 28, I Ml.
. . N,)ti. i- uervby given that in cumvliaue.
Iteeord ttruaen at luvag... 1 ; W IsSons ol ibe rt ofd it
on n-i t . '. eniiiieu "n set tor tnesaleof llm.
,jli ilie lieat in " iaml- in ll..- lUtes ol L'allfnrnia. itrwon
Drying nroparatlona simply dovel
opdnrcatarrli i they dry up the seoretious,
winch adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
iug inhalants, fumee, amokai and anuffa
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
h'.alei. Elv'a Cream Halm is such a romeilv
Aider and will euro catarrh or coidinthe head
ca.-diy and pleasantly. A trial aie will bo
mailed for in cents. All druggists sell tho
50c. sio. Ely Brothers, o; Warren fct. . N.Y.
The Ualm cures without pain, does not
irritate or oattae sneezing. It spreads itself
F- S. GUiNHljMG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Russell & Oo.'i Engines, Tbrssnen and law Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
nor, tend & LaniWin Sis., THE DALLES, OR.
W. CBICHTON, Agent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Asrt. The Ia!leg,
A. J. TAYLOK, A;eiit Astoria. ovc-r an irritated and angry anrfaee, saliev-
iu.' immediately the painful tutlaujruation.
TIT il TI 'ft! SOUTH and EAST via
llleri Pati souiiem Pacific Co.
Yellowstone Park Line.
Shasta Route
Cllll M, , Jillie
.llllie since is:
Ohieilf.i broke a!' ,-..r,U I.,.., aa."i".ini-.'trit.,rv. -saxleaded
. -a' nil nn iiui, ii ,,ii,i ,LiT,- ,v .r ,,f li, i
For three hours thin '"If rr""K SUwait, of Lone Raek.connij ol
l 1 .1 'UIH..HI. H IK III llliXDll, Ills tin- 1-lV i ll 1
aiternood tbs government Ibarmometer i.n-m- .A..n. .u. ..-in n. ..: ..-t:V.
puronase o the mi , ol a-1 In T. Ko i N, K
1 R, W . If., "ml i!l .pit-
Laaoomcs n TnitAujs,or.ii
May H, ISO, ,
Kotiee is asreby given that the following
uamed e.-ttivr bss Hied nottee ol hi- luteutloii
to m' Him) pronl n luppon ol bU claim, and
last asia proof win u- Maih pstons the Real
lei anil Receiver t Tbe Dal let, Oreaos on Mou
ilay, July .., J-.oi, vj,;
Ainert Turner.
of The Ualles, Oreatm, 11 t. Mo, ti3 for tbe I
li -. o, T. i B., R. II K W, M.
in name-, tn. fniiuwlng witnesses lo prove
bis continuous residence u-kii ami cultivation
ni ni lead, vi.
CbaileClosson.i.'uarles Rmllb, Waltei Beott
uml i.ia-1 . Natnejr, all ol Tne tJ.iii..-s. tuean.
"'' UY V UUCAg,Beglster. i
LstW OlTICI 41 1h. 1a J...K - ok., I
June IWI. i i
Miue-e i, imrebv that n,.- i,.r,,A,,
1 1 I'Mllih leave The !,.,'!.. . ,..r U..-H i
With Ely's Cream Palm you arc armed THE 1)1N1NU (;AK roi'tk from porti iisn ! KUti""s ttt l!ab aud 3 P-
agaioat hasal Catarrh and Ilay Fover. TO lu r r
Union Boot.nruusiiti
Leave Portland
" Albany
Arrive aabland
" hucrHiiii.'iit.)
ban Pranoisoo
Arrive QgdOn
" Deuvur
11 Kansascity
" Cbluaao
registered 97, in many places on
street it wa- l(M and lot; At li o'clock
"''' mercury wan suanm; around mid to v,ial,li-i. hi. ,-., ' 'V w soe oeior. tue Kegl.tei
r ... . ii" in v nnii rvt. i sl
i,-,.,! I.. ,l,..u.- a ...i. " .... .- ,.". .-' , ..V'V. ' "OB
"at ii,. una ..aunt i mure vaIm.kip . ,Z ZTXr.W' JST ,.r.w,"5 . inwnuoMto
tii .LK.-r : itunclfian a- ,Im,;, , .... ' iV.7.T ...i.5 "'H " ' laiiu, ami
09, i.o fatalities were reported, but
Kevera! ol IhOSS v. ho were pro'! rated ate
lie- UvMi-!..-r ui.,: i;.,. ive- i,i nn. ..a v-.,
ouver, Wanlj., on W eUnelaj'. the llth day Oi
AuguMi lyoi. j
lie name.- ai Wltn. s.e- Homer V. W ii
inaaarlon. condition. Forecaster Cox V'iuouluu otrfwOT rjAxfiWii
er at The IjuIIk.-. nr.-,..,,.
day. July . IbvUvIi.:
t rail Slockll.
oi me uai...-. r.. ti. t. tio. 5J, i,r t; v v
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artilicially digests the food and aids
mature ia stvengtheuing and recoil
atnicting the exbausted diKostive or
(jans. It Isthc latestdiscovereddigest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
mnpproaoo n to mwency. mid-, imima,, tut,H , .7 '
gffffiS, S XSJ:? -Pot e eeuon. 00"!;' "
R:30 a m 7:00 p m
.liiiioam 10:50 p m
!-'::ctam 11:. am
r:on p m 4;IBam
- ' Al p m 6:15 a in
Past nniil for Taeiai.a. Kn
Seattle, 01 npia, uray's
Harbor am South Rend
iMiiiii-. Bpukane, Rons
and, li. i'., Puilmai .
Moscow, Leaistou. Huf
11:1a A. II falolfump mining OOUIl- 5;50P. u
try, llalena, Minneapo
lis, .it. Paul, Omaha,
Kansas City, St. I-oiiis,
('al.-Mi.ii Miie ,,ll ...a..,.
No 1. east inn! nouibcast.
Pugei Sound Exnress
u, ,w t..M. lor laei.mii ami Seattle
ami Intermsdiala pdiiiu.
B I "' 11 m 1 ! : IB a m
BiOOa in 0:00a m
No. 3.
7;mi. II,
Arrive a,-- Ahjrelus
" I ! Paao ...
" Fort tVortta
. " City of Maxioo
" Houston
New Orleans .
" M'aablngtoii . .
" New York
1 -'. a 111
7 : 1.i a in
1 :90 i in
6:00 p in
B;S0 a in
B:8Sa in
1:00 u 111
0 :taB a in
8:4 11 m
7 : a in
: ...i- a in
7 :00 a in
SlOO p 111
6;ap a m
0:.Va 111
I :OOa 111
8:91 p in
8'4J a 111
I- p in U l.i y in
sayg it will ije still hotter tomorrow
Clark a Fulk are never closed r-unday.
')on't lnrKet this.
Many II. Barrett, all of Portland. Oi
an auo ai, i.-r-,,ii- outsniag adversaly tbi
,ii.'ii,e I.II,,-
"Beeoeoaea to ile.itlmitioi, ol llekets.
on both trains
Okucii and Kl Paso,
ht l.oiiih, Nuw Or
claims in Ibis uftieeon or before aiu nth dai
oi Auaiint, 1'.j:.
j'ini-iot Mr, R, pUKBABi Regisler.
Sick lleadacho. finatraliin rvamnca..
allotherresultsof impcrfectdigestion. ,.,V,T,.mely '"""I'atsdorlpttvematlai I .s2P"SfifflWL,- t&JtSS&f .or"'
. , .yJ, uinuwim a r- . .
'spared by E OWITT A CO,, Crjicqaa 1 n' u' "AKLTON,
He iiante tin- folloMriaa witueases lotiKve hi
coiitiiiiiiiiis ruaiileuet iii.n ,,n,, ..1,..., ..
aii requsjsted to ale tbeli said laad. via.
II-IIIIT V. I ,.,k- L'r., .,
Pbarles Rawsou allofTbi lialies' Oreeou.
See afc-out at Tbe Oalleti sUUou, or add.tss
General 1'aHnenger Ageut, Portlaud, Of