The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - - - - JULY 1. 1901 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. 0. t TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wico County warrant!) rrcl t red prior to .Inly 5, 1KK, will be paid on presentation at iny office, Interest MINI rter .lline 30, 1001. JOHN P. II AHI'SIll KK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. New neckties just received at the New York Cash Store. The new city council and mayor will meet tonight in the council chambers.' Re sure and get one of those new ties nt the New York Cash Store. Specials in neckties, leeks, clubs, im perials and four-in-hands at the New York Cash Store. A marriage license was issued Satur day evening to A. J. Kistner and Dollie VVing, both of Wamic. The Regulator had on board this morning 5o tons o hay which Joe Silva of l.yle, eold to Portland patties. Frank C. Carpenter tells of an Australian sheep shearer who lias cut the wool from 320 sheep in one day. D. W. Vause and a force of men com menced Saturday to put the first coat of paint on the new flouring mill building. MlM fiirrip Anderson n truinprl imTM from the Good Samaritan hospital, baa accepted a position in The Dailes hos pital, Yesterday the Bailey Gataert arrived here with something like 250 passengers. The Sunday bo t will undoubtedly prove very popular. H. Miller, who .vas tetvlng out a $3 line in the i-iry bat-tile for drunkenness, after servh g out half of his fine got tire.) of the place, paid the balance and released. M irried. hi-t even n. at the residence of Mr. nn. I Mrs. Guariei Hayward of thiscin, .lodge Ne.l Gates officiating, Mr. A. J. Kistner to Miss Dollie Wing, both of Wamic. The Shaniko Leader Bays George liorstel, of Bake Oven, has disposed of his laud and sheep to Patjsn Bros., of Sherman county, and will return to his old home in Germany. The Boston Bloomer girls and boys defeated a picked nine at Roseburg by a Hcore of 19 to 1, and the Albany Demo crat suggests that the Koseburg boys must have been hypnotized. A. Anderson, the architect, this after noon Bitsned a contract to build a band euine cottage for Austin C. Kice on the lot adjoining his father, Horace Kice's property, near the bead of the new brewery grade. In 1886 the people paid $146)800,000 lr interest on the public debtc The I amount now is $29,000,000, and the rate i das declined from 7.30 per cent to 2 per cent. Nothing irore need be said when it in added that Uncle Sam'e credit is the best in the world. P. Donnelly, T. Williams and Peter Rtuiuesen were arraigned this morn ing in the recorder's court op the double j charge of drunkenness and vagrancy. Ah they were all financially strapped, they were given their liberty on con dition that they would leave town forth with. A sale of nearly half a million pounds "I wool is pending at the Moody ware- house as we go to press. It belongs to arker & Pliler and Barker .v Cameron, of Wheeler county, and iB offered to the buyers on sealed bids which will prob hly be opened before the ink is dry on thin isfue. Mr. Will F" redden, who was united in marriage to Miss Gertrude Williams, at Hitssville, Washington, on the tith ulti mo, after spending the honeymoon at Spokane and Pendleton returned here veHterday with his bride. Mr, and Mrs. redden have gone to housekeeping in : the C. E. Bayard residence. The city recorder's report which will I'e presented to the council tonight, will Hhow that the income of The Daiies dur ing the month of June was (,7l)0 und the expenditures about 500. About mh) whs received from liquor licenses Aud the remainder from taxes and fines. Of course June wa a very exceptional month, else the city government would be a veritable gold mine. Attorney Sam Stark returned venter deyfromJPortlandwherelheBpenteeveral.fference to Mr. Gates, and for j lays of last week taking testimony in the case E. E. Ferguson against John Wills, administrator of the estate of one ISimisoo, who died in this city last sum- inner from the effects of the kick of a Ihoree that he was taking with others to Success We depend upon you for Success, and you look to us for money-saving value-gaining opportunities; they're here. For these days we offer vou some of the best monev-saviny values ever offered by ..Summer Challies.. Good Assortment of Patterns, all new, Our Extraordinary Bargains in Children's Dresses 7 or Values 85e " .. 59c .60c 80c .95c $1.00 1.2.-) To be Given Away amount f 25c will receive a PERSE & MAYS. the Portland market. The suit is brought for professional services and will be tried in Canyon City. At St. Peter's Catholic church of this . . rt m t l . T- city, at t o ciock inis mornine, r.ev. Father Bronsgeest officiating, Fred Hillgen, of Kingsley, was united jD marriage to Miss Agnes Le Due, also j of Kingsley. Immediately after the j weddinc the vounc couDle took Dassaee ! on the Regulator for Portland where! they will spend a week or so, and re turning will go to housekeeping on a (arm near Kingsley. It is safe to say that all the. business j houses of the city will keep closed all i day on the Fourth. This is said after conferring with as many of the pro- j nnetors as ThE Chronicle was able to 1T. n ! l be Danes interview this morning. , . i i (stores have always closed on the Fourth i I . ... -T, . ...,.1 it, n . ...... ... 1 ! t.,, nn avounhiin "tT'lO j . .) ! rne statement oi anot tueai woo mu nui say : "We are going to keep closed all lay on the Fourth no matter what any bodv else does." The preachers in Oregon churches have not been able so far this year to bring to their assistance such strenuous argumenrs as that recited by the Atlanta Constitution : On a sweltering Sabbath, in a little church in the backwoods, the perspiring minister, instead of preach ing a long sermon, cal.ed the attention of the congregation to the figures on the thermometer Just study those tig-1 hot ures," be said. "It ain't half as here as vou'll lind it hereafter if vou den't mend your ways." The editor of "The Muscotab (Kan.) Record" makes the following personal announcement: "For the first time we were married on Wednesday. We have ! contemplated this step for a long time, : but lack of fund has always prevented, until we finally decided to get married aud trust to Providence for the rest. The subscription ratee of "The Iiecord" will remain at the same price. Only the immediate relatives were present at the ceremony . Our views on the money question will remain the Fame, only we 1 f i 1 1 T 1 1 a. U .. I. naAfl mnra o il. i u lu uuuwebvu1 ing in street. ih. AmimIiJi linrn mi Second i The city council met in the council chambers Saturday night to attend to the apulications for liquor licenses, which expire on the last day of June and before the new council OOUld meet and take action. The matter of licenses having been disposed of, the retiring recorder, Ned Gates, addressed the council and requested that, as a special favor to himself, a special committee lie appointed to examine the books kept by him during his incumbency and report to some future council meeting. Out of , " " " JT , , . , Ti i ; end Councilman Shackelford, Kelly and , Wakefield appoutled on the committee. m j l . . a rf-. Anla Ilia i . .j nnfl UHKlldud W f i Fast Wedueaday morning, as Mr. T. Burgess was returning to Bake Oven from a visit to his son Newt, at Lower - Assu r ing - the department. 5c Price per yard. $1.50 Values. 1.65 " $2.00 ; $2.25 ' . $120 $1.29 $139 $1.45 On Wednesday tner Child's Parasol FREE. No parasols given to children Antelope, he met with an accident which very nearly resulted seriously. While driving up Adams Canyon the wagon seat broke, throwing Mr. Burgess violently to the ground. He fell on bis bead and shoulders, and though at first ttie injury seemea siignt, oy ine time tie had reached Bake Oven it was found necessary to summon Dr. Hudson. The muscles ana ligaments oi tne necu were found to be badly strained and wrenched resulting in considerable soreness. An telope Herald. Water Commissioner' Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the water commissioners was held at the i Recorder's office Saturday night, this being the last meetipgof the old board. Only the ordinary routine business came . . ,, ur i ii i i tut nin nut. iiv i u i m n iiil ic the treasurers report: June 1 -To bal cash $2,940 86 June 29 Water rent 1,301 65 M.242 CI June 26 By interest on bond $ Warrants redeemed during month . . 750 00 889 37 $1,688 27 Bal cash on hand CLAIMS $2,003 24 ALLOWED. ! James Like, hauling $ 50 j Chronicle Pub. Co., ad v 2 00 j Laiblaw & Co. commission 7 50 Jno K Ferguson, hau'ing 2 25 I Mavs & Crowe, mdse 21 98 I Sexton & Walther, mdse 33 21 !J D Hockman. ranairi 90 J B Crossen, advance on freight. . 5 58 Maier & Benton, mdse 0 GO Won Morganfield, labor 3 50 David Straud, labor 42 20 Dan Fisher, labor 18 00 Joe Knebe, labor 28 80 On motion of Simeon Bolton a vote of thanks was extended to the outgoing commissioners for the faithful perform- ance of their duties as commissioners during their term of office. Tongue Ih to Blame. It has become apparent, says the Baker Republican, that Congressman T. H. Tongue is responsible for the pro posed omission of a trip of the upper Columbia by ttie livers and harbors committee. This fact is established by ,'u'" 111 u "icaiious I'uu'ieiifu iu uie urc- a : i I :,. i a i l. .. i gonian last Wednesday. Congressman : Tongue is the only member ol the com- mittee in the Korthweat, and it now : develops ihat he haB no conception of : the magnitude of interest dependent I upon opening the Columbia, but is de .... ;a ,i 1 voting bit energies to coast points and Willamette valley sloughs. There should be relief, in the minds j Of bntTlff t Miet at least. !f one con-1 gressman has taken such a biased view ! of the state's welfare, local men believe that the other three members of the , delegation should be able to present the matter properly. Business men ! here wil, realize ,n tne more crUjBiy that it is up to them to have Mr. .. Clarke & ralk have on sale a full lino of peist and artist's brushes. Flags at Meaefee Parkins. j26 Ta (Ft ics. $2.50 Values $2.75 " . $3.00 $2.00 $1.85 $225 every LADY eusto purchase to the m akin i magma a Dope Fiend and Indian Arrested. Joe Oakes, a dope fiend who works at intervals on a wood saw, was arrested Saturday night by Deputy Sheriff Wood for selling liquor to an Indian known ae Si wash Anderson, of MoBier. Oakes was brought before United States Com missioner Hudson this morning, when he pleaded guilty and was bound over to the United States court at Portland in the sum of $200. (lakes was arrested in an Fast Kud lodging house. After he had been placed in the county jail Deputy Wood returned to the lodging houfce to secure SlwaBh Anderson as a witness. Anderson refused to come with the deputy, and showed light, but was Boon persuaded to change Lie mind. Before entering the jiil Anderson was searched by Jailer Fitzgerald who found In one of the prisoner's pockets a slung shot, that most ungodly and brutal of all weapons. Anderson had just been found in possession of a demijohn half full of alcohol, with part of the other half in his inside, and Deputy Sheriff1 Wood, believing that alcohol, slung shot and Indian formed a combination that was not conducive to the peace of society, swore out a complaint against Anderson, charging him with carrying concealed weapons. The Indian was arraigned before Justice Brownhill and bis trial fixed tor 2 o'clock this after noon, when he was found guilty and eeiittnced to pay a fine of $25, winch for lack of iunds be ie working out in Die oounty jail. Att.ntlou, Woodmen! All members and visiting members of Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, W. O. W.. are requested to be present tomorrow 'Tues day) evening at 8 o'clock. Flleven can-; didates to be initiated. Btfreshments ; will be served. 2t j The steamer Baily (iatxert will leave The Dalies at 3:30 p. m. on July Ith ' making a through run without Itopi, arriving in Portland at 9 p. in., in time for the excursionists to view the fire- works. Music by the Colombia String I Quintet. j29-td CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thu Kind YOU HaVfi AiWaVS BOUPut ' W Bears the 81guature DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should le promptly applied to cut, burns and acaldB. It soothes and quickly heals the injured part. There are worthless counterfeits, be tarn to get DeWitt's. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Bluku- ley, the druggist. Go to Mays & Crowe for your grocer ies. Fresh, new clock. New Grocery Store rnenj to our stoic. A new t'lTxh. cloan stock. Oivc us :t call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS t jkt A itk mk A A 4Bk A mk A swi MS FLAGS 4 4 4 i 4 FIREWORKS DISPLAYS FOR BOTH DAY AND NIOHT. The Latest Novelties for Children for perfectly harmless. Sky Kockets, Roman Candles, Flower I'ots, Kne King, Japanese Ac robats, Home Runs, Fly Wheels, Pin Wheels, Bomb., rorpedoet, and all kinds of Fire Crackers, at MENEFEE & PARKINS'. I I Tf j,r v"- -v "V II V V: "V 'V T) V UP ' V "V "UP V 'V V "U V "V "Vi V ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN NECKTIES ! NECKTIES ! Tecks, Clubs, Imperials, Four-in-Hands 25c Special Values. Latest NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the) CO partnership heretofore existing between W. Wa'lacu Wilson and 1.. V. Hong in j this city under the name and style of the W. W. Wilson Co., has been dis- solved by mutual consent of both i parties and that Mr. W. Wallace Wilson retire from raid business an. I that Mr. L. Y. Hong will continue said bun- ness and will pay all debts contracted j by and that are due from said firm, and ' collect all money Httidlirm. Dated at Dalles City this 26(0 day ol June, 1601. L v. Honu, W. Wai la. i: vVlLaOM. )36 6td Fourth of July rates, Regulator line, j any point between Ttie Dalles and Cas- ! cades Lockn, one fare for the round trip. There will be celebrations at i.yie, Hood River and Stevenson Btesmere will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. ami .'! p.m. j27 3cl ; Mid'SUOamelr clearance sale of milli nery at the Campbell A Wilson Milli nery parlorc Fverything in the lineol head wear at one half the aeloal val- : llO, j'.'M-llll 1 Wanted A young men ffOOl 16 tcj I , years of age to do general work about a Htore. Address Merchant, care of Chronicle. jjs S B. B. Ullbretll & Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay, grain and lecd which thev will retail at the lowest market fates. jl'ti-tf If you celebrate at home buy your lire works at Menefee A. Paikius. If you go abroad buy them before you go. M Chatauqna, (iladstoue Park, July 3d to 13th. One fare for round trip, Regu lator line steamers. j27lwk Second growth of oak, llr, pine, maple I H,,'i slab wood at. lowest puces at Maier I A Benton's. J28 lwk Dressed spring chickens at the Siadel-1 i man Commission Co.'s M if CROWE... rfW A ift- Ml rfw rf fc Sfc A ttfh A A FLAGS FIREWORKS arlor I lisplaya ; STORE of the City. and 50c. Patterns. Just Opened. When your hair appeals dry and to have lost its vitality it want something to give it life and vigor. Wo hav- what the hair necdB when it gets !o that con dition. We have i the Crown of Science Hair rfSmteSfr ( ii"'T and Cocoanul CieamflbgBr Fo'iic. I'hey will cure dand HBP roll aid all scalp diaeateti For naln al Frail t't bar ber shop. Price 5l)t: hipI 76u a bottle. Drop into Ma4 iV CrowVl nton and Me the Perfection oil itove work, li is ; simply perfect. b e valve ioe the whole work. No complicated parts to gel out of order. Cheaper than wood. No hot kitchen. There are no Other! jijhI as good. Investigate before buying, for these stoves are not sold by any other firm iu The Dalles. LO-tJ If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your Malp clean. Noep will make your bill harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two ol the very beat prepai StlOMI for eleanslog 'ho scalp and Fine Tm BhaiUpOO. It will leave your hair soft and glossy, Price, 85 and 60 cents a hot tie, ut Fraer'a barber shop, The Dalles. tt It is rumored that a Wf rich Strike in oil has been made near PendletOO, ttnd the housewives of The ! "truck just the thing in May & Crowe's. Dalles have il stoves at 19-tf If any thing ails your hair, go ami seo Frailer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Thlrrt and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 133. Focal, 102.