An Astonishing But True Story ' My home is iu Sidney, Ohio. 1 lmve Im.-ou notircr dentil with cotifiumption than any other living portion in tho world, nnd I wnnt you to rend this, so you enn ted others. I took n ncvero cold nnd neglected It, 1 grew woruo all tho time, nnd ut the end of two years I luul run into coiiRumptioii. I coughed terrilily, lost llesh, could not sleep, nnd Itccume so dr ml fully weak that I hud to take lo bed. In tho following eighteen liinnthf. 1 gradually reached tli.j Inst stages of c .nsumptlon. No less than seven physicians treated me and all gave me up saying I wns in i urnble. 1 was absolutely 1 lp ess." Thewholofnm il woie themselves out c r ing for me. One day mj.hor and sister came t. niv bedside, and said I h.ul but n day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their cheeks as tlioy the news. Tho doctors had declared I was in the last stage, and no li i nan buing could save me. I was willing to die, but'before going to the cruel gi-.ive, I wanted lo go out and see my dearly beloved town of Sidney once more. T'my told mo such n thing was impossible that I would surely die before I got back. Hut I insisted, and to gratify my dying wish, u enrriage wns litted up wi h a bed of pillows, and to this I was carried and slowly driven around Court II use Square. 1 got home more dead than alive. Through the mercy of Provi dence, someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to bo a consumption cure. N ) one imagined for an instant it was worth trying. Hut as a drowning person grasps at a straw, so I tried this medicine. I was better after taking two doses. Mo. her got more of the medicine nnd I took it, improving nil the time. Today I am us well us any readev of this paper, ami the medicine that cured mo was A'.'ker's IJuglish Remedy for Consumption. 1 declare before God nnd ninn that every word here printed is true." Thin r.murkiibWi luRtlntniiiiil, on lllc In Mm nfu.-o of Mima. V. It ItooUnr.V- Co., Now Ynrk, proprietor of Dr. Acker' Culolirntuil I'mrIIhIi, Ik vouched for ty ilium, tin wull mi ly )r."iiln-iH ilnuirrHtH of Hliliu'v, Olilo. In C!is o l:lliuv Si; , Wi. ami St a tinitlr l.i f For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. .ItUI'Iffl ClillioullH C.'iiliKlit, Tlii' yoiuiL' Hnl iikiii which 'Fish Com-mln-ioiier Mi'Guiru marked ilit'lore turn imr out four wp, by cutting ofl'tho ndipost' flu, fontiiiiU' tn hy ht'iml from, mi I i 1 Inir to throw more liuht on tlw, tiuio nqnliul by eldtiook hhIiiioii ty at tain thi'lr cro til lliiin nnytliiiiK ultfi) line diini' Hiiyu tint Oruoniiin I.iifit yi'.tr quite ti number ot theau nnikud I'ihIi nt-ri' cniiKht in the Coliiiiiyiu,-lmv-inir mi iivitiiu'i wplght of poundfi. A ftiw diiNH tofo Sunforl Ilroa., of The Diillo-, rinirtud cntuhing one of thi'su marked li"h weighing HO round", and a fuw iIiivh iio iiue wan turned in at Pil lar Hock nunnery which wuiuhed !() j xi ii ii 1 h . Frnin this it ia neon that in thr.'t yi'iiic tin chinook Hidmou grows ton woiuht of IM pound, and in four yfnrs niiaiii" a veilit of from ID to iiO jiiiiiihIh. IWIutpfl Home of tin) marked fish may Im enugltt next year by which tini" r tit-v will prolmbiy hitvii tittiiiniMl th i' urnwtii, but tho liiu uniyi of 70 poiiudR and upwiutlti are douhthtett more than fivu years old. A ruportwnn fent on i in ilio 'll'ct that a niiiiilcr of the iiutrkoil ctiiiiiml; H.tlinon hud yeon found allium: thu firth hrnujjht thnri from the Siieriiiniinto river, luit Culuitibia river fiHln'rini'ii ufiierally did not btiliuvo thin. They looked upon it us a fake Mtory in tundeii to uhow tlmt tlie chiunok halmon hn'chi'd on the Ouluuthiu found their win to tut' Sacramento, mid that there fon t hit "iilmoii of the Hucrammito were the ..lino tiH Im cliiiiool; of thu Coin m bii, whicii is not gumsritlly euppiiHud to bu till' CHHO. Ilmitli uf HlterlU' I.iini'y. Sjmi'iul lo Tin: Ciiito.siui.i: ItAKiai Cm-, June 'J8. At tho St. Eliziitmih hntpital in thin city Hhtiritl'J. 1). Locey, of Mulheur county died last uvt'iiinu. fie wu:i brought hero three weukj putt fur an opurution for aliscaa on thu Rplceii. Thu operation wuh per oriiit'd and he f til lull to rnlh. Two years nio rihorilF Locey wan openttud on for the muni) trouble and (raiui'd tempo rary relief, hut hiw ailitient returned. lie Mitri one of the prominent nfliciulH of KitHtorn Oregon, as he bore u epluiuiid name for clean, honest iulniinintrntlou of public trtiHt, nnd progrefaive buaineBH, fit! lota been instrumental in much of tlie reclamation work for the uritl I.iiuIh of Malheur county, is a proniinent etock grower nnd, ulthough only H4 yearB of iiKe, litis mnde n career quite enviable, He wua serving hla second term hs thu sheriff of Malheur county at the time of hia deuth. The body will bu shipped from tliia place to Ontario, thu family home, thin evening. Annlimt llm Null Tr'Ut. Dktuoit, June 28. Tho Trlbuno to morrow will euy: "After much negotiating, Superintend ent Green, of the Penlinutu bait Com puny, has secured BureementH for US per cent of thu Independent suit manufactur ing coiieenm to enter n combine iigninst the suit trust. Mutters huve not pro crested far enough to announce thu names to those who Mill enter the anti trust combine, but thu deal will be closed and the formal announcement will , be iimdo before Autumn, Itanium, saltrheum, tetter, chafing, Ivy poisoning and nil skin tortured are quickly cured by DeWltt's Witch Hand Salvo. The corlam pile cure. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharwaoy. Clarke A Falk tiave racmved a carload of tli MlsbraUd Jamt E. Patton strictly oure liquid paints .s.itiul r.ui.ul.i. In l;iul.uul Is; -jiL.-ii. 3il.,ninUt. til. Htrlkim ,1 Itleli Flint. "I wits troubled for iievernl yearn with chronic iniligeNtiou and iidivouh de bility," wrltt'B F. J. tlreun, of l.tmciiB tor, X. II., "No remedy helped inn un til I hottiin ii-Iiii: Klt'iUrlc Ilittere, which did me utoregoud 1 1 1 it it all tlie medicincH I ever imetl. They have ulfo kept my wife in cxcnllent health for yeitrn. She hiivh Klectiic liitturs are jtiHt Hpleutlid for female tronhlea; Unit they area grand to. lie and iuvigorntor fur weak, run down women. No other medicine can lake ItH place in our family." Try tiiein. Only 5l)o. Sathifitctiou guaranteed by U. C. Itliikeley, the druggint. 1 DyHpepticti cannot lie long lived be cause lo live requirim unu-iahnient Food ia not iiiturihhiiig until it Ih digeHteil. A liiHordured iitiiniuch cannot dlgeht food, it intiRt "have r.nsistancn. Koilol Dyepep aia Cure digestH all kinds of food with out aid from the ptouutch, allowing it to rent and regain ita nitluritl luuctioiiu. Ua elements are ex. telly the mime ns the imturn! dlgeHtive IIuIiIh anil it dimply can't help but do you good. Clarke A Falk'a P. O. I'hurinuey. "A lew iiionUif- iign, food wliicii I ale for iireakfitbL would not remain on my Htomnch for half an hour. I uaed one bottle of your ICoilol DyHpepHia Cure and can now eat my hrcttkfiittt nnd other meals with a rcUali ami my food iu thoroughly digeated. Nothing equals Kudol Dyapeptiia Cure for tttiiinnch troublea" II. R. Pitta. Arlington Tex., Koilol DyHpepaia Cure (lle,entH wliat you uaU Clarke A Fulk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Mr. Jnmea llrowti of PutHtiioutli, Va., over HO years of ngu Hnilernil for yeitrs with a bad oore on his face. Physicians could not help him. DeWltt's Wileli Hitnl Salve cured him permanently. Clarke A Fulk's P. O. Plinrmncv. The bilioiiH, tired, uervonn man ciiuuot Hticcuaafully compete with his healthy rival. Do Witt's Little K.trly Hitters the lumotiB pllla foi cr.tmti luuitin will remove tite cuiue uf your troubles Clarke A Falk's P.O. Pliaruiaoy. It n tun lii Hun Frniielioii unit Itntiirti. ThoO. It. A N. Co. will make the following rates from The IKillen, Oregon, to Kan Frunclsco and return for National Convention of Enworth League, July 18-21, 1U01: Via rail to Portland and 0. It. A N. steamers from Portland to Sun Francisco nnd return, if2U CO, Tickets on sate unit honored on trains from Thu Dallea mid on steamers from Portland only on July lllh nnd HHh. Returning tickets will bo honored on BteainerH sailing Irotn San FrauciHco nut later than August 1st ; final limit, Aug ust I, 11)01. Kate includes meals nnil Itortlt on steaiuera. Heservatlouu for pussongtira going via Htoumers should be made in advance to insure aceoninunla. tiona, fur which u deposit of fG.OO will bo required, All rail in both diruutlons, via O.K. & N. and Southern Pacific, first class, good for slop-overs in Cali fornia, Second class, including berth in tourist sleeper in both direc tions, no stop. overs, '25, 50. Tickets en sale at The Dulles July lftlh and ltUli, and will bo honored by Southern Pad lie on trains leaving Portland July luth and 10th, and on morning train July 17th; good for return pussagu leaving Han Francisuo up to and including July HI, 11)01. Tickets will not tin sold good in one direction via rail and lu auothor via steamer. For further Information communicate with Jm, Irelaud, agent. The Dalles. Oregon. mill-jlyll LET THE EAGLE SCREAM 1 An Old - Fashioned Celebration. Music by the Band and Glee Club ! Reading of The Declaration of Independence. ORATION. G-RA.ND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic. Log Rolling Contest $100.00 in Prices. Greased Pole, Wheelbarrow Race, Etc., Etc, with Liberal Prizes to Winners. BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the Handsomest Exhibits. $700.00 Display of FIREWORKS IN THE EVENING. Baseball Game--Dalles vs. Hood River Cool groves and romantic liilla ami dolls for tho lovers of naturo. ' , lloduood nil us ly railroad and hoaln. Come everybody, and brinp; llio children. White Collar Line. Be Daiies-Pofdanfl Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, DAILY HOUND TKII'S, KNccpi Mondiiy, Ouscacle Locks, Hood Rivor, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD I.tmvit I'orllund 7 .. m Arrivu Tho DiiIIiim II p. m I .mi vi- " " I " Arrivu Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. riuudtty Tr,lpH u l.t'tuHiii! Fiiuturu. flflrl'hiH limitu him llio (.irunilret ScttuU: AUiatitloiiH on I'atrth, Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," D.tlly Hdiunl Trips txi!tipt Siinthty. TIME CARD Luitvo Porthmd 7 a. .m. I.unvu Astoria 7 v. ,m. Lnudius uutl otlluu Foot of Altlor Ktri'tit; both phonurt, M 1151, Porllund, Oregon. H. W. OUIOUTON, Akriiut I'orlhtud, J. M. FII.UOON, At. Tint Dullue, A. J. TAYI.OK, Aguut Autorlu. riiiynil Out. Dull lltiadrttihi), PitiiiB iu vmiouH purlw of tho liodv, HiukluK nt thu pit of thu iitouiituh, bum of rtpputltu, l'uvrlHliiii'Hi, PiuiploHor HoroH nru nil punllivu oviduu cue of impure blood. No nmtttir how It iMiCiiiutt ho it nui'it hu ptirilltid lu ordur to obluiii iiuud hfitlth. Aukur'H Ulood Eloxir linn uovui dtilod totiuro HcrofuhniH or Svphllltiti poifloim or nny othur blood dintmiH. It ie mtrtuiuly u wuudurful ruinudy und wit attll uvury hottlo on it ouollivu uuarnnttiii. lllaktiltw. thu tlrnu Klxt. Why nut ipuud tho vmmtlou ut Ya (ult)u buy, whure can hit htul uxiidllont fnru, good liflhinx, aood huntiuy, unfit ImthiUK, nlluritiK ridt8 nd rttmhlni, Thu uauraui und uxttruluus nt thu tuuuuiwr Milioul of 11)01 Hi Nowpurt will niTurd KrMt variety of Itmiruutluitw, dlvtimlon ud vuturtHinment. No uthr revurt offers eunl ltrutlous ud liku dvu Uget. jnnlLtf at Hood River Just Received 1 A full lino of Fmiih Printing utnl I'f vuloplui; PupiTH tllrnct from fiic-tory. (Solio, cx, Deko, 'oltx and Ari.slo in all nr.os. AIho linn of Phttmi In Crituu'r, Crown, BmidH uutl Stitnltiy. Trayn, I'rin ting KranioH, Albums, MulligrajiliH, Antl nil iiroHMirit'H to oouiplutu thti oullit ul tilther tho niuitti ur or pro fmmtiuml photoitritphtT. Our ICiircldt (Joinliluttil Toiling unil Fixing ll.tth Ih u thuiily. Try It. Thu A. K. C. Di'Viltiptir for plittuf, flliuii or duvt'lopini: pupt'iN luitt no(iint. Ktiouuh foritrio to dtiVHlopnd iIukmii nliitiin or li dor.ttn Vulnx 'Ik5, Prrltuil IiIiioUh mid whlttiH urn I'liiirnntiii'd, if tliriMiiluiiH titti followtitl. AtU fur tint A. 15. (.). Dtt. vulopur, uutl mm Unit you ;it tliti Kuuuliiu. Wo nru prupurm! to compound any and all of your own fonmtlip and uuttritiitft' Haliiifacliou. At thu old pliiDtt, 175 .SttiHtnd Slrtmt, Thu Dallt'H, Ori'irou. Geo. C. Blakeloy. Drying pnMttmitloiiN nlmply dovoU ojidryuatanii; tlit'y dry up llio noortilloiiH, which milium to thu itnuuhraiio uutl dtioout potio, uaunlni; a far uioro Ntn iuuH I roublo t linn tho onlliiiny form of unlarrh. Avoid idl dry hit! inhalant, fiiiitim, Hiiitiltou nnd btiulln uutl uio that whioh oloniiHOH, hooIIioh ud IiouIh. I'.ly'H Oreaju Huho Ih Httoh n ronmtly and will otiro catarrh or cold in tho houtl cimlly nnd iilAKHRutly. A trial ixo will bo utailud for 10 oontn. All drtiKflHlH noil thu miti. mko. Kly UrothtirH, 5(1 Warrun Ht,, N.Y. 'J'lio Jlidut oiii'iui without pain, dut ti uot irritatu or oiuiho tinoor.inK. It nprcadtt liwt ovor ivn irrltatod uutl iui;ry mufaoo, rollor. inu iuuundlntuly (hu painful iullatutnatlou, with Kly'u (Irt'itin Hidin you nro nvuiod agithmt Nanttl Cutnrrh und Hay Fovtr. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat Itartiflolally dlgettts tho too J uuduldi Ntut lu Nirtinuthouluy and woou utruotlng tho cxhuutrtod dl!t)tlv or gatti. Itlatuo latwitdUoovoi-oddlKoat-aut and touto. No other prpwaUou can approach It In otltolouoy. It Id ataotly roUovcaand pormanoutlyourM typepel, IndlnoAlon, Heartburn, IiTatuUuo, Hour Htoruaoh, Mauaaa. Blolc Uoadaohe, dMtralgla.Urawtwaad all other rulu ot liapor foot dlgwtlon. wfflltaa!fiSaJla vjMr ay k. n. dqwitt aco,. cut Sold by ttUrku & Falk'a I'.O, IMiarmany, J. E. FALT 8l CO., Prorrlotors Owh9f J Purest Liquors for Family Use f? Polivorod lo nny jMirl of tho Oily, A Phonnn: ftWI ?3 SeconcJ Qtmotf r THE CELEBRATED .. .COhUIVlBIA AUGUST BUCxiLEK, Frop. Of Hi product of IMh well-known hrnwury llm UItl HIhIuh lloalth HuporlH for .Innn 28, 11)00, niyHj "A uioro mipmlor brtnv ni'ver unluri'il thu I it fir utory of Hut iJnilt.-d HIuKih lliiillli ruri'irlit. It ih itliHilutHy ihtvold of llm fllliltht tracd of itdiillcrHtlori, Inn on thn ollutr ImiimI Ih conp'iRttii of tint hi'H of in Alt nnd t:lioli!''xL of hopH. Iln tonlu Uii1Iiicn iik of (hit lilli CM and it can hu uttfd with thu iirtrnK'tt lmnllt it ml imtUfiuillnri by old iiml yoiuiK. Iih UHit can (uiufcliiulloiitily Im prct'cnbtid hy Ihu phyt-lclaiifi with i hu curriilnty that n bultor, puror or uioro vt IioIi'hoiiki liiivi'riiii!oiilil not pOHtilhly ho found." East Second Otrool, 'J'HE DALLES, OREGON. ' Wasco wttiise Milli Co. Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinde unnimin firrain vvi mf m m m j m.m mmm mm wm.m utm . . 1 I II " w rr . a r . (cr mm iu i 1 j u titutiq rn li " m mm WW V. V. WW WWA A irm r . . k I hn TrlrMlf Thin Hour UU-l. mWm m.-J U.J. .. vxi iiiiii our uootir lowtir until any call und udt out pnain nnd bo oonvlucud. Highest Pi'ioeB Paid for Wheat. Bnrloy nnd OatR I: C. J. STUBLiIflG, MIOI.I!HAI,IC Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. s' Nosl door to Flrtil (iiiiiiiiin riinnii 'j:u, I.IMIK nut. loin. THE p. S. GUriI40, Blacksmith, Horseshoor and Wagon-maker.. -ih:ai.i:ii in- Iron, Stool. Whocle, AxIob, SpringH nnd Blaokontith Suppllou Am'iit (or Kui'fcvll vV Co.'h I.iikIiii'n, TliioHliom uutl Hitw MIIIh. Tolfphontt 157. Look DltttHiiou 10711. Yellowstone Park Line. THU MNINU (IAU HOUTK KHOM I'OHTI.ANII Tt THIC KAHT, TttIC ONM.V DIUKOT LINK TOTIIK YKI.I.OW MONK PAIIK, AltlllVK, No, U. j 1'itKt ittitll (ttr Tiit'iiiiiiii Nn, HiitttU, tHyni(iln. timy'Hi lltirtitti uutl Htmlii lloiuli liniiitlp, Hiitiltittit', Utin. ' : uutl, li I'lillmnn, ' MtiM'tiw, UlMtmt, tint ! 11)15 A i M.iiiltiltiiitittiitliilit(Mtni dWV M, 'ley, 1 1 til ii, MtiuitNiiiti- I iih, nt. rum, tntiitim,' KiiiiMiH City, Ht, UiiiIk,! (Uili'UKtt tttttl nil iitiliip, No, 4, tllMO P.M, 1'IIM HIHl Nlltlttllllt, . I'tmt'l houittl Kxiiuh tor I'tu'ttmit nttil HoutiUt ttlttt llttolltmllH poltllk No, ,S, TlW A, Mi PulhiiHti (IrKtolitMi mitt timrUt mUihmm to Mliiiu'rtHi U, Ht, I 'mil umt MiMoiul ilvoi polui. wllltottt t'lmtiito. uiUliultMUiHitiK, tlttlon ttvpot iHtnnwitloitii lu id) vrtuohml olllw, liRiiitn umvkwl to ttoitthtittloit ot tlottotn, I'ttr luutttNomoly llluntiMUHl tWttlpttvv tvtWr, tlokulit, nlooplitK-uiu- irvHlitum, ulo,, oull tm or wrltu A, D. CHARLTON, AMlilmtt lltMtorul Prnmounr Awvitt, Morrl ton ttthit,Hituvr Tltlni, I'oriUtttl Otvon, it ii n 'C hoi in mm mm n no. BREWEKY.. iiiiii iiii KiniiB M 1 I M . 1 . & I f I 1 1 . .... ...... - of mm l. I' HI' . MTraiia' Kanr " m-mwmi 1 mmm - J M mmWJtl l A mj m 1 r& W I . ml . I ih inaiinfucturud uxiiroHNly lor fauil 1. 1. . .. I . ' .1 ' . , . .1 iiounit in iiiti irinitt, anil n you uoiri iiiiiik i AND III'.! All Niitlonul llniilt, DALLES. OREGON. rt-'rMMl Cor, Second & Laualiliu Sts, THE DALLES, OR, SOUTH ami EAST vu Shasta Route Tiutim loitvo Tito lMtlot lor Porllitml unit whv Million, tit l.'.'ii it, in, unit il (i, m, Iahvo I'oiiltimt ' Allmny ,,,,, ,, Arrtvo AhIiImuiI " Hitt'lltltll'lltO.,, " Hun Kiiuii'Uoi) . Hiitoii m 7:imim ..lUiittiHiii ut.nupiit ..WiiUtim ll:!0niit f;tx i. m liiktitm Tit) ) in tti lit ii in All vt' Omtim is-ir,,, m m "UVVr . , HUM (0 MHIn III j'liiM.Ully 7.Whii .vim in " tMitomn Vi4,tt m i iiiiiiiit Arilvo Aimolwi l!Wtt Yixiiim " lCI I'Hkll ll' .1 IU1 . ... ft W"r'i !! IH H Wltllt )ly ot Mvxioo , , . , , tuwiit in ti vi u nt I tniMoit 4:tMn M m New, Oilt'Him ii m ti i to NVitkliiiiutou , HUJn m it uhi nt NowYoik , ,ll,,jpm li 1:1 )i in ,1'uHiunn itml 'hmrli.) curst on Imllt tinlim Ohutr tt Htti'ittuijtt) to Oa.Unt tttttl Kl I'umi, mut tottrUt oiiu to I'lttoMHo, hi IaiuU, Now wi ItStltK UUtt VHltllt)(OU, Ooiuh;IIiiii nt Hnu KittttoUoo Willi mx tJ.W".'!1 Iu ft tlotiitlulit, Juimtt, t'lilim, PltUliplttv, l,VuUl HUtl Hotith Atttctlt'tt, mivnt t Tho DkIIm kUUou, or mM.iMi C. H. MARKHAM, Uottoml Pmmvuvwr Agvitl, IVtlltunl, Ot