The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1901, Image 3

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    The Dalits Daily Glwmftk
JUNK 20, 1001
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
D .
All Wio Connty wsrmnl rgltrnrt
prior to .Inly B, lKltB, will lie pnlil
on rentilon at my offlon, Intercut
iuihhch rtr .Iiiimi ao, 1001.
County T re fi Mirer.
Maye A Crowo have added a grocf ry
department to their store,
Delicious ice cream punches at the
"Owl," Cull and get one.
The regular monthly meeting of thn
hoard of water commissioners wilt be
held tonight.
Leon Dawson is laid off from work on
account of blood poisoning in his left
hand and arm,
of woo! changed f
Wasco warehoused
Over 100,000 pounds
hands yesterday ut the VV
at prices ranging from 10';,' to ll1. centJ
M. Fitzgerald, of Mitchell, while in
town this week sold his clip of wool of
some 95,000 pounds for 12 cents a pound.
L. Gehner, u cook, was arrested lubt
night by officer Paulsen for being drunk
and diBortlerlv. Recorder Gates fined
him two.dollars this morning which, he
A valley paper says a Portland man
is grown a Btrawbcrry that is almoBt
white and has a flavor "that is between
a pineapple and a banana, with strong
suggestion of both."
A special meeting of the city council
will he hull) tonight to attend to the
issuance of liquor licenses uud to such
other bus'ines- may come befoieit.
This will he the hint meeting of the old
The tleamur Riily Gulzert will leave
The Dalles ut 8:110 p. in. on July 4th a through run without stops,
arriving in P.jrtlan IJ m 9 p. in., in time
for the excursioni-i to view the fire
works. Miwic by the Columbia String
Quintet. j29-td
Dr. W. Jones, of Portland, went to
(ioldendale Wednesday and with the
assistance of local physicians performed
uu operation on Mrs. C. O. Alvord, for
appendicitis. At last accountB Mrs.
Alvord was in a precarious condition
und not expected to recover.
Tin; Ohuoxiolu has been requested to
announce that the following firms have
agreed to puy bills and make collections
for the current month on the 0th day of
July: Peaso & Mays, Mays A Crowe,
W. A. Johnston, Maier A Denton, L.
Rordeu and A. M, Williams A Co.
The flrot meeting of the new city
council will he held Monday night.
Mayor-Elect Farley informs Tuu Cunox
iclu that there are five applicants for
the office of recorder and seven for
marshal. The names of the several ap
plicants are only known to Mr. Farley
and he refuses to give titera out.
Gourge Baker, who was arrested a few
days ago at Hood River for Belling
liquor to Indians, was arruigned in
Judge Bellinger's court at Portland
yesterday, lie entered a plea of not
guilty and wub aoutenced to pay a fine
of $100 and be imprisoned in the county
jail at The Dallea for 00 days.
After next Sunday there will be no
services' ut the Lutheran church until
September 1st, except on one occasion,
perhaps, when W. Weidner, D. D. L. L.
I)., from the Chicago Lutheran Semi
nary, will preach. Juat when this may
bo is not definitely known as yet but
will be announced in due tl mo in Tut:
CiiitoNici.K. Dr. Weidner will be in
Portland about the Sd or -1th of July,
and it iu possible that he will be in The
Dulles either the first or second Sunday
after the regular services cease. The
pastor will be in Michigan his native
mate to visit und spend his vacation
with lno parents.
IllokH fur July.
A combination of ustronomic events
out of the ordinary falls on and about
the opening of July. The opposition of
tho planet Jupiter lulls on June 30tb,
ami the opposition of Saturn fulls on
July 1st, The planets Venus und Mer
wiry are also la conjunction with each
other, and Mercury in aphelion und
Venus in perihelion. Hicks eaye such a
balancing and lining up of worlds is not
o ordinary occurience.
The storm period central ou July 3d
will bring u series of very active storms.
The days of greatest storm danger are
uotn July let to 0th; central storm
period 13th to 18th ; reactionary disturb
nces 2lst and 82 d.
More or leu rain with probable cloud-
m -
There's a Limit....
mm m
bursts, hail und dangerous winds need
not Burpnse anyone during the storm
period which is central on the 20th.
One of the warmest termB of the sum
mer may be expected iu connection with
this period and many storm clouds with
Bevere thunder gusts will be natural
about Thursday, 25th, to Sunday, 28th.
Destructive hail storms are more than
probable at this period. The great heat
probable at this time will break up at
the conclusion of the storm, and very
cool nights for the season will follow in
most parts of the country especially iu
the northwest. If rains do not appear
d:i ing the last ten daj'B in July, the
outlook in the great western and north
western grain regions is not encourag
ing for the rest of the eumuier and early
until ran.
Good I'roHiiei-t for Aiil's,
Entile Schanno, of The Dalle?, horti
cultural commissioner for the fourth
disttict, Is in Hood Hiver inspecting the
orchards of the valley, says a Hood
U'tver dispatch to the Oregonian, Mr.
Schanno reports the prospects for
winter apples as good. Although the
crop this season will not equal the
record-breaker of last year, new orchards
are coming into bearing for the first
time, and weather conditions have been
favorable to the production of a larger
crop than Mr. Schanno expected to fiud.
Orchardists who thinned their over
loaded trees lust summer will have a
good crop this year, while orchards al
lowed to overbear have little or no
There will be a good crop of prunes,
peaches and peare, says Mr. Schanno,
but the chorry crop was rother light.
Mr. Schanno Bays tho Hood Hiver apple-growers
are making a thorough use
of the spray pump, and consequently,
are better protected against the fruit
pests than the fruitgrowers of nny other
section of the district.
Justice Timothy Brownhlll went to
Hood liiver yesterday on n business
Dr, Carey Jenkins, wife und child or
rived here today from Portland on a
visit to Mrs. Jenkins' father, Mr. George
11. Hiddell.
Mrs. Holier, of Dry Hollow, und her
daughter, Miss Charlotte, were passen
gers on this morning's boat for Gladstone
Park to intend the Chuutauqua.
This morning, June SUtli, to Mr. and
Mrs. William Brookhouse, of Ten Mile,
n 0-pound (laughter.
Wednesday night, June 20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Benson, of Five-Mile, u
son. Mother and child were both doing
well at lust accountB.
Ilun't Hub It In,
Just wot the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
ami the palu iBone. Sold by Clarke &
Fait:. .
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke b Falk
have them.
Under which right
ly made clothes
cannot be sold. We
always go the limit
but our trump card
is not "cheapness
but quality."
We'd like you to see
the suits at $10, $12 and
$13.50 we are turning
0ut for
The Christian Scientists hold their
services at the residence of Mre. W.
Lord Suuday morning at 11 o'clock and
Thursday afternoons at 3.
St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. C.
H. Lake, rector. Morning service at
11a.m. Evening service at 7 :30. Sun
day school, 12:15. All are invited.
Zion Lutberan church, Seventh and
Union streits W. Brenner, pastor.
Services as usual : Morning service at
11; evening at 8; Sunday echool 12:15;
Luther League at 7 p. m.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. m. und 8 p. m, in the new church
on Union Btreet. Sunday school at 10
a. m. ; B. V. P. U. at 7 p. m.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45
p. m. Tho subject at the morning ser
vice will be "The Demand and Supplies
of the Soul," Evening, "An Inexorable
Law." Young people's meeting at 0:15
p. m.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. Ulyesea
F. Hawk pastor. The fourth quarterly
seivice will be held at 11a.m. Rev.
Robt. Warner will preach and nill have
charge of the service. Sunday school at
10 u. m.; Epworth League at "p.m.,
when u delegate to the League conven
tion will give a report of the proceedings.
Tho pastor of tho church will occupy
the pulpit at 8 o'clock and will preach
on "The Necessity of the Gospel."
Quarterly conference on Monday at 8
p. m.
Wool Sales ut linker.
Special to Tiik Ciuioniole.
Bakuu, City, June 28, Within the
past two daj'B wool sales aggregating
about 00,000 pounds have been made
here, at tho rate 10?.i cents a pound.
There is a Blight increase of price paid
for this commodity, and growers, while
not having large quantities on hand, uie
hopeful of still further advances.
School lU-poit.
The spring term of school in district
No. I!.', Center Ridge, has juet closed.
Number of pupils enrolled, 2j.
Average dally attendance, 20.
Roll of honor Beatrice Grazier and
Gladys Grazier.
S. Maik Bahnkit, Teacher.
Dyspepsia cau be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded, Sold liijiandeome tiu
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Ubo
Acker's English Remedy in any caBe of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley, the drug
gists. Go to Mays dc Crowe for your grocer
iefl. Fresh, new stock.
for Men,
Women and
Men's Canvas Lace $1.50
Men's Canvas Oxfords.. 1.60
Men's Tennis Shoes 1.00
Men's Bicycle Shoos 1.75
Ladies' Tennis Shoes 90
Boys' Tennis Shoes.. 65c, 90c
Boys' Canvas Lace 90
Child's Tennis lace..60c, 75c
Ladies' Tan or Black Ox
fords $1.00
Ladies' Tan Lace 1.25
Senator Williamson for Gormnor,
Referring to some newepnper talk re
garding the candidacy of Senator J. N.
Williameon, of Prineville, for the secre
taryship of state, the Salem Sentinel
East Oregon men may win big purses.
They are entitled to them. But as re
lated above, Mr. -Williamson probably
cannot hav.e the secretaryship this time.
But there is a govei nor to elect! No
body has ever denied Eastern Oregon
men the right to seek that high honor,
and with bis ability, popularity and
strength, why not place the toga upon
Senator Williamson? Mr. Dunbar can
be renominated for secretary of state.
He has made a good officer. Geer can
not be renominated and if nominated
he can't be elected governor. He haB
made a poor, weak, vacilant, mercenary
milk-sop governor. He ia defeated now.
Let Mr. Williamson's friends let East
ern Oregon unite their demands before
the state convention upon one man, and
let that one man be Williamson for gov
ernor, and the nomination is theirs.
But let the delegates come down from
the range next spring demanding every
office within the gift ot the people and
they will get what the small boy shot
Experiment Willi limine Grass.
In one of J. H. Cross' show windows
is a bid all sheaf of Brome grass that was
brought to town this morning by George
Arnold of Chenowith Creek. The grass
averages fully four feet in length and its
tops are heavily loaded with seed. The
sheaf is a sample taken from a patch of
four and a half acres that was seeded in
April a year ago. The patch is on the
ridge between Chenowith and Mill
Qreeks, which is fairly representative of
the dryest soil in the neighborhood of
The Dalles. This year it was cut for the
first time and In that part of the patch
where a reasonably good stand was oh
tained there yas a yield of from a ton
and a quarter to a ton and. a half to tho
ticie. Mr. Arnold ie very much pleased
so far with the result of the experiment.
He is satisfied that Broino grass will
stand any reasonable amount of tramp
ling. In point of fact lie is inclined to
think that trampling agrees with it for
it was markedly the best where wagons
and teams had gono over it the most.
And Irtftly and best of all cattle ami
horses eat it vvjth marked avidity
whether in hay or pasture.
For lnfauAs and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
For sprains, swellings and lameuees
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try It. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
New Grocery Store
wtt i wwwswswasusatMWWtwitwMtssi wowMnMvwWHPMWMtat
mrmmam SHsmsMSMSMMBn sirfBHt'JMMHraMMMMi
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Givo us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
The Latest Novelties for Children for Parlor Displa3's;
perfectly harmless.
J r.i - t. i . ti 11 rl r... ? . t .
J jsk.v itncseie, juiman wmnes, rmwer roie, rue jvini;. .Japanese AC
5 rohate, Home Runs, Fly Wheels, Pin Wheels, Hjiiiim, Torpedoes, and nil fT
kinds of Fire Crackers, at
...The New York Cash Store...
133 and 142 Second Street.
The BARG-AIN STORE of the City.
( selling these
Boys' fine ribbed, light weight, shirts
and drawers, per !urment 25C
Boys' jersey ribbed, heavy .silver grev,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . . 25C
Men's blue mottled, light weight,
shirta and drawers, per garment. . .25C
Men's white, blue mercerized al Ik
stripe, ribbed, light weight, shirts and
drawers, per garment 50C
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existinu hetween
W. Wa'laco Wilson and L. Y. Hong in
this city Under the name and stylo of
the W. W. Wilson Co., has been dis
solved bv mutual consent of both
parties and that Mr. W. Wallace Wilson
will retire from said business and that
Mr. L. Y. Hong will continue said busi
ness and will pay all debts contracted
by and that are duo from said firm, und
collect all money duo to said firm.
Dated at Dalles City this 25th day of
June, 1901.
L. Y. Hoxci,
j'25 Gtd W. Wallace Wilson.
Fourth of July rates, Regulator line,
any point between The Dalles and Cas
cades Locks, one fare for the round trip.
There will be celebrations at Lyle, Hood
River and Stevenson. Steamers will leave
Tho Dalles at 7 a. m. and !5 p.m. j'27 Ud
Mid-siiiiimer clearance Bale of milli
nery at the Campbell & Wilson Milli
nery parlors. Everything in tho lino of
heudwear at one half the actual val
ue. j23-lm
Wanted A young man from 15 to 17
years of ih'6 to do general work about a
store. Address Merchant, care of
Chronicle. j2S :U
R. B. Uilhreth Sons will keep at all
times a supply of hay, grain and feed
which thov will rotuil at the lowest
market rates. jL'U-tf
If you calibrate at home buy yonr lire
works ut Menefen & Parkins. If you go
abroad buy tlieni before you go. j t
Cli'atauqua, Gladstone Park, July lid
to lliih. Ono fare for round trip, Regu
lator line steamers. j27-1 w k
Second growth of oak, fir, pine, maple
and slab wood at lowest prices at Maier
& Benloii'e. J28 lwk
Dressed spring chickens at tho Studel
man Commission Co.'s if
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies juet received by Clarke & Falk.
Flags at Menefee -k Parkins. j'-O
Subscribe for Tug Chkoniole.
Men's and Boys'
Summer Underwear.
Wo have just opened the "best line of Un
derwear ever shown in the city, and we are
goods at the lowest prices.
Men's jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grey,
shirts and drawers, per garment.. 48C
Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed,
shirts and drawers, per garment. ..50c
Men's grey mixed, merino, shirts and
drawers, per garment 30C
Men's brown and ecru, lace weave,
light weight, shirts and drawers, per
garment 50C
When your hair appears dry Bnd to
have lost its vitality it wants somethine
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tho hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. Wo have the Crown of
Science Hair Grower and
Cocoanut CreamHgHr Tonic. They
will euro dand H rntl' and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frozer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c ond 75c a bottle.
Drop into Mays & Crowd's store and
see tho Perfection oil 6tove work. It is
simply perfect.. One valve does the
whole work. No complicated paits to
get out of order. Cheaper than wood.
No hoi kitchon. There aie no othera
just, as good. Inveeligate before buying,
for theso btovei are not eold by any
other linn iu The D.i.lns. 10-tf
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of tho yery
be3t preparations for cleansing tho
sculp Egg and Pino Tar Shampoo. It
will leavo your hair solt and glosBv.
Price, .5 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer'a
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
A surgical operation ie not necessary
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve saves all that expoiise and never
fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke k
Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
It is rumored that a very rich striko
in oil has beon made near Pendleton,
and the housewives of The Dalles havo
struck just the thing in oil stoves ut
Maya & Crowe's. 19-tf
If anything ails your hair, go und seo
Fruzer; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies, Remember that ho
mukes a specialty of these goods. tf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -133, Local, 102,