The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 28, 1901, Image 4

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    Throat Troubles
"ftnnlwoll, K, wliero I live, is in the ex
treiv western part of the Stnte nnil only a
tew null's tnnn lairo,
111., where the Ohio
empties into the Mis
sissippi Uiver. It nm
he Unit th wit troubles
are common here he
taue of loca-
tion, but,
whatever the
reaon. I find
it wie to con
stantly keepa
s tt p p 1 y o i
Aekor s Kng
lisb llentcdy
for Consump
tion on hand.
It is the best
thins I ever
came across
for cough,, colds and throat troubles, and
1 have used it in my family for years. No
lrittrsist here can tit depended upon to have
it alwavs, so I am witing this letter to W.
H. Hooker it Co., 220 liroadway, X. Y to
order a doen bottles at n time. My wife is
bothered lately with sore throat andditlicult
breathing, but just a.-oon as the dozen bot
tles pot here, I will give her a few doses, and
she will certainly be well again. 1 expect to
write another letter in a short time saying
rnv wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure it
is what she needs." (Signed) T. A. White.
Sold at2.K. nOc. and $1 a bottls, throughout
the United States and Canada : and in Eng
land, at Is. 2d., 2-s 3d., 4s. Od. Jf you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle tc
your drucgist, ami get your money back.
IP authnrizt Its abnr fiuarcntee.
II'. Jf. IWUKEi: ii- CO., froprUtjia, Sac York.
For sale at Biakeley's Pharmacy.
1 f4B
1 and Olllce at Vancouver, Wash,
May 17, Hill.
Notice l hereby clven tlmt the following
limned settler.' have tiled notice o( their Inten
tion to miiko lltiiil moot In support of tlu-lr
claim mill tlmt miIu proof will be mmle tiefore
V. 11. l', U. S. Coinnili'sloiier for District of
WttshliiKton, tit his utile.' In (iolitonrinlc, Wanli.,
on tftturiliij. .liiui'Sy, Hill, via. :
I'.lltiiiiiilt It. Ilyltim,
It. i:. No, Kilo, for the KU. NK4. i-I'- Xi:t anil
Ni:4 of t-K'j. See '11, Tii 4 N, It :s K, W M., who
limncs the follow Iiik witnesics to prove Ills con
tlnnon- risltloue.' upon ami cultivation of iilil
liiml. viz.
Orie K. Slilptwv, Corfix Snrensen, .lohn l):if
fron, Jniuo O. I.yle, till of l.yle 1'. O.. Wash.
Cnrllx Sincnsi'ii,
H. K. No. TOTS, for the 'SWi , SK1.,, Siv 1 '.. mul
.V., of M:'4 iii.(1 NKM of NV4, Mt- HI Tp;i.N,
II K, . M.,rhn utiliies the follouint; wit
nee t- prove his c.iuttuuous resldcun upon
ami cultivation of mill liiml, vU.
Klkiiiiuh It. llylton.orle K. Shltipey. John Dnf
fron, Jnuies 0. l.yle, till of l.y'o I'. (.., Wash.
Orl li. StUtipiy,
H . K. No. "1. for toe fr.u-tlonul j'H of NW"4
fractional V- of SWl, nud the Si:1-, of V. t of
see t, Tp :! N. ft 13 K, . SI., w ho niiiues the fol
lowlne wltne-5e to prove his continuous rel
deuce upon mul eiiltlvntlon of Mild Intnl. i
r.lkmmh It. Ilylton, C'ortix Soiouh'ii, .lohn
DutVmn mill J limes t). l.vle, nl' of l.yle 1'. O.,
mis V. n. MWRAlt, IteRlster.
June 21. Hill (
Notice lk hereby given that the following
niiuied .-ettlers have Med notice of their Inten
tton to make tliial proof in support of their
claims and that said proof.-, will be made before
the Itectstor and liecelver, I', s. laud olllcc .it
Vancouver, Wash., on Saturday, August 10, HUl,
Omiir S. I'nrnti6,
II IT. No. 'AW for the of SK!4 See 3, and
ofSWij sec. J. Tt ;i N.. It. IS E., W M., who
nmii the following witnesses to prove hi.- con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
laud, 1 1.:
Unwell II. .swain, Jonn t'nsor, llaskia Trnbttu
nnd Eiigir A. Hopi-or, all of l.yle 1'. (., Wash
ington. Kilgiir A. Il'iiitir.
U.K. No. fffll for the SVj of NK.4 Sec. :i, Tn. W. !., who l'limes the following
wltnse to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of villi laud, vi
John luce-, Hiis-ell ll.bwaln, oear S. Parsons
and liaikin Irabuc, all of l.yle P.O.. Washing
ton ItinSi W. It. Dl'NHAK. Heghtcr.
An Old -Fashioned Celebration.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
1901 mmmmm River
Music by the Band and Glee Club !
Purest Liquors for Family Use J
Dolivorod to any part of Lho City.
173 Second Strept
Plioneb: fl Iicul,
86S; Dip tniicf
Coroner's Jury Says they Murdered
Meredith Either the Blows by
Tom, or Shot by John, Would Have
Proved Fatal.
Seattle, June 27. Ttie coroner's jury
iuimtiHf(l thie tuoMiinj: to investigate
the cane lecrfinu up to the shooting
reultiuc in the Uillinc uf es-Chief of
Po'ilv William L. Meredith by .lohn
CoiiR'niinc, on the afternoon uf June 2oth,
return-!! tlie lollowiup verdict:
"We, the jury, find that eaitl V. L.
Mfrctliih was murdered by John Couhi
dinn, us-iijiied by Tom Cuu-utiitiK. by bi--ink?
-truck on the head with a revolver,
fructurmg thf ekull in two placee, by
Tom Cotisiiltne, and beinz shot in the
body three tinted by John Considine,
either iruniior wound belnc eutTicient to
ca:f the death of the said W. L. Mere
d.tli. s.ine taking place at Guy'e tlrua
etore, June L'3, 1901."
Thf jury wag com po-ed of eix repre
sentative business men. Immediately
aflcr the verdict was returned warrants
were rworn to by A. G. Lane, and they
were served upon the Cunddine brothers
in their crille at the county j.iil. The
teetini'iny brought out the fact ulearly
that .Meredith fired the first two shots,
and :t!t-o that when Couidin;approacbed
lert'dith and fired the first shot Mere
was in a fHini. conscious condition and
kunitiL' anain-t a irlass showcase. The
last two shotf were fired by Coniidirie
wiiHD .Meredith was falling to the floor.
Tom and John Cousiditte attended the
Inque-u, and left immediately after the
taking of the testimony, without offering
tiny testimony in their own behalf.
The funeral of W. L. Meredith will be
held in this uitv June 29th.
Lmid Olllcoat Vancouver, Vsh.,
Miiy 1 ., 1901.
NotKe ik lierobv civen tlmt the folliiwlns
tiiinu'd M-t:ler Imve llltil notice ot intciition to
nuikf :uih1 proof in support uf tiiulr i-lainis.. mid
tlmt -iiio t'toof will tic iiikiI'- bcimi- V. I!. Tril
by. I' s. Coiiiiiil-noni'r for 1 1 i s t r 1 1-1 of iivliiuc
ton, Ht Golilemlii'e, WusltliiKtoii, on Saturday,
JtiucJth, I'.'Jl, viz
Uliiirlfs WIcKiTsliuui,
of l.yle P O.. Wnshinctoii. who mmle II. K. So.
'J Ho for the southwest quarter of sec. 15, To. ;
N.. R. 12 E.. W..J.
Who minus the followinc witnesses to prove
hi- continuous residence upen ami cultivation
of -aid bind, viz
Cornelius Mull, Thomas M. Whltcnmb, Allicrt
T. IliKb) Hiid iumuj O l.yle, all of Klickitat
1'. O., W ashington.
Cornel lot Hall,
of I.vlc !'. O.. Washington, who wade II. K. No
lo.OV. fnr Hip nnIli.'Hst nlliirter uf Se. . 1 .:
1 it. i-j k w. ji.
W ho nmiiiti the fullowlnc witnefses to prove
hi- I'Diitlnuou.- mliluuce u)kjii and cultivation
of sHid Intnl. viz:
Charles VWckershnm. Thonins M Whltcomb,
Klis li. Hewrtit nnd James o. l.yle, all f l.yle 1".
O.. WuflllllfttO!!.
m!5 W. R. Dt'SliAK, Recister
Reading of The Declaration of Independence.
GRAND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic.
Log Rolling Contest $100.00 in Prices.
G-reased Pole, Wheelbarrow Race. Etc., Etc., with
Liberal Prizes to Winners.
BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the
Handsomest Exhibits.
$700.00 Display of FIREWORKS
Baseball Game--Dalles vs. Hood River
Cool groves and romantic hills and tlolls lor the lovers
of nature.
educed rates h' railroad and boats.
Come everybody, and bring the children.
WTB--Ttww ww w " w w-k-
Of the product of thiH well-l;no n brewery lho United States Houltli
UcportH for June UK. 1(1110, nayn: " A more Hiipetior btew never entfrwl
the labratory uf the United StutfH Health reports. It. ih absolutely devoid
of the HlichU'Ht. trace of ndnltcration, but on tlie other hand is eo-npnscd of
the bent of malt and choicoHt of liopH. Iih tonic (tiiiliticH are of the tiii).
est and it can be uhciI with the t:rtmti'Ht hniH'llt and Hiitlsfacllon by old itml
vounu. Itf uho can coiiHcicntioiiMly bo prcHcnhcd by thu pliysiciatiH with
thocerpiiintv that a buttur, jiurer or more uholeHOini! beveniiju could not
potftdbly be found."
Bast Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kindf
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S?m?L'l ?Em
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
I tOTl FlOllT Thin Flour ih tnatnifactured expre-Hly for family
' wwxi J. iw l.x H. HVrv Buck in itnarunUted to (five Batiafnctios.
i Wii Hell our uooiIh lower than any bonne in the trade, and if you don't tliinkw
taill and ut our jincen and lm convinced.
' Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t. Barley and Oats
!it; ?Tiz jBc jk jJk.jS: xli: jfi ?k sTi. in a5i jSt siU xtn if J"u Oc j?k St Sr iCi: ifir jSc sH
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully tiuaranteed to last. Clarke k Falk
have thm.
V. a. Lund Otlice, Vancouver, Wash.,
May 'JS. 11MJ1. i
Notice Is hereby (tiveu that In compliance
with lho nrovlninus of the ct ol CoiiKreas of
June.'), 187s, entitled "An act fur the mlcol tlm
bir liitidi in the htate uf California, Oregon,
Nevada and WaahltiBton Territory," as extended
to all the public land ntntes by act of August 4,
lh9.'. Frank Htewart, of Lone Kocfc. county of
Cillliam, Htute of Oregon, hat, thin day filed in
til Its otlice his sworn otaleineut No. 'i, for the
purchase of the NVVH of Sec IS In Tp No 4 N, K
No I:! K, W. M., and will ofler proof to ahow
that the laud iouuht Is more valuable for 10,
timber or stone thau for agricultural nunmseu.
and to cstnblhl) his claim totald laud before)
the Itegister and Hecciver ot this cilice at Van
couver, Wash., on Wedueday, the llth day of
Augiibt, l'JOl.
He names as witnesses Ifomer '. Wood
worth, Godfrey I. Hinitli, It. V. ltobertson and
Hany SI. Ilarrett, all of Portland, Or.
Auv and all pertous claiming adversely the
sibovc-deBCMbcd lauds are requested to Die their
claims In this ofllceou or before said 1 lib day
Of AUKUSt, l'JUl.
Junl-lOt W. I!. JIUNHAK, Iteglster.
Unite n Statbs I.anh Okkick, (
May 11, 1'JOI. t
A suBlclent contest allidavlt having U-en filed
in this otlice by O. August KriiiUist, contest
ant, agsinst homett-ad entry No. (1121 . made
April H, lb'J7, for Vii NWW Sec :ti and K!, NK
Fco a-., Tp li N. It 12 K.fjy Ulley J. (ilit.con
testce, In wliluh' it is aKtgtd that said KiluyJ.
(ilrtluiK from the lltli day of April, 18U7, up to
the present date never been on the place, never
established his residence thereon, and that he
has abandoned the tract. And that the alleged
abandonment Is not due to defendant's employ
ment in the military or naval service of tiro
United Mutes said purtlearu hereby notified to
appear respond and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a.m. on June
1U01, before the regUtcr and receiver at the
United Kuttes land office In The Dalles, Oregon.
The rtld contestant having, in a proper allida
vlt, II led Mav 4. ID01, set forth facta which show
that alter due diligence personal tervlec of this
notice cannot bo made, It 's hereby ordered and
directed that such notice be given by due and
proper publication.
wia JAY P. LUCAS, Rmlater.
I.axd Office at Va.ncoi-vki:. Wush., (
June Ih, 1WJ1. J
Notice i hereby civen that the following
nuniwl ettler have tiled notice of theirlntentlon
to maketliial proof in support of tlieirclHini'-.aiiil
that iid proofs will le mailt' l"foru the Iteglster
and Iteceiver V s. laud oilier Mt Vancouver,
Was Instcn, Friday, Augii't u, lw)I. vU.
Wllll.-iin K. O'.Nul,
H. K. No. Kill, for the N' , of Nl:1,,. NK'j of XWi,
sec It. and di:'4 of nrt H ow 11 N, it 1J E. . M.,
who uame.s the following wittiest- to provi .
hi- contiiiiious residence uon and iultlatloi.
of said land viz
Hii"el B. swain, deorgc A. Snider William '
II. Ilopiier and John Uuilron, all of l.yle 1'. o.
KiikpII H, Ktoiif,
H. E No. 9:91. for the N of Nl.c.aef- 1J. Tp
N, K 1J K, W M, who name- the wit-i
nei'es to 'prove his continuous reiidem i- upon
and ciiltivatioii of said lmid, vi..
William E. O'Neal, tieorge A. riliider. William
II. Iloper, John lJall'ron, all of l.yle 1'. (.,
Willlum II. Iloppi-r, I
II. E No. CW, for the N' .. of 8W!.,. s-ec "-, Tp a ,
N, H 11 h, . i.., who n.irnes the lollowing wit '
ues- tn prove lux continuous residence upon
mill cultivation of said laud, viz -
ItusMill II. hwaiu, William O Neil. Georg- A.
Snider atid John Uatlron, all of I.yb-1". O., Wash.
juni.' W. I'.. Di'NliAU, Uegister.
Land Office at Hik Dau.f.s, Or.,i
Jlay lT, 1WI1. I
Notice is hereby given that the followltig
named settler has filed notice ol his intention
to make final proof in support nl his claim, and
that said proof will be made Ik-I ore the Itegis
teraud Receiver at The Dulles, Oregou on Mon
day, Julys, 1901, viz.:
Allinrt W. Tnrniir,
of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. I H ; lor the
SE'4 fcec. 10, T. 1 H., It. U E W. JI.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz. :
Charles Gosson. Charles Pmlth, Walter fccott
and Isaac V, Matuey, all of The Dalles, Oregou.
maySW JAY I. l.L'CAS, Ik-gUter.
Land Offick at Thk Dai.i.ks, Ok., i
June 7, I
Notice i hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hia Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Iteglster
and liecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on uatur
day, July IM, KOI, viz.:
J'reil Stoekll.
of The Dalles, Or., II. E. No. W.'f. for the SW'A
of NWofS'.tr;.Tii 1 N.. It 13 E.. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his j
continuous resiueuce upon aim cultivation oi
said land, viz.:
Osmer W, Cook, Alex. Frascr, H. C, Ilrooks,
Charles itawsou, all of The Dalies, Oregon.
Jillil'J JAY l I.UCAB, Uegister.
? The Luteal Novelties for ('liildren for Parlor Display.: f
2 perlectlv harm less.
& Sky RockutP, Roman Candle, h lower Potn, V tic Kuil'p1, .hipaiK-"!' Ac- K
J; rohatP, Hnitif Runs, Fly Wheule, Pin Whuclt, lloiubj, Turpt!iluut, and all !J
$ kintlb of Fire Crackcre, at
StSFW 3 'ISrr "V 'V' '5r r- y ''V ''i" "J Sf
White Collar Line,
m Daiies-PDrnana Home
lixcupt Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood E,ivor,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Just Received
A full line of Fresh PrintiiiK and l)c
vulupiti(! Pajifirs direct from factory.
Solio, Kox, Deko, 'elox
and A rislo in all .sios.
Alo a lino of Phittip in Crutiicr,
Crow ti, Seeds und Stanley.
j Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, il ulligraphs,
And nil accBHorica to cotnplote tlio
outfit of either the amateur or iro
feefiiouitl pliotoKrupher.
Leave Portland, 7 A. ji.
Arrive The Dallea ,1 i: n.
Leave " " ,.-1 "
Arrive Portland 10 "
Meals the Very Best.
Sunday Triji9 u Lending Feature.
Thin Route han the Grandcpt
Scenic AttractioiiB on Karth.
Portland-Astoria Route
i Our Kurcka Couihitied Toning; nud
fixing liath iti u dandy. Iry it.
Tlie A. K. C. Developer for pinion,
flluiH or developing papeiH Iiiin no equal.
Enough forU5c to developeli dozen platee
or 0 do.eti Velox -1x5. Perfect hlackH
und whituH ure guaranteed, if direetioiiH
are followed. Aek for the A. K. C. De
veloper, and nee that you get thu
We ure prepured to compound any and
nil of your own fortnulu und guarantee
At ttio old place, 175 Second Street,
The DalleH, Oregon.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
The hilioue, tired, nervous man cannot
successfully compute with hie healthy
rival. DeWltt'a Little Kttrly Kisers the
iatnoua pills for constipation will remove
the cause of your trouhles, Clarke &
Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy.
Itlotrli Tu Atoiua.
The old idea that the hody sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which ure perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate iiyer and bowels to ex
pel poisonouc matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Hick Headache. Only 25c at G. C.
Biakeley's srng store, 1
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Dully Kotind Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a. .m.
Leave Astoria 7 p. M.
Landing and oiiice Font of Alder
Street; both phones, M L551 , Portland,
K. W. OKICHTON, Agent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles,
A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there ia nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
"A lew nionthfa ago, fond which I ate
for hreukfast would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour, I used one
bottle of your Kodul DynpepHiu Curt und
can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish und my food is
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodul Dyspepsia Cure for stomauli
troubles" II. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat, Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Mr. James Brown of Putmnouth, Vu.,
over HI) years of age suihred for years
with a bad sore on bis face, Physicians
could not help him. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
Clarke & Falk's J'. 0. Pharmacy.
Subscribe for Thk Oiiuonjclb.
IA I A'tV-rA A't A'TAI AfAl AlATATAl A'f ATATA1 J."t Jk-J'At A. TA1 A I At AAJ
W IIOI.l t.t: AND KI.'I'Alt,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive promot attention.
cioiiiinii riimi.' :i i
l.olli: nut, I ot .
Next door to First National Hank.
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
DKAI.i;it I.N
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Aia-nt lor Itiibwll A Co. I.mtlni's, Thresliurii and Buw Mlllfl.
Telephone 157.
Lout; Distance 107H.
Cor. SGL'ond & Laneblin 8ts, THE DALLES, OR.
HT a"L Tl 'B' SOUTH and EAST via
NOl'iliBl'lJ PSClIlC Somnem PacmcDo.
Yellowstone Park Line.
No. 'i.
Union oerjot, riitband I sts ! aiuuvk
No. a,
Knnt mall for Tiiromn,
Hf-nttlu, Olyiu pin, (iniy'h
iiiiruiir Mini noiitn noun
'iHiintn, Hpokaim, Kobn
IiiiiiI, II. C, Pullman,
Mobcntr, U.-hIhIoii, It it f -Itlia
A. M, IalolIuiiipialiiliiKi!outi- &;U) P. M,
try, lloU-nii, MliuicitiM)
IU, Ht. I'lilil, Oiiuiliu,
I KmihiiN City, Ht. UiiiIm,
(llll(:ni;o mill nil union.
No. I. 1 iant mill Hoiitlit-iist.
i I'lluot Humid Kmri'ki.
I1J30 1. M.'for Thijoiiiu mul boattlu 7;WJ A. SI.
mul liitorini-iilutu poinu j
I'lilhiian HrHt-olaNH mm tourkt ult-opum to
MlnneHpollii.Ht. raiilauil MUoourl rlvur poinu
without olmiiKf. '
Vwtllmieii trnliiH. Union depot (.'oinatitluim
In nil principal iiltlfc.
UuKKHKeiliunkut to ilcHtlnatlou ol tlokeU,
ror hHiiilhomely llhwtiaUildwturlptlve matter,
tlnkuU, nliupiuK'Ciir renorvatlotm, eto,, cull ott or
AUtuiit (Jmioral I'mmcimer Agont. 55 Morrl
noil Htrcct.uornur Third, Portland Oregon.
Shasta Route
TruliK leave The Dalle lor Portland mul
htutlmiM at a. m. and U p ia.
Ia-iivo i'ortlauil ....
" Albany
Arrive AnIi land
" Hucrnmiiiito . . .
" Hun Kriiliclnco
Arflvo Ogdou
" Duuvur
" KmiKim t.'lty.
" OIiIuuko
. rlao u in lOtaopB
-12.11.. ll;j
. r,:uipiii f??5
. 7j IS p 111 MVV
. . Uiimma M'Jg
... 7 . .j li. in V "'
Arrive 1h A tiKt'I-
" Fort Worth..
" City of Mexico .
" IlllllHtllll
" New Orli'iuiM ..
" VanlihiKlon . . .
" New York
.. I'Vd p in
hum i ia
,. (;;: a in
,. Ili.Viti 111
, . I :li a in
,, tit aft a in
. , li I.' a in
7:00 m
I'ulltnan nud TourlHt earn o "y Vj vuo,
OhalnarN Haorntnuuto lo OkiIu" ufi0wi)t
iiiid tottrlMt earn to Cltluatiu, Ht um "
luaiiH and WunliliiKtou.
ConnenthiK at Ban KrattoUco with 'f,
Htt-uuiHlilp iTiich (or Honohil i. J ',1?';,
I'hlllpphiwi, ContraUiid Houtli Aiatfi"''
Boo mfout t The DhIIch utatloii, or M1
OoubwI PMieuger Agmit, l o