The Dalles Daily Chronicle. " ' Fit I DAY - JUNE 28, 1901 ()- " ) Ice Cream nnd I co Cronm Soiln At Andrew Keller's. TUEASURRIt'S NOTICE. All H'bni'o County wnri-aiitK rt'Clu turnl prior to .Inly r, IXIIK, will lift jiiilil on iirofifiilol Inn nt my oilier, Inlnri'Ni cKitHiin uMitr il mm SO, 111(11. JOHN I'. IIAMl'HIIIKK, County Ti'iiiuriT. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Girl wanted To do general liouecworl; ; Tin best of wuges paid ; Apply at tliia office, j Flags nt Mencfeu :t Parkins. j'JC 1 Hood Hivor Masons arc building n' Masiiiio temple. s I Attorney F. W. Wilson will deliver i) the oration at Winnie on the Fonrtt.. C, Tlie Fortnightly club will meet with ( Mr?. .lohn Weigel tomorrow afternoon. I Hon. W. S. Dnniwiiy, of i'ortlnnd will j deliver thu oration at Moro on the! Fourth. i t Second growth of oal:, fir, pine, maple i and Hlal) wood at lowest prices at MaierJ (v P.enton'n. j2S lwk At A. M. Williams it Co's. tomorrow, M 05 each will he the price on hats! worth t.i Jj.'I TiO. j Hon. E L. Smith has been invited to deliver the Fourth of July oratiun at Mobcow, Idaho. C'hutauqiia, Gladstone 1'arl:, .lulv !ld tn l.'tth. One fare for lonnd trip, Regu later line steamers. j27-lwk If you celebrate at home buy your fire workH at Mci'H-" it Paikins. If you go abroad buv tlietn tie fore you go. j'-'O S t v 1 i " i pHitnt. Wilier low shoes for me'i $J .'it) iiMcad of f.'l.oO a pair, lo in inou at A. M. William" it Go's. Hunted A voiimr mnit from 15 to 17 yen i - (' "ei to do t" work about a store, iblren- Merchant, care of Chronicle. j-'S lit All kinds of pies, cakes, cookies and sal-rising bread will be on Bale tomorrow at Cross' store by the ladies of the M. E, church. Tlie DalleH hospital bids, fair to be a most BUcceeBful institution'. Jt has al ready nearly hb many patients us the building can accomodate reNf Mid-summer clearance sale of milli nery at the Campbell it Wilson Milli nery parlors. Evervthing in the line of headweur at one half the actuul val ue. jSS-lm The same line of high-class Fummer dress goods that was sold last Wednes day at Pease it Mays at u treat reduc lion, will be sold on Saturday, at the same reduction in price. Fourth of July rates, Regulator line, any point between The Dalles and Gas cades Locks, one faro for the round trip. There will be celebrations at Lyle, Hood River und Stevenson. Steamers will leave The Dalles at 7 a. in. and li p.m. ji27-:5d The Moro Observer ie pleased to note that Mayor-Elect Farley authorizes Tin: CiinoNici.i: to say that candidates for murshal and recorder may spare them- Helves the trouble of getting up petitions asking him to nominate them for these oflicee. - Suufert Brothers aru experimenting with canning eels, which can bo caught in unlimited nunibcrsytU certain stages of the dalles rapidly Samples of the now product haveieen sent to cannery inen at Astoria, who pronounce it equal to the imported article. " The Hood Kivor nine went against it pretty hard at The Dalles last Sunday when the sphere twlrlers from that city rolled up 11 M to o score. The Hood River hoys are not done for vet and will endeavor to reverse the score on the 4th of July and seyuro the $00 purse put up f mil' t fiiv uu 111 .-(1 1illilr. TheAotorla people- are not very wen H. t t.illosl ti.ill. Wl lirOQlUlt llllV UMrVll'H timiuu 1 hi 1111 j .w" fr..m liinilund in AHtnriA. as the steamer deeH not arrive in time for way patsen-1 gers to do unv trading. Inducements uny have been made to the D. P. it A. N. Co, to put a boat on this run, leaving Port land in the morning, provided il bo a faster bout Hum the one now in service, Charley Hix, the Kingsley lad who was nearly burned to death last fall by falling into the parlor lire in a fainting spell, was brought to The Dulles hospital yi'Btorduy and placed under the care of DrH. Ferguson. The poor boy ie in a end condition, the scorched skin having re fused to heal and the skin grafting process being hitherto only partially successful. Hood River's most successful straw- There's II Hart, Schaffner & Marx Tailor Made Clothes HAHT, GCnAITNEA L MAflX CHICAOO berry season has virtually doped, and the total shipments of berries will foot up cloe to 40,000 crates with L'8,000 of last year, says it is estimated that netted Hood Kiyer berry as compared , The Glacier tlie crop has growers !f73,- 000 in hard cash and Iv nn acre in the that there is hard- valley planted to strawberries that 1iih not netted the grower from .f 100 to $400. Tli3 Oregonian says ArchCishop Cliristie of the Catholic church has se- smull Kcale but w ill eventually, it is be lieved, be a nretentious institution. The terms upon which the university passes to the Catholics are not known. I While engaged in hauling in the seine yesterday at Alex Grant's grounds the men found a great black fish in the web, says the Astoria News. A lope was made fast, around the body of the levi- i athan and the services of a horBc called iuto requisition. The black lish fought hard but had to come ashore. The tightening of the rope around its body resulted in making it disgorge Severn I large salmon. The black lish weighed several tons. The Corkonian-Moro correspondent of the Wasco News, who was born with in the shadow of the Ulatney stone and who U6ed to kiss it every morning j )Cfor() hreakfast, writes to thoNewB1 thusly : "While in The Dalles last week we had the pleasure of making a visit to our countryman, Hugh Gourlay, the editor of the Chronicle. The paper is much improved since the rooster fiom dear old Dublin took hold of it. H was always 11 gossipy sheet and is now better than ever." JCugene has a minister who woiks for a living. He has u little fruit ranch near town and his berries and grapes are always sought after 111 the markets because he puts out only first-class stud' and gives full measure with no poor fruit in the bottom. He labors all the week through with his hands and earns Ihh mi' n liviiiL' and teaches his childret 11 . i f ...I ,1 .i Cm w Id lut 1 10 won; .or .ivn.;, " " ' I IIIIH IUM DUIIMl U11U Litld H inuivim-.." i 1- 'of being perfectly sane, ami mis gouo luuilth morally and physically. He is ' tin Episcopalian. Commencing next Monday the liegu lator line will have two bnats daily, ex cept Sunday, on thu run between The Dalles and 1'orllaud, The boats will ....1 1 ... T .. ... .1 ...I 'I eave nere lor iwi 111m iu . " "1 , . 1 r.,. ti,,.1 . 111,, iiiiu iii 1 -im... UiiIIhh at. 7 a. ui und 11 i. ui 1 ,.-..1 11 i ii 'I'lu 1 1 1 17 nMit boat from Portland will do the principal part of the up-freight, way business. The Irulda, which has been leased to Portlaud parties, will be taken oil' tlie run between The Dalles and the Cascades und placed on the run between Portlund and Ranler. The new ar raugements have been made so as to I 1 D MP PERSE 5t MMYS. cured control of the Portland University " 11 7-' " '.uu under the present state laws and, under property on the peninsulaand will open the stud flocks of ranee and selecting , madM it win b(J no euri)ris(j it about September 15th as a classical bucIi bucks as they desire for shipment, .i.,..ii..ft,ii,.i ..,.. u iIMr.i a privilege that is rarely granted to any- . . .. . . 6 ' st-uuui iui uaiiium, .mini. ...v.., u v.. - business, ine mture (jo uenua e saioon irn Mil I ci'.rl.t nf tnuf I'nimtrv. Whpnl nnd dav nun s. jl w 11 oegin 00 11 - a Limit... Under which right ly made clothes cannot be sold. We always go the limit but our trump card is not "cheapness but quality." We'd like you to seeMGU s Jomns 100S x'uu the suits at $10, $12 and $13.50 we are turning out for $8 75 run all the boats a near as possible on a ; , prompt time schedule. ', The Baldwin Sheen it Lund Company of Dwight have secured the services i.incoin, 01 jincoiu center, who is con-1 shlercd one of the best judges of sheep! j j tjle United States, to go to Germany ! : !lIK France to select some choice ewes I and bucks. Mr. Lincoln sailed from New York on the 2f!d of May, and he is now on the ground making selections. The company secured the privilege from these now imnortations arrive they ! Im ti mnul vultiuhlo 'innmaitimi In thr ininpany'e choice herds ShlUlikO I ead- ;er. j Of nearly a score of boys who applied j for permission to take the competitive examination for a cadetship at Annapo lis .Vaval AcadMoy from this congres - sioual dictrict only 11 took theexami nation, which commenced in the post ollice building at Portland yesterday morning. These were Harold Baldwin, of Prlneville; Ernest Dnrr, of Baker Ktilv-V. Curlvlx Driver, nf Thu Da l-h : Percy A. Smith, A. Murphy, Horton C. Nicholas, Hugh Bellinger, Kdwin C. Metchan, Marion W. Fiske, Ben S. Morrow and Will Randall, of Portland. From a private dispatch from Repre sentative Moody, received this afternoon, we learn that the successful candidate is 1' m ,.r !..!..... r;t.. . If. ...I. I jvnicri win, ui juw.ui wn. , im jiuk j Bellinger, grandson of Judge Bellinger, as alternate. JCrnest Durr is a graduate of the Baker CityJligh school. Young ' Bellimrer's father was appointed to a cadetship in the Hame school in JS70 Thieves entered tlie pantry of thu W. H. Groat residence last night and Bwept thu place of all its edible contents ex cept a dozen jars of preserved strawber ries. Thev carried oil' all the tea, codec, sugar, meal, bread, cake, crackeis, taltfl and potatoes in the larder, and ever) thing else down to a bar of soap and a packag: of matches. They even pio- cured a spoon and tackled a tug men oij strawberrv jam, swiping the last bit of I il I'.nt nenrntlli' to tllkt! till) HIlOOII ' .1 a l ....M.w.ll.i tntiitir rwi uu. , w,,u" "n ,. , r 1 u KllilV HIUJ MJI- v , niey hud evidently emptied inu pro j visions they carried oil' into sacks, for they left the packages and paper sacks scattered about tho room. Marshal Diiver went up and examined the premises this morning and found that the burglars had entered thu premises! either in their stocdug feet or with , . , ., . !, burlap wrapped around their shoes. The ill1r, ,,rt, d mnHt, nrnim I V t IB WOI 1 linrotai v is moBt probably the work ot uumiHi 1 j artists, but the pity of it Is that nveii if the stolen goods were found it would be next to impossible to identify them. . U. B. Gilbreth it Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay, grain and leed which thev will retail ot the lowest market rates. jiitJ-tf .. ill v ill Outing Shoes... for Men, Women and Children. Men's Canvas Lace $1.50 Men's Canvas Oxfords.. 1.50 Men's Bicycle Shoes 1.75 flics' Tennis Shoes . .. .90 Hoys' Tennis Shoes. .65c, 90c Bovs' Canvas Lace 90 Child's Tennis lace 60c. 75c SPECIAL. Ladies' Tan or Black Ox fords Ladies' Tan Lace $1.00 1.25 (oltli-ntlule as it "Dry" Town. While the temperance people of ' Goldendale havo tnB r'Sbt to rejoice in intor victory at me iubi city eitiuuun, i 10 facts are evident that their achievement is barren of results says the Sentinel. So far as outward appearances go, no one who wishes to imbibe in this "dry" town of whiskey, wine or beer need suf fer long with thirst. The drug stores are doing the business and the city is minus the revenue. There is no relief keeper will luve to be a registered pharmacist, if prohibition that doesn't l'ru'"ul1' 10 l" uum'"" niu mm pnci appears to ue on top wneiner me town be "dry" or "wet,'' and the voters can have the revenue or not just aa they j choose. There is no ute mincing words. "King Ah'ohol'" reigns supreme. If ! GoIdcnda,B wttllt8 prohibition, there will 1 . . 1 1 1 i . ....1 nave ',0 ue neeueo legisiaiion uuacteu at Olympia. Until that time our people will continue to have "free trade" 01 "high tarifl" corn juice, with no diirei ence in the cost to the consumer. All vi:itlriiil l.ntlDm. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoilico at The Dalles un called for June 28. 1901. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Adams, Rosa Bahusen, Henry Bauer, G H Craft, Thomas Crampton, W K Gotwolt, Alberta Johnson, Minnie Mcllalev, Mary A Asbery, Archie Bradley, A G Carpenter, Harvey Chapel, O L Disjardinie, Alexis Jov, J V Kurtz, W K McKee. W H McKHllar, Mr jNorris, Mra L Mrs. S W.Miick, Annie ttie Pries, Charles 'Riga's, ) B Walker, W S J. M. Paitkiison, P. M. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given Hint the co partnership heretofore existing between W. Wii'laco Wilson and L. Y. Hong in this city under the name and style of the W. W. Wilson Co., has been dis solved bv mutual consent (d both imrtit.H UI1)1 Umt Mr, y. Wallace Wilson . v-ill retire from taid business and that hlr. L. Y. Hong will continue said busi- Ill(v less and win pay an iients coiuracieu fay ,1 that are due from said firm, ami collect all money due to saidllrni. Dated at Dalles City this 25th day of June, 1001. 1., 1 . IIOMi, litd W. Wai.i.aci: Wii.mjs. CASTOR I A For Xnlau'.a and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears thu Biguature ot Clarke & Falk have on sale a full lino of paint and artist's brushes. A full line of KaBtmau films and sup plies just received by .Clarke & Falk. I'KKHONAI. MKNTION. John V. Uoinrichs, n pioneer fanner of Hood River valley, is registered at the Umatilla House. Attorney G. W. Phelpp, of Heppner, spent last night in the city ami lull for home on the noon train. J. M. Murchic, o( North Yakima, was in town last night and left for Sherman county on the noon train. .I.imep Wheelhoiife, a prominent citi z"ii of Columbus, Klickitat county, ar lived Iuti! today 011 thu noon train. G. F. Zimmerman, a prominent grain dealer ot Seattle, was in town this week looking lifter sumo star route mail con tracts in which he is interested. Charles McAllister, a prosperous and wealthy sheepman of Crov, Gilliam enmity, arrived hero toilav trom Port land and Houfo. is registered at the Umatilla Miss A. I'".. Lnndim, manager for the Western Union Telegraph Co., who has been East for six weeks, returned home today and Mhs Edith Bauui, who has had charge of the ollice, returns to Port 1 tnd Monday. W. Rettie, 11 prominent and wealthy woolgrower of Wheder comity, is reg istered at the Umatilla House. Mr. Rettie is a native of the "land 'o cakes" and is the honored chief of some kind of n delightful Caledonian club that the Scots have over in the Fossil heitflibor hood. KittcR to l'jin-Aiiif Imposition, Round-trip rates via O, R. it N. from The Dilles, $81.00. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during June, J ill j , August, September and October, good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangcinents can be made by apply ing to agent O. R. it N. Co., The Dalles, ...I. ,!..!.. ,1, ...111 lw. I,n.,,,.,l nr. l.ll-r.1 IRIUUJ lll.t.i;Lil tlll ifi; ijuiiuum .ill innu eteamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf Ja.mks Iiiki.and, Agent When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what tfie hair needs when it gets In that con dition. We have tlie Crown of Science Hair tfSISfe?! Grower and Cocoanut Cream Tonic. They will cure dand rull' and all scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 7oc a bottle. AlliMitlon, KllKleH. A special meeting for the adoption of by-laws will be held Sunday, the 30th inst., at 2 p. 111. A. A., Worthy Sec. "The Doctors told me my ccufh wns incurable One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. II. Because you've not found relief for a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe and sure. Olaike it Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 23 cts. and fid cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. lloii'l Kill) It In, Just wot the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke it Falk. Dressed spring chickens at thu Stadel man Commission Co.'s 24-tf (iirl Witutfil. A thoroughly competent girl to do general housework; good cook. The best of wages paid. Call at this ollice. Subscribe for Tin: CiutoNici.n. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARG AIN STORE of the City. Hovs' line ribbed. Iiht weight. shirtB and drawers, per garment 25C 1 Hoys' jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grev, shirts and drawers, per garmeni 250 Men's blue mottled, light weight, Bhirts and drawers, per garment 2SC Men's white, blue mercerized mI Ik stripe, ribbed, lltfht weight, shirts and drawers, per garment 50C DON'T OVERLOOK Dopk ft Vny to Jluy (.'limp? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but yon want something that will relieve nnd cure the moro se vere and danireinns results of throat and lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and mure regulsr dimato7 Yes, II possible; if not pnpshile for yon, then in either case take the osi.v rem edy that has been introduced in all civil ized countries with tiuceeis in severe throat and lung; troubles. "Biischee'a German Syrup." It not only healn and stimulate" the tipsue-i to destroy ttio germ disease, but allays inflammation, caiies easy expectoration, gives a good night'a rest, and euros the patient. Try onh bottle. Il"Coinmc-.dt'd many yenra by nil driigijisii in the world, anil sold bv Clarke it Falk. Get Grten'n iniza 1 almanac. " ' Dyppeptics cannot be long lived he j cause to live requires nourishment Food I is not nourishing until it is ilic'f ti-d. A I disordered stomach cannot digest food, it tn not hove assista r.ce. Kodol Dvspep sia Cure digests all kind" 01 food with out aid from the stomach, allow iug it to rest and regain its mitutal (unctions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and it simply can't hplp but do you good, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Ptiuimacv. Why not spend the vacation at Ya qnina bay, where cm be had excellent fare, cood fishiuj. good boa'int., safe hulling, alluring rides ai'd rambles. I'de com si'S and exercises at the summer school of 1001 at Newport will afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort offers equal attractions and like advan tages, junll-tf Drop into Mays it Crowe's store and see the Perfection oil stove work. It is simply perfect. One valve does the whole work. No complicated parts to get out of order. Cheaper than wood. No hot kitchen. There are no others just, as good. Investigate before buying, for these stoves are not sold by any other firm in The Dalles. 10-tf If yon want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the very be3t preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and L'lossv. Price, 23 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer'a barber shop, The Dalles. tf Dyspepsia can be cured tiy using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One littlo Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold injhandsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist. If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazor; he's ttio headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makeB a specialty of these goods. tf A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DeWiU's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. It is rumored that a very rich strike in oil has been made near Pendleton, and the housewives of The Dalles have struck just the thing in oil stoves at Mays it Crowe's. 19-tf Subscribe for Tiik Ciiuonici.k. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended M promptly, l.oug distance plume V.i. Local, 102. Men's and Boys' Summer Underwear. We huvnjust oppiu-d tho best lino of Un derwear over shown in tho city, ami wo uro hollinu- tho?o munis at tho lowest prices. 1 Men's jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grey, 1 shirts and drawers, per garment . 4QC Men's fanny striped, heavy lihbed, I shu ts and drawers, per garment .50C j Men's grey mixed, merino, shirts and 1 drawers, per garment. 30C Men's brown and ecru, lace weuvo, light weight, shirts and drawers, per 'garment 50C THESE BARGAINS. Tomorrow-$3.50 Hats for $1.95 at A. M. Williams Co.