The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Till DAY - - .1UNE !2S, lHOt J. A. EBERLE, Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe. We have an excellent line of Sprinp Soitincs, Pnntinps, etc., which we are prepared to uinke up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect tit. , takes The Hood River Glacier little stock in the Magoos strawber-i ry that recently received a big boost from a writer in the Oregonian. The Glacier admits the Magoon berry is more productive than the Clark's Seedling, but contends that for ship ping purposes the ilagoon berry is absolutely worthless, and for canning it is equally unfit. Wlion eliinnnrl in cars this year with the Clark's Seed-' ling the Magoon berries invariably brought from )0 cents to a dollar less per crate. In a word the Ma- , goon berries will not stand shipping at all and the Glacier advises berr growers that the have a sure thing in the Clark's Seedling, and ought to stick to it. Andrew Allen, who vith Captain Roberts recently rescued the govern ment light-ship from ileKenzie Head, is woiking upon plans for a boat rail- it way at the dalles of the Columbia , tions, no stop-overs, $25.50. Tickets on which he intends to submit to the ' Rale nt Tnu Dalles Jul-V 15tn 0,1(3 16th i c-. . t .i and will be honored by Southern Pacific united Mates engineers for their . . . . , on trains leaving Portland Julv loth and consideration. It is not necessary icth, and on mornmc train July 17tb; to give particulars of Mr. Allen's good for return passage leaving San plans. They will never be heard of Francisco up to and including July SI, any more. The "boat railway",1901- Tickets will not be sold trood in , .ii.,- one direction via rail and In another via idiocy has retarded the improve- . J v steamer. mentoflbe dalles for at least ten, For further information communicate years, and the people of the Inland Empire never want to hear it men- tioned again. t t i t .i t .i t-.i A Buffalo dispatch of the 2thi says : "The Oregon editorial dele- ! gation gave a reception to the Buffalo press last niht." If the Buffalo "nrfiss" hat! nnv real newsnannr folk i j ii at the gatherin'; they must have come to the conclusion that the "Oregon editorial delegation" was ' the strangest aggegation of "editors" , the world ever saw. As a matter of . fact it is doubtful if there was a real nrlitrkt in tlm nnrirn rntfi Tim finl " "--". - Ul- " editors have no time to gad about the country giving "receptions." ' Hed-lmired and freckled girls will fiud comfort in the following from ; Health : "The reason why dark-. haired and dark-skinned people are more inclined to mental disorder than the lighter-haired and com plexioncd has never, so far as our recollection serves, been accounted for by the wise in such matters. It may, perhaps, be consoling to the fair skinned to hear that in one mad- house, out of 200 patients, only four have light hnir and complexions, and one red hair." i ! A Mjis.nnt llit rtnlnn flml flirt , noonle of the Scottish race, the ma. ', jority born north of Jreland, com prised nearly one-fourth of the total ; white population of the American colonies at the outbreak of the revo- j Jution. And he might have added I that the people of that race com- j . . .. i , i,r 1 1 j prised the half of Washington's army and to them moro tban to any other people the United States owes her i independence. J. II. Gates, the asaiataot janitor of the state bouse during the last session of the legislature, who got ii way with $lo00 alleged to have I been given him to buy n vote for j II. W. Cnrbctt, was sentenced nt Eugene Wednesday to three years j in the penitentiary for forging Mr. Corbett's name to a check for $75. Gates' experience with the $1500 must have led him to imagine that , the old man was a soi l of iinnucial reservoir that he could tap at will. The Philadelphia Inquirer serves this notice: "Having twice tried the Nebraska statesman and twice followed him to inglorious defeat, both the rnnk and file of the party tacitly admit his deficiencies as a leader, ami while at sea as to who the candidate should be are practical- ly agreed that Hr3'an won't do." A Philadelphia firm of auctioneers recently offered ut one of their sales Robinson Crusoe's musket. It was a fine old tlintlock. It was in the possession of a grandniecc of Alex- ' ander Selkirk, and Its pedigree is 'apparently much mure unclouded . . . . .... tuan is usually me case witn objects of this kind. ItutfH to San PrunclACo unci Ittitum. The O. R. & N. Co. will make the following rates from The Dulles, Oregon, to San Francisco and return for National Convention of Epwortb League, July 1S-21, 1001 : Via rail to Portland and O. K. iV .N . Steamers trOUl i'ortlniHJ to San Francisco and return, $-3 50. Tickets on sale and honored on trains from The lUlles and on steamers from ! Portland only on July 11th and 10th.! Returniuu tickets will be honored on steamere saihns from S.j.i Francisco not ' later tban August 1 ; linal limit, Aug- I ust 4, 1001. Rate includes meals and , berth on steamers. Reservations for p.isseneers troinu via steamers should be i made in advance to insure accommoda-1 tions, for which a deposit of $3.00 will be required. All rail in both directions, via 0. R. & X. and Southern Pacific, first class, good for stop-overs in Cali fornia, S'JS.50. Second class, iiieludinu berth in tourist sleeper in both direc- , with Jas. Ireland, agent, The D-illes, Oregon. m21-jlyll OiieMMon Answered. j Yes, AusustFlowerstill has the largest sale of unv medicine in the civilized , . 4l . . world. our mothers and grandmothers never tU0Ui;llt of u,in(r anythillB est, for indigestion and biliotianese. Doctors were scarce,vand they seldom heard of ! ' appendicitis, nervous prostration nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used AuyiiBt . Flower to el tun out tbe svetem mid ston fermentation of undigested food, reKu. late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys- fem and tlmt ie a11 theJ' took whc'n int; dull and bad with headach?H and ,r , . , . . . . ... . . ' oi ijreen a AU(!U-it i-iower, in liquid: form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. j Get Green's prize almanac. (Jlarke & Falk'e. 1 i Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton atrictly nuro liquid paints 1 Floral lotion will cure wind chapping , and sunburn. Manufactured by C'uriie & Falk. It I)a..l.5 'J lie V iirlil. No Discovery in medicine haB ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. Kincn New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on boneless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy ami Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. , For CoukIis, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay l V li V I f Hit rutlllllLD find W t . ft r 1 1 1 1 1 1 m f'ViMrill il iH tJl" M'dckest, surest cure in the i world. It is sold by G. C. Blakeley, the ' dr.iL'L'ist. who L'liarantemj Hiitlnfiietinn or reflIIld ,n0II(jVi Lht l)0U,eB BOo BIld f t.00. Trial bottles free. 1 It OlrlllUK 'I lit) (illlllf, The fame of Buckhui's Arnica Salve, as tho bMt ,n ,he worl(1' tends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer of jJnrB scadB( uoiB( ulcere, Felons, Aches, Paine and all Skin Eruptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. L'5c a Blakeley's, drug store. box at G. C, 1 Clark Sc Falk are never clowd Sunday, Don't foniet tbia. NOLAN'S The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my eustomors. The only regret is that 1 was not able to rrive a valuable present to each of my customers. 1 think they all deserve one. - I.. I.. tunes, and one worth 7.B0; h vtirk of Biiuar and u barrel of llnur. i mil pve a cam. re., un .?... mer pnvine the most monev l.v that date, and $L 00 to the one imyiiiR In t " w.coim liirm-Ht a no 1 t. ' each Satnrdav. commencing on the loth of June and ineludinc. July th, I will, In a di ion to the two pr.n ents Riven each week, give a $100 rebate to the customer paying the largest amount durintf tbe week. PurchiiBore of Boodn in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 Hell kooiIh hh low us the lowest, iih well no ehare the profit with my customers. Iff. T. NOLAN. otuuiuuy, juiy PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, o!iedillu wltlioul Str. Regulator Str. "Iralda" Leaven CascadeH 0 a. m. Arrive Dalles 1U::!0 a. m. Leave Dallen I! p. m . Arr. Cancadee 7 :!10 p. in. Daily es. Sunday. 5' - Y DOWN. g l.v. Dalles k at 7 A. M. r, Tuctiay .. .. j Thuinlay . .. j Srtturilay . B- Arr. I'ortlana UP. I.v Portland at 7 a. M. Monday . WcdtiexJny Friday Arr. DalleK a 5 I. M. at-l-.-M v. m. Excursion Kates every Saturday for parties of five and upwards: Dalles, While Salmon and intermediate nointe, 50c Dallee to CaHcadee, $1.00. For an evenliiL' trip take the "Iralda" at I! n. m. to Hood llivor and ru- turn on the up boat. g' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, f. Travel by the Steamers of the IleKtllntnr Mac. The Comiiany will endeavor to Rive Its pat j rons the twnt ervico ioslhli;. For further Information address 1 4 ' l'ortland OBIcc, OuK-Htreut Dock. W. Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS i Funeral Supplies EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. WINDMILLS. PUMPS and RUBBER and Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. Jf you are in ncod of anything iu our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a REPAIR SHOP. prompt attention. SEXTON A THE DALLES. Profit-Sharing Association. JL 1 ...:ll ..I.... tun niliuil' llKVI'N jim, i nm' YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of usini: no-culled kidnev remedies i without any benefit, nm' Lincoln Sexual Pills and be 1 forever rid "of those dull pninc In vour back. Plncard that old foe.v idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have I all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nipiitp made reptfnl by the owe of nature's greatest , assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. j Price. $1.00 per box buy of yimr tlrnjriHt or Rent ; bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. i LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. I Fort Wayne. Indiana. ! M. 7.. Donnell, Audit, The Dalles. Pioneer G-rocer. AT AETATA- TiCZ A' FATATATATAT J REGULATOR LINE, f DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY I : Steamers of the UtKulator Line will rim iii- por tin; fnl- 'f ! nvv.iiK hvliiflule. the (.'onipany roervliiK the rlKht to cliaiiKe'j notice. 4 , Str. Dallas City. down I.v. DalleN at 7 A. i. Monday WlneMliiy . . Friday.. . Arr. 1'ortlntut at l:.'KJ I-. . ..... 3 l.v . Portland .2 at 7.(n A. M. k '1 tieidny J Thiircdiiy Saturday Arr. Dalles 3 at .'. c. u. , C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Aut. & Barget Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. PIPE, Garden Hose PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE All orderB entrusted to us will have WAIiTHER, - - - OREGON. plnvim: elht . i ji nil ... ,.,,ut. Just What You uuant. 9 jy T WXJ New ideah in Wall I'ujmr hure. Such widt! variety as we are showing never be 1 fore graciid -i single Htocl:. Real unitii ' tion creton ell'ectH at ordinary prices. 1 Good papers at cheap paper priced. I Elegant desiiinH, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our more on Third ! street. Also a full line of bouse puintn. ' D. W. VAUSE, Third St. r T-AVTTT-T."rCT'ArrJCV,l "ATI i L. Lane, H . (iKNKUAI. i Wagon and Cnrringo Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcinii. Phone 159 E 11 Lju.ii 1 Columbia Packing Co., 2 PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF , M A N C K A CT 1' K K P. 8 O J' Tine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON j)KIKI) BEEF. ETC. 1 J. B. HCHKNCK, I'reHideiit. Max A 'ii, t. ;hiiiui ; First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON , j A General Banking BnnineHB transacted 1 i Depoaitu recoivud, oubjeet to SiKht i I Draft or Check. j Collectione made and proceed" promptly j remitted on dav of collection. I , HiKht and TeleKruphie Exchange Hold on ! Now York, Ban Franciuco Rtu'. xort- land. U. r. TllOMI'HON. Jho. H. KoitKHCK. I El). M. Wll,MAMH, GfcO. A. LlKllK. I H. M. Bkam.. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. j TranBaot a Gonoral Banking BuoinoHc. 1 Letters of Credit issued uvniliiblo in , tho Ivasteru StuteH. Ki(!ht lOxclmiiKO ami Tulei-raphlc JrausferH sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, tSiui Francisco, l'ortland On Kon, Seattle WhhIi., and varioiiH jioints in Oregon and WuHhltuJton. CollectioiiH made at all iminlH orahlu torniH. mm Bestaurant Thu W. W. Wilson Co., Props. First-Class in Every Respect AIKAI.H AT AM, UOUItH. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 Buccaid Bt., Tho bulk', Or (HID worth $-7 III). Mfjfj jtl Blaaitlt ...AND... Horseshoer Oregon Shoit Line and union Pacific lliU'AKT Kilt TI.MK St'III'l)l;i,;H I'llllM I'll k dai,i,i:h, A VK FIIOH ( hleiiKo I I'ortlii.ul Hiieeliil. llii'i p. in. In Hunt lllKtiMI. Atlantic I Vi W ii. III. vlu Hunt liictim. Ktt Luke, Denver, l"t. ortli, Oimiliii, K'MI, Niih(!lty,Ht.Umih,(:, , eiiuo mill tliu least. 1 w i. ra. Salt Luke, Denver, I't Worth, Oiimlm, linn diihClty.St UmlK.ciil cuko mill the r.iiHt. i i; . m. M. l'mii I'lINt Mull, V-'i! p, in. Vlit Hpn- tunc. Wullii Wiilli,, LoivUKiii. hMlklltlb.Wullll(!U,l'llll iiinti, MlniieiiiinllH, HI. I'uiil, l)ii!iitli,.!lui',ii Vin, Clilni;o mid Kimt. , OCEAN AND KIVER B0HEDULE Fi-iimi I'lirtlmiil, All mitllni: (liiten uh Ject to iiliuiiKo ) I"ir Sun Friiiielniio, Sail every ft lHyn, Rid) p. iii. I.W.m. DMtly "Wccnt titniiln.v. l(i p. in. HiiiurdNy, lO'.OO p. in. Dully U.(ttt rilinilnj', it'.Oil a. in. Ciiltniililii HIvit. To Astiirln ami uj IjiihIIiiki. Wlllitini'ttx Itlvxr Ort'KMU (!lty, NelHK. fciill'lll, lliiluiiemli'lieu, anil way-UmriiiiKh I 00 p, m. except Sumlnjr, I 3) i. m, Hiiinlny Tiwiliiy. T hiirhilny. i-iMtu rl.i , fi:(X)u. m. I M i. n. illlllllUT, Wiihipniliy Kililny. ('(irviillln anil Wn IjuhIIiich ThwiIh)-, TliurMlii, "HtiirilBy, 7:l) ii. in. WllluiiM-ilt. anil !!!0i. m, Viimlilll lllvcr. Mnniliy, Oiiignn City. Dtivt.m nml Wcdnowiuy Wtt)-juiiiiim-h. iriilay. l.tllVC Itliiarln dally, i in ., ,,, Nnitkn Hirer. I.HITB U'WlntOIl ltlt.urlii to lwhtim h 'i ! K3T" I'urtieN JeNlrlliR U) rn to lleppncr or .5 iKiiiit. on Ciilumlilii Boiithern vlu IIIkkh. hliould fl Utcu.No. 2, lenvlnc The Dalles at p. m. H mnkliiK Utreot eoniiectloiih at Hepptier junction S ' and UlKKh. Itetur.llliK niiikl.iKdlrirteniiiii'Ctloii y , at llejiiuier jiinutlou and IIIkkk Hit No, l,r J 1 riviiiR nt The Dallen n 1:05 p. tit . For further iiartiuulam, call on or Hililren JAfci. II'.KbASP, AKi'nt, The Dnlleit, Oregon. I Complete of Drills at 'I- M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will soon be hen' when titylioh dreHHed man will want , V'V r date Spring Suit. TIiohh aro the klnU o patroiiH 1 am tailoring Uir. 0I".W " and look over my Kprini! lin' nf SiiHint"' All the latent novultleH for lUDI. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In nil I In rU;ea tbero tlioiilU bo clouiiliauK. Ely's Cream Dulm cleiuiMii ,ofitlivHntid liL'itl tlio ilUeiwoil niuiiiliraiio. It curuH calnrrh slid drive nwiiy h cold la thu hood (prickly, Vromn Malm U placed Into tho nolr". ' "JJJjJ over tbe moialirtne and it ubiorucu. -do mediate mil a euro followi. It U u't "mi. pot produce neelnK. U'S 'e. M1oen ..V KUti or l.y mail j Tilal BU, m cent l'f " .Y JHK)TUKUB,6C Wurruu tttrli "