The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 27, 1901, Image 4

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Throat Troubles
"Unrdwcll, Ky where I live, is in the ex
treme western part of the State and only u
few nines frum Cairo,
111., where the Oliic
empties into the Mis
sissippi Uiver. ltnin
be that th -oat troubles
are common here be-eau-e
of loca-
tion, but,
wliatevcr the
reaon. 1 tint)
it wi.-e to con
stantly keep a
s n p P 1 y
Acker's linp-li-h
for Consump
tion on hand.
It i the best
thins: 1 ever
came across
for coucrh-. colds and throat troubles, and
1 have usi d it in my family for years. No
ilmsRisi hi it can hi- depended upon to have
it afwavs. so I am writing this letter to W.
II. Hooker it Co., '2M Broadway, N. Y., to
order a dozen bottles at a time. My wife is
bothered lately with sore throat and dithcult
breathing, but just as soon as the dozen bot
tles get here, 1 will give her a few doses, and
she will certainly be well again. I expect to
write another letter in a short time saying
my wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure it
is what she needs." (Signed) T, A. nun.
Sold at 2.V., 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada and in Eng'
land, at Is. 2d., ad., 4s. Cd. .If you are not
satistied after inlying, return the bottle tc
your druggist, and get your money back.
HV anthnrtzc the ohm (waruntte. UOOKEV. A CO., lroprietss, -Yftr York.
For ealo at Blakuley'e f'hanuacv.
l.nuil Office at Vancouver. Waili,
May 17. 1101.
Notice Is hereby clven flint ilie followltic
i linniKl settlerb liHve tlli'il notice of their Inten
tion to intikr tlmil proof in niipnrt of their
i claim mill tlmt (aid proof will he innile hefore
i W, 11. I'resbv, 1'. 8, ronuni-slnner for Dlitriet of
u iiMiiiiKiini, iu nis oiaeo in liouieniitne, mush.,
on Hntimliij. Juiiei'.', viz.:
iniaumh It. ilylK.n,
II. i-:. NV.'lW, for the N.. SIHj. sMi'., mill
Xi:i4 of hK'.,, M'C :u. Tp 4 N, II 13 K, W. ,t., who
mime the follow Iiir witnesses to prove his con
tlnuoiis residence ilium nml cultivation of siilil
hiiul, vU.
Orie K. i-lilpney, Portlx Poreusen. John linf
fron, Jninc- H. Lyle, nil oi l.yle 1'. O.. Wash.
Coillx .Snreimen,
IT. E. No. CITS, for ttie'ssW'!. SK, See 1 ;, mill
N, of NK . NK'i of.NWU, See ill. Ti. N,
ot!K 1.' t-:. . M., who niiiiies the following wit
nes-es to prove ins e.iiiiiiiiiou- reMiienee upon
mid eiiltlVHtlon of said land, viz. : ,
Klfcininhll Ilylton.Orlr K hhtppev. .l.ihr. l)nr
fron, Jmiies O. l.yle, all of l.yle 1'. O., Wash.
Orle t:. ShlfiifJ-,
FI. K. Xo. '.J"1. for tne fnn'tloniil SWi4 of NV. ,
frnctlonal V' of SN'i., unit the SKJy of -W t of
see l, Tp :'. N, ft la K, W . M., ho mime-, tin- toi
lowinp witnesses to prove his eontinnmi rei
di'iiee upon mid cultivation of said land, 1
Klkanah 11. llylton, CorMn Smrticu, Johr
Diillron and James O. l.yle, all of Lyle 1'. O.,
mb W. U. M.V!UK, Ucgliter.
Ail Old - Fashioned Celebration.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprlolors Tfte OWL"
Kates to Sail FrancUeo mid Kt-turn.
Thi'O. R. & X. Co. will make the
following rates from The Dalle?, Oregon,
to San Francisco and return for National
Convention of Epworth League, July
1S-2I, mJl : Via rail to Portland and
O. R. it X. steamers from PurtUnd to
San Francisco and return, $23 50.
Ticket on pule and honored on trains
from Tne Dalles and on steamers from
Portland only on July 11th and 10th.
Reluming tickete will be honored on
steamers sailing trow San Francisco not
later than August 1st; final limit, Aug
ust 4. 1901. Rate includes meals ami
berth on steamers. Reservations for
pHssengi.TP noing via steamers should be
made in advance to insure accommoda
tions, fur which a deposit of $5.00 wtli
he required. All rail in both directions,
via O R & X. and Southern Pacific,
fir-t class, iiond for stop-overs in Ci!i
foruiii, $2S.50. Second class, iiicintliuc
berth in tourist sleeper in both direc
tions, no stop-overs, ?25.o0. Tickets on
sale at The Dallee July loth and 16th,
and wili ne honored by Southern Pacific
on trains leaving Portland July loth and
10th, and on morning train July 17tti ;
jrood for return passage leaving Son
Francisco up to and including July 31,
1901. Tickets will not be sold good in
one direction via rail and in another via
For further information communicate
witii Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dallee,
Oregon. w21-jlyll
QiifHtlon Auhirvriiil,
Yes, August!Flo'.ver still has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to elf an out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
le.t the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doees
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter with you.
Get Green's prize almanac, Clarke &
Falk's. 1
Why do you work for eaiall wages,
when with us you can earn three to live
dollars per day? Pleasant, permanent
and profitable employment for ladies and
gentlemen. Address Manager, room 403
Chamber of Commerce building, Tacoma,
Washington. jun 22-2tw
llou'C ttub It In,
JuBt wet the affected pari freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
"The Doctors told me my ccugh was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
me a well man." Norrie Silver, North
Stratford, N. H. Because you've not
found relief for a stubborn cough, don't
despair. One Minute Cough Cure has
cured housands and it will cure you.
Safe and sure. Clarke & Talk's P. O.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley, the drug
Kur Hl.
Land Okfick at Vanccvvkk. W'nsh., ;
June-.M. UX)l
Notice ! hereby irlvcn that the following
named -ottleis have lihti notice of their tnten
tion to liiukn tiniil proof in support of their
claims, mid that said proofs will ho made heforc
the Heglster and Hecclver. l!. s. land olhce at
Vancouver, Wash., on iatiirday, Annt II), liwi,
Ownr s. I'lirMHifc,
II K. No. '.l.VHi for the of SR'j Sec. ." mid H!..
ofr.WJ-4 sec. 'J, Tpo.V, It. It! E., W M., who
names the following witnesses to prove his con
tiuuous residence Umti And cultivation of said
land, vl
Unsel! It. Swain, Joan fucr, llaskin Trahno
anil Kdpir A. Hopper, all of l.yle 1'. O.. Wash
ington. Kilpar A. ll.ipjMT.
H.E. No. SOol for the SJ, of NKV, Pec. 3, Tn. s
N.. W. M., who names the following
witiipjso!. to prove his continuous residence
upon mid cultivation of said land, viz
John I'ugcr. Unsscll 1!. Swain. linear s. Tiirsons
and Ilnskln Tnibue, all of l.yle 1'. ().. Washing
jiin'-V, W. p.. l)lNl!AK. Iteglstcr.
Music by the Band and (Jrlee UiuDlij
Purest Liquors for Family Use$
Dolivort'd lo any part of the City.
1 1,0",H" ;4vsi!oiig Distance. 173 Second Street.
River p
Ijiiul Olllceat 'mi('ouvfr. Vcsh..
May Li, 1U01.
Notiro is hcri'br given that the following-naiiie-l
K't lcrs have Hied notice ot intention to
make .inal proof in .support 'f their claims, and
that said proof will be made iieforc W. I!. Pre.
by. V. s. I'nmmissioiipr for District of Washing
ton, at Guldeiida'e, Washington, on Saturday.
Juue-.xjth, UMI, viz.
Oliarli-s WIcKersluilll,
of l.yle P. O., WMshington. who made 11. V. No.
Mil) for the southwest quarter of cec. 1, Tp. y
N.. U. 1-' K., W. M.
Who lianifs- the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence up:n ami cultivation
of Mitd land, viz
Cornelius Hall, Thomas M. Whitcomb. Altiert
T. Highv and Imiioi O Kyle, all of Klickitat
P. U Washington.
CorncllllH Hull,
of l.vle O.. Washington, who nude H. E. No.
lu.oS.; for the southeast ouarter of sec. 1j, Tj. 3
N.. It. 12 K., W. M.
Who names the following witue-ses to prove
his continuous residence upon mid cultivation
ot suiuiauu. vi.:
Chnrles W leHersham, Thomas M Whitcomb
Klis I!. Hewett mid James u. l.yle, all 1 l.yle 1'
O.. Washington.
m!5 W. 11. HUN11AU, Iteglstcr
Heading of The Declaration of Independence.
GRAND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic.
Log Rolling Contest $100.00 in Prices.
Greased Pole. Wheelbarrow Race, Etc., Etc.. with
Liberal Prizes to "Winners.
BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the
Handsomest Exhibits.
$700.00 Display of FIREWORKS
Of the product of thin well-know ti brewery tliu United Slates Health
Reports for .Ituie IS, liHHl, miyn : "A more eupetior brew never entered
the litlm.tory of the United Slates Health reportH. It ih alixolntuly devoid
of the KlinhU'Ht trace of iidiillciatlon, Inn on thu other hand ih cO'iipniteil of
the IichI of malt and chok-em of hop-. It Ionic qiialiunH urn of the hi,.
cut and it can be ii"cd with the gteiiient hon'llt and Hiiliffaclion by old iin,j
young. lt tiH can confCienlioiily be preHCiibed by the phyHiciatiH with
the ccmiimv that a bettor, purer or morn wholuHOtnu beverage could net
potibly be found."
East Second Straat, THE DALLES, OREGON.
JilS j
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
o iiio n M u'id- (Headquarters for Feed Gram ot f n kin
Baseball..Game--Dalles vs. Hooq River;TT , -tDn nn n -a
Headauarters tor Rolled Gram ,aa kmds
Cool -roves and ronuintic hills and dells for the lover? t Headquarters for Brail. Shorts, o? mill feed
of nature. ; HeadQuarters icr "Bvers Best Pendle-
tOTl "FlOllI ThiH Hour ih manufactured exprecHly for family
-,JJ' umo: every Hack iH guaratitet'd to give Batmfaction.
, . , i i ii i i i boIi our gooili; lowor tbaii aiiy boiiHt) in ttio trade, unu if you dou't think 10
Come everybody, and bring the children. j call ami gt our i.nceH and i wmvinced.
Jiedueed rales by railroad and boats
&fe.fir j& aSe A jSr Atid aScjOufk ifr. ySi Jot A Bt & & jr jt JUl xl
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Ba.rley and Oats
Land Offick
T V.iNcnuvr.r.. Wnsh., (
Junu li, 1!J1.
Notice Is hereby civen that the (oUnwing
nami'd ettlen huvefllett nntltvnf tlieirliitentloii
tn iiinke liiuil tiroof in nti(iHirt of their cliinis'ind
that HHicl tiroofn will Ik iniiilo hi-foit- tht- lluKinter
and Itecelver V. S. ltiiid ollict- at Vancouver,
Was iiiKtLii, Friday, Auguxt l), 1101, viz. .
U'llllaiii 1-:. O'.NVnl,
II. K. No. (Nit 1. for the N.; of Xi;'-.(. NEi-j of NW4
ice 11. and E' of nWl4"fji:c 11 N. K 11' V.. . M.,
who nauie.i the follnwing witne.-'tes to prove
hl. coutlniiou'- roiidence uimju and i ultivation
of said land vi.
Uuel li. siv-iiin, (leorire A. Snider. William
II. IIoii)x.t mid John Hull'roa, all of l.yk- f. O.
IitlHxoll It, Stllllf,
II. K. No. for the N,$ of NKM. See lg Tj ..
J, K VI K, W M, who niunci the IoUouIiik' wit
neses to 'provf his rnntinnmiH residciici- upon
and cultivation of -ald Jmd. viz.
William Y.. O'Neal, Cieorue A. rinldur, William .
II. Hopper, Johu Diillron, all of Lyle 1'. O., '
u.iniiigion. i
William II. Hopper,
II. E. No. 'A ', for the N'3 of SV- feor Tp li
u i-j r., i . .M., wno iiiiinoh tne lonowing
UCM! to prove his coutinunun reaideuce upon
and cultl vh'.ioii of said land, viz '
I'.uull II. nHin, iVilliain O Neil, (ieori!" A.
Snider mid John Imttrou, all of Lyle 1". O., Wash.
jun'-"-' W. It. Dt'NHAB, Iteglstcr.
The Latent Novelties for Children for J'arlor Displays?:
periectl y harmless. &
bky iiocKi'tfi, Koman Ciindie!', ! lower I'otB, ! no Is-lrig-, ,Iapan-He Ac- L
J robatH, IJonie Kiint-., Fly Wlieele, I'iu U'lieeli?, IJombs, TorpeiKien, and all
kinds of Fire Crackern, at
A etyliah black driving horse, very
"gentle. Also nearly new open buggy,
brne89, blankets, etc. Very cheap.
Address, W. R. hocKWKi.i-,
iu27d2w'w3w Dufar, Ore.
NOTICK FOU J'UULICATION. Office ay Tub Dalles Or.,1
MayT, linn. I
Notice is huret'7 given that the fnllnwlng
liamttl Hottler has llled notice ol liln intention
to make final proof ir biiiiport of his claim, and
that mild proof will be niade lielore the lieuiv
tcr and Itecelver utThu liolles, Oregon on Mon
day, July b, 1U0I, viz.
Alliort V. Tumor,
of The Dulles, Oregon, H. E No, llil'i for the
SE4 Hw. 10, T, 1 H II. 11 E., W. JI.
He numcH thu followliig witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said lunil.vU..
Charles Oossou. Charles' Pmlth, Walter Scott
and Isaac C. Matncy, nil of The Dulles, Oregon.
niaysu JAV 1'. I.L'CAS, Ki-gUter.
I.amxj Offick at Tjik, Ok., i
June", 1WJ1. (
Notice is- hereby given that the following
niuiied settler has tiled notice of his intention tn
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Iteglstcr
and Kecclver at The Dulles, Oregon, on oatur
day, July i!0, KOI, viz.:
Krecl htuckll.
of The Dalles, Or.. II. E. No. SfcM. for the NW
of NWJJ 'ifbcc.y7,Tp 1 N U W E., W. M.
lie nnuies the following witnesses to prove his
00111111110118 residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, vi.:
Osmcr W. Cook. Alex. Eraser, It. C. Ilrookn,
Churles Kuwsou, all of The Dalles-, Oregon.
Junli JAV I. I.UCA8, Iteglstcr.
The bilioue, tired, nervouH man cannot
Buccusafully comjiete with hid healthy
rival. DeVVitt'B Llttlo Early HifterB the
fatuous pills for constipation will remove
the cause of your troubles. Clarke &
FalU's P.O. Pharmacy.
Jilowu To Atoms.
The old idea that the body HoinutimoB
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless,
geutly stimulate liver and bowels to ex
pel poisonouc matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
8lok Headache. Only 25c at Q.' 0.
Blakeley'a erug store, 1
White Collar Line.
THe Daiies-PonianG Route
Except Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Arrive The Dalles 15 i'. m.
Leave " " 4 "
Arrive Portland 11 "
Meals the Very Best.
Sunday Trips a Leading Feature.
Thiti iiouto 1ms the Graudent
Scenic Attractions on Kurtli.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Hound Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Leave Astoria 7 i. M.
Lmding and office Foot of Alder
Ktreet; both phones, M U51, Portland,
E. W. CBICHTON, Agent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles,
A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria.
For sprains, swellings and lamenesfl
there is nothing bo good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Just Received
A full line of Fretdi Printing and De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
Solio, Kox, Deko, Velox
and .A rislo in all sizes.
Also a line of PlateH in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Jfranies,
Albums, Multigraphs,
And all accessories to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
Our Eureka Combined Toning, and
Fixing Hath is a dandy. Try it.
The A. E. C. Duvelopor for platoH,
films or developing papeit Iiuh no equal.
'Enough for !!5c to developed dozen plates
or (i dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blaekH
and whites are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De
veloper, . and see that you get the
We are prepared to compound any and
all of your own (ormuliu and guarantee
At the old place, 175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
"A few months ago, food which I ate
for breakfast would not remain on my
stomach for hull an hour, I used one
bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
cau now eat my breukfast and other
meals with a relish and my food is
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure fur stomach
troubles" 11. K. Pitts. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth, Va.,
over DO years of age suffered for years
with a bad sore on his face. Physicians
could not help him, DeVVltt's Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
Clarke & Falk'a 1'. O. Pharmacy.
Subscribe (or Tuk Ciiiionicus.
W 11)1 l.SAI.i; AM) UUTWL
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bunk.
(iimiioii Piiiini
i.iiui: i)it. iodi.
F. S. GUfWWi,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
ni:Ai.i:it in
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Auent lor Ittmsell A Cn.'t. l-.tiKlnex, Tlirehliem mill femv Mill.
Cor, Second & Lanolin Sis, THE DALLES, OR.
Telephone lf)7.
I.onir DintancH 10711
llftl'll PSClill! souinein Mile &
Yellowstone Park Line.
i-kavk. ' Union Depot, nrthand I sts
No. !i.
Nd, -I.
KiiHt mull for Tiieuiiiii, No,
.xenme, uiyiniiii,(,rn)"Hi
lliirldir anil Kiintli llunil
IKIIIltH, Hlilkllllll, KlIH.-i I
liinil, II. 0., I'nlliiiiin,
,, . I ;M,'M;'W'. IwlHtnii, Hnl 1
11:16 A.M. liil(illniiiinilnliiK!(Min- d;M r, JI,
try, Helenii, Mlinii'iinn-1
IIh, 81. fun I, Oiniiliii,
Kiiiimih Clly, HI. 1miIh,
ujiichkii unit nil pninth
wmt ami Hontlii'iiHt. jjo, a.
11130 P.M. for 'liicoiim nml huiittlo 7;(X) A. M,
jlinil Interiaediutu miiiiU
riilliiiiin llrt-ilHMH nml tonrltt MlirH to
Mh neapo lis. Ht. 1'mil mid MUsuurl river point
lnNlt.1ule,.l ,r,"l,,,H; u,,l" nul,(,t connefltlonii
In all principal el tie,
IjiiKKiiKe cheeked to(lentlnutlon of ttakets,
Kor tuiiKlNoinely llhiHtinte(lde(.erlptlve matter,
tlekeU, leeiiiK cur rixairvatlous, etc., eull ou or
W Tim)
AHHUtunt (imionil pHHHenKsr AKont, 2M Morrl
ou btreot.corijir Third, Portland Orcgou.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The DhIIuh tor I'orlhmil andw7
fitittlmih at -l:i) u. in. mid 1) p, m
U-iivu I 'or 1 1 ii tul
" Alhiiny .
Arrive AnIiIiukI
.. H::tOit ill 7:KP5
li. win in lO.'Wp"1
,..,!, i i ::to m
" Hiicrmnentn '. 1' 111
" bun hriinelhoi) i ' V 111
Arrive Ojidon
" Denver
" KuiiMiiNlUly. .
" OhluuKii
Arrive U AiikcIcm . .
" Kl J'mwi
" Kort Worth
" City of Mexico .
" Hollnton
" New OrlemiH .. .
" WllMlllllKtOll ...
" New York
f,-,r",,n 'i'-S!"
, '.lilKlii III S'ftm
7 Mil HI I-"1"
. 1 -VI) I' HI
t:W in
, . Ii::ii)n
. . ll.Wili I"
. . I, (XI H 111
. li "JS II III
. C. : 1 J li HI
,11!. W I'"'1
7:00 m
Pnllinan and ToiirUt eiirn on ''"'.'V j-o,
Ohulreurh Hniirttinunto to OkiIwi , '.'i kw Pi
and tourlHt ourn to CIiIouko, Ht "
luuni mid WhhIiIukKih-
ConnootliiK at Hn Krtncu with w"
UMimnhlp Ilin for Hoaol"' '
HlilHpptueii, Ountml ud Bontli Ani-'
Boo Hgent at The DuUen utatioii, or
Oeueml I'mkohiw Ag". ror,t,u