The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 27, 1901, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ti nuts day
JUNK 27, 1001
Ice Cream
loo Crnnm
At Andrew Kollor's.
All H'i! f'ouiity tvnrrntilM ri'clx lured
prior In .Inly fi, IKIIK, will Imi pnlil
mi irmiHiittliin nl my tillliut, InKurm
rtMiHiiN nr .1 nun 0, 11101,
.ioiin i iiAMi-Ninmc,
tiiinnty 'I'icHoiirci .
Girl wanted
To do general housework;
Tliu beat of wages paid ;
Apply at this office.
Flags at Mouefen -.t Parkins. j'JO
Tlio Fortnightly club will meet with
Mrs. .lolin Weigel tomorrow afternoon.
CMiitiiiKiua, Gladstone I'nrk, .July I.d
ti lllth. Oiiu furt for round tri :, Regu
lator lino BteamerH. j27 lwk
If yon celebrate at home buy your fire
works at Menofec it I'm kmc If yon go I
abroad buy thorn before yon go. jL'fi I
Seufert Bros, are ciimiiri their entire'
rop of cherries thiH year, instead of ,
(hipping thfin as they did in former
Found Tliu Ciiuo.vici.i: olfiee has u
pair of spectacles and a pair of ladies' kid
gioves which tut; owners can have by
paying for this notice.
Between two and three bundled
tli niaand pounds of wool changed bunds
testerday nnd t lie day before at prices
ranging from 11 to 112 cents.
Fourth of .Inly rates, Regulator line,
any point between The Dalles and Cas
lades Locks, one fare for the round trip.
'I here will be rwelinitlons at Lyle, Hood
River and Mevemiii. Steamer1) will leave
Th" I)a"t H at 7 it in. nnd I! p.m. j27!ld
u are cjidiully invited to attend the
l -Uet iiuiit'r and special "ervtees to be
h i I liv the Frj'o Mfil.n,iitta .luly 4tli,
on 'h Mile crr. li, .a what is known
as Al Urovi-. Luvu feast 10;l0 a.
m. ; preaching at 1 1 a. in. and at '.' p. in.
"J have raised undo for over twenty
years, " said a Five-Mile rancher to Tm;
(Jiiuonici.i: today, "and 1 never in all
that time, saw anything to equal the
crop prospects of this year." And so
Hay all of the ranchers, """""""m
Married, yesterday evening, July L'OthV
at the oflice of Justice Timothy Brownv'
hill, Mr. Brownhill officiating, D. M.
f . I- ! 1 1 .... I . I
iiugiiH, ui J UKima coumy, t ubii., uiiu
Miss Grace Brune, daughter of the late
CharleB Bruno of 'orth Dalles.
Fifteen Odd Follows from Grass
Valley, six or eiirht from The Dalles
and some from other points left The
Dulles this afternoon in two wagonettes
for Dufur, where they will oruanize an
encampment of Odd Fellows tonight.
It will be an all night job.
A few days ago one of the fish wheels
of .Seufert Bros, cuiight u 40-puuud
ohinook salmon with the adipose I'm
missing. This, Mr. Frank Seufert says,
is one of the 51)00 young salmon, so
marked, that were turned loose in the
Cluckamas river live years ago. It af
fords confirmation, if coiifirmatiou were
needed, of the value of salmon hatcher
ies. A personal in today's Oregonian says;
'SetiatorJohn H. Mitchell left suddenly
on last evening's train for Jiuropo, in
response to a cablegram announcing the
HorloiiB illness of his wife. He expects
to return to Oregon at the earliest poa
Hibie moment. Ho very much regretted
being compelled to leave at this time, as
he expected to bo present when, the
river and 'harbors committee of the
house reaches Oregon."
William M i'(! rath, who shot Jake
ir..i.i .1.,.,.. mil. t 11 1 .nint in Yakima
couutv some six or eight miles from
Glonwood, was arrested and taken to
North Yakima where ho had a prelum-
nury hearing before a local justice and
wits bound over to the superior court in
tho hiuu of $1000. McGrath'fl trial is
sot for the 15th of October. 'He intro
duced no evidence in his defense. Prnhl
and two other witnesses testified against
Tiik CiiuoNioi.i: is in receipt of a
handsomely illustrated booklet entitled,
"IleHltli mid Pleasure Along tho Line of
the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com
pany." The book contains a number
of views of picturesque mountain, river
und ocean scenery, and it is all de
scribed in au accurate and pleasing
Htyle. Pereona contemplating an outing
title Bummer should have a copy of thiH
souvenir, as it will euable you to decide
where to spend your summer vacation.
The book may be procured free from any
gentof the O. K.& N. Co., or on receipt
There's a
& Marx
of a two cent pnstuge stamp, from A. L.
Craig, general passenger agent, Port- j
land, Oregon. j
Three of the four runaway bovs who .
Hrr,..t,l bv Marshal Driver last !
Monday and conlined in the city j lil
until their relativts could be heard from, 1
were placed on the Dalles City this!
morning and shipped to their homes at I
Vancouver. Their names were Henry
Doherty, Robert Anderson and .loseph
DtlL'an. The fourth lad, whose name
was .lames Levari, is p. homeless tramp.
It was he that induced the other boys
to leave their homes. The mother of
tho Dugan boy put up the transports!-
n. . ..1 f.. .1... Im..n
lion cnargtiB 101 iui.iiik HIC IJic "juij
Dad Butts recently sold to fred
Halfpap the house and four lots belong-
to Mrs. Lusher, located west of the
-r u ii i
lion street scuooi nouse, iur .-joju.
Uo also sold Mr. Halfpap's house and
lot west of too old Lutheran chinch on
Ninth street to Martin Weyman for $530.
Besides these he sold to Mr. Bunker, of
Lhe Diamond Flouring mills, a small
house and the lot adioirnng Mr. Bunk
er's ho.llt. Oil Alvord Avenue. This last
..m..rti. iu.lo.,,1 to W. S.
,,i.t.w.j P.'- -
Wasco county. The consideration was
$210. These were surely gooil DarganiH,
all of them, but Dad says he has plenty
more just such baigains.
Many of Joseph .lellerson's amusing
sayings are quoted by James S. Metcalf
in the account in the Ladies' Home
Journal for July of a visit paid to the
veteran actor in his winter quarters at
Palm Beach, Florida. He uses a tiicycle
for the short journeys possible about
that, place. Once a- he dismounted from
it, he remarked: ".My horse is like
David HaruniV; he'll stand without
hitching. And he's better than a bicycle
because ho doesn't have to have any
thing to lean up agamt." On another
occasion, when caught in a rainstorm
and the wind made it diilicult lor one
rain-coat to keep both the actor and his
companion dry, Mr. Jefferson said,
philosophically, not complainiugly, "I
don't mind being wet all over, because
j then you don't notice any one place.
But this being wet in spots kind of calla
Your attention 10 mem.
W. R. Brown, familiarly known as
Sower Brown, has had another row with
i.iu .if in Hiilte of the solemn promise 1
he made last fall when he was In tho
clutches of the law for stabbing her with
a knife. Brown is now working at Hood
River, and a few days ago in response
to his request his wife visited him.
Her story ih that he reproached her for
not living with him and drawing a knife
ewore Bhe must take herschoice to come
back and live with him or die. One of
the children that had accompanied Mrs.
Brown to Hood River ran between her
parents and begged her father not to
carry out hie threat. Mrs. Brown fear
ing the worBt, promised to agree to hie
request and they parted without any
further trouble and Mrs. Brown leturned
hjuie. Hince her return she has laid
the matter before District Attorney
Under which right-i
ly made clothes
cannot be sold. We
always go the limit
but our trump card
is not "cheapness
but quality."
We'd like you to see:
the suits at $10, $12 and
$13.50 we are turning
out for
Menefee and the probabilities are that
before this appears in type a warrant
will be issued for Brown's arrest and he
compelled to give bonds for his
f . A It I , . I 1 1
"llure ',or- row 11 is n naru-
working, industrious man and it is a
tliousnnd pities that he has not sense
enough to leave severely alone a woman
that he cannot live with in peace.
Wallace uson had an exciting time
of it during tho seven or eight days he I
was half proprietor of the New York 1
restaurant. He was scarcely installed .
in the placo when someone started
fire in a ckeet on the floor overhead
This was happily discovered before it
had made much headway. Following
this, and on tho afternoon of the same
day, another fire was started in an un
occupied bed-room which destroyed the
bed clothes and ruined the furniture of
jthtf'room. This, too, was happily dis
covered before it had got beyond control,
but. tho chemicals used to put out the
fire soaked through the ceiling of tho
esiaurant and loosened a piece of
he plaster. This was no sooner re-
! 1 . 1 1.. 1 1 .!
P'reu HHU maoe rem.y iur ..ape-,...
;than some one opened a water faucet, on
'the floor overhead which flooded the
floor so that the water soaked through
the ceiling again and loosened the new
plaster, causing it to fall off and in the
fall to carry some of the old plaster with
it. This disaster was timed to a period
bordering on tho noon hour, when the
restaurant was full of customers. Next
day, at about the same hour, the flood-
! ing act was repeated and down came
more plaster. Next day somebody car
ried oil' all tho bed clothes in the rooms
overhead, and then Wallace began to
realize that something or somebody was
on his trail and he concluded to quit.
Mr. Wilson says he has not an idea who
could have done the mischief or what
motive should have prompted him or
them in tho piemiees.
Itiirtmi Wool Alarkiil.
The American Wool and Cotton Re
porter of this date says: Tho wool
market continues to improve slowly
but surelv. Prices cannot as yet bel
quoted actually higher, except in ono or j
I two isolated cases, where undue depres
' sion had previously eixsted. Prices ate ,
I firmly hold. In the lower grades it is 1
easier to got asked prices than it was
two weeks ago.
There is a better feeling all around,
und wool merchants generally are talk
ing more encouragingly and hopefully.
In tho goods market there is a substan
tial improvement. In the interior high
pricea continue to be paid for the new
wools, aud during the paat week or ten
days quite liberal purchases have been
made in the territories and in Oregon by
Eastern partiea. Borne of tho new wools
bought in Eastern Oregon will cost fully
10 cents clean.
Lost this morning, a new Smith &
Wesson hammerless revolver. Finder
will be rewarded by leaving it at The
Dalles Employment office. j25-2t
for Men,
y omen and
Men's Canvas Lace $1.50
Men's Canvas Oxfords.. 1.50
Men's Tennis Slices 1.00
Men's Bicycle Shoes 1.75
Ladies' Tennis Shoes 90
I Hoys' Tennis Shoes . 65c, 90c
.Boys' Canvas Lace
Child's Tennis lace. 60c.
Ladies' Tan or
Hack O.v-
. 1.25
Ladies' Tan Lace
Ori-Ktm 1 1 lilt at liiill'iilo.
"It is wonderful how Oregon apples
, keep," writes Commissioner Dosch from
. the Buffalo expos iti. "Some of them
have been on tire table for six weeke,
1 being polished jevery day, and are yet
' firm, especially some Newtown pippins
J from Mr. E. L. Smith, and some Genet
i apples grown by Mr. VS illiam Ehrek, of
ii00( HiVer, near the snow line, which,
undoubtedly will get the gold medal, as
profeBgor Van Deman, the judge, told
rn ,i,pv wer th finpt. Gcrl h had
R 1 ever seen, and he knows. Although our
apple exhibit is small only 100 plates,
while such states ifs Illinois and New
York have over 1000 each it attracts
more attention, and it is difficult to
convince people that they are not out of
wax, on account of their perfect shape
and beautilul color and the high polish
they take. Often 'to establfsh my point
for truth I have to cut one to pieces and
hand them around to eat, when they
I exclaim, 'Oh, such fine flavor,' etc. But
we are used to that. Compliments have
been showered on us so that our heads
cannot Bwell any more.
"The strawberries we distributed and
you ought, to have heard the praise. I
would hand one to a lady and she would
take a bite, have her hubby take a "bite,
and divide the lest among the children.
fliey almost fought to get just one berry,
, wnje ttl08e berries of Missouri and New
York measly sour things remained
untouched. We have to Btand guard
with a club of course, and then every
once in a while someone will make a
grab for one.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
W. Wadace Wilson and L. Y. Hong in
this city under the name ami style of 1
the W. W. Wilson Co., has been dis
solved bv mutual consent of both
parties and that Mr. W. Wallace Wilson 1
will retire from said business and that '
Mr. Ii. Y. Hong will continue said buei !
noss and will pay all debts contracted
by ami that'are due from said firm, and ,
collect all money due to said linn. 1
Dated at Dalles City this 25th day of
June, 11)01.
ii, . 1 1 ONI,.
j25 litd
W. Wai.i.m i: Wii -o.v.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
&tf uuturu at
The young people of tho Christian
church will give a pausing social in the
church parlor Friday, June 28th, at 8
j). in, Kach one who attends is request
ed to bring the article, whatever its
character, which they most desire to be
rid of. Ice cream and cake will be
served. Admission l!ie. Every one in
vited. J20 2d
A full line of Eastman films aud sup
plies just received by.Clarke & Falk,
Ileum From tint Onlilcnilnln Hnntliml.C
.fudge Bennett is over from The
Dalles attending thi-i session of the
superior court.
A surgeon is up from Portland for the
purpose of performing an operation on
Mrs. Charles Alvotd for appendicitis.
Jndgd A. II. Byrkott, of Bingen, nnd
Attorneys Dufur, W. II. and II. S. Wil
son, of The Dalles, are attending court
here this week.
I) in't be surprised if the next gov
ernor of Washington halls from Klicki
tat. The Haulier Republican can name
n good man for this honorable position.
I. Twohig this week opened up a shoe i
shop in the old Bouchard stand. Mr. I
Twohig has followed this business fori
several vears, run niim a shop in The!
Dalles for the past live years, and par- j Dyspeptics cannot Us lout; lived be
ties from there speak very highly of him (cause to live requires nou.-ishiiient Food
as a courteous gentlemen, good citizen i is not miurithing unti! it is digested. A
and experienced workman.
Eugene Looney, of Mitchell, is in the
city looking after his last year's clip of
C. L. Ireland, of the Sherman County
Observer, spent last night in the city the
guest of the Umatilla House.
Representative M. A. Moody is in
Portland awaiting the result of the
compilative examination, which com
menced there this morning, for the selec
tion of a candidate for hi" appointment
to the United States naval academy at
Mrs. Orin Dunbar, of Goldendale,
passed through town today on her way
home from St. Martin's Springs where
she has been with her husband for over
a week. Mr. Dunbar, whose health has
been poor fur some time, will remain
for a week or two longer in hops of
receiving benefit from the waters.
i:tf4 to I'iiii-Ainerlcnii Kxuitlon ,
Bound-trip rates via O. Iv. & N. from
The Dilles, -fSl !)0. Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays during June, July,
August, September and October.good for
j continuous passage going on date of sale.
Return limit thirty daj'B from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply
ing to agent O. Ii. x N. Co., The Dalles,
whereby tickets will bo honored on lake
steamers in one or both directions be
tween Detioitand Buffalo.
tf James Iui;i,ani, Agent
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. Wo have the Crown of
Science Hair tftj&teS'B Grower and
Cocoanut Cream epsgily Tonic. They
will cure dand EiSa rulf and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frnzer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Attention, KiiKlt'M.
A special meeting will beheld Sunday,
the 30th inst., at 2 p. in. for the adop
tion of by laws.
A. A.,
Worthv Sec.
R. B. Gilbroth it Sons will keep at all
times a supply of hay, grain and feed
which thev will retail at the lowest
market rates. j-'fJ-tf
Clarke & Fulk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Dressed spring chickens at tho Stadel
man Commission Co. 'a 21-tf
(Jlrl Wanted.
A thoroughly competent girl to do
general housework ; good cook. Tho
best of wagHs paid. Call at this ollice.
Subscribe for Tin; Ouim.suu.i:,
...The New York Cash Store.
138 nncl 142 Second Street.
The BARG-AIN STORE of the City.
soll'inu" th opo
Bovs' line ribbed, light weight , shirls l Men's jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grey,
aud drawers, per garment 2SCshirtH and drawers, per garment 48C
Bojb' jersey ribbed, heavy .silver grey, I Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed,
shirts and drawers, per garment 2SC j shirts and drawers, per garment 50C
Men's blue mottled, light weight,! Men's grey mixed, merino, shirts and
shirts and drawers, per garment. 25C 1 drawers, per garment. 30C
Men's white, blue mercerized silk
stripe, ribbed, light weight, shirts and
drawers, per garment 50C
Dims It I'ny ti liny tilii-ap?
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangerous results of thioat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to it warmer at. d more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not pnsiil- for you,
then in either case take the oni.y rem
edy that has been introduced in ail oliil
Ized countries with success in severe
throat and 111111 troubles. "Boschee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissue to destroy tho
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night'B rest, and cures the patient. Try
oni: bottie. fUcomme-.ded many years
by all driiiruists in the world, and sold
oy vjiarKo i: t'aiK. oet lireen a nriza
disorilored stomach cannot, digest food,
it tntiBt Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure digests all kinds of food with
out aid from the stomach, allowing it to
rest, and regain its natural functions.
Its elements are exactly the same as tho
natural digestive fluids and it simply
can't help but do you food. Clarke &
Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy.
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina bay, where can be had excellent
fare, good fihinw'. good boating, safo
bathing, Mliuring nd"S and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 1901 at Newport will afford
great variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and like advan
tages, junl 1-tf
Drop into Mays A Crowe's store and
see the Perfection oil stove work. It 13
simply perfect. One valve does the
whole work. No complicated parte to
get out of order. Cheaper than wood.
No hot kitchen. There are no others
just, as good. Investigate before buying,
for these stoves are not sold by any
other lirm in The Dalies. 10-tf
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
beat preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and gloasv.
Price, Co and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold inihaudsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druargiBt.
It anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
makes a specialty of these goods. tf
A surgical operation is not necessary
to cure piles. DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve saves all that expense and never
fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacv.
It is rumored that a very rich strike
in oil has been made near Pendleton,
and the housewives of The Dalles have
struck just the thing in oil stoves at
Maya & Crowe's. 10-tf
Subscribe for Thk Chi:oniui.k.
Undertaker anil Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance pbi'iie I 'j. Local, 102.
Men's and Boys1
Summer Underwear.
Wo havojusi oponpil (bo best line of Un
dorwear ovor shown in thooitv, ami wo avo
at tho lowest prices.
Men's brown and ecru, lace weave,
light weight, shirts and drawers, per
garment 50C