The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HUKSDAY - - J UX E 127, l!)0t J. A. EBERLE, Leadingv- anaEs? Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe. We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make iu in the latest styles, and guarantee & perfect fit. 4M DANIEL COME TO JUDGMENT. over tne manner ot nor coming m. "And he play'd upon n hnrp." j we t:ll;o this occasion to say that the "Whatever else we may be dis- more she sees of Uncle Sam the not posed to think of Dowie, he is at ; ter she will like htm. The thing's least a dandy, says Henry Watterson been tried before. Philadelphia In in the Courier-Journal. lie has not quirer. only the inspiration of his conviction, 1 It tll0 contention of the states' but a courage worthy ot them. It aUorney general is maintained in the was a magnificent piece of cheek for ! COurts that the state school board this gold-brick man to appear before is responsible for stealings of an a Chicago audience. It Was Sllblime ! that he was able to work himsolf anil his audience to a frenzy, thus: "Understand well what I mean. 1 ' will take ao counsel in mv methods i 1 nf nAUn.nnlrttit T hnVn f.r ,11 f t r, ' to; iirnnlnlm t ) m rn rn it nuro n nrl ctmtlp ! the government of God. and I will never rest till all other forms of government have been driven from the earth. You talk about your democracy. Bahl I tell you de- mnnrnnv has henn tried in the bal- i in nnrl l,n 'nilp.l Thn rrovern- ! , , , , , , ! mentof the people, by the Ieople and for the people is twaddle. I stand loyal to the Hag and counten ance no revolution, but I demand here and now that the name of God must bo placed foremost in the con stitution of the United States, and the supreme authority of God over all things must be recognized." ' i Joseph Jefferson is a Sweden borgian. Edwin Booth was a Uni tarian They were fairly good actors j in their time. But it may be doubt ed whether either of them could have worked himself even in a mimic scene to the following noble burst: ''Listen to the first message of the prophet. You must pay your tithes and offerings into the storehouse of God. Accursed be ye if ye would seek to rob Ilis house of its fullness by not obeying this, His will, sent through Elijah." There is but one counterpart to this in historv. According to Proc- .j i tor Knott-the Courier-Journal giv-, mg its authority and reserving alike ; its iudoment and its i esnonsibilitv Kb juii0mi-ui, uuu na n-auuaiuiuu.) Simon Suggs, when "the meat havtn D ' ive out, and not a bar I o Hour in the house," set forth in quest of ad vnntiirr foil in with the camn meet , . in", and for purpOSC'S Of revenue only je, whu i j got religion, he at once rose from the , mAii t.nnrc' Ttnnnli n n I cfmilf Of! A H t f .... t...... t - ! up, uicineiu; j mini in uu uutj ju i, and see what I draw'd . Keligion is fn rt rtr.c 1? itnttlkrtll? ft it (2 'em an J J b1" .1..1,, lrtcr. ' litf tlint wnc lip IIUUUUJ 1,111 luaui vimw j. lu " fnrn orfiiw.nno HnahnH nnfl Mr. Hnwifi '. . .w.v. ov.,-w..ww , "Present prosperity is a ,inl,)fi:fm i n. l l,,..l nnlinmornl " U, tic Wm 7 ' or ut least ephemeral, says m. .J. Bryan in a late interview. That's ao, responds the I'lamdealer. Life is uncertain. Death is sure. Tf idles Uave Wlng8. JlSSUretO OO OlOUOy on j... !)., nntwlrlmlnnrlinrr nil i BODOe day. liUt UOlWItUStanUing an tl.n.o llffln HnliifllnnB. ikn (1 vnnfint ' bogs, hundred-dollar horses, twenty - dollar calves, tea-cent cotton and fifteen-cent wool are buou pleasing delusions that tbe majority of the people are ready to cry: "Please delude us some more." Subscribe (or Tun OuaoNiout. WITH THE PA RAG Jl A I'll E lib. What's the matter with Carrie Nn- , tion challenging the ; That's riclit in her cup Defender? line. Montana Kecord. Tillman and iSIuLaurcn will oblige a patient public if they subside into the silent art of making faces at each , other. Pittsburg Dispatch. ! In the future the British ma' J reckon events from the landing of ,1. 1'ierpont JUorgan instead of from ! that of William the Conqueror. I Topeka State Journal. ' Four srateful and hot Scotch uni versities are going to make Dr. , Carnegie a double L. D. An S. I should be put in for pounds, shillings and pence. Minneapolis Journal. If the time ever comes when men arc as good as their obituaries, and women as good as they look to be when in church, then the recording angel in heaven can take his long needed vacation. Ashland Town Talk. Cuba being just a bit perturbed nniinintfr iv I m wnnlfl tvnnt tn lin appointee governor, or rnonno (inm-d even president : , . Clarke & talk have received a carload f .1... ..I..K-.,....t t IT1 TO. ....... ul kUC UClUUi t.l.Clt itllLUrO Lj. J.ULIUU strictly mire hqnid paint- ! Floral lotion will enre wind chapping I and sunburn. Manufactured by Cam" & Falk. I It The Win 1(1. I No Discovery in medicine lm ever created one quarter of the excitement tliat has been cuu?ed by Dr. Kinc'e Sew DIecovery for Consumption. It's severest fj teats have been on hopeless victims of p j - i - ------- i r- ' Pleurisv and Bronchitit, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarseness and Whooping Couch ; it is the quickest, surest cure in the I world. It is sold by (,, C. Iilakeley, the ! dru'irist, who guaranteed satisfaction or refund money. Lare bottles 50c and' UAQ- Trial bottles free. 1 . It Girdlo- 1 lie Ulohe. The fame of Uucklen's Arnica Salve, aQ tin, in tlif. irnrlil uvt..rtrla rntittrl the eaflh IlfB lhe one' feut ,;ett,Br 0, Cuts, Corns, Burnp, Bruisee, fjores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. I'iic a box at G. C. B'akeley's, drujr Btore. T Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I, s. Lund Ollice, Vancnuver, Wash., I May 'Jh. I'jDl. l Notice Is hereby given that lu compliance wltb the provhlons of the net of CoiiKri'M of June .., ibib, uuiiiica "An nut lor inu t-aie oi nm hjr hind8 in the mutes of California, Ortuori Nevada and Washington Territory," n extended I to all the puhlit land states by act of AtiKimt i. . l .', frank htewart, ot umc Kocli. coiintv of 'XKi0BM rehaseoftheswof no. n. k ,lmt t,,fc I""rt 4,),"Jht ' valuable for lu timber or stone than for agricultural purpoei. 1 anu to establish hi claim tocaid land jfor.-1 the Keglnter and lleceiver (il thiH ollice Ht Van i I couver. Wash., on Wednesday, the lltli day of 1 August. I'JOl. i He names us witnesses' Homer V. Wood worth, (todfrey I. hmith, It. K. ItoK-rtaoii mid Huny .M. Ilarrett. al! of Portland, Or. i Anv and all pCT'ons claiming adverxily the A . inu Hl ali-ivu-dt-orlldlHiidi. are rwiiestcil tollle their L.)jmh j, this ofticeon or before said llth day "'j;;1' lwl " - W. Ii. Dl'NIiAH, I'.egistcr. CONTEST NOTIC1 t'.NJTKU hTATKS Land OmcK, ( May 11, IMJl. i A siidif'Ient conteit nllldavlt having Ijecn in this omci' by u. August t.iniUist. contest :,mt. iiL'Hiiist honie.tead entrv No. r,ll. miide 1 April II, l''JT. for W', N;., hee :53 mill Nh-4 , ec ii i u i r., uy r.ney J, (iiit, con testee. in wllloh it Is allegHl that said Itlley J (.rt ,Jlls (rom tll() 1(ti (, ()f Aprli 17,,,,, t0 the uruM.'iit date never b-i.'n on the nliice. never established h1 rctliluncu thereon, and that hu has ahiindoued the tract. And that thu nlleged llblllldol) IHUII t f Illlt llllO til llvfeillUll t'M Clll ploy 1CU ,,, ttl(J n,nU(,ryi)r ImVHl g,.rvIe ,', ilny thu I'nlted Hlates shIi parties are hereby notified to iiliK'ar resMiud and oiler evidence touching hld alk-gatiou ut 10 o'clock n. m. on June 'A', IWl, before thu register anil receiver at thu L nlleU htales laud oillcu III I ho Dulles, Oregon. Thi. htrt fillti,Htiinr hitvltitf. In ii iilltflii. fJm, ft))ruue diligence M.-rsonul tervlco of this notice cannot be made, It is heniby ordered and ( that such natlco bo given by due mill I'r"lr pumication mUi JAY I'. I.UOAfi. IleKlHter. Executor's Notice. Notice In hereby Riven tlut M. '.. Donnell hui, been duly upjioluted executor ot the lust will und tentument of Ann l.uchlnger, deceaned. All peroii8 bavlug cbtlmM t(alnit the eatatu of Mild Ann l.uchlnger are hereby notlfiet to prevent the name to me, verified uk by Imv re quired, wlthlu nix muutna flow the date of thU jiotlcc. Dtel at Dalles City thin 7th day of -June, 1901. juu M, '.. DONNKLl., KxecuUir. NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has been distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of 'my customers. The only regret is that 1 was not able to give a valuable present to each of my customers. I think they all deserve one. On Saturday. July 6th, I will Kivo away two mmm: : box.' worth $27 oil . i;y'"R "W tunes, and one worth $7.60; h Mirk of Hiiunr and . barrel of ilonr. I will j-ivo a kiihIi rmi of ...U0 to Mint p.nlnu the most moiu'V by that dutu, and $'2 00 to the on., tinying in the m-koih hmr.-Ht nmnii it. I ouch Saturday, commencing on the 15th of Juno and including .Inly (Uh, I will. In in di ion o t!ic two pr-'ti-outs bIvhii each week, give u $1 00 rebate to the customer paying the lariat amount duriiiK the wueK. Purchasers of goods in mv line will do well to keep in mind that 1 eell tfoods uh low as the lowest, mh t well as share thu profit with my PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. rr-rrjcrAfc-rcrxrji K IP N REGULATOR LINE. Htvnmory OW.1117 MhfillilH. cKctlun.' without Str. "Iralda" Leaves Cascades (! a. tn. Arrive DalleH 10:."0 a. m. Leave DaMen I! p. 111 . Arr. Cascades 7;Ii0 p. tn. Dailv ex. Sundav. Str. Regulator h- now:;. I.v Dulles lit 7 A. M. f: Tuoilny . . p TliuitdHy . . . . u Kutunliiy . h Arr. I'ortlHiul K at i;3D v. m. ur. I.v. l'orthiml at T a. M. . Mimilay . Weilni;(lMy . . Friday Arr. Dalle.1 u 5 p. li. hxcnrsion Jlntes every .Saturday W lute Salmon and intermediate points, R' For an evenlnc trip take the "Iralda" at I! n. V turn on the up boat. t. 4 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5, Travel by the Steamers nf the IteculHtor Line. The Company will endeavor to give Un pat K roiiH the btst .-ervlce poslhlu. For further luformiitloii iiddresH rortbuid Otlice, Oak-Strtut Dock. W. Gratidall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. ' Funeral Supplies WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All ordors entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON i WAIiTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. customers. IH. T. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tin of uhIiii: no-railed kidnev reini'dii's without any benefit, iiHe Lincoln Sexual Pills and he forever rid of thorn1 dull pubis in your bark. DlntMird tliat old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneyt-" anil have all your hladdur and urinary troubles cured, and your niglits made restful by the use of nature's greateut assistant Lincoln Soxual Pills. Price, 1.00 pur boxbuy ol your druggiHt or sent bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. '.. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. . DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY 3 4 M of tho I'.vgtilutor l.lm- will run iih icr the (nl- f th, (.'nTtitttm v rcM.rvlitir tin? nt'ht tn plimii'tt v ! lllltlCU. Sir. Dalles City. Iiow.V I.v. DiiIIvh at 7 A. i. .Miiniliiy WwlnuMlay ... Krlilay. . .. Arr. I'ortlaiiil at !:: i: it. it. 'j l.s . l'orthiml ,3 at 7 IK) A. M. i Tuexilny J ThurMla , Satunhiy Arr. Dalli'H 'J at u i it for parties of five and upwards : Dalles, o0c: DalleH to Cascades, $1.00. m. to Hood River and re C. ALLAWAY, Gen. At. l! CtXJ3rt.Ti.rkr i -r ;,t,i v I r i yirirtr triy'r i i. i & Barget Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. NOLAN. Just What You ujant. New ideaB in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo ate Hhowing never be fore graced n tiingle istork. Heal imitii. tion oreton eflVctH at ordinary prices. Good paperH at cheai paper prices. JCIegant desigiiH, tasteful coloringH, yours for a small price, at our more on Third street. Mho a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. L. Lane or.M i; a i. Wagon and Carriago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JcITcrn. Phone 159 3 M.T.t'1 I me Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF At ANUKACTt'KKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)KIF.I) IJE1CF. KTC. J. 8. HC1IKNCK, 1'reHldiitit. .Max A. oiiT. ClIHhlU) First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A tumoral Bunking Biiflinufla tnuitmoUid DujiGBite received, imbjeut to Kijcht Draft or Check. Collections made and proceede promptly remitted on duv of collection. 8iidit and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, Kan Francitico anc! Port land. DIWBOTOKS I). P. TlIOMI'HON. Jno. 8. Koukkok. hu. M. Wilmamh, Gko. A. Likiiu. H. M. Hkai.i.. FRENCH & COT, BANKERS. TranHaot a General Banking BuHineaH. a LotterH of Credit iHHiiod nvniliible in the I'.UHterti HtateH. Siuht KxchuiiKo mid Telegraphic IruiiHferH Hold on New York, Chicno, at. LouiH, Kan Friinclcco, I'ortlitnd Ore Kon, Keuttle WhhIi., and vurioiiH pointB In Oreon and WuHhiiiKton. CollectiotiH inude at all pointH on fav orable tumid. U lesiaunl The W. W. Wilson Co,, Prope. Fipst-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT AM. HOUltN. OyBters Served io any Style. B7 Bwoiid Ht., Tlio UmIIch, Or IBS1 S 3 ' 1 BUSIII i ...AND... j Horsesnoer , -OREGON Shout Line and union Pacific IIXI'AItT KO It 'lllWKO- I'ortliiinl HlitKlllll. TIMK SC!li:m ,;H nuiM Tin: dai,i,i:h. Altuivr. FltOil !KU Ukc, llenvur, Ft Worth, OniiiliH, km, I Kiih(!U)',Ht UiiiIh.CMI i ciiko mill the KhhI. . ll-.Vt n. in. I !0J i. in. vhi Hunt Infllim. ! Atlantic I Kxiiri-Hs, ! rj-.'io a. m. ! vli. Hunt t liiKton. Halt l.iikn, DiMivcr, Ft , Worth, Oiimhii, Kim. huh City, HI UiiiIh.CIiI i ciikii mill the Kimt. Wiillii Wnllh, U'Wlntmi, iikiiiii',Wiihic(i,Fiil i tniiii, Mliimiii(iK,.st I'mil.lluIntli.Sllluuii , fcee, Chlciicdiiiul ICimt. I l.'i n. m. Ht. I'mii I'llHt Mull, U:'J.' ii. m, via rijMh I; ii lie. i "0 h m. OCEAN AND EIVER S0HEDULE rrimi 1.i tliitnl. (All Nallltit; ilati'H mih jcilt to chiiiiKu ) I'nr Ran FriiiiclHco, Ball every r diiju. -S:W i. in. 1 W p. m. tially oscujit stinilii)', hlltl Ji. in. KiitunUy, 10:J j. m. Pally UXCCpt SumiHy, Cr.m n. m. TiieiMlHy. Tlituwliiy, Hntttriho , O.UO lu m. 'rcmhiy, TliiirMln) , Mltonlay, 7.00 a. III. ('iiliiinlilu Itlvt-r. To Ahtnrla and Win UindlUK). l oo p, m. except Huiiday, Wllluiiii'lt.. ltl ,.r. Oruon City, Nonlicr),'. Milium, Iiiiluiiiihih'iiiM'. and Way.J.itiirtiiii ' ' p. m. I'xrqit Hiiudny. I wp.m. Miinday, i ilni"iliy 1 rldnjr. GurvalllN and Wav IjiiiiIIiikm Vt'illiiiiiKiti, mill , ,top, tn. Viiinliiti IiIvkik. .Moiiiln;. Oii'Rim nty, Daytmi mid w "liimihiy Way-l4iiiUliiK I- nloy- I U'Hve Snal;i KItit. l.nive U'wutou dally, 11.61, i.liuirlii dully, H lOli in. Hlparhi to Iinvhtun EST 1'nrtH'H .lcxlrltiK to yo tn !ii'ptnnr nt MillitM mi ( ohiiiihlu Southern via lliitus. ftlnmlil take Nil 2, luiii'iiiK The IihIIim nt u .', p, m. nialclm: dlrii't miiiiTfCtlnns at lli'iner Jimctlnn and IiIkki.. Hetiirnlut; iiiiikliiK(llrii'ti'oiiiie:tlou at Hiiiiii:r juuutloii and IIIkkh with No. rlvj'.iR at The Dulles al 1 :W i, in, I or lurUiur purtloillarx, call nu or iul(lreK J AS. IKK I, AM), Agftit, The DhIUs Orison. ft Complete of -at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will hooii be Imth wIh'H HtvliHh dreHHud mini will want " "P"1 bite KpriiiK Suit, 'i'liohe tiro H"' t;lllUl0' patroiiH 1 am tallorim,' for. ( t,l''.e and look over my .spring liiu f !iituit,' All the latent novullieti for 1'lUl. Suits to Ordor, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In nil lu Rtaiioo thero lllllllll till vlouiiliiiuiii. Ely's Cream lialiu clcauni,iontliuHiil liuoli tliu ilUfsnud iiiuiiibmne. It curoH talarrli mill drlvvi way a cold la tlio livad Buliu It plcd Into tbo nortr JJJ; orer the nd If lrll; '"-0-mediate and euro follow. It It not dff 'p DM. not ifoduc niHUIni:. Urge Sice, W ow gliU m f mall J Trial Blse, 10 ceul by fc ULY lKtUTUKKH, 60 Worreu Streeti Jss9